blob: d7bc3d4b49e1723f1467cb69078e40cc0965be1c [file] [log] [blame]
CC= gcc
CFLAGS= -g -O2 -Wall
PGAPACK= ../build/pga
PGAPACKLIBDIR= $(PGAPACK)/lib/linux # linux
#PGAPACKLIBDIR= $(PGAPACK)/lib/sun4 # solaris
# What rule scoreset are we using?
include config
# what rules directory are we reading rules from?
RULES= ../rules
#### Should be no need to modify below this line
all: perceptron
perceptron: perceptron.o
$(CC) -o perceptron perceptron.o $(LDFLAGS)
perceptron.o: tmp/rules_${SCORESET}.pl tmp/tests.h tmp/scores.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o perceptron.o perceptron.c
garescorer: tmp/rules_${SCORESET}.pl tmp/tests.h tmp/scores.h garescorer.c
-I $(PGAPACK)/include garescorer.c -o garescorer -lpgaO $(LDFLAGS)
tmp/rules_${SCORESET}.pl: tmp/.created ../build/parse-rules-for-masses
perl ../build/parse-rules-for-masses -d $(RULES) -s $(SCORESET) \
-o tmp/rules_${SCORESET}.pl
tmp/tests.h: tmp/.created tmp/ logs-to-c
perl logs-to-c --cffile=$(RULES) --scoreset=$(SCORESET)
tmp/scores.h: tmp/tests.h
tmp/ tmp/.created freqs score-ranges-from-freqs
perl score-ranges-from-freqs $(RULES) $(SCORESET) < freqs
freqs: spam.log ham.log
perl hit-frequencies -c $(RULES) -x -p -s $(SCORESET) > freqs
badrules: freqs
perl lint-rules-from-freqs < freqs > badrules
-mkdir tmp
touch tmp/.created
rm -rf *.o perceptron tmp freqs badrules \
perceptron.scores garescorer garescorer.scores