blob: a2fca7490522d979ce571e1a92699563701575fb [file] [log] [blame]
if (-e 't/test_dir') { # if we are running "t/rule_tests.t", kluge around ...
chdir 't';
if (-e 'test_dir') { # running from test directory, not ..
unshift(@INC, '../blib/lib');
unshift(@INC, '../lib');
my $prefix = '.';
if (-e 'test_dir') { # running from test directory, not ..
$prefix = '..';
use lib '.'; use lib 't';
use SATest; sa_t_init("cross_user_config_leak");
use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 6 };
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# bug 6003
# TODO: we could also do this by having a boolean attribute on the command
# structure itself to indicate that this test is superfluous. But that's
# exposing a test-only feature through production code, so right now in my opinion
# this is cleaner.
my @ignored_commands = qw(
score header body uri rawbody full meta test loadplugin tryplugin
version_tag uri_detail uridnssub uridnsbl urirhsbl urirhssub urinsrhsbl
urinsrhssub urifullnsrhsbl urifullnsrhssub add_header remove_header
redirector_pattern reuse mimeheader rbl_timeout uridnsbl_timeout
util_rb_tld util_rb_2tld util_rb_3tld shortcircuit asn_lookup
use strict;
use warnings;
require Mail::SpamAssassin;
my $sa = create_saobj({
require_rules => 1,
local_tests_only => 1,
dont_copy_prefs => 1,
print "Copying config to backup\n";
my %conf_backup;
$sa->copy_config(undef, \%conf_backup) or die "copy_config failed";
ok(scalar keys %conf_backup > 2);
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# these need to be pretty improbable so they won't crop up in the defaults
my $EXPECTED_VAL_STRING = '__test_expected_str';
my $EXPECTED_VAL_TEMPLATE = '__test_expected_tmpl';
my $EXPECTED_VAL_HK_KEY = '__test_expected_hk_key';
my $EXPECTED_VAL_HK_VALUE = '__test_expected_hk_val';
my $EXPECTED_VAL_NOARGS = '__test_expected_noargs';
my $EXPECTED_VAL_STRINGLIST = [qw(__test_expected_s1 __test_expected_s2)];
my $EXPECTED_VAL_IPADDRLIST = '__test_expected_';
my %expected_val;
my %ignored_command;
foreach my $k (@ignored_commands) { $ignored_command{$k}++; }
print "Reading log/user_prefs1\n";
$sa->signal_user_changed( { username => "user1", user_dir => "log/user1" });
ok validate_all_confs($sa->{conf}, 1, 'after first user config read');
print "Restoring config from backup\n";
$sa->copy_config(\%conf_backup, undef) or die "copy_config failed";
ok validate_all_confs($sa->{conf}, 0, 'after restoring from backup');
print "Reading log/user_prefs2\n";
$sa->signal_user_changed( { username => "user2", user_dir => "log/user2" });
ok validate_all_confs($sa->{conf}, 0, 'after second user config read');
print "Restoring config from backup, second time\n";
$sa->copy_config(\%conf_backup, undef) or die "copy_config failed";
ok validate_all_confs($sa->{conf}, 0, 'after second restore from backup');
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub set_all_confs {
my ($conf) = @_;
foreach my $cmd (@{$conf->{registered_commands}}) {
my $k = $cmd->{setting};
if (!defined $cmd->{type}) {
next if $ignored_command{$k};
next if ($cmd->{command} && $ignored_command{$cmd->{command}});
# administrative commands by definition cannot change between users
next if ($cmd->{is_admin});
# attempt to infer types from the default value; if it's a scalar,
# we can consider the type to be similarly scalar
my $def = $cmd->{default};
if (defined $def && ref $def =~ /SCALAR/) {
if ("".$def =~ /[^\.\-\d]/) {
$cmd->{type} = $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING;
} else {
$cmd->{type} = $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_NUMERIC;
# we don't actually have to differentiate booleans and numeric,
# they're stored the same anyway
# ignore commands defined using custom code; we don't know how/what they
# store. Off for now; there's a lot of risk that we'll miss a bug if we
# don't pay attention to them anyway. They can be dealt with on a
# case-by-case basis using @ignored_commands instead.
##next if defined $cmd->{code};
if (!defined $cmd->{type}) {
warn "undef config type for $k".
($cmd->{command} ? " (command=$cmd->{command})" : "");
if ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_NOARGS) {
$conf->{$k} = $EXPECTED_VAL_NOARGS;
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING) {
$conf->{$k} = $EXPECTED_VAL_STRING;
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_BOOL) {
if ($cmd->{default} != $EXPECTED_VAL_BOOL) {
$conf->{$k} = $EXPECTED_VAL_BOOL;
} else {
# we can't use the same value as the default, otherwise we'll
# be unable to tell cases where the config has been leaked
# from cases where the default is in use
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
$conf->{$k} = $EXPECTED_VAL_NUMERIC;
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_TEMPLATE) {
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRINGLIST) {
$conf->{$k} = [@$EXPECTED_VAL_STRINGLIST];
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_IPADDRLIST) {
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_HASH_KEY_VALUE) {
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_ADDRLIST) {
$conf->add_to_addrlist($k, $EXPECTED_VAL_ADDRLIST);
if (ref $conf->{$k} eq 'ARRAY') {
@{$expected_val{$k}} = @{$conf->{$k}}; # ensure this copies!
} elsif (ref $conf->{$k} eq 'HASH') {
%{$expected_val{$k}} = %{$conf->{$k}};
} else {
$expected_val{$k} = $conf->{$k};
my $setting_details;
my $validation_passed;
my $settings_should_exist;
sub validate_all_confs {
my ($conf, $exist, $stage) = @_;
$setting_details = '';
$validation_passed = 1;
$settings_should_exist = $exist;
foreach my $cmd (@{$conf->{registered_commands}}) {
my $k = $cmd->{setting};
# if the default value is undef, it's a permitted value, obvs
next if ($settings_should_exist && !defined $cmd->{default});
$setting_details = "key='$k' when=$stage";
if (!defined $cmd->{type}) {
# warn "undef config type for $k"; # already done this
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_NOARGS) {
assert_validation($conf->{$k}, $expected_val{$k});
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING) {
assert_validation($conf->{$k}, $expected_val{$k});
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_BOOL) {
assert_validation($conf->{$k}, $expected_val{$k});
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
assert_validation($conf->{$k}, $expected_val{$k});
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_TEMPLATE) {
assert_validation($conf->{$k}, $expected_val{$k});
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRINGLIST) {
# flatten for comparison
my $val = $conf->{$k} ? join(" ", @{$conf->{$k}}) : undef;
my $exp_val = $expected_val{$k} ? join(" ", @{$expected_val{$k}}) : undef;
assert_validation($val, $exp_val);
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_IPADDRLIST) {
assert_validation($conf->{$k}, $expected_val{$k});
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_HASH_KEY_VALUE) {
my $val = $conf->{$k}->{$EXPECTED_VAL_HK_KEY};
assert_validation($val, $EXPECTED_VAL_HK_VALUE);
elsif ($cmd->{type} == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_ADDRLIST) {
my $val = $conf->{$k}->{$EXPECTED_VAL_ADDRLIST};
if (($settings_should_exist && !defined $val)
|| (!$settings_should_exist && $val))
assert_validation($k, $val, 0); # this will fail, which is what we want
} else {
warn "unknown config type: $cmd->{type} for $k";
return $validation_passed;
sub assert_validation {
my ($val, $expected_val) = @_;
if ($settings_should_exist && (!defined $val || $val ne $expected_val)) {
warn "found=".(defined $val ? "'$val'" : "(none)").
" wanted=".(defined $expected_val ? "'$expected_val'" : "(none)").
" $setting_details";
$validation_passed = 0;
if (!$settings_should_exist && defined($val) && "".$val eq "".$expected_val) {
warn "found=".(defined $val ? "'$val'" : "(none)")." wanted=(none)".
" $setting_details";
$validation_passed = 0;