blob: 1172fdf7f61062f55c3e721b0f4eed7202c7d9fe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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// Pull and unpack Lucene javadocs from published Maven artifacts for use in local link checking.
configure(project(":solr:documentation")) {
ext {
luceneDocsDir = file("${project.buildDir}/lucene-javadocs")
configurations {
javadocs {
// Not sure why we need this, otherwise regular JARs get sucked in, not just
// javadoc-classifier JARs
transitive = false
canBeResolved = true
canBeConsumed = true
dependencies {
// Note we can't use the abbreviated form (above) because we omit the version number
// for the palantir plugin and at the same time we wish to use the classifier.
// TODO:
// - For now this list is focused solely on the javadocs needed for ref-guide link validation.
// - If/when additional links are added from the ref-guide to additional lucene modules not listed here,
// they can be added.
// - If/when we need the lucene javadocs for "all" lucene depdencies in Solr (ie: to do link checking
// from all Solr javadocs?) then perhaps we can find a way to build this list programatically?
// - If these javadocs are (only every) consumed by the ref guide only, then these deps & associated tasks
// should just be moved to the ref-guide build.gradle
javadocs group: 'org.apache.lucene', name: 'lucene-core', classifier: 'javadoc'
javadocs group: 'org.apache.lucene', name: 'lucene-analysis-common', classifier: 'javadoc'
javadocs group: 'org.apache.lucene', name: 'lucene-analysis-stempel', classifier: 'javadoc'
javadocs group: 'org.apache.lucene', name: 'lucene-queryparser', classifier: 'javadoc'
javadocs group: 'org.apache.lucene', name: 'lucene-sandbox', classifier: 'javadoc'
javadocs group: 'org.apache.lucene', name: 'lucene-spatial-extras', classifier: 'javadoc'
task collectLuceneJavadocs() {
description "Collect and unpack javadoc artifacts from 'javadocs' configuration"
dependsOn configurations.javadocs
inputs.files configurations.javadocs
outputs.dir project.ext.luceneDocsDir
doFirst {
def resolved = configurations.javadocs.resolvedConfiguration
resolved.resolvedArtifacts.each { artifact ->
def id =
// This mimics the directory stucture used on for the javadocs of all modules.
// HACK: the javadocs are organized to match the module directory structure in the repo,
// not the "flat" artifact names -- so there is no one size fits all way to determine the directory name.
// We have to "special case" that analysis-* modules are in an 'analysis/*' subdir, while the general rule is that
// '-' in artifact names are left as part of the dir name (ie: 'spatial-extras/')....
def path ='^lucene-', '').replaceFirst('^analysis-','analysis/')
project.sync {
from zipTree(artifact.file)
into file("${project.ext.luceneDocsDir}/${path}/")
artifacts {
javadocs luceneDocsDir, {
builtBy collectLuceneJavadocs