blob: 45f88f999e06cab5615cac8794fff6af4d712bf6 [file] [log] [blame]
use lib '.'; use lib 't';
use SATest; sa_t_init("spamd_prefork_stress_3");
use Test::More;
diag("NOTE: this test requires both 'run_spamd_prefork_stress_test' and 'run_long_tests' set to 'y'.");
plan skip_all => "Spamd tests disabled" if $SKIP_SPAMD_TESTS;
plan skip_all => "Long running tests disabled" unless conf_bool('run_long_tests');
plan skip_all => "Spamd prefork stress tests disabled" unless conf_bool('run_spamd_prefork_stress_test');
plan tests => 291;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
tstlocalrules ('
loadplugin myTestPlugin ../../data/
header PLUGIN_SLEEP eval:sleep_based_on_header()
%patterns = (
q{ X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=}, 'status',
q{ X-Spam-Flag: YES}, 'flag',
q{ X-Spam-Level: **********}, 'stars',
q{ TEST_ENDSNUMS}, 'endsinnums',
q{ TEST_NOREALNAME}, 'noreal',
my $tmpnum = 0;
start_spamd("-L -m5");
ok ($spamd_pid > 1);
srand ($$); print "srand: $$\n";
ok (spamcrun ("< data/spam/001", \&patterns_run_cb));
test_fg(); ok_all_patterns();
foreach $i (0 .. 5) {
foreach $i (0 .. 20) {
test_fg(); ok_all_patterns();
test_fg(); ok_all_patterns();
test_fg(); ok_all_patterns();
test_fg(); ok_all_patterns();
test_fg(); ok_all_patterns();
ok (stop_spamd());
sub test_fg {
my $secs = (int rand 5) + 1;
my $tmpf = mk_mail($secs);
ok (spamcrun ("<$tmpf", \&patterns_run_cb));
unlink $tmpf;
sub test_bg {
my $secs = (int rand 5) + 1;
my $tmpf = mk_mail($secs);
ok (spamcrun_background ("<$tmpf", {}));
push (@pending_unlinks, $tmpf);
sub mk_mail {
my $secs = shift;
my $tmpf = "log/tmp.$testname.$tmpnum"; $tmpnum++;
open (IN, "<data/spam/001");
open (OUT, ">$tmpf") or die "cannot write $tmpf";
print OUT "Sleep-Time: $secs\n";
while (<IN>) {
print OUT;
close OUT;
close IN;
return $tmpf;
sub clean_pending_unlinks {
unlink @pending_unlinks;
@pending_unlinks = ();