blob: 0d3772174fc312edc76bfcf30000aff99dc3a92e [file] [log] [blame]
package Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd::Apache2;
use strict;
use Apache2::Const -compile =>
use Apache2::Connection ();
use Apache2::Filter ();
use Apache2::Module ();
use Apache2::ServerRec ();
use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
use APR::Const -compile => qw(SUCCESS SO_NONBLOCK BLOCK_READ);
use APR::Brigade ();
use APR::Bucket ();
use APR::Error ();
use APR::Pool (); # cleanup_register
use APR::SockAddr ();
use APR::Socket ();
use APR::Status ();
use Apache::Test;
use constant APACHE24 => have_min_apache_version('2.4.0');
eval { use Time::HiRes qw(time); };
use vars qw($spamtest);
use Mail::SpamAssassin ();
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Message ();
use Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus ();
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger;
use base qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd);
=head1 NAME
Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd::Apache2 -- spamd protocol handler for Apache2
SetHandler modperl
PerlProcessConnectionHandler Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd::Apache2
What is this obsession with documentation? Don't you have the source?
-- Michael G Schwern on
This is a protocol handler, to be run as C<PerlProcessConnectionHandler>. It's
different from regular HTTP handlers (C<PerlResponseHandler>) -- we don't have
the C<$r> object (unless we create it) and the only other run-time Apache hook
which will run is C<PerlPreConnectionHandler>.
This means you can't use modules which hook themselves in, for example,
C<PerlAccessHandler>. If there is a clean way to enable it, don't hesitate to
drop me an e-mail.
handler() runs read_headers(), then check_headers(). If the User header has
been provided by the client and user configuration has been enabled, it runs
read_user_config(). Then it reads body, passes it through SA and sends reply.
sub handler { # -: c
my ($c) = @_; # Apache2::Connection
$c->client_socket->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK => 0); # ?
my $self = __PACKAGE__->new(c => $c, spamtest => $spamtest, pool => $c->pool);
# we might be done after this in case of client error or SKIP / PING
if (defined(my $ret = $self->read_headers)) {
return $ret;
or return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
# should we complain if returns 0 and --paranoid?
if (defined(my $ret = $self->read_body)) {
return $ret;
eval {
if ($self->cfg->{satimeout}) {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'child processing timeout' };
alarm $self->cfg->{satimeout};
$self->pass_through_sa; # do the checking
alarm 0;
else {
$self->pass_through_sa; # do the checking
if ($@) {
if ( $@ =~ /child processing timeout/ ) {
sprintf '(%d second timeout while trying to %s)',
else {
warn "spamd: $@";
return Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR;
return Apache2::Const::OK;
sub new { # -: A
my $class = shift;
my $self = {@_}; # requires: c, spamtest
$self->{start_time} ||= time;
bless $self, (ref $class || $class);
##$self->{c} ||= $self->r->connection if $self->r;
$self->{in} ||= APR::Brigade->new($self->c->pool, $self->c->bucket_alloc);
$self->{out} ||= APR::Brigade->new($self->c->pool, $self->c->bucket_alloc);
$self->{cfg} ||=
$self->{headers_in} ||= {};
sub DESTROY { # -: a
my $self = shift;
if (exists $self->{parsed}) {
delete $self->{parsed};
$self->{parsed}->finish if $self->{parsed}; # can't do it before status->rewrite_mail
if (exists $self->{status}) {
$self->status->finish if $self->status;
delete $self->{status};
sub c { $_[0]->{c} } # -: A
sub in { $_[0]->{in} } # -: a
sub out { $_[0]->{out} } # -: a
sub _server { $_[0]->c->base_server } # -: a
sub _remote_host { $_[0]->c->get_remote_host } # -: a
sub _remote_ip { APACHE24 ? $_[0]->c->client_ip : $_[0]->c->remote_ip; } # -: a
sub _remote_port { APACHE24 ? $_[0]->c->client_addr->port : $_[0]->c->remote_addr->port } # -: a
sub send_buffer { # -: A
my $self = shift;
for my $buffer (@_) {
$self->out->insert_tail(APR::Bucket->new($self->out->bucket_alloc, $buffer));
sub auth_ident { # -:
my $self = shift;
my ($username) = @_;
my $ident_username =
my $dn = $ident_username || 'NONE'; # display name
# we might also log $c->remote_addr->ip_get(), $c->remote_addr->port()
# dbg("ident: ident_username = $dn, spamc_username = $username\n");
if (!defined($ident_username) || $username ne $ident_username) {
info( "ident username ($dn) does not match "
. "spamc username ($username)");
return 0;
#sub read_line { # -: A
# my $self = shift;
sub getline {
my $self = shift;
my $rc =
last if APR::Status::is_EOF($rc);
die APR::Error::strerror($rc) unless $rc == APR::Const::SUCCESS;
next unless $self->in->flatten(my $line);
$line =~ y/\r\n//d;
return $line;
sub read_headers { # -: A
my $self = shift;
my $line_num;
while (my $line = $self->getline) {
# XXX: lower this to 10?
if (++$line_num > 255) {
$self->protocol_error('(too many headers)');
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
if (length $line > 200) {
$self->protocol_error('(line too long)' . length $line);
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
# get method name
unless ($self->{method}) {
\ SPAMC\/(\d{1,2}\.\d{1,3})\b/x) {
$self->{method} = $1;
$self->{client_version} = $2;
if ($self->{method} eq 'PING') {
$self->send_status_line('EX_OK', 'PONG');
return Apache2::Const::OK;
elsif ($self->{method} eq 'SKIP') {
return Apache2::Const::OK;
elsif ($self->{method} eq 'TELL' && !$self->cfg->{allow_tell}) {
$self->service_unavailable_error('TELL commands have not been enabled.');
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
elsif ($line =~ /^GET /) { # treat this like ping
join "\r\n",
'HTTP/1.0 200 SA running',
'Content-Type: text/plain',
'Content-Length: 0', ''
return Apache2::Const::OK;
$self->protocol_error('method required' . ": '$line'");
return Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND; # something more reasonable?
last unless length $line; # end of headers
# get headers, ignore unknown
my ($header, $value) = split /:\s+/, $line, 2;
unless (defined $header && length $header
&& defined $value && length $value) {
$self->protocol_error("(header not in 'Name: value' format)");
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN
if $header =~ /[^a-z\d_-]/i || $value =~ /[^\x20-\xFF]/; # naughty
if ($header =~ /^(?:Content-[Ll]ength|User|Message-[Cc]lass|Set|Remove)$/) {
$header =~ y/A-Z-/a-z_/;
$self->headers_in->{$header} = $value;
else { # FIXME: remove
warn "unknown header: '$header'='$value'";
sub read_body { # -: A
my $self = shift;
my ($message, $len) = ('', 0);
my $content_length = $self->headers_in->{content_length};
while (1) {
my $rc =
$self->c->input_filters->get_brigade($self->in, Apache2::Const::MODE_READBYTES,
($content_length ? $content_length - $len : ()));
last if APR::Status::is_EOF($rc);
die APR::Error::strerror($rc) unless $rc == APR::Const::SUCCESS; # timeout
next unless $self->in->flatten(my $chunk);
my $chlen = length $chunk;
$len += $chlen;
# this is never true, actually... get_brigade ensures we won't get
# more bytes... well, at least it's logically correct. ;-)
# we could check if $message ends with "\n" to detect weird cases.
if ($content_length && $len > $content_length) {
$self->protocol_error('(Content-Length mismatch: Expected'
. " $content_length bytes, got $len bytes");
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
$message .= $chunk;
last if $content_length && $len == $content_length;
$self->{actual_length} = $len;
$self->{parsed} = $self->spamtest->parse($message , 0);
# Code to deal with user configuration.
# Run handle_* directly (ie. not from read_user_config) only if you know
# what you are doing.
# Change handle_* to return undef if not found and 0 if something's wrong?
sub handle_user_local { # -: a
require File::Spec;
my $self = shift;
my($username) = @_;
my ($name, $uid, $gid, $dir) = (getpwnam $username)[0, 2, 3, 7];
unless (defined $uid) {
my $errmsg = "handle_user unable to find user: '$username'";
if ($self->spamtest->{'paranoid'}) { # FIXME: return something? die? whatever?
else {
# if we are given a username, but can't look it up, maybe name
# services are down? let's break out here to allow them to get
# 'defaults' when we are not running paranoid
return 0;
my $cf_dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir, '.spamassassin');
my $cf_file = File::Spec->catfile($cf_dir, 'user_prefs');
if (!-l $cf_dir && -d _ && !-d $cf_file && -f _ && -s _) {
# if the $cf_dir group matches ours, assume we can write there
my $user_dir = $) == (stat $cf_dir)[5] ? $dir : undef;
{ username => $username, user_dir => $user_dir, });
return 1;
=head1 TODO
=head1 BUGS
See <>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
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