blob: 3a2f6770bbb90b39faa041689a96c7f7190fd574 [file] [log] [blame]
# TODO: this should share code with other scripts
set -x
cd /home/updatesd/svn/spamassassin
. /etc/profile
export PERL
# download stage, where update tarballs are deposited for downloaders
# directory where "0.2.3" and other version-specific files live.
# it's assumed that the *real* zone $INCLUDEs files from this dir.
# it must be writable by the user this script runs as.
# dev, testing:
# dnsdir=/var/named/
# live:
# dnsdir=/var/named/
# directory where "counter", "soa_line.tmpl", "soa_line" live.
# it's assumed that the *real* zone $INCLUDEs files from this dir.
# it must be writable by the user this script runs as.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
make_tarball_for_version () {
# to be honest, right now this is unused.
rm -rf $tmpdir; mkdir -p $tmpdir || exit $?
# extract the new rules files.
# use "make install" logic, since we want rules as close as possible
# to what's installed
# TODO: this *would* be performed in a checkout of the desired
# version's branch. right now we're only using 1 version though
make clean
$PERL Makefile.PL PREFIX=$tmpdir < /dev/null || exit $?
make || exit $?
# remove new features, unsupported in existing code in the field
# (TODO: need a better way to exclude files that require new features
# like this; judicious use of "ifplugin" helps)
# rm rules/
# ensure the basic lint/rule-sanity test suite passes for this ruleset
# before we build an update from it. useful particularly to catch
# "tflags nopublish" leakage (bug 6297)
make test \
TEST_FILES="t/basic_lint.t t/basic_lint_without_sandbox.t t/basic_meta.t" \
|| exit $?
# remove the rules files for rules we won't be shipping
rm rules/ rules/
# double check we still lint without those 2 files
./spamassassin --lint || exit $?
cd $rulesdir
# Use this to include plugin .pm files:
# tar cvf - *.cf *.pm || exit $?
# or this, to ban code from the updates:
tar cvf - *.cf || exit $?
) | gzip -9 > $tmpdir/update.tgz || exit $?
# ensure non-empty
[ -s $tmpdir/update.tgz ] || exit 3
rm -rf $linttmp
mkdir $linttmp
cd $linttmp
# check validity of tarball; also extract
gunzip -cd < $tmpdir/update.tgz | tar xf - || exit $?
rm -rf $sitetmp
mkdir $sitetmp
cp rules/*.pre $sitetmp
# now, ensure the ruleset (entirely as distributed) lints, also.
# use "-p /dev/null" so any user_prefs data is ignored.
./spamassassin -x --configpath=$linttmp --siteconfigpath=$sitetmp \
-p /dev/null --lint \
|| exit $?
# sign and get sums
gpg --batch --homedir /home/updatesd/key \
-bas $tmpdir/update.tgz || exit $?
$PERL build/ $tmpdir/update.tgz > $tmpdir/update.tgz.sha1 || exit $?
# get SVN revision number.
# note: use 'Last Changed Rev' instead of 'Revision'. Because we share
# an SVN repository with other projects, this means that the same
# rev of *our* codebase may appear under multiple rev#s, as other projects
# check their changes in.
tagstamp=`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
# this svn copy is critical, to ensure each version's tarball has a different
# rev#. if you remove it, we need to prefix the version# to the svnrev# in
# the filenames instead so each version doesn't clobber others.
svn up
svn copy -m "tagging latest update release for $VERS" . $tagurl < /dev/null
# for svn 1.3:
# (svn info --non-interactive $tagurl || svn info $tagurl ) < /dev/null \
# > $tmpdir/svn 2>&1 || exit $?
# for crappy zone svn, 1.2:
rm -rf tmpcheckout
svn co $tagurl tmpcheckout && svn info tmpcheckout
rm -rf tmpcheckout
) < /dev/null > $tmpdir/svn 2>&1 || exit $?
svnrev=`(grep 'Last Changed Rev: ' $tmpdir/svn || exit 1) | \
sed -e 's/^.*: //'`
if [ "$svnrev" == "" ] ; then
echo "missing SVN revision"
cat $tmpdir/svn
exit 5
if [ "$svnrev" -lt 1 ] ; then
echo "bad SVN revision: $svnrev"
cat $tmpdir/svn
exit 5
mv $tmpdir/update.tgz $stagedir/$svnrev.tar.gz || exit $?
mv $tmpdir/update.tgz.sha1 $stagedir/$svnrev.tar.gz.sha1 || exit $?
mv $tmpdir/update.tgz.asc $stagedir/$svnrev.tar.gz.asc || exit $?
chmod 644 $stagedir/$svnrev.*
# next, create the new DNS record....
# turn "3.2.0" into "0.2.3"
rvers=`echo "$version" | perl -pe 's/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/$3.$2.$1/'`
if echo "
$rvers TXT \"$svnrev\"
" > $
mv $ $dnsfile || exit $?
echo "failed to create $" 1>&2 ; exit 1
# increment the zone serial.
./build/mkupdates/tick_zone_serial || exit $?
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ -d $stagedir ] || echo "no stagedir" 1>&2
[ -d $stagedir ] || exit 6
for version in $versions ; do
make_tarball_for_version $version