blob: 58001d0381a12654cc6d55253b604cd92504eb83 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# Warning: do not run this test on a live server; it will kill your
# spamd children ;)
use lib '.'; use lib 't';
use SATest; sa_t_init("spamd_prefork_stress");
use Test::More;
plan skip_all => "Long running tests disabled" unless conf_bool('run_long_tests');
plan skip_all => "Spamd tests disabled" if $SKIP_SPAMD_TESTS;
plan skip_all => "Spamd prefork stress tests disabled" unless conf_bool('run_spamd_prefork_stress_test');
# require pkill and pgrep be installed to run this test
my $pkill = locate_command("pkill");
my $pgrep = locate_command("pgrep");
my $note = "NOTE: this test requires /usr/bin/pkill, /usr/bin/pgrep, and both\n".
"'run_spamd_prefork_stress_test' and 'run_long_tests' set to 'y'.\n";
plan skip_all => "No pkill available - $note" unless $pkill;
plan skip_all => "No pgrep available - $note" unless $pgrep;
plan tests => 14;
untaint_system($pgrep, "spamd child");
if ($? >> 8 == 0) {
die "not running test: existing 'spamd child' processes would be killed.\n";
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%patterns = (
q{ X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=}, 'status',
q{ X-Spam-Flag: YES}, 'flag',
q{ X-Spam-Level: **********}, 'stars',
q{ TEST_ENDSNUMS}, 'endsinnums',
q{ TEST_NOREALNAME}, 'noreal',
start_spamd("-L -m1");
ok ($spamd_pid > 1);
ok (spamcrun ("< data/spam/001", \&patterns_run_cb));
my $i = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 1999; $i++) {
print "killing [$i]\n";
untaint_system ($pkill, "-f", "spamd child");
ok (spamcrun ("< data/spam/001", \&patterns_run_cb));
ok (stop_spamd());