blob: 8c63012c6814d3c55a0f0b1e8969af7e15f3a1c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.BloomFilterAggregate
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.planning.ExtractEquiJoinKeys
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
* Insert a filter on one side of the join if the other side has a selective predicate.
* The filter could be an IN subquery (converted to a semi join), a bloom filter, or something
* else in the future.
object InjectRuntimeFilter extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper with JoinSelectionHelper {
// Wraps `expr` with a hash function if its byte size is larger than an integer.
private def mayWrapWithHash(expr: Expression): Expression = {
if (expr.dataType.defaultSize > IntegerType.defaultSize) {
new Murmur3Hash(Seq(expr))
} else {
private def injectFilter(
filterApplicationSideExp: Expression,
filterApplicationSidePlan: LogicalPlan,
filterCreationSideExp: Expression,
filterCreationSidePlan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
require(conf.runtimeFilterBloomFilterEnabled || conf.runtimeFilterSemiJoinReductionEnabled)
if (conf.runtimeFilterBloomFilterEnabled) {
} else {
private def injectBloomFilter(
filterApplicationSideExp: Expression,
filterApplicationSidePlan: LogicalPlan,
filterCreationSideExp: Expression,
filterCreationSidePlan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
// Skip if the filter creation side is too big
if (filterCreationSidePlan.stats.sizeInBytes > conf.runtimeFilterCreationSideThreshold) {
return filterApplicationSidePlan
val rowCount = filterCreationSidePlan.stats.rowCount
val bloomFilterAgg =
if (rowCount.isDefined && rowCount.get.longValue > 0L) {
new BloomFilterAggregate(new XxHash64(Seq(filterCreationSideExp)),
} else {
new BloomFilterAggregate(new XxHash64(Seq(filterCreationSideExp)))
val alias = Alias(bloomFilterAgg.toAggregateExpression(), "bloomFilter")()
val aggregate =
ConstantFolding(ColumnPruning(Aggregate(Nil, Seq(alias), filterCreationSidePlan)))
val bloomFilterSubquery = ScalarSubquery(aggregate, Nil)
val filter = BloomFilterMightContain(bloomFilterSubquery,
new XxHash64(Seq(filterApplicationSideExp)))
Filter(filter, filterApplicationSidePlan)
private def injectInSubqueryFilter(
filterApplicationSideExp: Expression,
filterApplicationSidePlan: LogicalPlan,
filterCreationSideExp: Expression,
filterCreationSidePlan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
require(filterApplicationSideExp.dataType == filterCreationSideExp.dataType)
val actualFilterKeyExpr = mayWrapWithHash(filterCreationSideExp)
val alias = Alias(actualFilterKeyExpr, actualFilterKeyExpr.toString)()
val aggregate = Aggregate(Seq(alias), Seq(alias), filterCreationSidePlan)
if (!canBroadcastBySize(aggregate, conf)) {
// Skip the InSubquery filter if the size of `aggregate` is beyond broadcast join threshold,
// i.e., the semi-join will be a shuffled join, which is not worthwhile.
return filterApplicationSidePlan
val filter = InSubquery(Seq(mayWrapWithHash(filterApplicationSideExp)),
ListQuery(aggregate, childOutputs = aggregate.output))
Filter(filter, filterApplicationSidePlan)
* Returns whether the plan is a simple filter over scan and the filter is likely selective
* Also check if the plan only has simple expressions (attribute reference, literals) so that we
* do not add a subquery that might have an expensive computation
private def isSelectiveFilterOverScan(plan: LogicalPlan): Boolean = {
def isSelective(
p: LogicalPlan,
predicateReference: AttributeSet,
hasHitFilter: Boolean,
hasHitSelectiveFilter: Boolean): Boolean = p match {
case Project(projectList, child) =>
if (hasHitFilter) {
// We need to make sure all expressions referenced by filter predicates are simple
// expressions.
val referencedExprs = projectList.filter(predicateReference.contains)
referencedExprs.forall(isSimpleExpression) &&
child, ++ _),
} else {
assert(predicateReference.isEmpty && !hasHitSelectiveFilter)
isSelective(child, predicateReference, hasHitFilter, hasHitSelectiveFilter)
case Filter(condition, child) =>
isSimpleExpression(condition) && isSelective(
predicateReference ++ condition.references,
hasHitFilter = true,
hasHitSelectiveFilter = hasHitSelectiveFilter || isLikelySelective(condition))
case _: LeafNode => hasHitSelectiveFilter
case _ => false
!plan.isStreaming &&
isSelective(plan, AttributeSet.empty, hasHitFilter = false, hasHitSelectiveFilter = false)
private def isSimpleExpression(e: Expression): Boolean = {
private def isProbablyShuffleJoin(left: LogicalPlan,
right: LogicalPlan, hint: JoinHint): Boolean = {
!hintToBroadcastLeft(hint) && !hintToBroadcastRight(hint) &&
!canBroadcastBySize(left, conf) && !canBroadcastBySize(right, conf)
private def probablyHasShuffle(plan: LogicalPlan): Boolean = {
plan.exists {
case Join(left, right, _, _, hint) => isProbablyShuffleJoin(left, right, hint)
case _: Aggregate => true
case _: Window => true
case _ => false
// Returns the max scan byte size in the subtree rooted at `filterApplicationSide`.
private def maxScanByteSize(filterApplicationSide: LogicalPlan): BigInt = {
val defaultSizeInBytes = conf.getConf(SQLConf.DEFAULT_SIZE_IN_BYTES)
case leaf: LeafNode => leaf
}).map(scan => {
// DEFAULT_SIZE_IN_BYTES means there's no byte size information in stats. Since we avoid
// creating a Bloom filter when the filter application side is very small, so using 0
// as the byte size when the actual size is unknown can avoid regression by applying BF
// on a small table.
if (scan.stats.sizeInBytes == defaultSizeInBytes) BigInt(0) else scan.stats.sizeInBytes
// Returns true if `filterApplicationSide` satisfies the byte size requirement to apply a
// Bloom filter; false otherwise.
private def satisfyByteSizeRequirement(filterApplicationSide: LogicalPlan): Boolean = {
// In case `filterApplicationSide` is a union of many small tables, disseminating the Bloom
// filter to each small task might be more costly than scanning them itself. Thus, we use max
// rather than sum here.
val maxScanSize = maxScanByteSize(filterApplicationSide)
maxScanSize >=
* Check that:
* - The filterApplicationSideJoinExp can be pushed down through joins, aggregates and windows
* (ie the expression references originate from a single leaf node)
* - The filter creation side has a selective predicate
* - The current join is a shuffle join or a broadcast join that has a shuffle below it
* - The max filterApplicationSide scan size is greater than a configurable threshold
private def filteringHasBenefit(
filterApplicationSide: LogicalPlan,
filterCreationSide: LogicalPlan,
filterApplicationSideExp: Expression,
hint: JoinHint): Boolean = {
filterApplicationSide).isDefined && isSelectiveFilterOverScan(filterCreationSide) &&
(isProbablyShuffleJoin(filterApplicationSide, filterCreationSide, hint) ||
probablyHasShuffle(filterApplicationSide)) &&
def hasRuntimeFilter(left: LogicalPlan, right: LogicalPlan, leftKey: Expression,
rightKey: Expression): Boolean = {
if (conf.runtimeFilterBloomFilterEnabled) {
hasBloomFilter(left, right, leftKey, rightKey)
} else {
hasInSubquery(left, right, leftKey, rightKey)
// This checks if there is already a DPP filter, as this rule is called just after DPP.
def hasDynamicPruningSubquery(
left: LogicalPlan,
right: LogicalPlan,
leftKey: Expression,
rightKey: Expression): Boolean = {
(left, right) match {
case (Filter(DynamicPruningSubquery(pruningKey, _, _, _, _, _), plan), _) =>
pruningKey.fastEquals(leftKey) || hasDynamicPruningSubquery(plan, right, leftKey, rightKey)
case (_, Filter(DynamicPruningSubquery(pruningKey, _, _, _, _, _), plan)) =>
pruningKey.fastEquals(rightKey) ||
hasDynamicPruningSubquery(left, plan, leftKey, rightKey)
case _ => false
def hasBloomFilter(
left: LogicalPlan,
right: LogicalPlan,
leftKey: Expression,
rightKey: Expression): Boolean = {
findBloomFilterWithExp(left, leftKey) || findBloomFilterWithExp(right, rightKey)
private def findBloomFilterWithExp(plan: LogicalPlan, key: Expression): Boolean = {
plan.exists {
case Filter(condition, _) =>
splitConjunctivePredicates(condition).exists {
case BloomFilterMightContain(_, XxHash64(Seq(valueExpression), _))
if valueExpression.fastEquals(key) => true
case _ => false
case _ => false
def hasInSubquery(left: LogicalPlan, right: LogicalPlan, leftKey: Expression,
rightKey: Expression): Boolean = {
(left, right) match {
case (Filter(InSubquery(Seq(key),
ListQuery(Aggregate(Seq(Alias(_, _)), Seq(Alias(_, _)), _), _, _, _, _)), _), _) =>
key.fastEquals(leftKey) || key.fastEquals(new Murmur3Hash(Seq(leftKey)))
case (_, Filter(InSubquery(Seq(key),
ListQuery(Aggregate(Seq(Alias(_, _)), Seq(Alias(_, _)), _), _, _, _, _)), _)) =>
key.fastEquals(rightKey) || key.fastEquals(new Murmur3Hash(Seq(rightKey)))
case _ => false
private def tryInjectRuntimeFilter(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
var filterCounter = 0
val numFilterThreshold = conf.getConf(SQLConf.RUNTIME_FILTER_NUMBER_THRESHOLD)
plan transformUp {
case join @ ExtractEquiJoinKeys(joinType, leftKeys, rightKeys, _, _, left, right, hint) =>
var newLeft = left
var newRight = right
(leftKeys, rightKeys).zipped.foreach((l, r) => {
// Check if:
// 1. There is already a DPP filter on the key
// 2. There is already a runtime filter (Bloom filter or IN subquery) on the key
// 3. The keys are simple cheap expressions
if (filterCounter < numFilterThreshold &&
!hasDynamicPruningSubquery(left, right, l, r) &&
!hasRuntimeFilter(newLeft, newRight, l, r) &&
isSimpleExpression(l) && isSimpleExpression(r)) {
val oldLeft = newLeft
val oldRight = newRight
if (canPruneLeft(joinType) && filteringHasBenefit(left, right, l, hint)) {
newLeft = injectFilter(l, newLeft, r, right)
// Did we actually inject on the left? If not, try on the right
if (newLeft.fastEquals(oldLeft) && canPruneRight(joinType) &&
filteringHasBenefit(right, left, r, hint)) {
newRight = injectFilter(r, newRight, l, left)
if (!newLeft.fastEquals(oldLeft) || !newRight.fastEquals(oldRight)) {
filterCounter = filterCounter + 1
join.withNewChildren(Seq(newLeft, newRight))
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan match {
case s: Subquery if s.correlated => plan
case _ if !conf.runtimeFilterSemiJoinReductionEnabled &&
!conf.runtimeFilterBloomFilterEnabled => plan
case _ =>
val newPlan = tryInjectRuntimeFilter(plan)
if (conf.runtimeFilterSemiJoinReductionEnabled && !plan.fastEquals(newPlan)) {
} else {