blob: f1a1ca6616a21ecc434cb2d771d10b366201e9ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical.StdLexical
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.{PackratParsers, RegexParsers}
import scala.util.parsing.input.CharArrayReader.EofCh
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
private[sql] abstract class AbstractSparkSQLParser
extends StandardTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
def apply(input: String): LogicalPlan = phrase(start)(new lexical.Scanner(input)) match {
case Success(plan, _) => plan
case failureOrError => sys.error(failureOrError.toString)
protected case class Keyword(str: String)
protected def start: Parser[LogicalPlan]
// Returns the whole input string
protected lazy val wholeInput: Parser[String] = new Parser[String] {
def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[String] =
Success(in.source.toString, in.drop(in.source.length()))
// Returns the rest of the input string that are not parsed yet
protected lazy val restInput: Parser[String] = new Parser[String] {
def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[String] =
in.source.subSequence(in.offset, in.source.length()).toString,
class SqlLexical(val keywords: Seq[String]) extends StdLexical {
case class FloatLit(chars: String) extends Token {
override def toString = chars
reserved ++= keywords.flatMap(w => allCaseVersions(w))
delimiters += (
"@", "*", "+", "-", "<", "=", "<>", "!=", "<=", ">=", ">", "/", "(", ")",
",", ";", "%", "{", "}", ":", "[", "]", ".", "&", "|", "^", "~", "<=>"
override lazy val token: Parser[Token] =
( identChar ~ (identChar | digit).* ^^
{ case first ~ rest => processIdent((first :: rest).mkString) }
| rep1(digit) ~ ('.' ~> digit.*).? ^^ {
case i ~ None => NumericLit(i.mkString)
case i ~ Some(d) => FloatLit(i.mkString + "." + d.mkString)
| '\'' ~> chrExcept('\'', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '\'' ^^
{ case chars => StringLit(chars mkString "") }
| '"' ~> chrExcept('"', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '"' ^^
{ case chars => StringLit(chars mkString "") }
| '`' ~> chrExcept('`', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '`' ^^
{ case chars => Identifier(chars mkString "") }
| EofCh ^^^ EOF
| '\'' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
| '"' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
| delim
| failure("illegal character")
override def identChar = letter | elem('_')
override def whitespace: Parser[Any] =
( whitespaceChar
| '/' ~ '*' ~ comment
| '/' ~ '/' ~ chrExcept(EofCh, '\n').*
| '#' ~ chrExcept(EofCh, '\n').*
| '-' ~ '-' ~ chrExcept(EofCh, '\n').*
| '/' ~ '*' ~ failure("unclosed comment")
/** Generate all variations of upper and lower case of a given string */
def allCaseVersions(s: String, prefix: String = ""): Stream[String] = {
if (s.isEmpty) {
} else {
allCaseVersions(s.tail, prefix + s.head.toLower) #:::
allCaseVersions(s.tail, prefix + s.head.toUpper)
* The top level Spark SQL parser. This parser recognizes syntaxes that are available for all SQL
* dialects supported by Spark SQL, and delegates all the other syntaxes to the `fallback` parser.
* @param fallback A function that parses an input string to a logical plan
private[sql] class SparkSQLParser(fallback: String => LogicalPlan) extends AbstractSparkSQLParser {
// A parser for the key-value part of the "SET [key = [value ]]" syntax
private object SetCommandParser extends RegexParsers {
private val key: Parser[String] = "(?m)[^=]+".r
private val value: Parser[String] = "(?m).*$".r
private val pair: Parser[LogicalPlan] =
(key ~ ("=".r ~> value).?).? ^^ {
case None => SetCommand(None)
case Some(k ~ v) => SetCommand(Some(k.trim ->
def apply(input: String): LogicalPlan = parseAll(pair, input) match {
case Success(plan, _) => plan
case x => sys.error(x.toString)
protected val AS = Keyword("AS")
protected val CACHE = Keyword("CACHE")
protected val LAZY = Keyword("LAZY")
protected val SET = Keyword("SET")
protected val TABLE = Keyword("TABLE")
protected val UNCACHE = Keyword("UNCACHE")
protected implicit def asParser(k: Keyword): Parser[String] =
lexical.allCaseVersions(k.str).map(x => x : Parser[String]).reduce(_ | _)
private val reservedWords: Seq[String] =
.filter(_.getReturnType == classOf[Keyword])
override val lexical = new SqlLexical(reservedWords)
override protected lazy val start: Parser[LogicalPlan] = cache | uncache | set | others
private lazy val cache: Parser[LogicalPlan] =
CACHE ~> LAZY.? ~ (TABLE ~> ident) ~ (AS ~> restInput).? ^^ {
case isLazy ~ tableName ~ plan =>
CacheTableCommand(tableName,, isLazy.isDefined)
private lazy val uncache: Parser[LogicalPlan] =
UNCACHE ~ TABLE ~> ident ^^ {
case tableName => UncacheTableCommand(tableName)
private lazy val set: Parser[LogicalPlan] =
SET ~> restInput ^^ {
case input => SetCommandParser(input)
private lazy val others: Parser[LogicalPlan] =
wholeInput ^^ {
case input => fallback(input)