blob: b7d954db06bc540200cb8847b17c35a6e31cbccd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import com.tdunning.math.stats.AVLTreeDigest;
import org.apache.solr.util.hll.HLL;
import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.processors.NumericQueryNodeProcessor;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.GrowableWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedInts;
import org.apache.solr.JSONTestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseHS;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.request.macro.MacroExpander;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestJsonFacets extends SolrTestCaseHS {
private static SolrInstances servers; // for distributed testing
private static int origTableSize;
public static void beforeTests() throws Exception {
JSONTestUtil.failRepeatedKeys = true;
origTableSize = FacetFieldProcessorNumeric.MAXIMUM_STARTING_TABLE_SIZE;
FacetFieldProcessorNumeric.MAXIMUM_STARTING_TABLE_SIZE=2; // stress test resizing
public static void initServers() throws Exception {
if (servers == null) {
servers = new SolrInstances(3, "solrconfig-tlog.xml", "schema_latest.xml");
public static void afterTests() throws Exception {
JSONTestUtil.failRepeatedKeys = false;
if (servers != null) {
servers = null;
// attempt to reproduce
public void testComplex() throws Exception {
Random r = random();
Client client = Client.localClient;
double price_low = 11000;
double price_high = 100000;
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("make_s","make_s", "model_s","model_s", "price_low",Double.toString(price_low), "price_high",Double.toString(price_high));
MacroExpander m = new MacroExpander( p.getMap() );
String make_s = m.expand("${make_s}");
String model_s = m.expand("${model_s}");
client.deleteByQuery("*:*", null);
int nDocs = 99;
String[] makes = {"honda", "toyota", "ford", null};
Double[] prices = {10000.0, 30000.0, 50000.0, 0.0, null};
String[] honda_models = {"accord", "civic", "fit", "pilot", null}; // make sure this is alphabetized to match tiebreaks in index
String[] other_models = {"z1", "z2", "z3", "z4", "z5", "z6", null};
int nHonda = 0;
final int[] honda_model_counts = new int[honda_models.length];
for (int i=0; i<nDocs; i++) {
SolrInputDocument doc = sdoc("id", Integer.toString(i));
Double price = rand(prices);
if (price != null) {
doc.addField("cost_f", price);
boolean matches_price = price!=null && price >= price_low && price <= price_high;
String make = rand(makes);
if (make != null) {
doc.addField(make_s, make);
if ("honda".equals(make)) {
int modelNum = r.nextInt(honda_models.length);
String model = honda_models[modelNum];
if (model != null) {
doc.addField(model_s, model);
if (matches_price) {
} else if (make == null) {
doc.addField(model_s, rand(honda_models)); // add some docs w/ model but w/o make
} else {
// other makes
doc.addField(model_s, rand(other_models)); // add some docs w/ model but w/o make
client.add(doc, null);
if (r.nextInt(10) == 0) {
client.add(doc, null); // dup, causing a delete
if (r.nextInt(20) == 0) {
client.commit(); // force new seg
// now figure out top counts
List<Integer> idx = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<honda_model_counts.length-1; i++) {
Collections.sort(idx, new Comparator<Integer>() {
public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
int cmp = honda_model_counts[o2] - honda_model_counts[o1];
return cmp == 0 ? o1 - o2 : cmp;
// straight query facets
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "rows","0", "fq","+${make_s}:honda +cost_f:[${price_low} TO ${price_high}]"
, "json.facet", "{makes:{terms:{field:${make_s}, facet:{models:{terms:{field:${model_s}, limit:2, mincount:0}}}}}}}"
, "facet","true", "facet.pivot","make_s,model_s", "facet.limit", "2"
, "facets=={count:" + nHonda + ", makes:{buckets:[{val:honda, count:" + nHonda + ", models:{buckets:["
+ "{val:" + honda_models[idx.get(0)] + ", count:" + honda_model_counts[idx.get(0)] + "},"
+ "{val:" + honda_models[idx.get(1)] + ", count:" + honda_model_counts[idx.get(1)] + "}]}"
+ "}]}}"
public void indexSimple(Client client) throws Exception {
client.deleteByQuery("*:*", null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "1", "cat_s", "A", "where_s", "NY", "num_d", "4", "num_i", "2", "val_b", "true", "sparse_s", "one"), null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "2", "cat_s", "B", "where_s", "NJ", "num_d", "-9", "num_i", "-5", "val_b", "false"), null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "3"), null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "4", "cat_s", "A", "where_s", "NJ", "num_d", "2", "num_i", "3"), null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "5", "cat_s", "B", "where_s", "NJ", "num_d", "11", "num_i", "7", "sparse_s", "two"),null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "6", "cat_s", "B", "where_s", "NY", "num_d", "-5", "num_i", "-5"),null);
public void testStatsSimple() throws Exception {
Client client = Client.localClient();
// test multiple json.facet commands
assertJQ(req("q", "*:*", "rows", "0"
, "json.facet", "{x:'sum(num_d)'}"
, "json.facet", "{y:'min(num_d)'}"
, "facets=={count:6 , x:3.0, y:-9.0 }"
// test streaming
assertJQ(req("q", "*:*", "rows", "0"
, "json.facet", "{ cat:{terms:{field:'cat_s', method:stream }}" +
", cat2:{terms:{field:'cat_s', method:stream, sort:'index asc' }}" + // default sort
", cat3:{terms:{field:'cat_s', method:stream, mincount:3 }}" + // mincount
", cat4:{terms:{field:'cat_s', method:stream, prefix:B }}" + // prefix
", cat5:{terms:{field:'cat_s', method:stream, offset:1 }}" + // offset
" }"
, "facets=={count:6 " +
", cat :{buckets:[{val:A, count:2},{val:B, count:3}]}" +
", cat2:{buckets:[{val:A, count:2},{val:B, count:3}]}" +
", cat3:{buckets:[{val:B, count:3}]}" +
", cat4:{buckets:[{val:B, count:3}]}" +
", cat5:{buckets:[{val:B, count:3}]}" +
" }"
// test nested streaming under non-streaming
assertJQ(req("q", "*:*", "rows", "0"
, "json.facet", "{ cat:{terms:{field:'cat_s', sort:'index asc', facet:{where:{terms:{field:where_s,method:stream}}} }}}"
, "facets=={count:6 " +
", cat :{buckets:[{val:A, count:2, where:{buckets:[{val:NJ,count:1},{val:NY,count:1}]} },{val:B, count:3, where:{buckets:[{val:NJ,count:2},{val:NY,count:1}]} }]}"
+ "}"
// test nested streaming under streaming
assertJQ(req("q", "*:*", "rows", "0"
, "json.facet", "{ cat:{terms:{field:'cat_s', method:stream, facet:{where:{terms:{field:where_s,method:stream}}} }}}"
, "facets=={count:6 " +
", cat :{buckets:[{val:A, count:2, where:{buckets:[{val:NJ,count:1},{val:NY,count:1}]} },{val:B, count:3, where:{buckets:[{val:NJ,count:2},{val:NY,count:1}]} }]}"
+ "}"
// test nested streaming with stats under streaming
assertJQ(req("q", "*:*", "rows", "0"
, "json.facet", "{ cat:{terms:{field:'cat_s', method:stream, facet:{ where:{terms:{field:where_s,method:stream, facet:{x:'max(num_d)'} }}} }}}"
, "facets=={count:6 " +
", cat :{buckets:[{val:A, count:2, where:{buckets:[{val:NJ,count:1,x:2.0},{val:NY,count:1,x:4.0}]} },{val:B, count:3, where:{buckets:[{val:NJ,count:2,x:11.0},{val:NY,count:1,x:-5.0}]} }]}"
+ "}"
// test nested streaming with stats under streaming with stats
assertJQ(req("q", "*:*", "rows", "0",
, "json.facet", "{ cat:{terms:{field:'cat_s', method:stream, facet:{ y:'min(num_d)', where:{terms:{field:where_s,method:stream, facet:{x:'max(num_d)'} }}} }}}"
, "facets=={count:6 " +
", cat :{buckets:[{val:A, count:2, y:2.0, where:{buckets:[{val:NJ,count:1,x:2.0},{val:NY,count:1,x:4.0}]} },{val:B, count:3, y:-9.0, where:{buckets:[{val:NJ,count:2,x:11.0},{val:NY,count:1,x:-5.0}]} }]}"
+ "}"
assertJQ(req("q", "*:*", "fq","cat_s:A")
, "response/numFound==2"
Map<String,String[]> suffixMap = new HashMap<>();
suffixMap.put("_s", new String[]{"_s","_ss","_sd","_sds"} );
suffixMap.put("_ss", new String[]{"_ss","_sds"} );
suffixMap.put("_l", new String[]{"_l","_ls","_ld","_lds"} );
suffixMap.put("_ls", new String[]{"_ls","_lds"} );
suffixMap.put("_i", new String[]{"_i","_is","_id","_ids", "_l","_ls","_ld","_lds"} );
suffixMap.put("_is", new String[]{"_is","_ids", "_ls","_lds"} );
suffixMap.put("_d", new String[]{"_d","_ds","_dd","_dds"} );
suffixMap.put("_ds", new String[]{"_ds","_dds"} );
suffixMap.put("_f", new String[]{"_f","_fs","_fd","_fds", "_d","_ds","_dd","_dds"} );
suffixMap.put("_fs", new String[]{"_fs","_fds","_ds","_dds"} );
suffixMap.put("_dt", new String[]{"_dt","_dts","_dtd","_dtds"} );
suffixMap.put("_dts", new String[]{"_dts","_dtds"} );
suffixMap.put("_b", new String[]{"_b"} );
List<String> getAlternatives(String field) {
int idx = field.lastIndexOf("_");
if (idx<=0 || idx>=field.length()) return Collections.singletonList(field);
String suffix = field.substring(idx);
String[] alternativeSuffixes = suffixMap.get(suffix);
if (alternativeSuffixes == null) return Collections.singletonList(field);
String base = field.substring(0, idx);
List<String> out = new ArrayList<>(alternativeSuffixes.length);
for (String altS : alternativeSuffixes) {
out.add( base + altS );
Collections.shuffle(out, random());
return out;
public void testStats() throws Exception {
doStats(Client.localClient, params());
public void testDistrib() throws Exception {
Client client = servers.getClient(random().nextInt());
client.queryDefaults().set( "shards", servers.getShards() );
doStats( client, params() );
public void doStats(Client client, ModifiableSolrParams p) throws Exception {
Map<String, List<String>> fieldLists = new HashMap<>();
fieldLists.put("noexist", getAlternatives("noexist_s"));
fieldLists.put("cat_s", getAlternatives("cat_s"));
fieldLists.put("where_s", getAlternatives("where_s"));
fieldLists.put("num_d", getAlternatives("num_f")); // num_d name is historical, which is why we map it to num_f alternatives so we can include floats as well
fieldLists.put("num_i", getAlternatives("num_i"));
fieldLists.put("super_s", getAlternatives("super_s"));
fieldLists.put("val_b", getAlternatives("val_b"));
fieldLists.put("date", getAlternatives("date_dt"));
fieldLists.put("sparse_s", getAlternatives("sparse_s"));
fieldLists.put("multi_ss", getAlternatives("multi_ss"));
// TODO: if a field will be used as a function source, we can't use multi-valued types for it (currently)
int maxAlt = 0;
for (List<String> fieldList : fieldLists.values()) {
maxAlt = Math.max(fieldList.size(), maxAlt);
// take the field with the maximum number of alternative types and loop through our variants that many times
for (int i=0; i<maxAlt; i++) {
ModifiableSolrParams args = params(p);
for (String field : fieldLists.keySet()) {
List<String> alts = fieldLists.get(field);
String alt = alts.get( i % alts.size() );
args.add(field, alt);
// doStatsTemplated(client, args);
// single valued strings
doStatsTemplated(client, params(p, "rows","0", "noexist","noexist_s", "cat_s","cat_s", "where_s","where_s", "num_d","num_d", "num_i","num_i", "super_s","super_s", "val_b","val_b", "date","date_dt", "sparse_s","sparse_s" ,"multi_ss","multi_ss") );
// multi-valued strings, long/float substitute for int/double
doStatsTemplated(client, params(p, "facet","true", "rows","0", "noexist","noexist_ss", "cat_s","cat_ss", "where_s","where_ss", "num_d","num_f", "num_i","num_l", "super_s","super_ss", "val_b","val_b", "date","date_dt", "sparse_s","sparse_ss", "multi_ss","multi_ss") );
// single valued docvalues for strings, and single valued numeric doc values for numeric fields
doStatsTemplated(client, params(p, "rows","0", "noexist","noexist_sd", "cat_s","cat_sd", "where_s","where_sd", "num_d","num_dd", "num_i","num_id", "super_s","super_sd", "val_b","val_b", "date","date_dtd", "sparse_s","sparse_sd" ,"multi_ss","multi_sds") );
// multi-valued docvalues
FacetFieldProcessorDV.unwrap_singleValued_multiDv = false; // better multi-valued coverage
doStatsTemplated(client, params(p, "rows","0", "noexist","noexist_sds", "cat_s","cat_sds", "where_s","where_sds", "num_d","num_d", "num_i","num_i", "super_s","super_sds", "val_b","val_b", "date","date_dtds", "sparse_s","sparse_sds" ,"multi_ss","multi_sds") );
// multi-valued docvalues
FacetFieldProcessorDV.unwrap_singleValued_multiDv = true;
doStatsTemplated(client, params(p, "rows","0", "noexist","noexist_sds", "cat_s","cat_sds", "where_s","where_sds", "num_d","num_d", "num_i","num_i", "super_s","super_sds", "val_b","val_b", "date","date_dtds", "sparse_s","sparse_sds" ,"multi_ss","multi_sds") );
public static void doStatsTemplated(Client client, ModifiableSolrParams p) throws Exception {
MacroExpander m = new MacroExpander( p.getMap() );
String cat_s = m.expand("${cat_s}");
String where_s = m.expand("${where_s}");
String num_d = m.expand("${num_d}");
String num_i = m.expand("${num_i}");
String val_b = m.expand("${val_b}");
String date = m.expand("${date}");
String super_s = m.expand("${super_s}");
String sparse_s = m.expand("${sparse_s}");
String multi_ss = m.expand("${multi_ss}");
client.deleteByQuery("*:*", null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "1", cat_s, "A", where_s, "NY", num_d, "4", num_i, "2", super_s, "zodiac", date,"2001-01-01T01:01:01Z", val_b, "true", sparse_s, "one"), null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "2", cat_s, "B", where_s, "NJ", num_d, "-9", num_i, "-5", super_s,"superman", date,"2002-02-02T02:02:02Z", val_b, "false" , multi_ss,"a", multi_ss,"b" ), null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "3"), null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "4", cat_s, "A", where_s, "NJ", num_d, "2", num_i, "3", super_s,"spiderman", date,"2003-03-03T03:03:03Z" , multi_ss, "b"), null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "5", cat_s, "B", where_s, "NJ", num_d, "11", num_i, "7", super_s,"batman" , date,"2001-02-03T01:02:03Z" ,sparse_s,"two", multi_ss, "a"), null);
client.add(sdoc("id", "6", cat_s, "B", where_s, "NY", num_d, "-5", num_i, "-5", super_s,"hulk" , date,"2002-03-01T03:02:01Z" , multi_ss, "b", multi_ss, "a" ), null);
// straight query facets
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{catA:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:A'}}, catA2:{query:{query:'${cat_s}:A'}}, catA3:{query:'${cat_s}:A'} }"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, 'catA':{ 'count':2}, 'catA2':{ 'count':2}, 'catA3':{ 'count':2}}"
// nested query facets
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{ catB:{type:query, q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, 'catB':{'count':3, 'nj':{'count':2}, 'ny':{'count':1}}}"
// nested query facets on subset
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:(2 3)"
, "json.facet", "{ catB:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':2, 'catB':{'count':1, 'nj':{'count':1}, 'ny':{'count':0}}}"
// nested query facets with stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{ catB:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:{q:'${where_s}:NJ'}}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, 'catB':{'count':3, 'nj':{'count':2}, 'ny':{'count':1}}}"
// field/terms facet
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{c1:{field:'${cat_s}'}, c2:{field:{field:'${cat_s}'}}, c3:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}'} }"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'c1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3}, { 'val':'A', 'count':2}]}, " +
"'c2':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3}, { 'val':'A', 'count':2}]}, " +
"'c3':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3}, { 'val':'A', 'count':2}]}} "
// test mincount
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', mincount:3}}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3}]} } "
// test default mincount of 1
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:1"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:'${cat_s}'}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':1, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'A', 'count':1}]} } "
// test mincount of 0 - need processEmpty for distrib to match up
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:1"
, "json.facet", "{processEmpty:true, f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', mincount:0}}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':1, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'A', 'count':1}, { 'val':'B', 'count':0}]} } "
// test mincount of 0 with stats, need processEmpty for distrib to match up
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:1"
, "json.facet", "{processEmpty:true, f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', mincount:0, allBuckets:true, facet:{n1:'sum(${num_d})'} }}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':1, " +
"'f1':{ allBuckets:{ 'count':1, n1:4.0}, 'buckets':[{ 'val':'A', 'count':1, n1:4.0}, { 'val':'B', 'count':0 /*, n1:0.0 */ }]} } "
// test sorting by other stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 desc', facet:{n1:'sum(${num_d})'} }}" +
" , f2:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 asc', facet:{n1:'sum(${num_d})'} }} }"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
" f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }, { val:'B', count:3, n1:-3.0}]}" +
", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, n1:-3.0}, { val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }]} }"
// test sorting by other stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'min(${num_d})'} }" +
" , f2:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'max(${num_d})'} } " +
" , f3:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'unique(${where_s})'} } " +
" , f4:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'hll(${where_s})'} } " +
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
" f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, x:2.0 }, { val:'B', count:3, x:-9.0}]}" +
", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, x:11.0 }, { val:'A', count:2, x:4.0 }]} " +
", f3:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, x:2 }, { val:'B', count:3, x:2 }]} " +
", f4:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, x:2 }, { val:'B', count:3, x:2 }]} " +
// test sorting by stat with function
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 desc', facet:{n1:'avg(add(${num_d},${num_d}))'} }}" +
" , f2:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 asc', facet:{n1:'avg(add(${num_d},${num_d}))'} }} }"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
" f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }, { val:'B', count:3, n1:-2.0}]}" +
", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, n1:-2.0}, { val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }]} }"
// percentiles 0,10,50,90,100
// catA: 2.0 2.2 3.0 3.8 4.0
// catB: -9.0 -8.2 -5.0 7.800000000000001 11.0
// all: -9.0 -7.3999999999999995 2.0 8.200000000000001 11.0
// test sorting by single percentile
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 desc', facet:{n1:'percentile(${num_d},50)'} }}" +
" , f2:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 asc', facet:{n1:'percentile(${num_d},50)'} }} }"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
" f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:3.0 }, { val:'B', count:3, n1:-5.0}]}" +
", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, n1:-5.0}, { val:'A', count:2, n1:3.0 }]} }"
// test sorting by multiple percentiles (sort is by first)
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 desc', facet:{n1:'percentile(${num_d},50,0,100)'} }}" +
" , f2:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 asc', facet:{n1:'percentile(${num_d},50,0,100)'} }} }"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
" f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:[3.0,2.0,4.0] }, { val:'B', count:3, n1:[-5.0,-9.0,11.0] }]}" +
", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, n1:[-5.0,-9.0,11.0]}, { val:'A', count:2, n1:[3.0,2.0,4.0] }]} }"
// test sorting by count/index order
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'count desc' } }" +
" , f2:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'count asc' } }" +
" , f3:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'index asc' } }" +
" , f4:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'index desc' } }" +
, "facets=={ count:6 " +
" ,f1:{buckets:[ {val:B,count:3}, {val:A,count:2} ] }" +
" ,f2:{buckets:[ {val:A,count:2}, {val:B,count:3} ] }" +
" ,f3:{buckets:[ {val:A,count:2}, {val:B,count:3} ] }" +
" ,f4:{buckets:[ {val:B,count:3}, {val:A,count:2} ] }" +
// test tiebreaks when sorting by count
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:1 id:6"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'count desc' } }" +
" , f2:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'count asc' } }" +
, "facets=={ count:2 " +
" ,f1:{buckets:[ {val:A,count:1}, {val:B,count:1} ] }" +
" ,f2:{buckets:[ {val:A,count:1}, {val:B,count:1} ] }" +
// terms facet with nested query facet
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{cat:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } }} }"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'cat':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3, 'nj':{ 'count':2}}, { 'val':'A', 'count':2, 'nj':{ 'count':1}}]} }"
// terms facet with nested query facet on subset
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:(2 5 4)"
, "json.facet", "{cat:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } }} }"
, "facets=={ 'count':3, " +
"'cat':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':2, 'nj':{ 'count':2}}, { 'val':'A', 'count':1, 'nj':{ 'count':1}}]} }"
// test prefix
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${super_s}, prefix:s, mincount:0 }}}" // even with mincount=0, we should only see buckets with the prefix
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{val:spiderman, count:1}, {val:superman, count:1}]} } "
// test prefix that doesn't exist
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${super_s}, prefix:ttt, mincount:0 }}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[]} } "
// test prefix that doesn't exist at start
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${super_s}, prefix:aaaaaa, mincount:0 }}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[]} } "
// test prefix that doesn't exist at end
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${super_s}, prefix:zzzzzz, mincount:0 }}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[]} } "
// missing
// test missing w/ non-existent field
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${noexist}, missing:true}}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[], missing:{count:6} } } "
// test missing
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${sparse_s}, missing:true }}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{val:one, count:1}, {val:two, count:1}], missing:{count:4} } } "
// test missing with stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${sparse_s}, missing:true, facet:{x:'sum(${num_d})'} }}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{val:one, count:1, x:4.0}, {val:two, count:1, x:11.0}], missing:{count:4, x:-12.0} } } "
// test that the missing bucket is not affected by any prefix
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${sparse_s}, missing:true, prefix:on, facet:{x:'sum(${num_d})'} }}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{val:one, count:1, x:4.0}], missing:{count:4, x:-12.0} } } "
// test missing with prefix that doesn't exist
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${sparse_s}, missing:true, prefix:ppp, facet:{x:'sum(${num_d})'} }}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[], missing:{count:4, x:-12.0} } } "
// test numBuckets
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "rows", "0", "facet", "true"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${cat_s}, numBuckets:true, limit:1}}}" // TODO: limit:0 produced an error
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ numBuckets:2, buckets:[{val:B, count:3}]} } "
// prefix should lower numBuckets
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "rows", "0", "facet", "true"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${cat_s}, numBuckets:true, prefix:B}}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ numBuckets:1, buckets:[{val:B, count:3}]} } "
// mincount should lower numBuckets
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "rows", "0", "facet", "true"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${cat_s}, numBuckets:true, mincount:3}}}"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ numBuckets:1, buckets:[{val:B, count:3}]} } "
// basic range facet
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f:{type:range, field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5}}"
, "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1}, {val:0.0,count:2}, {val:5.0,count:0} ] } }"
// basic range facet on dates
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f:{type:range, field:${date}, start:'2001-01-01T00:00:00Z', end:'2003-01-01T00:00:00Z', gap:'+1YEAR'}}"
, "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:'2001-01-01T00:00:00Z',count:2}, {val:'2002-01-01T00:00:00Z',count:2}] } }"
// range facet on dates w/ stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f:{type:range, field:${date}, start:'2002-01-01T00:00:00Z', end:'2005-01-01T00:00:00Z', gap:'+1YEAR', other:all, facet:{ x:'avg(${num_d})' } } }"
, "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:'2002-01-01T00:00:00Z',count:2,x:-7.0}, {val:'2003-01-01T00:00:00Z',count:1,x:2.0}, {val:'2004-01-01T00:00:00Z',count:0}], before:{count:2,x:7.5}, after:{count:0}, between:{count:3,x:-4.0} } }"
// basic range facet with "include" params
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, include:upper}}}"
, "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:0}, {val:0.0,count:2}, {val:5.0,count:0} ] } }"
// range facet with sub facets and stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"
, "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:5.0,count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */ } ] } }"
// range facet with sub facets and stats, with "other:all"
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"
, "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:5.0,count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */} ]" +
",before: {count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:0}}" +
",after: {count:1,x:7.0, ny:{count:0}}" +
",between:{count:3,x:0.0, ny:{count:2}}" +
" } }"
// range facet with mincount
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f:{type:range, field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, mincount:2, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}"
, "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}} ]" +
",before: {count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:0}}" +
",after: {count:1,x:7.0, ny:{count:0}}" +
",between:{count:3,x:0.0, ny:{count:2}}" +
" } }"
// range facet with sub facets and stats, with "other:all", on subset
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:(3 4 6)"
, "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"
, "facets=={count:3, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:1,x:3.0,ny:{count:0}}, {val:5.0,count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */} ]" +
",before: {count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */ }" +
",after: {count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */}" +
",between:{count:2,x:-2.0, ny:{count:1}}" +
" } }"
// stats at top level
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{ sum1:'sum(${num_d})', sumsq1:'sumsq(${num_d})', avg1:'avg(${num_d})', avg2:'avg(def(${num_d},0))', min1:'min(${num_d})', max1:'max(${num_d})'" +
", numwhere:'unique(${where_s})', unique_num_i:'unique(${num_i})', unique_num_d:'unique(${num_d})', unique_date:'unique(${date})'" +
", where_hll:'hll(${where_s})', hll_num_i:'hll(${num_i})', hll_num_d:'hll(${num_d})', hll_date:'hll(${date})'" +
", med:'percentile(${num_d},50)', perc:'percentile(${num_d},0,50.0,100)' }"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"sum1:3.0, sumsq1:247.0, avg1:0.6, avg2:0.5, min1:-9.0, max1:11.0" +
", numwhere:2, unique_num_i:4, unique_num_d:5, unique_date:5" +
", where_hll:2, hll_num_i:4, hll_num_d:5, hll_date:5" +
", med:2.0, perc:[-9.0,2.0,11.0] }"
// stats at top level, no matches
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:DOESNOTEXIST"
, "json.facet", "{ sum1:'sum(${num_d})', sumsq1:'sumsq(${num_d})', avg1:'avg(${num_d})', min1:'min(${num_d})', max1:'max(${num_d})'" +
", numwhere:'unique(${where_s})', unique_num_i:'unique(${num_i})', unique_num_d:'unique(${num_d})', unique_date:'unique(${date})'" +
", where_hll:'hll(${where_s})', hll_num_i:'hll(${num_i})', hll_num_d:'hll(${num_d})', hll_date:'hll(${date})'" +
", med:'percentile(${num_d},50)', perc:'percentile(${num_d},0,50.0,100)' }"
, "facets=={count:0 " +
"/* ,sum1:0.0, sumsq1:0.0, avg1:0.0, min1:'NaN', max1:'NaN', numwhere:0 */" +
" }"
// tests on a multi-valued field with actual multiple values, just to ensure that we are
// using a multi-valued method for the rest of the tests when appropriate.
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{cat:{terms:{field:'${multi_ss}', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } }} }"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'cat':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'a', 'count':3, 'nj':{ 'count':2}}, { 'val':'b', 'count':3, 'nj':{ 'count':2}}]} }"
// test unique on multi-valued field
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{" +
"x:'unique(${multi_ss})'" +
",y:{query:{q:'id:2', facet:{x:'unique(${multi_ss})'} }} " +
",x2:'hll(${multi_ss})'" +
",y2:{query:{q:'id:2', facet:{x:'hll(${multi_ss})'} }} " +
" }"
, "facets=={count:6 " +
",x:2" +
",y:{count:1, x:2}" + // single document should yield 2 unique values
",x2:2" +
",y2:{count:1, x:2}" + // single document should yield 2 unique values
" }"
// test allBucket multi-valued
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{x:{terms:{field:'${multi_ss}',allBuckets:true}}}"
, "facets=={ count:6, " +
"x:{ buckets:[{val:a, count:3}, {val:b, count:3}] , allBuckets:{count:6} } }"
// test converting legacy facets
// test mincount
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
// , "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', mincount:3}}}"
, "facet","true", "facet.version", "2", "facet.field","{!key=f1}${cat_s}", "facet.mincount","3"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3}]} } "
// test prefix
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
// , "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${super_s}, prefix:s, mincount:0 }}}" // even with mincount=0, we should only see buckets with the prefix
, "facet","true", "facet.version", "2", "facet.field","{!key=f1}${super_s}", "facet.prefix","s", "facet.mincount","0"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{val:spiderman, count:1}, {val:superman, count:1}]} } "
// range facet with sub facets and stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
// , "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"
, "facet","true", "facet.version", "2", "facet.range","{!key=f}${num_d}", "facet.range.start","-5", "facet.range.end","10", "","5"
, "f.f.facet.stat","x:sum(${num_i})", "subfacet.f.query","{!key=ny}${where_s}:NY"
, "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:5.0,count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */ } ] } }"
// test sorting by stat
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
// , "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 desc', facet:{n1:'sum(${num_d})'} }}" +
// " , f2:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 asc', facet:{n1:'sum(${num_d})'} }} }"
, "facet","true", "facet.version", "2", "facet.field","{!key=f1}${cat_s}", "f.f1.facet.sort","n1 desc", "facet.stat","n1:sum(${num_d})"
, "facet.field","{!key=f2}${cat_s}", "f.f1.facet.sort","n1 asc"
, "facets=={ 'count':6, " +
" f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }, { val:'B', count:3, n1:-3.0}]}" +
", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, n1:-3.0}, { val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }]} }"
// range facet with sub facets and stats, with "other:all", on subset
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:(3 4 6)"
//, "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"
, "facet","true", "facet.version", "2", "facet.range","{!key=f}${num_d}", "facet.range.start","-5", "facet.range.end","10", "","5"
, "f.f.facet.stat","x:sum(${num_i})", "subfacet.f.query","{!key=ny}${where_s}:NY", "facet.range.other","all"
, "facets=={count:3, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:1,x:3.0,ny:{count:0}}, {val:5.0,count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */} ]" +
",before: {count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */ }" +
",after: {count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */}" +
",between:{count:2,x:-2.0, ny:{count:1}}" +
" } }"
// multi-select / exclude tagged filters via excludeTags
// nested query facets on subset (with excludeTags)
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "fq","{!tag=abc}id:(2 3)"
, "json.facet", "{ processEmpty:true," +
" f1:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:[xyz,qaz]}}" +
",f2:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:abc }}" +
",f3:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:'xyz,abc,qaz' }}" +
",f4:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:[xyz , abc , qaz] }}" +
",f5:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:[xyz,qaz]}}" + // this is repeated, but it did fail when a single context was shared among sub-facets
",f6:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{processEmpty:true, nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{ type:query, q:'${where_s}:NY', excludeTags:abc}} }}" + // exclude in a sub-facet
",f7:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{processEmpty:true, nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{ type:query, q:'${where_s}:NY', excludeTags:xyz}} }}" + // exclude in a sub-facet that doesn't match
, "facets=={ 'count':2, " +
" 'f1':{'count':1, 'nj':{'count':1}, 'ny':{'count':0}}" +
",'f2':{'count':3, 'nj':{'count':2}, 'ny':{'count':1}}" +
",'f3':{'count':3, 'nj':{'count':2}, 'ny':{'count':1}}" +
",'f4':{'count':3, 'nj':{'count':2}, 'ny':{'count':1}}" +
",'f5':{'count':1, 'nj':{'count':1}, 'ny':{'count':0}}" +
",'f6':{'count':1, 'nj':{'count':1}, 'ny':{'count':1}}" +
",'f7':{'count':1, 'nj':{'count':1}, 'ny':{'count':0}}" +
// terms facet with nested query facet (with excludeTags)
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "fq", "{!tag=doc6,allfilt}-id:6", "fq","{!tag=doc3,allfilt}-id:3"
, "json.facet", "{processEmpty:true, " +
" f0:{type:terms, field:${cat_s}, facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } " +
",f1:{type:terms, field:${cat_s}, excludeTags:doc3, missing:true, facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } " +
",f2:{type:terms, field:${cat_s}, excludeTags:allfilt,missing:true, facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } " +
",f3:{type:terms, field:${cat_s}, excludeTags:doc6, missing:true, facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } " +
, "facets=={ count:4, " +
" f0:{ buckets:[ {val:A, count:2, nj:{ count:1}}, {val:B, count:2, nj:{count:2}} ] }" +
",f1:{ buckets:[ {val:A, count:2, nj:{ count:1}}, {val:B, count:2, nj:{count:2}} ] , missing:{count:1,nj:{count:0}} }" +
",f2:{ buckets:[ {val:B, count:3, nj:{ count:2}}, {val:A, count:2, nj:{count:1}} ] , missing:{count:1,nj:{count:0}} }" +
",f3:{ buckets:[ {val:B, count:3, nj:{ count:2}}, {val:A, count:2, nj:{count:1}} ] , missing:{count:0} }" +
// range facet with sub facets and stats, with "other:all" (with excludeTags)
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "fq", "{!tag=doc6,allfilt}-id:6", "fq","{!tag=doc3,allfilt}-id:3"
, "json.facet", "{processEmpty:true " +
", f1:{type:range, field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:allfilt }" +
", f2:{type:range, field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }" +
, "facets=={count:4" +
",f1:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:5.0,count:0} ]" +
",before: {count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:0}}" +
",after: {count:1,x:7.0, ny:{count:0}}" +
",between:{count:3,x:0.0, ny:{count:2}} }" +
",f2:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:0}, {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:5.0,count:0} ]" +
",before: {count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:0}}" +
",after: {count:1,x:7.0, ny:{count:0}}" +
",between:{count:2,x:5.0, ny:{count:1}} }" +
// facet on numbers
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{" +
" f1:{ type:field, field:${num_i} }" +
",f2:{ type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'count asc' }" +
",f3:{ type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index asc' }" +
",f4:{ type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index desc' }" +
",f5:{ type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index desc', limit:1, missing:true, allBuckets:true, numBuckets:true }" +
",f6:{ type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index desc', mincount:2, numBuckets:true }" + // mincount should lower numbuckets
",f7:{ type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index desc', offset:2, numBuckets:true }" + // test offset
",f8:{ type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index desc', offset:100, numBuckets:true }" + // test high offset
",f9:{ type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'avg(${num_d})'}, missing:true, allBuckets:true, numBuckets:true }" + // test stats
",f10:{ type:field, field:${num_i}, facet:{a:{query:'${cat_s}:A'}}, missing:true, allBuckets:true, numBuckets:true }" + // test subfacets
",f11:{ type:field, field:${num_i}, facet:{a:'unique(${num_d})'} ,missing:true, allBuckets:true, sort:'a desc' }" + // test subfacet using unique on numeric field (this previously triggered a resizing bug)
, "facets=={count:6 " +
",f1:{ buckets:[{val:-5,count:2},{val:2,count:1},{val:3,count:1},{val:7,count:1} ] } " +
",f2:{ buckets:[{val:2,count:1},{val:3,count:1},{val:7,count:1},{val:-5,count:2} ] } " +
",f3:{ buckets:[{val:-5,count:2},{val:2,count:1},{val:3,count:1},{val:7,count:1} ] } " +
",f4:{ buckets:[{val:7,count:1},{val:3,count:1},{val:2,count:1},{val:-5,count:2} ] } " +
",f5:{ buckets:[{val:7,count:1}] , numBuckets:4, allBuckets:{count:5}, missing:{count:1} } " +
",f6:{ buckets:[{val:-5,count:2}] , numBuckets:1 } " +
",f7:{ buckets:[{val:2,count:1},{val:-5,count:2}] , numBuckets:4 } " +
",f8:{ buckets:[] , numBuckets:4 } " +
",f9:{ buckets:[{val:7,count:1,x:11.0},{val:2,count:1,x:4.0},{val:3,count:1,x:2.0},{val:-5,count:2,x:-7.0} ], numBuckets:4, allBuckets:{count:5,x:0.6},missing:{count:1,x:0.0} } " + // TODO: should missing exclude "x" because no values were collected?
",f10:{ buckets:[{val:-5,count:2,a:{count:0}},{val:2,count:1,a:{count:1}},{val:3,count:1,a:{count:1}},{val:7,count:1,a:{count:0}} ], numBuckets:4, allBuckets:{count:5},missing:{count:1,a:{count:0}} } " +
",f11:{ buckets:[{val:-5,count:2,a:2},{val:2,count:1,a:1},{val:3,count:1,a:1},{val:7,count:1,a:1} ] , missing:{count:1,a:0} , allBuckets:{count:5,a:5} } " +
// facet on a float field - shares same code with integers/longs currently, so we only need to test labels/sorting
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{" +
" f1:{ type:field, field:${num_d} }" +
",f2:{ type:field, field:${num_d}, sort:'index desc' }" +
, "facets=={count:6 " +
",f1:{ buckets:[{val:-9.0,count:1},{val:-5.0,count:1},{val:2.0,count:1},{val:4.0,count:1},{val:11.0,count:1} ] } " +
",f2:{ buckets:[{val:11.0,count:1},{val:4.0,count:1},{val:2.0,count:1},{val:-5.0,count:1},{val:-9.0,count:1} ] } " +
public void testBigger() throws Exception {
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("rows", "0", "cat_s", "cat_ss", "where_s", "where_ss");
// doBigger(Client.localClient, p);
Client client = servers.getClient(random().nextInt());
client.queryDefaults().set( "shards", servers.getShards() );
doBigger( client, p );
public void doBigger(Client client, ModifiableSolrParams p) throws Exception {
MacroExpander m = new MacroExpander(p.getMap());
String cat_s = m.expand("${cat_s}");
String where_s = m.expand("${where_s}");
client.deleteByQuery("*:*", null);
Random r = new Random(0); // make deterministic
int numCat = 1;
int numWhere = 2000000000;
int commitPercent = 10;
int ndocs=1000;
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> model = new HashMap(); // cat->where->list<ids>
for (int i=0; i<ndocs; i++) {
Integer cat = r.nextInt(numCat);
Integer where = r.nextInt(numWhere);
client.add( sdoc("id", i, cat_s,cat, where_s, where) , null );
Map<Integer,List<Integer>> sub = model.get(cat);
if (sub == null) {
sub = new HashMap<>();
model.put(cat, sub);
List<Integer> ids = sub.get(where);
if (ids == null) {
ids = new ArrayList<>();
sub.put(where, ids);
if (r.nextInt(100) < commitPercent) {
int sz = model.get(0).size();
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{type:terms, field:${cat_s}, limit:2, facet:{x:'unique($where_s)'} }}"
, "facets=={ 'count':" + ndocs + "," +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'0', 'count':" + ndocs + ", x:" + sz + " }]} } "
if (client.local()) {
// distrib estimation prob won't match
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f1:{type:terms, field:${cat_s}, limit:2, facet:{x:'hll($where_s)'} }}"
, "facets=={ 'count':" + ndocs + "," +
"'f1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'0', 'count':" + ndocs + ", x:" + sz + " }]} } "
public void testTolerant() throws Exception {
Client client = servers.getClient(random().nextInt());
client.queryDefaults().set("shards", servers.getShards() + ",[ff01::114]:33332:/ignore_exception");
try {
client.testJQ(params("ignore_exception", "true", "shards.tolerant", "false", "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f:{type:terms, field:cat_s}}"
, "facets=={ count:6," +
"f:{ buckets:[{val:B,count:3},{val:A,count:2}] }" +
fail("we should have failed");
} catch (Exception e) {
// ok
client.testJQ(params("ignore_exception", "true", "shards.tolerant", "true", "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{f:{type:terms, field:cat_s}}"
, "facets=={ count:6," +
"f:{ buckets:[{val:B,count:3},{val:A,count:2}] }" +
public void testBlockJoin() throws Exception {
public void doBlockJoin(Client client) throws Exception {
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("rows","0");
client.deleteByQuery("*:*", null);
SolrInputDocument parent;
parent = sdoc("id", "1", "type_s","book", "book_s","A", "v_t","q");
client.add(parent, null);
parent = sdoc("id", "2", "type_s","book", "book_s","B", "v_t","q w");
parent.addChildDocument( sdoc("id","2.1", "type_s","page", "page_s","a", "v_t","x y z") );
parent.addChildDocument( sdoc("id","2.2", "type_s","page", "page_s","b", "v_t","x y ") );
parent.addChildDocument( sdoc("id","2.3", "type_s","page", "page_s","c", "v_t"," y z" ) );
client.add(parent, null);
parent = sdoc("id", "3", "type_s","book", "book_s","C", "v_t","q w e");
parent.addChildDocument( sdoc("id","3.1", "type_s","page", "page_s","d", "v_t","x ") );
parent.addChildDocument( sdoc("id","3.2", "type_s","page", "page_s","e", "v_t"," y ") );
parent.addChildDocument( sdoc("id","3.3", "type_s","page", "page_s","f", "v_t"," z") );
client.add(parent, null);
parent = sdoc("id", "4", "type_s","book", "book_s","D", "v_t","e");
client.add(parent, null);
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*"
, "json.facet", "{ " +
"pages:{ type:query, domain:{blockChildren:'type_s:book'} , facet:{ x:{field:v_t} } }" +
",pages2:{type:terms, field:v_t, domain:{blockChildren:'type_s:book'} }" +
",books:{ type:query, domain:{blockParent:'type_s:book'} , facet:{ x:{field:v_t} } }" +
",books2:{type:terms, field:v_t, domain:{blockParent:'type_s:book'} }" +
",pageof3:{ type:query, q:'id:3', facet : { x : { type:terms, field:page_s, domain:{blockChildren:'type_s:book'}}} }" +
",bookof22:{ type:query, q:'id:2.2', facet : { x : { type:terms, field:book_s, domain:{blockParent:'type_s:book'}}} }" +
",missing_blockParent:{ type:query, domain:{blockParent:'type_s:does_not_exist'} }" +
",missing_blockChildren:{ type:query, domain:{blockChildren:'type_s:does_not_exist'} }" +
, "facets=={ count:10" +
", pages:{count:6 , x:{buckets:[ {val:y,count:4},{val:x,count:3},{val:z,count:3} ]} }" +
", pages2:{ buckets:[ {val:y,count:4},{val:x,count:3},{val:z,count:3} ] }" +
", books:{count:4 , x:{buckets:[ {val:q,count:3},{val:e,count:2},{val:w,count:2} ]} }" +
", books2:{ buckets:[ {val:q,count:3},{val:e,count:2},{val:w,count:2} ] }" +
", pageof3:{count:1 , x:{buckets:[ {val:d,count:1},{val:e,count:1},{val:f,count:1} ]} }" +
", bookof22:{count:1 , x:{buckets:[ {val:B,count:1} ]} }" +
", missing_blockParent:{count:0}" +
", missing_blockChildren:{count:0}" +
// no matches in base query
client.testJQ(params("q", "no_match_s:NO_MATCHES"
, "json.facet", "{ processEmpty:true," +
"pages:{ type:query, domain:{blockChildren:'type_s:book'} }" +
",books:{ type:query, domain:{blockParent:'type_s:book'} }" +
, "facets=={ count:0" +
", pages:{count:0}" +
", books:{count:0}" +
public void XtestPercentiles() {
AVLTreeDigest catA = new AVLTreeDigest(100);
AVLTreeDigest catB = new AVLTreeDigest(100);
AVLTreeDigest all = new AVLTreeDigest(100);
// 2.0 2.2 3.0 3.8 4.0
// -9.0 -8.2 -5.0 7.800000000000001 11.0
// -9.0 -7.3999999999999995 2.0 8.200000000000001 11.0
private static String str(AVLTreeDigest digest) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (double d : new double[] {0,.1,.5,.9,1}) {
sb.append(" ").append(digest.quantile(d));
return sb.toString();
/*** test code to ensure TDigest is working as we expect. */
public void XtestTDigest() throws Exception {
AVLTreeDigest t1 = new AVLTreeDigest(100);
t1.add(10, 1);
t1.add(90, 1);
t1.add(50, 1);
assertEquals(t1.quantile(0.5), 50.0, 0.01);
AVLTreeDigest t2 = new AVLTreeDigest(100);
t2.add(130, 1);
t2.add(170, 1);
t2.add(90, 1);
AVLTreeDigest top = new AVLTreeDigest(100);
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(t1.byteSize()); // upper bound
byte[] arr1 = Arrays.copyOf(buf.array(), buf.position());
ByteBuffer rbuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(arr1);
ByteBuffer buf2 = ByteBuffer.allocate(t2.byteSize()); // upper bound
byte[] arr2 = Arrays.copyOf(buf2.array(), buf2.position());
ByteBuffer rbuf2 = ByteBuffer.wrap(arr2);
public void XtestHLL() {
HLLAgg.HLLFactory fac = new HLLAgg.HLLFactory();
HLL hll = fac.getHLL();