blob: 4314ff97a3cf3fee76fdd83837d3e81864e566e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.spark.sql
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import org.apache.spark.SparkIllegalArgumentException
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SqlApiConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
// scalastyle:off nonascii
class CollationSQLExpressionsSuite
extends QueryTest
with SharedSparkSession {
test("Support Md5 hash expression with collation") {
case class Md5TestCase(
input: String,
collationName: String,
result: String
val testCases = Seq(
Md5TestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY", "8cde774d6f7333752ed72cacddb05126"),
Md5TestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", "8cde774d6f7333752ed72cacddb05126"),
Md5TestCase("SQL", "UNICODE", "9778840a0100cb30c982876741b0b5a2"),
Md5TestCase("SQL", "UNICODE_CI", "9778840a0100cb30c982876741b0b5a2")
// Supported collations
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select md5('${t.input}')
// Result & data type
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(t.result))
val dataType = StringType(t.collationName)
test("Support Sha2 hash expression with collation") {
case class Sha2TestCase(
input: String,
collationName: String,
bitLength: Int,
result: String
val testCases = Seq(
Sha2TestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY", 256,
Sha2TestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", 256,
Sha2TestCase("SQL", "UNICODE", 256,
Sha2TestCase("SQL", "UNICODE_CI", 256,
// Supported collations
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select sha2('${t.input}', ${t.bitLength})
// Result & data type
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(t.result))
val dataType = StringType(t.collationName)
test("Support Sha1 hash expression with collation") {
case class Sha1TestCase(
input: String,
collationName: String,
result: String
val testCases = Seq(
Sha1TestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY", "85f5955f4b27a9a4c2aab6ffe5d7189fc298b92c"),
Sha1TestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", "85f5955f4b27a9a4c2aab6ffe5d7189fc298b92c"),
Sha1TestCase("SQL", "UNICODE", "2064cb643caa8d9e1de12eea7f3e143ca9f8680d"),
Sha1TestCase("SQL", "UNICODE_CI", "2064cb643caa8d9e1de12eea7f3e143ca9f8680d")
// Supported collations
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select sha1('${t.input}')
// Result & data type
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(t.result))
val dataType = StringType(t.collationName)
test("Support Crc32 hash expression with collation") {
case class Crc321TestCase(
input: String,
collationName: String,
result: Int
val testCases = Seq(
Crc321TestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY", 1557323817),
Crc321TestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", 1557323817),
Crc321TestCase("SQL", "UNICODE", 1299261525),
Crc321TestCase("SQL", "UNICODE_CI", 1299261525)
// Supported collations
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select crc32('${t.input}')
// Result
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(t.result))
test("Support Murmur3Hash hash expression with collation") {
case class Murmur3HashTestCase(
input: String,
collationName: String,
result: Int
val testCases = Seq(
Murmur3HashTestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY", 228093765),
Murmur3HashTestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", 228093765),
Murmur3HashTestCase("SQL", "UNICODE", 17468742),
Murmur3HashTestCase("SQL", "UNICODE_CI", 17468742)
// Supported collations
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select hash('${t.input}')
// Result
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(t.result))
test("Support XxHash64 hash expression with collation") {
case class XxHash64TestCase(
input: String,
collationName: String,
result: Long
val testCases = Seq(
XxHash64TestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY", -4294468057691064905L),
XxHash64TestCase("Spark", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", -4294468057691064905L),
XxHash64TestCase("SQL", "UNICODE", -2147923034195946097L),
XxHash64TestCase("SQL", "UNICODE_CI", -2147923034195946097L)
// Supported collations
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select xxhash64('${t.input}')
// Result
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(t.result))
test("Conv expression with collation") {
// Supported collations
case class ConvTestCase(
num: String,
from_base: String,
to_base: String,
collationName: String,
result: String)
val testCases = Seq(
ConvTestCase("100", "2", "10", "UTF8_BINARY", "4"),
ConvTestCase("100", "2", "10", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", "4"),
ConvTestCase("100", "2", "10", "UNICODE", "4"),
ConvTestCase("100", "2", "10", "UNICODE_CI", "4")
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select conv(collate('${t.num}', '${t.collationName}'), ${t.from_base}, ${t.to_base})
// Result & data type
checkAnswer(sql(query), Row(t.result))
test("Bin expression with collation") {
// Supported collations
case class BinTestCase(
num: String,
collationName: String,
result: String)
val testCases = Seq(
BinTestCase("13", "UTF8_BINARY", "1101"),
BinTestCase("13", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", "1101"),
BinTestCase("13", "UNICODE", "1101"),
BinTestCase("13", "UNICODE_CI", "1101")
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select bin(${t.num})
// Result & data type
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
checkAnswer(sql(query), Row(t.result))
test("Hex with non-string input expression with collation") {
case class HexTestCase(
num: String,
collationName: String,
result: String)
val testCases = Seq(
HexTestCase("13", "UTF8_BINARY", "D"),
HexTestCase("13", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", "D"),
HexTestCase("13", "UNICODE", "D"),
HexTestCase("13", "UNICODE_CI", "D")
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select hex(${t.num})
// Result & data type
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
checkAnswer(sql(query), Row(t.result))
test("Hex with string input expression with collation") {
case class HexTestCase(
num: String,
collationName: String,
result: String)
val testCases = Seq(
HexTestCase("Spark SQL", "UTF8_BINARY", "537061726B2053514C"),
HexTestCase("Spark SQL", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", "537061726B2053514C"),
HexTestCase("Spark SQL", "UNICODE", "537061726B2053514C"),
HexTestCase("Spark SQL", "UNICODE_CI", "537061726B2053514C")
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select hex(collate('${t.num}', '${t.collationName}'))
// Result & data type
checkAnswer(sql(query), Row(t.result))
test("UnHex expression with collation") {
case class UnHexTestCase(
num: String,
collationName: String,
result: String)
val testCases = Seq(
UnHexTestCase("537061726B2053514C", "UTF8_BINARY", "Spark SQL"),
UnHexTestCase("537061726B2053514C", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", "Spark SQL"),
UnHexTestCase("537061726B2053514C", "UNICODE", "Spark SQL"),
UnHexTestCase("537061726B2053514C", "UNICODE_CI", "Spark SQL")
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select decode(unhex(collate('${t.num}', '${t.collationName}')), 'UTF-8')
// Result & data type
checkAnswer(sql(query), Row(t.result))
test("Support StringSpace expression with collation") {
case class StringSpaceTestCase(
input: Int,
collationName: String,
result: String
val testCases = Seq(
StringSpaceTestCase(1, "UTF8_BINARY", " "),
StringSpaceTestCase(2, "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", " "),
StringSpaceTestCase(3, "UNICODE", " "),
StringSpaceTestCase(4, "UNICODE_CI", " ")
// Supported collations
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select space(${t.input})
// Result & data type
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(t.result))
val dataType = StringType(t.collationName)
test("Support ToNumber & TryToNumber expressions with collation") {
case class ToNumberTestCase(
input: String,
collationName: String,
format: String,
result: Any,
resultType: DataType
val testCases = Seq(
ToNumberTestCase("123", "UTF8_BINARY", "999", 123, DecimalType(3, 0)),
ToNumberTestCase("1", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", "0.00", 1.00, DecimalType(3, 2)),
ToNumberTestCase("99,999", "UNICODE", "99,999", 99999, DecimalType(5, 0)),
ToNumberTestCase("$14.99", "UNICODE_CI", "$99.99", 14.99, DecimalType(4, 2))
// Supported collations (ToNumber)
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select to_number('${t.input}', '${t.format}')
// Result & data type
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(t.result))
// Supported collations (TryToNumber)
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select try_to_number('${t.input}', '${t.format}')
// Result & data type
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(t.result))
test("Handle invalid number for ToNumber variant expression with collation") {
// to_number should throw an exception if the conversion fails
val number = "xx"
val query = s"SELECT to_number('$number', '999');"
val e = intercept[SparkIllegalArgumentException] {
val testQuery = sql(query)
assert(e.getErrorClass === "INVALID_FORMAT.MISMATCH_INPUT")
test("Handle invalid number for TryToNumber variant expression with collation") {
// try_to_number shouldn't throw an exception if the conversion fails
val number = "xx"
val query = s"SELECT try_to_number('$number', '999');"
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(null))
test("Support ToChar expression with collation") {
case class ToCharTestCase(
input: Int,
collationName: String,
format: String,
result: String
val testCases = Seq(
ToCharTestCase(12, "UTF8_BINARY", "999", " 12"),
ToCharTestCase(34, "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", "000D00", "034.00"),
ToCharTestCase(56, "UNICODE", "$99.99", "$56.00"),
ToCharTestCase(78, "UNICODE_CI", "99D9S", "78.0+")
// Supported collations
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query =
|select to_char(${t.input}, '${t.format}')
// Result & data type
withSQLConf(SqlApiConf.DEFAULT_COLLATION -> t.collationName) {
val testQuery = sql(query)
checkAnswer(testQuery, Row(t.result))
val dataType = StringType(t.collationName)
test("Support StringToMap expression with collation") {
// Supported collations
case class StringToMapTestCase[R](t: String, p: String, k: String, c: String, result: R)
val testCases = Seq(
StringToMapTestCase("a:1,b:2,c:3", ",", ":", "UTF8_BINARY",
Map("a" -> "1", "b" -> "2", "c" -> "3")),
StringToMapTestCase("A-1;B-2;C-3", ";", "-", "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE",
Map("A" -> "1", "B" -> "2", "C" -> "3")),
StringToMapTestCase("1:a,2:b,3:c", ",", ":", "UNICODE",
Map("1" -> "a", "2" -> "b", "3" -> "c")),
StringToMapTestCase("1/A!2/B!3/C", "!", "/", "UNICODE_CI",
Map("1" -> "A", "2" -> "B", "3" -> "C"))
testCases.foreach(t => {
val query = s"SELECT str_to_map(collate('${t.t}', '${t.c}'), '${t.p}', '${t.k}');"
// Result & data type
checkAnswer(sql(query), Row(t.result))
val dataType = MapType(StringType(t.c), StringType(t.c), true)
test("Support Mask expression with collation") {
// Supported collations
case class MaskTestCase[R](i: String, u: String, l: String, d: String, o: String, c: String,
result: R)
val testCases = Seq(
MaskTestCase("ab-CD-12-@$", null, null, null, null, "UTF8_BINARY", "ab-CD-12-@$"),
MaskTestCase("ab-CD-12-@$", "X", null, null, null, "UTF8_BINARY_LCASE", "ab-XX-12-@$"),
MaskTestCase("ab-CD-12-@$", "X", "x", null, null, "UNICODE", "xx-XX-12-@$"),
MaskTestCase("ab-CD-12-@$", "X", "x", "0", "#", "UNICODE_CI", "xx#XX#00###")
testCases.foreach(t => {
def col(s: String): String = if (s == null) "null" else s"collate('$s', '${t.c}')"
val query = s"SELECT mask(${col(t.i)}, ${col(t.u)}, ${col(t.l)}, ${col(t.d)}, ${col(t.o)})"
// Result & data type
var result = sql(query)
checkAnswer(result, Row(t.result))
// Implicit casting
val testCasting = Seq(
MaskTestCase("ab-CD-12-@$", "X", "x", "0", "#", "UNICODE_CI", "xx#XX#00###")
testCasting.foreach(t => {
def col(s: String): String = if (s == null) "null" else s"collate('$s', '${t.c}')"
def str(s: String): String = if (s == null) "null" else s"'$s'"
val query1 = s"SELECT mask(${col(t.i)}, ${str(t.u)}, ${str(t.l)}, ${str(t.d)}, ${str(t.o)})"
val query2 = s"SELECT mask(${str(t.i)}, ${col(t.u)}, ${str(t.l)}, ${str(t.d)}, ${str(t.o)})"
val query3 = s"SELECT mask(${str(t.i)}, ${str(t.u)}, ${col(t.l)}, ${str(t.d)}, ${str(t.o)})"
val query4 = s"SELECT mask(${str(t.i)}, ${str(t.u)}, ${str(t.l)}, ${col(t.d)}, ${str(t.o)})"
val query5 = s"SELECT mask(${str(t.i)}, ${str(t.u)}, ${str(t.l)}, ${str(t.d)}, ${col(t.o)})"
for (q <- Seq(query1, query2, query3, query4, query5)) {
val result = sql(q)
checkAnswer(result, Row(t.result))
// Collation mismatch
val collationMismatch = intercept[AnalysisException] {
sql("SELECT mask(collate('ab-CD-12-@$','UNICODE'),collate('X','UNICODE_CI'),'x','0','#')")
assert(collationMismatch.getErrorClass === "COLLATION_MISMATCH.EXPLICIT")
// TODO: Add more tests for other SQL expressions
// scalastyle:on nonascii