blob: f59a93f67cf6c61337f77f459ecb13fc0f47f910 [file] [log] [blame]
# Convert fortran examples to 64-bit compatable codes.
# This script will replace all occurances of "integer ctx" and
# "integer comm" with "integer*8 ctx" and "integer*8 comm", respectively.
# (Uncomment the commented lines below to convert back to 32-bit examples.)
# WARNING: This is done inplace -- no backup files are created!
foreach (@ARGV) {
print "Converting $_\n";
$file = $_;
open(In, "$file"); @Stuff = <In>; close(In);
foreach (@Stuff) {
s/integer\s*ctx/integer\*8 ctx/g;
s/integer\s*comm/integer\*8 comm/g;
# s/integer\*8\s*ctx/integer ctx/g;
# s/integer\*8\s*comm/integer comm/g;
open(Out, ">$file"); print Out @Stuff; close(Out);