blob: c2ea17de19533ea5528bc2f99e2a01ecb054eaaf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
import java.text.{BreakIterator, DecimalFormat, DecimalFormatSymbols}
import java.util.{Base64 => JBase64}
import java.util.{HashMap, Locale, Map => JMap}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.spark.QueryContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{ExpressionBuilder, FunctionRegistry, TypeCheckResult}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult.DataTypeMismatch
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Cast._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.Block._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.objects.StaticInvoke
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.BinaryLike
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreePattern.{TreePattern, UPPER_OR_LOWER}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{ArrayData, CollationFactory, CollationSupport, GenericArrayData, TypeUtils}
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.{QueryCompilationErrors, QueryExecutionErrors}
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.types.{AbstractArrayType, StringTypeAnyCollation}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.UTF8StringBuilder
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.array.ByteArrayMethods
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.{ByteArray, UTF8String}
import org.apache.spark.util.ArrayImplicits._
// This file defines expressions for string operations.
* An expression that concatenates multiple input strings or array of strings into a single string,
* using a given separator (the first child).
* Returns null if the separator is null. Otherwise, concat_ws skips all null values.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(sep[, str | array(str)]+) - Returns the concatenation of the strings separated by `sep`, skipping null values.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(' ', 'Spark', 'SQL');
Spark SQL
> SELECT _FUNC_('s');
> SELECT _FUNC_('/', 'foo', null, 'bar');
> SELECT _FUNC_(null, 'Spark', 'SQL');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class ConcatWs(children: Seq[Expression])
extends Expression with ImplicitCastInputTypes {
override def prettyName: String = "concat_ws"
/** The 1st child (separator) is str, and rest are either str or array of str. */
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = {
val arrayOrStr =
TypeCollection(AbstractArrayType(StringTypeAnyCollation), StringTypeAnyCollation)
StringTypeAnyCollation +: Seq.fill(children.size - 1)(arrayOrStr)
override def dataType: DataType = children.head.dataType
override def nullable: Boolean = children.head.nullable
override def foldable: Boolean = children.forall(_.foldable)
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
if (children.isEmpty) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumArgsError(
toSQLId(prettyName), Seq("> 0"), children.length
} else {
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = {
val flatInputs = children.flatMap { child =>
child.eval(input) match {
case s: UTF8String => Iterator(s)
case arr: ArrayData =>
case null => Iterator(null.asInstanceOf[UTF8String])
UTF8String.concatWs(flatInputs.head, flatInputs.tail : _*)
override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
if (children.forall(_.dataType.isInstanceOf[StringType])) {
// All children are strings. In that case we can construct a fixed size array.
val evals =
val separator = evals.head
val strings = evals.tail
val numArgs = strings.length
val args = ctx.freshName("args")
val inputs = { case (eval, index) =>
if (eval.isNull != TrueLiteral) {
if (!${eval.isNull}) {
$args[$index] = ${eval.value};
} else {
val codes = ctx.splitExpressionsWithCurrentInputs(
expressions = inputs,
funcName = "valueConcatWs",
extraArguments = ("UTF8String[]", args) :: Nil)
UTF8String[] $args = new UTF8String[$numArgs];
UTF8String ${ev.value} = UTF8String.concatWs(${separator.value}, $args);
boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${ev.value} == null;
} else {
val isNullArgs = ctx.freshName("isNullArgs")
val valueArgs = ctx.freshName("valueArgs")
val array = ctx.freshName("array")
val varargNum = ctx.freshName("varargNum")
val idxVararg = ctx.freshName("idxInVararg")
val evals =
val (argBuild, varargCount, varargBuild) = { case ((child, eval), idx) =>
val reprForIsNull = s"$isNullArgs[$idx]"
val reprForValue = s"$valueArgs[$idx]"
val arg =
$reprForIsNull = ${eval.isNull};
$reprForValue = ${eval.value};
val (varCount, varBuild) = child.dataType match {
case _: StringType =>
val reprForValueCast = s"((UTF8String) $reprForValue)"
("", // we count all the StringType arguments num at once below.
if (eval.isNull == TrueLiteral) {
} else {
s"$array[$idxVararg ++] = $reprForIsNull ? (UTF8String) null : $reprForValueCast;"
case arr: ArrayType =>
val reprForValueCast = s"((ArrayData) $reprForValue)"
val size = ctx.freshName("n")
if (eval.isNull == TrueLiteral) {
("", "")
} else {
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
if (!$reprForIsNull) {
$varargNum += $reprForValueCast.numElements();
if (!$reprForIsNull) {
final int $size = $reprForValueCast.numElements();
for (int j = 0; j < $size; j ++) {
$array[$idxVararg ++] = ${CodeGenerator.getValue(reprForValueCast, arr.elementType, "j")};
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
(arg, varCount, varBuild)
val argBuilds = ctx.splitExpressionsWithCurrentInputs(
expressions = argBuild,
funcName = "initializeArgsArrays",
extraArguments = ("boolean []", isNullArgs) :: ("Object []", valueArgs) :: Nil
val varargCounts = ctx.splitExpressionsWithCurrentInputs(
expressions = varargCount,
funcName = "varargCountsConcatWs",
extraArguments = ("boolean []", isNullArgs) :: ("Object []", valueArgs) :: Nil,
returnType = "int",
makeSplitFunction = body =>
|int $varargNum = 0;
|return $varargNum;
foldFunctions = => s"$varargNum += $funcCall;").mkString("\n"))
val varargBuilds = ctx.splitExpressionsWithCurrentInputs(
expressions = varargBuild,
funcName = "varargBuildsConcatWs",
extraArguments = ("UTF8String []", array) :: ("int", idxVararg) ::
("boolean []", isNullArgs) :: ("Object []", valueArgs) :: Nil,
returnType = "int",
makeSplitFunction = body =>
|return $idxVararg;
foldFunctions = => s"$idxVararg = $funcCall;").mkString("\n"))
boolean[] $isNullArgs = new boolean[${children.length - 1}];
Object[] $valueArgs = new Object[${children.length - 1}];
int $varargNum = ${children.count(_.dataType.isInstanceOf[StringType]) - 1};
int $idxVararg = 0;
UTF8String[] $array = new UTF8String[$varargNum];
UTF8String ${ev.value} = UTF8String.concatWs(${evals.head.value}, $array);
boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${ev.value} == null;
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): ConcatWs =
copy(children = newChildren)
* An expression that returns the `n`-th input in given inputs.
* If all inputs are binary, `elt` returns an output as binary. Otherwise, it returns as string.
* If any input is null, `elt` returns null.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = """
_FUNC_(n, input1, input2, ...) - Returns the `n`-th input, e.g., returns `input2` when `n` is 2.
The function returns NULL if the index exceeds the length of the array
and `spark.sql.ansi.enabled` is set to false. If `spark.sql.ansi.enabled` is set to true,
it throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for invalid indices.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(1, 'scala', 'java');
> SELECT _FUNC_(2, 'a', 1);
since = "2.0.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Elt(
children: Seq[Expression],
failOnError: Boolean = SQLConf.get.ansiEnabled) extends Expression
with SupportQueryContext {
def this(children: Seq[Expression]) = this(children, SQLConf.get.ansiEnabled)
private lazy val indexExpr = children.head
private lazy val inputExprs = children.tail.toArray
/** This expression is always nullable because it returns null if index is out of range. */
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def dataType: DataType =
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
if (children.size < 2) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumArgsError(
toSQLId(prettyName), Seq("> 1"), children.length
} else {
val (indexType, inputTypes) = (indexExpr.dataType,
if (indexType != IntegerType) {
return DataTypeMismatch(
messageParameters = Map(
"paramIndex" -> ordinalNumber(0),
"requiredType" -> toSQLType(IntegerType),
"inputSql" -> toSQLExpr(indexExpr),
"inputType" -> toSQLType(indexType)))
if (inputTypes.exists(tpe => !tpe.isInstanceOf[StringType] && tpe != BinaryType)) {
return DataTypeMismatch(
messageParameters = Map(
"paramIndex" -> (ordinalNumber(1) + "..."),
"requiredType" -> (toSQLType(StringType) + " or " + toSQLType(BinaryType)),
"inputSql" ->","),
"inputType" ->",")
TypeUtils.checkForSameTypeInputExpr(inputTypes.toImmutableArraySeq, prettyName)
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = {
val indexObj = indexExpr.eval(input)
if (indexObj == null) {
} else {
val index = indexObj.asInstanceOf[Int]
if (index <= 0 || index > inputExprs.length) {
if (failOnError) {
throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidArrayIndexError(
index, inputExprs.length, getContextOrNull())
} else {
} else {
inputExprs(index - 1).eval(input)
override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val index = indexExpr.genCode(ctx)
val inputs =
val indexVal = ctx.freshName("index")
val indexMatched = ctx.freshName("eltIndexMatched")
val inputVal = ctx.addMutableState(CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType), "inputVal")
val assignInputValue = { case (eval, index) =>
|if ($indexVal == ${index + 1}) {
| ${eval.code}
| $inputVal = ${eval.isNull} ? null : ${eval.value};
| $indexMatched = true;
| continue;
val codes = ctx.splitExpressionsWithCurrentInputs(
expressions = assignInputValue.toImmutableArraySeq,
funcName = "eltFunc",
extraArguments = ("int", indexVal) :: Nil,
returnType = CodeGenerator.JAVA_BOOLEAN,
makeSplitFunction = body =>
|${CodeGenerator.JAVA_BOOLEAN} $indexMatched = false;
|do {
| $body
|} while (false);
|return $indexMatched;
foldFunctions = { funcCall =>
|$indexMatched = $funcCall;
|if ($indexMatched) {
| continue;
val indexOutOfBoundBranch = if (failOnError) {
val errorContext = getContextOrNullCode(ctx)
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
|if (!$indexMatched) {
| throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidArrayIndexError(${index.value}, ${inputExprs.length}, $errorContext);
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
} else {
|boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${index.isNull};
|${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = null;
|if (!${index.isNull}) {
| final int $indexVal = ${index.value};
| ${CodeGenerator.JAVA_BOOLEAN} $indexMatched = false;
| $inputVal = null;
| do {
| $codes
| } while (false);
| $indexOutOfBoundBranch
| ${ev.value} = $inputVal;
| ${ev.isNull} = ${ev.value} == null;
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): Elt =
copy(children = newChildren)
override def initQueryContext(): Option[QueryContext] = if (failOnError) {
} else {
trait String2StringExpression extends ImplicitCastInputTypes {
self: UnaryExpression =>
def convert(v: UTF8String): UTF8String
override def dataType: DataType = child.dataType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation)
protected override def nullSafeEval(input: Any): Any =
* A function that converts the characters of a string to uppercase.
usage = "_FUNC_(str) - Returns `str` with all characters changed to uppercase.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('SparkSql');
since = "1.0.1",
group = "string_funcs")
case class Upper(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with String2StringExpression with NullIntolerant {
final lazy val collationId: Int = child.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
override def convert(v: UTF8String): UTF8String = CollationSupport.Upper.exec(v, collationId)
final override val nodePatterns: Seq[TreePattern] = Seq(UPPER_OR_LOWER)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, c => CollationSupport.Upper.genCode(c, collationId))
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): Upper = copy(child = newChild)
* A function that converts the characters of a string to lowercase.
usage = "_FUNC_(str) - Returns `str` with all characters changed to lowercase.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('SparkSql');
since = "1.0.1",
group = "string_funcs")
case class Lower(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with String2StringExpression with NullIntolerant {
final lazy val collationId: Int = child.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
override def convert(v: UTF8String): UTF8String = CollationSupport.Lower.exec(v, collationId)
final override val nodePatterns: Seq[TreePattern] = Seq(UPPER_OR_LOWER)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, c => CollationSupport.Lower.genCode(c, collationId))
override def prettyName: String =
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): Lower = copy(child = newChild)
/** A base trait for functions that compare two strings, returning a boolean. */
abstract class StringPredicate extends BinaryExpression
with Predicate with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
final lazy val collationId: Int = left.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
def compare(l: UTF8String, r: UTF8String): Boolean
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation)
protected override def nullSafeEval(input1: Any, input2: Any): Any =
compare(input1.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], input2.asInstanceOf[UTF8String])
override def toString: String = s"$nodeName($left, $right)"
trait StringBinaryPredicateExpressionBuilderBase extends ExpressionBuilder {
override def build(funcName: String, expressions: Seq[Expression]): Expression = {
val numArgs = expressions.length
if (numArgs == 2) {
if (expressions(0).dataType == BinaryType && expressions(1).dataType == BinaryType) {
BinaryPredicate(funcName, expressions(0), expressions(1))
} else {
createStringPredicate(expressions(0), expressions(1))
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumArgsError(funcName, Seq(2), numArgs)
protected def createStringPredicate(left: Expression, right: Expression): Expression
object BinaryPredicate {
def unapply(expr: Expression): Option[StaticInvoke] = expr match {
case s @ StaticInvoke(
clz, _, "contains" | "startsWith" | "endsWith", Seq(_, _), _, _, _, _, _)
if clz == classOf[ByteArrayMethods] => Some(s)
case _ => None
case class BinaryPredicate(override val prettyName: String, left: Expression, right: Expression)
extends RuntimeReplaceable with ImplicitCastInputTypes with BinaryLike[Expression] {
private lazy val realFuncName = prettyName match {
case "startswith" => "startsWith"
case "endswith" => "endsWith"
case name => name
override lazy val replacement =
Seq(left, right),
Seq(BinaryType, BinaryType))
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(BinaryType, BinaryType)
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression,
newRight: Expression): Expression = {
copy(left = newLeft, right = newRight)
usage = """
_FUNC_(left, right) - Returns a boolean. The value is True if right is found inside left.
Returns NULL if either input expression is NULL. Otherwise, returns False.
Both left or right must be of STRING or BINARY type.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', 'Spark');
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', 'SPARK');
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', null);
> SELECT _FUNC_(x'537061726b2053514c', x'537061726b');
since = "3.3.0",
group = "string_funcs"
object ContainsExpressionBuilder extends StringBinaryPredicateExpressionBuilderBase {
override protected def createStringPredicate(left: Expression, right: Expression): Expression = {
Contains(left, right)
case class Contains(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends StringPredicate {
override def compare(l: UTF8String, r: UTF8String): Boolean = {
CollationSupport.Contains.exec(l, r, collationId)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (c1, c2) =>
CollationSupport.Contains.genCode(c1, c2, collationId))
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): Contains = copy(left = newLeft, right = newRight)
usage = """
_FUNC_(left, right) - Returns a boolean. The value is True if left starts with right.
Returns NULL if either input expression is NULL. Otherwise, returns False.
Both left or right must be of STRING or BINARY type.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', 'Spark');
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', 'SQL');
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', null);
> SELECT _FUNC_(x'537061726b2053514c', x'537061726b');
> SELECT _FUNC_(x'537061726b2053514c', x'53514c');
since = "3.3.0",
group = "string_funcs"
object StartsWithExpressionBuilder extends StringBinaryPredicateExpressionBuilderBase {
override protected def createStringPredicate(left: Expression, right: Expression): Expression = {
StartsWith(left, right)
case class StartsWith(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends StringPredicate {
override def compare(l: UTF8String, r: UTF8String): Boolean = {
CollationSupport.StartsWith.exec(l, r, collationId)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (c1, c2) =>
CollationSupport.StartsWith.genCode(c1, c2, collationId))
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): StartsWith = copy(left = newLeft, right = newRight)
usage = """
_FUNC_(left, right) - Returns a boolean. The value is True if left ends with right.
Returns NULL if either input expression is NULL. Otherwise, returns False.
Both left or right must be of STRING or BINARY type.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', 'SQL');
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', 'Spark');
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', null);
> SELECT _FUNC_(x'537061726b2053514c', x'537061726b');
> SELECT _FUNC_(x'537061726b2053514c', x'53514c');
since = "3.3.0",
group = "string_funcs"
object EndsWithExpressionBuilder extends StringBinaryPredicateExpressionBuilderBase {
override protected def createStringPredicate(left: Expression, right: Expression): Expression = {
EndsWith(left, right)
case class EndsWith(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends StringPredicate {
override def compare(l: UTF8String, r: UTF8String): Boolean = {
CollationSupport.EndsWith.exec(l, r, collationId)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (c1, c2) =>
CollationSupport.EndsWith.genCode(c1, c2, collationId))
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): EndsWith = copy(left = newLeft, right = newRight)
* Replace all occurrences with string.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(str, search[, replace]) - Replaces all occurrences of `search` with `replace`.",
arguments = """
* str - a string expression
* search - a string expression. If `search` is not found in `str`, `str` is returned unchanged.
* replace - a string expression. If `replace` is not specified or is an empty string, nothing replaces
the string that is removed from `str`.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('ABCabc', 'abc', 'DEF');
since = "2.3.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class StringReplace(srcExpr: Expression, searchExpr: Expression, replaceExpr: Expression)
extends TernaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
final lazy val collationId: Int = first.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
def this(srcExpr: Expression, searchExpr: Expression) = {
this(srcExpr, searchExpr, Literal(""))
override def nullSafeEval(srcEval: Any, searchEval: Any, replaceEval: Any): Any = {
searchEval.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], replaceEval.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], collationId);
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (src, search, replace) =>
CollationSupport.StringReplace.genCode(src, search, replace, collationId))
override def dataType: DataType = srcExpr.dataType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def first: Expression = srcExpr
override def second: Expression = searchExpr
override def third: Expression = replaceExpr
override def prettyName: String = "replace"
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newFirst: Expression, newSecond: Expression, newThird: Expression): StringReplace =
copy(srcExpr = newFirst, searchExpr = newSecond, replaceExpr = newThird)
object Overlay {
def calculate(input: UTF8String, replace: UTF8String, pos: Int, len: Int): UTF8String = {
val builder = new UTF8StringBuilder
builder.append(input.substringSQL(1, pos - 1))
// If you specify length, it must be a positive whole number or zero.
// Otherwise it will be ignored.
// The default value for length is the length of replace.
val length = if (len >= 0) {
} else {
builder.append(input.substringSQL(pos + length, Int.MaxValue))
def calculate(input: Array[Byte], replace: Array[Byte], pos: Int, len: Int): Array[Byte] = {
// If you specify length, it must be a positive whole number or zero.
// Otherwise it will be ignored.
// The default value for length is the length of replace.
val length = if (len >= 0) {
} else {
ByteArray.concat(ByteArray.subStringSQL(input, 1, pos - 1),
replace, ByteArray.subStringSQL(input, pos + length, Int.MaxValue))
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(input, replace, pos[, len]) - Replace `input` with `replace` that starts at `pos` and is of length `len`.",
examples = """
Spark CORE
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL' PLACING 'tructured' FROM 2 FOR 4);
Structured SQL
> SELECT _FUNC_(encode('Spark SQL', 'utf-8') PLACING encode('_', 'utf-8') FROM 6);
> SELECT _FUNC_(encode('Spark SQL', 'utf-8') PLACING encode('CORE', 'utf-8') FROM 7);
Spark CORE
> SELECT _FUNC_(encode('Spark SQL', 'utf-8') PLACING encode('ANSI ', 'utf-8') FROM 7 FOR 0);
> SELECT _FUNC_(encode('Spark SQL', 'utf-8') PLACING encode('tructured', 'utf-8') FROM 2 FOR 4);
Structured SQL
since = "3.0.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Overlay(input: Expression, replace: Expression, pos: Expression, len: Expression)
extends QuaternaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
def this(str: Expression, replace: Expression, pos: Expression) = {
this(str, replace, pos, Literal.create(-1, IntegerType))
override def dataType: DataType = input.dataType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(
TypeCollection(StringTypeAnyCollation, BinaryType),
TypeCollection(StringTypeAnyCollation, BinaryType), IntegerType, IntegerType)
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
val inputTypeCheck = super.checkInputDataTypes()
if (inputTypeCheck.isSuccess) {
input.dataType :: replace.dataType :: Nil, prettyName)
} else {
private lazy val replaceFunc = input.dataType match {
case _: StringType =>
(inputEval: Any, replaceEval: Any, posEval: Int, lenEval: Int) => {
posEval, lenEval)
case BinaryType =>
(inputEval: Any, replaceEval: Any, posEval: Int, lenEval: Int) => {
posEval, lenEval)
override def nullSafeEval(inputEval: Any, replaceEval: Any, posEval: Any, lenEval: Any): Any = {
replaceFunc(inputEval, replaceEval, posEval.asInstanceOf[Int], lenEval.asInstanceOf[Int])
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (input, replace, pos, len) =>
"org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Overlay" +
s".calculate($input, $replace, $pos, $len);")
override def first: Expression = input
override def second: Expression = replace
override def third: Expression = pos
override def fourth: Expression = len
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
first: Expression, second: Expression, third: Expression, fourth: Expression): Overlay =
copy(input = first, replace = second, pos = third, len = fourth)
object StringTranslate {
def buildDict(matchingString: UTF8String, replaceString: UTF8String, collationId: Int)
: JMap[String, String] = {
val matching = if (CollationFactory.fetchCollation(collationId).supportsLowercaseEquality) {
} else {
val replace = replaceString.toString()
val dict = new HashMap[String, String]()
var i = 0
var j = 0
while (i < matching.length) {
val rep = if (j < replace.length) {
val repCharCount = Character.charCount(replace.codePointAt(j))
val repStr = replace.substring(j, j + repCharCount)
j += repCharCount
} else {
val matchCharCount = Character.charCount(matching.codePointAt(i))
val matchStr = matching.substring(i, i + matchCharCount)
if (null == dict.get(matchStr)) {
dict.put(matchStr, rep)
i += matchCharCount
* A function translate any character in the `srcExpr` by a character in `replaceExpr`.
* The characters in `replaceExpr` is corresponding to the characters in `matchingExpr`.
* The translate will happen when any character in the string matching with the character
* in the `matchingExpr`.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(input, from, to) - Translates the `input` string by replacing the characters present in the `from` string with the corresponding characters in the `to` string.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('AaBbCc', 'abc', '123');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class StringTranslate(srcExpr: Expression, matchingExpr: Expression, replaceExpr: Expression)
extends TernaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
@transient private var lastMatching: UTF8String = _
@transient private var lastReplace: UTF8String = _
@transient private var dict: JMap[String, String] = _
final lazy val collationId: Int = first.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
override def nullSafeEval(srcEval: Any, matchingEval: Any, replaceEval: Any): Any = {
if (matchingEval != lastMatching || replaceEval != lastReplace) {
lastMatching = matchingEval.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].clone()
lastReplace = replaceEval.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].clone()
dict = StringTranslate.buildDict(lastMatching, lastReplace, collationId)
CollationSupport.StringTranslate.exec(srcEval.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], dict, collationId)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val classNameDict = classOf[JMap[Character, Character]].getCanonicalName
val termLastMatching = ctx.addMutableState("UTF8String", "lastMatching")
val termLastReplace = ctx.addMutableState("UTF8String", "lastReplace")
val termDict = ctx.addMutableState(classNameDict, "dict")
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, (src, matching, replace) => {
val check = if (matchingExpr.foldable && replaceExpr.foldable) {
s"$termDict == null"
} else {
s"!$matching.equals($termLastMatching) || !$replace.equals($termLastReplace)"
s"""if ($check) {
// Not all of them is literal or matching or replace value changed
$termLastMatching = $matching.clone();
$termLastReplace = $replace.clone();
$termDict = org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.StringTranslate
.buildDict($termLastMatching, $termLastReplace, $collationId);
${ev.value} = CollationSupport.StringTranslate.
exec($src, $termDict, $collationId);
override def dataType: DataType = srcExpr.dataType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def first: Expression = srcExpr
override def second: Expression = matchingExpr
override def third: Expression = replaceExpr
override def prettyName: String = "translate"
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newFirst: Expression, newSecond: Expression, newThird: Expression): StringTranslate =
copy(srcExpr = newFirst, matchingExpr = newSecond, replaceExpr = newThird)
* A function that returns the index (1-based) of the given string (left) in the comma-
* delimited list (right). Returns 0, if the string wasn't found or if the given
* string (left) contains a comma.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = """
_FUNC_(str, str_array) - Returns the index (1-based) of the given string (`str`) in the comma-delimited list (`str_array`).
Returns 0, if the string was not found or if the given string (`str`) contains a comma.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('ab','abc,b,ab,c,def');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class FindInSet(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryExpression
with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
final lazy val collationId: Int = left.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation)
override protected def nullSafeEval(word: Any, set: Any): Any = {
exec(word.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], set.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], collationId)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (word, set) => CollationSupport.FindInSet.
genCode(word, set, collationId))
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override def prettyName: String = "find_in_set"
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): FindInSet = copy(left = newLeft, right = newRight)
trait String2TrimExpression extends Expression with ImplicitCastInputTypes {
protected def srcStr: Expression
protected def trimStr: Option[Expression]
protected def direction: String
override def children: Seq[Expression] = srcStr +: trimStr.toSeq
override def dataType: DataType = StringType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq.fill(children.size)(StringType)
override def nullable: Boolean = children.exists(_.nullable)
override def foldable: Boolean = children.forall(_.foldable)
protected def doEval(srcString: UTF8String): UTF8String
protected def doEval(srcString: UTF8String, trimString: UTF8String): UTF8String
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = {
val srcString = srcStr.eval(input).asInstanceOf[UTF8String]
if (srcString == null) {
} else if (trimStr.isDefined) {
doEval(srcString, trimStr.get.eval(input).asInstanceOf[UTF8String])
} else {
protected val trimMethod: String
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val evals =
val srcString = evals(0)
if (evals.length == 1) {
ev.copy(code = code"""
|boolean ${ev.isNull} = false;
|UTF8String ${ev.value} = null;
|if (${srcString.isNull}) {
| ${ev.isNull} = true;
|} else {
| ${ev.value} = ${srcString.value}.$trimMethod();
} else {
val trimString = evals(1)
ev.copy(code = code"""
|boolean ${ev.isNull} = false;
|UTF8String ${ev.value} = null;
|if (${srcString.isNull}) {
| ${ev.isNull} = true;
|} else {
| ${trimString.code}
| if (${trimString.isNull}) {
| ${ev.isNull} = true;
| } else {
| ${ev.value} = ${srcString.value}.$trimMethod(${trimString.value});
| }
override def sql: String = if (trimStr.isDefined) {
s"TRIM($direction ${trimStr.get.sql} FROM ${srcStr.sql})"
} else {
object StringTrim {
def apply(str: Expression, trimStr: Expression) : StringTrim = StringTrim(str, Some(trimStr))
def apply(str: Expression) : StringTrim = StringTrim(str, None)
* A function that takes a character string, removes the leading and trailing characters matching
* with any character in the trim string, returns the new string.
* If BOTH and trimStr keywords are not specified, it defaults to remove space character from both
* ends. The trim function will have one argument, which contains the source string.
* If BOTH and trimStr keywords are specified, it trims the characters from both ends, and the trim
* function will have two arguments, the first argument contains trimStr, the second argument
* contains the source string.
* trimStr: A character string to be trimmed from the source string, if it has multiple characters,
* the function searches for each character in the source string, removes the characters from the
* source string until it encounters the first non-match character.
* BOTH: removes any character from both ends of the source string that matches characters in the
* trim string.
usage = """
_FUNC_(str) - Removes the leading and trailing space characters from `str`.
_FUNC_(BOTH FROM str) - Removes the leading and trailing space characters from `str`.
_FUNC_(LEADING FROM str) - Removes the leading space characters from `str`.
_FUNC_(TRAILING FROM str) - Removes the trailing space characters from `str`.
_FUNC_(trimStr FROM str) - Remove the leading and trailing `trimStr` characters from `str`.
_FUNC_(BOTH trimStr FROM str) - Remove the leading and trailing `trimStr` characters from `str`.
_FUNC_(LEADING trimStr FROM str) - Remove the leading `trimStr` characters from `str`.
_FUNC_(TRAILING trimStr FROM str) - Remove the trailing `trimStr` characters from `str`.
arguments = """
* str - a string expression
* trimStr - the trim string characters to trim, the default value is a single space
* BOTH, FROM - these are keywords to specify trimming string characters from both ends of
the string
* LEADING, FROM - these are keywords to specify trimming string characters from the left
end of the string
* TRAILING, FROM - these are keywords to specify trimming string characters from the right
end of the string
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(' SparkSQL ');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class StringTrim(srcStr: Expression, trimStr: Option[Expression] = None)
extends String2TrimExpression {
def this(trimStr: Expression, srcStr: Expression) = this(srcStr, Option(trimStr))
def this(srcStr: Expression) = this(srcStr, None)
override def prettyName: String = "trim"
override protected def direction: String = "BOTH"
override def doEval(srcString: UTF8String): UTF8String = srcString.trim()
override def doEval(srcString: UTF8String, trimString: UTF8String): UTF8String =
override val trimMethod: String = "trim"
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): Expression =
srcStr = newChildren.head,
trimStr = if (trimStr.isDefined) Some(newChildren.last) else None)
* A function that takes a character string, removes the leading and trailing characters matching
* with any character in the trim string, returns the new string.
* trimStr: A character string to be trimmed from the source string, if it has multiple characters,
* the function searches for each character in the source string, removes the characters from the
* source string until it encounters the first non-match character.
usage = """
_FUNC_(str) - Removes the leading and trailing space characters from `str`.
_FUNC_(str, trimStr) - Remove the leading and trailing `trimStr` characters from `str`.
arguments = """
* str - a string expression
* trimStr - the trim string characters to trim, the default value is a single space
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(' SparkSQL ');
> SELECT _FUNC_(encode(' SparkSQL ', 'utf-8'));
> SELECT _FUNC_('SSparkSQLS', 'SL');
> SELECT _FUNC_(encode('SSparkSQLS', 'utf-8'), encode('SL', 'utf-8'));
since = "3.2.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class StringTrimBoth(srcStr: Expression, trimStr: Option[Expression], replacement: Expression)
extends RuntimeReplaceable with InheritAnalysisRules {
def this(srcStr: Expression, trimStr: Expression) = {
this(srcStr, Option(trimStr), StringTrim(srcStr, trimStr))
def this(srcStr: Expression) = {
this(srcStr, None, StringTrim(srcStr))
override def prettyName: String = "btrim"
override def parameters: Seq[Expression] = srcStr +: trimStr.toSeq
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): StringTrimBoth =
copy(replacement = newChild)
object StringTrimLeft {
def apply(str: Expression, trimStr: Expression): StringTrimLeft =
StringTrimLeft(str, Some(trimStr))
def apply(str: Expression): StringTrimLeft = StringTrimLeft(str, None)
* A function that trims the characters from left end for a given string.
* If LEADING and trimStr keywords are not specified, it defaults to remove space character from
* the left end. The ltrim function will have one argument, which contains the source string.
* If LEADING and trimStr keywords are not specified, it trims the characters from left end. The
* ltrim function will have two arguments, the first argument contains trimStr, the second argument
* contains the source string.
* trimStr: the function removes any character from the left end of the source string which matches
* with the characters from trimStr, it stops at the first non-match character.
* LEADING: removes any character from the left end of the source string that matches characters in
* the trim string.
usage = """
_FUNC_(str) - Removes the leading space characters from `str`.
arguments = """
* str - a string expression
* trimStr - the trim string characters to trim, the default value is a single space
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(' SparkSQL ');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class StringTrimLeft(srcStr: Expression, trimStr: Option[Expression] = None)
extends String2TrimExpression {
def this(trimStr: Expression, srcStr: Expression) = this(srcStr, Option(trimStr))
def this(srcStr: Expression) = this(srcStr, None)
override def prettyName: String = "ltrim"
override protected def direction: String = "LEADING"
override def doEval(srcString: UTF8String): UTF8String = srcString.trimLeft()
override def doEval(srcString: UTF8String, trimString: UTF8String): UTF8String =
override val trimMethod: String = "trimLeft"
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): StringTrimLeft =
srcStr = newChildren.head,
trimStr = if (trimStr.isDefined) Some(newChildren.last) else None)
object StringTrimRight {
def apply(str: Expression, trimStr: Expression): StringTrimRight =
StringTrimRight(str, Some(trimStr))
def apply(str: Expression) : StringTrimRight = StringTrimRight(str, None)
* A function that trims the characters from right end for a given string.
* If TRAILING and trimStr keywords are not specified, it defaults to remove space character
* from the right end. The rtrim function will have one argument, which contains the source string.
* If TRAILING and trimStr keywords are specified, it trims the characters from right end. The
* rtrim function will have two arguments, the first argument contains trimStr, the second argument
* contains the source string.
* trimStr: the function removes any character from the right end of source string which matches
* with the characters from trimStr, it stops at the first non-match character.
* TRAILING: removes any character from the right end of the source string that matches characters
* in the trim string.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = """
_FUNC_(str) - Removes the trailing space characters from `str`.
arguments = """
* str - a string expression
* trimStr - the trim string characters to trim, the default value is a single space
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(' SparkSQL ');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class StringTrimRight(srcStr: Expression, trimStr: Option[Expression] = None)
extends String2TrimExpression {
def this(trimStr: Expression, srcStr: Expression) = this(srcStr, Option(trimStr))
def this(srcStr: Expression) = this(srcStr, None)
override def prettyName: String = "rtrim"
override protected def direction: String = "TRAILING"
override def doEval(srcString: UTF8String): UTF8String = srcString.trimRight()
override def doEval(srcString: UTF8String, trimString: UTF8String): UTF8String =
override val trimMethod: String = "trimRight"
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): StringTrimRight =
srcStr = newChildren.head,
trimStr = if (trimStr.isDefined) Some(newChildren.last) else None)
* A function that returns the position of the first occurrence of substr in the given string.
* Returns null if either of the arguments are null and
* returns 0 if substr could not be found in str.
* NOTE: that this is not zero based, but 1-based index. The first character in str has index 1.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(str, substr) - Returns the (1-based) index of the first occurrence of `substr` in `str`.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('SparkSQL', 'SQL');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class StringInstr(str: Expression, substr: Expression)
extends BinaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
final lazy val collationId: Int = left.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
override def left: Expression = str
override def right: Expression = substr
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def nullSafeEval(string: Any, sub: Any): Any = {
exec(string.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], sub.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], collationId) + 1
override def prettyName: String = "instr"
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (string, substring) =>
CollationSupport.StringInstr.genCode(string, substring, collationId) + " + 1")
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): StringInstr = copy(str = newLeft, substr = newRight)
* Returns the substring from string str before count occurrences of the delimiter delim.
* If count is positive, everything the left of the final delimiter (counting from left) is
* returned. If count is negative, every to the right of the final delimiter (counting from the
* right) is returned. substring_index performs a case-sensitive match when searching for delim.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = """
_FUNC_(str, delim, count) - Returns the substring from `str` before `count` occurrences of the delimiter `delim`.
If `count` is positive, everything to the left of the final delimiter (counting from the
left) is returned. If `count` is negative, everything to the right of the final delimiter
(counting from the right) is returned. The function substring_index performs a case-sensitive match
when searching for `delim`.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('', '.', 2);
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class SubstringIndex(strExpr: Expression, delimExpr: Expression, countExpr: Expression)
extends TernaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
final lazy val collationId: Int = first.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
override def dataType: DataType = strExpr.dataType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation, IntegerType)
override def first: Expression = strExpr
override def second: Expression = delimExpr
override def third: Expression = countExpr
override def prettyName: String = "substring_index"
override def nullSafeEval(str: Any, delim: Any, count: Any): Any = {
delim.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], count.asInstanceOf[Int], collationId);
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (str, delim, count) =>
CollationSupport.SubstringIndex.genCode(str, delim, Integer.parseInt(count, 10), collationId))
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newFirst: Expression, newSecond: Expression, newThird: Expression): SubstringIndex =
copy(strExpr = newFirst, delimExpr = newSecond, countExpr = newThird)
* A function that returns the position of the first occurrence of substr
* in given string after position pos.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = """
_FUNC_(substr, str[, pos]) - Returns the position of the first occurrence of `substr` in `str` after position `pos`.
The given `pos` and return value are 1-based.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('bar', 'foobarbar');
> SELECT _FUNC_('bar', 'foobarbar', 5);
> SELECT POSITION('bar' IN 'foobarbar');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class StringLocate(substr: Expression, str: Expression, start: Expression)
extends TernaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes {
def this(substr: Expression, str: Expression) = {
this(substr, str, Literal(1))
final lazy val collationId: Int = first.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
override def first: Expression = substr
override def second: Expression = str
override def third: Expression = start
override def nullable: Boolean = substr.nullable || str.nullable
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation, IntegerType)
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = {
val s = start.eval(input)
if (s == null) {
// if the start position is null, we need to return 0, (conform to Hive)
} else {
val r = substr.eval(input)
if (r == null) {
} else {
val l = str.eval(input)
if (l == null) {
} else {
val sVal = s.asInstanceOf[Int]
if (sVal < 1) {
} else {
r.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], s.asInstanceOf[Int] - 1, collationId) + 1;
override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val substrGen = substr.genCode(ctx)
val strGen = str.genCode(ctx)
val startGen = start.genCode(ctx)
ev.copy(code = code"""
int ${ev.value} = 0;
boolean ${ev.isNull} = false;
if (!${startGen.isNull}) {
if (!${substrGen.isNull}) {
if (!${strGen.isNull}) {
if (${startGen.value} > 0) {
${ev.value} = CollationSupport.StringLocate.exec(${strGen.value},
${substrGen.value}, ${startGen.value} - 1, $collationId) + 1;
} else {
${ev.isNull} = true;
} else {
${ev.isNull} = true;
override def prettyName: String =
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newFirst: Expression, newSecond: Expression, newThird: Expression): StringLocate =
copy(substr = newFirst, str = newSecond, start = newThird)
trait PadExpressionBuilderBase extends ExpressionBuilder {
override def build(funcName: String, expressions: Seq[Expression]): Expression = {
val behaviorChangeEnabled = !SQLConf.get.getConf(SQLConf.LEGACY_LPAD_RPAD_BINARY_TYPE_AS_STRING)
val numArgs = expressions.length
if (numArgs == 2) {
if (expressions(0).dataType == BinaryType && behaviorChangeEnabled) {
BinaryPad(funcName, expressions(0), expressions(1), Literal(Array[Byte](0)))
} else {
createStringPad(expressions(0), expressions(1), Literal(" "))
} else if (numArgs == 3) {
if (expressions(0).dataType == BinaryType && expressions(2).dataType == BinaryType
&& behaviorChangeEnabled) {
BinaryPad(funcName, expressions(0), expressions(1), expressions(2))
} else {
createStringPad(expressions(0), expressions(1), expressions(2))
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumArgsError(funcName, Seq(2, 3), numArgs)
protected def createStringPad(str: Expression, len: Expression, pad: Expression): Expression
usage = """
_FUNC_(str, len[, pad]) - Returns `str`, left-padded with `pad` to a length of `len`.
If `str` is longer than `len`, the return value is shortened to `len` characters or bytes.
If `pad` is not specified, `str` will be padded to the left with space characters if it is
a character string, and with zeros if it is a byte sequence.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('hi', 5, '??');
> SELECT _FUNC_('hi', 1, '??');
> SELECT _FUNC_('hi', 5);
> SELECT hex(_FUNC_(unhex('aabb'), 5));
> SELECT hex(_FUNC_(unhex('aabb'), 5, unhex('1122')));
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
object LPadExpressionBuilder extends PadExpressionBuilderBase {
override def createStringPad(str: Expression, len: Expression, pad: Expression): Expression = {
StringLPad(str, len, pad)
case class StringLPad(str: Expression, len: Expression, pad: Expression)
extends TernaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def first: Expression = str
override def second: Expression = len
override def third: Expression = pad
override def dataType: DataType = str.dataType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, IntegerType, StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def nullSafeEval(string: Any, len: Any, pad: Any): Any = {
string.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].lpad(len.asInstanceOf[Int], pad.asInstanceOf[UTF8String])
override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (string, len, pad) => {
s"$string.lpad($len, $pad)"
override def prettyName: String = "lpad"
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newFirst: Expression, newSecond: Expression, newThird: Expression): StringLPad =
copy(str = newFirst, len = newSecond, pad = newThird)
case class BinaryPad(funcName: String, str: Expression, len: Expression, pad: Expression)
extends RuntimeReplaceable with ImplicitCastInputTypes {
assert(funcName == "lpad" || funcName == "rpad")
override lazy val replacement: Expression = StaticInvoke(
Seq(str, len, pad),
returnNullable = false)
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(BinaryType, IntegerType, BinaryType)
override def nodeName: String = funcName
override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(str, len, pad)
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): Expression = {
copy(str = newChildren(0), len = newChildren(1), pad = newChildren(2))
usage = """
_FUNC_(str, len[, pad]) - Returns `str`, right-padded with `pad` to a length of `len`.
If `str` is longer than `len`, the return value is shortened to `len` characters.
If `pad` is not specified, `str` will be padded to the right with space characters if it is
a character string, and with zeros if it is a binary string.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('hi', 5, '??');
> SELECT _FUNC_('hi', 1, '??');
> SELECT _FUNC_('hi', 5);
> SELECT hex(_FUNC_(unhex('aabb'), 5));
> SELECT hex(_FUNC_(unhex('aabb'), 5, unhex('1122')));
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
object RPadExpressionBuilder extends PadExpressionBuilderBase {
override def createStringPad(str: Expression, len: Expression, pad: Expression): Expression = {
StringRPad(str, len, pad)
case class StringRPad(str: Expression, len: Expression, pad: Expression = Literal(" "))
extends TernaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def first: Expression = str
override def second: Expression = len
override def third: Expression = pad
override def dataType: DataType = str.dataType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, IntegerType, StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def nullSafeEval(string: Any, len: Any, pad: Any): Any = {
string.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].rpad(len.asInstanceOf[Int], pad.asInstanceOf[UTF8String])
override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (string, len, pad) => {
s"$string.rpad($len, $pad)"
override def prettyName: String = "rpad"
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newFirst: Expression, newSecond: Expression, newThird: Expression): StringRPad =
copy(str = newFirst, len = newSecond, pad = newThird)
* Returns the input formatted according do printf-style format strings
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(strfmt, obj, ...) - Returns a formatted string from printf-style format strings.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_("Hello World %d %s", 100, "days");
Hello World 100 days
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class FormatString(children: Expression*) extends Expression with ImplicitCastInputTypes {
if (children.nonEmpty && !SQLConf.get.getConf(SQLConf.ALLOW_ZERO_INDEX_IN_FORMAT_STRING)) {
override def foldable: Boolean = children.forall(_.foldable)
override def nullable: Boolean = children(0).nullable
override def dataType: DataType = children(0).dataType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
StringTypeAnyCollation :: List.fill(children.size - 1)(AnyDataType)
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
if (children.isEmpty) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumArgsError(
toSQLId(prettyName), Seq("> 0"), children.length
} else {
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = {
val pattern = children(0).eval(input)
if (pattern == null) {
} else {
val sb = new StringBuffer()
val formatter = new java.util.Formatter(sb, Locale.US)
val arglist =[AnyRef])
formatter.format(pattern.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].toString, arglist: _*)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val pattern = children.head.genCode(ctx)
val argListGen = => (x.dataType, x.genCode(ctx)))
val argList = ctx.freshName("argLists")
val numArgLists = argListGen.length
val argListCode = { case(v, index) =>
val value =
if (CodeGenerator.boxedType(v._1) != CodeGenerator.javaType(v._1)) {
// Java primitives get boxed in order to allow null values.
s"(${v._2.isNull}) ? (${CodeGenerator.boxedType(v._1)}) null : " +
s"new ${CodeGenerator.boxedType(v._1)}(${v._2.value})"
} else {
s"(${v._2.isNull}) ? null : ${v._2.value}"
$argList[$index] = $value;
val argListCodes = ctx.splitExpressionsWithCurrentInputs(
expressions = argListCode,
funcName = "valueFormatString",
extraArguments = ("Object[]", argList) :: Nil)
val form = ctx.freshName("formatter")
val formatter = classOf[java.util.Formatter].getName
val sb = ctx.freshName("sb")
val stringBuffer = classOf[StringBuffer].getName
ev.copy(code = code"""
boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${pattern.isNull};
${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${CodeGenerator.defaultValue(dataType)};
if (!${ev.isNull}) {
$stringBuffer $sb = new $stringBuffer();
$formatter $form = new $formatter($sb, ${classOf[Locale].getName}.US);
Object[] $argList = new Object[$numArgLists];
$form.format(${pattern.value}.toString(), $argList);
${ev.value} = UTF8String.fromString($sb.toString());
override def prettyName: String = getTagValue(
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): FormatString = FormatString(newChildren: _*)
* SPARK-37013: The `formatSpecifier` defined in `j.u.Formatter` as follows:
* "%[argument_index$][flags][width][.precision][t]conversion"
* The optional `argument_index` is a decimal integer indicating the position of the argument
* in the argument list. The first argument is referenced by "1$", the second by "2$", etc.
* However, for the illegal definition of "%0$", Java 8 and Java 11 uses it as "%1$",
* and Java 17 throws IllegalFormatArgumentIndexException(Illegal format argument index = 0).
* Therefore, manually check that the pattern string not contains "%0$" to ensure consistent
* behavior of Java 8, Java 11 and Java 17.
private def checkArgumentIndexNotZero(expression: Expression): Unit = expression match {
case StringLiteral(pattern) if pattern.contains("%0$") =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.zeroArgumentIndexError()
case _ => // do nothing
* Returns string, with the first letter of each word in uppercase, all other letters in lowercase.
* Words are delimited by whitespace.
usage = """
_FUNC_(str) - Returns `str` with the first letter of each word in uppercase.
All other letters are in lowercase. Words are delimited by white space.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('sPark sql');
Spark Sql
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class InitCap(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
final lazy val collationId: Int = child.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def dataType: DataType = child.dataType
override def nullSafeEval(string: Any): Any = {
CollationSupport.InitCap.exec(string.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], collationId)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, str => CollationSupport.InitCap.genCode(str, collationId))
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): InitCap =
copy(child = newChild)
* Returns the string which repeat the given string value n times.
usage = "_FUNC_(str, n) - Returns the string which repeats the given string value n times.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('123', 2);
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class StringRepeat(str: Expression, times: Expression)
extends BinaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def left: Expression = str
override def right: Expression = times
override def dataType: DataType = str.dataType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, IntegerType)
override def nullSafeEval(string: Any, n: Any): Any = {
override def prettyName: String = "repeat"
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (l, r) => s"($l).repeat($r)")
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): StringRepeat = copy(str = newLeft, times = newRight)
* Returns a string consisting of n spaces.
usage = "_FUNC_(n) - Returns a string consisting of `n` spaces.",
examples = """
> SELECT concat(_FUNC_(2), '1');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class StringSpace(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def dataType: DataType = SQLConf.get.defaultStringType
override def inputTypes: Seq[DataType] = Seq(IntegerType)
override def nullSafeEval(s: Any): Any = {
val length = s.asInstanceOf[Int]
UTF8String.blankString(if (length < 0) 0 else length)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, (length) =>
s"""${ev.value} = UTF8String.blankString(($length < 0) ? 0 : $length);""")
override def prettyName: String = "space"
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): StringSpace =
copy(child = newChild)
* A function that takes a substring of its first argument starting at a given position.
* Defined for String and Binary types.
* NOTE: that this is not zero based, but 1-based index. The first character in str has index 1.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = """
_FUNC_(str, pos[, len]) - Returns the substring of `str` that starts at `pos` and is of length `len`, or the slice of byte array that starts at `pos` and is of length `len`.
_FUNC_(str FROM pos[ FOR len]]) - Returns the substring of `str` that starts at `pos` and is of length `len`, or the slice of byte array that starts at `pos` and is of length `len`.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', 5);
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', -3);
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', 5, 1);
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL' FROM 5);
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL' FROM -3);
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL' FROM 5 FOR 1);
> SELECT _FUNC_(encode('Spark SQL', 'utf-8'), 5);
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Substring(str: Expression, pos: Expression, len: Expression)
extends TernaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
def this(str: Expression, pos: Expression) = {
this(str, pos, Literal(Integer.MAX_VALUE))
override def dataType: DataType = str.dataType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(TypeCollection(StringTypeAnyCollation, BinaryType), IntegerType, IntegerType)
override def first: Expression = str
override def second: Expression = pos
override def third: Expression = len
override def nullSafeEval(string: Any, pos: Any, len: Any): Any = {
str.dataType match {
case _: StringType => string.asInstanceOf[UTF8String]
.substringSQL(pos.asInstanceOf[Int], len.asInstanceOf[Int])
case BinaryType => ByteArray.subStringSQL(string.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]],
pos.asInstanceOf[Int], len.asInstanceOf[Int])
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (string, pos, len) => {
str.dataType match {
case _: StringType => s"$string.substringSQL($pos, $len)"
case BinaryType => s"${classOf[ByteArray].getName}.subStringSQL($string, $pos, $len)"
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newFirst: Expression, newSecond: Expression, newThird: Expression): Substring =
copy(str = newFirst, pos = newSecond, len = newThird)
* Returns the rightmost n characters from the string.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(str, len) - Returns the rightmost `len`(`len` can be string type) characters from the string `str`,if `len` is less or equal than 0 the result is an empty string.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', 3);
since = "2.3.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Right(str: Expression, len: Expression) extends RuntimeReplaceable
with ImplicitCastInputTypes with BinaryLike[Expression] {
override lazy val replacement: Expression = If(
Literal(null, str.dataType),
LessThanOrEqual(len, Literal(0)),
Literal(UTF8String.EMPTY_UTF8, str.dataType),
new Substring(str, UnaryMinus(len))
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, IntegerType)
override def left: Expression = str
override def right: Expression = len
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): Expression = {
copy(str = newLeft, len = newRight)
* Returns the leftmost n characters from the string.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(str, len) - Returns the leftmost `len`(`len` can be string type) characters from the string `str`,if `len` is less or equal than 0 the result is an empty string.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL', 3);
> SELECT _FUNC_(encode('Spark SQL', 'utf-8'), 3);
since = "2.3.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Left(str: Expression, len: Expression) extends RuntimeReplaceable
with ImplicitCastInputTypes with BinaryLike[Expression] {
override lazy val replacement: Expression = Substring(str, Literal(1), len)
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = {
Seq(TypeCollection(StringTypeAnyCollation, BinaryType), IntegerType)
override def left: Expression = str
override def right: Expression = len
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): Expression = {
copy(str = newLeft, len = newRight)
* A function that returns the char length of the given string expression or
* number of bytes of the given binary expression.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the character length of string data or number of bytes of binary data. The length of string data includes the trailing spaces. The length of binary data includes binary zeros.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL ');
> SELECT _FUNC_(x'537061726b2053514c');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Length(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(TypeCollection(StringTypeAnyCollation, BinaryType))
protected override def nullSafeEval(value: Any): Any = child.dataType match {
case _: StringType => value.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].numChars
case BinaryType => value.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]].length
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
child.dataType match {
case _: StringType => defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, c => s"($c).numChars()")
case BinaryType => defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, c => s"($c).length")
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): Length = copy(child = newChild)
* A function that returns the bit length of the given string or binary expression.
usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the bit length of string data or number of bits of binary data.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL');
> SELECT _FUNC_(x'537061726b2053514c');
since = "2.3.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class BitLength(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(TypeCollection(StringTypeAnyCollation, BinaryType))
protected override def nullSafeEval(value: Any): Any = child.dataType match {
case _: StringType => value.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].numBytes * 8
case BinaryType => value.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]].length * 8
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
child.dataType match {
case _: StringType => defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, c => s"($c).numBytes() * 8")
case BinaryType => defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, c => s"($c).length * 8")
override def prettyName: String = "bit_length"
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): BitLength =
copy(child = newChild)
* A function that returns the byte length of the given string or binary expression.
usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the byte length of string data or number of bytes of binary " +
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL');
> SELECT _FUNC_(x'537061726b2053514c');
since = "2.3.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class OctetLength(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(TypeCollection(StringTypeAnyCollation, BinaryType))
protected override def nullSafeEval(value: Any): Any = child.dataType match {
case _: StringType => value.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].numBytes
case BinaryType => value.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]].length
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
child.dataType match {
case _: StringType => defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, c => s"($c).numBytes()")
case BinaryType => defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, c => s"($c).length")
override def prettyName: String = "octet_length"
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): OctetLength =
copy(child = newChild)
* A function that return the Levenshtein distance between the two given strings.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = """
_FUNC_(str1, str2[, threshold]) - Returns the Levenshtein distance between the two given strings. If threshold is set and distance more than it, return -1.""",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('kitten', 'sitting');
> SELECT _FUNC_('kitten', 'sitting', 2);
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Levenshtein(
left: Expression,
right: Expression,
threshold: Option[Expression] = None)
extends Expression
with ImplicitCastInputTypes
with NullIntolerant{
def this(left: Expression, right: Expression, threshold: Expression) =
this(left, right, Option(threshold))
def this(left: Expression, right: Expression) = this(left, right, None)
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
if (children.length > 3 || children.length < 2) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumArgsError(
toSQLId(prettyName), Seq(2, 3), children.length)
} else {
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = threshold match {
case Some(_) => Seq(StringType, StringType, IntegerType)
case _ => Seq(StringType, StringType)
override def children: Seq[Expression] = threshold match {
case Some(value) => Seq(left, right, value)
case _ => Seq(left, right)
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): Expression = {
threshold match {
case Some(_) => copy(left = newChildren(0), right = newChildren(1),
threshold = Some(newChildren(2)))
case _ => copy(left = newChildren(0), right = newChildren(1))
override def nullable: Boolean = children.exists(_.nullable)
override def foldable: Boolean = children.forall(_.foldable)
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = {
val leftEval = left.eval(input)
if (leftEval == null) return null
val rightEval = right.eval(input)
if (rightEval == null) return null
val thresholdEval =
thresholdEval match {
case Some(v) =>
case _ =>
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
threshold match {
case Some(_) => genCodeWithThreshold(ctx, ev, children(2))
case _ => genCodeWithoutThreshold(ctx, ev)
private def genCodeWithThreshold(
ctx: CodegenContext,
ev: ExprCode,
thresholdExpr: Expression): ExprCode = {
val leftGen = children.head.genCode(ctx)
val rightGen = children(1).genCode(ctx)
val thresholdGen = thresholdExpr.genCode(ctx)
val resultCode = s"${ev.value} = ${leftGen.value}.levenshteinDistance(" +
s"${rightGen.value}, ${thresholdGen.value});"
if (nullable) {
val nullSafeEval =
leftGen.code.toString + ctx.nullSafeExec(children.head.nullable, leftGen.isNull) {
rightGen.code.toString + ctx.nullSafeExec(children(1).nullable, rightGen.isNull) {
thresholdGen.code.toString +
ctx.nullSafeExec(thresholdExpr.nullable, thresholdGen.isNull) {
${ev.isNull} = false;
ev.copy(code = code"""
boolean ${ev.isNull} = true;
${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${CodeGenerator.defaultValue(dataType)};
} else {
val eval = leftGen.code + rightGen.code + thresholdGen.code
ev.copy(code = code"""
${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${CodeGenerator.defaultValue(dataType)};
$resultCode""", isNull = FalseLiteral)
private def genCodeWithoutThreshold(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val leftGen = children.head.genCode(ctx)
val rightGen = children(1).genCode(ctx)
val resultCode = s"${ev.value} = ${leftGen.value}.levenshteinDistance(${rightGen.value});"
if (nullable) {
val nullSafeEval =
leftGen.code.toString + ctx.nullSafeExec(children.head.nullable, leftGen.isNull) {
rightGen.code.toString + ctx.nullSafeExec(children(1).nullable, rightGen.isNull) {
${ev.isNull} = false;
ev.copy(code = code"""
boolean ${ev.isNull} = true;
${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${CodeGenerator.defaultValue(dataType)};
} else {
val eval = leftGen.code + rightGen.code
ev.copy(code = code"""
${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${CodeGenerator.defaultValue(dataType)};
$resultCode""", isNull = FalseLiteral)
* A function that return Soundex code of the given string expression.
usage = "_FUNC_(str) - Returns Soundex code of the string.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Miller');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class SoundEx(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with ExpectsInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def dataType: DataType = SQLConf.get.defaultStringType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def nullSafeEval(input: Any): Any = input.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].soundex()
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, c => s"$c.soundex()")
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): SoundEx =
copy(child = newChild)
* Returns the numeric value of the first character of str.
usage = "_FUNC_(str) - Returns the numeric value of the first character of `str`.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('222');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class Ascii(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation)
protected override def nullSafeEval(string: Any): Any = {
// only pick the first character to reduce the `toString` cost
val firstCharStr = string.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].substring(0, 1)
if (firstCharStr.numChars > 0) {
} else {
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, (child) => {
val firstCharStr = ctx.freshName("firstCharStr")
UTF8String $firstCharStr = $child.substring(0, 1);
if ($firstCharStr.numChars() > 0) {
${ev.value} = $firstCharStr.toString().codePointAt(0);
} else {
${ev.value} = 0;
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): Ascii = copy(child = newChild)
* Returns the ASCII character having the binary equivalent to n.
* If n is larger than 256 the result is equivalent to chr(n % 256)
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the ASCII character having the binary equivalent to `expr`. If n is larger than 256 the result is equivalent to chr(n % 256)",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(65);
since = "2.3.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Chr(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def dataType: DataType = SQLConf.get.defaultStringType
override def inputTypes: Seq[DataType] = Seq(LongType)
protected override def nullSafeEval(lon: Any): Any = {
val longVal = lon.asInstanceOf[Long]
if (longVal < 0) {
} else if ((longVal & 0xFF) == 0) {
} else {
UTF8String.fromString((longVal & 0xFF).toChar.toString)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, lon => {
if ($lon < 0) {
${ev.value} = UTF8String.EMPTY_UTF8;
} else if (($lon & 0xFF) == 0) {
${ev.value} = UTF8String.fromString(String.valueOf(Character.MIN_VALUE));
} else {
char c = (char)($lon & 0xFF);
${ev.value} = UTF8String.fromString(String.valueOf(c));
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): Chr = copy(child = newChild)
* Converts the argument from binary to a base 64 string.
usage = "_FUNC_(bin) - Converts the argument from a binary `bin` to a base 64 string.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Spark SQL');
> SELECT _FUNC_(x'537061726b2053514c');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class Base64(child: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def dataType: DataType = SQLConf.get.defaultStringType
override def inputTypes: Seq[DataType] = Seq(BinaryType)
protected override def nullSafeEval(bytes: Any): Any = {
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, (child) => {
s"""${ev.value} = UTF8String.fromBytes(
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): Base64 = copy(child = newChild)
* Converts the argument from a base 64 string to BINARY.
usage = "_FUNC_(str) - Converts the argument from a base 64 string `str` to a binary.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('U3BhcmsgU1FM');
Spark SQL
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class UnBase64(child: Expression, failOnError: Boolean = false)
extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def dataType: DataType = BinaryType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation)
def this(expr: Expression) = this(expr, false)
protected override def nullSafeEval(string: Any): Any = {
if (failOnError && !UnBase64.isValidBase64(string.asInstanceOf[UTF8String])) {
// The failOnError is set only from `ToBinary` function - hence we might safely set `hint`
// parameter to `try_to_binary`.
throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidInputInConversionError(
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, child => {
val maybeValidateInputCode = if (failOnError) {
val unbase64 = UnBase64.getClass.getName.stripSuffix("$")
val binaryType = ctx.addReferenceObj("to", BinaryType, BinaryType.getClass.getName)
|if (!$unbase64.isValidBase64($child)) {
| throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidInputInConversionError(
| $binaryType,
| $child,
| UTF8String.fromString("BASE64"),
| "try_to_binary");
} else {
${ev.value} = ${classOf[JBase64].getName}.getMimeDecoder().decode($child.toString());
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): UnBase64 =
copy(child = newChild, failOnError)
object UnBase64 {
def isValidBase64(srcString: UTF8String) : Boolean = {
// We use RFC4648. The valid base64 string should contain zero or more groups of 4 symbols plus
// last group consisting of 2-4 valid symbols and optional padding.
// Last group should contain at least 2 valid symbols and up to 2 padding characters `=`.
// Valid symbols include - (A-Za-z0-9+/). Each group might contain arbitrary number of
// whitespaces which are ignored.
// If padding is present - last group should include exactly 4 symbols.
// Examples:
// "abcd" - Valid, single group of 4 valid symbols
// "abc d" - Valid, single group of 4 valid symbols, whitespace is skipped
// "abc?" - Invalid, group contains invalid symbol `?`
// "abcdA" - Invalid, last group should contain at least 2 valid symbols
// "abcdAE" - Valid, a group of 4 valid symbols and a group of 2 valid symbols
// "abcdAE==" - Valid, last group includes 2 padding symbols and total number of symbols
// in a group is 4.
// "abcdAE=" - Invalid, last group include padding symbols, therefore it should have
// exactly 4 symbols but contains only 3.
// "ab==tm+1" - Invalid, nothing should be after padding.
var position = 0
var padSize = 0
for (c: Char <- srcString.toString) {
c match {
case a
if (a >= '0' && a <= '9')
|| (a >= 'A' && a <= 'Z')
|| (a >= 'a' && a <= 'z')
|| a == '/' || a == '+' =>
if (padSize != 0) return false // Padding symbols should conclude the string.
position += 1
case '=' =>
padSize += 1
// Last group preceding padding should have 2 or more symbols. Padding size should be 1 or
// less.
if (padSize > 2 || position % 4 < 2) {
return false
case ws if Character.isWhitespace(ws) =>
if (padSize != 0) { // Padding symbols should conclude the string.
return false
case _ => return false
if (padSize > 0) { // When padding is present last group should have exactly 4 symbols.
(position + padSize) % 4 == 0
} else { // When padding is absent last group should include 2 or more symbols.
position % 4 != 1
object Decode {
def createExpr(params: Seq[Expression]): Expression = {
params.length match {
case 0 | 1 =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.wrongNumArgsError("decode", "2", params.length)
case 2 => StringDecode(params.head, params.last)
case _ =>
val input = params.head
val other = params.tail
val itr = other.iterator
var default: Expression = Literal.create(null, SQLConf.get.defaultStringType)
val branches = ArrayBuffer.empty[(Expression, Expression)]
while (itr.hasNext) {
val search =
if (itr.hasNext) {
val condition = EqualNullSafe(input, search)
branches += ((condition,
} else {
default = search
CaseWhen(branches.toSeq, default)
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = """
_FUNC_(bin, charset) - Decodes the first argument using the second argument character set.
_FUNC_(expr, search, result [, search, result ] ... [, default]) - Compares expr
to each search value in order. If expr is equal to a search value, _FUNC_ returns
the corresponding result. If no match is found, then it returns default. If default
is omitted, it returns null.
arguments = """
* bin - a binary expression to decode
* charset - one of the charsets 'US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16' to decode `bin` into a STRING. It is case insensitive.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(encode('abc', 'utf-8'), 'utf-8');
> SELECT _FUNC_(2, 1, 'Southlake', 2, 'San Francisco', 3, 'New Jersey', 4, 'Seattle', 'Non domestic');
San Francisco
> SELECT _FUNC_(6, 1, 'Southlake', 2, 'San Francisco', 3, 'New Jersey', 4, 'Seattle', 'Non domestic');
Non domestic
> SELECT _FUNC_(6, 1, 'Southlake', 2, 'San Francisco', 3, 'New Jersey', 4, 'Seattle');
> SELECT _FUNC_(null, 6, 'Spark', NULL, 'SQL', 4, 'rocks');
since = "3.2.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Decode(params: Seq[Expression], replacement: Expression)
extends RuntimeReplaceable with InheritAnalysisRules {
def this(params: Seq[Expression]) = this(params, Decode.createExpr(params))
override def parameters: Seq[Expression] = params
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): Expression = {
copy(replacement = newChild)
* Decodes the first argument into a String using the provided character set.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(bin, charset) - Decodes the first argument using the second argument character set. If either argument is null, the result will also be null.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(encode('abc', 'utf-8'), 'utf-8');
arguments = """
* bin - a binary expression to decode
* charset - one of the charsets 'US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16' to decode `bin` into a STRING. It is case insensitive.
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class StringDecode(bin: Expression, charset: Expression, legacyCharsets: Boolean)
extends BinaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
def this(bin: Expression, charset: Expression) =
this(bin, charset, SQLConf.get.legacyJavaCharsets)
override def left: Expression = bin
override def right: Expression = charset
override def dataType: DataType = SQLConf.get.defaultStringType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(BinaryType, StringTypeAnyCollation)
private val supportedCharsets = Set(
"US-ASCII", "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE", "UTF-16")
protected override def nullSafeEval(input1: Any, input2: Any): Any = {
val fromCharset = input2.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].toString
try {
if (legacyCharsets || supportedCharsets.contains(fromCharset.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))) {
UTF8String.fromString(new String(input1.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]], fromCharset))
} else throw new UnsupportedEncodingException
} catch {
case _: UnsupportedEncodingException =>
throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidCharsetError(prettyName, fromCharset)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, (bytes, charset) => {
val fromCharset = ctx.freshName("fromCharset")
val sc =
ctx.addReferenceObj("supportedCharsets", supportedCharsets),
String $fromCharset = $charset.toString();
try {
if ($legacyCharsets || $sc.contains($fromCharset.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ROOT))) {
${ev.value} = UTF8String.fromString(new String($bytes, $fromCharset));
} else {
throw new;
} catch ( e) {
throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidCharsetError("$prettyName", $fromCharset);
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): StringDecode =
copy(bin = newLeft, charset = newRight)
override def prettyName: String = "decode"
object StringDecode {
def apply(bin: Expression, charset: Expression): StringDecode = new StringDecode(bin, charset)
* Encode the given string to a binary using the provided charset.
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
usage = "_FUNC_(str, charset) - Encodes the first argument using the second argument character set. If either argument is null, the result will also be null.",
arguments = """
* str - a string expression
* charset - one of the charsets 'US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16' to encode `str` into a BINARY. It is case insensitive.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('abc', 'utf-8');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Encode(str: Expression, charset: Expression, legacyCharsets: Boolean)
extends BinaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
def this(value: Expression, charset: Expression) =
this(value, charset, SQLConf.get.legacyJavaCharsets)
override def left: Expression = str
override def right: Expression = charset
override def dataType: DataType = BinaryType
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation)
private val supportedCharsets = Set(
"US-ASCII", "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE", "UTF-16")
protected override def nullSafeEval(input1: Any, input2: Any): Any = {
val toCharset = input2.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].toString
try {
if (legacyCharsets || supportedCharsets.contains(toCharset.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))) {
} else throw new UnsupportedEncodingException
} catch {
case _: UnsupportedEncodingException =>
throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidCharsetError(prettyName, toCharset)
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, (string, charset) => {
val toCharset = ctx.freshName("toCharset")
val sc =
ctx.addReferenceObj("supportedCharsets", supportedCharsets),
String $toCharset = $charset.toString();
try {
if ($legacyCharsets || $sc.contains($toCharset.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ROOT))) {
${ev.value} = $string.toString().getBytes($toCharset);
} else {
throw new;
} catch ( e) {
throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidCharsetError("$prettyName", $toCharset);
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): Encode = copy(str = newLeft, charset = newRight)
object Encode {
def apply(value: Expression, charset: Expression): Encode = new Encode(value, charset)
* Converts the input expression to a binary value based on the supplied format.
usage = """
_FUNC_(str[, fmt]) - Converts the input `str` to a binary value based on the supplied `fmt`.
`fmt` can be a case-insensitive string literal of "hex", "utf-8", "utf8", or "base64".
By default, the binary format for conversion is "hex" if `fmt` is omitted.
The function returns NULL if at least one of the input parameters is NULL.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('abc', 'utf-8');
since = "3.3.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class ToBinary(
expr: Expression,
format: Option[Expression],
nullOnInvalidFormat: Boolean = false) extends RuntimeReplaceable
with ImplicitCastInputTypes {
@transient lazy val fmt: String = { f =>
val value = f.eval()
if (value == null) {
} else {
override lazy val replacement: Expression = if (fmt == null) {
Literal(null, BinaryType)
} else {
fmt match {
case "hex" => Unhex(expr, failOnError = true)
case "utf-8" | "utf8" => Encode(expr, Literal("UTF-8"))
case "base64" => UnBase64(expr, failOnError = true)
case _ => Literal(null, BinaryType)
def this(expr: Expression) = this(expr, None, false)
def this(expr: Expression, format: Expression) =
this(expr, Some(format), false)
override def prettyName: String = "to_binary"
override def children: Seq[Expression] = expr +: format.toSeq
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = => StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
def isValidFormat: Boolean = {
fmt == null || Set("hex", "utf-8", "utf8", "base64").contains(fmt)
format match {
case Some(f) =>
if (f.foldable && (f.dataType.isInstanceOf[StringType] || f.dataType == NullType)) {
if (isValidFormat || nullOnInvalidFormat) {
} else {
errorSubClass = "INVALID_ARG_VALUE",
messageParameters = Map(
"inputName" -> "fmt",
"requireType" -> s"case-insensitive ${toSQLType(StringTypeAnyCollation)}",
"validValues" -> "'hex', 'utf-8', 'utf8', or 'base64'",
"inputValue" -> toSQLValue(fmt, f.dataType)
} else if (!f.foldable) {
errorSubClass = "NON_FOLDABLE_INPUT",
messageParameters = Map(
"inputName" -> toSQLId("fmt"),
"inputType" -> toSQLType(StringTypeAnyCollation),
"inputExpr" -> toSQLExpr(f)
} else {
errorSubClass = "INVALID_ARG_VALUE",
messageParameters = Map(
"inputName" -> "fmt",
"requireType" -> s"case-insensitive ${toSQLType(StringTypeAnyCollation)}",
"validValues" -> "'hex', 'utf-8', 'utf8', or 'base64'",
"inputValue" -> toSQLValue(f.eval(), f.dataType)
case _ => super.checkInputDataTypes()
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): Expression = {
if (format.isDefined) {
copy(expr = newChildren.head, format = Some(newChildren.last))
} else {
copy(expr = newChildren.head)
* Formats the number X to a format like '#,###,###.##', rounded to D decimal places,
* and returns the result as a string. If D is 0, the result has no decimal point or
* fractional part.
usage = """
_FUNC_(expr1, expr2) - Formats the number `expr1` like '#,###,###.##', rounded to `expr2`
decimal places. If `expr2` is 0, the result has no decimal point or fractional part.
`expr2` also accept a user specified format.
This is supposed to function like MySQL's FORMAT.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_(12332.123456, 4);
> SELECT _FUNC_(12332.123456, '##################.###');
since = "1.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class FormatNumber(x: Expression, d: Expression)
extends BinaryExpression with ExpectsInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
override def left: Expression = x
override def right: Expression = d
override def dataType: DataType = SQLConf.get.defaultStringType
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(NumericType, TypeCollection(IntegerType, StringTypeAnyCollation))
private val defaultFormat = "#,###,###,###,###,###,##0"
// Associated with the pattern, for the last d value, and we will update the
// pattern (DecimalFormat) once the new coming d value differ with the last one.
// This is an Option to distinguish between 0 (numberFormat is valid) and uninitialized after
// serialization (numberFormat has not been updated for dValue = 0).
private var lastDIntValue: Option[Int] = None
private var lastDStringValue: Option[String] = None
// A cached DecimalFormat, for performance concern, we will change it
// only if the d value changed.
private lazy val pattern: StringBuffer = new StringBuffer()
// SPARK-13515: US Locale configures the DecimalFormat object to use a dot ('.')
// as a decimal separator.
private lazy val numberFormat = new DecimalFormat("", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US))
override protected def nullSafeEval(xObject: Any, dObject: Any): Any = {
right.dataType match {
case IntegerType =>
val dValue = dObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
if (dValue < 0) {
return null
lastDIntValue match {
case Some(last) if last == dValue =>
// use the current pattern
case _ =>
// construct a new DecimalFormat only if a new dValue
pattern.delete(0, pattern.length)
// decimal place
if (dValue > 0) {
var i = 0
while (i < dValue) {
i += 1
lastDIntValue = Some(dValue)
case _: StringType =>
val dValue = dObject.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].toString
lastDStringValue match {
case Some(last) if last == dValue =>
case _ =>
pattern.delete(0, pattern.length)
lastDStringValue = Some(dValue)
if (dValue.isEmpty) {
} else {
x.dataType match {
case ByteType => UTF8String.fromString(numberFormat.format(xObject.asInstanceOf[Byte]))
case ShortType => UTF8String.fromString(numberFormat.format(xObject.asInstanceOf[Short]))
case FloatType => UTF8String.fromString(numberFormat.format(xObject.asInstanceOf[Float]))
case IntegerType => UTF8String.fromString(numberFormat.format(xObject.asInstanceOf[Int]))
case LongType => UTF8String.fromString(numberFormat.format(xObject.asInstanceOf[Long]))
case DoubleType => UTF8String.fromString(numberFormat.format(xObject.asInstanceOf[Double]))
case _: DecimalType =>
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, (num, d) => {
def typeHelper(p: String): String = {
x.dataType match {
case _ : DecimalType => s"""$p.toJavaBigDecimal()"""
case _ => s"$p"
val sb = classOf[StringBuffer].getName
val df = classOf[DecimalFormat].getName
val dfs = classOf[DecimalFormatSymbols].getName
val l = classOf[Locale].getName
// SPARK-13515: US Locale configures the DecimalFormat object to use a dot ('.')
// as a decimal separator.
val usLocale = "US"
val numberFormat = ctx.addMutableState(df, "numberFormat",
v => s"""$v = new $df("", new $dfs($l.$usLocale));""")
right.dataType match {
case IntegerType =>
val pattern = ctx.addMutableState(sb, "pattern", v => s"$v = new $sb();")
val i = ctx.freshName("i")
val lastDValue =
ctx.addMutableState(CodeGenerator.JAVA_INT, "lastDValue", v => s"$v = -100;")
if ($d >= 0) {
$pattern.delete(0, $pattern.length());
if ($d != $lastDValue) {
if ($d > 0) {
for (int $i = 0; $i < $d; $i++) {
$lastDValue = $d;
${ev.value} = UTF8String.fromString($numberFormat.format(${typeHelper(num)}));
} else {
${ev.value} = null;
${ev.isNull} = true;
case _: StringType =>
val lastDValue = ctx.addMutableState("String", "lastDValue", v => s"""$v = null;""")
val dValue = ctx.freshName("dValue")
String $dValue = $d.toString();
if (!$dValue.equals($lastDValue)) {
$lastDValue = $dValue;
if ($dValue.isEmpty()) {
} else {
${ev.value} = UTF8String.fromString($numberFormat.format(${typeHelper(num)}));
override def prettyName: String = "format_number"
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newLeft: Expression, newRight: Expression): FormatNumber = copy(x = newLeft, d = newRight)
* Splits a string into arrays of sentences, where each sentence is an array of words.
* The 'lang' and 'country' arguments are optional, and if omitted, the default locale is used.
usage = "_FUNC_(str[, lang, country]) - Splits `str` into an array of array of words.",
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('Hi there! Good morning.');
since = "2.0.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class Sentences(
str: Expression,
language: Expression = Literal(""),
country: Expression = Literal(""))
extends TernaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with CodegenFallback {
def this(str: Expression) = this(str, Literal(""), Literal(""))
def this(str: Expression, language: Expression) = this(str, language, Literal(""))
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def dataType: DataType =
ArrayType(ArrayType(str.dataType, containsNull = false), containsNull = false)
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def first: Expression = str
override def second: Expression = language
override def third: Expression = country
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = {
val string = str.eval(input)
if (string == null) {
} else {
val languageStr = language.eval(input).asInstanceOf[UTF8String]
val countryStr = country.eval(input).asInstanceOf[UTF8String]
val locale = if (languageStr != null && countryStr != null) {
new Locale(languageStr.toString, countryStr.toString)
} else {
getSentences(string.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].toString, locale)
private def getSentences(sentences: String, locale: Locale) = {
val bi = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(locale)
var idx = 0
val result = new ArrayBuffer[GenericArrayData]
while ( != BreakIterator.DONE) {
val sentence = sentences.substring(idx, bi.current)
idx = bi.current
val wi = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(locale)
var widx = 0
val words = new ArrayBuffer[UTF8String]
while ( != BreakIterator.DONE) {
val word = sentence.substring(widx, wi.current)
widx = wi.current
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(word.charAt(0))) words += UTF8String.fromString(word)
result += new GenericArrayData(words)
new GenericArrayData(result)
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newFirst: Expression, newSecond: Expression, newThird: Expression): Sentences =
copy(str = newFirst, language = newSecond, country = newThird)
* Splits a given string by a specified delimiter and return splits into a
* GenericArrayData. This expression is different from `split` function as
* `split` takes regex expression as the pattern to split strings while this
* expression take delimiter (a string without carrying special meaning on its
* characters, thus is not treated as regex) to split strings.
case class StringSplitSQL(
str: Expression,
delimiter: Expression) extends BinaryExpression with NullIntolerant {
override def dataType: DataType = ArrayType(str.dataType, containsNull = false)
final lazy val collationId: Int = left.dataType.asInstanceOf[StringType].collationId
override def left: Expression = str
override def right: Expression = delimiter
override def nullSafeEval(string: Any, delimiter: Any): Any = {
val strings = CollationSupport.StringSplitSQL.exec(string.asInstanceOf[UTF8String],
delimiter.asInstanceOf[UTF8String], collationId)
new GenericArrayData(strings.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]])
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val arrayClass = classOf[GenericArrayData].getName
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, (str, delimiter) => {
// Array in java is covariant, so we don't need to cast UTF8String[] to Object[].
s"${ev.value} = new $arrayClass(" +
s"${CollationSupport.StringSplitSQL.genCode(str, delimiter, collationId)});"
override def withNewChildrenInternal(
newFirst: Expression, newSecond: Expression): StringSplitSQL =
copy(str = newFirst, delimiter = newSecond)
* Splits a given string by a specified delimiter and returns the requested part.
* If any input is null, returns null.
* If index is out of range of split parts, return empty string.
* If index is 0, throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
usage =
_FUNC_(str, delimiter, partNum) - Splits `str` by delimiter and return
requested part of the split (1-based). If any input is null, returns null.
if `partNum` is out of range of split parts, returns empty string. If `partNum` is 0,
throws an error. If `partNum` is negative, the parts are counted backward from the
end of the string. If the `delimiter` is an empty string, the `str` is not split.
examples =
> SELECT _FUNC_('11.12.13', '.', 3);
since = "3.3.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class SplitPart (
str: Expression,
delimiter: Expression,
partNum: Expression)
extends RuntimeReplaceable with ImplicitCastInputTypes {
override lazy val replacement: Expression =
ElementAt(StringSplitSQL(str, delimiter), partNum, Some(Literal.create("", str.dataType)),
override def nodeName: String = "split_part"
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =
Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation, StringTypeAnyCollation, IntegerType)
def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(str, delimiter, partNum)
protected def withNewChildrenInternal(newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): Expression = {
copy(str = newChildren.apply(0), delimiter = newChildren.apply(1),
partNum = newChildren.apply(2))
* A internal function that converts the empty string to null for partition values.
* This function should be only used in V1Writes.
case class Empty2Null(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with String2StringExpression {
override def convert(v: UTF8String): UTF8String = if (v.numBytes() == 0) null else v
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, c => {
s"""if ($c.numBytes() == 0) {
| ${ev.isNull} = true;
| ${ev.value} = null;
|} else {
| ${ev.value} = $c;
override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): Empty2Null =
copy(child = newChild)
* Function to check if a given number string is a valid Luhn number. Returns true, if the number
* string is a valid Luhn number, false otherwise.
usage = """
_FUNC_(str ) - Checks that a string of digits is valid according to the Luhn algorithm.
This checksum function is widely applied on credit card numbers and government identification
numbers to distinguish valid numbers from mistyped, incorrect numbers.
examples = """
> SELECT _FUNC_('8112189876');
> SELECT _FUNC_('79927398713');
> SELECT _FUNC_('79927398714');
since = "3.5.0",
group = "string_funcs")
case class Luhncheck(input: Expression) extends RuntimeReplaceable with ImplicitCastInputTypes {
override lazy val replacement: Expression = StaticInvoke(
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(StringTypeAnyCollation)
override def prettyName: String = "luhn_check"
override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(input)
override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): Expression = copy(newChildren(0))