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<h2>Spark Release 3.2.2</h2>
<p>Spark 3.2.2 is a maintenance release containing stability fixes. This release is based on the branch-3.2 maintenance branch of Spark. We strongly recommend all 3.2 users to upgrade to this stable release.</p>
<h3 id="notable-changes">Notable changes</h3>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37290]</a>: Exponential planning time in case of non-deterministic function</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37544]</a>: sequence over dates with month interval is producing incorrect results</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37643]</a>: When charVarcharAsString is true, char datatype partition table query incorrect</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37670]</a>: Support predicate pushdown and column pruning for de-duped CTEs</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37675]</a>: Prevent overwriting of push shuffle merged files once the shuffle is finalized</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37793]</a>: Invalid LocalMergedBlockData cause task hang</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37865]</a>: Spark should not dedup the groupingExpressions when the first child of Union has duplicate columns</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37963]</a>: Need to update Partition URI after renaming table in InMemoryCatalog</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37995]</a>: TPCDS 1TB q72 fails when spark.sql.optimizer.dynamicPartitionPruning.reuseBroadcastOnly is false</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38018]</a>: Fix ColumnVectorUtils.populate to handle CalendarIntervalType correctly</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38019]</a>: ExecutorMonitor.timedOutExecutors should be deterministic</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38023]</a>: ExecutorMonitor.onExecutorRemoved should handle ExecutorDecommission as finished</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38030]</a>: Query with cast containing non-nullable columns fails with AQE on Spark 3.1.1</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38042]</a>: Encoder cannot be found when a tuple component is a type alias for an Array</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38056]</a>: Structured streaming not working in history server when using LevelDB</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38073]</a>: Update atexit function to avoid issues with late binding</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38075]</a>: Hive script transform with order by and limit will return fake rows</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38120]</a>: HiveExternalCatalog.listPartitions is failing when partition column name is upper case and dot in partition value</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38178]</a>: Correct the logic to measure the memory usage of RocksDB</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38180]</a>: Allow safe up-cast expressions in correlated equality predicates</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38185]</a>: Fix data incorrect if aggregate function is empty</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38204]</a>: All state operators are at a risk of inconsistency between state partitioning and operator partitioning</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38221]</a>: Group by a stream of complex expressions fails</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38236]</a>: Absolute file paths specified in create/alter table are treated as relative</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38271]</a>: PoissonSampler may output more rows than MaxRows</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38273]</a>: decodeUnsafeRows&#8217;s iterators should close underlying input streams</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38285]</a>: ClassCastException: GenericArrayData cannot be cast to InternalRow</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38286]</a>: Union&#8217;s maxRows and maxRowsPerPartition may overflow</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38304]</a>: Elt() should return null if index is null under ANSI mode</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38309]</a>: SHS has incorrect percentiles for shuffle read bytes and shuffle total blocks metrics</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38320]</a>: (flat)MapGroupsWithState can timeout groups which just received inputs in the same microbatch</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38325]</a>: ANSI mode: avoid potential runtime error in HashJoin.extractKeyExprAt()</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38333]</a>: DPP cause DataSourceScanExec java.lang.NullPointerException</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38347]</a>: Nullability propagation in transformUpWithNewOutput</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38363]</a>: Avoid runtime error in Dataset.summary() when ANSI mode is on</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38379]</a>: Fix Kubernetes Client mode when mounting persistent volume with storage class</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38407]</a>: ANSI Cast: loosen the limitation of casting non-null complex types</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38411]</a>: Use UTF-8 when doMergeApplicationListingInternal reads event logs</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38412]</a>: <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">from</code> and <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">to</code> is swapped in the StateSchemaCompatibilityChecker</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38446]</a>: Deadlock between ExecutorClassLoader and FileDownloadCallback caused by Log4j</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38528]</a>: NullPointerException when selecting a generator in a Stream of aggregate expressions</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38542]</a>: UnsafeHashedRelation should serialize numKeys out</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38570]</a>: Incorrect DynamicPartitionPruning caused by Literal</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38579]</a>: Requesting Restful API can cause NullPointerException</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38587]</a>: Validating new location for rename command should use formatted names</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38614]</a>: Don&#8217;t push down limit through window that&#8217;s using percent_rank</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38631]</a>: Arbitrary shell command injection via Utils.unpack()</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38652]</a>: uploadFileUri should preserve file scheme</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38655]</a>: OffsetWindowFunctionFrameBase cannot find the offset row whose input is not null</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38677]</a>: pyspark hangs in local mode running rdd map operation</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38684]</a>: Stream-stream outer join has a possible correctness issue due to weakly read consistent on outer iterators</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38787]</a>: Possible correctness issue on stream-stream join when handling edge case</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38809]</a>: Implement option to skip null values in symmetric hash impl of stream-stream joins</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38868]</a>: <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">assert_true</code> fails unconditionnaly after <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">left_outer</code> joins</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38916]</a>: Tasks not killed caused by race conditions between killTask() and launchTask()</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38922]</a>: TaskLocation.apply throw NullPointerException</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38931]</a>: RocksDB File manager would not create initial dfs directory with unknown number of keys on 1st empty checkpoint</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38936]</a>: Script transform feed thread should have name</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38955]</a>: Disable lineSep option in &#8216;from_csv&#8217; and &#8216;schema_of_csv&#8217;</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38977]</a>: Fix schema pruning with correlated subqueries</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38990]</a>: date_trunc and trunc both fail with format from column in inline table</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38992]</a>: Avoid using bash -c in ShellBasedGroupsMappingProvider</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39030]</a>: Rename sum to avoid shading the builtin Python function</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39061]</a>: Incorrect results or NPE when using Inline function against an array of dynamically created structs</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39083]</a>: Fix FsHistoryProvider race condition between update and clean app data</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39084]</a>: df.rdd.isEmpty() results in unexpected executor failure and JVM crash</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39104]</a>: Null Pointer Exeption on unpersist call</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39107]</a>: Silent change in regexp_replace&#8217;s handling of empty strings</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39174]</a>: Catalogs loading swallows missing classname for ClassNotFoundException</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39259]</a>: Timestamps returned by now() and equivalent functions are not consistent in subqueries</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39283]</a>: Spark tasks stuck forever due to deadlock between TaskMemoryManager and UnsafeExternalSorter</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39293]</a>: The accumulator of ArrayAggregate should copy the intermediate result if string, struct, array, or map</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39340]</a>: DS v2 agg pushdown should allow dots in the name of top-level columns</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39376]</a>: Do not output duplicated columns in star expansion of subquery alias of NATURAL/USING JOIN</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39393]</a>: Parquet data source only supports push-down predicate filters for non-repeated primitive types</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39419]</a>: When the comparator of ArraySort returns null, it should fail.</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39422]</a>: SHOW CREATE TABLE should suggest &#8216;AS SERDE&#8217; for Hive tables with unsupported serde configurations</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39447]</a>: Only non-broadcast query stage can propagate empty relation</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39476]</a>: Disable Unwrap cast optimize when casting from Long to Float/ Double or from Integer to Float</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39496]</a>: Inline eval path cannot handle null structs</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39505]</a>: Escape log content rendered in UI</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39543]</a>: The option of DataFrameWriterV2 should be passed to storage properties if fallback to v1</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39548]</a>: CreateView Command with a window clause query hit a wrong window definition not found issue</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39570]</a>: inline table should allow expressions with alias</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39575]</a>: ByteBuffer forget to rewind after get in AvroDeserializer</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39650]</a>: Streaming Deduplication should not check the schema of &#8220;value&#8221;</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39672]</a>: NotExists subquery failed with conflicting attributes</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39758]</a>: NPE on invalid patterns from the regexp functions</li>
<h3 id="dependency-changes">Dependency Changes</h3>
<p>While being a maintence release we did still upgrade some dependencies in this release they are:</p>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-36808]</a>: Upgrade Kafka to 2.8.1</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37934]</a>: Upgrade Jetty version to 9.4.44</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38563]</a>: Upgrade Py4J to</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-37977]</a>: Upgrade ORC to 1.6.13</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-38905]</a>: Upgrade ORC to 1.6.14</li>
<li><a href="">[SPARK-39183]</a>: Upgrade Apache Xerces Java to 2.12.2</li>
<p>You can consult JIRA for the <a href="">detailed changes</a>.</p>
<p>We would like to acknowledge all community members for contributing patches to this release.</p>
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