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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Type-specific codes between pandas and PyArrow. Also contains some utils to correct
pandas instances during the type conversion.
import datetime
import itertools
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from pyspark.sql.types import (
from pyspark.errors import PySparkTypeError, UnsupportedOperationException, PySparkValueError
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
from pyspark.sql.pandas._typing import SeriesLike as PandasSeriesLike
def to_arrow_type(dt: DataType) -> "pa.DataType":
"""Convert Spark data type to pyarrow type"""
import pyarrow as pa
if type(dt) == BooleanType:
arrow_type = pa.bool_()
elif type(dt) == ByteType:
arrow_type = pa.int8()
elif type(dt) == ShortType:
arrow_type = pa.int16()
elif type(dt) == IntegerType:
arrow_type = pa.int32()
elif type(dt) == LongType:
arrow_type = pa.int64()
elif type(dt) == FloatType:
arrow_type = pa.float32()
elif type(dt) == DoubleType:
arrow_type = pa.float64()
elif type(dt) == DecimalType:
arrow_type = pa.decimal128(dt.precision, dt.scale)
elif type(dt) == StringType:
arrow_type = pa.string()
elif type(dt) == BinaryType:
arrow_type = pa.binary()
elif type(dt) == DateType:
arrow_type = pa.date32()
elif type(dt) == TimestampType:
# Timestamps should be in UTC, JVM Arrow timestamps require a timezone to be read
arrow_type = pa.timestamp("us", tz="UTC")
elif type(dt) == TimestampNTZType:
arrow_type = pa.timestamp("us", tz=None)
elif type(dt) == DayTimeIntervalType:
arrow_type = pa.duration("us")
elif type(dt) == ArrayType:
field = pa.field("element", to_arrow_type(dt.elementType), nullable=dt.containsNull)
arrow_type = pa.list_(field)
elif type(dt) == MapType:
key_field = pa.field("key", to_arrow_type(dt.keyType), nullable=False)
value_field = pa.field("value", to_arrow_type(dt.valueType), nullable=dt.valueContainsNull)
arrow_type = pa.map_(key_field, value_field)
elif type(dt) == StructType:
fields = [
pa.field(, to_arrow_type(field.dataType), nullable=field.nullable)
for field in dt
arrow_type = pa.struct(fields)
elif type(dt) == NullType:
arrow_type = pa.null()
elif isinstance(dt, UserDefinedType):
arrow_type = to_arrow_type(dt.sqlType())
elif type(dt) == VariantType:
fields = [
pa.field("value", pa.binary(), nullable=False),
pa.field("metadata", pa.binary(), nullable=False),
arrow_type = pa.struct(fields)
raise PySparkTypeError(
message_parameters={"data_type": str(dt)},
return arrow_type
def to_arrow_schema(schema: StructType) -> "pa.Schema":
"""Convert a schema from Spark to Arrow"""
import pyarrow as pa
fields = [
pa.field(, to_arrow_type(field.dataType), nullable=field.nullable)
for field in schema
return pa.schema(fields)
def from_arrow_type(at: "pa.DataType", prefer_timestamp_ntz: bool = False) -> DataType:
"""Convert pyarrow type to Spark data type."""
import pyarrow.types as types
spark_type: DataType
if types.is_boolean(at):
spark_type = BooleanType()
elif types.is_int8(at):
spark_type = ByteType()
elif types.is_int16(at):
spark_type = ShortType()
elif types.is_int32(at):
spark_type = IntegerType()
elif types.is_int64(at):
spark_type = LongType()
elif types.is_float32(at):
spark_type = FloatType()
elif types.is_float64(at):
spark_type = DoubleType()
elif types.is_decimal(at):
spark_type = DecimalType(precision=at.precision, scale=at.scale)
elif types.is_string(at):
spark_type = StringType()
elif types.is_large_string(at):
spark_type = StringType()
elif types.is_binary(at):
spark_type = BinaryType()
elif types.is_large_binary(at):
spark_type = BinaryType()
elif types.is_date32(at):
spark_type = DateType()
elif types.is_timestamp(at) and prefer_timestamp_ntz and is None:
spark_type = TimestampNTZType()
elif types.is_timestamp(at):
spark_type = TimestampType()
elif types.is_duration(at):
spark_type = DayTimeIntervalType()
elif types.is_list(at):
spark_type = ArrayType(from_arrow_type(at.value_type, prefer_timestamp_ntz))
elif types.is_map(at):
spark_type = MapType(
from_arrow_type(at.key_type, prefer_timestamp_ntz),
from_arrow_type(at.item_type, prefer_timestamp_ntz),
elif types.is_struct(at):
return StructType(
from_arrow_type(field.type, prefer_timestamp_ntz),
for field in at
elif types.is_dictionary(at):
spark_type = from_arrow_type(at.value_type, prefer_timestamp_ntz)
elif types.is_null(at):
spark_type = NullType()
raise PySparkTypeError(
message_parameters={"data_type": str(at)},
return spark_type
def from_arrow_schema(arrow_schema: "pa.Schema", prefer_timestamp_ntz: bool = False) -> StructType:
"""Convert schema from Arrow to Spark."""
return StructType(
from_arrow_type(field.type, prefer_timestamp_ntz),
for field in arrow_schema
def _get_local_timezone() -> str:
"""Get local timezone using pytz with environment variable, or dateutil.
If there is a 'TZ' environment variable, pass it to pandas to use pytz and use it as timezone
string, otherwise use the special word 'dateutil/:' which means that pandas uses dateutil and
it reads system configuration to know the system local timezone.
See also:
import os
return os.environ.get("TZ", "dateutil/:")
def _check_series_localize_timestamps(s: "PandasSeriesLike", timezone: str) -> "PandasSeriesLike":
Convert timezone aware timestamps to timezone-naive in the specified timezone or local timezone.
If the input series is not a timestamp series, then the same series is returned. If the input
series is a timestamp series, then a converted series is returned.
s : pandas.Series
timezone : str
the timezone to convert. if None then use local timezone
`pandas.Series` that have been converted to tz-naive
from pyspark.sql.pandas.utils import require_minimum_pandas_version
import pandas as pd
tz = timezone or _get_local_timezone()
# TODO: handle nested timestamps, such as ArrayType(TimestampType())?
if isinstance(s.dtype, pd.DatetimeTZDtype):
return s.dt.tz_convert(tz).dt.tz_localize(None)
return s
def _check_series_convert_timestamps_internal(
s: "PandasSeriesLike", timezone: str
) -> "PandasSeriesLike":
Convert a tz-naive timestamp in the specified timezone or local timezone to UTC normalized for
Spark internal storage
s : pandas.Series
timezone : str
the timezone to convert. if None then use local timezone
`pandas.Series` where if it is a timestamp, has been UTC normalized without a time zone
from pyspark.sql.pandas.utils import require_minimum_pandas_version
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import ( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
# TODO: handle nested timestamps, such as ArrayType(TimestampType())?
if is_datetime64_dtype(s.dtype):
# When tz_localize a tz-naive timestamp, the result is ambiguous if the tz-naive
# timestamp is during the hour when the clock is adjusted backward during due to
# daylight saving time (dst).
# E.g., for America/New_York, the clock is adjusted backward on 2015-11-01 2:00 to
# 2015-11-01 1:00 from dst-time to standard time, and therefore, when tz_localize
# a tz-naive timestamp 2015-11-01 1:30 with America/New_York timezone, it can be either
# dst time (2015-01-01 1:30-0400) or standard time (2015-11-01 1:30-0500).
# Here we explicit choose to use standard time. This matches the default behavior of
# pytz.
# Here are some code to help understand this behavior:
# >>> import datetime
# >>> import pandas as pd
# >>> import pytz
# >>>
# >>> t = datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 1, 1, 30)
# >>> ts = pd.Series([t])
# >>> tz = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
# >>>
# >>> ts.dt.tz_localize(tz, ambiguous=True)
# 0 2015-11-01 01:30:00-04:00
# dtype: datetime64[ns, America/New_York]
# >>>
# >>> ts.dt.tz_localize(tz, ambiguous=False)
# 0 2015-11-01 01:30:00-05:00
# dtype: datetime64[ns, America/New_York]
# >>>
# >>> str(tz.localize(t))
# '2015-11-01 01:30:00-05:00'
tz = timezone or _get_local_timezone()
return s.dt.tz_localize(tz, ambiguous=False).dt.tz_convert("UTC")
elif isinstance(s.dtype, pd.DatetimeTZDtype):
return s.dt.tz_convert("UTC")
return s
def _check_series_convert_timestamps_localize(
s: "PandasSeriesLike", from_timezone: Optional[str], to_timezone: Optional[str]
) -> "PandasSeriesLike":
Convert timestamp to timezone-naive in the specified timezone or local timezone
s : pandas.Series
from_timezone : str
the timezone to convert from. if None then use local timezone
to_timezone : str
the timezone to convert to. if None then use local timezone
`pandas.Series` where if it is a timestamp, has been converted to tz-naive
from pyspark.sql.pandas.utils import require_minimum_pandas_version
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import ( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from_tz = from_timezone or _get_local_timezone()
to_tz = to_timezone or _get_local_timezone()
# TODO: handle nested timestamps, such as ArrayType(TimestampType())?
if isinstance(s.dtype, pd.DatetimeTZDtype):
return s.dt.tz_convert(to_tz).dt.tz_localize(None)
elif is_datetime64_dtype(s.dtype) and from_tz != to_tz:
# `s.dt.tz_localize('tzlocal()')` doesn't work properly when including NaT.
return cast(
lambda ts: ts.tz_localize(from_tz, ambiguous=False)
if ts is not pd.NaT
else pd.NaT
return s
def _check_series_convert_timestamps_local_tz(
s: "PandasSeriesLike", timezone: str
) -> "PandasSeriesLike":
Convert timestamp to timezone-naive in the specified timezone or local timezone
s : pandas.Series
timezone : str
the timezone to convert to. if None then use local timezone
`pandas.Series` where if it is a timestamp, has been converted to tz-naive
return _check_series_convert_timestamps_localize(s, None, timezone)
def _check_series_convert_timestamps_tz_local(
s: "PandasSeriesLike", timezone: str
) -> "PandasSeriesLike":
Convert timestamp to timezone-naive in the specified timezone or local timezone
s : pandas.Series
timezone : str
the timezone to convert from. if None then use local timezone
`pandas.Series` where if it is a timestamp, has been converted to tz-naive
return _check_series_convert_timestamps_localize(s, timezone, None)
def _convert_map_items_to_dict(s: "PandasSeriesLike") -> "PandasSeriesLike":
Convert a series with items as list of (key, value), as made from an Arrow column of map type,
to dict for compatibility with non-arrow MapType columns.
:param s: pandas.Series of lists of (key, value) pairs
:return: pandas.Series of dictionaries
return cast("PandasSeriesLike", s.apply(lambda m: None if m is None else {k: v for k, v in m}))
def _convert_dict_to_map_items(s: "PandasSeriesLike") -> "PandasSeriesLike":
Convert a series of dictionaries to list of (key, value) pairs to match expected data
for Arrow column of map type.
:param s: pandas.Series of dictionaries
:return: pandas.Series of lists of (key, value) pairs
return cast("PandasSeriesLike", s.apply(lambda d: list(d.items()) if d is not None else None))
def _to_corrected_pandas_type(dt: DataType) -> Optional[Any]:
When converting Spark SQL records to Pandas `pandas.DataFrame`, the inferred data type
may be wrong. This method gets the corrected data type for Pandas if that type may be
inferred incorrectly.
import numpy as np
if type(dt) == ByteType:
return np.int8
elif type(dt) == ShortType:
return np.int16
elif type(dt) == IntegerType:
return np.int32
elif type(dt) == LongType:
return np.int64
elif type(dt) == FloatType:
return np.float32
elif type(dt) == DoubleType:
return np.float64
elif type(dt) == BooleanType:
return bool
elif type(dt) == TimestampType:
return np.dtype("datetime64[ns]")
elif type(dt) == TimestampNTZType:
return np.dtype("datetime64[ns]")
elif type(dt) == DayTimeIntervalType:
return np.dtype("timedelta64[ns]")
return None
def _create_converter_to_pandas(
data_type: DataType,
nullable: bool = True,
timezone: Optional[str] = None,
struct_in_pandas: Optional[str] = None,
error_on_duplicated_field_names: bool = True,
timestamp_utc_localized: bool = True,
ndarray_as_list: bool = False,
) -> Callable[["pd.Series"], "pd.Series"]:
Create a converter of pandas Series that is created from Spark's Python objects,
or `pyarrow.Table.to_pandas` method.
data_type : :class:`DataType`
The data type corresponding to the pandas Series to be converted.
nullable : bool, optional
Whether the column is nullable or not. (default ``True``)
timezone : str, optional
The timezone to convert from. If there is a timestamp type, it's required.
struct_in_pandas : str, optional
How to handle struct type. If there is a struct type, it's required.
When ``row``, :class:`Row` object will be used.
When ``dict``, :class:`dict` will be used. If there are duplicated field names,
The fields will be suffixed, like `a_0`, `a_1`.
Must be one of: ``row``, ``dict``.
error_on_duplicated_field_names : bool, optional
Whether raise an exception when there are duplicated field names.
(default ``True``)
timestamp_utc_localized : bool, optional
Whether the timestamp values are localized to UTC or not.
The timestamp values from Arrow are localized to UTC,
whereas the ones from `df.collect()` are localized to the local timezone.
ndarray_as_list : bool, optional
Whether `np.ndarray` is converted to a list or not (default ``False``).
The converter of `pandas.Series`
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pandas_type = _to_corrected_pandas_type(data_type)
if pandas_type is not None:
# SPARK-21766: if an integer field is nullable and has null values, it can be
# inferred by pandas as a float column. If we convert the column with NaN back
# to integer type e.g., np.int16, we will hit an exception. So we use the
# pandas-inferred float type, rather than the corrected type from the schema
# in this case.
if isinstance(data_type, IntegralType) and nullable:
def correct_dtype(pser: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
if pser.isnull().any():
return pser.astype(np.float64, copy=False)
return pser.astype(pandas_type, copy=False)
elif isinstance(data_type, BooleanType) and nullable:
def correct_dtype(pser: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
if pser.isnull().any():
return pser.astype(object, copy=False)
return pser.astype(pandas_type, copy=False)
elif isinstance(data_type, TimestampType):
assert timezone is not None
def correct_dtype(pser: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
if not isinstance(pser.dtype, pd.DatetimeTZDtype):
pser = pser.astype(pandas_type, copy=False)
return _check_series_convert_timestamps_local_tz(pser, timezone=timezone)
def correct_dtype(pser: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
return pser.astype(pandas_type, copy=False)
return correct_dtype
def _converter(
dt: DataType, _struct_in_pandas: Optional[str], _ndarray_as_list: bool
) -> Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]]:
if isinstance(dt, ArrayType):
_element_conv = _converter(dt.elementType, _struct_in_pandas, _ndarray_as_list)
if _ndarray_as_list:
if _element_conv is None:
def convert_array_ndarray_as_list(value: Any) -> Any:
# In Arrow Python UDF, ArrayType is converted to `np.ndarray`
# whereas a list is expected.
return list(value)
assert _element_conv is not None
def convert_array_ndarray_as_list(value: Any) -> Any:
# In Arrow Python UDF, ArrayType is converted to `np.ndarray`
# whereas a list is expected.
return [_element_conv(v) if v is not None else None for v in value]
return convert_array_ndarray_as_list
if _element_conv is None:
return None
assert _element_conv is not None
def convert_array_ndarray_as_ndarray(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
# `pyarrow.Table.to_pandas` uses `np.ndarray`.
return np.array(
[_element_conv(v) if v is not None else None for v in value]
# otherwise, `list` should be used.
return [_element_conv(v) if v is not None else None for v in value]
return convert_array_ndarray_as_ndarray
elif isinstance(dt, MapType):
_key_conv = _converter(dt.keyType, _struct_in_pandas, _ndarray_as_list)
_value_conv = _converter(dt.valueType, _struct_in_pandas, _ndarray_as_list)
if _key_conv is None and _value_conv is None:
def convert_map(value: Any) -> Any:
# `pyarrow.Table.to_pandas` uses `list` of key-value tuple.
# otherwise, `dict` should be used.
return dict(value)
def convert_map(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, list):
# `pyarrow.Table.to_pandas` uses `list` of key-value tuple.
return {
(_key_conv(k) if _key_conv is not None and k is not None else k): (
_value_conv(v) if _value_conv is not None and v is not None else v
for k, v in value
# otherwise, `dict` should be used.
return {
(_key_conv(k) if _key_conv is not None and k is not None else k): (
_value_conv(v) if _value_conv is not None and v is not None else v
for k, v in value.items()
return convert_map
elif isinstance(dt, StructType):
assert _struct_in_pandas is not None
field_names = dt.names
if error_on_duplicated_field_names and len(set(field_names)) != len(field_names):
raise UnsupportedOperationException(
message_parameters={"field_names": str(field_names)},
dedup_field_names = _dedup_names(field_names)
field_convs = [
_converter(f.dataType, _struct_in_pandas, _ndarray_as_list) for f in dt.fields
if _struct_in_pandas == "row":
if all(conv is None for conv in field_convs):
def convert_struct_as_row(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, dict):
# `pyarrow.Table.to_pandas` uses `dict`.
_values = [
value.get(name, None) for i, name in enumerate(dedup_field_names)
return _create_row(field_names, _values)
# otherwise, `Row` should be used.
return _create_row(field_names, value)
def convert_struct_as_row(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, dict):
# `pyarrow.Table.to_pandas` uses `dict`.
_values = [
conv(v) if conv is not None and v is not None else v
for conv, v in zip(
(value.get(name, None) for name in dedup_field_names),
return _create_row(field_names, _values)
# otherwise, `Row` should be used.
_values = [
conv(v) if conv is not None and v is not None else v
for conv, v in zip(field_convs, value)
return _create_row(field_names, _values)
return convert_struct_as_row
elif _struct_in_pandas == "dict":
if all(conv is None for conv in field_convs):
def convert_struct_as_dict(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, dict):
# `pyarrow.Table.to_pandas` uses `dict`.
return {name: value.get(name, None) for name in dedup_field_names}
# otherwise, `Row` should be used.
return dict(zip(dedup_field_names, value))
def convert_struct_as_dict(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, dict):
# `pyarrow.Table.to_pandas` uses `dict`.
return {
name: conv(v) if conv is not None and v is not None else v
for name, conv, v in zip(
(value.get(name, None) for name in dedup_field_names),
# otherwise, `Row` should be used.
return {
name: conv(v) if conv is not None and v is not None else v
for name, conv, v in zip(dedup_field_names, field_convs, value)
return convert_struct_as_dict
raise PySparkValueError(
message_parameters={"var": str(_struct_in_pandas)},
elif isinstance(dt, TimestampType):
assert timezone is not None
local_tz: Union[datetime.tzinfo, str] = (
datetime.timezone.utc if timestamp_utc_localized else _get_local_timezone()
def convert_timestamp(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) and value.tzinfo is not None:
ts = pd.Timestamp(value)
ts = pd.Timestamp(value).tz_localize(local_tz)
return ts.tz_convert(timezone).tz_localize(None)
return convert_timestamp
elif isinstance(dt, TimestampNTZType):
def convert_timestamp_ntz(value: Any) -> Any:
return pd.Timestamp(value)
return convert_timestamp_ntz
elif isinstance(dt, UserDefinedType):
udt: UserDefinedType = dt
conv = _converter(udt.sqlType(), _struct_in_pandas="row", _ndarray_as_list=True)
if conv is None:
def convert_udt(value: Any) -> Any:
if hasattr(value, "__UDT__"):
assert isinstance(value.__UDT__, type(udt))
return value
return udt.deserialize(value)
def convert_udt(value: Any) -> Any:
if hasattr(value, "__UDT__"):
assert isinstance(value.__UDT__, type(udt))
return value
return udt.deserialize(conv(value))
return convert_udt
elif isinstance(dt, VariantType):
def convert_variant(value: Any) -> Any:
if (
isinstance(value, dict)
and all(key in value for key in ["value", "metadata"])
and all(isinstance(value[key], bytes) for key in ["value", "metadata"])
return VariantVal(value["value"], value["metadata"])
raise PySparkValueError(error_class="MALFORMED_VARIANT")
return convert_variant
return None
conv = _converter(data_type, struct_in_pandas, ndarray_as_list)
if conv is not None:
return lambda pser: pser.apply( # type: ignore[return-value]
lambda x: conv(x) if x is not None else None
return lambda pser: pser
def _create_converter_from_pandas(
data_type: DataType,
timezone: Optional[str] = None,
error_on_duplicated_field_names: bool = True,
ignore_unexpected_complex_type_values: bool = False,
) -> Callable[["pd.Series"], "pd.Series"]:
Create a converter of pandas Series to create Spark DataFrame with Arrow optimization.
data_type : :class:`DataType`
The data type corresponding to the pandas Series to be converted.
timezone : str, optional
The timezone to convert from. If there is a timestamp type, it's required.
error_on_duplicated_field_names : bool, optional
Whether raise an exception when there are duplicated field names.
(default ``True``)
ignore_unexpected_complex_type_values : bool, optional
Whether ignore the case where unexpected values are given for complex types.
If ``False``, each complex type expects:
* array type: :class:`Iterable`
* map type: :class:`dict`
* struct type: :class:`dict` or :class:`tuple`
and raise an AssertionError when the given value is not the expected type.
If ``True``, just ignore and return the give value.
(default ``False``)
The converter of `pandas.Series`
import pandas as pd
if isinstance(data_type, TimestampType):
assert timezone is not None
def correct_timestamp(pser: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
return _check_series_convert_timestamps_internal(pser, timezone)
return correct_timestamp
def _converter(dt: DataType) -> Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]]:
if isinstance(dt, ArrayType):
_element_conv = _converter(dt.elementType)
if ignore_unexpected_complex_type_values:
if _element_conv is None:
def convert_array(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, Iterable):
return list(value)
return value
assert _element_conv is not None
def convert_array(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, Iterable):
return [_element_conv(v) if v is not None else None for v in value]
return value
if _element_conv is None:
def convert_array(value: Any) -> Any:
return list(value)
assert _element_conv is not None
def convert_array(value: Any) -> Any:
# Iterable
return [_element_conv(v) if v is not None else None for v in value]
return convert_array
elif isinstance(dt, MapType):
_key_conv = _converter(dt.keyType)
_value_conv = _converter(dt.valueType)
if ignore_unexpected_complex_type_values:
if _key_conv is None and _value_conv is None:
def convert_map(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, dict):
return list(value.items())
return value
def convert_map(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, dict):
return [
_key_conv(k) if _key_conv is not None and k is not None else k,
if _value_conv is not None and v is not None
else v,
for k, v in value.items()
return value
if _key_conv is None and _value_conv is None:
def convert_map(value: Any) -> Any:
# dict
return list(value.items())
def convert_map(value: Any) -> Any:
# dict
return [
_key_conv(k) if _key_conv is not None and k is not None else k,
_value_conv(v) if _value_conv is not None and v is not None else v,
for k, v in value.items()
return convert_map
elif isinstance(dt, StructType):
field_names = dt.names
if error_on_duplicated_field_names and len(set(field_names)) != len(field_names):
raise UnsupportedOperationException(
message_parameters={"field_names": str(field_names)},
dedup_field_names = _dedup_names(field_names)
field_convs = [_converter(f.dataType) for f in dt.fields]
if ignore_unexpected_complex_type_values:
if all(conv is None for conv in field_convs):
def convert_struct(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, dict):
return {
name: value.get(key, None)
for name, key in zip(dedup_field_names, field_names)
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
return dict(zip(dedup_field_names, value))
return value
def convert_struct(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, dict):
return {
name: conv(v) if conv is not None and v is not None else v
for name, conv, v in zip(
(value.get(key, None) for key in field_names),
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
return {
name: conv(v) if conv is not None and v is not None else v
for name, conv, v in zip(dedup_field_names, field_convs, value)
return value
if all(conv is None for conv in field_convs):
def convert_struct(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, dict):
return {
name: value.get(key, None)
for name, key in zip(dedup_field_names, field_names)
# tuple
return dict(zip(dedup_field_names, value))
def convert_struct(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, dict):
return {
name: conv(v) if conv is not None and v is not None else v
for name, conv, v in zip(
(value.get(key, None) for key in field_names),
# tuple
return {
name: conv(v) if conv is not None and v is not None else v
for name, conv, v in zip(dedup_field_names, field_convs, value)
return convert_struct
elif isinstance(dt, TimestampType):
assert timezone is not None
def convert_timestamp(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) and value.tzinfo is not None:
ts = pd.Timestamp(value)
ts = pd.Timestamp(value).tz_localize(timezone)
return ts.to_pydatetime()
return convert_timestamp
elif isinstance(dt, UserDefinedType):
udt: UserDefinedType = dt
conv = _converter(udt.sqlType())
if conv is None:
def convert_udt(value: Any) -> Any:
return udt.serialize(value)
def convert_udt(value: Any) -> Any:
return conv(udt.serialize(value))
return convert_udt
return None
conv = _converter(data_type)
if conv is not None:
return lambda pser: pser.apply( # type: ignore[return-value]
lambda x: conv(x) if x is not None else None
return lambda pser: pser
def _dedup_names(names: List[str]) -> List[str]:
if len(set(names)) == len(names):
return names
def _gen_dedup(_name: str) -> Callable[[], str]:
_i = itertools.count()
return lambda: f"{_name}_{next(_i)}"
def _gen_identity(_name: str) -> Callable[[], str]:
return lambda: _name
gen_new_name = {
name: _gen_dedup(name) if len(list(group)) > 1 else _gen_identity(name)
for name, group in itertools.groupby(sorted(names))
return [gen_new_name[name]() for name in names]
def _deduplicate_field_names(dt: DataType) -> DataType:
if isinstance(dt, StructType):
dedup_field_names = _dedup_names(dt.names)
return StructType(
for i, field in enumerate(dt.fields)
elif isinstance(dt, ArrayType):
return ArrayType(_deduplicate_field_names(dt.elementType), containsNull=dt.containsNull)
elif isinstance(dt, MapType):
return MapType(
return dt