blob: a39e562e571b4f01ef7ffb36d2152bf4e01d2023 [file] [log] [blame]
# SpamAssassin user preferences file. See 'man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for
# details of what can be tweaked.
#* Note: this file is not read by SpamAssassin until copied into the user
#* directory. At runtime, if a user has no preferences in their home directory
#* already, it will be copied for them, allowing them to perform personalised
#* customisation. If you want to make changes to the site-wide defaults,
#* create a file in /etc/spamassassin or /etc/mail/spamassassin instead.
# How many hits before a mail is considered spam.
# required_hits 5
# Whitelist and blacklist addresses are now file-glob-style patterns, so
# "", "*", or "*" will all work.
# whitelist_from
# Add your own customised scores for some tests below. The default scores are
# read from the installed spamassassin rules files, but you can override them
# here. To see the list of tests and their default scores, go to
# .