blob: 596ec7a0a66128593c27c1a3a77099b20b80f870 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
=head1 NAME
Mail::SpamAssassin::Util - utility functions
A general class for utility functions. Please use this for functions that
stand alone, without requiring a $self object, Portability functions
NOTE: The functions in this module are to be considered private. Their API may
change at any point, and it's expected that they'll only be used by other
Mail::SpamAssassin modules. (TODO: we should probably revisit this if
it's useful for plugin development.)
NOTE: Utility functions should not be changing global variables such
as $_, $1, $2, ... $/, etc. unless explicitly documented. If these
variables are in use by these functions, they should be localized.
=over 4
package Mail::SpamAssassin::Util;
use strict;
use warnings;
# use bytes;
use re 'taint';
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger;
use version 0.77;
use Exporter ();
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = ();
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(&local_tz &base64_decode &base64_encode &base32_encode
&untaint_var &untaint_file_path &exit_status_str
&proc_status_ok &am_running_on_windows &reverse_ip_address
&decode_dns_question_entry &touch_file &secure_tmpfile
&secure_tmpdir &uri_list_canonicalize &get_my_locales
&parse_rfc822_date &idn_to_ascii &is_valid_utf_8
&get_user_groups &compile_regexp &qr_to_string
&is_fqdn_valid &parse_header_addresses &force_die
use Config;
use Encode;
use IO::Handle;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
use Time::Local;
use Scalar::Util qw(tainted);
use Fcntl;
use constant HAS_NETADDR_IP => eval { require NetAddr::IP; };
use constant HAS_MIME_BASE64 => eval { require MIME::Base64; };
use constant RUNNING_ON_WINDOWS => ($^O =~ /^(?:mswin|dos|os2)/i);
# These are only defined as stubs on Windows (see bugs 6798 and 6470).
no warnings 'redefine';
# See the section on $? at
# for some
# hints on the magic numbers that are used here.
*WIFEXITED = sub { not $_[0] & 127 };
*WEXITSTATUS = sub { $_[0] >> 8 };
*WIFSIGNALED = sub { ($_[0] & 127) && (($_[0] & 127) != 127) };
*WTERMSIG = sub { $_[0] & 127 };
# Bug 6751:
# RFC 3490 (IDNA): Whenever dots are used as label separators, the
# following characters MUST be recognized as dots: U+002E (full stop),
# U+3002 (ideographic full stop), U+FF0E (fullwidth full stop),
# U+FF61 (halfwidth ideographic full stop).
# RFC 5895: [...] the IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP character (U+3002)
# can be mapped to the FULL STOP before label separation occurs.
# [...] Only the IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP character (U+3002) is added in
# this mapping because the authors have not fully investigated [...]
# Adding also 'SMALL FULL STOP' (U+FE52) as seen in the wild,
# and a 'ONE DOT LEADER' (U+2024).
no bytes; # make sure there is no 'use bytes' in effect
my $dot_chars = "\x{2024}\x{3002}\x{FF0E}\x{FF61}\x{FE52}"; # \x{002E}
my $dot_bytes = join('|', split(//,$dot_chars)); utf8::encode($dot_bytes);
$ALT_FULLSTOP_UTF8_RE = qr/$dot_bytes/s;
our ($have_libidn, $have_libidn2);
my $sa_libidn = ($ENV{'SA_LIBIDN'}||'') =~ /(\d+)/ ? $1 : 0;
if (!$sa_libidn || $sa_libidn eq '2') {
eval { require Net::LibIDN2; } and do { $have_libidn2 = 1; };
if (!$have_libidn2 && (!$sa_libidn || $sa_libidn eq '1')) {
eval { require Net::LibIDN; } and do { $have_libidn = 1; };
or info("util: module Net::LibIDN or Net::LibIDN2 not available, ".
"internationalized domain names with U-labels will not be recognized!");
# find an executable in the current $PATH (or whatever for that platform)
# Show the PATH we're going to explore only once.
my $displayed_path = 0;
sub find_executable_in_env_path {
my ($filename) = @_;
if ( !$displayed_path++ ) {
dbg("util: current PATH is: ".join($Config{'path_sep'},File::Spec->path()));
my @pathext = ('');
if ( $ENV{PATHEXT} ) {
push @pathext, split($Config{'path_sep'}, $ENV{PATHEXT});
} else {
push @pathext, qw{.exe .com .bat};
foreach my $path (File::Spec->path()) {
my $base = File::Spec->catfile ($path, $filename);
for my $ext ( @pathext ) {
my $fname = $base.$ext;
if ( -f $fname ) {
if (-x $fname) {
dbg("util: executable for $filename was found at $fname");
return $fname;
else {
dbg("util: $filename was found at $fname, but isn't executable");
# taint mode: delete more unsafe vars for exec, as per perlsec
# We only need to clean the environment once, it stays clean ...
my $cleaned_taint_path = 0;
sub clean_path_in_taint_mode {
return if ($cleaned_taint_path++);
return unless am_running_in_taint_mode();
dbg("util: taint mode: deleting unsafe environment variables, resetting PATH");
if ( $ENV{'PATHEXT'} ) { # clean and untaint
$ENV{'PATHEXT'} = join($Config{'path_sep'}, grep ($_, map( {$_ =~ m/^(\.[a-zA-Z]{1,10})$/; $1; } split($Config{'path_sep'}, $ENV{'PATHEXT'}))));
} else {
# Go through and clean the PATH out
my @path;
my @stat;
foreach my $dir (File::Spec->path()) {
next unless $dir;
# untaint if at least 1 char and no NL (is the restriction intentional?)
local ($1);
$dir = untaint_var($1) if $dir =~ /^(.+)$/;
# then clean ( 'foo/./bar' -> 'foo/bar', etc. )
$dir = File::Spec->canonpath($dir);
if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($dir)) {
dbg("util: PATH included '$dir', which is not absolute, dropping");
elsif (!(@stat=stat($dir))) {
dbg("util: PATH included '$dir', which is unusable, dropping: $!");
elsif (!-d _) {
dbg("util: PATH included '$dir', which isn't a directory, dropping");
elsif (!RUNNING_ON_WINDOWS && (($stat[2]&2) != 0)) {
# World-Writable directories are considered insecure, but unavoidable on Windows
# We could be more paranoid and check all of the parent directories as well,
# but it's good for now.
dbg("util: PATH included '$dir', which is world writable, dropping");
dbg("util: PATH included '$dir', keeping");
push(@path, $dir);
$ENV{'PATH'} = join($Config{'path_sep'}, @path);
dbg("util: final PATH set to: ".$ENV{'PATH'});
# taint mode: are we running in taint mode? 1 for yes, 0 for no.
sub am_running_in_taint_mode {
return $AM_TAINTED if defined $AM_TAINTED;
if ($] >= 5.008) {
# perl 5.8 and above, ${^TAINT} is a syntax violation in 5.005
$AM_TAINTED = eval q(no warnings q(syntax); ${^TAINT});
else {
# older versions
my $blank;
for my $d ((File::Spec->curdir, File::Spec->rootdir, File::Spec->tmpdir)) {
opendir(TAINT, $d) || next;
$blank = readdir(TAINT);
closedir(TAINT) or die "error closing directory $d: $!";
if (!(defined $blank && $blank)) {
# these are sometimes untainted, so this is less preferable than readdir
$blank = join('', values %ENV, $0, @ARGV);
$blank = substr($blank, 0, 0);
# seriously mind-bending perl
$AM_TAINTED = not eval { eval "1 || $blank" || 1 };
dbg("util: running in taint mode? %s", $AM_TAINTED ? "yes" : "no");
return $AM_TAINTED;
sub am_running_on_windows {
# untaint a path to a file, e.g. "/home/jm/.spamassassin/foo",
# "C:\Program Files\SpamAssassin\tmp\foo", "/home/õüt/etc".
# TODO: this does *not* handle locales well. We cannot use "use locale"
# and \w, since that will not detaint the data. So instead just allow the
# high-bit chars from ISO-8859-1, none of which have special metachar
# meanings (as far as I know).
sub untaint_file_path {
my ($path) = @_;
return unless defined($path);
return '' if ($path eq '');
local ($1);
# Barry Jaspan: allow ~ and spaces, good for Windows.
# Also return '' if input is '', as it is a safe path.
# Bug 7264: allow also parenthesis, e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)"
my $chars = '-_A-Za-z0-9.#%=+,/:()\\@\\xA0-\\xFF\\\\';
my $re = qr{^\s*([$chars][${chars}~ ]*)\z};
if ($path =~ $re) {
$path = $1;
return untaint_var($path);
} else {
warn "util: refusing to untaint suspicious path: \"$path\"\n";
return $path;
sub untaint_hostname {
my ($host) = @_;
return unless defined($host);
return '' if ($host eq '');
# from RFC 1035, but allowing domains starting with numbers:
# $label = q/[A-Za-z\d](?:[A-Za-z\d-]{0,61}[A-Za-z\d])?/;
# $domain = qq<$label(?:\.$label)*>;
# length($host) <= 255 && $host =~ /^($domain)$/
# expanded (no variables in the re) because of a tainting bug in Perl 5.8.0
if (length($host) <= 255 && $host =~ /^[a-z\d](?:[a-z\d-]{0,61}[a-z\d])?(?:\.[a-z\d](?:[a-z\d-]{0,61}[a-z\d])?)*$/i) {
return untaint_var($host);
else {
warn "util: cannot untaint hostname: \"$host\"\n";
return $host;
# This sub takes a scalar or a reference to an array, hash, scalar or another
# reference and recursively untaints all its values (and keys if it's a
# reference to a hash). It should be used with caution as blindly untainting
# values subverts the purpose of working in taint mode. It will return the
# untainted value if requested but to avoid unnecessary copying, the return
# value should be ignored when working on lists.
# Bad:
# %ENV = untaint_var(\%ENV);
# Better:
# untaint_var(\%ENV);
sub untaint_var {
# my $arg = $_[0]; # avoid copying unnecessarily
if (!ref $_[0]) { # optimized by-far-the-most-common case
# Bug 7591 not using this faster untaint.
#return defined $_[0] ? scalar each %{ { $_[0] => undef } } : undef; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef) - See Bug 7120 - fast untaint (hash keys cannot be tainted)
no re 'taint'; # override a "use re 'taint'" from outer scope
return undef if !defined $_[0]; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef) - See Bug 7120
local($1); # avoid Perl taint bug: tainted global $1 propagates taintedness
$_[0] =~ /^(.*)\z/s;
return $1;
} else {
my $r = ref $_[0];
if ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
my $arg = $_[0];
$_ = untaint_var($_) for @{$arg};
return @{$arg} if wantarray;
elsif ($r eq 'HASH') {
my $arg = $_[0];
if ($arg == \%ENV) { # purge undefs from %ENV, untaint the rest
while (my($k, $v) = each %{$arg}) {
# It is safe to delete the item most recently returned by each()
if (!defined $v) { delete ${$arg}{$k}; next }
${$arg}{untaint_var($k)} = untaint_var($v);
} else {
if($] < 5.020) {
# hash keys are never tainted,
# although old version of perl had some quirks there
# skip the check only for Perl > 5.020 to be on the safe side
while (my($k, $v) = each %{$arg}) {
${$arg}{untaint_var($k)} = untaint_var($v);
return %{$arg} if wantarray;
elsif ($r eq 'SCALAR' || $r eq 'REF') {
my $arg = $_[0];
${$arg} = untaint_var(${$arg});
else {
warn "util: can't untaint a $r !\n";
return $_[0];
sub taint_var {
my ($v) = @_;
return $v unless defined $v; # can't taint "undef"
# $^X is apparently "always tainted".
# Concatenating an empty tainted string taints the result.
# Bug 7806: use $fh trick to enforce for older Perl
my $t = eval { local $/; open my $fh, '<', \""; <$fh>; };
$t = '' unless defined $t;
return $v . $t . substr($^X, 0, 0);
# Check for full hostname / FQDN / DNS name validity. IP addresses must be
# validated with other functions like Constants::IP_ADDRESS. Does not check
# for valid TLD, use $self->{main}->{registryboundaries}->is_domain_valid()
# additionally for that. If $is_ascii given and true, skip idn_to_ascii()
# conversion.
sub is_fqdn_valid {
my ($host, $is_ascii) = @_;
return if !defined $host;
if ($is_ascii) {
utf8::encode($host) if utf8::is_utf8($host); # force octets
$host = lc $host;
} else {
# convert to ascii, handles Unicode dot normalization also
$host = idn_to_ascii($host);
# remove trailing dots
$host =~ s/\.+\z//;
# max total length 253
return if length($host) > 253;
# validate dot separated components/labels
my @labels = split(/\./, $host);
my $cnt = scalar @labels;
return unless $cnt > 1; # at least two labels required
foreach my $label (@labels) {
# length of 1-63
return if length($label) < 1;
return if length($label) > 63;
# alphanumeric, - allowed only in middle part
# underscores are allowed in DNS queries, so we allow here
# (idn_to_ascii made sure we are lowercase and pure ascii)
return if $label !~ /^[a-z0-9_](?:[a-z0-9_-]*[a-z0-9_])?$/;
# 1st-2nd level part can not contain _, only third+ can
if ($cnt == 2 || $cnt == 1) {
return if index($label, '_') != -1;
# is good
return 1;
# returns true if the provided string of octets represents a syntactically
# valid UTF-8 string, otherwise a false is returned
sub is_valid_utf_8 {
# my $octets = $_[0];
return undef if !defined $_[0]; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
# RFC 6532: UTF8-non-ascii = UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4
# RFC 3629 section 4: Syntax of UTF-8 Byte Sequences
# UTF8-char = UTF8-1 / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4
# UTF8-1 = %x00-7F
# UTF8-2 = %xC2-DF UTF8-tail
# UTF8-3 = %xE0 %xA0-BF UTF8-tail /
# %xE1-EC 2( UTF8-tail ) /
# %xED %x80-9F UTF8-tail /
# # U+D800..U+DFFF are utf16 surrogates, not legal utf8
# %xEE-EF 2( UTF8-tail )
# UTF8-4 = %xF0 %x90-BF 2( UTF8-tail ) /
# %xF1-F3 3( UTF8-tail ) /
# %xF4 %x80-8F 2( UTF8-tail )
# UTF8-tail = %x80-BF
# loose variant:
# [\x00-\x7F] | [\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] |
# [\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} | [\xF0-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]{3}
$_[0] =~ /^ (?: [\x00-\x7F] |
[\xC2-\xDF] [\x80-\xBF] |
\xE0 [\xA0-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF] |
[\xE1-\xEC] [\x80-\xBF]{2} |
\xED [\x80-\x9F] [\x80-\xBF] |
[\xEE-\xEF] [\x80-\xBF]{2} |
\xF0 [\x90-\xBF] [\x80-\xBF]{2} |
[\xF1-\xF3] [\x80-\xBF]{3} |
\xF4 [\x80-\x8F] [\x80-\xBF]{2} )* \z/xs ? 1 : 0;
# Given an international domain name with U-labels (UTF-8 or Unicode chars)
# converts it to ASCII-compatible encoding (ACE). If the argument is in
# ASCII (or is an invalid IDN), returns it lowercased but otherwise unchanged.
# The result is always in octets (utf8 flag off) even if the argument was in
# Unicode characters.
#my $idn_cache = {};
sub idn_to_ascii {
no bytes; # make sure there is no 'use bytes' in effect
return undef if !defined $_[0]; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
my $s = "$_[0]"; # stringify
# encode chars to UTF-8, leave octets unchanged (not necessarily valid UTF-8)
utf8::encode($s) if utf8::is_utf8($s); # i.e. remove utf-8 flag if set
# Rapid return for most common case, all-ASCII (including IP address literal),
# no conversion needed. Also if we don't have LibIDN, nothing more we can do.
if ($s !~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9_.:[]-//c || !($have_libidn||$have_libidn2)) {
return lc $s; # retains taintedness
#if (exists $idn_cache->{$s}) {
# dbg("util: idn_to_ascii: converted to ACE: '$s' -> '$idn_cache->{$s}' (cached)");
# return $idn_cache->{$s};
#$idn_cache = {} if %$idn_cache > 1000;
#my $orig_s = $s; # save original for idn_cache
# propagate taintedness of the argument
my $t = tainted($s);
if ($t) { # untaint $s, avoids taint-related bugs in LibIDN or in old perl
$s = untaint_var($s);
my $charset;
# Check for valid UTF-8
if (is_valid_utf_8($s)) {
# RFC 3490 (IDNA): Whenever dots are used as label separators, the
# following characters MUST be recognized as dots: U+002E (full stop),
# U+3002 (ideographic full stop), U+FF0E (fullwidth full stop),
# U+FF61 (halfwidth ideographic full stop).
if ($s =~ s/$ALT_FULLSTOP_UTF8_RE/./gs) {
dbg("util: idn_to_ascii: alternative dots normalized: '%s' -> '%s'",
$_[0], $s);
$charset = 'UTF-8';
# Check for valid extended ISO-8859-1 including diacritics
elsif ($s !~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xde\xe0-\xf6\xf8-\xfe_.-//c) {
$charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
if ($charset) {
# to ASCII-compatible encoding (ACE), lowercased
if ($have_libidn) {
my $sa = Net::LibIDN::idn_to_ascii($s, $charset);
if (!defined $sa) {
info("util: idn_to_ascii: conversion to ACE failed: '%s' (charset %s)",
$s, $charset);
} else {
dbg("util: idn_to_ascii: converted to ACE: '%s' -> '%s' (charset %s)",
$s, $sa, $charset) if $s ne $sa;
$s = $sa;
} elsif ($have_libidn2) {
my $si = $s;
if ($charset eq 'ISO-8859-1') {
Encode::from_to($si, 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8');
utf8::decode($si) unless utf8::is_utf8($si);
my $rc = 0;
my $sa = Net::LibIDN2::idn2_to_ascii_8($si,
if (!defined $sa) {
info("util: idn_to_ascii: conversion to ACE failed, %s: '%s' (charset %s) (LibIDN2)",
Net::LibIDN2::idn2_strerror($rc), $s, $charset);
} else {
dbg("util: idn_to_ascii: converted to ACE: '%s' -> '%s' (charset %s) (LibIDN2)",
$s, $sa, $charset) if $s ne $sa;
$s = $sa;
} else {
my($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
info("util: idn_to_ascii: valid charset not detected: '%s', called from %s line %d",
$s, $package, $line);
$s = lc $s; # garbage-in / garbage-out
return $t ? taint_var($s) : $s; # propagate taintedness of the argument
#return $idn_cache->{$orig_s} = $t ? taint_var($s) : $s; # propagate taintedness of the argument
# map process termination status number to an informative string, and
# append optional message (dual-valued errno or a string or a number),
# returning the resulting string
sub exit_status_str {
my($stat,$errno) = @_;
my $str;
if (!defined($stat)) {
$str = '(no status)';
} elsif (WIFEXITED($stat)) {
$str = sprintf("exit %d", WEXITSTATUS($stat));
} elsif (WIFSTOPPED($stat)) {
$str = sprintf("stopped, signal %d", WSTOPSIG($stat));
} else {
my $sig = WTERMSIG($stat);
$str = sprintf("%s, signal %d (%04x)",
$sig == 1 ? 'HANGUP' : $sig == 2 ? 'interrupted' :
$sig == 6 ? 'ABORTED' : $sig == 9 ? 'KILLED' :
$sig == 15 ? 'TERMINATED' : 'DIED',
$sig, $stat);
if (defined $errno) { # deal with dual-valued and plain variables
$str .= ', '.$errno if (0+$errno) != 0 || ($errno ne '' && $errno ne '0');
return $str;
# check errno to be 0 and a process exit status to be in the list of success
# status codes, returning true if both are ok, and false otherwise
sub proc_status_ok {
my($exit_status,$errno,@success) = @_;
my $ok = 0;
if ((!defined $errno || $errno == 0) && WIFEXITED($exit_status)) {
my $j = WEXITSTATUS($exit_status);
if (!@success) { $ok = $j==0 } # empty list implies only status 0 is good
elsif (grep {$_ == $j} @success) { $ok = 1 }
return $ok;
# timezone mappings: in case of conflicts, use RFC 2822, then most
# common and least conflicting mapping
my %TZ = (
# standard
'UT' => '+0000',
'UTC' => '+0000',
# US and Canada
'NDT' => '-0230',
'AST' => '-0400',
'ADT' => '-0300',
'NST' => '-0330',
'EST' => '-0500',
'EDT' => '-0400',
'CST' => '-0600',
'CDT' => '-0500',
'MST' => '-0700',
'MDT' => '-0600',
'PST' => '-0800',
'PDT' => '-0700',
'HST' => '-1000',
'AKST' => '-0900',
'AKDT' => '-0800',
'HADT' => '-0900',
'HAST' => '-1000',
# Europe
'GMT' => '+0000',
'BST' => '+0100',
'IST' => '+0100',
'WET' => '+0000',
'WEST' => '+0100',
'CET' => '+0100',
'CEST' => '+0200',
'EET' => '+0200',
'EEST' => '+0300',
'MSK' => '+0300',
'MSD' => '+0400',
'MET' => '+0100',
'MEZ' => '+0100',
'MEST' => '+0200',
'MESZ' => '+0200',
# South America
'BRST' => '-0200',
'BRT' => '-0300',
# Australia
'AEST' => '+1000',
'AEDT' => '+1100',
'ACST' => '+0930',
'ACDT' => '+1030',
'AWST' => '+0800',
# New Zealand
'NZST' => '+1200',
'NZDT' => '+1300',
# Asia
'JST' => '+0900',
'KST' => '+0900',
'HKT' => '+0800',
'SGT' => '+0800',
'PHT' => '+0800',
# Middle East
'IDT' => '+0300',
# month mappings
my %MONTH = (jan => 1, feb => 2, mar => 3, apr => 4, may => 5, jun => 6,
jul => 7, aug => 8, sep => 9, oct => 10, nov => 11, dec => 12);
sub local_tz {
return $LOCALTZ if defined($LOCALTZ);
# standard method for determining local timezone
my $time = time;
my @g = gmtime($time);
my @t = localtime($time);
my $z = $t[1]-$g[1]+($t[2]-$g[2])*60+($t[7]-$g[7])*1440+($t[5]-$g[5])*525600;
$LOCALTZ = sprintf("%+.2d%.2d", $z/60, $z%60);
return $LOCALTZ;
sub parse_rfc822_date {
my ($date) = @_;
local ($_); local ($1,$2,$3,$4);
my ($yyyy, $mmm, $dd, $hh, $mm, $ss, $mon, $tzoff);
# make it a bit easier to match
$_ = " $date "; s/, */ /gs; s/\s+/ /gs;
# now match it in parts. Date part first:
if (s/ (\d+) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) (\d{4}) / /i) {
$dd = $1; $mon = lc($2); $yyyy = $3;
} elsif (s/ (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) +(\d+) \d+:\d+:\d+ (\d{4}) / /i) {
$dd = $2; $mon = lc($1); $yyyy = $3;
} elsif (s/ (\d+) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) (\d{2,3}) / /i) {
$dd = $1; $mon = lc($2); $yyyy = $3;
} else {
dbg("util: time cannot be parsed: $date");
# handle two and three digit dates as specified by RFC 2822
if (defined $yyyy) {
if (length($yyyy) == 2 && $yyyy < 50) {
$yyyy += 2000;
elsif (length($yyyy) != 4) {
# three digit years and two digit years with values between 50 and 99
$yyyy += 1900;
# hh:mm:ss
if (s/ (\d?\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d))? / /) {
$hh = $1; $mm = $2; $ss = $4 || 0;
# numeric timezones
if (s/ ([-+]\d{4}) / /) {
$tzoff = $1;
# common timezones
elsif (s/\b([A-Z]{2,4}(?:-DST)?)\b/ / && exists $TZ{$1}) {
$tzoff = $TZ{$1};
# all other timezones are considered equivalent to "-0000"
$tzoff ||= '-0000';
# months
if (exists $MONTH{$mon}) {
$mmm = $MONTH{$mon};
$hh ||= 0; $mm ||= 0; $ss ||= 0; $dd ||= 0; $mmm ||= 0; $yyyy ||= 0;
# Fudge invalid times so that we get a usable date.
if ($ss > 59) { # rfc2822 does recognize leap seconds, not handled here
dbg("util: second after supported range, forcing second to 59: $date");
$ss = 59;
if ($mm > 59) {
dbg("util: minute after supported range, forcing minute to 59: $date");
$mm = 59;
if ($hh > 23) {
dbg("util: hour after supported range, forcing hour to 23: $date");
$hh = 23;
my $max_dd = 31;
if ($mmm == 4 || $mmm == 6 || $mmm == 9 || $mmm == 11) {
$max_dd = 30;
elsif ($mmm == 2) {
$max_dd = (!($yyyy % 4) && (($yyyy % 100) || !($yyyy % 400))) ? 29 : 28;
if ($dd > $max_dd) {
dbg("util: day is too high, incrementing date to next valid date: $date");
$dd = 1;
if ($mmm > 12) {
$mmm = 1;
# Time::Local (v1.10 at least, also 1.17) throws warnings when dates cause
# a signed 32-bit integer overflow. So force a min/max for year.
if ($yyyy > 2037) {
dbg("util: year after supported range, forcing year to 2037: $date");
$yyyy = 2037;
elsif ($yyyy < 1970) {
dbg("util: year before supported range, forcing year to 1970: $date");
$yyyy = 1970;
my $time;
eval { # could croak
$time = timegm($ss, $mm, $hh, $dd, $mmm-1, $yyyy);
} or do {
my $eval_stat = $@ ne '' ? $@ : "errno=$!"; chomp $eval_stat;
dbg("util: time cannot be parsed: $date, $yyyy-$mmm-$dd $hh:$mm:$ss, $eval_stat");
if ($tzoff =~ /([-+])(\d\d)(\d\d)$/) # convert to seconds difference
$tzoff = (($2 * 60) + $3) * 60;
if ($1 eq '-') {
$time += $tzoff;
} elsif ($time < $tzoff) { # careful with year 1970 and '+' time zones
$time = 0;
} else {
$time -= $tzoff;
return $time;
sub time_to_rfc822_date {
my($time) = @_;
my @days = qw/Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/;
my @months = qw/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec/;
my @localtime = localtime($time || time);
sprintf("%s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d %s", $days[$localtime[6]], $localtime[3],
$months[$localtime[4]], @localtime[5,2,1,0], local_tz());
# This used to be a wrapper for Text::Wrap. Now we do basically the same
# function as Text::Wrap::wrap(). See bug 5056 and 2165 for more information
# about why things aren't using that function anymore.
# It accepts values for almost all options which can be set
# in Text::Wrap. All parameters are optional (leaving away the first one
# probably doesn't make too much sense though), either a missing or a false
# value will fall back to the default.
# The parameters are:
# 1st: The string to wrap. Only one string is allowed.
# (default: "")
# 2nd: The prefix to be put in front of all lines except the first one.
# (default: "")
# 3rd: The prefix for the first line. (default: "")
# 4th: The number of columns available (no line will be longer than this
# unless overflow is set below). (default: 77)
# 5th: Enable or disable overflow mode. (default: 0)
# 6th: The sequence/expression to wrap at. (default: '\s');
# 7th: The string to join the lines again. (default: "\n")
sub wrap {
my $string = shift || '';
my $prefix = shift || '';
my $first = shift || '';
my $length = shift || 77;
my $overflow = shift || 0;
my $break = shift || qr/\s/;
my $sep = "\n";
# go ahead and break apart the string, keeping the break chars
my @arr = split(/($break)/, $string);
# tack the first prefix line at the start
splice @arr, 0, 0, $first if $first;
# go ahead and make up the lines in the array
my $pos = 0;
my $pos_mod = 0;
while ($#arr > $pos) {
my $len = length($arr[$pos]);
$len += ($arr[$pos] =~ tr/\t//) * 7; # add tab lengths
# if we don't want to have lines > $length (overflow==0), we
# need to verify what will happen with the next line. if we don't
# care if a single line goes longer, don't care about the next
# line.
# we also want this to be true for the first entry on the line
if ($pos_mod != 0 && $overflow == 0) {
$len += length($arr[$pos+1]);
$len += ($arr[$pos+1] =~ tr/\t//) * 7; # add tab lengths
if ($len <= $length) {
# if the length determined above is within bounds, go ahead and
# merge the next line with the current one
$arr[$pos] .= splice @arr, $pos+1, 1;
$pos_mod = 1;
else {
# ok, the current line is the right length, but there's more text!
# prep the current line and then go onto the next one
# strip any trailing whitespace from the next line that's ready
$arr[$pos] =~ s/\s+$//;
# go to the next line and reset pos_mod
$pos_mod = 0;
# put the appropriate prefix at the front of the line
splice @arr, $pos, 0, $prefix;
# go ahead and return the wrapped text, with the separator in between
return join($sep, @arr);
# Some base64 decoders will remove intermediate "=" characters, others
# will stop decoding on the first "=" character, this one translates "="
# characters to null.
sub base64_decode {
local $_ = shift;
my $decoded_length = shift;
if (HAS_MIME_BASE64 && (length($_) % 4 == 0) &&
# only use MIME::Base64 when the XS and Perl are both correct and quiet
local $1;
s/(=+)(?!=*$)/'A' x length($1)/ge;
# If only a certain number of bytes are requested, truncate the encoded
# version down to the appropriate size and return the requested bytes
if (defined $decoded_length) {
$_ = substr $_, 0, 4 * (int($decoded_length/3) + 1);
my $decoded = MIME::Base64::decode_base64($_);
return substr $decoded, 0, $decoded_length;
# otherwise, just decode the whole thing and return it
return MIME::Base64::decode_base64($_);
tr{A-Za-z0-9+/=}{}cd; # remove non-base64 characters
s/=+$//; # remove terminating padding
tr{A-Za-z0-9+/=}{ -_}; # translate to uuencode
s/.$// if (length($_) % 4 == 1); # unpack cannot cope with extra byte
my $length;
my $out = '';
while ($_) {
$length = (length >= 84) ? 84 : length;
$out .= unpack("u", chr(32 + $length * 3/4) . substr($_, 0, $length, ''));
last if (defined $decoded_length && length $out >= $decoded_length);
# If only a certain number of bytes are requested, truncate the encoded
# version down to the appropriate size and return the requested bytes
if (defined $decoded_length) {
return substr $out, 0, $decoded_length;
return $out;
sub qp_decode {
my $str = $_[0];
# RFC 2045: when decoding a Quoted-Printable body, any trailing
# white space on a line must be deleted
$str =~ s/[ \t]+(?=\r?\n)//gs;
$str =~ s/=\r?\n//gs; # soft line breaks
# RFC 2045 explicitly prohibits lowercase characters a-f in QP encoding
# do we really want to allow them???
local $1;
$str =~ s/=([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge;
return $str;
sub base64_encode {
local $_ = shift;
if (HAS_MIME_BASE64) {
return MIME::Base64::encode_base64($_,'');
$_ = pack("u57", $_);
tr| -_`|A-Za-z0-9+/A|; # -> #`# <- kluge against vim syntax issues
s/(A+)$/'=' x length $1/e;
return $_;
# Very basic Base32 encoder
our %base32_bitchr = (
'00000'=>'A', '00001'=>'B', '00010'=>'C', '00011'=>'D', '00100'=>'E',
'00101'=>'F', '00110'=>'G', '00111'=>'H', '01000'=>'I', '01001'=>'J',
'01010'=>'K', '01011'=>'L', '01100'=>'M', '01101'=>'N', '01110'=>'O',
'01111'=>'P', '10000'=>'Q', '10001'=>'R', '10010'=>'S', '10011'=>'T',
'10100'=>'U', '10101'=>'V', '10110'=>'W', '10111'=>'X', '11000'=>'Y',
'11001'=>'Z', '11010'=>'2', '11011'=>'3', '11100'=>'4', '11101'=>'5',
'11110'=>'6', '11111'=>'7'
sub base32_encode {
my ($str) = @_;
return if !defined $str;
utf8::encode($str) if utf8::is_utf8($str); # force octets
my $bits = unpack("B*", $str)."0000";
my $output;
$output .= $base32_bitchr{$1} while ($bits =~ /(.{5})/g);
return $output;
sub portable_getpwuid {
if (defined &Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::_getpwuid_wrapper) {
return Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::_getpwuid_wrapper(@_);
my $sts;
$sts = eval ' sub _getpwuid_wrapper { getpwuid($_[0]); }; 1 ';
} else {
dbg("util: defining getpwuid() wrapper using 'unknown' as username");
$sts = eval ' sub _getpwuid_wrapper { _fake_getpwuid($_[0]); }; 1 ';
if (!$sts) {
my $eval_stat = $@ ne '' ? $@ : "errno=$!"; chomp $eval_stat;
warn "util: failed to define getpwuid() wrapper: $eval_stat\n";
} else {
return Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::_getpwuid_wrapper(@_);
sub _fake_getpwuid {
return (
'unknown', # name,
'x', # passwd,
$_[0], # uid,
0, # gid,
'', # quota,
'', # comment,
'', # gcos,
'/', # dir,
'', # shell,
'', # expire
# Given a string, extract an IPv4 address from it. Required, since
# we currently have no way to portably unmarshal an IPv4 address from
# an IPv6 one without kludging elsewhere.
sub extract_ipv4_addr_from_string {
my ($str) = @_;
return unless defined($str);
if ($str =~ /\b(
if (defined $1) { return $1; }
# ignore native IPv6 addresses;
# TODO, eventually, once IPv6 spam starts to appear ;)
my($hostname, $fq_hostname);
# get the current host's unqalified domain name (better: return whatever
# Sys::Hostname thinks our hostname is, might also be a full qualified one)
sub hostname {
return $hostname if defined($hostname);
# Load only when required
require Sys::Hostname;
# Sys::Hostname isn't taint safe and might fall back to `hostname`. So we've
# got to clean PATH before we may call it.
$hostname = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
$hostname =~ s/[()]//gs; # bug 5929
return $hostname;
# get the current host's fully-qualified domain name, if possible. If
# not possible, return the unqualified hostname.
sub fq_hostname {
return $fq_hostname if defined($fq_hostname);
$fq_hostname = hostname();
if (index($fq_hostname, '.') == -1) { # hostname doesn't contain a dot, so it can't be a FQDN
my @names = grep(/^\Q${fq_hostname}.\E/o, # grep only FQDNs
map { split } (gethostbyname($fq_hostname))[0 .. 1] # from all aliases
$fq_hostname = $names[0] if (@names); # take the first FQDN, if any
$fq_hostname =~ s/[()]//gs; # bug 5929
return $fq_hostname;
sub ips_match_in_16_mask {
my ($ipset1, $ipset2) = @_;
my ($b1, $b2);
foreach my $ip1 (@{$ipset1}) {
foreach my $ip2 (@{$ipset2}) {
next unless defined $ip1;
next unless defined $ip2;
next unless ($ip1 =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.)/); $b1 = $1;
next unless ($ip2 =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.)/); $b2 = $1;
if ($b1 eq $b2) { return 1; }
return 0;
sub ips_match_in_24_mask {
my ($ipset1, $ipset2) = @_;
my ($b1, $b2);
foreach my $ip1 (@{$ipset1}) {
foreach my $ip2 (@{$ipset2}) {
next unless defined $ip1;
next unless defined $ip2;
next unless ($ip1 =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.)/); $b1 = $1;
next unless ($ip2 =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.)/); $b2 = $1;
if ($b1 eq $b2) { return 1; }
return 0;
# Given a quad-dotted IPv4 address or an IPv6 address, reverses the order
# of its bytes (IPv4) or nibbles (IPv6), joins them with dots, producing
# a string suitable for reverse DNS lookups. Returns undef in case of a
# syntactically invalid IP address.
sub reverse_ip_address {
my ($ip) = @_;
my $revip;
if ($ip =~ /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\z/) {
$revip = "$4.$3.$2.$1";
} elsif (index($ip, ':') == -1 || $ip !~ /^[0-9a-fA-F:.]{2,}\z/) { # triage
# obviously unrecognized syntax
} elsif (!HAS_NETADDR_IP || !NetAddr::IP->can('full6')) { # since NetAddr::IP 4.010
info("util: sufficiently new NetAddr::IP not found, IPv6 not supported");
} else {
# looks like an IPv6 address, let NetAddr::IP check the details
my $ip_obj = NetAddr::IP->new6($ip);
if (defined $ip_obj) { # valid IPv6 address
# RFC 5782 section 2.4.
$revip = lc $ip_obj->network->full6; # string in a canonical form
$revip =~ s/://g;
$revip = join('.', reverse split(//,$revip));
return $revip;
sub my_inet_aton { unpack("N", pack("C4", split(/\./, $_[0]))) }
sub decode_dns_question_entry {
# decodes a Net::DNS::Packet->question entry,
# returning a triple: class, type, label
my $q = $_[0];
my $qname = $q->qname;
# Bug 6959, Net::DNS flags a domain name in a query section as utf8, while
# still keeping it "RFC 1035 zone file format"-encoded, silly and harmful
utf8::encode($qname) if utf8::is_utf8($qname); # since Perl 5.8.1
local $1;
# Net::DNS provides a query in encoded RFC 1035 zone file format, decode it!
$qname =~ s{ \\ ( [0-9]{3} | (?![0-9]{3}) . ) }
{ length($1)==3 && $1 <= 255 ? chr($1) : $1 }xgse;
return ($q->qclass, $q->qtype, $qname);
sub parse_content_type {
# This routine is typically called by passing a
# get_header("content-type") which passes all content-type headers
# (array context). If there are multiple Content-type headers (invalid,
# but it happens), MUAs seem to take the last one and so that's what we
# should do here.
my $missing; # flag missing content-type, even though we force it text/plain
my $ct = $_[-1] || do { $missing = 1; 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii' };
# This could be made a bit more rigid ...
# the actual ABNF, BTW (RFC 1521, section 7.2.1):
# boundary := 0*69<bchars> bcharsnospace
# bchars := bcharsnospace / " "
# bcharsnospace := DIGIT / ALPHA / "'" / "(" / ")" / "+" /"_"
# / "," / "-" / "." / "/" / ":" / "=" / "?"
# The boundary may be surrounded by double quotes.
# "the boundary parameter, which consists of 1 to 70 characters from
# a set of characters known to be very robust through email gateways,
# and NOT ending with white space. (If a boundary appears to end with
# white space, the white space must be presumed to have been added by
# a gateway, and must be deleted.)"
# In practice:
# - MUAs accept whitespace before and after the "=" character
# - only an opening double quote seems to be needed
# - non-quoted boundaries should be followed by space, ";", or end of line
# - blank boundaries seem to not work
my($boundary) = $ct =~ m!\bboundary\s*=\s*("[^"]+|[^\s";]+(?=[\s;]|$))!i;
# remove double-quotes in boundary (should only be at start and end)
$boundary =~ tr/"//d if defined $boundary;
# Parse out the charset and name, if they exist.
my($charset) = $ct =~ /\bcharset\s*=\s*["']?(.*?)["']?(?:;|$)/i;
my($name) = $ct =~ /\b(?:file)?name\s*=\s*["']?(.*?)["']?(?:;|$)/i;
# RFC 2231 section 3: Parameter Value Continuations
# support continuations for name values
if (!$name && $ct =~ /\b(?:file)?name\*0\s*=/i) {
my @name;
$name[$1] = $2
while ($ct =~ /\b(?:file)?name\*(\d+)\s*=\s*["']?(.*?)["']?(?:;|$)/ig);
$name = join "", grep defined, @name;
# Get the actual MIME type out ...
# Note: the header content may not be whitespace unfolded, so make sure the
# REs do /s when appropriate.
# correct:
# Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
# missing a semi-colon, CT shouldn't have whitespace anyway:
# Content-type: text/plain charset=us-ascii
$ct =~ s/^\s+//; # strip leading whitespace
$ct =~ s/;.*$//s; # strip everything after first ';'
$ct =~ s@^([^/]+(?:/[^/\s]*)?).*$@$1@s; # only something/something ...
$ct = lc $ct;
# bug 4298: If at this point we don't have a content-type, assume text/plain;
# also, bug 5399: if the content-type *starts* with "text", and isn't in a
# list of known bad/non-plain formats, do likewise.
$missing = 1 if !$ct; # flag missing content-type
if (!$ct ||
($ct =~ /^text\b/ && $ct !~ /^text\/(?:x-vcard|calendar|html)$/))
$ct = "text/plain";
# strip inappropriate chars (bug 5399: after the text/plain fixup)
$ct =~ tr/\000-\040\177-\377\042\050\051\054\072-\077\100\133-\135//d;
# Now that the header has been parsed, return the requested information.
# In scalar context, just the MIME type, in array context the
# four important data parts (type, boundary, charset, and filename).
# Added fifth array member $missing, if caller wants to know ct was
# missing/invalid, even though we forced it as text/plain.
return wantarray ? ($ct,$boundary,$charset,$name,$missing) : $ct;
sub url_encode {
my ($url) = @_;
my (@characters) = split(/(\%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})/, $url);
my (@unencoded);
my (@encoded);
foreach (@characters) {
# escaped character set ...
if (/\%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/) {
# IF it is in the range of 0x00-0x20 or 0x7f-0xff
# or it is one of "<", ">", """, "#", "%",
# ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "=" or "&"
# THEN preserve its encoding
unless (/(20|7f|[0189a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/i) {
s/\%([2-7][0-9a-fA-F])/sprintf "%c", hex($1)/e;
push(@unencoded, $_);
# other stuff
else {
# no re "strict"; # since perl 5.21.8
# 0x00-0x20, 0x7f-0xff, ", %, <, >
/push(@encoded, $1) && sprintf "%%%02x", unpack("C",$1)/egx;
if (wantarray) {
return(join("", @characters), join("", @unencoded), join("", @encoded));
else {
return join("", @characters);
=item $module = first_available_module (@module_list)
Return the name of the first module that can be successfully loaded with
C<require> from the list. Returns C<undef> if none are available.
This is used instead of C<AnyDBM_File> as follows:
my $module = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::first_available_module
(qw(DB_File GDBM_File NDBM_File SDBM_File));
tie %hash, $module, $path, [... args];
Note that C<SDBM_File> is guaranteed to be present, since it comes
with Perl.
sub first_available_module {
my (@packages) = @_;
foreach my $mod (@packages) {
next if $mod !~ /^[\w:]+$/; # be paranoid
if (eval 'require '.$mod.'; 1;') {
return $mod;
=item touch_file(file, { args });
Touch or create a file.
Possible args:
create_exclusive => 1
Create a new empty file safely, only if not existing before
sub touch_file {
my ($file, $args) = @_;
$file = untaint_file_path($file);
$args ||= {};
return unless defined $file && $file ne '';
if ($args->{create_exclusive}) {
if (sysopen(my $fh, $file, O_CREAT|O_EXCL)) {
close $fh;
return 1;
return 1 if $! == EEXIST; # fine if it exists already
dbg("util: exclusive touch_file failed: $file: $!");
return 0;
if (!utime(undef,undef,$file)) {
dbg("util: touch_file failed: $file: $!");
return 0;
return 1;
sub pseudo_random_string {
my $len = shift || 6;
my $str = '';
$str .= (0..9,'A'..'Z','a'..'z')[rand 62] for (1 .. $len);
return $str;
=item my ($filepath, $filehandle) = secure_tmpfile();
Generates a filename for a temporary file, opens it exclusively and
securely, and returns a filehandle to the open file (opened O_RDWR).
If it cannot open a file after 20 tries, it returns C<undef>.
# thanks to for this code
sub secure_tmpfile {
my $tmpenv = am_running_on_windows() ? 'TMP' : 'TMPDIR';
my $tmpdir = untaint_file_path($ENV{$tmpenv} || File::Spec->tmpdir());
defined $tmpdir && $tmpdir ne ''
or die "util: cannot find a temporary directory, set TMP or TMPDIR in environment";
opendir(my $dh, $tmpdir) or die "Could not open directory $tmpdir: $!";
closedir $dh or die "Error closing directory $tmpdir: $!";
my ($reportfile, $tmpfh);
for (my $retries = 20; $retries > 0; $retries--) {
# we do not rely on the obscurity of this name for security,
# we use a average-quality PRG since this is all we need
my $suffix = pseudo_random_string(6);
$reportfile = File::Spec->catfile($tmpdir,".spamassassin${$}${suffix}tmp");
# instead, we require O_EXCL|O_CREAT to guarantee us proper
# ownership of our file, read the open(2) man page
if (sysopen($tmpfh, $reportfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600)) {
binmode $tmpfh or die "cannot set $reportfile to binmode: $!";
my $errno = $!;
# ensure the file handle is not semi-open in some way
if ($tmpfh) {
if (! close $tmpfh) {
info("error closing $reportfile: $!");
undef $tmpfh;
# it is acceptable if $tmpfh already exists, try another
next if $errno == EEXIST;
# error, maybe "out of quota", "too many open files", "Permission denied"
# (bug 4017); makes no sense retrying
die "util: failed to create a temporary file '$reportfile': $errno";
if (!$tmpfh) {
warn "util: secure_tmpfile failed to create a temporary file, giving up";
dbg("util: secure_tmpfile created a temporary file %s", $reportfile);
return ($reportfile, $tmpfh);
=item my ($dirpath) = secure_tmpdir();
Generates a directory for temporary files. Creates it securely and
returns the path to the directory.
If it cannot create a directory after 20 tries, it returns C<undef>.
# stolen from secure_tmpfile()
sub secure_tmpdir {
my $tmpdir = untaint_file_path(File::Spec->tmpdir());
if (!$tmpdir) {
# Note: we would prefer to keep this fatal, as not being able to
# find a writable tmpdir is a big deal for the calling code too.
# That would be quite a psychotic case, also.
warn "util: cannot find a temporary directory, set TMP or TMPDIR in environment";
my ($reportpath, $tmppath);
my $umask = umask 077;
for (my $retries = 20; $retries > 0; $retries--) {
# we do not rely on the obscurity of this name for security,
# we use a average-quality PRG since this is all we need
my $suffix = join('', (0..9,'A'..'Z','a'..'z')[rand 62, rand 62, rand 62,
rand 62, rand 62, rand 62]);
$reportpath = File::Spec->catfile($tmpdir,".spamassassin${$}${suffix}tmp");
# instead, we require O_EXCL|O_CREAT to guarantee us proper
# ownership of our file, read the open(2) man page
if (mkdir $reportpath, 0700) {
$tmppath = $reportpath;
if ($!{EEXIST}) {
# it is acceptable if $reportpath already exists, try another
# error, maybe "out of quota" or "too many open files" (bug 4017)
warn "util: secure_tmpdir failed to create file '$reportpath': $!\n";
umask $umask;
warn "util: secure_tmpdir failed to create a directory, giving up" if (!$tmppath);
return $tmppath;
## DEPRECATED FUNCTION, sub uri_to_domain removed.
## Replaced with Mail::SpamAssassin::RegistryBoundaries::uri_to_domain.
*uri_list_canonify = \&uri_list_canonicalize; # compatibility alias
sub uri_list_canonicalize {
my $redirector_patterns = shift;
my @uris;
my $rb;
if (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
# New call style:
# - reference to array of redirector_patterns
# - reference to array of URIs
# - reference to $self->{main}->{registryboundaries}
@uris = @{$_[0]};
$rb = $_[1];
} else {
# Old call style:
# - reference to array of redirector_patterns
# - rest of the arguments is list of uris
@uris = @_;
# make sure we catch bad encoding tricks
my @nuris;
for my $uri (@uris) {
# sometimes we catch URLs on multiple lines
$uri =~ s/\n//g;
# URLs won't have leading/trailing whitespace
$uri =~ s/^\s+//;
$uri =~ s/\s+$//;
# CRs just confuse things down below, so trash them now
$uri =~ s/\r//g;
# Skip some common non-http stuff like #abcdef, ?foobar,
# /image.gif (but not // which actually does http)
next if length($uri) <= 1 || $uri =~ m{^(?:[#?&]|/(?!/))};
# Make a copy so we don't trash the original in the array
my $nuri = $uri;
# Handle emails differently
if ($nuri =~ /^mailto:/i || $nuri =~ /^[^:]*\@/) {
# Strip ?subject= parameters and obfuscations
# Outlook linkifies foo@bar%2Ecom& to !!
if ($nuri =~ /^([^\@]+\@[^?]+)\?/) {
push @nuris, $1;
if ($nuri =~ /^([^\@]+\@[^?&]+)\&/) {
push @nuris, $1
# Address must be trimmed of %20
if (index($nuri, '%20') >= 0 &&
$nuri =~ /^(?:mailto:)?(?:\%20)*([^\@]+\@[^?&%]+)/) {
push @nuris, "mailto:$1";
# mailto:"Foo%20Bar"%20<>
if ($nuri =~ /^[^?&]*<([^\@>]+\@[^>]+)>/) {
push @nuris, "mailto:$1";
# End email processing
# bug 4390: certain MUAs treat back slashes as front slashes.
# since backslashes are supposed to be encoded in a URI, swap non-encoded
# ones with front slashes.
$nuri =~ tr{\\}{/};
# ->
$nuri =~ s{^(https?:)/{0,2}}{$1//}i;
# *always* make a dup with all %-encoding decoded, since
# important parts of the URL may be encoded (such as the
# scheme). (bug 4213)
if ($nuri =~ /%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/) {
$nuri = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::url_encode($nuri);
# ->
# unschemed URIs: assume default of "http://" as most MUAs do
if ($nuri !~ /^[-_a-z0-9]+:/i) {
if ($nuri =~ /^ftp\./) {
$nuri =~ s{^}{ftp://}g;
else {
$nuri =~ s{^}{http://}g;
# ->
# ->
$nuri =~ s{^(https?://[^/?#]+)([?#])}{$1/$2}i;
# deal with encoding of chars, this is just the set of printable
# chars minus ' ' (that is, dec 33-126, hex 21-7e)
$nuri =~ s/\&\#0*(3[3-9]|[4-9]\d|1[01]\d|12[0-6]);/sprintf "%c",$1/ge;
$nuri =~ s/\&\#x0*(2[1-9]|[3-6][a-fA-F0-9]|7[0-9a-eA-E]);/sprintf "%c",hex($1)/ge;
# handle other unicode dots (U+002E U+3002 U+FF0E U+FF61) -> .
$nuri =~ s/\&\#(?:x2e|12290|x3002|65294|xff0e|65377|xff61);/./gi;
# put the new URI on the new list if it's different
if ($nuri ne $uri) {
push(@nuris, $nuri);
# deal with weird hostname parts, remove user/pass, etc.
if ($nuri =~ m{^(https?://)([^\@/?#]*\@)?([^/?#:]+)((?::(\d*))?.*)$}i) {
my($proto, $host, $rest) = ($1,$3,$4);
my $auth = defined $2 ? $2 : '';
my $port = defined $5 ? $5 : '';
my $rest_noport;
if ($port eq '') {
$port = $proto eq 'http://' ? 80 : 443;
} else {
$rest_noport = $rest;
# Strip default ports from url and add to list
if ($proto eq 'http://') {
if ($rest_noport =~ s/^:80\b//) {
push(@nuris, join('', $proto, $host, $rest_noport));
} elsif ($rest_noport =~ s/^:443\b//) {
push(@nuris, join('', $proto, $host, $rest_noport));
my $nhost = idn_to_ascii($host);
if ($nhost ne lc($host)) {
push(@nuris, join('', $proto, $nhost, $rest));
# Also add noport variant
push(@nuris, join('', $proto, $nhost, $rest_noport)) if $rest_noport;
$host = $nhost;
# bug 4146: deal with non-US ASCII 7-bit chars in the host portion
# of the URI according to RFC 1738 that's invalid, and the tested
# browsers (Firefox, IE) remove them before usage...
#if ($host =~ tr/\000-\040\200-\377//d) {
# Fixed 7/2019 to not strip extended chars, since they can be used in
# IDN domains. Stripping control chars should be enough?
if ($host =~ tr/\x00-\x20//d) {
push(@nuris, join ('', $proto, $host, $rest));
# deal with http redirectors. strip off one level of redirector
# and add back to the array. the foreach loop will go over those
# and deal appropriately.
# Bug 7278: try redirector pattern matching first
# (but see also Bug 4176)
my $found_redirector_match;
foreach my $re (@{$redirector_patterns}) {
if ("$proto$host$rest" =~ $re) {
next unless defined $1 && index($1, '.') != -1;
dbg("uri: parsed uri pattern: $re");
dbg("uri: parsed uri found: $1 in redirector: $proto$host$rest");
push (@uris, $1);
$found_redirector_match = 1;
if (!$found_redirector_match) {
# try generic https? check if redirector pattern matching failed
# bug 3308: redirectors like yahoo only need one '/' ... <grrr>
if ($rest =~ m{(https?:/{0,2}[^&#]+)}i && index($1, '.') != -1) {
push(@uris, $1);
dbg("uri: parsed uri found: $1 in hard-coded redirector");
## TVD: known issue, if host has multiple combinations of the following,
## all permutations will be put onto @nuris. shouldn't be an issue.
# Get rid of cruft that could cause confusion for rules...
# remove "" username part
if ($host =~ s/^[^\@]+\@//gs) {
push(@nuris, join ('', $proto, $host, $rest));
# bug 3186: If in a sentence, we might pick up odd characters ...
# ie: "visit" or "visit!!!"
# the host portion should end in some form of alphanumeric, strip off
# the rest.
if ($host =~ s/[^0-9A-Za-z]+$//) {
push(@nuris, join ('', $proto, $host, $rest));
# deal with hosts which are IPs
# also handle things like:
# http://89.0x00000000000000000000068.0000000000000000000000160.0x00000000000011
# both hex (0x) and oct (0+) encoded octets, etc.
if ($host =~ /^
my @chunk = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
foreach my $octet (@chunk) {
$octet =~ s/^0x([0-9a-f]+)/sprintf "%d",hex($1)/gei;
$octet =~ s/^0+([1-3][0-7]{0,2}|[4-7][0-7]?)\b/sprintf "%d",oct($1)/ge;
$octet =~ s/^0+//;
push(@nuris, join ('', $proto, @chunk, $rest));
# "http://0x7f000001/"
elsif ($host =~ /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i) {
# only take last 4 octets
$host =~ s/^0x[0-9a-f]*?([0-9a-f]{1,8})$/sprintf "%d",hex($1)/gei;
push(@nuris, join ('', $proto, decode_ulong_to_ip($host), $rest));
# "http://1113343453/"
elsif ($host =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
push(@nuris, join ('', $proto, decode_ulong_to_ip($host), $rest));
# http://foobar -> as Firefox does (Bug 6596)
# (do this here so we don't trip on those 0x123 IPs etc..)
elsif ($proto eq 'http://' && $auth eq '' &&
$nhost ne 'localhost' && $port eq '80' &&
$nhost =~ /^(?:www\.)?([^.]+)$/) {
# Do not add .com to already valid schemelessly parsed domains (Bug 7891)
unless (defined $rb && $rb->is_domain_valid($nhost)) {
push(@nuris, join('', $proto, 'www.', $1, '.com', $rest));
# remove duplicates, merge nuris and uris
my %uris = map { $_ => 1 } @uris, @nuris;
return keys %uris;
sub decode_ulong_to_ip {
return join(".", unpack("CCCC",pack("H*", sprintf "%08lx", $_[0])));
sub first_date {
my (@strings) = @_;
foreach my $string (@strings) {
my $time = parse_rfc822_date($string);
return $time if defined($time) && $time;
sub receive_date {
my ($header) = @_;
$header ||= '';
$header =~ s/\n[ \t]+/ /gs; # fix continuation lines
my @rcvd = ($header =~ /^Received:(.*)/img);
my @local;
my $time;
if (@rcvd) {
if ($rcvd[0] =~ /qmail \d+ invoked by uid \d+/ ||
$rcvd[0] =~ /\bfrom (?:localhost\s|(?:\S+ ){1,2}\S*\b127\.0\.0\.1\b)/)
push @local, (shift @rcvd);
if (@rcvd && ($rcvd[0] =~ m/\bby localhost with \w+ \(fetchmail-[\d.]+/)) {
push @local, (shift @rcvd);
elsif (@local) {
unshift @rcvd, (shift @local);
if (@rcvd) {
$time = first_date(shift @rcvd);
return $time if defined($time);
if (@local) {
$time = first_date(@local);
return $time if defined($time);
if ($header =~ /^(?:From|X-From-Line:)\s+(.+)$/im) {
my $string = $1;
$string .= " ".local_tz() unless $string =~ /(?:[-+]\d{4}|\b[A-Z]{2,4}\b)/;
$time = first_date($string);
return $time if defined($time);
if (@rcvd) {
$time = first_date(@rcvd);
return $time if defined($time);
if ($header =~ /^Resent-Date:\s*(.+)$/im) {
$time = first_date($1);
return $time if defined($time);
if ($header =~ /^Date:\s*(.+)$/im) {
$time = first_date($1);
return $time if defined($time);
return time;
sub get_user_groups {
my $suid = shift;
dbg("util: get_user_groups: uid is $suid\n");
my ($user, $gid) = (getpwuid($suid))[0,3];
my $rgids = "$gid ";
while (my($name,$gid,$members) = (getgrent())[0,2,3]) {
if (grep { $_ eq $user } split(/ /, $members)) {
$rgids .= "$gid ";
dbg("util: get_user_groups: added $gid ($name) to group list which is now: $rgids\n");
chop $rgids;
return ($rgids);
sub setuid_to_euid {
# remember the target uid, the first number is the important one
my $touid = $>;
my $gids = get_user_groups($touid);
my ( $pgid, $supgs ) = split (' ',$gids,2);
defined $supgs or $supgs=$pgid;
if ($( != $pgid) {
# Gotta be root for any of this to work
$> = 0;
if ($> != 0) { warn("util: seteuid to 0 failed: $!"); }
dbg("util: changing real primary gid from $( to $pgid and supplemental groups to $supgs to match effective uid $touid");
$! = 0; POSIX::setgid($pgid);
if ($!) { warn("util: POSIX::setgid $pgid failed: $!\n"); }
$! = 0; $( = $pgid;
if ($!) { warn("util: failed to set gid $pgid: $!\n"); }
$! = 0; $) = "$pgid $supgs";
if ($!) {
# could be perl 5.30 bug #134169, let's be safe
if (grep { $_ eq '0' } split(/ /, ${)})) {
die("util: failed to set effective gid $pgid $supgs: $!\n");
} else {
warn("util: failed to set effective gid $pgid $supgs: $!\n");
if ($< != $touid) {
dbg("util: changing real uid from $< to match effective uid $touid");
# bug 3586: kludges needed to work around platform dependent behavior assigning to $<
# The POSIX functions deal with that so just use it here
$< = $touid; $> = $touid; # bug 5574
# Check that we have now accomplished the setuid: catch bug 3586 if it comes back
if ($< != $touid) {
# keep this fatal: it's a serious security problem if it fails
die "util: setuid $< to $touid failed!";
# helper app command-line open
sub helper_app_pipe_open {
return helper_app_pipe_open_windows (@_);
} else {
return helper_app_pipe_open_unix (@_);
sub helper_app_pipe_open_windows {
my ($fh, $stdinfile, $duperr2out, @cmdline) = @_;
# use a traditional open(FOO, "cmd |")
$cmdline[0] = '"'.$cmdline[0].'"' if ($cmdline[0] !~ /^\".*\"$/);
my $cmd = join(' ', @cmdline);
if ($stdinfile) { $cmd .= qq/ < "$stdinfile"/; }
if ($duperr2out) {
# Support custom file target for STDERR, if ">file" specified
# Caller must make sure the destination is safe and untainted
if ($duperr2out =~ /^>/) {
$cmd .= " 2$duperr2out";
} else {
$cmd .= " 2>&1";
return open ($fh, $cmd.'|');
sub force_die {
my ($statrc, $msg) = @_;
# note use of eval { } scope in logging -- paranoia to ensure that a broken
# $SIG{__WARN__} implementation will not interfere with the flow of control
# here, where we *have* to die.
if ($msg) {
eval { warn $msg }; # hmm, STDERR may no longer be open
eval { dbg("util: force_die: $msg") };
if (am_running_on_windows()) {
exit($statrc); # on Windows _exit would terminate parent too BUG 8007
} else {
POSIX::_exit($statrc); # avoid END and destructor processing
kill('KILL',$$) if ($statrc); # somehow this breaks those places that are calling it to exit(0)
sub helper_app_pipe_open_unix {
my ($fh, $stdinfile, $duperr2out, @cmdline) = @_;
my $pid;
# do a fork-open, so we can setuid() back
eval {
$pid = open ($fh, '-|'); 1;
} or do {
my $eval_stat = $@ ne '' ? $@ : "errno=$!"; chomp $eval_stat;
die "util: cannot fork: $eval_stat";
if (!defined $pid) {
# acceptable to die() here, calling code catches it
die "util: cannot open a pipe to a forked process: $!";
if ($pid != 0) {
return $pid; # parent process; return the child pid
# else, child process.
# from now on, we cannot die(), it could create a cloned process
# use force_die() instead (bug 4370, cmt 2)
eval {
# go setuid...
dbg("util: setuid: ruid=$< euid=$> rgid=$( egid=$)");
# now set up the fds. due to some weirdness, we may have to ensure that
# we *really* close the correct fd number, since some other code may have
# redirected the meaning of STDOUT/STDIN/STDERR it seems... (bug 3649).
# use POSIX::close() for that. it's safe to call close() and POSIX::close()
# on the same fd; the latter is a no-op in that case.
if (!$stdinfile) { # < $tmpfile
# ensure we have *some* kind of fd 0.
$stdinfile = "/dev/null";
my $f = fileno(STDIN);
close STDIN or die "error closing STDIN: $!";
# sanity: was that the *real* STDIN? if not, close that one too ;)
if ($f != 0) {
open (STDIN, "<$stdinfile") or die "cannot open $stdinfile: $!";
# this should be impossible; if we just closed fd 0, UNIX
# fd behaviour dictates that the next fd opened (the new STDIN)
# will be the lowest unused fd number, which should be 0.
# so die with a useful error if this somehow isn't the case.
if (fileno(STDIN) != 0) {
die "oops: fileno(STDIN) [".fileno(STDIN)."] != 0";
# Ensure STDOUT is open. As we just created a pipe to ensure this, it has
# to be open to that pipe, and if it isn't, something's seriously screwy.
# Update: actually, this fails! see bug 3649 comment 37. For some reason,
# fileno(STDOUT) can be 0; possibly because open("-|") didn't change the fh
# named STDOUT, instead changing fileno(1) directly. So this is now
# commented.
# if (fileno(STDOUT) != 1) {
# die "setuid: oops: fileno(STDOUT) [".fileno(STDOUT)."] != 1";
# }
if ($duperr2out) { # 2>&1
my $f = fileno(STDERR);
close STDERR or die "error closing STDERR: $!";
# sanity: was that the *real* STDERR? if not, close that one too ;)
if ($f != 2) {
# Support custom file target for STDERR, if ">file" specified
# Caller must make sure the destination is safe and untainted
my $errout;
if ($duperr2out =~ /^>/) {
$errout = $duperr2out;
} else {
$errout = ">&STDOUT";
open (STDERR, $errout) or die "dup $errout failed: $!";
STDERR->autoflush(1); # make sure not to lose diagnostics if exec fails
# STDERR must be fd 2 to be useful to subprocesses! (bug 3649)
if (fileno(STDERR) != 2) {
die "oops: fileno(STDERR) [".fileno(STDERR)."] != 2";
exec @cmdline;
die "exec failed: $!";
my $eval_stat = $@ ne '' ? $@ : "errno=$!"; chomp $eval_stat;
# bug 4370: we really have to exit here; break any eval traps
force_die(6, sprintf('util: failed to spawn a process "%s": %s',
join(", ",@cmdline), $eval_stat));
die; # must be a die() otherwise -w will complain
# As "perldoc perlvar" notes, in perl 5.8.0, the concept of "safe" signal
# handling was added, which means that signals cannot interrupt a running OP.
# unfortunately, a regexp match is a single OP, so a psychotic m// can
# effectively "hang" the interpreter as a result, and a $SIG{ALRM} handler
# will never get called.
# However, by using "unsafe" signals, we can still interrupt that -- and
# POSIX::sigaction can create an unsafe handler on 5.8.x. So this function
# provides a portable way to do that.
sub trap_sigalrm_fully {
my ($handler) = @_;
if ($] < 5.008 || am_running_on_windows()) {
# signals are always unsafe on perl older than 5.008, just use %SIG
# Bug 6359, no POSIX::SIGALRM on Windows, just use %SIG
$SIG{ALRM} = $handler;
} else {
# may be using "safe" signals with %SIG; use POSIX to avoid it
POSIX::sigaction POSIX::SIGALRM(), POSIX::SigAction->new($handler);
# Bug 6802 helper function, use /aa for perl 5.16+
my $qr_sa;
if ($] >= 5.016) {
eval '$qr_sa = sub { return qr/$_[0]/aa; }';
} else {
eval '$qr_sa = sub { return qr/$_[0]/; }';
# returns ($compiled_re, $error)
# if any errors, $compiled_re = undef, $error has string
# args:
# - regexp
# - strip_delimiters (default: 1) (value 2 means, try strip, but don't error)
# - ignore_always_matching (default: 0)
sub compile_regexp {
my ($re, $strip_delimiters, $ignore_always_matching) = @_;
# Do not allow already compiled regexes or other funky refs
if (ref($re) ne '') {
return (undef, 'ref passed: '.ref($re));
# try stripping by default
$strip_delimiters = 1 if !defined $strip_delimiters;
# OK, try to remove any normal perl-style regexp delimiters at
# the start and end, and modifiers at the end if present,
# so we can validate those too.
my $origre = $re;
my $delim_end = '';
if ($strip_delimiters >= 1) {
# most common delimiter
if ($re =~ s{^/}{}) {
$delim_end = '/';
# symmetric delimiters
elsif ($re =~ s/^(?:m|qr)([\{\(\<\[])//) {
($delim_end = $1) =~ tr/\{\(\<\[/\}\)\>\]/;
# any non-wordchar delimiter, but let's ignore backslash..
elsif ($re =~ s/^(?:m|qr)(\W)//) {
$delim_end = $1;
if ($delim_end eq '\\') {
return (undef, 'backslash delimiter not allowed');
elsif ($strip_delimiters != 2) {
return (undef, 'missing regexp delimiters');
# cut end delimiter, mods
my $mods;
if ($delim_end) {
# Ignore e because paranoid
if ($re =~ s/\Q${delim_end}\E([a-df-z]*)\z//) {
$mods = $1;
} else {
return (undef, 'invalid end delimiter/mods');
# paranoid check for eval exec (?{foo}), in case someone
# actually put "use re 'eval'" somewhere..
if (index($re, '?{') >= 0 && $re =~ /\(\?\??\{/) {
return (undef, 'eval (?{}) found');
# check unescaped delimiter, but only if it's not symmetric,
# those will fp on .{0,10} [xyz] etc, no need for so strict checks
# since these regexes don't end up in eval strings anyway
if ($delim_end && $delim_end !~ tr/\}\)\]//) {
# first we remove all escaped backslashes "\\"
my $dbs_stripped = $re;
$dbs_stripped =~ s/\\\\//g if index($dbs_stripped, '\\\\') >= 0;
# now we can properly check if something is unescaped
if ($dbs_stripped =~ /(?<!\\)\Q${delim_end}\E/) {
return (undef, "unquoted delimiter '$delim_end' found");
if ($ignore_always_matching) {
if (my $err = is_always_matching_regexp($re)) {
return (undef, "always matching regexp: $err");
# now prepend the modifiers, in order to check if they're valid
if ($mods) {
$re = '(?'.$mods.')'.$re;
# no re "strict"; # since perl 5.21.8: Ranges of ASCII printables...
my $compiled_re;
$re = untaint_var($re);
my $ok = eval {
# don't dump deprecated warnings to user STDERR
# but die on any other warning for safety?
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
if ($_[0] !~ /deprecated/i) {
die "$_[0]\n";
$compiled_re = $qr_sa->($re);
if ($ok && ref($compiled_re) eq 'Regexp') {
#$origre = untaint_var($origre);
#dbg("config: accepted regex '%s' => '%s'", $origre, $compiled_re);
return ($compiled_re, '');
} else {
my $err = $@ ne '' ? $@ : "errno=$!"; chomp $err;
$err =~ s/ at .*? line \d.*$//;
return (undef, $err);
sub is_always_matching_regexp {
my ($re) = @_;
if ($re eq '') {
return "empty";
elsif ($re =~ /(?<!\\)\|\|/) {
return "contains '||'";
elsif ($re =~ /^\||\|(?<!\\\|)$/) {
return "starts or ends with '|'";
return "";
# convert compiled regexp (?^i:foo) presentation to string (?i)foo
# NOTE: This function is mainly used for Rule2XSBody purposes, since it
# expects "(?i)foo" formatted strings. Generally there should NOT be need
# to use this function. If you need a string, try "".$re / "".qr(foo.*bar).
sub qr_to_string {
my ($re) = @_;
return undef unless ref($re) eq 'Regexp'; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
$re = "".$re; # stringify
my $mods;
# perl >=5.14 (?^i:foo)
if ($re =~ s/^\(\?\^([a-z]*)://) {
$mods = $1;
$re =~ s/\)\s*\z//;
# perl <5.14 (?i-xsm:foo)
elsif ($re =~ s/^\(\?([a-z]*)-[a-z]*://) {
$mods = $1;
$re =~ s/\)\s*\z//;
return ($mods ? "(?$mods)$re" : $re);
### regexp_remove_delimiters and make_qr DEPRECATED, to be removed
### compile_regexp() should be used everywhere
# Removes any normal perl-style regexp delimiters at
# the start and end, and modifiers at the end (if present).
# If modifiers are found, they are inserted into the pattern using
# the /(?i)/ idiom.
sub regexp_remove_delimiters {
my ($re) = @_;
warn("deprecated Util regexp_remove_delimiters() called\n");
my $delim;
if (!defined $re || $re eq '') {
return undef; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
elsif ($re =~ s/^m?\{//) { # m{foo/bar}
$delim = '}';
elsif ($re =~ s/^m?\[//) { # m[foo/bar]
$delim = ']';
elsif ($re =~ s/^m?\(//) { # m(foo/bar)
$delim = ')';
elsif ($re =~ s/^m?<//) { # m<foo/bar>
$delim = '>';
elsif ($re =~ s/^m?(\W)//) { # m#foo/bar#
$delim = $1;
} else { # /foo\/bar/ or !foo/bar!
# invalid
return undef; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
if ($re !~ s/\Q${delim}\E([imsx]*)$//) {
return undef; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
my $mods = $1;
if ($mods) {
$re = "(?".$mods.")".$re;
return $re;
# turn "/foobar/i" into qr/(?i)foobar/
sub make_qr {
my ($re) = @_;
warn("deprecated Util make_qr() called\n");
$re = regexp_remove_delimiters($re);
return undef if !defined $re || $re eq ''; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
my $compiled_re;
if (eval { $compiled_re = qr/$re/; 1; } && ref($compiled_re) eq 'Regexp') {
return $compiled_re;
} else {
return undef; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
sub get_my_locales {
my ($ok_locales) = @_;
my @locales = split(/\s+/, $ok_locales);
my $lang = $ENV{'LC_ALL'};
$lang ||= $ENV{'LANGUAGE'};
$lang ||= $ENV{'LC_MESSAGES'};
$lang ||= $ENV{'LANG'};
push (@locales, $lang) if defined($lang);
return @locales;
# bug 5612: work around for bugs in Berkeley db 4.2
# on 4.2 having the __db.[DBNAME] file will cause an loop that will never finish
# on 4.3+ the loop will timeout after 301 open attempts, but we will still
# be unable to open the database. This workaround solves both problems.
sub avoid_db_file_locking_bug {
my ($path) = @_;
my $db_tmpfile = untaint_file_path(File::Spec->catfile(dirname($path),
# delete "__db.[DBNAME]" and "__db.[DBNAME].*"
foreach my $tfile ($db_tmpfile, glob("$db_tmpfile.*")) {
my $file = untaint_file_path($tfile);
my $stat_errn = stat($file) ? 0 : 0+$!;
next if $stat_errn == ENOENT;
dbg("util: Berkeley DB bug work-around: cleaning tmp file $file");
unlink($file) or warn "cannot remove Berkeley DB tmp file $file: $!\n";
sub fisher_yates_shuffle {
my ($deck) = @_;
for (my $i = $#{$deck}; $i > 0; $i--) {
my $j = int rand($i+1);
@$deck[$i,$j] = @$deck[$j,$i];
# Given a domain name, produces a listref of successively stripped down
# parent domains, e.g. a domain '2.10.Example.COM' would produce a list:
# '', '', '', 'com'
sub domain_to_search_list {
my ($domain) = @_;
$domain =~ s/^\.+//; $domain =~ s/\.+\z//; # strip leading and trailing dots
return [] unless $domain; # no domain left
return [$domain] if index($domain, '[') == 0; # don't split address literals
# initialize
$domain = lc $domain;
my @search_keys = ($domain);
my $pos = 0;
# split domain into search keys
while (($pos = index($domain, '.', $pos+1)) != -1) {
push @search_keys, substr($domain, $pos+1);
# enforce some sanity limit
if (@search_keys > 20) {
@search_keys = @search_keys[$#search_keys-19 .. $#search_keys];
return \@search_keys;
# bugs 6419 and 2607 relate to returning a score 1/10th lower than the
# required score if the rounded to the 10th version of the score is equal
# to the required score
# moved from to here and modified to allow for a
# non-class version of the routine to be called from PerMessageStatus
# and from spamd
sub get_tag_value_for_score {
my ($score, $rscore, $is_spam) = @_;
#BASED ON _get_tag_value_for_score from
$score = sprintf("%2.1f", $score);
$rscore = sprintf("%2.1f", $rscore);
# if the email is spam, return the accurate score
# if the email is NOT spam and the score is less than the required score,
# then return the accurate score
return $score if $is_spam or $score < $rscore;
# if the email is NOT spam and $score = $rscore, return the $rscore - 0.1
# effectively flooring the value to the closest tenth
return $rscore - 0.1;
# RFC 5322 (+IDN?) parsing of addresses and names from To/From/Cc.. headers
# Return array of hashes, containing at minimum name,address,user,host
# Override parser with SA_HEADER_ADDRESS_PARSER environment variable
our $header_address_parser;
our $email_address_xs;
our $email_address_xs_fix_address;
# SA_HEADER_ADDRESS_PARSER=1 only use internal parser
# SA_HEADER_ADDRESS_PARSER=2 only use Email::Address::XS
# By default internal is preferred, will defer for some cases
$header_address_parser = untaint_var($ENV{'SA_HEADER_ADDRESS_PARSER'});
if ((!defined $header_address_parser || $header_address_parser eq '2') &&
eval 'use Email::Address::XS; 1;') {
$email_address_xs = 1;
if (version->parse(Email::Address::XS->VERSION) < version->parse(1.02)) {
$email_address_xs_fix_address = 1;
# Helper for internal parser
our $header_address_mailre = qr/
# user
# quoted localpart
" (?:|(?:[^"\\]++|\\.)*+) " |
# or un-quoted localpart
# domain
\@ (?: [^\"\s\<\>\(\)\[\]\,\:\;]+ | \[ [\d:.]+ \] )
# Very relaxed internal parser
# Only handles non-nested comments in some places
our $header_address_re = qr/^
# optional phrase, quoted or non-quoted
( (?: " (?:|(?:[^"\\]++|\\.)*+) " | [^",;<]++ )+ )
# and enclosed email (or empty)
# ... allow whitespace in localpart
< \s* ( [^>\@]* \S+ | \s* ) \s* >
# some output duplicate enclosures..
(?: \s* < \s* (?: (?: " (?:|(?:[^"\\]++|\\.)*+) " )? \S+ | \s* ) \s* > )*
# or standalone email or phrase
( $header_address_mailre ) |
( (?: " (?:|(?:[^"\\]++|\\.)*+) " | [^",;<]++ )+ )
# possible comment after (no nested support here)
(?: \s* \( ( (?:|(?:[^()\\]++|\\.)*+) ) \) )?
# Followed by comma (semi-colon sometimes) or finish
\s* (?: [,;] | \z )
# Main public function
# expected input is header contents without Header: itself
sub parse_header_addresses {
my ($str) = @_;
return if !defined $str || $str !~ /\S/;
my @results;
# Internal parser
if (!$header_address_parser || $header_address_parser eq '1') {
@results = _parse_header_addresses($str);
# Email::Address::XS
if ($email_address_xs) {
if (!$header_address_parser || $header_address_parser eq '2') {
# Only consulted if no internal results, or there doesn't
# seem to have enough results, or possible nested comments ( (
my $maybe_nested = scalar($str =~ /\(/) >= 2;
if (!@results || $maybe_nested || @results < scalar($str =~ tr/,//)+1) {
my @results_xs = _parse_header_addresses_xs($str);
# If we have more results than internal, use it, or nested
if (@results_xs > @results || $maybe_nested) {
return @results_xs;
return @results;
# Check some basic parsing mistakes
sub _valid_parsed_address {
return 0 if !defined $_[0];
return 0 if index($_[0], '""@') == 0;
return 0 if scalar($_[0] =~ tr/"//) == 1;
return 1;
# v0.1, improved internal parser, no support for comments in strange
# places or nested comments, but handled a large corpus atleast 99% the
# same as Email::Address::XS and in some cases even better (retains some
# more name/addr info, even when not fully valid).
sub _parse_header_addresses {
local $_ = shift;
local ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
# Clear trailing whitespace
# Strip away all escaped blackslashes, simplifies processing a lot
# Reduce group address
# Skip empty
return unless /\S/;
my @results;
while (s/$header_address_re//igs) {
my $phrase = defined $1 ? $1 :
defined $4 ? $4 : undef;
my $address = defined $2 ? $2 :
defined $3 ? $3 : undef;
my $comment = defined $5 ? $5 : undef;
my ($user, $host, $invalid);
# Check relaxed <> capture
if (defined $2) {
# Remove comments (no nested support here)
$address =~ s/\((?:|(?:[^()\\]++|\\.)*+)\)//gs;
# Validate as somewhat email looking
if ($address !~ /^$header_address_mailre$/) {
$address = undef;
# Validate some other address oddities
if (!_valid_parsed_address($address)) {
$address = undef;
if (defined $phrase) {
my $newphrase;
# Parse phrase as quoted and unquoted parts
while ($phrase =~ /(?:"(|(?:[^"\\]++|\\.)*+)"|([^"]++))/igs) {
my $qs = $1;
my $nqs = $2;
if (defined $qs) {
# Unescape things inside quoted string
$qs =~ s/\\(?!\\)//g;
$qs =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
#$qs =~ s/\\//g;
$newphrase .= $qs;
} else {
# Remove comments (no nested support here)
$nqs =~ s/\((?:|(?:[^()\\]++|\\.)*+)\)//gs;
$newphrase .= $nqs;
$phrase = $newphrase;
# If we only have phrase which looks email, swap when valid
# Check all in one if, either swap or don't
if (!defined $address &&
$phrase =~ /^$header_address_mailre$/i &&
_valid_parsed_address($phrase) &&
$phrase =~ /^[^\@]*\@([^\@]*)/ &&
is_fqdn_valid(idn_to_ascii($1), 1)) {
$address = $phrase;
$phrase = undef;
} else {
# Remove redundant phrase==email?
if (defined $address && $phrase eq $address) {
$phrase = undef;
} elsif ($phrase eq '') {
$phrase = undef;
# Copy comment to phrase if not defined
if (!defined $phrase && defined $comment) {
$phrase = $comment;
if (defined $address) {
# Unescape quoted localpart
#if ($address =~ /^"(.*?)"\@(.*)/) {
# $user = $1;
# $host = $2;
# $user =~ s/\\//g;
# $user =~ s/\s+//gs;
# $address = "$user\@$host";
# Strip sometimes seen quotes
#$address =~ s/^'(.*?)'$/$1/;
$address =~ s/^(([^\@]*)\@([^\@]*)).*/$1/;
($user, $host) = ($2, $3);
$invalid = !defined $host || !is_fqdn_valid(idn_to_ascii($host), 1);
push @results, {
'phrase' => $phrase,
'user' => $user,
'host' => $host,
'address' => $address,
'comment' => $comment,
'invalid' => $invalid
# Was something left unparsed?
if (index($_, '@') != -1) {
# Last ditch effort, examples:
# =?UTF-8?Q?"Foobar"_<>?=
# =?utf-8?Q?"Foobar"?=<>
while (/<($header_address_mailre)>/igs) {
my $address = $1;
next if !_valid_parsed_address($address);
$address =~ s/^(([^\@]*)\@([^\@]*)).*/$1/;
my ($user, $host) = ($2, $3);
my $invalid = !is_fqdn_valid(idn_to_ascii($host), 1);
push @results, {
'phrase' => undef,
'user' => $user,
'host' => $host,
'address' => $address,
'comment' => undef,
'invalid' => $invalid
return if !@results;
return @results;
sub _parse_header_addresses_xs {
my ($str) = @_;
# Strip away all escaped blackslashes, simplifies processing a lot
$str =~ s/\\\\//g;
my @results;
my @addrs = Email::Address::XS->parse($str);
local ($1, $2);
foreach my $addr (@addrs) {
my $name = $addr->name;
my $address = $addr->address;
my $user = $addr->user;
my $host = $addr->host;
my $phrase = $addr->phrase;
my $comment = $addr->comment;
my $invalid;
# Workaround Bug 5201 for Email::Address::XS
# From: ""
# If everything else is missing but phrase looks like
# an email, let's assume it is (hostname verifies)
if (!defined $address && !defined $user &&
!defined $comment && defined $phrase &&
_valid_parsed_address($phrase) &&
$phrase =~ /^([^\s\@]+)\@([^\s\@]+)$/ &&
is_fqdn_valid(idn_to_ascii($2), 1))
$user = $1;
$host = $2;
$address = $phrase;
$name = $user;
$invalid = 0;
$phrase = undef;
else {
$invalid = !$addr->is_valid;
# Version <1.02 borks address if both user+host are UTF-8
if ($email_address_xs_fix_address) {
if (defined $user && defined $host) {
# <"Another User"@foo> loses quotes in user, add back
if (index($user, ' ') != -1 &&
index($user, '"') == -1) {
$user = '"'.$user.'"';
$address = $user.'@'.$host;
# Copy comment to phrase if not defined
if (!defined $phrase && defined $comment) {
$phrase = $comment;
# Use input as name if nothing found
if (!defined $phrase && !defined $address) {
$phrase = $str;
push @results, {
'phrase' => $phrase,
'user' => $user,
'host' => $host,
'address' => $address,
'comment' => $comment,
'invalid' => $invalid
return @results;