blob: 2b8beacc45d36ec1e6659bb9c988e09109825ea0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.variant
import java.time.ZoneId
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
import org.apache.spark.SparkRuntimeException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.ExpressionBuilder
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult.DataTypeMismatch
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.{ImperativeAggregate, TypedImperativeAggregate}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.Block._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.objects.StaticInvoke
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.json.JsonInferSchema
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreePattern.{TreePattern, VARIANT_GET}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.UnaryLike
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{ArrayBasedMapData, GenericArrayData}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeConstants._
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.{QueryCompilationErrors, QueryErrorsBase, QueryExecutionErrors}
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.types.StringTypeAnyCollation
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.types.variant._
import org.apache.spark.types.variant.VariantUtil.Type
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types._
* The implementation for `parse_json` and `try_parse_json` expressions. Parse a JSON string as a
* Variant value.
* @param child The string value to parse as a variant.
* @param failOnError Controls whether the expression should throw an exception or return null if
* the string does not represent a valid JSON value.
case class ParseJson(child: Expression, failOnError: Boolean = true)
extends UnaryExpression with ExpectsInputTypes with RuntimeReplaceable {
override lazy val replacement: Expression = StaticInvoke(
Seq(child, Literal(failOnError, BooleanType)),
inputTypes :+ BooleanType,
returnNullable = !failOnError)
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = StringTypeAnyCollation :: Nil
override def dataType: DataType = VariantType
override def prettyName: String = if (failOnError) "parse_json" else "try_parse_json"
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): ParseJson =
copy(child = newChild)
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Check if a variant value is a variant null. Returns true if and only if the input is a variant null and false otherwise (including in the case of SQL NULL).",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('null'));
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('"null"'));
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('13'));
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json(null));
> SELECT _FUNC_(variant_get(parse_json('{"a":null, "b":"spark"}'), "$.c"));
> SELECT _FUNC_(variant_get(parse_json('{"a":null, "b":"spark"}'), "$.a"));
since = "4.0.0",
group = "variant_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class IsVariantNull(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression
with Predicate with ExpectsInputTypes with RuntimeReplaceable {
override lazy val replacement: Expression = StaticInvoke(
propagateNull = false,
returnNullable = false)
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(VariantType)
override def prettyName: String = "is_variant_null"
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): IsVariantNull =
copy(child = newChild)
object VariantPathParser extends RegexParsers {
// A path segment in the `VariantGet` expression represents either an object key access or an
// array index access.
type PathSegment = Either[String, Int]
private def root: Parser[Char] = '$'
// Parse index segment like `[123]`.
private def index: Parser[PathSegment] =
for {
index <- '[' ~> "\\d+".r <~ ']'
} yield {
// Parse key segment like `.name`, `['name']`, or `["name"]`.
private def key: Parser[PathSegment] =
for {
key <- '.' ~> "[^\\.\\[]+".r | "['" ~> "[^\\'\\?]+".r <~ "']" |
"[\"" ~> "[^\\\"\\?]+".r <~ "\"]"
} yield {
private val parser: Parser[List[PathSegment]] = phrase(root ~> rep(key | index))
def parse(str: String): Option[Array[PathSegment]] = {
this.parseAll(parser, str) match {
case Success(result, _) => Some(result.toArray)
case _ => None
* The implementation for `variant_get` and `try_variant_get` expressions. Extracts a sub-variant
* value according to a path and cast it into a concrete data type.
* @param child The source variant value to extract from.
* @param path A literal path expression. It has the same format as the JSON path.
* @param targetType The target data type to cast into. Any non-nullable annotations are ignored.
* @param failOnError Controls whether the expression should throw an exception or return null if
* the cast fails.
* @param timeZoneId A string identifier of a time zone. It is required by timestamp-related casts.
case class VariantGet(
child: Expression,
path: Expression,
targetType: DataType,
failOnError: Boolean,
timeZoneId: Option[String] = None)
extends BinaryExpression
with TimeZoneAwareExpression
with NullIntolerant
with ExpectsInputTypes
with QueryErrorsBase {
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
val check = super.checkInputDataTypes()
if (check.isFailure) {
} else if (!path.foldable) {
errorSubClass = "NON_FOLDABLE_INPUT",
messageParameters = Map(
"inputName" -> toSQLId("path"),
"inputType" -> toSQLType(path.dataType),
"inputExpr" -> toSQLExpr(path)))
} else if (!VariantGet.checkDataType(targetType)) {
messageParameters =
Map("srcType" -> toSQLType(VariantType), "targetType" -> toSQLType(targetType)))
} else {
override lazy val dataType: DataType = targetType.asNullable
@transient private lazy val parsedPath = {
val pathValue = path.eval().toString
VariantPathParser.parse(pathValue).getOrElse {
throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidVariantGetPath(pathValue, prettyName)
final override def nodePatternsInternal(): Seq[TreePattern] = Seq(VARIANT_GET)
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(VariantType, StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def prettyName: String = if (failOnError) "variant_get" else "try_variant_get"
override def nullable: Boolean = true
protected override def nullSafeEval(input: Any, path: Any): Any = {
protected override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val childCode = child.genCode(ctx)
val tmp = ctx.freshVariable("tmp", classOf[Object])
val parsedPathArg = ctx.addReferenceObj("parsedPath", parsedPath)
val dataTypeArg = ctx.addReferenceObj("dataType", dataType)
val zoneStrArg = ctx.addReferenceObj("zoneStr", timeZoneId)
val zoneIdArg = ctx.addReferenceObj("zoneId", zoneId, classOf[ZoneId].getName)
val code = code"""
boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${childCode.isNull};
${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${CodeGenerator.defaultValue(dataType)};
if (!${ev.isNull}) {
Object $tmp = org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.variant.VariantGet.variantGet(
${childCode.value}, $parsedPathArg, $dataTypeArg, $failOnError, $zoneStrArg, $zoneIdArg);
if ($tmp == null) {
${ev.isNull} = true;
} else {
${ev.value} = (${CodeGenerator.boxedType(dataType)})$tmp;
ev.copy(code = code)
override def left: Expression = child
override def right: Expression = path
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newChild: Expression,
newPath: Expression): VariantGet = copy(child = newChild, path = newPath)
override def withTimeZone(timeZoneId: String): VariantGet = copy(timeZoneId = Option(timeZoneId))
case object VariantGet {
* Returns whether a data type can be cast into/from variant. For scalar types, we allow a subset
* of them. For nested types, we reject map types with a non-string key type.
def checkDataType(dataType: DataType): Boolean = dataType match {
case _: NumericType | BooleanType | _: StringType | BinaryType | _: DatetimeType |
VariantType =>
case ArrayType(elementType, _) => checkDataType(elementType)
case MapType(_: StringType, valueType, _) => checkDataType(valueType)
case StructType(fields) => fields.forall(f => checkDataType(f.dataType))
case _ => false
/** The actual implementation of the `VariantGet` expression. */
def variantGet(
input: VariantVal,
parsedPath: Array[VariantPathParser.PathSegment],
dataType: DataType,
failOnError: Boolean,
zoneStr: Option[String],
zoneId: ZoneId): Any = {
var v = new Variant(input.getValue, input.getMetadata)
for (path <- parsedPath) {
v = path match {
case scala.util.Left(key) if v.getType == Type.OBJECT => v.getFieldByKey(key)
case scala.util.Right(index) if v.getType == Type.ARRAY => v.getElementAtIndex(index)
case _ => null
if (v == null) return null
VariantGet.cast(v, dataType, failOnError, zoneStr, zoneId)
* A simple wrapper of the `cast` function that takes `Variant` rather than `VariantVal`. The
* `Cast` expression uses it and makes the implementation simpler.
def cast(
input: VariantVal,
dataType: DataType,
failOnError: Boolean,
zoneStr: Option[String],
zoneId: ZoneId): Any = {
val v = new Variant(input.getValue, input.getMetadata)
VariantGet.cast(v, dataType, failOnError, zoneStr, zoneId)
* Cast a variant `v` into a target data type `dataType`. If the variant represents a variant
* null, the result is always a SQL NULL. The cast may fail due to an illegal type combination
* (e.g., cast a variant int to binary), or an invalid input valid (e.g, cast a variant string
* "hello" to int). If the cast fails, throw an exception when `failOnError` is true, or return a
* SQL NULL when it is false.
def cast(
v: Variant,
dataType: DataType,
failOnError: Boolean,
zoneStr: Option[String],
zoneId: ZoneId): Any = {
def invalidCast(): Any = {
if (failOnError) {
throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidVariantCast(v.toJson(zoneId), dataType)
} else {
if (dataType == VariantType) return new VariantVal(v.getValue, v.getMetadata)
val variantType = v.getType
if (variantType == Type.NULL) return null
dataType match {
case _: AtomicType =>
val input = variantType match {
case Type.OBJECT | Type.ARRAY =>
return if (dataType.isInstanceOf[StringType]) {
} else {
case Type.BOOLEAN => Literal(v.getBoolean, BooleanType)
case Type.LONG => Literal(v.getLong, LongType)
case Type.STRING => Literal(UTF8String.fromString(v.getString),
case Type.DOUBLE => Literal(v.getDouble, DoubleType)
case Type.DECIMAL =>
val d = Decimal(v.getDecimal)
Literal(Decimal(v.getDecimal), DecimalType(d.precision, d.scale))
case Type.DATE => Literal(v.getLong.toInt, DateType)
case Type.TIMESTAMP => Literal(v.getLong, TimestampType)
case Type.TIMESTAMP_NTZ => Literal(v.getLong, TimestampNTZType)
case Type.FLOAT => Literal(v.getFloat, FloatType)
case Type.BINARY => Literal(v.getBinary, BinaryType)
// We have handled other cases and should never reach here. This case is only intended
// to by pass the compiler exhaustiveness check.
case _ => throw QueryExecutionErrors.unreachableError()
// We mostly use the `Cast` expression to implement the cast. However, `Cast` silently
// ignores the overflow in the long/decimal -> timestamp cast, and we want to enforce
// strict overflow checks.
input.dataType match {
case LongType if dataType == TimestampType =>
try Math.multiplyExact(input.value.asInstanceOf[Long], MICROS_PER_SECOND)
catch {
case _: ArithmeticException => invalidCast()
case _: DecimalType if dataType == TimestampType =>
try {
.multiply(new java.math.BigDecimal(MICROS_PER_SECOND))
} catch {
case _: ArithmeticException => invalidCast()
case _ =>
if (Cast.canAnsiCast(input.dataType, dataType)) {
val result = Cast(input, dataType, zoneStr, EvalMode.TRY).eval()
if (result == null) invalidCast() else result
} else {
case ArrayType(elementType, _) =>
if (variantType == Type.ARRAY) {
val size = v.arraySize()
val array = new Array[Any](size)
for (i <- 0 until size) {
array(i) = cast(v.getElementAtIndex(i), elementType, failOnError, zoneStr, zoneId)
new GenericArrayData(array)
} else {
case MapType(_: StringType, valueType, _) =>
if (variantType == Type.OBJECT) {
val size = v.objectSize()
val keyArray = new Array[Any](size)
val valueArray = new Array[Any](size)
for (i <- 0 until size) {
val field = v.getFieldAtIndex(i)
keyArray(i) = UTF8String.fromString(field.key)
valueArray(i) = cast(field.value, valueType, failOnError, zoneStr, zoneId)
ArrayBasedMapData(keyArray, valueArray)
} else {
case st @ StructType(fields) =>
if (variantType == Type.OBJECT) {
val row = new GenericInternalRow(fields.length)
for (i <- 0 until v.objectSize()) {
val field = v.getFieldAtIndex(i)
st.getFieldIndex(field.key) match {
case Some(idx) =>
cast(field.value, fields(idx).dataType, failOnError, zoneStr, zoneId))
case _ =>
} else {
abstract class ParseJsonExpressionBuilderBase(failOnError: Boolean) extends ExpressionBuilder {
override def build(funcName: String, expressions: Seq[Expression]): Expression = {
val numArgs = expressions.length
if (numArgs == 1) {
ParseJson(expressions.head, failOnError)
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumArgsError(funcName, Seq(1), numArgs)
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(jsonStr) - Parse a JSON string as a Variant value. Throw an exception when the string is not valid JSON value.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('{"a":1,"b":0.8}');
since = "4.0.0",
group = "variant_funcs"
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
object ParseJsonExpressionBuilder extends ParseJsonExpressionBuilderBase(true)
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(jsonStr) - Parse a JSON string as a Variant value. Return NULL when the string is not valid JSON value.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('{"a":1,"b":0.8}');
> SELECT _FUNC_('{"a":1,');
since = "4.0.0",
group = "variant_funcs"
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
object TryParseJsonExpressionBuilder extends ParseJsonExpressionBuilderBase(false)
abstract class VariantGetExpressionBuilderBase(failOnError: Boolean) extends ExpressionBuilder {
override def build(funcName: String, expressions: Seq[Expression]): Expression = {
val numArgs = expressions.length
if (numArgs == 2) {
VariantGet(expressions(0), expressions(1), VariantType, failOnError)
} else if (numArgs == 3) {
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumArgsError(funcName, Seq(2, 3), numArgs)
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(v, path[, type]) - Extracts a sub-variant from `v` according to `path`, and then cast the sub-variant to `type`. When `type` is omitted, it is default to `variant`. Returns null if the path does not exist. Throws an exception if the cast fails.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('{"a": 1}'), '$.a', 'int');
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('{"a": 1}'), '$.b', 'int');
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('[1, "2"]'), '$[1]', 'string');
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('[1, "2"]'), '$[2]', 'string');
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('[1, "hello"]'), '$[1]');
since = "4.0.0",
group = "variant_funcs"
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
object VariantGetExpressionBuilder extends VariantGetExpressionBuilderBase(true)
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(v, path[, type]) - Extracts a sub-variant from `v` according to `path`, and then cast the sub-variant to `type`. When `type` is omitted, it is default to `variant`. Returns null if the path does not exist or the cast fails.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('{"a": 1}'), '$.a', 'int');
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('{"a": 1}'), '$.b', 'int');
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('[1, "2"]'), '$[1]', 'string');
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('[1, "2"]'), '$[2]', 'string');
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('[1, "hello"]'), '$[1]');
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('[1, "hello"]'), '$[1]', 'int');
since = "4.0.0",
group = "variant_funcs"
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
object TryVariantGetExpressionBuilder extends VariantGetExpressionBuilderBase(false)
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - It separates a variant object/array into multiple rows containing its fields/elements. Its result schema is `struct<pos int, key string, value variant>`. `pos` is the position of the field/element in its parent object/array, and `value` is the field/element value. `key` is the field name when exploding a variant object, or is NULL when exploding a variant array. It ignores any input that is not a variant array/object, including SQL NULL, variant null, and any other variant values.",
examples = """
> SELECT * from _FUNC_(parse_json('["hello", "world"]'));
0 NULL "hello"
1 NULL "world"
> SELECT * from _FUNC_(parse_json('{"a": true, "b": 3.14}'));
0 a true
1 b 3.14
since = "4.0.0",
group = "variant_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class VariantExplode(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with Generator
with ExpectsInputTypes {
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(VariantType)
override def prettyName: String = "variant_explode"
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): VariantExplode =
copy(child = newChild)
override def eval(input: InternalRow): IterableOnce[InternalRow] = {
val inputVariant = child.eval(input).asInstanceOf[VariantVal]
VariantExplode.variantExplode(inputVariant, inputVariant == null)
override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val childCode = child.genCode(ctx)
val cls = classOf[VariantExplode].getName
val code = code"""
scala.collection.Seq<InternalRow> ${ev.value} = $cls.variantExplode(
${childCode.value}, ${childCode.isNull});
ev.copy(code = code, isNull = FalseLiteral)
override def elementSchema: StructType = {
new StructType()
.add("pos", IntegerType, nullable = false)
.add("key", SQLConf.get.defaultStringType, nullable = true)
.add("value", VariantType, nullable = false)
object VariantExplode {
* The actual implementation of the `VariantExplode` expression. We check `isNull` separately
* rather than `input == null` because the documentation of `ExprCode` says that the value is not
* valid if `isNull` is set to `true`.
def variantExplode(input: VariantVal, isNull: Boolean): scala.collection.Seq[InternalRow] = {
if (isNull) {
return Nil
val v = new Variant(input.getValue, input.getMetadata)
v.getType match {
case Type.OBJECT =>
val size = v.objectSize()
val result = new Array[InternalRow](size)
for (i <- 0 until size) {
val field = v.getFieldAtIndex(i)
result(i) = InternalRow(i, UTF8String.fromString(field.key),
new VariantVal(field.value.getValue, field.value.getMetadata))
case Type.ARRAY =>
val size = v.arraySize()
val result = new Array[InternalRow](size)
for (i <- 0 until size) {
val elem = v.getElementAtIndex(i)
result(i) = InternalRow(i, null, new VariantVal(elem.getValue, elem.getMetadata))
case _ => Nil
usage = "_FUNC_(v) - Returns schema in the SQL format of a variant.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('null'));
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json('[{"b":true,"a":0}]'));
since = "4.0.0",
group = "variant_funcs"
case class SchemaOfVariant(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression
with RuntimeReplaceable
with ExpectsInputTypes {
override lazy val replacement: Expression = StaticInvoke(
returnNullable = false)
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(VariantType)
override def dataType: DataType = SQLConf.get.defaultStringType
override def prettyName: String = "schema_of_variant"
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): SchemaOfVariant =
copy(child = newChild)
object SchemaOfVariant {
/** The actual implementation of the `SchemaOfVariant` expression. */
def schemaOfVariant(input: VariantVal): UTF8String = {
val v = new Variant(input.getValue, input.getMetadata)
* Return the schema of a variant. Struct fields are guaranteed to be sorted alphabetically.
def schemaOf(v: Variant): DataType = v.getType match {
case Type.OBJECT =>
val size = v.objectSize()
val fields = new Array[StructField](size)
for (i <- 0 until size) {
val field = v.getFieldAtIndex(i)
fields(i) = StructField(field.key, schemaOf(field.value))
// According to the variant spec, object fields must be sorted alphabetically. So we don't
// have to sort, but just need to validate they are sorted.
for (i <- 1 until size) {
if (fields(i - 1).name >= fields(i).name) {
throw new SparkRuntimeException("MALFORMED_VARIANT", Map.empty)
case Type.ARRAY =>
var elementType: DataType = NullType
for (i <- 0 until v.arraySize()) {
elementType = mergeSchema(elementType, schemaOf(v.getElementAtIndex(i)))
case Type.NULL => NullType
case Type.BOOLEAN => BooleanType
case Type.LONG => LongType
case Type.STRING => SQLConf.get.defaultStringType
case Type.DOUBLE => DoubleType
case Type.DECIMAL =>
val d = v.getDecimal
// Spark doesn't allow `DecimalType` to have `precision < scale`.
DecimalType(d.precision().max(d.scale()), d.scale())
case Type.DATE => DateType
case Type.TIMESTAMP => TimestampType
case Type.TIMESTAMP_NTZ => TimestampNTZType
case Type.FLOAT => FloatType
case Type.BINARY => BinaryType
* Returns the tightest common type for two given data types. Input struct fields are assumed to
* be sorted alphabetically.
def mergeSchema(t1: DataType, t2: DataType): DataType =
JsonInferSchema.compatibleType(t1, t2, VariantType)
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(v) - Returns the merged schema in the SQL format of a variant column.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json(j)) FROM VALUES ('1'), ('2'), ('3') AS tab(j);
> SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json(j)) FROM VALUES ('{"a": 1}'), ('{"b": true}'), ('{"c": 1.23}') AS tab(j);
since = "4.0.0",
group = "variant_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class SchemaOfVariantAgg(
child: Expression,
override val mutableAggBufferOffset: Int,
override val inputAggBufferOffset: Int)
extends TypedImperativeAggregate[DataType]
with ExpectsInputTypes
with QueryErrorsBase
with UnaryLike[Expression] {
def this(child: Expression) = this(child, 0, 0)
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(VariantType)
override def dataType: DataType = SQLConf.get.defaultStringType
override def nullable: Boolean = false
override def createAggregationBuffer(): DataType = NullType
override def update(buffer: DataType, input: InternalRow): DataType = {
val inputVariant = child.eval(input).asInstanceOf[VariantVal]
if (inputVariant != null) {
val v = new Variant(inputVariant.getValue, inputVariant.getMetadata)
SchemaOfVariant.mergeSchema(buffer, SchemaOfVariant.schemaOf(v))
} else {
override def merge(buffer: DataType, input: DataType): DataType =
SchemaOfVariant.mergeSchema(buffer, input)
override def eval(buffer: DataType): Any = UTF8String.fromString(buffer.sql)
override def serialize(buffer: DataType): Array[Byte] = buffer.json.getBytes("UTF-8")
override def deserialize(storageFormat: Array[Byte]): DataType =
DataType.fromJson(new String(storageFormat, "UTF-8"))
override def prettyName: String = "schema_of_variant_agg"
override def withNewMutableAggBufferOffset(
newMutableAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate =
copy(mutableAggBufferOffset = newMutableAggBufferOffset)
override def withNewInputAggBufferOffset(newInputAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate =
copy(inputAggBufferOffset = newInputAggBufferOffset)
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): Expression =
copy(child = newChild)