blob: 6d50875986227de28a3d029cc50ee95aea19329e [file] [log] [blame]
Template: spamassassin/upgrade/2.40
Type: note
_Description: Major changes to SpamAssassin mail stream integration
spamassassin now takes the -P argument by default to act as a pipe
instead of doing local delivery. If you have been using spamassassin
(without the -P argument) to do local delivery, you will need to fix
your mail stream manually. (If you are calling spamassassin via
procmail, you can probably ignore this.)
As of 2.40-1, spamproxyd is no longer available. (This was an
upstream decision.) It appears that spamproxyd is not currently
running; however, this check may not be totally accurate. If you do
use spamproxyd, you will need to find an alternative, or download it
from SpamAssassin CVS.
You will be given an option to abort the installation.
Template: spamassassin/upgrade/2.40w
Type: note
_Description: Major changes to SpamAssassin mail stream integration
As of version 2.40-1, spamproxyd is no longer available. (This was an
upstream decision) It appears that spamproxyd is running, therefore,
it is likely that this will cause problems. You will need to find
another way of calling spamassassin, or download spamproxyd from
SpamAssassin CVS. ( for more information)
spamassassin now takes the -P argument by default to act as a pipe
instead of doing local delivery. If you have been using spamassassin
(without the -P argument) to do local delivery, you will need to fix
your mail stream manually. (If you are calling spamassassin via
procmail, you can probably ignore this.)
You will be given an option to abort the installation.
Template: spamassassin/upgrade/2.42m
Type: select
_Choices: Yes, No
Default: No
_Description: Delete config files in /etc/spamassassin?
As of 2.42-1, rules files for spamassassin will be placed in
/usr/share/spamassassin because of a tighter relationship between
rule files and the version of spamassassin. You currently have
configuration files in /etc/spamassassin. Would you like all of these
out of date configuration files to be deleted? If you don't, you will
probably need to do this yourself, or you will get many warnings. If
you do, you may lose some local changes.
Template: spamassassin/upgrade/2.42u
Type: select
_Choices: Yes, No
Default: No
_Description: Delete out of date config files in /etc/spamassassin?
As of 2.42-1, rules files for spamassassin will be placed in
/usr/share/spamassassin because of a tighter relationship between
rule files and the version of spamassassin. You have not modified
these files, so you will not lose any local changes. Would you like
all out of date configuration files deleted? If you don't, you will
probably need to do this yourself, or you will get many warnings.
Template: spamassassin/upgrade/cancel
Type: select
_Choices: Continue, Cancel
Default: Continue
_Description: There may be errors on the upgrade.
As previously indicated, you may experience errors after this upgrade. You
may cancel now, and fix the problem, or you may continue.