blob: e74246df9b22e91052326ae612ea0190b84ddd2f [file] [log] [blame]
To: users, dev, announce
Subject: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.3.0-alpha2 available
Apache SpamAssassin 3.3.0-alpha2 is now available for testing.
Downloads are available from:
md5sum of archive files:
1b396a9df1faa22185263c7526fe6042 Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.0-alpha2.tar.bz2
fbd0c4016d5d9c5adc3a958105b0b414 Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.0-alpha2.tar.gz
daaca5fba5787774eb918e1a5e92be6a Mail-SpamAssassin-rules-3.3.0-alpha2.r802600.tgz
sha1sum of archive files:
ab41278cb0c84c0fe6b38e57662487ea75c499a5 Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.0-alpha2.tar.bz2
87bc1e6777065af13a6f8c179636aa22a0644237 Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.0-alpha2.tar.gz
64ff7fb327f0d699c4a600cd1f0f1ba9a64a0ba0 Mail-SpamAssassin-rules-3.3.0-alpha2.r802600.tgz
Note that the *-rules-*.tgz files are only necessary if you cannot, or do not
wish to, run "sa-update" after install to download the latest fresh rules.
The release files also have a .asc accompanying them. The file serves
as an external GPG signature for the given release file. The signing
key is available via the key server, as well as
The key information is:
pub 1024D/265FA05B 2003-06-09 SpamAssassin Signing Key <>
Key fingerprint = 26C9 00A4 6DD4 0CD5 AD24 F6D7 DEE0 1987 265F A05B
See the INSTALL and UPGRADE files in the distribution for important
installation notes.
Summary of major changes since 3.2.6
Changes to the core code:
[TODO: write changes list]