blob: 0aa73f1939e10c89561813ad5f963d4c0fc0633e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Expression, NamedArgumentExpression}
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryCompilationErrors
import org.apache.spark.util.ArrayImplicits._
* This is a base trait that is used for implementing builder classes that can be used to construct
* expressions or logical plans depending on if it is a table-valued or scalar-valued function.
* Two classes of builders currently exist for this trait: [[GeneratorBuilder]] and
* [[ExpressionBuilder]]. If a new class of functions are to be added, a new trait should also be
* created which extends this trait.
* @tparam T The type that is expected to be returned by the [[]] function
trait FunctionBuilderBase[T] {
* A method that returns the method signature for this function.
* Each function signature includes a list of parameters to which the analyzer can
* compare a function call with provided arguments to determine if that function
* call is a match for the function signature.
* IMPORTANT: For now, each function expression builder should have only one function signature.
* Also, for any function signature, required arguments must always come before optional ones.
def functionSignature: Option[FunctionSignature] = None
* This function rearranges the arguments provided during function invocation in positional order
* according to the function signature. This method will fill in the default values if optional
* parameters do not have their values specified. Any function which supports named arguments
* will have this routine invoked, even if no named arguments are present in the argument list.
* This is done to eliminate constructor overloads in some methods which use them for default
* values prior to the implementation of the named argument framework. This function will also
* check if the number of arguments are correct. If that is not the case, then an error will be
* thrown.
* IMPORTANT: This method will be called before the [[]] method is
* invoked. It is guaranteed that the expressions provided to the [[]]
* functions forms a valid set of argument expressions that can be used in the construction of
* the function expression.
* @param expectedSignature The method signature which we rearrange our arguments according to
* @param providedArguments The list of arguments passed from function invocation
* @param functionName The name of the function
* @return The rearranged argument list with arguments in positional order
def rearrange(
expectedSignature: FunctionSignature,
providedArguments: Seq[Expression],
functionName: String) : Seq[Expression] = {
NamedParametersSupport.defaultRearrange(expectedSignature, providedArguments, functionName)
def build(funcName: String, expressions: Seq[Expression]): T
def supportsLambda: Boolean = false
object NamedParametersSupport {
* This method splits named arguments from the argument list.
* Also checks if:
* - the named arguments don't contains positional arguments once keyword arguments start
* - the named arguments don't use the duplicated names
* @param functionSignature The function signature that defines the positional ordering
* @param args The argument list provided in function invocation
* @return A tuple of a list of positional arguments and a list of keyword arguments
def splitAndCheckNamedArguments(
args: Seq[Expression],
functionName: String): (Seq[Expression], Seq[NamedArgumentExpression]) = {
val (positionalArgs, namedArgs) = args.span(!_.isInstanceOf[NamedArgumentExpression])
val namedParametersSet = collection.mutable.Set[String]()
(positionalArgs, {
case (namedArg @ NamedArgumentExpression(parameterName, _), _) =>
if (namedParametersSet.contains(parameterName)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.doubleNamedArgumentReference(
functionName, parameterName)
case (_, index) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.unexpectedPositionalArgument(
functionName, namedArgs(index - 1).asInstanceOf[NamedArgumentExpression].key)
* This method is the default routine which rearranges the arguments in positional order according
* to the function signature provided. This will also fill in any default values that exists for
* optional arguments. This method will also be invoked even if there are no named arguments in
* the argument list. This method will keep all positional arguments in their original order.
* @param functionSignature The function signature that defines the positional ordering
* @param args The argument list provided in function invocation
* @param functionName The name of the function
* @return A list of arguments rearranged in positional order defined by the provided signature
final def defaultRearrange(
functionSignature: FunctionSignature,
args: Seq[Expression],
functionName: String): Seq[Expression] = {
val parameters: Seq[InputParameter] = functionSignature.parameters
if (parameters.dropWhile(_.default.isEmpty).exists(_.default.isEmpty)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.unexpectedRequiredParameterInFunctionSignature(
functionName, functionSignature)
val (positionalArgs, namedArgs) = splitAndCheckNamedArguments(args, functionName)
val namedParameters: Seq[InputParameter] = parameters.drop(positionalArgs.size)
// The following loop checks for the following:
// 1. Unrecognized parameter names
// 2. Duplicate routine parameter assignments
val allParameterNames: Seq[String] =
val parameterNamesSet: Set[String] = allParameterNames.toSet
val positionalParametersSet = allParameterNames.take(positionalArgs.size).toSet
namedArgs.foreach { namedArg =>
val parameterName = namedArg.key
if (!parameterNamesSet.contains(parameterName)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.unrecognizedParameterName(functionName, namedArg.key,
if (positionalParametersSet.contains(parameterName)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.positionalAndNamedArgumentDoubleReference(
functionName, namedArg.key)
// Check the argument list size against the provided parameter list length.
if (parameters.size < args.length) {
val validParameterSizes =
Array.range(parameters.count(_.default.isEmpty), parameters.size + 1).toImmutableArraySeq
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumArgsError(
functionName, validParameterSizes, args.length)
// This constructs a map from argument name to value for argument rearrangement.
val namedArgMap = { namedArg =>
namedArg.key -> namedArg.value
// We rearrange named arguments to match their positional order.
val rearrangedNamedArgs: Seq[Expression] = {
case (param, index) =>
if (param.default.isEmpty) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.requiredParameterNotFound(functionName,, index)
} else {
val rearrangedArgs = positionalArgs ++ rearrangedNamedArgs
assert(rearrangedArgs.size == parameters.size)
* Represents a parameter of a function expression. Function expressions should use this class
* to construct the argument lists returned in [[Builder]]
* @param name The name of the string.
* @param default The default value of the argument. If the default is none, then that means the
* argument is required. If no argument is provided, an exception is thrown.
case class InputParameter(name: String, default: Option[Expression] = None)
* Represents a method signature and the list of arguments it receives as input.
* Currently, overloads are not supported and only one FunctionSignature is allowed
* per function expression.
* @param parameters The list of arguments which the function takes
case class FunctionSignature(parameters: Seq[InputParameter])