blob: 55b6f1af7fd8bd0ba2d8105934b492070a6c9000 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis
import java.util
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.{Failure, Random, Success, Try}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkException, SparkUnsupportedOperationException}
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.OuterScopes
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.SubExprUtils._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.objects._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.OptimizeUpdateFields
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.streaming.StreamingRelationV2
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.AlwaysProcess
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.CurrentOrigin.withOrigin
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreePattern._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.types.DataTypeUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{toPrettySQL, AUTO_GENERATED_ALIAS, CharVarcharUtils}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.ResolveDefaultColumns._
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.{View => _, _}
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.CatalogV2Implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableChange.{After, ColumnPosition}
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.functions.{AggregateFunction => V2AggregateFunction, ScalarFunction, UnboundFunction}
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.expressions.{FieldReference, IdentityTransform, Transform}
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.{QueryCompilationErrors, QueryExecutionErrors}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.DataSourceV2Relation
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf.{PartitionOverwriteMode, StoreAssignmentPolicy}
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.connector.V1Function
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DayTimeIntervalType.DAY
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap
import org.apache.spark.util.ArrayImplicits._
* A trivial [[Analyzer]] with a dummy [[SessionCatalog]] and
* [[EmptyTableFunctionRegistry]]. Used for testing when all relations are already filled
* in and the analyzer needs only to resolve attribute references.
* Built-in function registry is set for Spark Connect project to test unresolved
* functions.
object SimpleAnalyzer extends Analyzer(
new CatalogManager(
new SessionCatalog(
new InMemoryCatalog,
TableFunctionRegistry.builtin) {
override def createDatabase(dbDefinition: CatalogDatabase, ignoreIfExists: Boolean): Unit = {}
})) {
override def resolver: Resolver = caseSensitiveResolution
object FakeV2SessionCatalog extends TableCatalog with FunctionCatalog {
private def fail() = throw SparkUnsupportedOperationException()
override def listTables(namespace: Array[String]): Array[Identifier] = fail()
override def loadTable(ident: Identifier): Table = {
throw new NoSuchTableException(ident.asMultipartIdentifier)
override def createTable(
ident: Identifier,
schema: StructType,
partitions: Array[Transform],
properties: util.Map[String, String]): Table = fail()
override def alterTable(ident: Identifier, changes: TableChange*): Table = fail()
override def dropTable(ident: Identifier): Boolean = fail()
override def renameTable(oldIdent: Identifier, newIdent: Identifier): Unit = fail()
override def initialize(name: String, options: CaseInsensitiveStringMap): Unit = fail()
override def name(): String = CatalogManager.SESSION_CATALOG_NAME
override def listFunctions(namespace: Array[String]): Array[Identifier] = fail()
override def loadFunction(ident: Identifier): UnboundFunction = fail()
* Provides a way to keep state during the analysis, mostly for resolving views and subqueries.
* This enables us to decouple the concerns of analysis environment from the catalog and resolve
* star expressions in subqueries that reference the outer query plans.
* The state that is kept here is per-query.
* Note this is thread local.
* @param catalogAndNamespace The catalog and namespace used in the view resolution. This overrides
* the current catalog and namespace when resolving relations inside
* views.
* @param nestedViewDepth The nested depth in the view resolution, this enables us to limit the
* depth of nested views.
* @param maxNestedViewDepth The maximum allowed depth of nested view resolution.
* @param relationCache A mapping from qualified table names and time travel spec to resolved
* relations. This can ensure that the table is resolved only once if a table
* is used multiple times in a query.
* @param referredTempViewNames All the temp view names referred by the current view we are
* resolving. It's used to make sure the relation resolution is
* consistent between view creation and view resolution. For example,
* if `t` was a permanent table when the current view was created, it
* should still be a permanent table when resolving the current view,
* even if a temp view `t` has been created.
* @param outerPlan The query plan from the outer query that can be used to resolve star
* expressions in a subquery.
case class AnalysisContext(
catalogAndNamespace: Seq[String] = Nil,
nestedViewDepth: Int = 0,
maxNestedViewDepth: Int = -1,
relationCache: mutable.Map[(Seq[String], Option[TimeTravelSpec]), LogicalPlan] =
referredTempViewNames: Seq[Seq[String]] = Seq.empty,
// 1. If we are resolving a view, this field will be restored from the view metadata,
// by calling `AnalysisContext.withAnalysisContext(viewDesc)`.
// 2. If we are not resolving a view, this field will be updated everytime the analyzer
// lookup a temporary function. And export to the view metadata.
referredTempFunctionNames: mutable.Set[String] = mutable.Set.empty,
referredTempVariableNames: Seq[Seq[String]] = Seq.empty,
outerPlan: Option[LogicalPlan] = None)
object AnalysisContext {
private val value = new ThreadLocal[AnalysisContext]() {
override def initialValue: AnalysisContext = AnalysisContext()
def get: AnalysisContext = value.get()
def reset(): Unit = value.remove()
private def set(context: AnalysisContext): Unit = value.set(context)
def withAnalysisContext[A](viewDesc: CatalogTable)(f: => A): A = {
val originContext = value.get()
val maxNestedViewDepth = if (originContext.maxNestedViewDepth == -1) {
// Here we start to resolve views, get `maxNestedViewDepth` from configs.
} else {
val context = AnalysisContext(
originContext.nestedViewDepth + 1,
mutable.Set(viewDesc.viewReferredTempFunctionNames: _*),
try f finally { set(originContext) }
def withNewAnalysisContext[A](f: => A): A = {
val originContext = value.get()
try f finally { set(originContext) }
def withOuterPlan[A](outerPlan: LogicalPlan)(f: => A): A = {
val originContext = value.get()
val context = originContext.copy(outerPlan = Some(outerPlan))
try f finally { set(originContext) }
* Provides a logical query plan analyzer, which translates [[UnresolvedAttribute]]s and
* [[UnresolvedRelation]]s into fully typed objects using information in a [[SessionCatalog]].
class Analyzer(override val catalogManager: CatalogManager) extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan]
with CheckAnalysis with SQLConfHelper with ColumnResolutionHelper {
private val v1SessionCatalog: SessionCatalog = catalogManager.v1SessionCatalog
override protected def validatePlanChanges(
previousPlan: LogicalPlan,
currentPlan: LogicalPlan): Option[String] = {
override def isView(nameParts: Seq[String]): Boolean = v1SessionCatalog.isView(nameParts)
// Only for tests.
def this(catalog: SessionCatalog) = {
this(new CatalogManager(FakeV2SessionCatalog, catalog))
def executeAndCheck(plan: LogicalPlan, tracker: QueryPlanningTracker): LogicalPlan = {
if (plan.analyzed) return plan
AnalysisHelper.markInAnalyzer {
val analyzed = executeAndTrack(plan, tracker)
override def execute(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
AnalysisContext.withNewAnalysisContext {
private def executeSameContext(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = super.execute(plan)
def resolver: Resolver = conf.resolver
* If the plan cannot be resolved within maxIterations, analyzer will throw exception to inform
* user to increase the value of SQLConf.ANALYZER_MAX_ITERATIONS.
protected def fixedPoint =
errorOnExceed = true,
maxIterationsSetting = SQLConf.ANALYZER_MAX_ITERATIONS.key)
* Override to provide additional rules for the "Resolution" batch.
val extendedResolutionRules: Seq[Rule[LogicalPlan]] = Nil
* Override to provide rules to do post-hoc resolution. Note that these rules will be executed
* in an individual batch. This batch is to run right after the normal resolution batch and
* execute its rules in one pass.
val postHocResolutionRules: Seq[Rule[LogicalPlan]] = Nil
private def typeCoercionRules(): List[Rule[LogicalPlan]] = if (conf.ansiEnabled) {
} else {
override def batches: Seq[Batch] = Seq(
Batch("Substitution", fixedPoint,
new SubstituteExecuteImmediate(catalogManager),
// This rule optimizes `UpdateFields` expression chains so looks more like optimization rule.
// However, when manipulating deeply nested schema, `UpdateFields` expression tree could be
// very complex and make analysis impossible. Thus we need to optimize `UpdateFields` early
// at the beginning of analysis.
Batch("Disable Hints", Once,
new ResolveHints.DisableHints),
Batch("Hints", fixedPoint,
Batch("Simple Sanity Check", Once,
Batch("Keep Legacy Outputs", Once,
Batch("Resolution", fixedPoint,
new ResolveCatalogs(catalogManager) ::
ResolveInsertInto ::
ResolveRelations ::
ResolvePartitionSpec ::
ResolveFieldNameAndPosition ::
AddMetadataColumns ::
DeduplicateRelations ::
new ResolveReferences(catalogManager) ::
// Please do not insert any other rules in between. See the TODO comments in rule
// ResolveLateralColumnAliasReference for more details.
ResolveLateralColumnAliasReference ::
ResolveExpressionsWithNamePlaceholders ::
ResolveDeserializer ::
ResolveNewInstance ::
ResolveUpCast ::
ResolveGroupingAnalytics ::
ResolvePivot ::
ResolveUnpivot ::
ResolveOrdinalInOrderByAndGroupBy ::
ExtractGenerator ::
ResolveGenerate ::
ResolveFunctions ::
ResolveTableSpec ::
ResolveAliases ::
ResolveSubquery ::
ResolveSubqueryColumnAliases ::
ResolveWindowOrder ::
ResolveWindowFrame ::
ResolveNaturalAndUsingJoin ::
ResolveOutputRelation ::
new ResolveDataFrameDropColumns(catalogManager) ::
new ResolveSetVariable(catalogManager) ::
ExtractWindowExpressions ::
GlobalAggregates ::
ResolveAggregateFunctions ::
TimeWindowing ::
SessionWindowing ::
ResolveWindowTime ::
ResolveInlineTables ::
ResolveLambdaVariables ::
ResolveTimeZone ::
ResolveRandomSeed ::
ResolveBinaryArithmetic ::
ResolveIdentifierClause ::
ResolveUnion ::
ResolveRowLevelCommandAssignments ::
RewriteDeleteFromTable ::
RewriteUpdateTable ::
RewriteMergeIntoTable ::
MoveParameterizedQueriesDown ::
BindParameters ::
typeCoercionRules() ++
ExtractDistributedSequenceID) ++
Seq(ResolveUpdateEventTimeWatermarkColumn) ++
extendedResolutionRules : _*),
Batch("Remove TempResolvedColumn", Once, RemoveTempResolvedColumn),
Batch("Post-Hoc Resolution", Once,
Seq(ResolveCommandsWithIfExists) ++
postHocResolutionRules: _*),
Batch("Remove Unresolved Hints", Once,
new ResolveHints.RemoveAllHints),
Batch("Nondeterministic", Once,
Batch("UpdateNullability", Once,
Batch("UDF", Once,
Batch("Subquery", Once,
Batch("Cleanup", fixedPoint,
Batch("HandleSpecialCommand", Once,
Batch("Remove watermark for batch query", Once,
* For [[Add]]:
* 1. if both side are interval, stays the same;
* 2. else if one side is date and the other is interval,
* turns it to [[DateAddInterval]];
* 3. else if one side is interval, turns it to [[TimeAdd]];
* 4. else if one side is date, turns it to [[DateAdd]] ;
* 5. else stays the same.
* For [[Subtract]]:
* 1. if both side are interval, stays the same;
* 2. else if the left side is date and the right side is interval,
* turns it to [[DateAddInterval(l, -r)]];
* 3. else if the right side is an interval, turns it to [[TimeAdd(l, -r)]];
* 4. else if one side is timestamp, turns it to [[SubtractTimestamps]];
* 5. else if the right side is date, turns it to [[DateDiff]]/[[SubtractDates]];
* 6. else if the left side is date, turns it to [[DateSub]];
* 7. else turns it to stays the same.
* For [[Multiply]]:
* 1. If one side is interval, turns it to [[MultiplyInterval]];
* 2. otherwise, stays the same.
* For [[Divide]]:
* 1. If the left side is interval, turns it to [[DivideInterval]];
* 2. otherwise, stays the same.
object ResolveBinaryArithmetic extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan =
plan.resolveExpressionsUpWithPruning(_.containsPattern(BINARY_ARITHMETIC), ruleId) {
case a @ Add(l, r, mode) if a.childrenResolved => (l.dataType, r.dataType) match {
case (DateType, DayTimeIntervalType(DAY, DAY)) => DateAdd(l, ExtractANSIIntervalDays(r))
case (DateType, _: DayTimeIntervalType) => TimeAdd(Cast(l, TimestampType), r)
case (DayTimeIntervalType(DAY, DAY), DateType) => DateAdd(r, ExtractANSIIntervalDays(l))
case (_: DayTimeIntervalType, DateType) => TimeAdd(Cast(r, TimestampType), l)
case (DateType, _: YearMonthIntervalType) => DateAddYMInterval(l, r)
case (_: YearMonthIntervalType, DateType) => DateAddYMInterval(r, l)
case (TimestampType | TimestampNTZType, _: YearMonthIntervalType) =>
TimestampAddYMInterval(l, r)
case (_: YearMonthIntervalType, TimestampType | TimestampNTZType) =>
TimestampAddYMInterval(r, l)
case (CalendarIntervalType, CalendarIntervalType) |
(_: DayTimeIntervalType, _: DayTimeIntervalType) => a
case (_: NullType, _: AnsiIntervalType) =>
a.copy(left = Cast(a.left, a.right.dataType))
case (_: AnsiIntervalType, _: NullType) =>
a.copy(right = Cast(a.right, a.left.dataType))
case (DateType, CalendarIntervalType) =>
DateAddInterval(l, r, ansiEnabled = mode == EvalMode.ANSI)
case (_, CalendarIntervalType | _: DayTimeIntervalType) => Cast(TimeAdd(l, r), l.dataType)
case (CalendarIntervalType, DateType) =>
DateAddInterval(r, l, ansiEnabled = mode == EvalMode.ANSI)
case (CalendarIntervalType | _: DayTimeIntervalType, _) => Cast(TimeAdd(r, l), r.dataType)
case (DateType, dt) if dt != StringType => DateAdd(l, r)
case (dt, DateType) if dt != StringType => DateAdd(r, l)
case _ => a
case s @ Subtract(l, r, mode) if s.childrenResolved => (l.dataType, r.dataType) match {
case (DateType, DayTimeIntervalType(DAY, DAY)) =>
DateAdd(l, UnaryMinus(ExtractANSIIntervalDays(r), mode == EvalMode.ANSI))
case (DateType, _: DayTimeIntervalType) =>
DatetimeSub(l, r, TimeAdd(Cast(l, TimestampType), UnaryMinus(r, mode == EvalMode.ANSI)))
case (DateType, _: YearMonthIntervalType) =>
DatetimeSub(l, r, DateAddYMInterval(l, UnaryMinus(r, mode == EvalMode.ANSI)))
case (TimestampType | TimestampNTZType, _: YearMonthIntervalType) =>
DatetimeSub(l, r, TimestampAddYMInterval(l, UnaryMinus(r, mode == EvalMode.ANSI)))
case (CalendarIntervalType, CalendarIntervalType) |
(_: DayTimeIntervalType, _: DayTimeIntervalType) => s
case (_: NullType, _: AnsiIntervalType) =>
s.copy(left = Cast(s.left, s.right.dataType))
case (_: AnsiIntervalType, _: NullType) =>
s.copy(right = Cast(s.right, s.left.dataType))
case (DateType, CalendarIntervalType) =>
DatetimeSub(l, r, DateAddInterval(l,
UnaryMinus(r, mode == EvalMode.ANSI), ansiEnabled = mode == EvalMode.ANSI))
case (_, CalendarIntervalType | _: DayTimeIntervalType) =>
Cast(DatetimeSub(l, r, TimeAdd(l, UnaryMinus(r, mode == EvalMode.ANSI))), l.dataType)
case _ if AnyTimestampTypeExpression.unapply(l) ||
AnyTimestampTypeExpression.unapply(r) => SubtractTimestamps(l, r)
case (_, DateType) => SubtractDates(l, r)
case (DateType, dt) if dt != StringType => DateSub(l, r)
case _ => s
case m @ Multiply(l, r, mode) if m.childrenResolved => (l.dataType, r.dataType) match {
case (CalendarIntervalType, _) => MultiplyInterval(l, r, mode == EvalMode.ANSI)
case (_, CalendarIntervalType) => MultiplyInterval(r, l, mode == EvalMode.ANSI)
case (_: YearMonthIntervalType, _) => MultiplyYMInterval(l, r)
case (_, _: YearMonthIntervalType) => MultiplyYMInterval(r, l)
case (_: DayTimeIntervalType, _) => MultiplyDTInterval(l, r)
case (_, _: DayTimeIntervalType) => MultiplyDTInterval(r, l)
case _ => m
case d @ Divide(l, r, mode) if d.childrenResolved => (l.dataType, r.dataType) match {
case (CalendarIntervalType, _) => DivideInterval(l, r, mode == EvalMode.ANSI)
case (_: YearMonthIntervalType, _) => DivideYMInterval(l, r)
case (_: DayTimeIntervalType, _) => DivideDTInterval(l, r)
case _ => d
* Substitute child plan with WindowSpecDefinitions.
object WindowsSubstitution extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
// Lookup WindowSpecDefinitions. This rule works with unresolved children.
case WithWindowDefinition(windowDefinitions, child) => child.resolveExpressions {
case UnresolvedWindowExpression(c, WindowSpecReference(windowName)) =>
val windowSpecDefinition = windowDefinitions.getOrElse(windowName,
throw QueryCompilationErrors.windowSpecificationNotDefinedError(windowName))
WindowExpression(c, windowSpecDefinition)
* Replaces [[UnresolvedAlias]]s with concrete aliases.
object ResolveAliases extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
private def assignAliases(exprs: Seq[NamedExpression]) = {
def extractOnly(e: Expression): Boolean = e match {
case _: ExtractValue => e.children.forall(extractOnly)
case _: Literal => true
case _: Attribute => true
case _ => false
} {
case u @ UnresolvedAlias(child, optGenAliasFunc) =>
child match {
case ne: NamedExpression => ne
case go @ GeneratorOuter(g: Generator) if g.resolved => MultiAlias(go, Nil)
case e if !e.resolved => u
case g: Generator => MultiAlias(g, Nil)
case c @ Cast(ne: NamedExpression, _, _, _) => Alias(c,
case e: ExtractValue if extractOnly(e) => Alias(e, toPrettySQL(e))()
case e if optGenAliasFunc.isDefined =>
Alias(child, optGenAliasFunc.get.apply(e))()
case l: Literal => Alias(l, toPrettySQL(l))()
case e =>
val metaForAutoGeneratedAlias = new MetadataBuilder()
.putString(AUTO_GENERATED_ALIAS, "true")
Alias(e, toPrettySQL(e))(explicitMetadata = Some(metaForAutoGeneratedAlias))
private def hasUnresolvedAlias(exprs: Seq[NamedExpression]) =
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(UNRESOLVED_ALIAS), ruleId) {
case Aggregate(groups, aggs, child) if child.resolved && hasUnresolvedAlias(aggs) =>
Aggregate(groups, assignAliases(aggs), child)
case Pivot(groupByOpt, pivotColumn, pivotValues, aggregates, child)
if child.resolved && groupByOpt.isDefined && hasUnresolvedAlias(groupByOpt.get) =>
Pivot(Some(assignAliases(groupByOpt.get)), pivotColumn, pivotValues, aggregates, child)
case up: Unpivot if up.child.resolved &&
(up.ids.exists(hasUnresolvedAlias) || up.values.exists(_.exists(hasUnresolvedAlias))) =>
up.copy(ids =, values =
case Project(projectList, child) if child.resolved && hasUnresolvedAlias(projectList) =>
Project(assignAliases(projectList), child)
case c: CollectMetrics if c.child.resolved && hasUnresolvedAlias(c.metrics) =>
c.copy(metrics = assignAliases(c.metrics))
object ResolveGroupingAnalytics extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
private[analysis] def hasGroupingFunction(e: Expression): Boolean = {
e.exists (g => g.isInstanceOf[Grouping] || g.isInstanceOf[GroupingID])
private def replaceGroupingFunc(
expr: Expression,
groupByExprs: Seq[Expression],
gid: Expression): Expression = {
expr transform {
case e: GroupingID =>
if (e.groupByExprs.isEmpty || == {
Alias(gid, toPrettySQL(e))()
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.groupingIDMismatchError(e, groupByExprs)
case e @ Grouping(col: Expression) =>
val idx = groupByExprs.indexWhere(_.semanticEquals(col))
if (idx >= 0) {
Alias(Cast(BitwiseAnd(ShiftRight(gid, Literal(groupByExprs.length - 1 - idx)),
Literal(1L)), ByteType), toPrettySQL(e))()
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.groupingColInvalidError(col, groupByExprs)
* Create new alias for all group by expressions for `Expand` operator.
private def constructGroupByAlias(groupByExprs: Seq[Expression]): Seq[Alias] = { {
case e: NamedExpression => Alias(e, = e.qualifier)
case other => Alias(other, other.toString)()
* Construct [[Expand]] operator with grouping sets.
private def constructExpand(
selectedGroupByExprs: Seq[Seq[Expression]],
child: LogicalPlan,
groupByAliases: Seq[Alias],
gid: Attribute): LogicalPlan = {
// Change the nullability of group by aliases if necessary. For example, if we have
// GROUPING SETS ((a,b), a), we do not need to change the nullability of a, but we
// should change the nullability of b to be TRUE.
// TODO: For Cube/Rollup just set nullability to be `true`.
val expandedAttributes = { alias =>
if (selectedGroupByExprs.exists(!_.contains(alias.child))) {
} else {
val groupingSetsAttributes = { groupingSetExprs => { expr =>
val alias = groupByAliases.find(_.child.semanticEquals(expr)).getOrElse(
throw QueryCompilationErrors.selectExprNotInGroupByError(expr, groupByAliases))
// Map alias to expanded attribute.
Expand(groupingSetsAttributes, groupByAliases, expandedAttributes, gid, child)
* Construct new aggregate expressions by replacing grouping functions.
private def constructAggregateExprs(
groupByExprs: Seq[Expression],
aggregations: Seq[NamedExpression],
groupByAliases: Seq[Alias],
groupingAttrs: Seq[Expression],
gid: Attribute): Seq[NamedExpression] = {
def replaceExprs(e: Expression): Expression = e match {
case e: AggregateExpression => e
case e =>
// Replace expression by expand output attribute.
val index = groupByAliases.indexWhere(_.child.semanticEquals(e))
if (index == -1) {
} else {
.map(replaceGroupingFunc(_, groupByExprs, gid))
* Construct [[Aggregate]] operator from Cube/Rollup/GroupingSets.
private def constructAggregate(
selectedGroupByExprs: Seq[Seq[Expression]],
groupByExprs: Seq[Expression],
aggregationExprs: Seq[NamedExpression],
child: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
if (groupByExprs.size > GroupingID.dataType.defaultSize * 8) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.groupingSizeTooLargeError(GroupingID.dataType.defaultSize * 8)
// Expand works by setting grouping expressions to null as determined by the
// `selectedGroupByExprs`. To prevent these null values from being used in an aggregate
// instead of the original value we need to create new aliases for all group by expressions
// that will only be used for the intended purpose.
val groupByAliases = constructGroupByAlias(groupByExprs)
val gid = AttributeReference(VirtualColumn.groupingIdName, GroupingID.dataType, false)()
val expand = constructExpand(selectedGroupByExprs, child, groupByAliases, gid)
val groupingAttrs = expand.output.drop(child.output.length)
val aggregations = constructAggregateExprs(
groupByExprs, aggregationExprs, groupByAliases, groupingAttrs, gid)
Aggregate(groupingAttrs, aggregations, expand)
private def findGroupingExprs(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[Expression] = {
plan.collectFirst {
case a: Aggregate =>
// this Aggregate should have grouping id as the last grouping key.
val gid = a.groupingExpressions.last
if (!gid.isInstanceOf[AttributeReference]
|| gid.asInstanceOf[AttributeReference].name != VirtualColumn.groupingIdName) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.groupingMustWithGroupingSetsOrCubeOrRollupError()
a.groupingExpressions.take(a.groupingExpressions.length - 1)
}.getOrElse {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.groupingMustWithGroupingSetsOrCubeOrRollupError()
private def tryResolveHavingCondition(
h: UnresolvedHaving,
aggregate: Aggregate,
selectedGroupByExprs: Seq[Seq[Expression]],
groupByExprs: Seq[Expression]): LogicalPlan = {
// For CUBE/ROLLUP expressions, to avoid resolving repeatedly, here we delete them from
// groupingExpressions for condition resolving.
val aggForResolving = aggregate.copy(groupingExpressions = groupByExprs)
// HACK ALTER! Ideally we should only resolve GROUPING SETS + HAVING when the having condition
// is fully resolved, similar to the rule `ResolveAggregateFunctions`. However, Aggregate
// with GROUPING SETS is marked as unresolved and many analyzer rules can't apply to
// UnresolvedHaving because its child is not resolved. Here we explicitly resolve columns
// and subqueries of UnresolvedHaving so that the rewrite works in most cases.
// TODO: mark Aggregate as resolved even if it has GROUPING SETS. We can expand it at the end
// of the analysis phase.
val colResolved = h.mapExpressions { e =>
resolveColWithAgg(e, aggForResolving), aggForResolving, includeLastResort = true)
val cond = if (SubqueryExpression.hasSubquery(colResolved.havingCondition)) {
val fake = Project(Alias(colResolved.havingCondition, "fake")() :: Nil, aggregate.child)
} else {
// Try resolving the condition of the filter as though it is in the aggregate clause
val (extraAggExprs, Seq(resolvedHavingCond)) =
ResolveAggregateFunctions.resolveExprsWithAggregate(Seq(cond), aggForResolving)
// Push the aggregate expressions into the aggregate (if any).
val newChild = constructAggregate(selectedGroupByExprs, groupByExprs,
aggregate.aggregateExpressions ++ extraAggExprs, aggregate.child)
// Since the output exprId will be changed in the constructed aggregate, here we build an
// attrMap to resolve the condition again.
val attrMap = AttributeMap((aggForResolving.output ++
val newCond = resolvedHavingCond.transform {
case a: AttributeReference => attrMap.getOrElse(a, a)
if (extraAggExprs.isEmpty) {
Filter(newCond, newChild)
} else {
Filter(newCond, newChild))
// This require transformDown to resolve having condition when generating aggregate node for
// CUBE/ROLLUP/GROUPING SETS. This also replace grouping()/grouping_id() in resolved
// Filter/Sort.
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsDownWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(GROUPING_ANALYTICS), ruleId) {
case h @ UnresolvedHaving(_, agg @ Aggregate(
GroupingAnalytics(selectedGroupByExprs, groupByExprs), aggExprs, _))
if agg.childrenResolved && aggExprs.forall(_.resolved) =>
tryResolveHavingCondition(h, agg, selectedGroupByExprs, groupByExprs)
// Make sure all of the children are resolved.
// We can't put this at the beginning, because `Aggregate` with GROUPING SETS is unresolved
// but we need to resolve `UnresolvedHaving` above it.
case a if !a.childrenResolved => a
// Ensure group by expressions and aggregate expressions have been resolved.
case Aggregate(GroupingAnalytics(selectedGroupByExprs, groupByExprs), aggExprs, child)
if aggExprs.forall(_.resolved) =>
constructAggregate(selectedGroupByExprs, groupByExprs, aggExprs, child)
// We should make sure all expressions in condition have been resolved.
case f @ Filter(cond, child) if hasGroupingFunction(cond) && cond.resolved =>
val groupingExprs = findGroupingExprs(child)
// The unresolved grouping id will be resolved by ResolveReferences
val newCond = replaceGroupingFunc(cond, groupingExprs, VirtualColumn.groupingIdAttribute)
f.copy(condition = newCond)
// We should make sure all [[SortOrder]]s have been resolved.
case s @ Sort(order, _, child)
if order.exists(hasGroupingFunction) && order.forall(_.resolved) =>
val groupingExprs = findGroupingExprs(child)
val gid = VirtualColumn.groupingIdAttribute
// The unresolved grouping id will be resolved by ResolveReferences
val newOrder =, groupingExprs, gid).asInstanceOf[SortOrder])
s.copy(order = newOrder)
object ResolvePivot extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(PIVOT), ruleId) {
case p: Pivot if !p.childrenResolved || !p.aggregates.forall(_.resolved)
|| (p.groupByExprsOpt.isDefined && !p.groupByExprsOpt.get.forall(_.resolved))
|| !p.pivotColumn.resolved || !p.pivotValues.forall(_.resolved) => p
case Pivot(groupByExprsOpt, pivotColumn, pivotValues, aggregates, child) =>
if (!RowOrdering.isOrderable(pivotColumn.dataType)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.unorderablePivotColError(pivotColumn)
// Check all aggregate expressions.
// Check all pivot values are literal and match pivot column data type.
val evalPivotValues = { value =>
val foldable = trimAliases(value).foldable
if (!foldable) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.nonLiteralPivotValError(value)
if (!Cast.canCast(value.dataType, pivotColumn.dataType)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.pivotValDataTypeMismatchError(value, pivotColumn)
Cast(value, pivotColumn.dataType, Some(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone)).eval(EmptyRow)
// Group-by expressions coming from SQL are implicit and need to be deduced.
val groupByExprs = groupByExprsOpt.getOrElse {
val pivotColAndAggRefs = pivotColumn.references ++ AttributeSet(aggregates)
val singleAgg = aggregates.size == 1
def outputName(value: Expression, aggregate: Expression): String = {
val stringValue = value match {
case n: NamedExpression =>
case _ =>
val utf8Value =
Cast(value, StringType, Some(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone)).eval(EmptyRow)
if (singleAgg) {
} else {
val suffix = aggregate match {
case n: NamedExpression =>
case _ => toPrettySQL(aggregate)
stringValue + "_" + suffix
if (aggregates.forall(a => PivotFirst.supportsDataType(a.dataType))) {
// Since evaluating |pivotValues| if statements for each input row can get slow this is an
// alternate plan that instead uses two steps of aggregation.
val namedAggExps: Seq[NamedExpression] = => Alias(a, a.sql)())
val namedPivotCol = pivotColumn match {
case n: NamedExpression => n
case _ => Alias(pivotColumn, "__pivot_col")()
val bigGroup = groupByExprs :+ namedPivotCol
val firstAgg = Aggregate(bigGroup, bigGroup ++ namedAggExps, child)
val pivotAggs = { a =>
Alias(PivotFirst(namedPivotCol.toAttribute, a.toAttribute, evalPivotValues)
, "__pivot_" + a.sql)()
val groupByExprsAttr =
val secondAgg = Aggregate(groupByExprsAttr, groupByExprsAttr ++ pivotAggs, firstAgg)
val pivotAggAttribute =
val pivotOutputs = pivotValues.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (value, i) => { case (aggregate, pivotAtt) =>
Alias(ExtractValue(pivotAtt, Literal(i), resolver), outputName(value, aggregate))()
Project(groupByExprsAttr ++ pivotOutputs, secondAgg)
} else {
val pivotAggregates: Seq[NamedExpression] = pivotValues.flatMap { value =>
def ifExpr(e: Expression) = {
Cast(value, pivotColumn.dataType, Some(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone))),
e, Literal(null))
} { aggregate =>
val filteredAggregate = aggregate.transformDown {
// Assumption is the aggregate function ignores nulls. This is true for all current
// AggregateFunction's with the exception of First and Last in their default mode
// (which we handle) and possibly some Hive UDAF's.
case First(expr, _) =>
First(ifExpr(expr), true)
case Last(expr, _) =>
Last(ifExpr(expr), true)
case a: ApproximatePercentile =>
// ApproximatePercentile takes two literals for accuracy and percentage which
// should not be wrapped by if-else.
a.withNewChildren(ifExpr(a.first) :: a.second :: a.third :: Nil)
case a: AggregateFunction =>
}.transform {
// We are duplicating aggregates that are now computing a different value for each
// pivot value.
// TODO: Don't construct the physical container until after analysis.
case ae: AggregateExpression => ae.copy(resultId = NamedExpression.newExprId)
Alias(filteredAggregate, outputName(value, aggregate))()
Aggregate(groupByExprs, groupByExprs ++ pivotAggregates, child)
// Support any aggregate expression that can appear in an Aggregate plan except Pandas UDF.
// TODO: Support Pandas UDF.
private def checkValidAggregateExpression(expr: Expression): Unit = expr match {
case a: AggregateExpression =>
if (a.aggregateFunction.isInstanceOf[PythonUDAF]) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.pandasUDFAggregateNotSupportedInPivotError()
} else {
// OK and leave the argument check to CheckAnalysis.
case e: Attribute =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.aggregateExpressionRequiredForPivotError(e.sql)
case e => e.children.foreach(checkValidAggregateExpression)
object ResolveUnpivot extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(UNPIVOT), ruleId) {
// once children are resolved, we can determine values from ids and vice versa
// if only either is given, and only AttributeReference are given
case up @ Unpivot(Some(ids), None, _, _, _, _) if up.childrenResolved &&
ids.forall(_.resolved) &&
ids.forall(_.isInstanceOf[AttributeReference]) =>
val idAttrs = AttributeSet(up.ids.get)
val values = up.child.output.filterNot(idAttrs.contains)
up.copy(values = Some(
case up @ Unpivot(None, Some(values), _, _, _, _) if up.childrenResolved &&
values.forall(_.forall(_.resolved)) &&
values.forall(_.forall(_.isInstanceOf[AttributeReference])) =>
val valueAttrs = AttributeSet(up.values.get.flatten)
val ids = up.child.output.filterNot(valueAttrs.contains)
up.copy(ids = Some(ids))
case up: Unpivot if !up.childrenResolved || !up.ids.exists(_.forall(_.resolved)) ||
!up.values.exists(_.nonEmpty) || !up.values.exists(_.forall(_.forall(_.resolved))) ||
!up.values.get.forall(_.length == up.valueColumnNames.length) ||
!up.valuesTypeCoercioned => up
// TypeCoercionBase.UnpivotCoercion determines valueType
// and casts values once values are set and resolved
case Unpivot(Some(ids), Some(values), aliases, variableColumnName, valueColumnNames, child) =>
def toString(values: Seq[NamedExpression]): String = =>"_")
// construct unpivot expressions for Expand
val exprs: Seq[Seq[Expression]] = => None))).map {
case (vals, Some(alias)) => (ids :+ Literal(alias)) ++ vals
case (Seq(value), None) => (ids :+ Literal( :+ value
// there are more than one value in vals
case (vals, None) => (ids :+ Literal(toString(vals))) ++ vals
// construct output attributes
val variableAttr = AttributeReference(variableColumnName, StringType, nullable = false)()
val valueAttrs = {
case (valueColumnName, idx) =>
val output = ( :+ variableAttr) ++ valueAttrs
// expand the unpivot expressions
Expand(exprs, output, child)
private def isResolvingView: Boolean = AnalysisContext.get.catalogAndNamespace.nonEmpty
private def isReferredTempViewName(nameParts: Seq[String]): Boolean = {
AnalysisContext.get.referredTempViewNames.exists { n =>
(n.length == nameParts.length) && {
case (a, b) => resolver(a, b)
// If we are resolving database objects (relations, functions, etc.) insides views, we may need to
// expand single or multi-part identifiers with the current catalog and namespace of when the
// view was created.
private def expandIdentifier(nameParts: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {
if (!isResolvingView || isReferredTempViewName(nameParts)) return nameParts
if (nameParts.length == 1) {
AnalysisContext.get.catalogAndNamespace :+ nameParts.head
} else if (catalogManager.isCatalogRegistered(nameParts.head)) {
} else {
AnalysisContext.get.catalogAndNamespace.head +: nameParts
* Adds metadata columns to output for child relations when nodes are missing resolved attributes.
* References to metadata columns are resolved using columns from [[LogicalPlan.metadataOutput]],
* but the relation's output does not include the metadata columns until the relation is replaced.
* Unless this rule adds metadata to the relation's output, the analyzer will detect that nothing
* produces the columns.
* This rule only adds metadata columns when a node is resolved but is missing input from its
* children. This ensures that metadata columns are not added to the plan unless they are used. By
* checking only resolved nodes, this ensures that * expansion is already done so that metadata
* columns are not accidentally selected by *. This rule resolves operators downwards to avoid
* projecting away metadata columns prematurely.
object AddMetadataColumns extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util._
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsDownWithPruning(
AlwaysProcess.fn, ruleId) {
case hint: UnresolvedHint => hint
// Add metadata output to all node types
case node if node.children.nonEmpty && node.resolved && hasMetadataCol(node) =>
val inputAttrs = AttributeSet(node.children.flatMap(_.output))
val metaCols = getMetadataAttributes(node).filterNot(inputAttrs.contains)
if (metaCols.isEmpty) {
} else {
val newNode = node.mapChildren(addMetadataCol(_,
// We should not change the output schema of the plan. We should project away the extra
// metadata columns if necessary.
if (newNode.sameOutput(node)) {
} else {
Project(node.output, newNode)
private def getMetadataAttributes(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[Attribute] = {
plan.expressions.flatMap(_.collect {
case a: Attribute if a.isMetadataCol => a
case a: Attribute
if plan.children.exists(c => c.metadataOutput.exists(_.exprId == a.exprId)) =>
plan.children.collectFirst {
case c if c.metadataOutput.exists(_.exprId == a.exprId) =>
c.metadataOutput.find(_.exprId == a.exprId).get
private def hasMetadataCol(plan: LogicalPlan): Boolean = {
plan.expressions.exists(_.exists {
case a: Attribute =>
// If an attribute is resolved before being labeled as metadata
// (i.e. from the originating Dataset), we check with expression ID
a.isMetadataCol ||
plan.children.exists(c => c.metadataOutput.exists(_.exprId == a.exprId))
case _ => false
private def addMetadataCol(
plan: LogicalPlan,
requiredAttrIds: Set[ExprId]): LogicalPlan = plan match {
case s: ExposesMetadataColumns if s.metadataOutput.exists( a =>
requiredAttrIds.contains(a.exprId)) =>
case p: Project if p.metadataOutput.exists(a => requiredAttrIds.contains(a.exprId)) =>
val newProj = p.copy(
// Do not leak the qualified-access-only restriction to normal plan outputs.
projectList = p.projectList ++,
child = addMetadataCol(p.child, requiredAttrIds))
case _ => plan.withNewChildren(, requiredAttrIds)))
* Replaces unresolved relations (tables and views) with concrete relations from the catalog.
object ResolveRelations extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
// The current catalog and namespace may be different from when the view was created, we must
// resolve the view logical plan here, with the catalog and namespace stored in view metadata.
// This is done by keeping the catalog and namespace in `AnalysisContext`, and analyzer will
// look at `AnalysisContext.catalogAndNamespace` when resolving relations with single-part name.
// If `AnalysisContext.catalogAndNamespace` is non-empty, analyzer will expand single-part names
// with it, instead of current catalog and namespace.
private def resolveViews(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan match {
// The view's child should be a logical plan parsed from the `desc.viewText`, the variable
// `viewText` should be defined, or else we throw an error on the generation of the View
// operator.
case view @ View(desc, isTempView, child) if !child.resolved =>
// Resolve all the UnresolvedRelations and Views in the child.
val newChild = AnalysisContext.withAnalysisContext(desc) {
val nestedViewDepth = AnalysisContext.get.nestedViewDepth
val maxNestedViewDepth = AnalysisContext.get.maxNestedViewDepth
if (nestedViewDepth > maxNestedViewDepth) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.viewDepthExceedsMaxResolutionDepthError(
desc.identifier, maxNestedViewDepth, view)
SQLConf.withExistingConf(View.effectiveSQLConf(desc.viewSQLConfigs, isTempView)) {
// Fail the analysis eagerly because outside AnalysisContext, the unresolved operators
// inside a view maybe resolved incorrectly.
view.copy(child = newChild)
case p @ SubqueryAlias(_, view: View) =>
p.copy(child = resolveViews(view))
case _ => plan
private def unwrapRelationPlan(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
EliminateSubqueryAliases(plan) match {
case v: View if v.isTempViewStoringAnalyzedPlan => v.child
case other => other
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan)
: LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(AlwaysProcess.fn, ruleId) {
case i @ InsertIntoStatement(table, _, _, _, _, _, _) =>
val relation = table match {
case u: UnresolvedRelation if !u.isStreaming =>
case other => other
// Inserting into a file-based temporary view is allowed.
// (e.g.,"path").createOrReplaceTempView("t").
// Thus, we need to look at the raw plan if `relation` is a temporary view.
unwrapRelationPlan(relation) match {
case v: View =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.insertIntoViewNotAllowedError(v.desc.identifier, table)
case other => i.copy(table = other)
// TODO (SPARK-27484): handle streaming write commands when we have them.
case write: V2WriteCommand =>
write.table match {
case u: UnresolvedRelation if !u.isStreaming =>
resolveRelation(u).map(unwrapRelationPlan).map {
case v: View => throw QueryCompilationErrors.writeIntoViewNotAllowedError(
v.desc.identifier, write)
case r: DataSourceV2Relation => write.withNewTable(r)
case u: UnresolvedCatalogRelation =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.writeIntoV1TableNotAllowedError(
u.tableMeta.identifier, write)
case other =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.writeIntoTempViewNotAllowedError(
case _ => write
case u: UnresolvedRelation =>
case r @ RelationTimeTravel(u: UnresolvedRelation, timestamp, version)
if timestamp.forall(ts => ts.resolved && !SubqueryExpression.hasSubquery(ts)) =>
val timeTravelSpec = TimeTravelSpec.create(timestamp, version, conf.sessionLocalTimeZone)
resolveRelation(u, timeTravelSpec).getOrElse(r)
case u @ UnresolvedTable(identifier, cmd, suggestAlternative) =>
lookupTableOrView(identifier).map {
case v: ResolvedPersistentView =>
val nameParts = +: v.identifier.asMultipartIdentifier
throw QueryCompilationErrors.expectTableNotViewError(
nameParts, cmd, suggestAlternative, u)
case _: ResolvedTempView =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.expectTableNotViewError(
identifier, cmd, suggestAlternative, u)
case table => table
case u @ UnresolvedView(identifier, cmd, allowTemp, suggestAlternative) =>
lookupTableOrView(identifier, viewOnly = true).map {
case _: ResolvedTempView if !allowTemp =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.expectPermanentViewNotTempViewError(
identifier, cmd, u)
case t: ResolvedTable =>
val nameParts = +: t.identifier.asMultipartIdentifier
throw QueryCompilationErrors.expectViewNotTableError(
nameParts, cmd, suggestAlternative, u)
case other => other
case u @ UnresolvedTableOrView(identifier, cmd, allowTempView) =>
lookupTableOrView(identifier).map {
case _: ResolvedTempView if !allowTempView =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.expectPermanentViewNotTempViewError(
identifier, cmd, u)
case other => other
private def lookupTempView(identifier: Seq[String]): Option[TemporaryViewRelation] = {
// We are resolving a view and this name is not a temp view when that view was created. We
// return None earlier here.
if (isResolvingView && !isReferredTempViewName(identifier)) return None
private def resolveTempView(
identifier: Seq[String],
isStreaming: Boolean = false,
isTimeTravel: Boolean = false): Option[LogicalPlan] = {
lookupTempView(identifier).map { v =>
val tempViewPlan = v1SessionCatalog.getTempViewRelation(v)
if (isStreaming && !tempViewPlan.isStreaming) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.readNonStreamingTempViewError(identifier.quoted)
if (isTimeTravel) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.timeTravelUnsupportedError(toSQLId(identifier))
* Resolves relations to `ResolvedTable` or `Resolved[Temp/Persistent]View`. This is
* for resolving DDL and misc commands.
private def lookupTableOrView(
identifier: Seq[String],
viewOnly: Boolean = false): Option[LogicalPlan] = {
lookupTempView(identifier).map { tempView =>
ResolvedTempView(identifier.asIdentifier, tempView.tableMeta)
}.orElse {
expandIdentifier(identifier) match {
case CatalogAndIdentifier(catalog, ident) =>
if (viewOnly && !CatalogV2Util.isSessionCatalog(catalog)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.catalogOperationNotSupported(catalog, "views")
CatalogV2Util.loadTable(catalog, ident).map {
case v1Table: V1Table if CatalogV2Util.isSessionCatalog(catalog) &&
v1Table.v1Table.tableType == CatalogTableType.VIEW =>
val v1Ident = v1Table.catalogTable.identifier
val v2Ident = Identifier.of(v1Ident.database.toArray, v1Ident.identifier)
catalog, v2Ident, v1Table.catalogTable)
case table =>
ResolvedTable.create(catalog.asTableCatalog, ident, table)
case _ => None
private def createRelation(
catalog: CatalogPlugin,
ident: Identifier,
table: Option[Table],
options: CaseInsensitiveStringMap,
isStreaming: Boolean): Option[LogicalPlan] = { {
case v1Table: V1Table if CatalogV2Util.isSessionCatalog(catalog) =>
if (isStreaming) {
if (v1Table.v1Table.tableType == CatalogTableType.VIEW) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.permanentViewNotSupportedByStreamingReadingAPIError(
SubqueryAlias( +: ident.asMultipartIdentifier,
UnresolvedCatalogRelation(v1Table.v1Table, options, isStreaming = true))
} else {
v1SessionCatalog.getRelation(v1Table.v1Table, options)
case table =>
if (isStreaming) {
val v1Fallback = table match {
case withFallback: V2TableWithV1Fallback =>
Some(UnresolvedCatalogRelation(withFallback.v1Table, isStreaming = true))
case _ => None
SubqueryAlias( +: ident.asMultipartIdentifier,
StreamingRelationV2(None,, table, options, table.columns.toAttributes,
Some(catalog), Some(ident), v1Fallback))
} else {
SubqueryAlias( +: ident.asMultipartIdentifier,
DataSourceV2Relation.create(table, Some(catalog), Some(ident), options))
* Resolves relations to v1 relation if it's a v1 table from the session catalog, or to v2
* relation. This is for resolving DML commands and SELECT queries.
private def resolveRelation(
u: UnresolvedRelation,
timeTravelSpec: Option[TimeTravelSpec] = None): Option[LogicalPlan] = {
val timeTravelSpecFromOptions = TimeTravelSpec.fromOptions(
if (timeTravelSpec.nonEmpty && timeTravelSpecFromOptions.nonEmpty) {
throw new AnalysisException("MULTIPLE_TIME_TRAVEL_SPEC", Map.empty[String, String])
val finalTimeTravelSpec = timeTravelSpec.orElse(timeTravelSpecFromOptions)
resolveTempView(u.multipartIdentifier, u.isStreaming, finalTimeTravelSpec.isDefined).orElse {
expandIdentifier(u.multipartIdentifier) match {
case CatalogAndIdentifier(catalog, ident) =>
val key =
(( +: ident.namespace :+,
AnalysisContext.get.relationCache.get(key).map { cache =>
val cachedRelation = cache.transform {
case multi: MultiInstanceRelation =>
val newRelation = multi.newInstance()
u.getTagValue(LogicalPlan.PLAN_ID_TAG).map { planId =>
val cachedConnectRelation = cachedRelation.clone()
cachedConnectRelation.setTagValue(LogicalPlan.PLAN_ID_TAG, planId)
}.orElse {
val table = CatalogV2Util.loadTable(catalog, ident, finalTimeTravelSpec)
val loaded = createRelation(catalog, ident, table, u.options, u.isStreaming)
loaded.foreach(AnalysisContext.get.relationCache.update(key, _))
u.getTagValue(LogicalPlan.PLAN_ID_TAG).map { planId => { loadedRelation =>
val loadedConnectRelation = loadedRelation.clone()
loadedConnectRelation.setTagValue(LogicalPlan.PLAN_ID_TAG, planId)
case _ => None
/** Consumes an unresolved relation and resolves it to a v1 or v2 relation or temporary view. */
def resolveRelationOrTempView(u: UnresolvedRelation): LogicalPlan = {
/** Handle INSERT INTO for DSv2 */
object ResolveInsertInto extends ResolveInsertionBase {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsWithPruning(
AlwaysProcess.fn, ruleId) {
case i @ InsertIntoStatement(r: DataSourceV2Relation, _, _, _, _, _, _)
if i.query.resolved =>
// ifPartitionNotExists is append with validation, but validation is not supported
if (i.ifPartitionNotExists) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.unsupportedIfNotExistsError(
// Create a project if this is an INSERT INTO BY NAME query.
val projectByName = if (i.userSpecifiedCols.nonEmpty) {
Some(createProjectForByNameQuery(, i))
} else {
val isByName = projectByName.nonEmpty || i.byName
val partCols = partitionColumnNames(r.table)
validatePartitionSpec(partCols, i.partitionSpec)
val staticPartitions = i.partitionSpec.filter(_._2.isDefined).transform((_, v) => v.get)
val query = addStaticPartitionColumns(r, projectByName.getOrElse(i.query), staticPartitions,
if (!i.overwrite) {
if (isByName) {
AppendData.byName(r, query)
} else {
AppendData.byPosition(r, query)
} else if (conf.partitionOverwriteMode == PartitionOverwriteMode.DYNAMIC) {
if (isByName) {
OverwritePartitionsDynamic.byName(r, query)
} else {
OverwritePartitionsDynamic.byPosition(r, query)
} else {
if (isByName) {
OverwriteByExpression.byName(r, query, staticDeleteExpression(r, staticPartitions))
} else {
OverwriteByExpression.byPosition(r, query, staticDeleteExpression(r, staticPartitions))
private def partitionColumnNames(table: Table): Seq[String] = {
// get partition column names. in v2, partition columns are columns that are stored using an
// identity partition transform because the partition values and the column values are
// identical. otherwise, partition values are produced by transforming one or more source
// columns and cannot be set directly in a query's PARTITION clause.
table.partitioning.flatMap {
case IdentityTransform(FieldReference(Seq(name))) => Some(name)
case _ => None
private def validatePartitionSpec(
partitionColumnNames: Seq[String],
partitionSpec: Map[String, Option[String]]): Unit = {
// check that each partition name is a partition column. otherwise, it is not valid
partitionSpec.keySet.foreach { partitionName =>
partitionColumnNames.find(name => conf.resolver(name, partitionName)) match {
case Some(_) =>
case None =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.nonPartitionColError(partitionName)
private def addStaticPartitionColumns(
relation: DataSourceV2Relation,
query: LogicalPlan,
staticPartitions: Map[String, String],
isByName: Boolean): LogicalPlan = {
if (staticPartitions.isEmpty) {
} else {
// add any static value as a literal column
val withStaticPartitionValues = {
// for each static name, find the column name it will replace and check for unknowns.
val outputNameToStaticName = { staticName =>
if (isByName) {
// If this is INSERT INTO BY NAME, the query output's names will be the user specified
// column names. We need to make sure the static partition column name doesn't appear
// there to catch the following ambiguous query:
if (query.output.exists(col => conf.resolver(, staticName))) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.staticPartitionInUserSpecifiedColumnsError(staticName)
relation.output.find(col => conf.resolver(, staticName)) match {
case Some(attr) => -> staticName
case _ =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.missingStaticPartitionColumn(staticName)
val queryColumns = query.output.iterator
// for each output column, add the static value as a literal, or use the next input
// column. this does not fail if input columns are exhausted and adds remaining columns
// at the end. both cases will be caught by ResolveOutputRelation and will fail the
// query with a helpful error message.
relation.output.flatMap { col =>
outputNameToStaticName.get( match {
case Some(staticValue) =>
// SPARK-30844: try our best to follow StoreAssignmentPolicy for static partition
// values but not completely follow because we can't do static type checking due to
// the reason that the parser has erased the type info of static partition values
// and converted them to string.
val cast = Cast(Literal(staticValue), col.dataType, ansiEnabled = true)
cast.setTagValue(Cast.BY_TABLE_INSERTION, ())
case _ if queryColumns.hasNext =>
case _ =>
} ++ queryColumns
Project(withStaticPartitionValues, query)
private def staticDeleteExpression(
relation: DataSourceV2Relation,
staticPartitions: Map[String, String]): Expression = {
if (staticPartitions.isEmpty) {
} else { { case (name, value) =>
relation.output.find(col => conf.resolver(, name)) match {
case Some(attr) =>
// the delete expression must reference the table's column names, but these attributes
// are not available when CheckAnalysis runs because the relation is not a child of
// the logical operation. instead, expressions are resolved after
// ResolveOutputRelation runs, using the query's column names that will match the
// table names at that point. because resolution happens after a future rule, create
// an UnresolvedAttribute.
Cast(Literal(value), attr.dataType))
case None =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.missingStaticPartitionColumn(name)
* Resolves column references in the query plan. Basically it transform the query plan tree bottom
* up, and only try to resolve references for a plan node if all its children nodes are resolved,
* and there is no conflicting attributes between the children nodes (see `hasConflictingAttrs`
* for details).
* The general workflow to resolve references:
* 1. Expands the star in Project/Aggregate/Generate.
* 2. Resolves the columns to [[AttributeReference]] with the output of the children plans. This
* includes metadata columns as well.
* 3. Resolves the columns to literal function which is allowed to be invoked without braces,
* e.g. `SELECT col, current_date FROM t`.
* 4. Resolves the columns to outer references with the outer plan if we are resolving subquery
* expressions.
* 5. Resolves the columns to SQL variables.
* Some plan nodes have special column reference resolution logic, please read these sub-rules for
* details:
* - [[ResolveReferencesInAggregate]]
* - [[ResolveReferencesInUpdate]]
* - [[ResolveReferencesInSort]]
* Note: even if we use a single rule to resolve columns, it's still non-trivial to have a
* reliable column resolution order, as the rule will be executed multiple times, with other
* rules in the same batch. We should resolve columns with the next option only if all the
* previous options are permanently not applicable. If the current option can be applicable
* in the next iteration (other rules update the plan), we should not try the next option.
class ResolveReferences(val catalogManager: CatalogManager)
extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with ColumnResolutionHelper {
private val resolveColumnDefaultInCommandInputQuery =
new ResolveColumnDefaultInCommandInputQuery(catalogManager)
private val resolveReferencesInAggregate =
new ResolveReferencesInAggregate(catalogManager)
private val resolveReferencesInUpdate =
new ResolveReferencesInUpdate(catalogManager)
private val resolveReferencesInSort =
new ResolveReferencesInSort(catalogManager)
* Return true if there're conflicting attributes among children's outputs of a plan
* The children logical plans may output columns with conflicting attribute IDs. This may happen
* in cases such as self-join. We should wait for the rule [[DeduplicateRelations]] to eliminate
* conflicting attribute IDs, otherwise we can't resolve columns correctly due to ambiguity.
def hasConflictingAttrs(p: LogicalPlan): Boolean = {
p.children.length > 1 && {
// Note that duplicated attributes are allowed within a single node,
// e.g.,$"a", $"a"), so we should only check conflicting
// attributes between nodes.
val uniqueAttrs = mutable.HashSet[ExprId]()
p.children.head.outputSet.foreach(a => uniqueAttrs.add(a.exprId))
p.children.tail.exists { child =>
val uniqueSize = uniqueAttrs.size
val childSize = child.outputSet.size
child.outputSet.foreach(a => uniqueAttrs.add(a.exprId))
uniqueSize + childSize > uniqueAttrs.size
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUp {
// Don't wait other rules to resolve the child plans of `InsertIntoStatement` as we need
// to resolve column "DEFAULT" in the child plans so that they must be unresolved.
case i: InsertIntoStatement => resolveColumnDefaultInCommandInputQuery(i)
// Don't wait other rules to resolve the child plans of `SetVariable` as we need
// to resolve column "DEFAULT" in the child plans so that they must be unresolved.
case s: SetVariable => resolveColumnDefaultInCommandInputQuery(s)
// Wait for other rules to resolve child plans first
case p: LogicalPlan if !p.childrenResolved => p
// Wait for the rule `DeduplicateRelations` to resolve conflicting attrs first.
case p: LogicalPlan if hasConflictingAttrs(p) => p
// If the projection list contains Stars, expand it.
case p: Project if containsStar(p.projectList) =>
p.copy(projectList = buildExpandedProjectList(p.projectList, p.child))
// If the filter list contains Stars, expand it.
case p: Filter if containsStar(Seq(p.condition)) =>
p.copy(expandStarExpression(p.condition, p.child))
// If the aggregate function argument contains Stars, expand it.
case a: Aggregate if containsStar(a.aggregateExpressions) =>
if (a.groupingExpressions.exists(_.isInstanceOf[UnresolvedOrdinal])) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.starNotAllowedWhenGroupByOrdinalPositionUsedError()
} else {
a.copy(aggregateExpressions = buildExpandedProjectList(a.aggregateExpressions, a.child))
case g: Generate if containsStar(g.generator.children) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.invalidStarUsageError("explode/json_tuple/UDTF",
// If the Unpivot ids or values contain Stars, expand them.
case up: Unpivot if up.ids.exists(containsStar) ||
// Only expand Stars in one-dimensional values
up.values.exists(values => values.exists(_.length == 1) && values.exists(containsStar)) =>
ids =, up.child)),
// The inner exprs in Option[[exprs] is one-dimensional, e.g. Optional[[["*"]]].
// The single NamedExpression turns into multiple, which we here have to turn into
// Optional[[["col1"], ["col2"]]]
values =, up.child)).map(Seq(_)))
case u @ Union(children, _, _)
// if there are duplicate output columns, give them unique expr ids
if children.exists(c => < c.output.length) =>
val newChildren = { c =>
if ( < c.output.length) {
val existingExprIds = mutable.HashSet[ExprId]()
val projectList = { attr =>
if (existingExprIds.contains(attr.exprId)) {
// replace non-first duplicates with aliases and tag them
val newMetadata = new MetadataBuilder().withMetadata(attr.metadata)
Alias(attr, = Some(newMetadata))
} else {
// leave first duplicate alone
Project(projectList, c)
} else {
// A special case for Generate, because the output of Generate should not be resolved by
// ResolveReferences. Attributes in the output will be resolved by ResolveGenerate.
case g @ Generate(generator, _, _, _, _, _) if generator.resolved => g
case g @ Generate(generator, join, outer, qualifier, output, child) =>
val newG = resolveExpressionByPlanOutput(
generator, child, throws = true, includeLastResort = true)
if (newG.fastEquals(generator)) {
} else {
Generate(newG.asInstanceOf[Generator], join, outer, qualifier, output, child)
case mg: MapGroups if mg.dataOrder.exists(!_.resolved) =>
// Resolve against `AppendColumns`'s children, instead of `AppendColumns`,
// because `AppendColumns`'s serializer might produce conflict attribute
// names leading to ambiguous references exception.
val planForResolve = mg.child match {
case appendColumns: AppendColumns => appendColumns.child
case plan => plan
val resolvedOrder = mg.dataOrder
.map(resolveExpressionByPlanOutput(_, planForResolve).asInstanceOf[SortOrder])
mg.copy(dataOrder = resolvedOrder)
// Left and right sort expression have to be resolved against the respective child plan only
case cg: CoGroup if cg.leftOrder.exists(!_.resolved) || cg.rightOrder.exists(!_.resolved) =>
// Resolve against `AppendColumns`'s children, instead of `AppendColumns`,
// because `AppendColumns`'s serializer might produce conflict attribute
// names leading to ambiguous references exception.
val (leftPlanForResolve, rightPlanForResolve) = Seq(cg.left, cg.right).map {
case appendColumns: AppendColumns => appendColumns.child
case plan => plan
} match {
case Seq(left, right) => (left, right)
val resolvedLeftOrder = cg.leftOrder
.map(resolveExpressionByPlanOutput(_, leftPlanForResolve).asInstanceOf[SortOrder])
val resolvedRightOrder = cg.rightOrder
.map(resolveExpressionByPlanOutput(_, rightPlanForResolve).asInstanceOf[SortOrder])
cg.copy(leftOrder = resolvedLeftOrder, rightOrder = resolvedRightOrder)
// Skips plan which contains deserializer expressions, as they should be resolved by another
// rule: ResolveDeserializer.
case plan if containsDeserializer(plan.expressions) => plan
case a: Aggregate => resolveReferencesInAggregate(a)
// Special case for Project as it supports lateral column alias.
case p: Project =>
val resolvedBasic =, p))
// Lateral column alias has higher priority than outer reference.
val resolvedWithLCA = resolveLateralColumnAlias(resolvedBasic)
val resolvedFinal =
p.copy(projectList =[NamedExpression]))
case o: OverwriteByExpression if o.table.resolved =>
// The delete condition of `OverwriteByExpression` will be passed to the table
// implementation and should be resolved based on the table schema.
o.copy(deleteExpr = resolveExpressionByPlanOutput(o.deleteExpr, o.table))
case u: UpdateTable => resolveReferencesInUpdate(u)
case m @ MergeIntoTable(targetTable, sourceTable, _, _, _, _, _)
if !m.resolved && targetTable.resolved && sourceTable.resolved =>
EliminateSubqueryAliases(targetTable) match {
case r: NamedRelation if r.skipSchemaResolution =>
// Do not resolve the expression if the target table accepts any schema.
// This allows data sources to customize their own resolution logic using
// custom resolution rules.
case _ =>
val newMatchedActions = {
case DeleteAction(deleteCondition) =>
val resolvedDeleteCondition =
resolveExpressionByPlanChildren(_, m))
case UpdateAction(updateCondition, assignments) =>
val resolvedUpdateCondition =
resolveExpressionByPlanChildren(_, m))
// The update value can access columns from both target and source tables.
resolveAssignments(assignments, m, MergeResolvePolicy.BOTH))
case UpdateStarAction(updateCondition) =>
val assignments = { attr =>
Assignment(attr, UnresolvedAttribute(Seq(
UpdateAction(, m)),
// For UPDATE *, the value must be from source table.
resolveAssignments(assignments, m, MergeResolvePolicy.SOURCE))
case o => o
val newNotMatchedActions = {
case InsertAction(insertCondition, assignments) =>
// The insert action is used when not matched, so its condition and value can only
// access columns from the source table.
val resolvedInsertCondition =
resolveExpressionByPlanOutput(_, m.sourceTable))
resolveAssignments(assignments, m, MergeResolvePolicy.SOURCE))
case InsertStarAction(insertCondition) =>
// The insert action is used when not matched, so its condition and value can only
// access columns from the source table.
val resolvedInsertCondition =
resolveExpressionByPlanOutput(_, m.sourceTable))
val assignments = { attr =>
Assignment(attr, UnresolvedAttribute(Seq(
resolveAssignments(assignments, m, MergeResolvePolicy.SOURCE))
case o => o
val newNotMatchedBySourceActions = {
case DeleteAction(deleteCondition) =>
val resolvedDeleteCondition =
resolveExpressionByPlanOutput(_, targetTable))
case UpdateAction(updateCondition, assignments) =>
val resolvedUpdateCondition =
resolveExpressionByPlanOutput(_, targetTable))
// The update value can access columns from the target table only.
resolveAssignments(assignments, m, MergeResolvePolicy.TARGET))
case o => o
val resolvedMergeCondition = resolveExpressionByPlanChildren(m.mergeCondition, m)
m.copy(mergeCondition = resolvedMergeCondition,
matchedActions = newMatchedActions,
notMatchedActions = newNotMatchedActions,
notMatchedBySourceActions = newNotMatchedBySourceActions)
// UnresolvedHaving can host grouping expressions and aggregate functions. We should resolve
// columns with `agg.output` and the rule `ResolveAggregateFunctions` will push them down to
// Aggregate later.
case u @ UnresolvedHaving(cond, agg: Aggregate) if !cond.resolved =>
u.mapExpressions { e =>
// Columns in HAVING should be resolved with `agg.child.output` first, to follow the SQL
// standard. See more details in SPARK-31519.
val resolvedWithAgg = resolveColWithAgg(e, agg)
resolveExpressionByPlanChildren(resolvedWithAgg, u, includeLastResort = true)
// RepartitionByExpression can host missing attributes that are from a descendant node.
// For example, `spark.table("t").select($"a").repartition($"b")`. We can resolve `b` with
// table `t` even if there is a Project node between the table scan node and Sort node.
// We also need to propagate the missing attributes from the descendant node to the current
// node, and project them way at the end via an extra Project.
case r @ RepartitionByExpression(partitionExprs, child, _, _)
if !r.resolved || r.missingInput.nonEmpty =>
val resolvedBasic =, r))
val (newPartitionExprs, newChild) = resolveExprsAndAddMissingAttrs(resolvedBasic, child)
// Missing columns should be resolved right after basic column resolution.
// See the doc of `ResolveReferences`.
val resolvedFinal =
if (child.output == newChild.output) {
r.copy(resolvedFinal, newChild)
} else {
Project(child.output, r.copy(resolvedFinal, newChild))
// Filter can host both grouping expressions/aggregate functions and missing attributes.
// The grouping expressions/aggregate functions resolution takes precedence over missing
// attributes. See the classdoc of `ResolveReferences` for details.
case f @ Filter(cond, child) if !cond.resolved || f.missingInput.nonEmpty =>
val resolvedBasic = resolveExpressionByPlanChildren(cond, f)
val resolvedWithAgg = resolveColWithAgg(resolvedBasic, child)
val (newCond, newChild) = resolveExprsAndAddMissingAttrs(Seq(resolvedWithAgg), child)
// Missing columns should be resolved right after basic column resolution.
// See the doc of `ResolveReferences`.
val resolvedFinal = resolveColsLastResort(newCond.head)
if (child.output == newChild.output) {
f.copy(condition = resolvedFinal)
} else {
// Add missing attributes and then project them away.
val newFilter = Filter(resolvedFinal, newChild)
Project(child.output, newFilter)
case s: Sort if !s.resolved || s.missingInput.nonEmpty =>
case q: LogicalPlan =>
logTrace(s"Attempting to resolve ${q.simpleString(conf.maxToStringFields)}")
q.mapExpressions(resolveExpressionByPlanChildren(_, q, includeLastResort = true))
private object MergeResolvePolicy extends Enumeration {
def resolveAssignments(
assignments: Seq[Assignment],
mergeInto: MergeIntoTable,
resolvePolicy: MergeResolvePolicy.Value): Seq[Assignment] = { { assign =>
val resolvedKey = assign.key match {
case c if !c.resolved =>
resolveMergeExprOrFail(c, Project(Nil, mergeInto.targetTable))
case o => o
val resolvedValue = assign.value match {
case c if !c.resolved =>
val resolvePlan = resolvePolicy match {
case MergeResolvePolicy.BOTH => mergeInto
case MergeResolvePolicy.SOURCE => Project(Nil, mergeInto.sourceTable)
case MergeResolvePolicy.TARGET => Project(Nil, mergeInto.targetTable)
val resolvedExpr = resolveExprInAssignment(c, resolvePlan)
val withDefaultResolved = if (conf.enableDefaultColumns) {
} else {
checkResolvedMergeExpr(withDefaultResolved, resolvePlan)
case o => o
Assignment(resolvedKey, resolvedValue)
private def resolveMergeExprOrFail(e: Expression, p: LogicalPlan): Expression = {
val resolved = resolveExprInAssignment(e, p)
checkResolvedMergeExpr(resolved, p)
private def checkResolvedMergeExpr(e: Expression, p: LogicalPlan): Unit = {
e.references.filter(!_.resolved).foreach { a =>
// Note: This will throw error only on unresolved attribute issues,
// not other resolution errors like mismatched data types.
val cols = => toSQLId(", ")
messageParameters = Map(
"objectName" -> toSQLId(,
"proposal" -> cols))
// Expand the star expression using the input plan first. If failed, try resolve
// the star expression using the outer query plan and wrap the resolved attributes
// in outer references. Otherwise throw the original exception.
private def expand(s: Star, plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[NamedExpression] = {
withPosition(s) {
try {
s.expand(plan, resolver)
} catch {
case e: AnalysisException => {
// Only Project and Aggregate can host star expressions.
case u @ (_: Project | _: Aggregate) =>
Try(s.expand(u.children.head, resolver)) match {
case Success(expanded) =>
case Failure(_) => throw e
// Do not use the outer plan to resolve the star expression
// since the star usage is invalid.
case _ => throw e
}.getOrElse { throw e }
* Build a project list for Project/Aggregate and expand the star if possible
private def buildExpandedProjectList(
exprs: Seq[NamedExpression],
child: LogicalPlan): Seq[NamedExpression] = {
exprs.flatMap {
// Using Dataframe/Dataset API: testData2.groupBy($"a", $"b").agg($"*")
case s: Star => expand(s, child)
// Using SQL API without running ResolveAlias: SELECT * FROM testData2 group by a, b
case UnresolvedAlias(s: Star, _) => expand(s, child)
case o if containsStar(o :: Nil) => expandStarExpression(o, child) :: Nil
case o => o :: Nil
* Returns true if `exprs` contains a [[Star]].
def containsStar(exprs: Seq[Expression]): Boolean =
exprs.exists(_.collect { case _: Star => true }.nonEmpty)
private def extractStar(exprs: Seq[Expression]): Seq[Star] =
exprs.flatMap(_.collect { case s: Star => s })
* Expands the matching attribute.*'s in `child`'s output.
def expandStarExpression(expr: Expression, child: LogicalPlan): Expression = {
expr.transformUp {
case f0: UnresolvedFunction if !f0.isDistinct && == Seq("count") &&
f0.arguments == Seq(UnresolvedStar(None)) =>
// Transform COUNT(*) into COUNT(1).
f0.copy(nameParts = Seq("count"), arguments = Seq(Literal(1)))
case f1: UnresolvedFunction if containsStar(f1.arguments) =>
// SPECIAL CASE: We want to block count(tblName.*) because in spark, count(tblName.*) will
// be expanded while count(*) will be converted to count(1). They will produce different
// results and confuse users if there are any null values. For count(t1.*, t2.*), it is
// still allowed, since it's well-defined in spark.
if (!conf.allowStarWithSingleTableIdentifierInCount &&
f1.nameParts == Seq("count") &&
f1.arguments.length == 1) {
f1.arguments.foreach {
case u: UnresolvedStar if u.isQualifiedByTable(child, resolver) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors
case _ => // do nothing
f1.copy(arguments = f1.arguments.flatMap {
case s: Star => expand(s, child)
case o => o :: Nil
case c: CreateNamedStruct if containsStar(c.valExprs) =>
val newChildren = c.children.grouped(2).flatMap {
case Seq(k, s : Star) => CreateStruct(expand(s, child)).children
case kv => kv
c.copy(children = newChildren.toList )
case c: CreateArray if containsStar(c.children) =>
c.copy(children = c.children.flatMap {
case s: Star => expand(s, child)
case o => o :: Nil
case p: Murmur3Hash if containsStar(p.children) =>
p.copy(children = p.children.flatMap {
case s: Star => expand(s, child)
case o => o :: Nil
case p: XxHash64 if containsStar(p.children) =>
p.copy(children = p.children.flatMap {
case s: Star => expand(s, child)
case o => o :: Nil
case p: In if containsStar(p.children) =>
p.copy(list = p.list.flatMap {
case s: Star => expand(s, child)
case o => o :: Nil
// count(*) has been replaced by count(1)
case o if containsStar(o.children) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.invalidStarUsageError(s"expression `${o.prettyName}`",
private def containsDeserializer(exprs: Seq[Expression]): Boolean = {
* In many dialects of SQL it is valid to use ordinal positions in order/sort by and group by
* clauses. This rule is to convert ordinal positions to the corresponding expressions in the
* select list. This support is introduced in Spark 2.0.
* - When the sort references or group by expressions are not integer but foldable expressions,
* just ignore them.
* - When spark.sql.orderByOrdinal/spark.sql.groupByOrdinal is set to false, ignore the position
* numbers too.
* Before the release of Spark 2.0, the literals in order/sort by and group by clauses
* have no effect on the results.
object ResolveOrdinalInOrderByAndGroupBy extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(UNRESOLVED_ORDINAL), ruleId) {
case p if !p.childrenResolved => p
// Replace the index with the related attribute for ORDER BY,
// which is a 1-base position of the projection list.
case Sort(orders, global, child)
if orders.exists(_.child.isInstanceOf[UnresolvedOrdinal]) =>
val newOrders = orders map {
case s @ SortOrder(UnresolvedOrdinal(index), direction, nullOrdering, _) =>
if (index > 0 && index <= child.output.size) {
SortOrder(child.output(index - 1), direction, nullOrdering, Seq.empty)
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.orderByPositionRangeError(index, child.output.size, s)
case o => o
Sort(newOrders, global, child)
// Replace the index with the corresponding expression in aggregateExpressions. The index is
// a 1-base position of aggregateExpressions, which is output columns (select expression)
case Aggregate(groups, aggs, child) if aggs.forall(_.resolved) &&
groups.exists(containUnresolvedOrdinal) =>
val newGroups =, aggs))
Aggregate(newGroups, aggs, child)
private def containUnresolvedOrdinal(e: Expression): Boolean = e match {
case _: UnresolvedOrdinal => true
case gs: BaseGroupingSets => gs.children.exists(containUnresolvedOrdinal)
case _ => false
private def resolveGroupByExpressionOrdinal(
expr: Expression,
aggs: Seq[Expression]): Expression = expr match {
case ordinal @ UnresolvedOrdinal(index) =>
withPosition(ordinal) {
if (index > 0 && index <= aggs.size) {
val ordinalExpr = aggs(index - 1)
if (ordinalExpr.exists(_.isInstanceOf[AggregateExpression])) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.groupByPositionRefersToAggregateFunctionError(
index, ordinalExpr)
} else {
trimAliases(ordinalExpr) match {
// HACK ALERT: If the ordinal expression is also an integer literal, don't use it
// but still keep the ordinal literal. The reason is we may repeatedly
// analyze the plan. Using a different integer literal may lead to
// a repeat GROUP BY ordinal resolution which is wrong. GROUP BY
// constant is meaningless so whatever value does not matter here.
// TODO: (SPARK-45932) GROUP BY ordinal should pull out grouping expressions to
// a Project, then the resolved ordinal expression is always
// `AttributeReference`.
case Literal(_: Int, IntegerType) =>
case _ => ordinalExpr
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.groupByPositionRangeError(index, aggs.size)
case gs: BaseGroupingSets =>
gs.withNewChildren(, aggs)))
case others => others
* Checks whether a function identifier referenced by an [[UnresolvedFunction]] is defined in the
* function registry. Note that this rule doesn't try to resolve the [[UnresolvedFunction]]. It
* only performs simple existence check according to the function identifier to quickly identify
* undefined functions without triggering relation resolution, which may incur potentially
* expensive partition/schema discovery process in some cases.
* In order to avoid duplicate external functions lookup, the external function identifier will
* store in the local hash set externalFunctionNameSet.
* @see [[ResolveFunctions]]
* @see
object LookupFunctions extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
val externalFunctionNameSet = new mutable.HashSet[Seq[String]]()
plan.resolveExpressionsWithPruning(_.containsAnyPattern(UNRESOLVED_FUNCTION)) {
case f @ UnresolvedFunction(nameParts, _, _, _, _, _) =>
if (ResolveFunctions.lookupBuiltinOrTempFunction(nameParts).isDefined) {
} else {
val CatalogAndIdentifier(catalog, ident) = expandIdentifier(nameParts)
val fullName =
normalizeFuncName(( +: ident.namespace :+
if (externalFunctionNameSet.contains(fullName)) {
} else if (catalog.asFunctionCatalog.functionExists(ident)) {
} else {
val catalogPath = ( +: catalogManager.currentNamespace).mkString(".")
throw QueryCompilationErrors.unresolvedRoutineError(
Seq("system.builtin", "system.session", catalogPath),
def normalizeFuncName(name: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {
if (conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis) {
} else {
* Replaces [[UnresolvedFunctionName]]s with concrete [[LogicalPlan]]s.
* Replaces [[UnresolvedFunction]]s with concrete [[Expression]]s.
* Replaces [[UnresolvedGenerator]]s with concrete [[Expression]]s.
* Replaces [[UnresolvedTableValuedFunction]]s with concrete [[LogicalPlan]]s.
object ResolveFunctions extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
val trimWarningEnabled = new AtomicBoolean(true)
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
// Resolve functions with concrete relations from v2 catalog.
case u @ UnresolvedFunctionName(nameParts, cmd, requirePersistentFunc, mismatchHint, _) =>
.orElse(lookupBuiltinOrTempTableFunction(nameParts)).map { info =>
if (requirePersistentFunc) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.expectPersistentFuncError(
nameParts.head, cmd, mismatchHint, u)
} else {
ResolvedNonPersistentFunc(nameParts.head, V1Function(info))
}.getOrElse {
val CatalogAndIdentifier(catalog, ident) = expandIdentifier(nameParts)
val fullName = +: ident.namespace :+
CatalogV2Util.loadFunction(catalog, ident).map { func =>
ResolvedPersistentFunc(catalog.asFunctionCatalog, ident, func)
}.getOrElse(u.copy(possibleQualifiedName = Some(fullName.toImmutableArraySeq)))
// Resolve table-valued function references.
case u: UnresolvedTableValuedFunction if u.functionArgs.forall(_.resolved) =>
withPosition(u) {
try {
val resolvedFunc = resolveBuiltinOrTempTableFunction(, u.functionArgs).getOrElse {
val CatalogAndIdentifier(catalog, ident) = expandIdentifier(
if (CatalogV2Util.isSessionCatalog(catalog)) {
ident.asFunctionIdentifier, u.functionArgs)
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.missingCatalogAbilityError(
catalog, "table-valued functions")
case t: FunctionTableSubqueryArgumentExpression =>
resolvedFunc match {
case Generate(_: PythonUDTF, _, _, _, _, _) =>
case Generate(_: UnresolvedPolymorphicPythonUDTF, _, _, _, _, _) =>
case _ =>
"Cannot evaluate the table-valued function call because it included the " +
"PARTITION BY clause, but only Python table functions support this " +
} catch {
case _: NoSuchFunctionException =>
messageParameters = Map("name" -> toSQLId(
// Resolve table-valued functions' output column aliases.
case u: UnresolvedTVFAliases if u.child.resolved =>
// Add `Project` with the aliases.
val outputAttrs = u.child.output
// Checks if the number of the aliases is equal to expected one
if (u.outputNames.size != outputAttrs.size) {
messageParameters = Map(
"funcName" -> toSQLId(,
"aliasesNum" -> u.outputNames.size.toString,
"outColsNum" -> outputAttrs.size.toString))
val aliases = {
case (attr, name) => Alias(attr, name)()
Project(aliases, u.child)
case p: LogicalPlan
if p.resolved && p.containsPattern(FUNCTION_TABLE_RELATION_ARGUMENT_EXPRESSION) =>
withPosition(p) {
val tableArgs =
mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(FunctionTableSubqueryArgumentExpression, LogicalPlan)]
val tvf = p.transformExpressionsWithPruning(
case t: FunctionTableSubqueryArgumentExpression =>
val alias = SubqueryAlias.generateSubqueryName(s"_${tableArgs.size}")
tableArgs.append((t, SubqueryAlias(alias, t.evaluable)))
UnresolvedAttribute(Seq(alias, "c"))
if (!conf.tvfAllowMultipleTableArguments && tableArgs.size > 1) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.tableValuedFunctionTooManyTableArgumentsError(
val alias = SubqueryAlias.generateSubqueryName(s"_${tableArgs.size}")
// Propagate the column indexes for TABLE arguments to the PythonUDTF instance.
val tvfWithTableColumnIndexes = tvf match {
case g @ Generate(pyudtf: PythonUDTF, _, _, _, _, _)
if tableArgs.head._1.partitioningExpressionIndexes.nonEmpty =>
val partitionColumnIndexes =
g.copy(generator = pyudtf.copy(
pythonUDTFPartitionColumnIndexes = Some(partitionColumnIndexes)))
case _ => tvf
LateralJoin(, _, Inner, None, JoinHint.NONE)),
LateralSubquery(SubqueryAlias(alias, tvfWithTableColumnIndexes)), Inner, None)
case q: LogicalPlan =>
ruleId) {
case u @ UnresolvedFunction(nameParts, arguments, _, _, _, _)
if hasLambdaAndResolvedArguments(arguments) => withPosition(u) {
resolveBuiltinOrTempFunction(nameParts, arguments, Some(u)).map {
case func: HigherOrderFunction => func
case other => other.failAnalysis(
messageParameters = Map(
"class" -> other.getClass.getCanonicalName))
}.getOrElse {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.unresolvedRoutineError(
// We don't support persistent high-order functions yet.
Seq("system.builtin", "system.session"),
case u if !u.childrenResolved => u // Skip until children are resolved.
case u @ UnresolvedGenerator(name, arguments) => withPosition(u) {
// For generator function, the parser only accepts v1 function name and creates
// `FunctionIdentifier`.
v1SessionCatalog.lookupFunction(name, arguments) match {
case generator: Generator => generator
case other => throw QueryCompilationErrors.generatorNotExpectedError(
name, other.getClass.getCanonicalName)
case u @ UnresolvedFunction(nameParts, arguments, _, _, _, _) => withPosition(u) {
resolveBuiltinOrTempFunction(nameParts, arguments, Some(u)).getOrElse {
val CatalogAndIdentifier(catalog, ident) = expandIdentifier(nameParts)
if (CatalogV2Util.isSessionCatalog(catalog)) {
resolveV1Function(ident.asFunctionIdentifier, arguments, u)
} else {
resolveV2Function(catalog.asFunctionCatalog, ident, arguments, u)
case u: UnresolvedPolymorphicPythonUDTF => withPosition(u) {
// Check if this is a call to a Python user-defined table function whose polymorphic
// 'analyze' method returned metadata indicated requested partitioning and/or
// ordering properties of the input relation. In that event, make sure that the UDTF
// call did not include any explicit PARTITION BY and/or ORDER BY clauses for the
// corresponding TABLE argument, and then update the TABLE argument representation
// to apply the requested partitioning and/or ordering.
val analyzeResult = u.resolveElementMetadata(u.func, u.children)
val newChildren = {
case NamedArgumentExpression(key, t: FunctionTableSubqueryArgumentExpression) =>
NamedArgumentExpression(key, analyzeResult.applyToTableArgument(, t))
case t: FunctionTableSubqueryArgumentExpression =>
analyzeResult.applyToTableArgument(, t)
case c => c
PythonUDTF(, u.func, analyzeResult.schema, Some(analyzeResult.pickledAnalyzeResult),
newChildren, u.evalType, u.udfDeterministic, u.resultId)
* Check if the arguments of a function are either resolved or a lambda function.
private def hasLambdaAndResolvedArguments(expressions: Seq[Expression]): Boolean = {
val (lambdas, others) = expressions.partition(_.isInstanceOf[LambdaFunction])
lambdas.nonEmpty && others.forall(_.resolved)
def lookupBuiltinOrTempFunction(name: Seq[String]): Option[ExpressionInfo] = {
if (name.length == 1) {
} else {
def lookupBuiltinOrTempTableFunction(name: Seq[String]): Option[ExpressionInfo] = {
if (name.length == 1) {
} else {
private def resolveBuiltinOrTempFunction(
name: Seq[String],
arguments: Seq[Expression],
u: Option[UnresolvedFunction]): Option[Expression] = {
if (name.length == 1) {
v1SessionCatalog.resolveBuiltinOrTempFunction(name.head, arguments).map { func =>
if (u.isDefined) validateFunction(func, arguments.length, u.get) else func
} else {
private def resolveBuiltinOrTempTableFunction(
name: Seq[String],
arguments: Seq[Expression]): Option[LogicalPlan] = {
if (name.length == 1) {
v1SessionCatalog.resolveBuiltinOrTempTableFunction(name.head, arguments)
} else {
private def resolveV1Function(
ident: FunctionIdentifier,
arguments: Seq[Expression],
u: UnresolvedFunction): Expression = {
val func = v1SessionCatalog.resolvePersistentFunction(ident, arguments)
validateFunction(func, arguments.length, u)
private def validateFunction(
func: Expression,
numArgs: Int,
u: UnresolvedFunction): Expression = {
func match {
case owg: SupportsOrderingWithinGroup if u.isDistinct =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.distinctInverseDistributionFunctionUnsupportedError(
case owg: SupportsOrderingWithinGroup
if !owg.orderingFilled && u.orderingWithinGroup.isEmpty =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.inverseDistributionFunctionMissingWithinGroupError(
case owg: SupportsOrderingWithinGroup
if owg.orderingFilled && u.orderingWithinGroup.nonEmpty =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumOrderingsForInverseDistributionFunctionError(
owg.prettyName, 0, u.orderingWithinGroup.length)
case f
if !f.isInstanceOf[SupportsOrderingWithinGroup] && u.orderingWithinGroup.nonEmpty =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(
func.prettyName, "WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ...)")
// AggregateWindowFunctions are AggregateFunctions that can only be evaluated within
// the context of a Window clause. They do not need to be wrapped in an
// AggregateExpression.
case wf: AggregateWindowFunction =>
if (u.isDistinct) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(
wf.prettyName, "DISTINCT")
} else if (u.filter.isDefined) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(
wf.prettyName, "FILTER clause")
} else if (u.ignoreNulls) {
wf match {
case nthValue: NthValue =>
nthValue.copy(ignoreNulls = u.ignoreNulls)
case _ =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(
wf.prettyName, "IGNORE NULLS")
} else {
case owf: FrameLessOffsetWindowFunction =>
if (u.isDistinct) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(
owf.prettyName, "DISTINCT")
} else if (u.filter.isDefined) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(
owf.prettyName, "FILTER clause")
} else if (u.ignoreNulls) {
owf match {
case lead: Lead =>
lead.copy(ignoreNulls = u.ignoreNulls)
case lag: Lag =>
lag.copy(ignoreNulls = u.ignoreNulls)
} else {
// We get an aggregate function, we need to wrap it in an AggregateExpression.
case agg: AggregateFunction =>
// Note: PythonUDAF does not support these advanced clauses.
if (agg.isInstanceOf[PythonUDAF]) checkUnsupportedAggregateClause(agg, u)
// After parse, the inverse distribution functions not set the ordering within group yet.
val newAgg = agg match {
case owg: SupportsOrderingWithinGroup
if !owg.orderingFilled && u.orderingWithinGroup.nonEmpty =>
case _ =>
u.filter match {
case Some(filter) if !filter.deterministic =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.nonDeterministicFilterInAggregateError(
filterExpr = filter)
case Some(filter) if filter.dataType != BooleanType =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.nonBooleanFilterInAggregateError(
filterExpr = filter)
case Some(filter) if filter.exists(_.isInstanceOf[AggregateExpression]) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.aggregateInAggregateFilterError(
filterExpr = filter,
aggExpr = filter.find(_.isInstanceOf[AggregateExpression]).get)
case Some(filter) if filter.exists(_.isInstanceOf[WindowExpression]) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.windowFunctionInAggregateFilterError(
filterExpr = filter,
windowExpr = filter.find(_.isInstanceOf[WindowExpression]).get)
case _ =>
if (u.ignoreNulls) {
val aggFunc = newAgg match {
case first: First => first.copy(ignoreNulls = u.ignoreNulls)
case last: Last => last.copy(ignoreNulls = u.ignoreNulls)
case any_value: AnyValue => any_value.copy(ignoreNulls = u.ignoreNulls)
case _ =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(
newAgg.prettyName, "IGNORE NULLS")
aggFunc.toAggregateExpression(u.isDistinct, u.filter)
} else {
newAgg.toAggregateExpression(u.isDistinct, u.filter)
// This function is not an aggregate function, just return the resolved one.
case other =>
checkUnsupportedAggregateClause(other, u)
if (other.isInstanceOf[String2TrimExpression] && numArgs == 2) {
if (trimWarningEnabled.get) {
log.warn("Two-parameter TRIM/LTRIM/RTRIM function signatures are deprecated." +
" Use SQL syntax `TRIM((BOTH | LEADING | TRAILING)? trimStr FROM str)`" +
" instead.")
private def checkUnsupportedAggregateClause(func: Expression, u: UnresolvedFunction): Unit = {
if (u.isDistinct) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(
func.prettyName, "DISTINCT")
if (u.filter.isDefined) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(
func.prettyName, "FILTER clause")
if (u.ignoreNulls) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(
func.prettyName, "IGNORE NULLS")
private def resolveV2Function(
catalog: FunctionCatalog,
ident: Identifier,
arguments: Seq[Expression],
u: UnresolvedFunction): Expression = {
val unbound = catalog.loadFunction(ident)
val inputType = StructType( {
case (exp, pos) => StructField(s"_$pos", exp.dataType, exp.nullable)
val bound = try {
} catch {
case unsupported: UnsupportedOperationException =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionCannotProcessInputError(
unbound, arguments, unsupported)
if (bound.inputTypes().length != arguments.length) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.v2FunctionInvalidInputTypeLengthError(
bound, arguments)
bound match {
case scalarFunc: ScalarFunction[_] =>
processV2ScalarFunction(scalarFunc, arguments, u)
case aggFunc: V2AggregateFunction[_, _] =>
processV2AggregateFunction(aggFunc, arguments, u)
case _ =>
messageParameters = Map("funcName" -> toSQLId(
private def processV2ScalarFunction(
scalarFunc: ScalarFunction[_],
arguments: Seq[Expression],
u: UnresolvedFunction): Expression = {
if (u.isDistinct) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(, "DISTINCT")
} else if (u.filter.isDefined) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(, "FILTER clause")
} else if (u.ignoreNulls) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(, "IGNORE NULLS")
} else {
V2ExpressionUtils.resolveScalarFunction(scalarFunc, arguments)
private def processV2AggregateFunction(
aggFunc: V2AggregateFunction[_, _],
arguments: Seq[Expression],
u: UnresolvedFunction): Expression = {
if (u.ignoreNulls) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.functionWithUnsupportedSyntaxError(, "IGNORE NULLS")
val aggregator = V2Aggregator(aggFunc, arguments)
aggregator.toAggregateExpression(u.isDistinct, u.filter)
* This rule resolves and rewrites subqueries inside expressions.
* Note: CTEs are handled in CTESubstitution.
object ResolveSubquery extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
* Resolves the subquery plan that is referenced in a subquery expression, by invoking the
* entire analyzer recursively. We set outer plan in `AnalysisContext`, so that the analyzer
* can resolve outer references.
* Outer references of the subquery are updated as children of Subquery expression.
private def resolveSubQuery(
e: SubqueryExpression,
outer: LogicalPlan)(
f: (LogicalPlan, Seq[Expression]) => SubqueryExpression): SubqueryExpression = {
val newSubqueryPlan = AnalysisContext.withOuterPlan(outer) {
// If the subquery plan is fully resolved, pull the outer references and record
// them as children of SubqueryExpression.
if (newSubqueryPlan.resolved) {
// Record the outer references as children of subquery expression.
f(newSubqueryPlan, SubExprUtils.getOuterReferences(newSubqueryPlan))
} else {
* Resolves the subquery. Apart of resolving the subquery and outer references (if any)
* in the subquery plan, the children of subquery expression are updated to record the
* outer references. This is needed to make sure
* (1) The column(s) referred from the outer query are not pruned from the plan during
* optimization.
* (2) Any aggregate expression(s) that reference outer attributes are pushed down to
* outer plan to get evaluated.
private def resolveSubQueries(plan: LogicalPlan, outer: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
plan.transformAllExpressionsWithPruning(_.containsPattern(PLAN_EXPRESSION), ruleId) {
case s @ ScalarSubquery(sub, _, exprId, _, _, _) if !sub.resolved =>
resolveSubQuery(s, outer)(ScalarSubquery(_, _, exprId))
case e @ Exists(sub, _, exprId, _, _) if !sub.resolved =>
resolveSubQuery(e, outer)(Exists(_, _, exprId))
case InSubquery(values, l @ ListQuery(_, _, exprId, _, _, _))
if values.forall(_.resolved) && !l.resolved =>
val expr = resolveSubQuery(l, outer)((plan, exprs) => {
ListQuery(plan, exprs, exprId, plan.output.length)
InSubquery(values, expr.asInstanceOf[ListQuery])
case s @ LateralSubquery(sub, _, exprId, _, _) if !sub.resolved =>
resolveSubQuery(s, outer)(LateralSubquery(_, _, exprId))
case a: FunctionTableSubqueryArgumentExpression if !a.plan.resolved =>
resolveSubQuery(a, outer)(
(plan, outerAttrs) => a.copy(plan = plan, outerAttrs = outerAttrs))
* Resolve and rewrite all subqueries in an operator tree..
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(PLAN_EXPRESSION), ruleId) {
case j: LateralJoin if j.left.resolved =>
// We can't pass `LateralJoin` as the outer plan, as its right child is not resolved yet
// and we can't call `LateralJoin.resolveChildren` to resolve outer references. Here we
// create a fake Project node as the outer plan.
resolveSubQueries(j, Project(Nil, j.left))
// Only a few unary nodes (Project/Filter/Aggregate) can contain subqueries.
case q: UnaryNode if q.childrenResolved =>
resolveSubQueries(q, q)
case r: RelationTimeTravel =>
resolveSubQueries(r, r)
case j: Join if j.childrenResolved && j.duplicateResolved =>
resolveSubQueries(j, j)
case tvf: UnresolvedTableValuedFunction =>
resolveSubQueries(tvf, tvf)
case s: SupportsSubquery if s.childrenResolved =>
resolveSubQueries(s, s)
* Replaces unresolved column aliases for a subquery with projections.
object ResolveSubqueryColumnAliases extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(UNRESOLVED_SUBQUERY_COLUMN_ALIAS), ruleId) {
case u @ UnresolvedSubqueryColumnAliases(columnNames, child) if child.resolved =>
// Resolves output attributes if a query has alias names in its subquery:
// e.g., SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 AS a, 1 AS b) t(col1, col2)
val outputAttrs = child.output
// Checks if the number of the aliases equals to the number of output columns
// in the subquery.
if (columnNames.size != outputAttrs.size) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.aliasNumberNotMatchColumnNumberError(
columnNames.size, outputAttrs.size, u)
val aliases = { case (attr, aliasName) =>
Alias(attr, aliasName)()
Project(aliases, child)
* Turns projections that contain aggregate expressions into aggregations.
object GlobalAggregates extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
t => t.containsAnyPattern(AGGREGATE_EXPRESSION, PYTHON_UDF) && t.containsPattern(PROJECT),
ruleId) {
case Project(projectList, child) if containsAggregates(projectList) =>
Aggregate(Nil, projectList, child)
def containsAggregates(exprs: Seq[Expression]): Boolean = {
// Collect all Windowed Aggregate Expressions.
val windowedAggExprs: Set[Expression] = exprs.flatMap { expr =>
expr.collect {
case WindowExpression(ae: AggregateExpression, _) => ae
case UnresolvedWindowExpression(ae: AggregateExpression, _) => ae
// Find the first Aggregate Expression that is not Windowed.
exprs.exists(_.exists {
case ae: AggregateExpression => !windowedAggExprs.contains(ae)
case _ => false
* This rule finds aggregate expressions that are not in an aggregate operator. For example,
* those in a HAVING clause or ORDER BY clause. These expressions are pushed down to the
* underlying aggregate operator and then projected away after the original operator.
* We need to make sure the expressions all fully resolved before looking for aggregate functions
* and group by expressions from them.
object ResolveAggregateFunctions extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(AGGREGATE), ruleId) {
case UnresolvedHaving(cond, agg: Aggregate) if agg.resolved && cond.resolved =>
resolveOperatorWithAggregate(Seq(cond), agg, (newExprs, newChild) => {
val newCond = newExprs.head
if (newCond.resolved) {
Filter(newCond, newChild)
} else {
// The condition can be unresolved after the resolution, as we may mark
// `TempResolvedColumn` as unresolved if it's not aggregate function inputs or grouping
// expressions. We should remain `UnresolvedHaving` as the rule `ResolveReferences` can
// re-resolve `TempResolvedColumn` and `UnresolvedHaving` has a special column
// resolution order.
UnresolvedHaving(newCond, newChild)
case Filter(cond, agg: Aggregate) if agg.resolved && cond.resolved =>
resolveOperatorWithAggregate(Seq(cond), agg, (newExprs, newChild) => {
Filter(newExprs.head, newChild)
case s @ Sort(_, _, agg: Aggregate) if agg.resolved && s.order.forall(_.resolved) =>
resolveOperatorWithAggregate(, agg, (newExprs, newChild) => {
val newSortOrder = {
case (sortOrder, expr) => sortOrder.copy(child = expr)
s.copy(order = newSortOrder, child = newChild)
case s @ Sort(_, _, f @ Filter(cond, agg: Aggregate))
if agg.resolved && cond.resolved && s.order.forall(_.resolved) =>
resolveOperatorWithAggregate(, agg, (newExprs, newChild) => {
val newSortOrder = {
case (sortOrder, expr) => sortOrder.copy(child = expr)
s.copy(order = newSortOrder, child = f.copy(child = newChild))
* Resolves the given expressions as if they are in the given Aggregate operator, which means
* the column can be resolved using `agg.child` and aggregate functions/grouping columns are
* allowed. It returns a list of named expressions that need to be appended to
* `agg.aggregateExpressions`, and the list of resolved expressions.
def resolveExprsWithAggregate(
exprs: Seq[Expression],
agg: Aggregate): (Seq[NamedExpression], Seq[Expression]) = {
val extraAggExprs = ArrayBuffer.empty[NamedExpression]
val transformed = { e =>
if (!e.resolved) {
} else {
buildAggExprList(e, agg, extraAggExprs)
(extraAggExprs.toSeq, transformed)
private def buildAggExprList(
expr: Expression,
agg: Aggregate,
aggExprList: ArrayBuffer[NamedExpression]): Expression = {
// Avoid adding an extra aggregate expression if it's already present in
// `agg.aggregateExpressions`.
val index = agg.aggregateExpressions.indexWhere {
case Alias(child, _) => child semanticEquals expr
case other => other semanticEquals expr
if (index >= 0) {
} else {
expr match {
case ae: AggregateExpression =>
val cleaned = trimTempResolvedColumn(ae)
val alias = Alias(cleaned, cleaned.toString)()
aggExprList += alias
case grouping: Expression if agg.groupingExpressions.exists(grouping.semanticEquals) =>
trimTempResolvedColumn(grouping) match {
case ne: NamedExpression =>
aggExprList += ne
case other =>
val alias = Alias(other, other.toString)()
aggExprList += alias
case t: TempResolvedColumn =>
if (t.child.isInstanceOf[Attribute]) {
// This column is neither inside aggregate functions nor a grouping column. It
// shouldn't be resolved with `agg.child.output`. Mark it as "hasTried", so that it
// can be re-resolved later or go back to `UnresolvedAttribute` at the end.
withOrigin(t.origin)(t.copy(hasTried = true))
} else {
// This is a nested column, we still have a chance to match grouping expressions with
// the top-level column. Here we wrap the underlying `Attribute` with
// `TempResolvedColumn` and try again.
val childWithTempCol = t.child.transformUp {
case a: Attribute => TempResolvedColumn(a, Seq(
val newChild = buildAggExprList(childWithTempCol, agg, aggExprList)
if (newChild.containsPattern(TEMP_RESOLVED_COLUMN)) {
withOrigin(t.origin)(t.copy(hasTried = true))
} else {
case other =>
other.withNewChildren(, agg, aggExprList)))
private def trimTempResolvedColumn(input: Expression): Expression = input.transform {
case t: TempResolvedColumn => t.child
def resolveOperatorWithAggregate(
exprs: Seq[Expression],
agg: Aggregate,
buildOperator: (Seq[Expression], Aggregate) => LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
val (extraAggExprs, resolvedExprs) = resolveExprsWithAggregate(exprs, agg)
if (extraAggExprs.isEmpty) {
buildOperator(resolvedExprs, agg)
} else {
Project(agg.output, buildOperator(resolvedExprs, agg.copy(
aggregateExpressions = agg.aggregateExpressions ++ extraAggExprs)))
* Extracts [[Generator]] from the projectList of a [[Project]] operator and creates [[Generate]]
* operator under [[Project]].
* This rule will throw [[AnalysisException]] for following cases:
* 1. [[Generator]] is nested in expressions, e.g. `SELECT explode(list) + 1 FROM tbl`
* 2. more than one [[Generator]] is found in projectList,
* e.g. `SELECT explode(list), explode(list) FROM tbl`
* 3. [[Generator]] is found in other operators that are not [[Project]] or [[Generate]],
* e.g. `SELECT * FROM tbl SORT BY explode(list)`
object ExtractGenerator extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def hasGenerator(expr: Expression): Boolean = {
private def hasNestedGenerator(expr: NamedExpression): Boolean = {
def hasInnerGenerator(g: Generator): Boolean = g match {
// Since `GeneratorOuter` is just a wrapper of generators, we skip it here
case go: GeneratorOuter =>
case _ =>
g.children.exists { _.exists {
case _: Generator => true
case _ => false
} }
trimNonTopLevelAliases(expr) match {
case UnresolvedAlias(g: Generator, _) => hasInnerGenerator(g)
case Alias(g: Generator, _) => hasInnerGenerator(g)
case MultiAlias(g: Generator, _) => hasInnerGenerator(g)
case other => hasGenerator(other)
private def hasAggFunctionInGenerator(ne: Seq[NamedExpression]): Boolean = {
ne.exists(_.exists {
case g: Generator =>
case _ =>
private def trimAlias(expr: NamedExpression): Expression = expr match {
case UnresolvedAlias(child, _) => child
case Alias(child, _) => child
case MultiAlias(child, _) => child
case _ => expr
private object AliasedGenerator {
* Extracts a [[Generator]] expression, any names assigned by aliases to the outputs
* and the outer flag. The outer flag is used when joining the generator output.
* @param e the [[Expression]]
* @return (the [[Generator]], seq of output names, outer flag)
def unapply(e: Expression): Option[(Generator, Seq[String], Boolean)] = e match {
case Alias(GeneratorOuter(g: Generator), name) if g.resolved => Some((g, name :: Nil, true))
case MultiAlias(GeneratorOuter(g: Generator), names) if g.resolved => Some((g, names, true))
case Alias(g: Generator, name) if g.resolved => Some((g, name :: Nil, false))
case MultiAlias(g: Generator, names) if g.resolved => Some((g, names, false))
case _ => None
// We must wait until all expressions except for generator functions are resolved before
// rewriting generator functions in Project/Aggregate. This is necessary to make this rule
// stable for different execution orders of analyzer rules. See also SPARK-47241.
private def canRewriteGenerator(namedExprs: Seq[NamedExpression]): Boolean = {
namedExprs.forall { ne =>
ne.resolved || {
trimNonTopLevelAliases(ne) match {
case AliasedGenerator(_, _, _) => true
case _ => false
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(GENERATOR), ruleId) {
case Project(projectList, _) if projectList.exists(hasNestedGenerator) =>
val nestedGenerator = projectList.find(hasNestedGenerator).get
throw QueryCompilationErrors.nestedGeneratorError(trimAlias(nestedGenerator))
case Aggregate(_, aggList, _) if aggList.exists(hasNestedGenerator) =>
val nestedGenerator = aggList.find(hasNestedGenerator).get
throw QueryCompilationErrors.nestedGeneratorError(trimAlias(nestedGenerator))
case Aggregate(_, aggList, _) if aggList.count(hasGenerator) > 1 =>
val generators = aggList.filter(hasGenerator).map(trimAlias)
throw QueryCompilationErrors.moreThanOneGeneratorError(generators)
case Aggregate(groupList, aggList, child) if canRewriteGenerator(aggList) &&
aggList.exists(hasGenerator) =>
// If generator in the aggregate list was visited, set the boolean flag true.
var generatorVisited = false
val projectExprs = Array.ofDim[NamedExpression](aggList.length)
val newAggList = aggList
.flatMap {
case (AliasedGenerator(generator, names, outer), idx) =>
// It's a sanity check, this should not happen as the previous case will throw
// exception earlier.
assert(!generatorVisited, "More than one generator found in aggregate.")
generatorVisited = true
val newGenChildren: Seq[Expression] = {
case (e, idx) => if (e.foldable) e else Alias(e, s"_gen_input_${idx}")()
val newGenerator = {
val g = generator.withNewChildren( { e =>
if (e.foldable) e else e.asInstanceOf[Alias].toAttribute
if (outer) GeneratorOuter(g) else g
val newAliasedGenerator = if (names.length == 1) {
Alias(newGenerator, names(0))()
} else {
MultiAlias(newGenerator, names)
projectExprs(idx) = newAliasedGenerator
case (other, idx) =>
projectExprs(idx) = other.toAttribute
other :: Nil
val newAgg = Aggregate(groupList, newAggList, child)
Project(projectExprs.toList, newAgg)
case p @ Project(projectList, _) if hasAggFunctionInGenerator(projectList) =>
// If a generator has any aggregate function, we need to apply the `GlobalAggregates` rule
// first for replacing `Project` with `Aggregate`.
case p @ Project(projectList, child) if canRewriteGenerator(projectList) &&
projectList.exists(hasGenerator) =>
val (resolvedGenerator, newProjectList) = projectList
.foldLeft((None: Option[Generate], Nil: Seq[NamedExpression])) { (res, e) =>
e match {
// If there are more than one generator, we only rewrite the first one and wait for
// the next analyzer iteration to rewrite the next one.
case AliasedGenerator(generator, names, outer) if res._1.isEmpty &&
generator.childrenResolved =>
val g = Generate(
unrequiredChildIndex = Nil,
outer = outer,
qualifier = None,
generatorOutput = ResolveGenerate.makeGeneratorOutput(generator, names),
(Some(g), res._2 ++ g.nullableOutput)
case other =>
(res._1, res._2 :+ other)
if (resolvedGenerator.isDefined) {
Project(newProjectList, resolvedGenerator.get)
} else {
case g @ Generate(GeneratorOuter(generator), _, _, _, _, _) =>
g.copy(generator = generator, outer = true)
case g: Generate => g
case u: UnresolvedTableValuedFunction => u
case p: Project => p
case a: Aggregate => a
case p if p.expressions.exists(hasGenerator) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.generatorOutsideSelectError(p)
* Rewrites table generating expressions that either need one or more of the following in order
* to be resolved:
* - concrete attribute references for their output.
* - to be relocated from a SELECT clause (i.e. from a [[Project]]) into a [[Generate]]).
* Names for the output [[Attribute]]s are extracted from [[Alias]] or [[MultiAlias]] expressions
* that wrap the [[Generator]].
object ResolveGenerate extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(GENERATE), ruleId) {
case g: Generate if !g.child.resolved || !g.generator.resolved => g
case g: Generate if !g.resolved => withPosition(g) {
// Check nested generators.
if (g.generator.children.exists(ExtractGenerator.hasGenerator)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.nestedGeneratorError(g.generator)
g.copy(generatorOutput = makeGeneratorOutput(g.generator,
* Construct the output attributes for a [[Generator]], given a list of names. If the list of
* names is empty names are assigned from field names in generator.
private[analysis] def makeGeneratorOutput(
generator: Generator,
names: Seq[String]): Seq[Attribute] = {
val elementAttrs = DataTypeUtils.toAttributes(generator.elementSchema)
if (names.length == elementAttrs.length) { {
case (name, attr) => attr.withName(name)
} else if (names.isEmpty) {
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.aliasesNumberNotMatchUDTFOutputError(
elementAttrs.size, names.mkString(","))
* Extracts [[WindowExpression]]s from the projectList of a [[Project]] operator and
* aggregateExpressions of an [[Aggregate]] operator and creates individual [[Window]]
* operators for every distinct [[WindowSpecDefinition]].
* This rule handles three cases:
* - A [[Project]] having [[WindowExpression]]s in its projectList;
* - An [[Aggregate]] having [[WindowExpression]]s in its aggregateExpressions.
* - A [[Filter]]->[[Aggregate]] pattern representing GROUP BY with a HAVING
* clause and the [[Aggregate]] has [[WindowExpression]]s in its aggregateExpressions.
* Note: If there is a GROUP BY clause in the query, aggregations and corresponding
* filters (expressions in the HAVING clause) should be evaluated before any
* [[WindowExpression]]. If a query has SELECT DISTINCT, the DISTINCT part should be
* evaluated after all [[WindowExpression]]s.
* Note: [[ResolveLateralColumnAliasReference]] rule is applied before this rule. To guarantee
* this order, we make sure this rule applies only when the [[Project]] or [[Aggregate]] doesn't
* For every case, the transformation works as follows:
* 1. For a list of [[Expression]]s (a projectList or an aggregateExpressions), partitions
* it two lists of [[Expression]]s, one for all [[WindowExpression]]s and another for
* all regular expressions.
* 2. For all [[WindowExpression]]s, groups them based on their [[WindowSpecDefinition]]s
* and [[WindowFunctionType]]s.
* 3. For every distinct [[WindowSpecDefinition]] and [[WindowFunctionType]], creates a
* [[Window]] operator and inserts it into the plan tree.
object ExtractWindowExpressions extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
type Spec = (Seq[Expression], Seq[SortOrder], WindowFunctionType)
private def hasWindowFunction(exprs: Seq[Expression]): Boolean =
private def hasWindowFunction(expr: Expression): Boolean = {
expr.exists {
case window: WindowExpression => true
case _ => false
* From a Seq of [[NamedExpression]]s, extract expressions containing window expressions and
* other regular expressions that do not contain any window expression. For example, for
* `col1, Sum(col2 + col3) OVER (PARTITION BY col4 ORDER BY col5)`, we will extract
* `col1`, `col2 + col3`, `col4`, and `col5` out and replace their appearances in
* the window expression as attribute references. So, the first returned value will be
* `[Sum(_w0) OVER (PARTITION BY _w1 ORDER BY _w2)]` and the second returned value will be
* [col1, col2 + col3 as _w0, col4 as _w1, col5 as _w2].
* @return (seq of expressions containing at least one window expression,
* seq of non-window expressions)
private def extract(
expressions: Seq[NamedExpression]): (Seq[NamedExpression], Seq[NamedExpression]) = {
// First, we partition the input expressions to two part. For the first part,
// every expression in it contain at least one WindowExpression.
// Expressions in the second part do not have any WindowExpression.
val (expressionsWithWindowFunctions, regularExpressions) =
// Then, we need to extract those regular expressions used in the WindowExpression.
// For example, when we have col1 - Sum(col2 + col3) OVER (PARTITION BY col4 ORDER BY col5),
// we need to make sure that col1 to col5 are all projected from the child of the Window
// operator.
val extractedExprMap = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[Expression, NamedExpression]
def getOrExtract(key: Expression, value: Expression): Expression = {
Alias(value, s"_w${extractedExprMap.size}")()).toAttribute
def extractExpr(expr: Expression): Expression = expr match {
case ne: NamedExpression =>
// If a named expression is not in regularExpressions, add it to
// extractedExprMap and replace it with an AttributeReference.
val missingExpr =
AttributeSet(Seq(expr)) -- (regularExpressions ++ extractedExprMap.values)
if (missingExpr.nonEmpty) {
extractedExprMap += ne.canonicalized -> ne
// alias will be cleaned in the rule CleanupAliases
case e: Expression if e.foldable =>
e // No need to create an attribute reference if it will be evaluated as a Literal.
case e: NamedArgumentExpression =>
// For NamedArgumentExpression, we extract the value and replace it with
// an AttributeReference (with an internal column name, e.g. "_w0").
NamedArgumentExpression(e.key, getOrExtract(e, e.value))
case e: Expression =>
// For other expressions, we extract it and replace it with an AttributeReference (with
// an internal column name, e.g. "_w0").
getOrExtract(e, e)
// Now, we extract regular expressions from expressionsWithWindowFunctions
// by using extractExpr.
val seenWindowAggregates = new ArrayBuffer[AggregateExpression]
val newExpressionsWithWindowFunctions = {
_.transform {
// Extracts children expressions of a WindowFunction (input parameters of
// a WindowFunction).
case wf: WindowFunction =>
val newChildren =
// Extracts expressions from the partition spec and order spec.
case wsc @ WindowSpecDefinition(partitionSpec, orderSpec, _) =>
val newPartitionSpec =
val newOrderSpec = { so =>
val newChild = extractExpr(so.child)
so.copy(child = newChild)
wsc.copy(partitionSpec = newPartitionSpec, orderSpec = newOrderSpec)
case WindowExpression(ae: AggregateExpression, _) if ae.filter.isDefined =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.windowAggregateFunctionWithFilterNotSupportedError()
// Extract Windowed AggregateExpression
case we @ WindowExpression(
ae @ AggregateExpression(function, _, _, _, _),
spec: WindowSpecDefinition) =>
val newChildren =
val newFunction = function.withNewChildren(newChildren).asInstanceOf[AggregateFunction]
val newAgg = ae.copy(aggregateFunction = newFunction)
seenWindowAggregates += newAgg
WindowExpression(newAgg, spec)
case AggregateExpression(aggFunc, _, _, _, _) if hasWindowFunction(aggFunc.children) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.windowFunctionInsideAggregateFunctionNotAllowedError()
// Extracts AggregateExpression. For example, for SUM(x) - Sum(y) OVER (...),
// we need to extract SUM(x).
case agg: AggregateExpression if !seenWindowAggregates.contains(agg) =>
Alias(agg, s"_w${extractedExprMap.size}")()).toAttribute
// Extracts other attributes
case attr: Attribute => extractExpr(attr)
(newExpressionsWithWindowFunctions, regularExpressions ++ extractedExprMap.values)
} // end of extract
* Adds operators for Window Expressions. Every Window operator handles a single Window Spec.
private def addWindow(
expressionsWithWindowFunctions: Seq[NamedExpression],
child: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
// First, we need to extract all WindowExpressions from expressionsWithWindowFunctions
// and put those extracted WindowExpressions to extractedWindowExprBuffer.
// This step is needed because it is possible that an expression contains multiple
// WindowExpressions with different Window Specs.
// After extracting WindowExpressions, we need to construct a project list to generate
// expressionsWithWindowFunctions based on extractedWindowExprBuffer.
// For example, for "sum(a) over (...) / sum(b) over (...)", we will first extract
// "sum(a) over (...)" and "sum(b) over (...)" out, and assign "_we0" as the alias to
// "sum(a) over (...)" and "_we1" as the alias to "sum(b) over (...)".
// Then, the projectList will be [_we0/_we1].
val extractedWindowExprBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[NamedExpression]()
val newExpressionsWithWindowFunctions = {
// We need to use transformDown because we want to trigger
// "case alias @ Alias(window: WindowExpression, _)" first.
_.transformDown {
case alias @ Alias(window: WindowExpression, _) =>
// If a WindowExpression has an assigned alias, just use it.
extractedWindowExprBuffer += alias
case window: WindowExpression =>
// If there is no alias assigned to the WindowExpressions. We create an
// internal column.
val withName = Alias(window, s"_we${extractedWindowExprBuffer.length}")()
extractedWindowExprBuffer += withName
// SPARK-32616: Use a linked hash map to maintains the insertion order of the Window
// operators, so the query with multiple Window operators can have the determined plan.
val groupedWindowExpressions = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[Spec, ArrayBuffer[NamedExpression]]
// Second, we group extractedWindowExprBuffer based on their Partition and Order Specs.
extractedWindowExprBuffer.foreach { expr =>
val distinctWindowSpec = expr.collect {
case window: WindowExpression => window.windowSpec
// We do a final check and see if we only have a single Window Spec defined in an
// expressions.
if (distinctWindowSpec.isEmpty) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.expressionWithoutWindowExpressionError(expr)
} else if (distinctWindowSpec.length > 1) {
// newExpressionsWithWindowFunctions only have expressions with a single
// WindowExpression. If we reach here, we have a bug.
throw QueryCompilationErrors.expressionWithMultiWindowExpressionsError(
expr, distinctWindowSpec)
} else {
val spec = distinctWindowSpec.head
val specKey = (spec.partitionSpec, spec.orderSpec, WindowFunctionType.functionType(expr))
val windowExprs = groupedWindowExpressions
.getOrElseUpdate(specKey, new ArrayBuffer[NamedExpression])
windowExprs += expr
// Third, we aggregate them by adding each Window operator for each Window Spec and then
// setting this to the child of the next Window operator.
val windowOps =
groupedWindowExpressions.foldLeft(child) {
case (last, ((partitionSpec, orderSpec, _), windowExpressions)) =>
Window(windowExpressions.toSeq, partitionSpec, orderSpec, last)
// Finally, we create a Project to output windowOps's output
// newExpressionsWithWindowFunctions.
Project(windowOps.output ++ newExpressionsWithWindowFunctions, windowOps)
} // end of addWindow
// We have to use transformDown at here to make sure the rule of
// "Aggregate with Having clause" will be triggered.
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsDownWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(WINDOW_EXPRESSION), ruleId) {
case Filter(condition, _) if hasWindowFunction(condition) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.windowFunctionNotAllowedError("WHERE")
case UnresolvedHaving(condition, _) if hasWindowFunction(condition) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.windowFunctionNotAllowedError("HAVING")
// Aggregate with Having clause. This rule works with an unresolved Aggregate because
// a resolved Aggregate will not have Window Functions.
case f @ UnresolvedHaving(condition, a @ Aggregate(groupingExprs, aggregateExprs, child))
if child.resolved &&
hasWindowFunction(aggregateExprs) &&
a.expressions.forall(_.resolved) =>
case lcaRef: LateralColumnAliasReference =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.lateralColumnAliasInAggWithWindowAndHavingUnsupportedError(
val (windowExpressions, aggregateExpressions) = extract(aggregateExprs)
// Create an Aggregate operator to evaluate aggregation functions.
val withAggregate = Aggregate(groupingExprs, aggregateExpressions, child)
// Add a Filter operator for conditions in the Having clause.
val withFilter = Filter(condition, withAggregate)
val withWindow = addWindow(windowExpressions, withFilter)
// Finally, generate output columns according to the original projectList.
val finalProjectList =
Project(finalProjectList, withWindow)
case p: LogicalPlan if !p.childrenResolved => p
// Aggregate without Having clause.
// Make sure the lateral column aliases are properly handled first.
case a @ Aggregate(groupingExprs, aggregateExprs, child)
if hasWindowFunction(aggregateExprs) &&
a.expressions.forall(_.resolved) &&
!aggregateExprs.exists(_.containsPattern(LATERAL_COLUMN_ALIAS_REFERENCE)) =>
val (windowExpressions, aggregateExpressions) = extract(aggregateExprs)
// Create an Aggregate operator to evaluate aggregation functions.
val withAggregate = Aggregate(groupingExprs, aggregateExpressions, child)
// Add Window operators.
val withWindow = addWindow(windowExpressions, withAggregate)
// Finally, generate output columns according to the original projectList.
val finalProjectList =
Project(finalProjectList, withWindow)
// We only extract Window Expressions after all expressions of the Project
// have been resolved, and lateral column aliases are properly handled first.
case p @ Project(projectList, child)
if hasWindowFunction(projectList) &&
p.expressions.forall(_.resolved) &&
!projectList.exists(_.containsPattern(LATERAL_COLUMN_ALIAS_REFERENCE)) =>
val (windowExpressions, regularExpressions) = extract(projectList.toIndexedSeq)
// We add a project to get all needed expressions for window expressions from the child
// of the original Project operator.
val withProject = Project(regularExpressions, child)
// Add Window operators.
val withWindow = addWindow(windowExpressions, withProject)
// Finally, generate output columns according to the original projectList.
val finalProjectList =
Project(finalProjectList, withWindow)
* Set the seed for random number generation.
object ResolveRandomSeed extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
private lazy val random = new Random()
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(EXPRESSION_WITH_RANDOM_SEED), ruleId) {
case p if p.resolved => p
case p => p.transformExpressionsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(EXPRESSION_WITH_RANDOM_SEED), ruleId) {
case e: ExpressionWithRandomSeed if e.seedExpression == UnresolvedSeed =>
* Correctly handle null primitive inputs for UDF by adding extra [[If]] expression to do the
* null check. When user defines a UDF with primitive parameters, there is no way to tell if the
* primitive parameter is null or not, so here we assume the primitive input is null-propagatable
* and we should return null if the input is null.
object HandleNullInputsForUDF extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(SCALA_UDF)) {
case p if !p.resolved => p // Skip unresolved nodes.
case p => p.transformExpressionsUpWithPruning(_.containsPattern(SCALA_UDF)) {
case udf: ScalaUDF if udf.inputPrimitives.contains(true) =>
// Otherwise, add special handling of null for fields that can't accept null.
// The result of operations like this, when passed null, is generally to return null.
assert(udf.inputPrimitives.length == udf.children.length)
val inputPrimitivesPair =
val inputNullCheck = inputPrimitivesPair.collect {
case (isPrimitive, input) if isPrimitive && input.nullable =>
if (inputNullCheck.isDefined) {
// Once we add an `If` check above the udf, it is safe to mark those checked inputs
// as null-safe (i.e., wrap with `KnownNotNull`), because the null-returning
// branch of `If` will be called if any of these checked inputs is null. Thus we can
// prevent this rule from being applied repeatedly.
val newInputs = {
case (isPrimitive, input) =>
if (isPrimitive && input.nullable) {
} else {
val newUDF = udf.copy(children = newInputs)
If(inputNullCheck.get, Literal.create(null, udf.dataType), newUDF)
} else {
* Resolve the encoders for the UDF by explicitly given the attributes. We give the
* attributes explicitly in order to handle the case where the data type of the input
* value is not the same with the internal schema of the encoder, which could cause
* data loss. For example, the encoder should not cast the input value to Decimal(38, 18)
* if the actual data type is Decimal(30, 0).
* The resolved encoders then will be used to deserialize the internal row to Scala value.
object ResolveEncodersInUDF extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(SCALA_UDF), ruleId) {
case p if !p.resolved => p // Skip unresolved nodes.
case p => p.transformExpressionsUpWithPruning(_.containsPattern(SCALA_UDF), ruleId) {
case udf: ScalaUDF if udf.inputEncoders.nonEmpty =>
val boundEncoders = { case (encOpt, i) =>
val dataType = udf.children(i).dataType { enc =>
val attrs = if (enc.isSerializedAsStructForTopLevel) {
// Value class that has been replaced with its underlying type
if (enc.schema.fields.length == 1 && enc.schema.fields.head.dataType == dataType) {
} else {
} else {
// the field name doesn't matter here, so we use
// a simple literal to avoid any overhead
DataTypeUtils.toAttribute(StructField("input", dataType)) :: Nil
udf.copy(inputEncoders = boundEncoders)
* Check and add proper window frames for all window functions.
object ResolveWindowFrame extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveExpressionsWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(WINDOW_EXPRESSION), ruleId) {
case WindowExpression(wf: FrameLessOffsetWindowFunction,
WindowSpecDefinition(_, _, f: SpecifiedWindowFrame)) if wf.frame != f =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.cannotSpecifyWindowFrameError(wf.prettyName)
case WindowExpression(wf: WindowFunction, WindowSpecDefinition(_, _, f: SpecifiedWindowFrame))
if wf.frame != UnspecifiedFrame && wf.frame != f =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.windowFrameNotMatchRequiredFrameError(f, wf.frame)
case WindowExpression(wf: WindowFunction, s @ WindowSpecDefinition(_, _, UnspecifiedFrame))
if wf.frame != UnspecifiedFrame =>
WindowExpression(wf, s.copy(frameSpecification = wf.frame))
case we @ WindowExpression(e, s @ WindowSpecDefinition(_, o, UnspecifiedFrame))
if e.resolved =>
val frame = if (o.nonEmpty) {
SpecifiedWindowFrame(RangeFrame, UnboundedPreceding, CurrentRow)
} else {
SpecifiedWindowFrame(RowFrame, UnboundedPreceding, UnboundedFollowing)
we.copy(windowSpec = s.copy(frameSpecification = frame))
* Check and add order to [[AggregateWindowFunction]]s.
object ResolveWindowOrder extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveExpressionsWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(WINDOW_EXPRESSION), ruleId) {
case WindowExpression(wf: WindowFunction, spec) if spec.orderSpec.isEmpty =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.windowFunctionWithWindowFrameNotOrderedError(wf)
case WindowExpression(rank: RankLike, spec) if spec.resolved =>
val order =
WindowExpression(rank.withOrder(order), spec)
* Removes natural or using joins by calculating output columns based on output from two sides,
* Then apply a Project on a normal Join to eliminate natural or using join.
object ResolveNaturalAndUsingJoin extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(NATURAL_LIKE_JOIN), ruleId) {
case j @ Join(left, right, UsingJoin(joinType, usingCols), _, hint)
if left.resolved && right.resolved && j.duplicateResolved =>
val project = commonNaturalJoinProcessing(
left, right, joinType, usingCols, None, hint)
.foreach(project.setTagValue(LogicalPlan.PLAN_ID_TAG, _))
case j @ Join(left, right, NaturalJoin(joinType), condition, hint)
if j.resolvedExceptNatural =>
// find common column names from both sides
val joinNames =
val project = commonNaturalJoinProcessing(
left, right, joinType, joinNames, condition, hint)
.foreach(project.setTagValue(LogicalPlan.PLAN_ID_TAG, _))
* Resolves columns of an output table from the data in a logical plan. This rule will:
* - Reorder columns when the write is by name
* - Insert casts when data types do not match
* - Insert aliases when column names do not match
* - Detect plans that are not compatible with the output table and throw AnalysisException
object ResolveOutputRelation extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(COMMAND), ruleId) {
case v2Write: V2WriteCommand
if v2Write.table.resolved && v2Write.query.resolved && !v2Write.outputResolved =>
expected = v2Write.table.output, queryOutput = v2Write.query.output)
val projection = TableOutputResolver.resolveOutputColumns(, v2Write.table.output, v2Write.query, v2Write.isByName, conf)
if (projection != v2Write.query) {
val cleanedTable = v2Write.table match {
case r: DataSourceV2Relation =>
r.copy(output =
case other => other
} else {
private def validateStoreAssignmentPolicy(): Unit = {
// SPARK-28730: LEGACY store assignment policy is disallowed in data source v2.
if (conf.storeAssignmentPolicy == StoreAssignmentPolicy.LEGACY) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.legacyStoreAssignmentPolicyError()
private def commonNaturalJoinProcessing(
left: LogicalPlan,
right: LogicalPlan,
joinType: JoinType,
joinNames: Seq[String],
condition: Option[Expression],
hint: JoinHint): LogicalPlan = {
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util._
val leftKeys = { keyName =>
left.output.find(attr => resolver(, keyName)).getOrElse {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.unresolvedUsingColForJoinError(
keyName,", "), "left")
val rightKeys = { keyName =>
right.output.find(attr => resolver(, keyName)).getOrElse {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.unresolvedUsingColForJoinError(
keyName,", "), "right")
val joinPairs =
val newCondition = (condition ++
// columns not in joinPairs
val lUniqueOutput = left.output.filterNot(att => leftKeys.contains(att))
val rUniqueOutput = right.output.filterNot(att => rightKeys.contains(att))
// the output list looks like: join keys, columns from left, columns from right
val (projectList, hiddenList) = joinType match {
case LeftOuter =>
(leftKeys ++ lUniqueOutput ++,
case LeftExistence(_) =>
(leftKeys ++ lUniqueOutput, Seq.empty)
case RightOuter =>
(rightKeys ++ ++ rUniqueOutput,
case FullOuter =>
// In full outer join, we should return non-null values for the join columns
// if either side has non-null values for those columns. Therefore, for each
// join column pair, add a coalesce to return the non-null value, if it exists.
val joinedCols = { case (l, r) =>
// Since this is a full outer join, either side could be null, so we explicitly
// set the nullability to true for both sides.
Alias(Coalesce(Seq(l.withNullability(true), r.withNullability(true))),
(joinedCols ++ ++, ++
case _ : InnerLike =>
(leftKeys ++ lUniqueOutput ++ rUniqueOutput, rightKeys)
case _ =>
throw QueryExecutionErrors.unsupportedNaturalJoinTypeError(joinType)
// use Project to hide duplicated common keys
// propagate hidden columns from nested USING/NATURAL JOINs
val project = Project(projectList, Join(left, right, joinType, newCondition, hint))
Project.hiddenOutputTag, ++
* Replaces [[UnresolvedDeserializer]] with the deserialization expression that has been resolved
* to the given input attributes.
object ResolveDeserializer extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(UNRESOLVED_DESERIALIZER), ruleId) {
case p if !p.childrenResolved => p
case p if p.resolved => p
case p => p.transformExpressionsWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(UNRESOLVED_DESERIALIZER), ruleId) {
case UnresolvedDeserializer(deserializer, inputAttributes) =>
val inputs = if (inputAttributes.isEmpty) {
} else {
validateTopLevelTupleFields(deserializer, inputs)
val resolved = resolveExpressionByPlanOutput(
deserializer, LocalRelation(inputs), throws = true)
val result = resolved transformDown {
case UnresolvedMapObjects(func, inputData, cls) if inputData.resolved =>
inputData.dataType match {
case ArrayType(et, cn) =>
MapObjects(func, inputData, et, cn, cls) transformUp {
case UnresolvedExtractValue(child, fieldName) if child.resolved =>
ExtractValue(child, fieldName, resolver)
case other =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.dataTypeMismatchForDeserializerError(other,
case u: UnresolvedCatalystToExternalMap if u.child.resolved =>
u.child.dataType match {
case _: MapType =>
CatalystToExternalMap(u) transformUp {
case UnresolvedExtractValue(child, fieldName) if child.resolved =>
ExtractValue(child, fieldName, resolver)
case other =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.dataTypeMismatchForDeserializerError(other, "map")
private def fail(schema: StructType, maxOrdinal: Int): Unit = {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.fieldNumberMismatchForDeserializerError(schema, maxOrdinal)
* For each top-level Tuple field, we use [[GetColumnByOrdinal]] to get its corresponding column
* by position. However, the actual number of columns may be different from the number of Tuple
* fields. This method is used to check the number of columns and fields, and throw an
* exception if they do not match.
private def validateTopLevelTupleFields(
deserializer: Expression, inputs: Seq[Attribute]): Unit = {
val ordinals = deserializer.collect {
case GetColumnByOrdinal(ordinal, _) => ordinal
if (ordinals.nonEmpty && ordinals != inputs.indices) {
fail(inputs.toStructType, ordinals.last)
* For each nested Tuple field, we use [[GetStructField]] to get its corresponding struct field
* by position. However, the actual number of struct fields may be different from the number
* of nested Tuple fields. This method is used to check the number of struct fields and nested
* Tuple fields, and throw an exception if they do not match.
private def validateNestedTupleFields(deserializer: Expression): Unit = {
val structChildToOrdinals = deserializer
// There are 2 kinds of `GetStructField`:
// 1. resolved from `UnresolvedExtractValue`, and it will have a `name` property.
// 2. created when we build deserializer expression for nested tuple, no `name` property.
// Here we want to validate the ordinals of nested tuple, so we should only catch
// `GetStructField` without the name property.
.collect { case g: GetStructField if => g }
.transform((_, v) =>
structChildToOrdinals.foreach { case (expr, ordinals) =>
val schema = expr.dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
if (ordinals != schema.indices) {
fail(schema, ordinals.last)
* Resolves [[NewInstance]] by finding and adding the outer scope to it if the object being
* constructed is an inner class.
object ResolveNewInstance extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(NEW_INSTANCE), ruleId) {
case p if !p.childrenResolved => p
case p if p.resolved => p
case p => p.transformExpressionsUpWithPruning(_.containsPattern(NEW_INSTANCE), ruleId) {
case n: NewInstance if n.childrenResolved && !n.resolved =>
val outer = OuterScopes.getOuterScope(n.cls)
if (outer == null) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.outerScopeFailureForNewInstanceError(n.cls.getName)
n.copy(outerPointer = Some(outer))
* Replace the [[UpCast]] expression by [[Cast]], and throw exceptions if the cast may truncate.
object ResolveUpCast extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
private def fail(from: Expression, to: DataType, walkedTypePath: Seq[String]) = {
val fromStr = from match {
case l: LambdaVariable => "array element"
case e => e.sql
throw QueryCompilationErrors.upCastFailureError(fromStr, from, to, walkedTypePath)
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(UP_CAST), ruleId) {
case p if !p.childrenResolved => p
case p if p.resolved => p
case p => p.transformExpressionsWithPruning(_.containsPattern(UP_CAST), ruleId) {
case u @ UpCast(child, _, _) if !child.resolved => u
case UpCast(_, target, _) if target != DecimalType && !target.isInstanceOf[DataType] =>
throw SparkException.internalError(
s"UpCast only supports DecimalType as AbstractDataType yet, but got: $target")
case UpCast(child, target, walkedTypePath) if target == DecimalType
&& child.dataType.isInstanceOf[DecimalType] =>
"object DecimalType should only be used inside ExpressionEncoder")
// SPARK-31750: if we want to upcast to the general decimal type, and the `child` is
// already decimal type, we can remove the `Upcast` and accept any precision/scale.
// This can happen for cases like `"/tmp/file").as[BigDecimal]`.
case UpCast(child, target: AtomicType, _)
if conf.getConf(SQLConf.LEGACY_LOOSE_UPCAST) &&
child.dataType == StringType =>
Cast(child, target.asNullable)
case u @ UpCast(child, _, walkedTypePath) if !Cast.canUpCast(child.dataType, u.dataType) =>
fail(child, u.dataType, walkedTypePath)
case u @ UpCast(child, _, _) => Cast(child, u.dataType)
* Rule to resolve, normalize and rewrite field names based on case sensitivity for commands.
object ResolveFieldNameAndPosition extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUp {
case cmd: CreateIndex if cmd.table.resolved &&
cmd.columns.exists(_._1.isInstanceOf[UnresolvedFieldName]) =>
val table = cmd.table.asInstanceOf[ResolvedTable]
cmd.copy(columns = {
case (u: UnresolvedFieldName, prop) => resolveFieldNames(table,, u) -> prop
case other => other
case a: DropColumns if a.table.resolved && hasUnresolvedFieldName(a) && a.ifExists =>
// for DropColumn with IF EXISTS clause, we should resolve and ignore missing column errors
val table = a.table.asInstanceOf[ResolvedTable]
val columnsToDrop = a.columnsToDrop
a.copy(columnsToDrop = columnsToDrop.flatMap(c => resolveFieldNamesOpt(table,, c)))
case a: AlterTableCommand if a.table.resolved && hasUnresolvedFieldName(a) =>
val table = a.table.asInstanceOf[ResolvedTable]
a.transformExpressions {
case u: UnresolvedFieldName => resolveFieldNames(table,, u)
case a @ AddColumns(r: ResolvedTable, cols) if !a.resolved =>
// 'colsToAdd' keeps track of new columns being added. It stores a mapping from a
// normalized parent name of fields to field names that belong to the parent.
// For example, if we add columns "a.b.c", "a.b.d", and "a.c", 'colsToAdd' will become
// Map(Seq("a", "b") -> Seq("c", "d"), Seq("a") -> Seq("c")).
val colsToAdd = mutable.Map.empty[Seq[String], Seq[String]]
def resolvePosition(
col: QualifiedColType,
parentSchema: StructType,
resolvedParentName: Seq[String]): Option[FieldPosition] = {
val fieldsAdded = colsToAdd.getOrElse(resolvedParentName, Nil)
val resolvedPosition = {
case u: UnresolvedFieldPosition => u.position match {
case after: After =>
val allFields = parentSchema.fieldNames ++ fieldsAdded
allFields.find(n => conf.resolver(n, after.column())) match {
case Some(colName) =>
case None =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.referenceColNotFoundForAlterTableChangesError(
col.colName, allFields)
case _ => ResolvedFieldPosition(u.position)
case resolved => resolved
colsToAdd(resolvedParentName) = fieldsAdded :+ col.colName
val schema = r.table.columns.asSchema
val resolvedCols = { col =>
col.path match {
case Some(parent: UnresolvedFieldName) =>
// Adding a nested field, need to resolve the parent column and position.
val resolvedParent = resolveFieldNames(r,, parent)
val parentSchema = resolvedParent.field.dataType match {
case s: StructType => s
case _ => throw QueryCompilationErrors.invalidFieldName(,, parent.origin)
val resolvedPosition = resolvePosition(col, parentSchema,
col.copy(path = Some(resolvedParent), position = resolvedPosition)
case _ =>
// Adding to the root. Just need to resolve position.
val resolvedPosition = resolvePosition(col, schema, Nil)
col.copy(position = resolvedPosition)
val resolved = a.copy(columnsToAdd = resolvedCols)
case a @ AlterColumn(
table: ResolvedTable, ResolvedFieldName(path, field), dataType, _, _, position, _) =>
val newDataType = dataType.flatMap { dt =>
// Hive style syntax provides the column type, even if it may not have changed.
val existing = CharVarcharUtils.getRawType(field.metadata).getOrElse(field.dataType)
if (existing == dt) None else Some(dt)
val newPosition = position map {
case u @ UnresolvedFieldPosition(after: After) =>
// TODO: since the field name is already resolved, it's more efficient if
// `ResolvedFieldName` carries the parent struct and we resolve column position
// based on the parent struct, instead of re-resolving the entire column path.
val resolved = resolveFieldNames(table, path :+ after.column(), u)
case u: UnresolvedFieldPosition => ResolvedFieldPosition(u.position)
case other => other
val resolved = a.copy(dataType = newDataType, position = newPosition)
* Returns the resolved field name if the field can be resolved, returns None if the column is
* not found. An error will be thrown in CheckAnalysis for columns that can't be resolved.
private def resolveFieldNames(
table: ResolvedTable,
fieldName: Seq[String],
context: Expression): ResolvedFieldName = {
resolveFieldNamesOpt(table, fieldName, context)
.getOrElse(throw QueryCompilationErrors.missingFieldError(fieldName, table, context.origin))
private def resolveFieldNamesOpt(
table: ResolvedTable,
fieldName: Seq[String],
context: Expression): Option[ResolvedFieldName] = {
fieldName, includeCollections = true, conf.resolver, context.origin
).map {
case (path, field) => ResolvedFieldName(path, field)
private def hasUnresolvedFieldName(a: AlterTableCommand): Boolean = {
* A rule to handle special commands that need to be notified when analysis is done. This rule
* should run after all other analysis rules are run.
object HandleSpecialCommand extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(COMMAND)) {
case c: AnalysisOnlyCommand if c.resolved =>
case c: KeepAnalyzedQuery if c.resolved =>
* Removes [[SubqueryAlias]] operators from the plan. Subqueries are only required to provide
* scoping information for attributes and can be removed once analysis is complete.
object EliminateSubqueryAliases extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
// This is also called in the beginning of the optimization phase, and as a result
// is using transformUp rather than resolveOperators.
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = AnalysisHelper.allowInvokingTransformsInAnalyzer {
plan.transformUpWithPruning(AlwaysProcess.fn, ruleId) {
case SubqueryAlias(_, child) => child
* Removes [[Union]] operators from the plan if it just has one child.
object EliminateUnions extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(UNION), ruleId) {
case u: Union if u.children.size == 1 => u.children.head
* Cleans up unnecessary Aliases inside the plan. Basically we only need Alias as a top level
* expression in Project(project list) or Aggregate(aggregate expressions) or
* Window(window expressions). Notice that if an expression has other expression parameters which
* are not in its `children`, e.g. `RuntimeReplaceable`, the transformation for Aliases in this
* rule can't work for those parameters.
object CleanupAliases extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with AliasHelper {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsUpWithPruning(
// trimNonTopLevelAliases can transform Alias and MultiAlias.
_.containsAnyPattern(ALIAS, MULTI_ALIAS)) {
case Project(projectList, child) =>
val cleanedProjectList =
Project(cleanedProjectList, child)
case Aggregate(grouping, aggs, child) =>
val cleanedAggs =
Aggregate(, cleanedAggs, child)
case Window(windowExprs, partitionSpec, orderSpec, child) =>
val cleanedWindowExprs =
Window(cleanedWindowExprs,,[SortOrder]), child)
case CollectMetrics(name, metrics, child, dataframeId) =>
val cleanedMetrics =
CollectMetrics(name, cleanedMetrics, child, dataframeId)
case Unpivot(ids, values, aliases, variableColumnName, valueColumnNames, child) =>
val cleanedIds =
val cleanedValues =
// Operators that operate on objects should only have expressions from encoders, which should
// never have extra aliases.
case o: ObjectConsumer => o
case o: ObjectProducer => o
case a: AppendColumns => a
case other =>
other.transformExpressionsDownWithPruning(_.containsAnyPattern(ALIAS, MULTI_ALIAS)) {
case Alias(child, _) => child
* Ignore event time watermark in batch query, which is only supported in Structured Streaming.
* TODO: add this rule into analyzer rule list.
object EliminateEventTimeWatermark extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveOperatorsWithPruning(
_.containsPattern(EVENT_TIME_WATERMARK)) {
case EventTimeWatermark(_, _, child) if child.resolved && !child.isStreaming => child
case UpdateEventTimeWatermarkColumn(_, _, child) if child.resolved && !child.isStreaming =>
* Resolve expressions if they contains [[NamePlaceholder]]s.
object ResolveExpressionsWithNamePlaceholders extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.resolveExpressionsWithPruning(
_.containsAnyPattern(ARRAYS_ZIP, CREATE_NAMED_STRUCT), ruleId) {
case e: ArraysZip if !e.resolved =>
val names = {
case (e: NamedExpression, NamePlaceholder) if e.resolved =>
case (_, other) => other
ArraysZip(e.children, names)
case e: CreateNamedStruct if !e.resolved =>
val children = e.children.grouped(2).flatMap {
case Seq(NamePlaceholder, e: NamedExpression) if e.resolved =>
Seq(Literal(, e)
case kv =>
* The aggregate expressions from subquery referencing outer query block are pushed
* down to the outer query block for evaluation. This rule below updates such outer references
* as AttributeReference referring attributes from the parent/outer query block.
* For example (SQL):
* {{{
* }}}
* Plan before the rule.
* Project [a#226]
* +- Filter exists#245 [min(b#227)#249]
* : +- Project [1 AS 1#247]
* : +- Filter (d#238 < min(outer(b#227))) <-----
* : +- SubqueryAlias r
* : +- Project [_1#234 AS c#237, _2#235 AS d#238]
* : +- LocalRelation [_1#234, _2#235]
* +- Aggregate [a#226], [a#226, min(b#227) AS min(b#227)#249]
* +- SubqueryAlias l
* +- Project [_1#223 AS a#226, _2#224 AS b#227]
* +- LocalRelation [_1#223, _2#224]
* Plan after the rule.
* Project [a#226]
* +- Filter exists#245 [min(b#227)#249]
* : +- Project [1 AS 1#247]
* : +- Filter (d#238 < outer(min(b#227)#249)) <-----
* : +- SubqueryAlias r
* : +- Project [_1#234 AS c#237, _2#235 AS d#238]
* : +- LocalRelation [_1#234, _2#235]
* +- Aggregate [a#226], [a#226, min(b#227) AS min(b#227)#249]
* +- SubqueryAlias l
* +- Project [_1#223 AS a#226, _2#224 AS b#227]
* +- LocalRelation [_1#223, _2#224]
object UpdateOuterReferences extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
private def stripAlias(expr: Expression): Expression = expr match { case a: Alias => a.child }
private def updateOuterReferenceInSubquery(
plan: LogicalPlan,
refExprs: Seq[Expression]): LogicalPlan = {
plan resolveExpressions { case e =>
val outerAlias =
outerAlias match {
case Some(a: Alias) => OuterReference(a.toAttribute)
case _ => e
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
_.containsAllPatterns(PLAN_EXPRESSION, FILTER, AGGREGATE), ruleId) {
case f @ Filter(_, a: Aggregate) if f.resolved =>
f.transformExpressionsWithPruning(_.containsPattern(PLAN_EXPRESSION), ruleId) {
case s: SubqueryExpression if s.children.nonEmpty =>
// Collect the aliases from output of aggregate.
val outerAliases = a.aggregateExpressions collect { case a: Alias => a }
// Update the subquery plan to record the OuterReference to point to outer query plan.
s.withNewPlan(updateOuterReferenceInSubquery(s.plan, outerAliases))
* The rule `ResolveReferences` in the main resolution batch creates [[TempResolvedColumn]] in
* UnresolvedHaving/Filter/Sort to hold the temporarily resolved column with `agg.child`.
* If the expression hosting [[TempResolvedColumn]] is fully resolved, the rule
* `ResolveAggregationFunctions` will
* - Replace [[TempResolvedColumn]] with [[AttributeReference]] if it's inside aggregate functions
* or grouping expressions.
* - Mark [[TempResolvedColumn]] as `hasTried` if not inside aggregate functions or grouping
* expressions, hoping other rules can re-resolve it.
* `ResolveReferences` will re-resolve [[TempResolvedColumn]] if `hasTried` is true, and keep it
* unchanged if the resolution fails. We should turn it back to [[UnresolvedAttribute]] so that the
* analyzer can report missing column error later.
* If the expression hosting [[TempResolvedColumn]] is not resolved, [[TempResolvedColumn]] will
* remain with `hasTried` as false. We should strip [[TempResolvedColumn]], so that users can see
* the reason why the expression is not resolved, e.g. type mismatch.
object RemoveTempResolvedColumn extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
plan.resolveExpressionsWithPruning(_.containsPattern(TEMP_RESOLVED_COLUMN)) {
case t: TempResolvedColumn =>
if (t.hasTried) {
} else {