blob: 237944ba8a102e956c4457e0a9b4661cc9ae559f [file] [log] [blame]
# usage: script [-n] freqsfile
# to be run at the top-level of the SVN checkout
use strict;
use warnings;
my $sendmail = 1;
my $rurl = shift @ARGV;
if ($rurl eq '-n') { $rurl = shift @ARGV; $sendmail = 0; }
my $freqsfile = shift @ARGV;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get the last rev
open (IN, "svn info rulesrc".
"< /dev/null |");
my $lcrev;
while (<IN>) {
/^Last Changed Rev: (\d+)/ and $lcrev = $1;
close IN;
die "no 'Last Changed Rev:' found in 'svn info .' output" unless $lcrev;
die "non-numeric LCRev $lcrev" unless ($lcrev > 1);
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# see if we've already mailed about that rev
if (open (LAST, "</tmp/mail_freqs.log")) {
my $lastline;
while (<LAST>) { $lastline = $_; }
close LAST;
if ($lastline && $lastline =~ /r=(\d+)/) {
my $donerev = $1;
if ($lcrev <= $donerev) {
print "already mailed about rules in r$lcrev, exiting.\n";
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# we have the revision; now find the rule names in that diff
my $prevrev = $lcrev - 1;
open (DIFF, "svn diff -r $prevrev:$lcrev rulesrc".
"< /dev/null |");
my @files = ();
my %poss_rules = ();
while (!eof DIFF) {
my $file;
while (<DIFF>) {
if (/^\s*\+\+\+\s+(.*?)\s+\(revision/) {
$file = $1; # file header
last unless $file; # EOF
if ($file !~ /\.cf$/i) {
print "no rules in non-rule file $file\n";
# ignore nightly rule score generation output
if ($file eq 'rulesrc/scores/') {
print "only scores in file: $file\n";
# ok, we're reading the diff for a rules file.
push @files, $file;
while (<DIFF>) {
/^Index: / and last; # next file header
s/#,*$//; # strip comments
# just look for "+anything NAME_OF_RULE anything"; if we get
# a little overexcited, it won't cause any harm
if (/^\+\s*\S+\s+(\S+)\s/) {
# could be a rule, let's add it to the list
close DIFF or die "svn diff failed";
my @rules = sort keys %poss_rules;
if (@rules <= 0) {
print "no rules found in checkin, ignoring.\n";
exit 0;
# print "mailing about changed/new rules: ".join(' ', @rules)."\n";
my $files = join (' ', @files);
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get the SVN log entry
open (LOG, "svn log --xml -r $lcrev rulesrc".
"< /dev/null |");
my $xml = join('', <LOG>);
close LOG or die "svn log failed";
$xml =~ /<author>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/author>/s; my $svn_author = $1;
$xml =~ /<msg>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/msg>/s; my $svn_msg = $1;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# and the freqs we just built
my %freqs = ();
my $freqs_hdr = '';
open (FREQS, "<$freqsfile")
or warn "cannot open '$freqsfile'";
while (<FREQS>) {
/ (?:\(all messages|SPAM\%)/ and $freqs_hdr .= $_;
/(.* )(\S+)\s*$/ or next;
$freqs{$2} = $1.$2;
close FREQS;
my $mcname = `pwd`;
$mcname =~ /\/(mc-[^\/]*)\// and $mcname = $1;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# output each of the found rules' freqs
my $tomail =
"From: jm\ (SVN Freqs Daemon)
To: $svn_author\
Subject: svn freqs: r$lcrev - your recently-modified rules
Author: $svn_author
Files: $files
Freqs for those rules in '$mcname' mass-check:
foreach my $r (@rules) {
my $f = $freqs{$r} || $freqs{"T_".$r};
next unless $f;
$tomail .= $f."\n";
$tomail .= "
More: $rurl
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# and mail
if ($sendmail) {
open (MAIL, "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t") or die "cannot run sendmail";
print MAIL $tomail;
close MAIL or die "sendmail failed";
} else {
print $tomail;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# log it, so we don't mail about that rev again
open (LOG, ">>/tmp/mail_freqs.log");
print LOG "r=$lcrev\n";
close LOG or warn "failed to write to /tmp/mail_freqs.log";