SQOOP-2531: readlink -f not supported on OS X

(Stuart Williams via Jarek Jarcec Cecho)
diff --git a/src/scripts/tool-script.sh.template b/src/scripts/tool-script.sh.template
index 56b5a1a..94ac915 100644
--- a/src/scripts/tool-script.sh.template
+++ b/src/scripts/tool-script.sh.template
@@ -19,7 +19,81 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-prgm=`readlink -f $0`
+follow_one() {
+  # Resolve symlinks and relative path components along a path.  This requires
+  # its argument to be an absolute path.  This does not recursively re-resolve
+  # symlinks; if that is required, use the 'follow' method.
+  target=$1
+  IFS='/'
+  # Taking each dir component along the way, build up a new target directory,
+  # resolving '.', '..', and symlinks.
+  newtarget=''
+  for part in ${target}; do
+    if [ -z "${part}" ]; then
+      continue # Empty dir part. 'foo//bar'
+    elif [ "." == "${part}" ]; then
+      continue # Nothing special to do for '.'
+    elif  [ ".." == "${part}" ]; then
+      IFS=$OIFS
+      newtarget=`dirname ${newtarget}` # pop a component.
+    elif [ -h "${newtarget}/${part}" ]; then
+      IFS=$OIFS
+      link=`readlink ${newtarget}/${part}`
+      # links can be relative or absolute. Relative ones get appended to
+      # newtarget; absolute ones replace it.
+      if [ "${link:0:1}" != "/"  ]; then
+        newtarget="${newtarget}/${link}" # relative
+      else
+        newtarget="${link}" # absolute
+      fi
+    else # Regular file component.
+      newtarget="${newtarget}/${part}"
+    fi
+    IFS='/'
+  done
+  echo $newtarget
+follow() {
+  # Portable 'readlink -f' function to follow a file's links to the final
+  # target.  Calls follow_one recursively til we're finished tracing symlinks.
+  target=$1
+  depth=$2
+  if [ -z "$depth" ]; then
+    depth=0
+  elif [ "$depth" == "1000" ]; then
+    # Don't recurse indefinitely; we've probably hit a symlink cycle.
+    # Just bail out here.
+    echo $target
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # Canonicalize the target to be an absolute path.
+  targetdir=`dirname ${target}`
+  targetdir=`cd ${targetdir} && pwd`
+  target=${targetdir}/`basename ${target}`
+  # Use follow_one to resolve links. Test that we get the same result twice,
+  # to terminate iteration.
+  first=`follow_one ${target}`
+  second=`follow_one ${first}`
+  if [ "${first}" == "${second}" ]; then
+    # We're done.
+    echo "${second}"
+  else
+    # Need to continue resolving links.
+    echo `follow ${second} $(( $depth + 1 ))`
+  fi
+prgm=`follow $0`
 bin=`dirname ${prgm}`
 bin=`cd ${bin} && pwd`