blob: 18a90a087d0e22cf9e8731ceddc792d3cd720916 [file] [log] [blame]
# TODO: should this be made a top-level script, called "sa-awl"?
sub usage {
die "
usage: check_whitelist [--clean] [--min n] [dbfile]
use strict;
use Fcntl;
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw(
$opt_clean $opt_min $opt_help
'clean' => \$opt_clean,
'min:i' => \$opt_min,
'help' => \$opt_help
) or usage();
$opt_help and usage();
$opt_min ||= 2;
BEGIN { @AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw(DB_File GDBM_File NDBM_File SDBM_File); }
use AnyDBM_File ;
my $db;
if ($#ARGV == -1) {
$db = $ENV{HOME}."/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist";
} else {
$db = $ARGV[0];
my %h;
if ($opt_clean) {
tie %h, "AnyDBM_File",$db, O_RDWR,0600
or die "Cannot open r/w file $db: $!\n";
} else {
tie %h, "AnyDBM_File",$db, O_RDONLY,0600
or die "Cannot open file $db: $!\n";
my @k = grep(!/totscore$/,keys(%h));
for my $key (@k)
my $totscore = $h{"$key|totscore"};
my $count = $h{$key};
next unless defined($totscore);
if ($opt_clean) {
if ($count >= $opt_min) { next; }
print "cleaning: ";
printf "% 8.1f %15s -- %s\n",
$totscore/$count, (sprintf "(%.1f/%d)",$totscore,$count),
if ($opt_clean) {
delete $h{"$key|totscore"};
delete $h{$key};
untie %h;
=head1 NAME
check_whitelist - examine and manipulate SpamAssassin's auto-whitelist db
B<check_whitelist> [--clean] [--min n] [dbfile]
Check or clean a SpamAssassin auto-whitelist (AWL) database file.
The name of the file is specified after any options, as C<dbfile>.
The default is C<$HOME/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist>.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item --clean
Clean out infrequently-used AWL entries. The C<--min> switch can be
used to select the threshold at which entries are kept or deleted.
=item --min n
Select the threshold at which entries are kept or deleted when C<--clean> is
used. The default is C<2>, so entries that have only been seen once are
=head1 OUTPUT
The output looks like this:
For example:
0.0 (0.0/7) --|ip=208.192
21.8 (43.7/2) --|ip=200.106
C<AVG> is the average score; C<TOTSCORE> is the total score of all mails seen
so far; C<COUNT> is the number of messages seen from that sender; C<EMAIL> is
the sender's email address, and C<IPBASE> is the B<AWL base IP address>.
B<AWL base IP address> is a way to identify the sender's IP address they
frequently send from, in an approximate way, but remaining hard for spammers to
spoof. The algorithm is as follows:
- take the last Received header that contains a public IP address -- namely
one which is not in private, unrouted IP space.
- chop off the last two octets, assuming that the user may be in an ISP's
dynamic address pool.