blob: 89dd89a467e4c9b136ba946a5555323b5919dee0 [file] [log] [blame]
=head1 NAME
tap-to-junit-xml - convert perl-style TAP test output to JUnit-style XML
tap-to-junit-xml "test suite name" [ outputprefix ] < tap_output.log
Parse test suite output in TAP (Test Anything Protocol,
C<>) format, and produce XML output in a similar format
to that produced by the <junit> ant task. This is useful for consumption by
continuous-integration systems like Hudson (C<>).
C<"test suite name"> is a descriptive string used as the B<name> attribute on the
top-level <testsuites> node of the output XML.
If C<outputprefix> is specified, multi-file output will be generated, with
multiple XML files created using C<outputprefix> as their start of their
filenames. This prefix may contain slashes, in which case the files will be
placed into a directory hierarchy accordingly (although care should be taken to
ensure these directories exist in advance).
If C<outputprefix> is not specified, a single XML file will be generated on
=head1 BUGS
- Output is optimized for Hudson, and may not look quite as good in other UIs.
- Doesn't do anything with the STDERR from tests.
- Doesn't fill in the 'errors' attribute in the <testsuite> element.
- Doesn't handle "todo" or "skip"
- Doesn't get the elapsed time for each 'test' (i.e. assertion.)
=head1 AUTHOR
original,, by Matisse Enzer <matisse at>; see
pretty much entirely rewritten by Justin Mason <junit at>, Feb 2008.
=head1 VERSION
Mar 27 2008 jm
Copyright (c) 2007 Matisse Enzer. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $opt_suitename = shift @ARGV;
my $opt_multifile = 0;
my $opt_mfprefix;
if (defined $ARGV[0]) {
$opt_multifile = 1;
$opt_mfprefix = $ARGV[0];
use TAP::Parser;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use XML::Generator qw(:noimport);
# should the 'Test Summary Report' at the end of a test suite be displayed
# as if it was a testcase? in my opinion, no
my $suite_name = $opt_suitename || 'make test';
my $safe_suite_name = $suite_name; $safe_suite_name =~ s/[^-:_A-Za-z0-9]+/_/gs;
# TODO: it'd be nice to respect 'Universal desirable behavior #1' from
# -- 'Should work on the
# TAP as a stream (ie. as each line is received) rather than wait until all the
# TAP is received'. But it seems TAP::Parser itself doesn't support it!
# maybe when TAP::Parser does that, we'll do it too.
my $tout = join("", <STDIN>);
my $tap = TAP::Parser->new( { tap => $tout } );
my $xmlgen = XML::Generator->new( ':pretty', ':std');
my $xmlgenunescaped = XML::Generator->new( ':pretty', ':std', 'escape' => 'unescaped');
my @properties = _get_properties($xmlgen);
my $test_results = _parse_tests( $tap, $xmlgen );
if ($opt_multifile) {
_gen_junit_multifile_xml( $xmlgen, \@properties, $test_results );
} else {
print STDOUT _get_junit_xml( $xmlgen, \@properties, $test_results );
sub _get_junit_xml {
my ( $xmlgen, $properties, $test_results ) = @_;
my $xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>\n" .
name => $suite_name,
}, @$test_results);
return $xml;
sub _gen_junit_multifile_xml {
my ( $xmlgen, $properties, $test_results ) = @_;
my $count = 1;
foreach my $testsuite (@$test_results) {
open OUT, ">${opt_mfprefix}.${count}.xml"
or die "cannot write ${opt_mfprefix}-${count}.xml";
print OUT "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>\n";
print OUT $testsuite;
close OUT;
sub _parse_tests {
my ( $parser, $xmlgen ) = @_;
my $ctx = {
testsuites => [ ],
test_name => 'notest',
plan_ntests => 0,
case_id => 0,
my $lastunk = '';
# unknown t/basic_lint.........
# plan 1..1
# comment # Running under perl version 5.008008 for linux
# comment # Current time local: Thu Jan 24 17:44:30 2008
# comment # Current time GMT: Thu Jan 24 17:44:30 2008
# comment # Using version 1.25
# unknown /usr/bin/perl -T -w ../spamassassin.raw -C log/test_rules_copy --siteconfigpath log/localrules.tmp -p log/ -L --lint
# unknown Checking anything
# test ok 1
# test ok 2
# unknown t/basic_meta.........
# plan 1..2
# comment # Running under perl version 5.008008 for linux
# comment # Current time local: Thu Jan 24 17:44:31 2008
# comment # Current time GMT: Thu Jan 24 17:44:31 2008
# comment # Using version 1.25
# test not ok 1
# comment # Failed test 1 in t/basic_meta.t at line 91
# test ok 2
# unknown Failed 1/2 subtests
# unknown t/basic_obj_api......
# plan 1..4
# comment # Running under perl version 5.008008 for linux
# comment # Current time local: Thu Jan 24 17:44:33 2008
# comment # Current time GMT: Thu Jan 24 17:44:33 2008
# comment # Using version 1.25
# test ok 1
# test ok 2
# test ok 3
# test ok 4
# test ok 9
# unknown
# unknown Test Summary Report
# unknown -------------------
# unknown t/basic_meta.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
# unknown Failed test: 1
# unknown Files=3, Tests=7, 6 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.00 sys + 4.39 cusr 0.23 csys = 4.63 CPU)
# unknown Result: FAIL
# unknown Failed 1/3 test programs. 1/7 subtests failed.
# unknown make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
while ( my $r = $parser->next ) {
my $t = $r->type;
my $s = $r->as_string; $s =~ s/\s+$//;
# warn "JMD $t $s";
if ($t eq 'unknown') {
$lastunk = $s;
# PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/basic_*
# if ($s =~ /test_harness\(.*?\)" (.+)$/) {
# $suite_name = $1;
# }
if ($s =~ /^Test Summary Report$/) {
# create a <testsuite> block for the summary
$ctx->{plan_ntests} = 0;
$ctx->{test_name} = "Test Summary Report";
$ctx->{case_tests} = 1;
elsif ($s =~ /^Result: FAIL$/) {
my $test_case = {
classname => test_name_to_classname($ctx->{test_name}),
name => 'result',
'time' => 0,
my $failure = $xmlgen->failure({
type => "OverallTestsFailed",
message => $s
push @{$ctx->{test_cases}}, $xmlgen->testcase($test_case, $failure);
elsif ($s =~ /^(\S+?)\.\.\.+1\.\.(\d+?)\s*$/) {
# perl 5.6.x "Test" format plan line
# unknown t/basic_lint....................1..1
my ($name, $nt) = ($1,$2);
if ($ctx->{plan_ntests}) { # only if there have been tests planned
$ctx->{plan_ntests} = $nt+0;
$ctx->{test_name} = "$name.t";
elsif ($t eq 'plan') {
if ($ctx->{plan_ntests}) { # only if there have been tests planned
$ctx->{plan_ntests} = 0;
$s =~ /(\d+)$/ and $ctx->{plan_ntests} = $1+0;
$ctx->{test_name} = $lastunk;
$ctx->{test_name} =~ s/\.*\s*$//gs;
$ctx->{test_name} .= ".t";
elsif ($t eq 'test') {
my $ntest = 0;
if ($s =~ /(?:not |)\S+ (\d+)/) { $ntest = $1+0; }
if ($ntest > $ctx->{plan_ntests}) {
# jump in test numbers, more than planned; this is probably TAP::Parser's wierdness.
# (when it sees the "ok" line at the end of a test case with no number,
# it outputs the current total number of tests so far.)
# clean this up in a Hudson-compatible way; ":" and "/" are out, "." also causes
# trouble by creating an extra "directory" in the results
my $test_case = {
classname => test_name_to_classname($ctx->{test_name}),
name => sprintf("test %6d", $ntest), # space-padding ensures ordering
'time' => 0,
my $failure = undef;
if ($s =~ /^not /i) {
$failure = $xmlgen->failure({
type => "TAPTestFailed",
message => $s
push @{$ctx->{test_cases}}, $xmlgen->testcase($test_case, $failure);
else {
push @{$ctx->{test_cases}}, $xmlgen->testcase($test_case);
$ctx->{sysout} .= $s."\n";
if (scalar(@{$ctx->{test_cases}}) == 0 &&
scalar(@{$ctx->{testsuites}}) == 0)
# no tests found! create a <testsuite> block containing *something* at least
my $test_case = {
classname => test_name_to_classname($ctx->{test_name}),
name => 'result',
'time' => 0,
push @{$ctx->{test_cases}}, $xmlgen->testcase($test_case);
return $ctx->{testsuites};
sub _new_ctx {
my $ctx = shift;
$ctx->{start_time} = [gettimeofday];
$ctx->{test_cases} = [];
$ctx->{case_tests} = 0;
$ctx->{case_failures} = 0;
$ctx->{case_time} = 0;
$ctx->{sysout} = '';
return $ctx;
sub _finish_test_block {
my $ctx = shift;
$ctx->{sysout} =~ s/\n\S+\.*\s*\n$/\n/s; # remove next test's "t/foo....." line
my $elapsed_time = 0; # TODO
#my $elapsed_time = tv_interval( $ctx->{start_time}, [gettimeofday] );
# clean it up to valid Java packagename format (or at least something Hudson will
# consume)
my $name = $ctx->{test_name};
$name =~ s/[^-:_A-Za-z0-9]+/_/gs;
$name = "$safe_suite_name.$name"; # a "directory" for the suite name
my $testsuite = {
'time' => $elapsed_time,
'name' => $name,
tests => $ctx->{case_tests},
failures => $ctx->{case_failures},
'id' => $ctx->{case_id},
errors => 0,
my @fixedcases = ();
foreach my $tc (@{$ctx->{test_cases}}) {
if ($tc =~ s/__FAILUREMESSAGETODO__/ cdata($ctx->{sysout}) /ges) {
push @fixedcases, \$tc; # inhibits escaping!
} else {
push @fixedcases, $tc;
# use "unescaped"; we have already fixed escaping on these strings.
# note that a reference means 'this is unescaped', bizarrely.
push @{$ctx->{testsuites}}, $xmlgenunescaped->testsuite($testsuite,
\("<system-err />"));
sub cdata {
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/\]\]>/\](warning: defanged by tap-to-junit-xml)\]>/gs;
return '<![CDATA['.$s.']]>';
sub _get_properties {
my $xmlgen = shift;
my @props;
foreach my $key ( sort keys %ENV ) {
push @props, $xmlgen->property( { name => "$key", value => $ENV{$key} } );
return @props;
sub test_name_to_classname {
my $safe = shift;
$safe =~ s/[^-:_A-Za-z0-9]+/_/gs;
$safe = "$safe_suite_name.$safe"; # a "directory" for the suite name
# JUnit references:
# skipped tests:
# Hudson source: