blob: c4f2b00259212713c756fe3e733194fc61873451 [file] [log] [blame]
= Frequently Asked Questions
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== FAQ
This document provides a quick reference for common developer questions.
=== What do I do with NOTICE.txt if I don't have one to satisfy Gradle?
You create an empty file, similar to the `/solr/licenses/antlr4-runtime-NOTICE.txt`
=== What are best practices for branches in Git?
Most committers already use a private fork branch for PRs. Use of central branches
is ok for very collaborative work, but 95% of the time it is better to use a private
branch to avoid extra mailing list traffic etc.
Periodically review to see if you have
created a branch that can be deleted.
=== Running Solr in Docker
You can run Solr in Docker via the [official image](
To run Solr in a container and expose the Solr port, run:
`docker run -p 8983:8983 solr`
In order to start Solr in cloud mode, run the following.
`docker run -p 8983:8983 solr solr-fg -c`
For documentation on using the official docker builds, please refer to the [DockerHub page](
Up to date documentation for running locally built images of this branch can be found in the [local reference guide](solr/solr-ref-guide/src/running-solr-in-docker.adoc).
There is also a gradle task for building custom Solr images from your local checkout.
These local images are built identically to the official image except for retrieving the Solr artifacts locally instead of from the official release.
This can be useful for testing out local changes as well as creating custom images for yourself or your organization.
The task will output the image name to use at the end of the build.
`./gradlew docker`
For more info on building an image, run:
`./gradlew helpDocker`
=== Whats the fastest build lifecycle for frontend work on Solr Admin?
Run `gradle dev`, and then `cd ./packaging/build/dev/`. Fire up your cluster
via `bin/solr start -e cloud -noprompt` and then as you make changes to assets in `/solr/webapp/web`,
run `gradle dev` to redeploy the web assets. Do a hard refresh in your browser
to pick up your changes.