blob: 23784c686ff275b2b0600b583dae5822057e3f90 [file] [log] [blame]
# ensure the rules files work without rules/
use lib '.'; use lib 't';
use SATest; sa_t_init("basic_lint_without_sandbox");
use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 3 };
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%patterns = (
q{ }, 'anything',
# override locale for this test!
$ENV{'LANGUAGE'} = $ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C';
my $scoresfile = "log/test_rules_copy/";
my $sandboxfile = "log/test_rules_copy/";
# when running from the built tarball or make disttest, we will not have a full
# rules dir -- therefore no We will also have no,
# so we can use that to tell if this is the case
skip (!-f $scoresfile, -f $sandboxfile);
unlink $sandboxfile;
skip (!-f $scoresfile, !-f $sandboxfile);
sarun ("-L --lint", \&patterns_run_cb);