blob: b5a3893f0b519705fa34a09211d6adcf81af6852 [file] [log] [blame]
package Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd::Apache2::AclIP;
use strict;
use Apache2::Connection ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK FORBIDDEN SERVER_ERROR);
use Apache2::Module ();
use Apache2::ServerRec ();
use Apache::Test;
use constant APACHE24 => have_min_apache_version('2.4.0');
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger;
=head1 NAME
Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd::Apache2::AclIP - host-based spamd access control
##### in httpd.conf:
PerlLoadModule Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd::Apache2::Config
SAallow from
Allows / denies access to spamd basing on client's network address.
This is a simple version of C<mod_authz_host> (which, unfortunately,
is too HTTP-centric to use here).
Should be before C<Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd::Apache2::AclRFC1413>
in the handler chain.
=head1 NOTE
This module doesn't prevent Apache from accepting a connection; child
(and therefore we) get control after client actually sends something.
It's possible to open C<$toomany> connections to the parent server and
DoS this way.
=head1 BUGS
See <>
=head1 SEE ALSO
use APR::IpSubnet ();
sub handler {
my ($c) = @_;
my $srv_cfg =
# TODO: log it somewhere (or not?) -- means all denied
return Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR
unless $srv_cfg && exists $srv_cfg->{allowed_ips};
# use NetAddr::IP::Lite ();
# my $ip = NetAddr::IP::Lite->new($c->remote_ip)
# or return Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR; # log it, shouldn't happen
#use Apache::Test have_min_apache_version to support MP under Apache 2.2 and 2.4
my $remote = APACHE24 ? $c->client_addr : $c->remote_addr;
for my $allowed (@{ $srv_cfg->{allowed_networks} }) {
# depends on allowed_ips format; TODO; if NetAddr::IP::Lite:
# return Apache2::Const::OK if $allowed->contains($ip);
return Apache2::Const::OK if $allowed->test($remote);
info(sprintf "access denied for '%s'", APACHE24 ? $c->client_ip : $c->remote_ip);
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
# vim: ts=8 sw=2 et