blob: d4d1f64bcda142817456889db657a9f72df09edd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.ExitableDirectoryReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfos;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.MultiPostingsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.PostingsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.StoredFieldVisitor;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.CollectionUtil;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.ObjectReleaseTracker;
import org.apache.solr.core.DirectoryFactory;
import org.apache.solr.core.DirectoryFactory.DirContext;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrConfig;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrInfoBean;
import org.apache.solr.index.SlowCompositeReaderWrapper;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrMetricManager;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrMetricsContext;
import org.apache.solr.request.LocalSolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrRequestInfo;
import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema;
import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
import org.apache.solr.uninverting.UninvertingReader;
import org.apache.solr.update.IndexFingerprint;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexConfig;
import org.apache.solr.util.IOFunction;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* SolrIndexSearcher adds schema awareness and caching functionality over {@link IndexSearcher}.
* @since solr 0.9
public class SolrIndexSearcher extends IndexSearcher implements Closeable, SolrInfoBean {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
public static final String STATS_SOURCE = "org.apache.solr.stats_source";
public static final String STATISTICS_KEY = "searcher";
// These should *only* be used for debugging or monitoring purposes
public static final AtomicLong numOpens = new AtomicLong();
public static final AtomicLong numCloses = new AtomicLong();
private static final Map<String, SolrCache<?, ?>> NO_GENERIC_CACHES = Collections.emptyMap();
private static final SolrCache<?, ?>[] NO_CACHES = new SolrCache<?, ?>[0];
// If you find this useful, let us know in Likely to be removed eventually.
private static final boolean useExitableDirectoryReader =
private final SolrCore core;
private final IndexSchema schema;
private final SolrDocumentFetcher docFetcher;
private final String name;
private final Date openTime = new Date();
private final long openNanoTime = System.nanoTime();
private Date registerTime;
private long warmupTime = 0;
private final DirectoryReader reader;
private final boolean closeReader;
private final int queryResultWindowSize;
private final int queryResultMaxDocsCached;
private final boolean useFilterForSortedQuery;
private final boolean cachingEnabled;
private final SolrCache<Query, DocSet> filterCache;
private final SolrCache<QueryResultKey, DocList> queryResultCache;
private final SolrCache<String, UnInvertedField> fieldValueCache;
private final LongAdder fullSortCount = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder skipSortCount = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder liveDocsNaiveCacheHitCount = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder liveDocsInsertsCount = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder liveDocsHitCount = new LongAdder();
// map of generic caches - not synchronized since it's read-only after the constructor.
private final Map<String, SolrCache<?, ?>> cacheMap;
// list of all caches associated with this searcher.
private final SolrCache[] cacheList;
private DirectoryFactory directoryFactory;
private final LeafReader leafReader;
// only for addIndexes etc (no fieldcache)
private final DirectoryReader rawReader;
private final String path;
private boolean releaseDirectory;
private final StatsCache statsCache;
private Set<String> metricNames = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
private SolrMetricsContext solrMetricsContext;
private static DirectoryReader getReader(
SolrCore core, SolrIndexConfig config, DirectoryFactory directoryFactory, String path)
throws IOException {
final Directory dir = directoryFactory.get(path, DirContext.DEFAULT, config.lockType);
try {
return core.getIndexReaderFactory().newReader(dir, core);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error opening Reader", e);
// TODO: wrap elsewhere and return a "map" from the schema that overrides get() ?
// this reader supports reopen
private static DirectoryReader wrapReader(SolrCore core, DirectoryReader reader)
throws IOException {
assert reader != null;
reader = UninvertingReader.wrap(reader, core.getLatestSchema().getUninversionMapper());
if (useExitableDirectoryReader) { // SOLR-16693 legacy; may be removed. Probably inefficient.
reader = ExitableDirectoryReader.wrap(reader, QueryLimits.getCurrentLimits());
return reader;
* Builds the necessary collector chain (via delegate wrapping) and executes the query against it.
* This method takes into consideration both the explicitly provided collector and postFilter as
* well as any needed collector wrappers for dealing with options specified in the QueryCommand.
* @return The collector used for search
private Collector buildAndRunCollectorChain(
QueryResult qr,
Query query,
Collector collector,
QueryCommand cmd,
DelegatingCollector postFilter)
throws IOException {
EarlyTerminatingSortingCollector earlyTerminatingSortingCollector = null;
if (cmd.getSegmentTerminateEarly()) {
final Sort cmdSort = cmd.getSort();
final int cmdLen = cmd.getLen();
final Sort mergeSort = core.getSolrCoreState().getMergePolicySort();
if (cmdSort == null
|| cmdLen <= 0
|| mergeSort == null
|| !EarlyTerminatingSortingCollector.canEarlyTerminate(cmdSort, mergeSort)) {
"unsupported combination: segmentTerminateEarly=true cmdSort={} cmdLen={} mergeSort={}",
} else {
collector =
earlyTerminatingSortingCollector =
new EarlyTerminatingSortingCollector(collector, cmdSort, cmd.getLen());
final boolean terminateEarly = cmd.getTerminateEarly();
if (terminateEarly) {
collector = new EarlyTerminatingCollector(collector, cmd.getLen());
final long timeAllowed = cmd.getTimeAllowed();
if (timeAllowed > 0) {
collector =
new TimeLimitingCollector(
collector, TimeLimitingCollector.getGlobalCounter(), timeAllowed);
if (postFilter != null) {
collector = postFilter;
if (cmd.isQueryCancellable()) {
collector = new CancellableCollector(collector);
// Add this to the local active queries map
.addShardLevelActiveQuery(cmd.getQueryID(), (CancellableCollector) collector);
try {, collector);
} catch (TimeLimitingCollector.TimeExceededException
| ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitingReaderException
| CancellableCollector.QueryCancelledException x) {
log.warn("Query: [{}]; ", query, x);
} catch (EarlyTerminatingCollectorException etce) {
if (collector instanceof DelegatingCollector) {
((DelegatingCollector) collector).complete();
throw etce;
} finally {
if (earlyTerminatingSortingCollector != null) {
if (cmd.isQueryCancellable()) {
if (collector instanceof DelegatingCollector) {
((DelegatingCollector) collector).complete();
return collector;
public SolrIndexSearcher(
SolrCore core,
String path,
IndexSchema schema,
SolrIndexConfig config,
String name,
boolean enableCache,
DirectoryFactory directoryFactory)
throws IOException {
// We don't need to reserve the directory because we get it from the factory
getReader(core, config, directoryFactory, path),
// Release the directory at close.
this.releaseDirectory = true;
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public SolrIndexSearcher(
SolrCore core,
String path,
IndexSchema schema,
String name,
DirectoryReader r,
boolean closeReader,
boolean enableCache,
boolean reserveDirectory,
DirectoryFactory directoryFactory)
throws IOException {
super(wrapReader(core, r), core.getCoreContainer().getCollectorExecutor());
this.path = path;
this.directoryFactory = directoryFactory;
this.reader = (DirectoryReader) super.readerContext.reader();
this.rawReader = r;
this.leafReader = SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.wrap(this.reader);
this.core = core;
this.statsCache = core.createStatsCache();
this.schema = schema; =
+ Integer.toHexString(hashCode())
+ "["
+ core.getName()
+ "]"
+ (name != null ? " " + name : "");
log.debug("Opening [{}]",;
if (directoryFactory.searchersReserveCommitPoints()) {
// reserve commit point for life of searcher
// TODO: This may not be safe w/softCommit, see SOLR-13908
if (reserveDirectory) {
// Keep the directory from being released while we use it.
// Make sure to release it when closing.
this.releaseDirectory = true;
this.closeReader = closeReader;
final SolrConfig solrConfig = core.getSolrConfig();
this.queryResultWindowSize = solrConfig.queryResultWindowSize;
this.queryResultMaxDocsCached = solrConfig.queryResultMaxDocsCached;
this.useFilterForSortedQuery = solrConfig.useFilterForSortedQuery;
this.docFetcher = new SolrDocumentFetcher(this, solrConfig, enableCache);
this.cachingEnabled = enableCache;
if (cachingEnabled) {
final ArrayList<SolrCache> clist = new ArrayList<>();
fieldValueCache =
solrConfig.fieldValueCacheConfig == null
? null
: solrConfig.fieldValueCacheConfig.newInstance();
if (fieldValueCache != null) clist.add(fieldValueCache);
filterCache =
solrConfig.filterCacheConfig == null ? null : solrConfig.filterCacheConfig.newInstance();
if (filterCache != null) clist.add(filterCache);
queryResultCache =
solrConfig.queryResultCacheConfig == null
? null
: solrConfig.queryResultCacheConfig.newInstance();
if (queryResultCache != null) clist.add(queryResultCache);
SolrCache<Integer, Document> documentCache = docFetcher.getDocumentCache();
if (documentCache != null) clist.add(documentCache);
if (solrConfig.userCacheConfigs.isEmpty()) {
} else {
cacheMap = CollectionUtil.newHashMap(solrConfig.userCacheConfigs.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, CacheConfig> e : solrConfig.userCacheConfigs.entrySet()) {
SolrCache<?, ?> cache = e.getValue().newInstance();
if (cache != null) {
cacheMap.put(, cache);
cacheList = clist.toArray(new SolrCache[0]);
} else {
this.filterCache = null;
this.queryResultCache = null;
this.fieldValueCache = null;
this.cacheMap = NO_GENERIC_CACHES;
this.cacheList = NO_CACHES;
// We already have our own filter cache
// do this at the end since an exception in the constructor means we won't close
assert ObjectReleaseTracker.track(this);
public SolrDocumentFetcher getDocFetcher() {
return docFetcher;
public StatsCache getStatsCache() {
return statsCache;
public FieldInfos getFieldInfos() {
return leafReader.getFieldInfos();
* Override these two methods to provide a way to use global collection stats.
public TermStatistics termStatistics(Term term, int docFreq, long totalTermFreq)
throws IOException {
final SolrRequestInfo reqInfo = SolrRequestInfo.getRequestInfo();
if (reqInfo != null) {
final StatsSource statsSrc = (StatsSource) reqInfo.getReq().getContext().get(STATS_SOURCE);
if (statsSrc != null) {
return statsSrc.termStatistics(this, term, docFreq, totalTermFreq);
return localTermStatistics(term, docFreq, totalTermFreq);
public CollectionStatistics collectionStatistics(String field) throws IOException {
final SolrRequestInfo reqInfo = SolrRequestInfo.getRequestInfo();
if (reqInfo != null) {
final StatsSource statsSrc = (StatsSource) reqInfo.getReq().getContext().get(STATS_SOURCE);
if (statsSrc != null) {
return statsSrc.collectionStatistics(this, field);
return localCollectionStatistics(field);
public TermStatistics localTermStatistics(Term term, int docFreq, long totalTermFreq)
throws IOException {
return super.termStatistics(term, docFreq, totalTermFreq);
public CollectionStatistics localCollectionStatistics(String field) throws IOException {
return super.collectionStatistics(field);
public boolean isCachingEnabled() {
return cachingEnabled;
public String getPath() {
return path;
public String toString() {
return name + "{" + reader + "}";
public SolrCore getCore() {
return core;
public final int maxDoc() {
return reader.maxDoc();
public final int numDocs() {
return reader.numDocs();
public final int docFreq(Term term) throws IOException {
return reader.docFreq(term);
* Not recommended to call this method unless there is some particular reason due to internally
* calling {@link SlowCompositeReaderWrapper}. Use {@link IndexSearcher#leafContexts} to get the
* sub readers instead of using this method.
public final LeafReader getSlowAtomicReader() {
return leafReader;
/** Raw reader (no fieldcaches etc). Useful for operations like addIndexes */
public final DirectoryReader getRawReader() {
return rawReader;
public final DirectoryReader getIndexReader() {
assert Objects.equals(reader, super.getIndexReader());
return reader;
/** Register sub-objects such as caches and our own metrics */
public void register() {
final Map<String, SolrInfoBean> infoRegistry = core.getInfoRegistry();
// register self
infoRegistry.put(STATISTICS_KEY, this);
infoRegistry.put(name, this);
for (SolrCache<?, ?> cache : cacheList) {
infoRegistry.put(, cache);
this.solrMetricsContext = core.getSolrMetricsContext().getChildContext(this);
for (SolrCache<?, ?> cache : cacheList) {
solrMetricsContext, SolrMetricManager.mkName(, STATISTICS_KEY));
initializeMetrics(solrMetricsContext, STATISTICS_KEY);
registerTime = new Date();
* Free's resources associated with this searcher.
* <p>In particular, the underlying reader and any cache's in use are closed.
public void close() throws IOException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (cachingEnabled) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Closing ").append(name);
for (SolrCache<?, ?> cache : cacheList) {
log.debug("{}", sb);
} else {
log.debug("Closing [{}]", name);
// super.close();
// can't use super.close() since it just calls reader.close() and that may only be called once
// per reader (even if incRef() was previously called).
long cpg = reader.getIndexCommit().getGeneration();
try {
if (closeReader) rawReader.decRef();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Problem dec ref'ing reader", e);
if (directoryFactory.searchersReserveCommitPoints()) {
for (SolrCache<?, ?> cache : cacheList) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception closing cache {}",, e);
if (releaseDirectory) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Exception closing", e);
// do this at the end so it only gets done if there are no exceptions
assert ObjectReleaseTracker.release(this);
/** Direct access to the IndexSchema for use with this searcher */
public IndexSchema getSchema() {
return schema;
/** Returns a collection of all field names the index reader knows about. */
public Iterable<String> getFieldNames() {
return, false)
.map(fieldInfo ->
public SolrCache<Query, DocSet> getFilterCache() {
return filterCache;
// Set default regenerators on filter and query caches if they don't have any
public static void initRegenerators(SolrConfig solrConfig) {
if (solrConfig.fieldValueCacheConfig != null
&& solrConfig.fieldValueCacheConfig.getRegenerator() == null) {
new CacheRegenerator() {
public <K, V> boolean regenerateItem(
SolrIndexSearcher newSearcher,
SolrCache<K, V> newCache,
SolrCache<K, V> oldCache,
K oldKey,
V oldVal)
throws IOException {
if (oldVal instanceof UnInvertedField) {
UnInvertedField.getUnInvertedField((String) oldKey, newSearcher);
return true;
if (solrConfig.filterCacheConfig != null
&& solrConfig.filterCacheConfig.getRegenerator() == null) {
new CacheRegenerator() {
public <K, V> boolean regenerateItem(
SolrIndexSearcher newSearcher,
SolrCache<K, V> newCache,
SolrCache<K, V> oldCache,
K oldKey,
V oldVal)
throws IOException {
newSearcher.cacheDocSet((Query) oldKey, null, false);
return true;
if (solrConfig.queryResultCacheConfig != null
&& solrConfig.queryResultCacheConfig.getRegenerator() == null) {
final int queryResultWindowSize = solrConfig.queryResultWindowSize;
new CacheRegenerator() {
public <K, V> boolean regenerateItem(
SolrIndexSearcher newSearcher,
SolrCache<K, V> newCache,
SolrCache<K, V> oldCache,
K oldKey,
V oldVal)
throws IOException {
QueryResultKey key = (QueryResultKey) oldKey;
int nDocs = 1;
// request 1 doc and let caching round up to the next window size...
// unless the window size is <=1, in which case we will pick
// the minimum of the number of documents requested last time and
// a reasonable number such as 40.
// TODO: make more configurable later...
if (queryResultWindowSize <= 1) {
DocList oldList = (DocList) oldVal;
int oldnDocs = oldList.offset() + oldList.size();
// 40 has factors of 2,4,5,10,20
nDocs = Math.min(oldnDocs, 40);
int flags = NO_CHECK_QCACHE | key.nc_flags;
QueryCommand qc = new QueryCommand();
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult();
newSearcher.getDocListC(qr, qc);
return true;
public QueryResult search(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand cmd) throws IOException {
getDocListC(qr, cmd);
return qr;
protected void search(List<LeafReaderContext> leaves, Weight weight, Collector collector)
throws IOException {
QueryLimits queryLimits = QueryLimits.getCurrentLimits();
if (useExitableDirectoryReader || !queryLimits.isLimitsEnabled()) {
// no timeout. Pass through to super class, weight, collector);
} else {
// Timeout enabled! This impl is maybe a hack. Use Lucene's IndexSearcher timeout.
// But only some queries have it so don't use on "this" (SolrIndexSearcher), not to mention
// that timedOut() might race with concurrent queries (dubious design).
// So we need to make a new IndexSearcher instead of using "this".
new IndexSearcher(reader) { // cheap, actually!
void searchWithTimeout() throws IOException {
setTimeout(queryLimits); // Lucene's method name is less than ideal here..., weight, collector); // FYI protected access
if (timedOut()) {
throw new QueryLimitsExceededException(
"Limits exceeded! (search): " + queryLimits.limitStatusMessage());
* Thrown when {@link org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams#TIME_ALLOWED} is exceeded.
* Further, from the low level Lucene {@code}.
* Extending {@code ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitingReaderException} is for legacy reasons.
public static class LimitExceededFromScorerException
extends ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitingReaderException {
public LimitExceededFromScorerException(String msg) {
* Retrieve the {@link Document} instance corresponding to the document id.
* @see SolrDocumentFetcher
public Document doc(int docId) throws IOException {
return doc(docId, (Set<String>) null);
* Visit a document's fields using a {@link StoredFieldVisitor}. This method does not currently
* add to the Solr document cache.
* @see IndexReader#document(int, StoredFieldVisitor)
* @see SolrDocumentFetcher
public final void doc(int docId, StoredFieldVisitor visitor) throws IOException {
getDocFetcher().doc(docId, visitor);
* Retrieve the {@link Document} instance corresponding to the document id.
* <p><b>NOTE</b>: the document will have all fields accessible, but if a field filter is
* provided, only the provided fields will be loaded (the remainder will be available lazily).
* @see SolrDocumentFetcher
public final Document doc(int i, Set<String> fields) throws IOException {
return getDocFetcher().doc(i, fields);
/** expert: internal API, subject to change */
public SolrCache<String, UnInvertedField> getFieldValueCache() {
return fieldValueCache;
/** Returns a weighted sort according to this searcher */
public Sort weightSort(Sort sort) throws IOException {
return (sort != null) ? sort.rewrite(this) : null;
/** Returns a weighted sort spec according to this searcher */
public SortSpec weightSortSpec(SortSpec originalSortSpec, Sort nullEquivalent)
throws IOException {
return implWeightSortSpec(
/** Returns a weighted sort spec according to this searcher */
private SortSpec implWeightSortSpec(Sort originalSort, int num, int offset, Sort nullEquivalent)
throws IOException {
Sort rewrittenSort = weightSort(originalSort);
if (rewrittenSort == null) {
rewrittenSort = nullEquivalent;
final SortField[] rewrittenSortFields = rewrittenSort.getSort();
final SchemaField[] rewrittenSchemaFields = new SchemaField[rewrittenSortFields.length];
for (int ii = 0; ii < rewrittenSortFields.length; ++ii) {
final String fieldName = rewrittenSortFields[ii].getField();
rewrittenSchemaFields[ii] = (fieldName == null ? null : schema.getFieldOrNull(fieldName));
return new SortSpec(rewrittenSort, rewrittenSchemaFields, num, offset);
* Returns the first document number containing the term <code>t</code> Returns -1 if no document
* was found. This method is primarily intended for clients that want to fetch documents using a
* unique identifier."
* @return the first document number containing the term
public int getFirstMatch(Term t) throws IOException {
long pair = lookupId(t.field(), t.bytes());
if (pair == -1) {
return -1;
} else {
final int segIndex = (int) (pair >> 32);
final int segDocId = (int) pair;
return leafContexts.get(segIndex).docBase + segDocId;
* lookup the docid by the unique key field, and return the id *within* the leaf reader in the low
* 32 bits, and the index of the leaf reader in the high 32 bits. -1 is returned if not found.
* @lucene.internal
public long lookupId(BytesRef idBytes) throws IOException {
return lookupId(schema.getUniqueKeyField().getName(), idBytes);
private long lookupId(String field, BytesRef idBytes) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0, c = leafContexts.size(); i < c; i++) {
final LeafReaderContext leaf = leafContexts.get(i);
final LeafReader reader = leaf.reader();
final Terms terms = reader.terms(field);
if (terms == null) continue;
TermsEnum te = terms.iterator();
if (te.seekExact(idBytes)) {
PostingsEnum docs = te.postings(null, PostingsEnum.NONE);
docs = BitsFilteredPostingsEnum.wrap(docs, reader.getLiveDocs());
int id = docs.nextDoc();
if (id == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) continue;
assert docs.nextDoc() == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
return (((long) i) << 32) | id;
return -1;
* Compute and cache the DocSet that matches a query. The normal usage is expected to be
* cacheDocSet(myQuery, null,false) meaning that Solr will determine if the Query warrants
* caching, and if so, will compute the DocSet that matches the Query and cache it. If the answer
* to the query is already cached, nothing further will be done.
* <p>If the optionalAnswer DocSet is provided, it should *not* be modified after this call.
* @param query the lucene query that will act as the key
* @param optionalAnswer the DocSet to be cached - if null, it will be computed.
* @param mustCache if true, a best effort will be made to cache this entry. if false, heuristics
* may be used to determine if it should be cached.
public void cacheDocSet(Query query, DocSet optionalAnswer, boolean mustCache)
throws IOException {
// Even if the cache is null, still compute the DocSet as it may serve to warm the Lucene
// or OS disk cache.
if (optionalAnswer != null) {
if (filterCache != null) {
filterCache.put(query, optionalAnswer);
// Throw away the result, relying on the fact that getDocSet
// will currently always cache what it found. If getDocSet() starts
// using heuristics about what to cache, and mustCache==true, (or if we
// want this method to start using heuristics too) then
// this needs to change.
private BitDocSet makeBitDocSet(DocSet answer) {
// TODO: this should be implemented in DocSet, most likely with a getBits method that takes a
// maxDoc argument or make DocSet instances remember maxDoc
if (answer instanceof BitDocSet) {
return (BitDocSet) answer;
FixedBitSet bs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc());
DocIterator iter = answer.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
return new BitDocSet(bs, answer.size());
public BitDocSet getDocSetBits(Query q) throws IOException {
DocSet answer = getDocSet(q);
BitDocSet answerBits = makeBitDocSet(answer);
if (answerBits != answer && filterCache != null) {
filterCache.put(q, answerBits);
return answerBits;
// only handle positive (non negative) queries
DocSet getPositiveDocSet(Query query) throws IOException {
// TODO duplicated code with getDocSet?
boolean doCache = filterCache != null;
if (query instanceof ExtendedQuery) {
if (!((ExtendedQuery) query).getCache()) {
doCache = false;
if (query instanceof WrappedQuery) {
query = ((WrappedQuery) query).getWrappedQuery();
if (doCache) {
return getAndCacheDocSet(query);
return getDocSetNC(query, null);
* Attempt to read the query from the filter cache, if not will compute the result and insert back
* into the cache
* <p>Callers must ensure that:
* <ul>
* <li>The query is unwrapped
* <li>The query has caching enabled
* <li>The filter cache exists
* @param query the query to compute.
* @return the DocSet answer
private DocSet getAndCacheDocSet(Query query) throws IOException {
assert !(query instanceof WrappedQuery) : "should have unwrapped";
assert filterCache != null : "must check for caching before calling this method";
if (query instanceof MatchAllDocsQuery) {
// bypass the filterCache for MatchAllDocsQuery
return getLiveDocSet();
DocSet answer;
QueryLimits queryLimits = QueryLimits.getCurrentLimits();
if (queryLimits.isLimitsEnabled()) {
// If there is a possibility of timeout for this query, then don't reserve a computation slot.
// Further, we can't naively wait for an in progress computation to finish, because if we time
// out before it does then we won't even have partial results to provide. We could possibly
// wait for the query to finish in parallel with our own results and if they complete first
// use that instead, but we'll leave that to implement later.
answer = filterCache.get(query);
// Not found in the cache so compute and put in the cache
if (answer == null) {
answer = getDocSetNC(query, null);
filterCache.put(query, answer);
} else {
answer = filterCache.computeIfAbsent(query, q -> getDocSetNC(q, null));
assert !(answer instanceof MutableBitDocSet) : "should not be mutable";
return answer;
private static final MatchAllDocsQuery MATCH_ALL_DOCS_QUERY = new MatchAllDocsQuery();
/** Used as a synchronization point to handle the lazy-init of {@link #liveDocs}. */
private final Object liveDocsCacheLock = new Object();
private BitDocSet liveDocs;
private static final BitDocSet EMPTY = new BitDocSet(new FixedBitSet(0), 0);
private BitDocSet computeLiveDocs() {
switch (leafContexts.size()) {
case 0:
assert numDocs() == 0;
return EMPTY;
case 1:
final Bits onlySegLiveDocs = leafContexts.get(0).reader().getLiveDocs();
final FixedBitSet fbs;
if (onlySegLiveDocs == null) {
// `LeafReader.getLiveDocs()` returns null if no deleted docs -- accordingly, set all bits
final int onlySegMaxDoc = maxDoc();
fbs = new FixedBitSet(onlySegMaxDoc);
fbs.set(0, onlySegMaxDoc);
} else {
fbs = FixedBitSet.copyOf(onlySegLiveDocs);
assert fbs.cardinality() == numDocs();
return new BitDocSet(fbs, numDocs());
final FixedBitSet bs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc());
for (LeafReaderContext ctx : leafContexts) {
final LeafReader r = ctx.reader();
final Bits segLiveDocs = r.getLiveDocs();
final int segDocBase = ctx.docBase;
if (segLiveDocs == null) {
// `LeafReader.getLiveDocs()` returns null if no deleted docs -- accordingly, set all
// bits in seg range
bs.set(segDocBase, segDocBase + r.maxDoc());
} else {
DocSetUtil.copyTo(segLiveDocs, 0, r.maxDoc(), bs, segDocBase);
assert bs.cardinality() == numDocs();
return new BitDocSet(bs, numDocs());
private BitDocSet populateLiveDocs(Supplier<BitDocSet> liveDocsSupplier) {
synchronized (liveDocsCacheLock) {
if (liveDocs != null) {
} else {
liveDocs = liveDocsSupplier.get();
return liveDocs;
* Returns an efficient random-access {@link DocSet} of the live docs. It's cached. Never null.
* @lucene.internal the type of DocSet returned may change in the future
public BitDocSet getLiveDocSet() throws IOException {
BitDocSet docs = liveDocs;
if (docs != null) {
} else {
docs = populateLiveDocs(this::computeLiveDocs);
// assert DocSetUtil.equals(docs, DocSetUtil.createDocSetGeneric(this, MATCH_ALL_DOCS_QUERY));
assert docs.size() == numDocs();
return docs;
* Returns an efficient random-access {@link Bits} of the live docs. It's cached. Null means all
* docs are live. Use this like {@link LeafReader#getLiveDocs()}.
* @lucene.internal
// TODO rename to getLiveDocs in 8.0
public Bits getLiveDocsBits() throws IOException {
return getIndexReader().hasDeletions() ? getLiveDocSet().getBits() : null;
* If some process external to {@link SolrIndexSearcher} has produced a DocSet whose cardinality
* matches that of `liveDocs`, this method provides such caller the ability to offer its own
* DocSet to be cached in the searcher. The caller should then use the returned value (which may
* or may not be derived from the DocSet instance supplied), allowing more efficient memory use.
* @lucene.internal
public BitDocSet offerLiveDocs(Supplier<DocSet> docSetSupplier, int suppliedSize) {
assert suppliedSize == numDocs();
final BitDocSet ret = liveDocs;
if (ret != null) {
return ret;
// a few places currently expect BitDocSet
return populateLiveDocs(() -> makeBitDocSet(docSetSupplier.get()));
private static Comparator<ExtendedQuery> sortByCost =
* Returns the set of document ids matching all queries. This method is cache-aware and attempts
* to retrieve the answer from the cache if possible. If the answer was not cached, it may have
* been inserted into the cache as a result of this call. This method can handle negative queries.
* A null/empty list results in {@link #getLiveDocSet()}.
* <p>The DocSet returned should <b>not</b> be modified.
public DocSet getDocSet(List<Query> queries) throws IOException {
ProcessedFilter pf = getProcessedFilter(queries);
if (pf.postFilter == null) {
if (pf.answer != null) {
return pf.answer;
} else if (pf.filter == null) {
return getLiveDocSet(); // note: this is what happens when queries is an empty list
DocSetCollector setCollector = new DocSetCollector(maxDoc());
Collector collector = setCollector;
if (pf.postFilter != null) {
collector = pf.postFilter;
Query query = pf.filter != null ? pf.filter : MATCH_ALL_DOCS_QUERY;
search(query, collector);
if (collector instanceof DelegatingCollector) {
((DelegatingCollector) collector).complete();
return DocSetUtil.getDocSet(setCollector, this);
* INTERNAL: The response object from {@link #getProcessedFilter(List)}. Holds a filter and
* postFilter pair that together match a set of documents. Either of them may be null, in which
* case the semantics are to match everything.
* @see #getProcessedFilter(List)
public static class ProcessedFilter {
// maybe null. Sometimes we have a docSet answer that represents the complete answer or result.
public DocSet answer;
public Query filter; // maybe null. Scoring is irrelevant / unspecified.
public DelegatingCollector postFilter; // maybe null
* INTERNAL: Processes conjunction (AND) of the queries into a {@link ProcessedFilter} result.
* Queries may be null/empty thus doesn't restrict the matching docs. Queries typically are
* resolved against the filter cache, and populate it.
public ProcessedFilter getProcessedFilter(List<Query> queries) throws IOException {
ProcessedFilter pf = new ProcessedFilter();
if (queries == null || queries.size() == 0) {
return pf;
// We combine all the filter queries that come from the filter cache into "answer".
// This might become pf.answer but not if there are any non-cached filters
DocSet answer = null;
boolean[] neg = new boolean[queries.size()];
DocSet[] sets = new DocSet[queries.size()];
List<ExtendedQuery> notCached = null;
List<PostFilter> postFilters = null;
int end = 0; // size of "sets" and "neg"; parallel arrays
for (Query q : queries) {
if (q instanceof ExtendedQuery) {
ExtendedQuery eq = (ExtendedQuery) q;
if (!eq.getCache()) {
if (eq.getCost() >= 100 && eq instanceof PostFilter) {
if (postFilters == null) postFilters = new ArrayList<>(sets.length - end);
postFilters.add((PostFilter) q);
} else {
if (notCached == null) notCached = new ArrayList<>(sets.length - end);
notCached.add((ExtendedQuery) q);
if (filterCache == null) {
// there is no cache: don't pull bitsets
if (notCached == null) notCached = new ArrayList<>(sets.length - end);
WrappedQuery uncached = new WrappedQuery(q);
Query posQuery = QueryUtils.getAbs(q);
DocSet docSet = getPositiveDocSet(posQuery);
// Negative query if absolute value different from original
if (Objects.equals(q, posQuery)) {
// keep track of the smallest positive set; use "answer" for this.
if (answer == null) {
answer = docSet;
// note: assume that size() is cached. It generally comes from the cache, so should be.
if (docSet.size() < answer.size()) {
// swap answer & docSet so that answer is smallest
DocSet tmp = answer;
answer = docSet;
docSet = tmp;
neg[end] = false;
} else {
neg[end] = true;
sets[end++] = docSet;
} // end of queries
if (end > 0) {
// Are all of our normal cached filters negative?
if (answer == null) {
answer = getLiveDocSet();
// This optimizes for the case where we have more than 2 filters and instead
// of copying the bitsets we make one mutable bitset. We should only do this
// for BitDocSet since it clones the backing bitset for andNot and intersection.
if (end > 1 && answer instanceof BitDocSet) {
answer = MutableBitDocSet.fromBitDocSet((BitDocSet) answer);
// do negative queries first to shrink set size
for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) {
if (neg[i]) answer = answer.andNot(sets[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) {
if (!neg[i]) answer = answer.intersection(sets[i]);
// Make sure to keep answer as an immutable DocSet if we made it mutable
answer = MutableBitDocSet.unwrapIfMutable(answer);
// ignore "answer" if it simply matches all docs
if (answer != null && answer.size() == numDocs()) {
answer = null;
// answer is done.
// If no notCached nor postFilters, we can return now.
if (notCached == null && postFilters == null) {
// "answer" is the only part of the filter, so set it.
if (answer != null) {
pf.answer = answer;
pf.filter = answer.makeQuery();
return pf;
// pf.answer will remain null ... (our local "answer" var is not the complete answer)
// Set pf.filter based on combining "answer" and "notCached"
if (notCached == null) {
if (answer != null) {
pf.filter = answer.makeQuery();
} else {
notCached.sort(sortByCost); // pointless?
final BooleanQuery.Builder builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
if (answer != null) {
builder.add(answer.makeQuery(), Occur.FILTER);
for (ExtendedQuery eq : notCached) {
Query q = eq.getCostAppliedQuery();
builder.add(q, Occur.FILTER);
pf.filter =;
// Set pf.postFilter
if (postFilters != null) {
for (int i = postFilters.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
DelegatingCollector prev = pf.postFilter;
pf.postFilter = postFilters.get(i).getFilterCollector(this);
if (prev != null) pf.postFilter.setDelegate(prev);
return pf;
* @lucene.internal
public DocSet getDocSet(DocsEnumState deState) throws IOException {
int largestPossible = deState.termsEnum.docFreq();
boolean useCache = filterCache != null && largestPossible >= deState.minSetSizeCached;
if (useCache) {
TermQuery key = new TermQuery(new Term(deState.fieldName, deState.termsEnum.term()));
return filterCache.computeIfAbsent(
(IOFunction<? super Query, ? extends DocSet>) k -> getResult(deState, largestPossible));
return getResult(deState, largestPossible);
private DocSet getResult(DocsEnumState deState, int largestPossible) throws IOException {
int smallSetSize = DocSetUtil.smallSetSize(maxDoc());
int scratchSize = Math.min(smallSetSize, largestPossible);
if (deState.scratch == null || deState.scratch.length < scratchSize)
deState.scratch = new int[scratchSize];
final int[] docs = deState.scratch;
int upto = 0;
int bitsSet = 0;
FixedBitSet fbs = null;
PostingsEnum postingsEnum = deState.termsEnum.postings(deState.postingsEnum, PostingsEnum.NONE);
postingsEnum = BitsFilteredPostingsEnum.wrap(postingsEnum, deState.liveDocs);
if (deState.postingsEnum == null) {
deState.postingsEnum = postingsEnum;
if (postingsEnum instanceof MultiPostingsEnum) {
MultiPostingsEnum.EnumWithSlice[] subs = ((MultiPostingsEnum) postingsEnum).getSubs();
int numSubs = ((MultiPostingsEnum) postingsEnum).getNumSubs();
for (int subindex = 0; subindex < numSubs; subindex++) {
MultiPostingsEnum.EnumWithSlice sub = subs[subindex];
if (sub.postingsEnum == null) continue;
int base = sub.slice.start;
int docid;
if (largestPossible > docs.length) {
if (fbs == null) fbs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc());
while ((docid = sub.postingsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
fbs.set(docid + base);
} else {
while ((docid = sub.postingsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
docs[upto++] = docid + base;
} else {
int docid;
if (largestPossible > docs.length) {
fbs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc());
while ((docid = postingsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
} else {
while ((docid = postingsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
docs[upto++] = docid;
DocSet result;
if (fbs != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < upto; i++) {
bitsSet += upto;
result = new BitDocSet(fbs, bitsSet);
} else {
result = upto == 0 ? DocSet.empty() : new SortedIntDocSet(Arrays.copyOf(docs, upto));
return result;
// query must be positive
protected DocSet getDocSetNC(Query query, DocSet filter) throws IOException {
return DocSetUtil.createDocSet(this, query, filter);
* Returns the set of document ids matching both the query. This method is cache-aware and
* attempts to retrieve a DocSet of the query from the cache if possible. If the answer was not
* cached, it may have been inserted into the cache as a result of this call.
* @return Non-null DocSet meeting the specified criteria. Should <b>not</b> be modified by the
* caller.
* @see #getDocSet(Query,DocSet)
public DocSet getDocSet(Query query) throws IOException {
return getDocSet(query, null);
* Returns the set of document ids matching both the query and the filter. This method is
* cache-aware and attempts to retrieve a DocSet of the query from the cache if possible. If the
* answer was not cached, it may have been inserted into the cache as a result of this call.
* @param filter may be null if none
* @return Non-null DocSet meeting the specified criteria. Should <b>not</b> be modified by the
* caller.
public DocSet getDocSet(Query query, DocSet filter) throws IOException {
boolean doCache = filterCache != null;
if (query instanceof ExtendedQuery) {
if (!((ExtendedQuery) query).getCache()) {
doCache = false;
if (query instanceof WrappedQuery) {
query = ((WrappedQuery) query).getWrappedQuery();
if (!doCache) {
query = QueryUtils.makeQueryable(query);
return getDocSetNC(query, filter);
// Get the absolute value (positive version) of this query. If we
// get back the same reference, we know it's positive.
Query absQ = QueryUtils.getAbs(query);
boolean positive = Objects.equals(absQ, query);
DocSet absAnswer = getAndCacheDocSet(absQ);
if (filter == null) {
return positive ? absAnswer : getLiveDocSet().andNot(absAnswer);
} else {
return positive ? absAnswer.intersection(filter) : filter.andNot(absAnswer);
* Returns documents matching both <code>query</code> and <code>filter</code> and sorted by <code>
* sort</code>.
* <p>This method is cache aware and may retrieve <code>filter</code> from the cache or make an
* insertion into the cache as a result of this call.
* <p>FUTURE: The returned DocList may be retrieved from a cache.
* @param filter may be null
* @param lsort criteria by which to sort (if null, query relevance is used)
* @param offset offset into the list of documents to return
* @param len maximum number of documents to return
* @return DocList meeting the specified criteria, should <b>not</b> be modified by the caller.
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public DocList getDocList(Query query, Query filter, Sort lsort, int offset, int len)
throws IOException {
QueryCommand qc = new QueryCommand();
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult();
search(qr, qc);
return qr.getDocList();
* Returns documents matching both <code>query</code> and the intersection of the <code>filterList
* </code>, sorted by <code>sort</code>.
* <p>This method is cache aware and may retrieve <code>filter</code> from the cache or make an
* insertion into the cache as a result of this call.
* <p>FUTURE: The returned DocList may be retrieved from a cache.
* @param filterList may be null
* @param lsort criteria by which to sort (if null, query relevance is used)
* @param offset offset into the list of documents to return
* @param len maximum number of documents to return
* @return DocList meeting the specified criteria, should <b>not</b> be modified by the caller.
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public DocList getDocList(
Query query, List<Query> filterList, Sort lsort, int offset, int len, int flags)
throws IOException {
QueryCommand qc = new QueryCommand();
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult();
search(qr, qc);
return qr.getDocList();
public static final int NO_CHECK_QCACHE = 0x80000000;
public static final int GET_DOCSET = 0x40000000;
static final int NO_CHECK_FILTERCACHE = 0x20000000;
static final int NO_SET_QCACHE = 0x10000000;
static final int SEGMENT_TERMINATE_EARLY = 0x08;
public static final int TERMINATE_EARLY = 0x04;
public static final int GET_DOCLIST = 0x02; // get the documents actually returned in a response
public static final int GET_SCORES = 0x01;
private static boolean sortIncludesOtherThanScore(final Sort sort) {
if (sort == null) {
return false;
final SortField[] sortFields = sort.getSort();
return sortFields.length > 1 || sortFields[0].getType() != Type.SCORE;
private boolean useFilterCacheForDynamicScoreQuery(boolean needSort, QueryCommand cmd) {
if (!useFilterForSortedQuery) {
// under no circumstance use filterCache
return false;
} else if (!needSort) {
// if don't need to sort at all, doesn't matter whether score would be needed
return true;
} else {
// we _do_ need to sort; only use filterCache if `score` is not a factor for sort
final Sort sort = cmd.getSort();
if (sort == null) {
// defaults to sort-by-score, so can't use filterCache
return false;
} else {
.noneMatch((sf) -> sf.getType() == SortField.Type.SCORE);
* getDocList version that uses+populates query and filter caches. In the event of a timeout, the
* cache is not populated.
private void getDocListC(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand cmd) throws IOException {
DocListAndSet out = new DocListAndSet();
QueryResultKey key = null;
int maxDocRequested = cmd.getOffset() + cmd.getLen();
// check for overflow, and check for # docs in index
if (maxDocRequested < 0 || maxDocRequested > maxDoc()) maxDocRequested = maxDoc();
int supersetMaxDoc = maxDocRequested;
DocList superset = null;
int flags = cmd.getFlags();
Query q = cmd.getQuery();
if (q instanceof ExtendedQuery) {
ExtendedQuery eq = (ExtendedQuery) q;
if (!eq.getCache()) {
// we can try and look up the complete query in the cache.
if (queryResultCache != null
// all the current flags can be reused during warming,
// so set all of them on the cache key.
key =
new QueryResultKey(
if ((flags & NO_CHECK_QCACHE) == 0) {
superset = queryResultCache.get(key);
if (superset != null) {
// check that the cache entry has scores recorded if we need them
if ((flags & GET_SCORES) == 0 || superset.hasScores()) {
// NOTE: subset() returns null if the DocList has fewer docs than
// requested
out.docList = superset.subset(cmd.getOffset(), cmd.getLen());
if (out.docList != null) {
// found the docList in the cache... now check if we need the docset too.
// OPT: possible future optimization - if the doclist contains all the matches,
// use it to make the docset instead of rerunning the query.
if (out.docSet == null && ((flags & GET_DOCSET) != 0)) {
if (cmd.getFilterList() == null) {
out.docSet = getDocSet(cmd.getQuery());
} else {
List<Query> newList = new ArrayList<>(cmd.getFilterList().size() + 1);
out.docSet = getDocSet(newList);
// If we are going to generate the result, bump up to the
// next resultWindowSize for better caching.
if ((flags & NO_SET_QCACHE) == 0) {
// handle 0 special case as well as avoid idiv in the common case.
if (maxDocRequested < queryResultWindowSize) {
supersetMaxDoc = queryResultWindowSize;
} else {
supersetMaxDoc =
((maxDocRequested - 1) / queryResultWindowSize + 1) * queryResultWindowSize;
if (supersetMaxDoc < 0) supersetMaxDoc = maxDocRequested;
} else {
key = null; // we won't be caching the result
// OK, so now we need to generate an answer.
// One way to do that would be to check if we have an unordered list
// of results for the base query. If so, we can apply the filters and then
// sort by the resulting set. This can only be used if:
// - the sort doesn't contain score
// - we don't want score returned.
// check if we should try and use the filter cache
final boolean needSort;
final boolean useFilterCache;
if ((flags & (GET_SCORES | NO_CHECK_FILTERCACHE)) != 0 || filterCache == null) {
needSort = true; // this value should be irrelevant when `useFilterCache=false`
useFilterCache = false;
} else if (q instanceof MatchAllDocsQuery
|| (useFilterForSortedQuery && QueryUtils.isConstantScoreQuery(q))) {
// special-case MatchAllDocsQuery: implicit default useFilterForSortedQuery=true;
// otherwise, default behavior should not risk filterCache thrashing, so require
// `useFilterForSortedQuery==true`
// We only need to sort if we're returning results AND sorting by something other than SCORE
// (sort by "score" alone is pointless for these constant score queries)
final Sort sort = cmd.getSort();
needSort = cmd.getLen() > 0 && sortIncludesOtherThanScore(sort);
if (!needSort) {
useFilterCache = true;
} else {
NOTE: if `sort:score` is specified, it will have no effect, so we really _could_ in
principle always use filterCache; but this would be a user request misconfiguration,
and supporting it would require us to mess with user sort, or ignore the fact that sort
expects `score` to be present ... so just make the optimization contingent on the absence
of `score` in the requested sort.
useFilterCache = -> sf.getType() == SortField.Type.SCORE);
} else {
// for non-constant-score queries, must sort unless no docs requested
needSort = cmd.getLen() > 0;
useFilterCache = useFilterCacheForDynamicScoreQuery(needSort, cmd);
if (useFilterCache) {
// now actually use the filter cache.
// for large filters that match few documents, this may be
// slower than simply re-executing the query.
if (out.docSet == null) {
out.docSet = getDocSet(cmd.getQuery());
List<Query> filterList = cmd.getFilterList();
if (filterList != null && !filterList.isEmpty()) {
out.docSet = DocSetUtil.getDocSet(out.docSet.intersection(getDocSet(filterList)), this);
// todo: there could be a sortDocSet that could take a list of
// the filters instead of anding them first...
// perhaps there should be a multi-docset-iterator
if (needSort) {
sortDocSet(qr, cmd);
} else {
// put unsorted list in place
out.docList = constantScoreDocList(cmd.getOffset(), cmd.getLen(), out.docSet);
if (0 == cmd.getSupersetMaxDoc()) {
// this is the only case where `cursorMark && !needSort`
} else {
// cursorMark should always add a `uniqueKey` sort field tie-breaker, which
// should prevent `needSort` from ever being false in conjunction with
// cursorMark, _except_ in the event of `rows=0` (accounted for in the clause
// above)
assert cmd.getCursorMark() == null;
} else {
// do it the normal way...
if ((flags & GET_DOCSET) != 0) {
// this currently conflates returning the docset for the base query vs
// the base query and all filters.
DocSet qDocSet = getDocListAndSetNC(qr, cmd);
// cache the docSet matching the query w/o filtering
if (qDocSet != null && filterCache != null && !qr.isPartialResults())
filterCache.put(cmd.getQuery(), qDocSet);
} else {
getDocListNC(qr, cmd);
assert null != out.docList : "docList is null";
if (null == cmd.getCursorMark()) {
// Kludge...
// we can't use DocSlice.subset, even though it should be an identity op
// because it gets confused by situations where there are lots of matches, but
// less docs in the slice then were requested, (due to the cursor)
// so we have to short circuit the call.
// None of which is really a problem since we can't use caching with
// cursors anyway, but it still looks weird to have to special case this
// behavior based on this condition - hence the long explanation.
superset = out.docList;
out.docList = superset.subset(cmd.getOffset(), cmd.getLen());
} else {
// sanity check our cursor assumptions
assert null == superset : "cursor: superset isn't null";
assert 0 == cmd.getOffset() : "cursor: command offset mismatch";
assert 0 == out.docList.offset() : "cursor: docList offset mismatch";
assert cmd.getLen() >= supersetMaxDoc
: "cursor: superset len mismatch: " + cmd.getLen() + " vs " + supersetMaxDoc;
// lastly, put the superset in the cache if the size is less than or equal
// to queryResultMaxDocsCached
if (key != null && superset.size() <= queryResultMaxDocsCached && !qr.isPartialResults()) {
queryResultCache.put(key, superset);
private Relation populateScoresIfNeeded(
QueryCommand cmd, boolean needScores, TopDocs topDocs, Query query, ScoreMode scoreModeUsed)
throws IOException {
if (cmd.getSort() != null && !(cmd.getQuery() instanceof RankQuery) && needScores) {
TopFieldCollector.populateScores(topDocs.scoreDocs, this, query);
if (scoreModeUsed == ScoreMode.COMPLETE || scoreModeUsed == ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES) {
return TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO;
} else {
return topDocs.totalHits.relation;
* Helper method for extracting the {@link FieldDoc} sort values from a {@link TopFieldDocs} when
* available and making the appropriate call to {@link QueryResult#setNextCursorMark} when
* applicable.
* @param qr <code>QueryResult</code> to modify
* @param qc <code>QueryCommand</code> for context of method
* @param topDocs May or may not be a <code>TopFieldDocs</code>
private void populateNextCursorMarkFromTopDocs(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand qc, TopDocs topDocs) {
// TODO: would be nice to rename & generalize this method for non-cursor cases...
// ...would be handy to reuse the ScoreDoc/FieldDoc sort vals directly in distrib sort
// ...but that has non-trivial queryResultCache implications
// See: SOLR-5595
if (null == qc.getCursorMark()) {
// nothing to do, short circuit out
final CursorMark lastCursorMark = qc.getCursorMark();
// if we have a cursor, then we have a sort that at minimum involves uniqueKey..
// so we must have a TopFieldDocs containing FieldDoc[]
assert topDocs instanceof TopFieldDocs : "TopFieldDocs cursor constraint violated";
final TopFieldDocs topFieldDocs = (TopFieldDocs) topDocs;
final ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = topFieldDocs.scoreDocs;
if (0 == scoreDocs.length) {
// no docs on this page, re-use existing cursor mark
} else {
ScoreDoc lastDoc = scoreDocs[scoreDocs.length - 1];
assert lastDoc instanceof FieldDoc : "FieldDoc cursor constraint violated";
List<Object> lastFields = Arrays.<Object>asList(((FieldDoc) lastDoc).fields);
CursorMark nextCursorMark = lastCursorMark.createNext(lastFields);
assert null != nextCursorMark : "null nextCursorMark";
* Helper method for inspecting QueryCommand and creating the appropriate {@link TopDocsCollector}
* @param len the number of docs to return
* @param cmd The Command whose properties should determine the type of TopDocsCollector to use.
TopDocsCollector<? extends ScoreDoc> buildTopDocsCollector(int len, QueryCommand cmd)
throws IOException {
int minNumFound = cmd.getMinExactCount();
Query q = cmd.getQuery();
if (q instanceof RankQuery) {
RankQuery rq = (RankQuery) q;
return rq.getTopDocsCollector(len, cmd, this);
if (null == cmd.getSort()) {
assert null == cmd.getCursorMark() : "have cursor but no sort";
return TopScoreDocCollector.create(len, minNumFound);
} else {
// we have a sort
final Sort weightedSort = weightSort(cmd.getSort());
final CursorMark cursor = cmd.getCursorMark();
final FieldDoc searchAfter = (null != cursor ? cursor.getSearchAfterFieldDoc() : null);
return TopFieldCollector.create(weightedSort, len, searchAfter, minNumFound);
private void getDocListNC(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand cmd) throws IOException {
final int len = cmd.getSupersetMaxDoc();
int last = len;
if (last < 0 || last > maxDoc()) last = maxDoc();
final int lastDocRequested = last;
int nDocsReturned = 0;
int totalHits;
float maxScore;
int[] ids;
float[] scores;
final boolean needScores = (cmd.getFlags() & GET_SCORES) != 0;
final ProcessedFilter pf = getProcessedFilter(cmd.getFilterList());
final Query query =
QueryUtils.combineQueryAndFilter(QueryUtils.makeQueryable(cmd.getQuery()), pf.filter);
final Relation hitsRelation;
// handle zero case...
if (lastDocRequested <= 0) {
final float[] topscore = new float[] {Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY};
final int[] numHits = new int[1];
final Collector collector;
if (!needScores) {
collector =
new SimpleCollector() {
public void collect(int doc) {
public ScoreMode scoreMode() {
return ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES;
} else {
collector =
new SimpleCollector() {
Scorable scorer;
public void setScorer(Scorable scorer) {
this.scorer = scorer;
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
float score = scorer.score();
if (score > topscore[0]) topscore[0] = score;
public ScoreMode scoreMode() {
return ScoreMode.COMPLETE;
buildAndRunCollectorChain(qr, query, collector, cmd, pf.postFilter);
ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
scores = new float[nDocsReturned];
totalHits = numHits[0];
maxScore = totalHits > 0 ? topscore[0] : 0.0f;
// no docs on this page, so cursor doesn't change
hitsRelation = Relation.EQUAL_TO;
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("calling from 2, query: {}", query.getClass());
final TopDocs topDocs;
final ScoreMode scoreModeUsed;
if (!MultiThreadedSearcher.allowMT(pf.postFilter, cmd, query)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("skipping collector manager");
final TopDocsCollector<?> topCollector = buildTopDocsCollector(len, cmd);
MaxScoreCollector maxScoreCollector = null;
Collector collector = topCollector;
if (needScores) {
maxScoreCollector = new MaxScoreCollector();
collector = MultiCollector.wrap(topCollector, maxScoreCollector);
scoreModeUsed =
buildAndRunCollectorChain(qr, query, collector, cmd, pf.postFilter).scoreMode();
totalHits = topCollector.getTotalHits();
topDocs = topCollector.topDocs(0, len);
maxScore =
totalHits > 0
? (maxScoreCollector == null ? Float.NaN : maxScoreCollector.getMaxScore())
: 0.0f;
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("using CollectorManager");
final MultiThreadedSearcher.SearchResult searchResult =
new MultiThreadedSearcher(this)
.searchCollectorManagers(len, cmd, query, true, needScores, false);
scoreModeUsed = searchResult.scoreMode;
MultiThreadedSearcher.TopDocsResult topDocsResult = searchResult.getTopDocsResult();
totalHits = topDocsResult.totalHits;
topDocs = topDocsResult.topDocs;
maxScore = searchResult.getMaxScore(totalHits);
hitsRelation = populateScoresIfNeeded(cmd, needScores, topDocs, query, scoreModeUsed);
populateNextCursorMarkFromTopDocs(qr, cmd, topDocs);
nDocsReturned = topDocs.scoreDocs.length;
ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
scores = needScores ? new float[nDocsReturned] : null;
for (int i = 0; i < nDocsReturned; i++) {
ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.scoreDocs[i];
ids[i] = scoreDoc.doc;
if (scores != null) scores[i] = scoreDoc.score;
int sliceLen = Math.min(lastDocRequested, nDocsReturned);
if (sliceLen < 0) sliceLen = 0;
qr.setDocList(new DocSlice(0, sliceLen, ids, scores, totalHits, maxScore, hitsRelation));
// any DocSet returned is for the query only, without any filtering... that way it may
// be cached if desired.
private DocSet getDocListAndSetNC(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand cmd) throws IOException {
final int len = cmd.getSupersetMaxDoc();
int last = len;
if (last < 0 || last > maxDoc()) last = maxDoc();
final int lastDocRequested = last;
final int nDocsReturned;
final int totalHits;
final float maxScore;
final int[] ids;
final float[] scores;
final DocSet set;
final boolean needScores = (cmd.getFlags() & GET_SCORES) != 0;
final int maxDoc = maxDoc();
cmd.setMinExactCount(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // We need the full DocSet
final ProcessedFilter pf = getProcessedFilter(cmd.getFilterList());
final Query query =
QueryUtils.combineQueryAndFilter(QueryUtils.makeQueryable(cmd.getQuery()), pf.filter);
// handle zero case...
if (lastDocRequested <= 0) {
final float[] topscore = new float[] {Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY};
final Collector collector;
final DocSetCollector setCollector = new DocSetCollector(maxDoc);
if (!needScores) {
collector = setCollector;
} else {
final Collector topScoreCollector =
new SimpleCollector() {
Scorable scorer;
public void setScorer(Scorable scorer) throws IOException {
this.scorer = scorer;
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
float score = scorer.score();
if (score > topscore[0]) topscore[0] = score;
public ScoreMode scoreMode() {
return ScoreMode.TOP_SCORES;
collector = MultiCollector.wrap(setCollector, topScoreCollector);
buildAndRunCollectorChain(qr, query, collector, cmd, pf.postFilter);
set = DocSetUtil.getDocSet(setCollector, this);
nDocsReturned = 0;
ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
scores = new float[nDocsReturned];
totalHits = set.size();
maxScore = totalHits > 0 ? topscore[0] : 0.0f;
// no docs on this page, so cursor doesn't change
} else {
final TopDocs topDocs;
if (!MultiThreadedSearcher.allowMT(pf.postFilter, cmd, query)) {
final TopDocsCollector<? extends ScoreDoc> topCollector = buildTopDocsCollector(len, cmd);
final DocSetCollector setCollector = new DocSetCollector(maxDoc);
MaxScoreCollector maxScoreCollector = null;
List<Collector> collectors = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(topCollector, setCollector));
if (needScores) {
maxScoreCollector = new MaxScoreCollector();
Collector collector = MultiCollector.wrap(collectors);
buildAndRunCollectorChain(qr, query, collector, cmd, pf.postFilter);
set = DocSetUtil.getDocSet(setCollector, this);
totalHits = topCollector.getTotalHits();
assert (totalHits == set.size()) || qr.isPartialResults();
topDocs = topCollector.topDocs(0, len);
maxScore =
totalHits > 0
? (maxScoreCollector == null ? Float.NaN : maxScoreCollector.getMaxScore())
: 0.0f;
} else {
log.debug("using CollectorManager");
boolean needMaxScore = needScores;
MultiThreadedSearcher.SearchResult searchResult =
new MultiThreadedSearcher(this)
.searchCollectorManagers(len, cmd, query, true, needMaxScore, true);
MultiThreadedSearcher.TopDocsResult topDocsResult = searchResult.getTopDocsResult();
totalHits = topDocsResult.totalHits;
topDocs = topDocsResult.topDocs;
maxScore = searchResult.getMaxScore(totalHits);
set = new BitDocSet(searchResult.getFixedBitSet());
// TODO: Is this correct?
// hitsRelation = populateScoresIfNeeded(cmd, needScores, topDocs, query,
// searchResult.scoreMode);
// nDocsReturned = topDocs.scoreDocs.length;
// TODO: Is this correct?
// hitsRelation = topDocs.totalHits.relation;
// } else {
// hitsRelation = Relation.EQUAL_TO;
// }
populateScoresIfNeeded(cmd, needScores, topDocs, query, ScoreMode.COMPLETE);
populateNextCursorMarkFromTopDocs(qr, cmd, topDocs);
nDocsReturned = topDocs.scoreDocs.length;
ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
scores = needScores ? new float[nDocsReturned] : null;
for (int i = 0; i < nDocsReturned; i++) {
ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.scoreDocs[i];
ids[i] = scoreDoc.doc;
if (scores != null) scores[i] = scoreDoc.score;
int sliceLen = Math.min(lastDocRequested, nDocsReturned);
if (sliceLen < 0) sliceLen = 0;
new DocSlice(0, sliceLen, ids, scores, totalHits, maxScore, TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO));
// TODO: if we collect results before the filter, we just need to intersect with
// that filter to generate the DocSet for qr.setDocSet()
// TODO: currently we don't generate the DocSet for the base query,
// but the QueryDocSet == CompleteDocSet if filter==null.
return pf.filter == null && pf.postFilter == null ? qr.getDocSet() : null;
* Returns documents matching <code>query</code>, sorted by <code>sort</code>.
* <p>FUTURE: The returned DocList may be retrieved from a cache.
* @param lsort criteria by which to sort (if null, query relevance is used)
* @param offset offset into the list of documents to return
* @param len maximum number of documents to return
* @return DocList meeting the specified criteria, should <b>not</b> be modified by the caller.
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public DocList getDocList(Query query, Sort lsort, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
QueryCommand qc = new QueryCommand();
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult();
search(qr, qc);
return qr.getDocList();
* Returns documents matching both <code>query</code> and <code>filter</code> and sorted by <code>
* sort</code>. Also returns the complete set of documents matching <code>query</code> and <code>
* filter</code> (regardless of <code>offset</code> and <code>len</code>).
* <p>This method is cache aware and may retrieve <code>filter</code> from the cache or make an
* insertion into the cache as a result of this call.
* <p>FUTURE: The returned DocList may be retrieved from a cache.
* <p>The DocList and DocSet returned should <b>not</b> be modified.
* @param filter may be null
* @param lsort criteria by which to sort (if null, query relevance is used)
* @param offset offset into the list of documents to return
* @param len maximum number of documents to return
* @return DocListAndSet meeting the specified criteria, should <b>not</b> be modified by the
* caller.
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public DocListAndSet getDocListAndSet(Query query, Query filter, Sort lsort, int offset, int len)
throws IOException {
QueryCommand qc = new QueryCommand();
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult();
search(qr, qc);
return qr.getDocListAndSet();
* Returns documents matching both <code>query</code> and <code>filter</code> and sorted by <code>
* sort</code>. Also returns the compete set of documents matching <code>query</code> and <code>
* filter</code> (regardless of <code>offset</code> and <code>len</code>).
* <p>This method is cache aware and may retrieve <code>filter</code> from the cache or make an
* insertion into the cache as a result of this call.
* <p>FUTURE: The returned DocList may be retrieved from a cache.
* <p>The DocList and DocSet returned should <b>not</b> be modified.
* @param filter may be null
* @param lsort criteria by which to sort (if null, query relevance is used)
* @param offset offset into the list of documents to return
* @param len maximum number of documents to return
* @param flags user supplied flags for the result set
* @return DocListAndSet meeting the specified criteria, should <b>not</b> be modified by the
* caller.
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public DocListAndSet getDocListAndSet(
Query query, Query filter, Sort lsort, int offset, int len, int flags) throws IOException {
QueryCommand qc = new QueryCommand();
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult();
search(qr, qc);
return qr.getDocListAndSet();
* Returns documents matching both <code>query</code> and the intersection of <code>filterList
* </code>, sorted by <code>sort</code>. Also returns the compete set of documents matching <code>
* query</code> and <code>filter</code> (regardless of <code>offset</code> and <code>len</code>).
* <p>This method is cache aware and may retrieve <code>filter</code> from the cache or make an
* insertion into the cache as a result of this call.
* <p>FUTURE: The returned DocList may be retrieved from a cache.
* <p>The DocList and DocSet returned should <b>not</b> be modified.
* @param filterList may be null
* @param lsort criteria by which to sort (if null, query relevance is used)
* @param offset offset into the list of documents to return
* @param len maximum number of documents to return
* @return DocListAndSet meeting the specified criteria, should <b>not</b> be modified by the
* caller.
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public DocListAndSet getDocListAndSet(
Query query, List<Query> filterList, Sort lsort, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
QueryCommand qc = new QueryCommand();
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult();
search(qr, qc);
return qr.getDocListAndSet();
* Returns documents matching both <code>query</code> and the intersection of <code>filterList
* </code>, sorted by <code>sort</code>. Also returns the complete set of documents matching
* <code>query</code> and <code>filter</code> (regardless of <code>offset</code> and <code>len
* </code>).
* <p>This method is cache aware and may retrieve filters from the cache or make an insertion into
* the cache as a result of this call.
* <p>FUTURE: The returned DocList may be retrieved from a cache.
* <p>The DocList and DocSet returned should <b>not</b> be modified.
* @param filterList may be null
* @param lsort criteria by which to sort (if null, query relevance is used)
* @param offset offset into the list of documents to return
* @param len maximum number of documents to return
* @param flags user supplied flags for the result set
* @return DocListAndSet meeting the specified criteria, should <b>not</b> be modified by the
* caller.
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public DocListAndSet getDocListAndSet(
Query query, List<Query> filterList, Sort lsort, int offset, int len, int flags)
throws IOException {
QueryCommand qc = new QueryCommand();
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult();
search(qr, qc);
return qr.getDocListAndSet();
* Returns the top documents matching the <code>query</code> and sorted by <code>
* sort</code>, limited by <code>offset</code> and <code>len</code>. Also returns compete set of
* matching documents as a {@link DocSet}.
* <p>FUTURE: The returned DocList may be retrieved from a cache.
* @param lsort criteria by which to sort (if null, query relevance is used)
* @param offset offset into the list of documents to return
* @param len maximum number of documents to return
* @return DocListAndSet meeting the specified criteria, should <b>not</b> be modified by the
* caller.
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public DocListAndSet getDocListAndSet(Query query, Sort lsort, int offset, int len)
throws IOException {
QueryCommand qc = new QueryCommand();
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult();
search(qr, qc);
return qr.getDocListAndSet();
private DocList constantScoreDocList(int offset, int length, DocSet docs) {
final int size = docs.size();
// NOTE: it would be possible to special-case `length == 0 || size <= offset` here
// (returning a DocList backed by an empty array) -- but the cases that would practically
// benefit from doing so would be extremely unusual, and likely pathological:
// 1. length==0 in conjunction with offset>0 (why?)
// 2. specifying offset>size (paging beyond end of results)
// This would require special consideration in dealing with cache handling (and generation
// of the final DocList via `DocSlice.subset(int, int)`), and it's just not worth it.
final int returnSize = Math.min(offset + length, size);
final int[] docIds = new int[returnSize];
final DocIterator iter = docs.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < returnSize; i++) {
docIds[i] = iter.nextDoc();
return new DocSlice(0, returnSize, docIds, null, size, 0f, TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO);
protected void sortDocSet(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand cmd) throws IOException {
DocSet set = qr.getDocListAndSet().docSet;
int nDocs = cmd.getSupersetMaxDoc();
if (nDocs == 0) {
// SOLR-2923
qr.getDocListAndSet().docList =
new DocSlice(0, 0, new int[0], null, set.size(), 0f, TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO);
TopDocsCollector<? extends ScoreDoc> topCollector = buildTopDocsCollector(nDocs, cmd);
DocIterator iter = set.iterator();
int base = 0;
int end = 0;
int readerIndex = 0;
LeafCollector leafCollector = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
int doc = iter.nextDoc();
while (doc >= end) {
LeafReaderContext leaf = leafContexts.get(readerIndex++);
base = leaf.docBase;
end = base + leaf.reader().maxDoc();
leafCollector = topCollector.getLeafCollector(leaf);
// we should never need to set the scorer given the settings for the collector
leafCollector.collect(doc - base);
TopDocs topDocs = topCollector.topDocs(0, nDocs);
int nDocsReturned = topDocs.scoreDocs.length;
int[] ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
for (int i = 0; i < nDocsReturned; i++) {
ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.scoreDocs[i];
ids[i] = scoreDoc.doc;
assert topDocs.totalHits.relation == TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO;
qr.getDocListAndSet().docList =
new DocSlice(
0, nDocsReturned, ids, null, topDocs.totalHits.value, 0.0f, topDocs.totalHits.relation);
populateNextCursorMarkFromTopDocs(qr, cmd, topDocs);
* Returns the number of documents that match both <code>a</code> and <code>b</code>.
* <p>This method is cache-aware and may check as well as modify the cache.
* @return the number of documents in the intersection between <code>a</code> and <code>b</code>.
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public int numDocs(Query a, DocSet b) throws IOException {
if (b.size() == 0) {
return 0;
if (filterCache != null) {
// Negative query if absolute value different from original
Query absQ = QueryUtils.getAbs(a);
DocSet positiveA = getPositiveDocSet(absQ);
return Objects.equals(a, absQ) ? b.intersectionSize(positiveA) : b.andNotSize(positiveA);
} else {
// If there isn't a cache, then do a single filtered query
TotalHitCountCollector collector = new TotalHitCountCollector();
BooleanQuery.Builder bq = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
bq.add(QueryUtils.makeQueryable(a), Occur.MUST);
bq.add(b.makeQuery(), Occur.MUST);, collector);
return collector.getTotalHits();
* @lucene.internal
public int numDocs(DocSet a, DocsEnumState deState) throws IOException {
// Negative query if absolute value different from original
return a.intersectionSize(getDocSet(deState));
public static class DocsEnumState {
public String fieldName; // currently interned for as long as lucene requires it
public TermsEnum termsEnum;
public Bits liveDocs;
public PostingsEnum postingsEnum;
public int minSetSizeCached;
public int[] scratch;
* Returns the number of documents that match both <code>a</code> and <code>b</code>.
* <p>This method is cache-aware and may check as well as modify the cache.
* @return the number of documents in the intersection between <code>a</code> and <code>b</code>.
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public int numDocs(Query a, Query b) throws IOException {
Query absA = QueryUtils.getAbs(a);
Query absB = QueryUtils.getAbs(b);
DocSet positiveA = getPositiveDocSet(absA);
DocSet positiveB = getPositiveDocSet(absB);
// Negative query if absolute value different from original
if (Objects.equals(a, absA)) {
if (Objects.equals(b, absB)) return positiveA.intersectionSize(positiveB);
return positiveA.andNotSize(positiveB);
if (Objects.equals(b, absB)) return positiveB.andNotSize(positiveA);
// if both negative, we need to create a temp DocSet since we
// don't have a counting method that takes three.
DocSet all = getLiveDocSet();
// -a -b == *:*.andNot(a).andNotSize(b) == *.*.andNotSize(a.union(b))
// we use the last form since the intermediate DocSet should normally be smaller.
return all.andNotSize(positiveA.union(positiveB));
* @lucene.internal
public boolean intersects(DocSet a, DocsEnumState deState) throws IOException {
return a.intersects(getDocSet(deState));
* Called on the initial searcher for each core, immediately before <code>firstSearcherListeners
* </code> are called for the searcher. This provides the opportunity to perform initialization on
* the first registered searcher before the searcher begins to see any <code>firstSearcher</code>
* -triggered events.
public void bootstrapFirstSearcher() {
for (SolrCache<?, ?> solrCache : cacheList) {
/** Warm this searcher based on an old one (primarily for auto-cache warming). */
public void warm(SolrIndexSearcher old) {
// Make sure this is first! filters can help queryResults execute!
long warmingStartTime = System.nanoTime();
// warm the caches in order...
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.add("warming", "true");
for (int i = 0; i < cacheList.length; i++) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("autowarming [{}] from [{}]\n\t{}", this, old, old.cacheList[i]);
final SolrQueryRequest req =
new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, params) {
public SolrIndexSearcher getSearcher() {
return SolrIndexSearcher.this;
public void close() {}
final SolrQueryResponse rsp = new SolrQueryResponse();
SolrRequestInfo.setRequestInfo(new SolrRequestInfo(req, rsp));
try {
cacheList[i].warm(this, old.cacheList[i]);
} finally {
try {
} finally {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("autowarming result for [{}]\n\t{}", this, cacheList[i]);
warmupTime =
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(System.nanoTime() - warmingStartTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
/** return the named generic cache */
public SolrCache getCache(String cacheName) {
return cacheMap.get(cacheName);
/** lookup an entry in a generic cache */
public Object cacheLookup(String cacheName, Object key) {
SolrCache cache = cacheMap.get(cacheName);
return cache == null ? null : cache.get(key);
/** insert an entry in a generic cache */
public Object cacheInsert(String cacheName, Object key, Object val) {
SolrCache cache = cacheMap.get(cacheName);
return cache == null ? null : cache.put(key, val);
public Date getOpenTimeStamp() {
return openTime;
// public but primarily for test case usage
public long getOpenNanoTime() {
return openNanoTime;
public Explanation explain(Query query, int doc) throws IOException {
return super.explain(QueryUtils.makeQueryable(query), doc);
* @lucene.internal gets a cached version of the IndexFingerprint for this searcher
public IndexFingerprint getIndexFingerprint(long maxVersion) throws IOException {
final SolrIndexSearcher searcher = this;
final AtomicReference<IOException> exception = new AtomicReference<>();
try {
return searcher.getTopReaderContext().leaves().stream()
ctx -> {
try {
return searcher.getCore().getIndexFingerprint(searcher, ctx, maxVersion);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
.reduce(new IndexFingerprint(maxVersion), IndexFingerprint::reduce);
} finally {
if (exception.get() != null) throw exception.get();
// SolrInfoBean stuff: Statistics and Module Info
public String getName() {
return SolrIndexSearcher.class.getName();
public String getDescription() {
return "index searcher";
public Category getCategory() {
return Category.CORE;
public SolrMetricsContext getSolrMetricsContext() {
return solrMetricsContext;
public void initializeMetrics(SolrMetricsContext parentContext, String scope) {
parentContext.gauge(() -> name, true, "searcherName", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), scope);
parentContext.gauge(() -> cachingEnabled, true, "caching", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), scope);
parentContext.gauge(() -> openTime, true, "openedAt", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), scope);
parentContext.gauge(() -> warmupTime, true, "warmupTime", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), scope);
() -> registerTime, true, "registeredAt", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), scope);
fullSortCount::sum, true, "fullSortCount", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), scope);
skipSortCount::sum, true, "skipSortCount", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), scope);
final MetricsMap liveDocsCacheMetrics =
new MetricsMap(
(map) -> {
map.put("inserts", liveDocsInsertsCount.sum());
map.put("hits", liveDocsHitCount.sum());
map.put("naiveHits", liveDocsNaiveCacheHitCount.sum());
liveDocsCacheMetrics, true, "liveDocsCache", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), scope);
// reader stats
rgauge(parentContext.nullNumber(), () -> reader.numDocs()),
rgauge(parentContext.nullNumber(), () -> reader.maxDoc()),
rgauge(parentContext.nullNumber(), () -> reader.maxDoc() - reader.numDocs()),
rgauge(parentContext.nullString(), () -> reader.toString()),
rgauge(parentContext.nullString(), () ->,
rgauge(parentContext.nullNumber(), () -> reader.getVersion()),
// size of the currently opened commit
() -> {
try {
Collection<String> files = reader.getIndexCommit().getFileNames();
long total = 0;
for (String file : files) {
total += DirectoryFactory.sizeOf(, file);
return total;
} catch (Exception e) {
return parentContext.nullNumber();
// statsCache metrics
new MetricsMap(
map -> {
map.put("statsCacheImpl", statsCache.getClass().getSimpleName());
* wraps a gauge (related to an IndexReader) and swallows any {@link AlreadyClosedException} that
* might be thrown, returning the specified default in it's place.
private <T> Gauge<T> rgauge(T closedDefault, Gauge<T> g) {
return () -> {
try {
return g.getValue();
} catch (AlreadyClosedException ignore) {
return closedDefault;
public long getWarmupTime() {
return warmupTime;