blob: 62bbbeb9dfbab33de7ce5080ce2af8e1de634608 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Client Resources in default language (english)
# Security Config
object-name.label = Name = Non unique name of the entity to help you remember \
it's purpose
# Messages
# Shared (for all commands/functions)
shared.usage = @|bold Usage:|@ {0} {1}
shared.unknown.function = The specified function "{0}" is not recognized.
# Argument related
args.lid_missing = Required argument --link Id is missing.
args.from_missing = Required argument --from is missing.
args.to_missing = Required argument --to is missing.
args.jid_missing = Required argument --job Id is missing.
args.cid_missing = Required argument --connector Id is missing.
args.name_missing = Required argument --name is missing.
args.value_missing = Required argument --value is missing.
## Generic description of various ids, types etc
prompt.link_id = Link Id
prompt.connector_id = Connector Id
prompt.job_id = Job Id
prompt.job_type = Job type
## Prompt messages for updating, filling entity info
prompt.update_link_config = Please update link:
prompt.update_job_config = Please update job:
prompt.fill_link_config = Please fill following values to create new \
link object
prompt.fill_job_config = Please fill following values to create new \
job object
# Update command
update.description = Update objects in Sqoop repository = Updating link with id {0}
update.job = Updating job with id {0}
update.link_successful = link was successfully updated with status {0}
update.job_successful = Job was successfully updated with status {0}
# Clone command
clone.description = Create new object based on existing one = link was successfully created with validation \
status {0} and persistent id {1}
clone.job.successful = Job was successfully created with validation \
status {0} and persistent id {1}
clone.cloning_link = Cloning link with id {0}
clone.cloning_job = Cloning job with id {0}
# Create command
create.description = Create new object in Sqoop repository
create.link_successful = New link was successfully created with \
validation status {0} and persistent id {1}
create.job_successful = New job was successfully created with validation \
status {0} and persistent id {1}
create.role_successful = New role was successfully created with name {0}
create.creating_link = Creating link for connector with id {0}
create.creating_job = Creating job for links with from id {0} and to id {1}
# Delete command
delete.description = Delete existing object in Sqoop repository
delete.role_successful = Deleted role {0} successfully
# Enable command
enable.description = Enable object in Sqoop repository
enable.link_successful = link {0} was successfully enabled
enable.job_successful = Job {0} was successfully enabled
# Disable command
disable.description = Disable object in Sqoop repository
disable.link_successful = link {0} was successfully disabled
disable.job_successful = Job {0} was successfully disabled
# Help command
help.usage = [<command>]
help.description = Display this help message
help.cmd_usage = Usage: @|bold {0} |@ {1}
help.message = Display the list of commands or the help text for \
@|bold command|@. = For information about @|green Sqoop|@, visit: \
help.avail_commands = Available commands:
help.cmd_description = @|bold {0} ({1}|@) {2}
help.specific_cmd_info = For help on a specific command type: \
help @|bold command|@
unrecognized.cmd = Unrecognized command {0}
# Set command
set.description = Configure various client options and settings
set.prompt_opt_name = Client option name
set.prompt_opt_value = New option value
set.verbose_changed = Verbose option was changed to {0}
set.poll_timeout_changed = Poll timeout option has been changed to {0}
set.unknown_opt_ignored = Unknown option {0}. Ignoring...
set.host_description = Host name to invoke server resources
set.port_description = Port number to invoke server resources
set.webapp_description = Web app to invoke server resources
set.url_description = Url to invoke server resources
set.server_usage = Usage: set server
set.server_successful = Server is set successfully
set.server_ignored = --host, --port or --webapp option is ignored, because --url option is given.
# Show command
show.description = Display various objects and configuration options
show.prompt_display_all_links = Display all links
show.prompt_display_link_lid = Display the link with lid
show.link_usage = Usage: show link
show.prompt_links_to_show = @|bold {0} link(s) to show: |@
show.prompt_link_info = link with id {0} and name {1} (Enabled: {2}, Created by {3} at {4}, Updated by {5} at {6})
show.prompt_link_cid_info = Using Connector @|bold {0}|@ with id @|bold {1}|@
show.prompt_display_all_connectors = Display all connectors
show.prompt_display_connector_cid = Display the connector with cid
show.connector_usage = Usage: show connector
show.prompt_connectors_to_show = @|bold {0} connector(s) to show: |@
show.prompt_connector_info = Connector with id {0}:\n Name: {1} \n \
Class: {2}\n Version: {3}\n Supported Directions {4}
show.role.bad_arguments_principal_type = @|bold principal |@ and @|bold principal-type |@ must be used together.
show.privilege.bad_arguments_resource_type = @|bold resource |@ and @|bold resource-type |@ must be used together.
show.driver_usage = Usage: show driver
show.prompt_driver_opts = @|bold Driver specific options: |@\nPersistent id: {0}
show.prompt_display_all_jobs = Display all jobs
show.prompt_display_all_jobs_cid = Display all jobs with given cid
show.prompt_display_job_jid = Display job with given jid
show.job_usage = Usage: show job
show.prompt_jobs_to_show = @|bold {0} job(s) to show: |@
show.prompt_job_info = Job with id {0} and name {1} (Enabled: {2}, Created by {3} at {4}, Updated by {5} at {6})
show.prompt_job_from_lid_info = From link: {0}
show.prompt_job_to_lid_info = To link: {0}
show.prompt_display_all_submissions = Display all submissions
show.prompt_display_all_submissions_jid = Display all submissions given jid
show.prompt_display_all_servers = Display all server information
show.prompt_display_server_host = Display server host name
show.prompt_display_server_port = Display server port number
show.prompt_display_server_webapp = Display server web app name
show.server_usage = Usage: show server
show.prompt_server_host = @|bold Server host:|@ {0}
show.prompt_server_port = @|bold Server port:|@ {0}
show.prompt_server_webapp = @|bold Server webapp:|@ {0}
show.prompt_display_all_versions = Display all versions
show.prompt_display_version_server = Display server build version
show.prompt_display_version_client = Display client build version
show.prompt_display_version_api = Display Rest API version
show.version_usage = Usage: show version
show.prompt_version_client_server = @|bold {0} version:|@\n Sqoop {1} \
source revision {2} \n Compiled by {3} on {4}
show.prompt_version_api = @|bold API versions:|@\n {0}
sqoop.shell_banner = @|green Sqoop Shell:|@ Type '@|bold help|@' or '@|bold \\h|@' for help.
sqoop.prompt_shell_loadrc = Loading resource file {0}
sqoop.prompt_shell_loadedrc = Resource file loaded.
# Start command
start.description = Start job
start.prompt_synchronous = Wait for submission to finish
# Stop command
stop.description = Stop job
# Status command
status.description = Display status of a job
# Grant command
grant.description = Grant access to roles and assign privileges
grant.privilege_successful = Granted action {0} on resource {1}{2} to \
principal {3} successfully
grant.privilege_successful_with_grant = with grant
grant.role_successful = Granted role {0} to principal {1} successfully
# Revoke command
revoke.description = Revoke access from roles and remove privileges
revoke.privilege_successful = Revoked action {0} on resource {1}{2} to \
principal {3} successfully
revoke.privilege_successful_with_grant = with grant
revoke.role_successful = Revoked role {0} from principal {1} successfully
# Various Table headers = Id = Name
table.header.version = Version
table.header.class = Class
table.header.supported_directions = Supported Directions = Connector Id = Connector Name
table.header.connector.from = From Connector = To Connector
table.header.jid = Job Id
table.header.eid = External Id
table.header.status = Status = Last Update Date
table.header.enabled = Enabled = Role Name
table.header.privilege.action = Action
table.header.privilege.with_grant = With Grant = Resource Name
table.header.resource.type = Resource Type = Principal Name
table.header.principal.type = Principal Type
#Config displayer resources = link
config.displayer.job = Job
config.displayer.config = config = Name
config.displayer.label = Label = Help
config.displayer.input = Input
config.displayer.type = Type
config.displayer.sensitive = Sensitive
config.displayer.editable = Editable By
config.displayer.overrides = Overrides
config.displayer.size = Size
config.displayer.possible_values = Possible values
config.displayer.unsupported_datatype = Unsupported data type
config.displayer.input_sensitive = This input is sensitive
config.displayer.warning_message = There were warnings while create or update, but saved successfully.
submission.submission_detail = Submission details
submission.job_id = Job ID
submission.creation_user = Created by
submission.creation_date = Creation date
submission.update_user = Lastly updated by
submission.external_id = External ID
submission.progress_not_available = Progress is not available
submission.counters = Counters
submission.executed_success = Job executed successfully
submission.server_url = Server URL
submission.from_schema = Source Connector schema
submission.to_schema = Target Connector schema
# Grant/revoke resources
prompt.role = "Role name"
prompt.resource_type = "Resource type"
prompt.resource = "Resource name"
prompt.action = "Action"
prompt.principal_type = "Principal type"
prompt.principal = "Principal"
prompt.with_grant = "With grant"