blob: bc1431835e2589ad5b8e081541be42fdfb6b22ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.spark.scheduler
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
// information about a specific split instance : handles both split instances.
// So that we do not need to worry about the differences.
class SplitInfo(
val inputFormatClazz: Class[_],
val hostLocation: String,
val path: String,
val length: Long,
val underlyingSplit: Any) {
override def toString(): String = {
"SplitInfo " + super.toString + " .. inputFormatClazz " + inputFormatClazz +
", hostLocation : " + hostLocation + ", path : " + path +
", length : " + length + ", underlyingSplit " + underlyingSplit
override def hashCode(): Int = {
var hashCode = inputFormatClazz.hashCode
hashCode = hashCode * 31 + hostLocation.hashCode
hashCode = hashCode * 31 + path.hashCode
// ignore overflow ? It is hashcode anyway !
hashCode = hashCode * 31 + (length & 0x7fffffff).toInt
// This is practically useless since most of the Split impl's don't seem to implement equals :-(
// So unless there is identity equality between underlyingSplits, it will always fail even if it
// is pointing to same block.
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: SplitInfo =>
this.hostLocation == that.hostLocation &&
this.inputFormatClazz == that.inputFormatClazz &&
this.path == that.path &&
this.length == that.length &&
// other split specific checks (like start for FileSplit)
this.underlyingSplit == that.underlyingSplit
case _ => false
object SplitInfo {
def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
mapredSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
val length = mapredSplit.getLength
for (host <- mapredSplit.getLocations) {
retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapredSplit)
def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
mapreduceSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
val length = mapreduceSplit.getLength
for (host <- mapreduceSplit.getLocations) {
retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapreduceSplit)