blob: c2e220148686f0588d93f7fb31f1393e22647571 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# A quick Win32 installer that creates .bat files for the Perl scripts.
@EXE_FILES = qw{
my $runperl;
for (".", split ';', $ENV{PATH}) {
$_ = "." if $_ eq "";
$runperl = "$_/runperl.bat" , goto doit if -f "$_/runperl.bat";
die "'runperl.bat' not found. Is the Perl 'bin' directory in your PATH?\n";
use File::Copy;
foreach my $file (@EXE_FILES) {
copy ($runperl, $file.".bat");
print "Created: $file.bat\n";
# generate a quick script which runs the tests
my $file = 'maketest';
open (OUT, ">$file") or die "cannot write to $file\n";
print OUT q{#!/usr/bin/perl -w
@tees = <t/*.t>;
use Test::Harness qw(&runtests);
runtests @tees;
copy ($runperl, $file.".bat");
print "Created: $file.bat\n";
close OUT or die "cannot write to $file\n";
print "
You will still need to install the modules to use this script. See
the README file, and your perl documentation, for more details.