blob: a50063334ab551dacca3a0c28ddb6315ac44f656 [file] [log] [blame]
Typical workflow and tasks
This shows some typical workflow gradle commands.
Run tests on a module:
gradlew -p solr/core test
Run test of a single-class (run "gradlew :helpTests" for more):
gradlew -p solr/core test --tests "*Demo*"
Run all tests and validation checks on a module:
gradlew -p solr/core check
Run all tests and validation checks on everything:
gradlew check
Run all validation checks but skip all tests:
gradlew check -x test
Assemble a single module's JAR (here for solr-core):
gradlew -p solr/core assemble
ls solr/core/build/libs
Create all distributable packages, POMs, etc. and create a
local maven repository for inspection:
gradlew mavenLocal
ls -R build/maven-local/
Put together a local Solr binary "distribution" folder:
gradlew -p solr/packaging assemble
ls solr/packaging/build/solr-* # expanded directory
For quick local development
gradlew -p solr/packaging dev
ls solr/packaging/build/dev # expanded directory
Generate the release tar archive (see publishing.txt for details)
gradlew -p solr/distribution assembleRelease
ls solr/distribution/build/release # release archives
Build a docker image from the local repository (see docker/gradle-help.txt for more)
gradlew dockerBuild dockerTag
docker run --rm -p 8983:8983 apache/solr:9.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Other validation and checks
Generate a report of dependencies with known OWASP vulnerabilities:
gradlew :dependencyCheckAnalyze
open ./build/reports/dependency-check-report.html
Additional General Options
Use the following environment variable or gradle property to ignore all ref-guide steps when running assemble or check.