blob: 12826830f84b02805b6d8327c3d702e92ab5ed3d [file] [log] [blame]
if (-e 't/test_dir') { # if we are running "t/rule_tests.t", kluge around ...
chdir 't';
if (-e 'test_dir') { # running from test directory, not ..
unshift(@INC, '../blib/lib');
my $prefix = '.';
if (-e 'test_dir') { # running from test directory, not ..
$prefix = '..';
use SATest; sa_t_init("rule_tests");
use strict;
use Test;
use Mail::SpamAssassin;
use vars qw($num_tests);
$num_tests = 1;
$Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::COLLECT_REGRESSION_TESTS = 1;
my $sa = create_saobj({'dont_copy_prefs' => 1});
$sa->init(0); # parse rules
foreach my $symbol ($sa->{conf}->regression_tests()) {
foreach my $test ($sa->{conf}->regression_tests($symbol)) {
my $test_type = $sa->{conf}->{test_types}->{$symbol};
next unless defined($test_type); # score, but no test
plan tests => $num_tests;
foreach my $symbol ($sa->{conf}->regression_tests()) {
foreach my $test ($sa->{conf}->regression_tests($symbol)) {
my ($ok_or_fail, $string) = @$test;
# warn("got test_type: $test_type\n");
my $test_type = $sa->{conf}->{test_types}->{$symbol};
next unless defined($test_type); # score, but no test
my $mail;
if ($test_type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_HEAD_TESTS ||
$test_type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_HEAD_EVALS)
my $test_string;
# Look through all of the priorities until we find our test
for my $priority (sort(keys %{$sa->{conf}->{priorities}})) {
$test_string = $sa->{conf}->{head_tests}->{$priority}->{$symbol}
|| $sa->{conf}->{head_evals}->{$priority}->{$symbol};
last if $test_string;
if (ref($test_string) eq 'ARRAY'){
$test_string = join("_", @{$test_string});
$test_string = "Received" if ($test_string =~ /received/i);
my ($header_name) = $test_string =~ /^(\S+)/;
$header_name =~ s/:.*$//; # :name, :addr, etc.
# warn("got header name: $header_name - setting to: $string\n");
$mail = $sa->parse(["${header_name}: $string\n","\n","\n"]);
else {
# warn("setting body: $string\n");
my $type = "text/plain";
# the test strings are too short for the built-in heuristic to pick up
# whether or not the message is html. so we kind of fudge it here...
if ( $string =~ /<[^>]*>/ ) {
$type = "text/html";
$mail = $sa->parse(["Content-type: $type\n","\n","$string\n"]);
# debugging, what message is being processed
#print $symbol, "\n", "-"x48, "\n", $mail->get_pristine(), "\n", "-"x48, "\n";
my $msg = Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus->new($sa, $mail);
my $conf = $msg->{conf};
# set all scores to 0 so that by default no tests run
foreach my $symbol (keys %{$conf->{scores}}) {
$conf->{scores}->{$symbol} = 0;
# Make sure that this test will run
$conf->{scores}->{$symbol} = 1;
my %rules_hit = map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/,$msg->get_names_of_tests_hit()),
# debugging, what rule hits actually occurred
#print $symbol, ": ", join(", ", keys(%rules_hit), "\n");
print "Test for '$symbol' (type: $test_type) against '$string'\n";
ok( (exists $rules_hit{$symbol} ? 1 : 0), ($ok_or_fail eq 'ok' ? 1 : 0),
"Test for '$symbol' (type: $test_type) against '$string'" );