blob: a8a9972df9299b58d66e325879b23f5e7644c41e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.MapSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.StrUtils;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import java.util.*;
* <b>Note: This API is experimental and may change in non backward-compatible ways in the future</b>
* @version $Id$
public abstract class QParser {
protected String qstr;
protected SolrParams params;
protected SolrParams localParams;
protected SolrQueryRequest req;
protected int recurseCount;
protected Query query;
protected String stringIncludingLocalParams; // the original query string including any local params
protected boolean valFollowedParams; // true if the value "qstr" followed the localParams
protected int localParamsEnd; // the position one past where the localParams ended
* Constructor for the QParser
* @param qstr The part of the query string specific to this parser
* @param localParams The set of parameters that are specific to this QParser. See
* @param params The rest of the {@link org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams}
* @param req The original {@link org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest}.
public QParser(String qstr, SolrParams localParams, SolrParams params, SolrQueryRequest req) {
this.qstr = qstr;
this.localParams = localParams;
// insert tags into tagmap.
// WARNING: the internal representation of tagged objects in the request context is
// experimental and subject to change!
if (localParams != null) {
String tagStr = localParams.get(CommonParams.TAG);
if (tagStr != null) {
Map context = req.getContext();
Map<String,Collection<Object>> tagMap = (Map<String, Collection<Object>>)req.getContext().get("tags");
if (tagMap == null) {
tagMap = new HashMap<String,Collection<Object>>();
context.put("tags", tagMap);
if (tagStr.indexOf(',') >= 0) {
List<String> tags = StrUtils.splitSmart(tagStr, ',');
for (String tag : tags) {
addTag(tagMap, tag, this);
} else {
addTag(tagMap, tagStr, this);
this.params = params;
this.req = req;
private static void addTag(Map tagMap, Object key, Object val) {
Collection lst = (Collection)tagMap.get(key);
if (lst == null) {
lst = new ArrayList(2);
tagMap.put(key, lst);
/** Create and return the <code>Query</code> object represented by <code>qstr</code>. Null MAY be returned to signify
* there was no input (e.g. no query string) to parse.
* @see #getQuery()
public abstract Query parse() throws ParseException;
public SolrParams getLocalParams() {
return localParams;
public void setLocalParams(SolrParams localParams) {
this.localParams = localParams;
public SolrParams getParams() {
return params;
public void setParams(SolrParams params) {
this.params = params;
public SolrQueryRequest getReq() {
return req;
public void setReq(SolrQueryRequest req) {
this.req = req;
public String getString() {
return qstr;
public void setString(String s) {
this.qstr = s;
* Returns the resulting query from this QParser, calling parse() only the
* first time and caching the Query result.
* @throws ParseException
public Query getQuery() throws ParseException {
if (query==null) {
if (localParams != null) {
String cacheStr = localParams.get(CommonParams.CACHE);
if (cacheStr != null) {
if (CommonParams.FALSE.equals(cacheStr)) {
} else if (CommonParams.TRUE.equals(cacheStr)) {
} else if ("sep".equals(cacheStr)) {
int cost = localParams.getInt(CommonParams.COST, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
if (cost != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return query;
// returns an extended query (and sets "query" to a new wrapped query if necessary)
private ExtendedQuery extendedQuery() {
if (query instanceof ExtendedQuery) {
return (ExtendedQuery)query;
} else {
WrappedQuery wq = new WrappedQuery(query);
query = wq;
return wq;
private void checkRecurse() throws ParseException {
if (recurseCount++ >= 100) {
throw new ParseException("Infinite Recursion detected parsing query '" + qstr + "'");
// TODO: replace with a SolrParams that defaults to checking localParams first?
// ideas..
// create params that satisfy field-specific overrides
// overrideable syntax $x=foo (set global for limited scope) (invariants & security?)
// $x+=foo (append to global for limited scope)
/** check both local and global params */
public String getParam(String name) {
String val;
if (localParams != null) {
val = localParams.get(name);
if (val != null) return val;
return params.get(name);
/** Create a new QParser for parsing an embedded sub-query */
public QParser subQuery(String q, String defaultType) throws ParseException {
if (defaultType == null && localParams != null) {
// if not passed, try and get the defaultType from local params
defaultType = localParams.get(QueryParsing.DEFTYPE);
QParser nestedParser = getParser(q, defaultType, getReq());
nestedParser.recurseCount = recurseCount;
return nestedParser;
* @param useGlobalParams look up sort, start, rows in global params if not in local params
* @return the sort specification
public SortSpec getSort(boolean useGlobalParams) throws ParseException {
getQuery(); // ensure query is parsed first
String sortStr = null;
String startS = null;
String rowsS = null;
if (localParams != null) {
sortStr = localParams.get(CommonParams.SORT);
startS = localParams.get(CommonParams.START);
rowsS = localParams.get(CommonParams.ROWS);
// if any of these parameters are present, don't go back to the global params
if (sortStr != null || startS != null || rowsS != null) {
useGlobalParams = false;
if (useGlobalParams) {
if (sortStr ==null) {
sortStr = params.get(CommonParams.SORT);
if (startS==null) {
startS = params.get(CommonParams.START);
if (rowsS==null) {
rowsS = params.get(CommonParams.ROWS);
int start = startS != null ? Integer.parseInt(startS) : 0;
int rows = rowsS != null ? Integer.parseInt(rowsS) : 10;
Sort sort = null;
if( sortStr != null ) {
sort = QueryParsing.parseSort(sortStr, req);
return new SortSpec( sort, start, rows );
public String[] getDefaultHighlightFields() {
return new String[]{};
public Query getHighlightQuery() throws ParseException {
Query query = getQuery();
return query instanceof WrappedQuery ? ((WrappedQuery)query).getWrappedQuery() : query;
public void addDebugInfo(NamedList<Object> debugInfo) {
debugInfo.add("QParser", this.getClass().getSimpleName());
/** Create a <code>QParser</code> to parse <code>qstr</code>,
* assuming that the default query type is <code>defaultType</code>.
* The query type may be overridden by local parameters in the query
* string itself. For example if defaultType=<code>"dismax"</code>
* and qstr=<code>foo</code>, then the dismax query parser will be used
* to parse and construct the query object. However
* if qstr=<code>{!prefix f=myfield}foo</code>
* then the prefix query parser will be used.
public static QParser getParser(String qstr, String defaultType, SolrQueryRequest req) throws ParseException {
// SolrParams localParams = QueryParsing.getLocalParams(qstr, req.getParams());
String stringIncludingLocalParams = qstr;
SolrParams localParams = null;
SolrParams globalParams = req.getParams();
boolean valFollowedParams = true;
int localParamsEnd = -1;
if (qstr != null && qstr.startsWith(QueryParsing.LOCALPARAM_START)) {
Map<String, String> localMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
localParamsEnd = QueryParsing.parseLocalParams(qstr, 0, localMap, globalParams);
String val = localMap.get(QueryParsing.V);
if (val != null) {
// val was directly specified in localParams via v=<something> or v=$arg
valFollowedParams = false;
} else {
// use the remainder of the string as the value
valFollowedParams = true;
val = qstr.substring(localParamsEnd);
localMap.put(QueryParsing.V, val);
localParams = new MapSolrParams(localMap);
String type;
if (localParams == null) {
type = defaultType;
} else {
type = localParams.get(QueryParsing.TYPE,defaultType);
qstr = localParams.get("v");
type = type==null ? QParserPlugin.DEFAULT_QTYPE : type;
QParserPlugin qplug = req.getCore().getQueryPlugin(type);
QParser parser = qplug.createParser(qstr, localParams, req.getParams(), req);
parser.stringIncludingLocalParams = stringIncludingLocalParams;
parser.valFollowedParams = valFollowedParams;
parser.localParamsEnd = localParamsEnd;
return parser;