blob: 44d9fd1918f08e4a6cf3d9fc45e107cb03c7e0e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sqoop.testutil;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
* Class that implements common tests that should be applied to all jdbc
* drivers that we want to interop with.
* The purpose of these tests is to ensure that if a database supports a
* given data type, we can import this data type into Sqoop. The test is
* not intended to check whether all data types are supported by all
* databases, nor that the representation of a given data type has a canonical
* representation after being imported. Some databases may not support certain
* data types, and the format of the imported data may vary from database to
* database. It is not Sqoop's goal to resolve inter-database differences.
* However, if a database provides a particular type, we should verify that
* we can import this data in some form into HDFS.
* This test battery subjects a database to a variety of import tasks. Many
* adapter methods are provided to allow subclasses to modify the exact type
* names injected, expected output values, etc., to account for inter-database
* discrepencies.
* Each subclass of this class should test a single ConnManager implementation.
* Subclasses must implement all abstract methods of this class. They may
* also wish to override several members of the class hierarchy above this.
* In particular:
* String getConnectString() -- Return the connect string to use to get the db.
* void dropTableIfExists(tableName) -- how to drop a table that may not exist.
* void createTableWithColTypes() -- how to create a table with a set of cols.
* Configuration getConf() -- specifies config properties specific to a test.
* SqoopOptions getSqoopOptions(conf) -- Instantiates the SqoopOptions to use.
* List<String> getExtraArgs() -- specifies extra argv elements.
public abstract class ManagerCompatTestCase extends ImportJobTestCase {
private Log log;
public ManagerCompatTestCase() {
this.log = LogFactory.getLog(ManagerCompatTestCase.class.getName());
* @return the Log object to use for reporting during this test
protected abstract Log getLogger();
* @return a "friendly" name for the database. e.g "mysql" or "oracle".
protected abstract String getDbFriendlyName();
/** Set to true during tearDown() if a test is skipped. */
protected boolean skipped;
protected String getTablePrefix() {
return "MGR_" + getDbFriendlyName().toUpperCase() + "_";
protected boolean useHsqldbTestServer() {
// Compat tests, by default, do not use hsqldb.
return false;
public void setUp() {
log = getLogger();
skipped = false;
public void tearDown() {
try {
// Clean up the database on our way out.
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.warn("Error trying to drop table '" + getTableName()
+ "' on tearDown: " + e);
//////// These methods indicate whether certain datatypes are supported
//////// by the underlying database.
/** @return true if the database under test has a BOOLEAN type */
protected boolean supportsBoolean() {
return true;
/** @return true if the database under test has a BIGINT type */
protected boolean supportsBigInt() {
return true;
/** @return true if the database under test has a TINYINT type */
protected boolean supportsTinyInt() {
return true;
/** @return true if the database under test has a LONGVARCHAR type */
protected boolean supportsLongVarChar() {
return true;
/** @return true if the database under test has a VARBINARY type */
protected boolean supportsVarBinary() {
return true;
/** @return true if the database under test has a TIME type */
protected boolean supportsTime() {
return true;
/** @return true if the database under test supports CLOB types */
protected boolean supportsClob() {
return true;
/** @return true if the database under test supports BLOB types */
protected boolean supportsBlob() {
return true;
//////// These methods indicate how to define various datatypes.
* Define a NUMERIC type that can handle 30 digits total, and 5
* digits to the right of the decimal point.
protected String getNumericType() {
return "NUMERIC(" + getNumericScale() + ", "
+ getNumericDecPartDigits() + ")";
protected String getDecimalType() {
return "DECIMAL(" + getDecimalScale() + ", "
+ getDecimalDecPartDigits() + ")";
* Return the number of digits to use in the integral part of a
* NUMERIC type.
protected int getNumericScale() {
return 30;
* Return the number of digits to use in the decimal part of a
* NUMERIC type.
protected int getNumericDecPartDigits() {
return 5;
* Return the number of digits to use in the integral part of a
* DECIMAL type.
protected int getDecimalScale() {
return 30;
* Return the number of digits to use in the decimal part of a
* DECIMAL type.
protected int getDecimalDecPartDigits() {
return 5;
* Define a DOUBLE column.
protected String getDoubleType() {
return "DOUBLE";
* Define a LONGVARCHAR type that can handle at least 24 characters.
protected String getLongVarCharType() {
* Define a TIMESTAMP type that can handle null values.
protected String getTimestampType() {
return "TIMESTAMP";
* Define a CLOB column that can contain up to 16 MB of data.
protected String getClobType() {
return "CLOB";
* Define a BLOB column that can contain up to 16 MB of data.
protected String getBlobType() {
return "BLOB";
* Define a VARBINARY column that can contain up to 12 bytes of data.
protected String getVarBinaryType() {
return "VARBINARY(12)";
* Define a TINYINT column that can contain 8-bit signed integers.
protected String getTinyIntType() {
return "TINYINT";
//////// These methods indicate how databases respond to various datatypes.
//////// Since our comparisons are all string-based, these return strings.
/** @return How we insert the value TRUE represented as an int. */
protected String getTrueBoolNumericSqlInput() {
return "1";
/** @return How we insert the value FALSE represented as an int. */
protected String getFalseBoolNumericSqlInput() {
return "0";
/** @return How we insert the value TRUE represented as a boolean literal. */
protected String getTrueBoolLiteralSqlInput() {
return "true";
/** @return How we insert the value FALSE represented as a boolean literal. */
protected String getFalseBoolLiteralSqlInput() {
return "false";
/** @return How a BOOLEAN column with value TRUE is represented in a seq-file
* import. */
protected String getTrueBoolSeqOutput() {
return "true";
/** @return How a BOOLEAN column with value FALSE is represented in a seq-file
* import. */
protected String getFalseBoolSeqOutput() {
return "false";
protected String padString(int width, String str) {
int extra = width - str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < extra; i++) {
str = str + " ";
return str;
* helper method: return a floating-point string in the same way
* it was entered, but integers get a trailing '.0' attached.
protected String withDecimalZero(String floatingPointStr) {
if (floatingPointStr.indexOf(".") == -1) {
return floatingPointStr + ".0";
} else {
return floatingPointStr;
* @return how a given real value is represented in an imported sequence
* file
protected String getRealSeqOutput(String realAsInserted) {
return withDecimalZero(realAsInserted);
* @return how a given float value is represented in an imported sequence
* file
protected String getFloatSeqOutput(String floatAsInserted) {
return withDecimalZero(floatAsInserted);
* @return how a given double value is represented in an imported sequence
* file
protected String getDoubleSeqOutput(String doubleAsInserted) {
return withDecimalZero(doubleAsInserted);
* Some databases require that we insert dates using a special format.
* This takes the canonical string used to insert a DATE into a table,
* and specializes it to the SQL dialect used by the database under
* test.
protected String getDateInsertStr(String insertStr) {
return insertStr;
* Some databases require that we insert times using a special format.
* This takes the canonical string used to insert a TIME into a table,
* and specializes it to the SQL dialect used by the database under
* test.
protected String getTimeInsertStr(String insertStr) {
return insertStr;
* Some databases require that we insert timestamps using a special format.
* This takes the canonical string used to insert a TIMESTAMP into a table,
* and specializes it to the SQL dialect used by the database under
* test.
protected String getTimestampInsertStr(String insertStr) {
return insertStr;
protected String getDateSeqOutput(String dateAsInserted) {
return dateAsInserted;
* Convert an input timestamp to the string representation of the timestamp
* returned by a sequencefile-based import.
* @param tsAsInserted the input timestamp
* @return the string version of this as returned by the database is
* represented.
protected String getTimestampSeqOutput(String tsAsInserted) {
if ("null".equals(tsAsInserted)) {
return tsAsInserted;
int dotPos = tsAsInserted.indexOf(".");
if (-1 == dotPos) {
// No dot in the original string; expand to add a single item after the
// dot.
return tsAsInserted + ".0";
} else {
// all other strings return as-is.
return tsAsInserted;
protected String getNumericSeqOutput(String numAsInserted) {
return numAsInserted;
protected String getDecimalSeqOutput(String numAsInserted) {
return numAsInserted;
* @return how a CHAR(fieldWidth) field is represented in an imported
* sequence file
protected String getFixedCharSeqOut(int fieldWidth, String asInserted) {
return asInserted;
* Encode a string to be inserted in a BLOB field.
* @param blobData the raw text (Without quote marks) to insert for a BLOB.
* @return 'blobData' in a String form ready for insertion
protected String getBlobInsertStr(String blobData) {
return "'" + blobData + "'";
* @return A byte array declaring how an inserted BLOB will be returned to
* us via the database.
protected byte [] getBlobDbOutput(String asInserted) {
// The database will give us back a byte array; we need to create
// an identical byte array.
try {
return asInserted.getBytes("UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
fail("Could not get utf8 bytes"); // Java should always support UTF-8.
return null;
* @return A String declaring how an inserted BLOB will be returned to
* us via the sequencefile.
protected String getBlobSeqOutput(String asInserted) {
return new BytesWritable(getBlobDbOutput(asInserted)).toString();
* @return A String declaring how an inserted VARBINARY will be
* returned to us via the sequencefile.
protected String getVarBinarySeqOutput(String asInserted) {
return new BytesWritable(getBlobDbOutput(asInserted)).toString();
* Given a string of characters which represent hex values
* (e.g., 'ABF00F1238'), return the string as a set of separated
* octets, in lower case (e.g., 'ab f0 0f 12 38').
* @param str the input string of hex digits
* @return the input string as space-separated lower-case octets.
protected String toLowerHexString(String str) {
// The inserted text is a hex string of the form 'ABABABAB'.
// We return it in the form 'ab ab ab ab'.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isOdd = false;
boolean first = true;
for (char c : str.toCharArray()) {
if (!isOdd && !first) {
sb.append(' ');
isOdd = !isOdd;
first = false;
return sb.toString();
//////// The actual tests occur below here. ////////
* Do a full verification test on the singleton value of a given type.
* @param colType The SQL type to instantiate the column.
* @param insertVal The SQL text to insert a value into the database.
* @param seqFileVal The string representation of the value as extracted
* through the DBInputFormat, serialized, and injected into a
* SequenceFile and put through toString(). This may be slightly
* different than what ResultSet.getString() returns, which is used
* by returnVal.
protected void verifyType(String colType, String insertVal, String seqFileVal) {
verifyType(colType, insertVal, seqFileVal, false);
protected void verifyType(String colType, String insertVal, String seqFileVal, boolean useIntPrimaryKey) {
String readbackPrepend = "";
if (useIntPrimaryKey) {
String [] types = { "INTEGER", colType };
String [] vals = { "0", insertVal };
createTableWithColTypes(types, vals);
readbackPrepend = "0,"; // verifyImport will verify the entire row.
} else {
createTableForColType(colType, insertVal);
verifyImport(readbackPrepend + seqFileVal, null);
static final String STRING_VAL_IN = "'this is a short string'";
static final String STRING_VAL_OUT = "this is a short string";
public void testStringCol1() {
public void testStringCol2() {
verifyType("CHAR(32)", STRING_VAL_IN,
getFixedCharSeqOut(32, STRING_VAL_OUT));
public void testEmptyStringCol() {
verifyType("VARCHAR(32)", "''", "");
public void testNullStringCol() {
verifyType("VARCHAR(32)", "NULL", null);
public void testInt() {
verifyType("INTEGER", "42", "42");
public void testNullInt() {
verifyType("INTEGER", "NULL", null);
public void testBoolean() {
if (!supportsBoolean()) {"Skipping boolean test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
verifyType("BOOLEAN", getTrueBoolNumericSqlInput(),
public void testBoolean2() {
if (!supportsBoolean()) {"Skipping boolean test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
verifyType("BOOLEAN", getFalseBoolNumericSqlInput(),
public void testBoolean3() {
if (!supportsBoolean()) {"Skipping boolean test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
verifyType("BOOLEAN", getFalseBoolLiteralSqlInput(),
public void testTinyInt1() {
if (!supportsTinyInt()) {"Skipping tinyint test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
verifyType(getTinyIntType(), "0", "0");
public void testTinyInt2() {
if (!supportsTinyInt()) {"Skipping tinyint test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
verifyType(getTinyIntType(), "42", "42");
public void testSmallInt1() {
verifyType("SMALLINT", "-1024", "-1024");
public void testSmallInt2() {
verifyType("SMALLINT", "2048", "2048");
public void testBigInt1() {
if (!supportsBigInt()) {"Skipping bigint test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
verifyType("BIGINT", "10000000000", "10000000000");
public void testReal1() {
verifyType("REAL", "256", getRealSeqOutput("256"));
public void testReal2() {
verifyType("REAL", "256.45", getRealSeqOutput("256.45"));
public void testFloat1() {
verifyType("FLOAT", "256", getFloatSeqOutput("256"));
public void testFloat2() {
verifyType("FLOAT", "256.5", getFloatSeqOutput("256.5"));
public void testDouble1() {
verifyType(getDoubleType(), "-256", getDoubleSeqOutput("-256"));
public void testDouble2() {
verifyType(getDoubleType(), "256.45", getDoubleSeqOutput("256.45"));
public void testDate1() {
verifyType("DATE", getDateInsertStr("'2009-01-12'"),
public void testDate2() {
verifyType("DATE", getDateInsertStr("'2009-04-24'"),
public void testTime1() {
if (!supportsTime()) {"Skipping time test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
verifyType("TIME", getTimeInsertStr("'12:24:00'"), "12:24:00");
public void testTime2() {
if (!supportsTime()) {"Skipping time test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
verifyType("TIME", getTimeInsertStr("'06:24:00'"), "06:24:00");
public void testTime3() {
if (!supportsTime()) {"Skipping time test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
verifyType("TIME", getTimeInsertStr("'6:24:00'"), "06:24:00");
public void testTime4() {
if (!supportsTime()) {"Skipping time test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
verifyType("TIME", getTimeInsertStr("'18:24:00'"), "18:24:00");
public void testTimestamp1() {
getTimestampInsertStr("'2009-04-24 18:24:00'"),
getTimestampSeqOutput("2009-04-24 18:24:00"));
public void testTimestamp2() {
try {
log.debug("Beginning testTimestamp2");
getTimestampInsertStr("'2009-04-24 18:24:00.0002'"),
getTimestampSeqOutput("2009-04-24 18:24:00.0002"));
} finally {
log.debug("End testTimestamp2");
public void testTimestamp3() {
try {
log.debug("Beginning testTimestamp3");
verifyType(getTimestampType(), "null", null);
} finally {
log.debug("End testTimestamp3");
public void testNumeric1() {
verifyType(getNumericType(), "1",
public void testNumeric2() {
verifyType(getNumericType(), "-10",
public void testNumeric3() {
verifyType(getNumericType(), "3.14159",
public void testNumeric4() {
public void testNumeric5() {
public void testNumeric6() {
public void testDecimal1() {
verifyType(getDecimalType(), "1",
public void testDecimal2() {
verifyType(getDecimalType(), "-10",
public void testDecimal3() {
verifyType(getDecimalType(), "3.14159",
public void testDecimal4() {
public void testDecimal5() {
public void testDecimal6() {
public void testLongVarChar() {
if (!supportsLongVarChar()) {"Skipping long varchar test (unsupported)");
skipped = true;
"'this is a long varchar'",
"this is a long varchar");
protected void verifyClob(String insertVal, String returnVal,
String seqFileVal) {
String [] types = { "INTEGER NOT NULL", getClobType() };
String [] vals = { "1", insertVal };
String [] checkCol = { "DATA_COL0", "DATA_COL1" };
createTableWithColTypes(types, vals);
verifyImport("1," + seqFileVal, checkCol);
protected void verifyBlob(String insertVal, byte [] returnVal,
String seqFileVal) {
String [] types = { "INTEGER NOT NULL", getBlobType() };
String [] vals = { "1", insertVal };
String [] checkCols = { "DATA_COL0", "DATA_COL1" };
createTableWithColTypes(types, vals);
// Verify readback of the data.
ResultSet results = null;
try {
results = getManager().readTable(getTableName(), getColNames());
assertNotNull("Null results from readTable()!", results);
assertTrue("Expected at least one row returned",;
Blob blob = results.getBlob(2);
byte [] databaseBytes = blob.getBytes(1, (int) blob.length());"Verifying readback of bytes from " + getTableName());
assertEquals("byte arrays differ in size", returnVal.length,
for (int i = 0; i < returnVal.length; i++) {
assertEquals("bytes differ at position " + i + ". Expected "
+ returnVal[i] + "; got " + databaseBytes[i],
assertFalse("Expected at most one row returned",;
} catch (SQLException sqlE) {
fail("Got SQLException: " + sqlE.toString());
} finally {
if (null != results) {
try {
} catch (SQLException sqlE) {
fail("Got SQLException in resultset.close(): " + sqlE.toString());
// Free internal resources after the readTable.
// Now verify that we can use the Sqoop import mechanism on this data.
verifyImport("1," + seqFileVal, checkCols);
public void testClob1() {
if (!supportsClob()) {"Skipping CLOB test; database does not support CLOB");
verifyClob("'This is short CLOB data'",
"This is short CLOB data",
"This is short CLOB data");
public void testBlob1() {
if (!supportsBlob()) {"Skipping BLOB test; database does not support BLOB");
verifyBlob(getBlobInsertStr("This is short BLOB data"),
getBlobDbOutput("This is short BLOB data"),
getBlobSeqOutput("This is short BLOB data"));
public void testVarBinary() {
if (!supportsVarBinary()) {"Skipping VARBINARY test; database does not support VARBINARY");
verifyType(getVarBinaryType(), "'F00FABCD'",
getVarBinarySeqOutput("F00FABCD"), true);