blob: 1a53c7132407fb4e6d1e52e9a1100f27e0abb8c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.handler.component;
import java.util.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.FunctionValues;
import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.ValueSource;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.solr.common.EnumFieldValue;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap;
import org.apache.solr.handler.component.StatsField.Stat;
import org.apache.solr.schema.*;
import com.tdunning.math.stats.AVLTreeDigest;
import org.apache.solr.util.hll.HLL;
import org.apache.solr.util.hll.HLLType;
* Factory class for creating instance of
* {@link org.apache.solr.handler.component.StatsValues}
public class StatsValuesFactory {
* Creates an instance of StatsValues which supports values from the specified
* {@link StatsField}
* @param statsField
* {@link StatsField} whose statistics will be created by the
* resulting {@link StatsValues}
* @return Instance of {@link StatsValues} that will create statistics from
* values from the specified {@link StatsField}
public static StatsValues createStatsValues(StatsField statsField) {
final SchemaField sf = statsField.getSchemaField();
if (null == sf) {
// function stats
return new NumericStatsValues(statsField);
final FieldType fieldType = sf.getType(); // TODO: allow FieldType to provide impl.
if (TrieDateField.class.isInstance(fieldType)) {
return new DateStatsValues(statsField);
} else if (TrieField.class.isInstance(fieldType)) {
return new NumericStatsValues(statsField);
} else if (StrField.class.isInstance(fieldType)) {
return new StringStatsValues(statsField);
} else if (sf.getType().getClass().equals(EnumField.class)) {
return new EnumStatsValues(statsField);
} else {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,
"Field type " + fieldType + " is not currently supported");
* Abstract implementation of
* {@link org.apache.solr.handler.component.StatsValues} that provides the
* default behavior for most StatsValues implementations.
* There are very few requirements placed on what statistics concrete
* implementations should collect, with the only required statistics being the
* minimum and maximum values.
abstract class AbstractStatsValues<T> implements StatsValues {
private static final String FACETS = "facets";
/** Tracks all data about tthe stats we need to collect */
final protected StatsField statsField;
/** may be null if we are collecting stats directly from a function ValueSource */
final protected SchemaField sf;
* may be null if we are collecting stats directly from a function ValueSource
final protected FieldType ft;
// final booleans from StatsField to allow better inlining & JIT optimizing
final protected boolean computeCount;
final protected boolean computeMissing;
final protected boolean computeCalcDistinct; // needed for either countDistinct or distinctValues
final protected boolean computeMin;
final protected boolean computeMax;
final protected boolean computeMinOrMax;
final protected boolean computeCardinality;
* Either a function value source to collect from, or the ValueSource associated
* with a single valued field we are collecting from. Will be null until/unless
* {@link #setNextReader} is called at least once
private ValueSource valueSource;
* Context to use when retrieving FunctionValues, will be null until/unless
* {@link #setNextReader} is called at least once
private Map vsContext;
* Values to collect, will be null until/unless {@link #setNextReader} is
* called at least once
protected FunctionValues values;
protected T max;
protected T min;
protected long missing;
protected long count;
protected long countDistinct;
protected final Set<T> distinctValues;
* Hash function that must be used by implementations of {@link #hash}
protected final HashFunction hasher;
// if null, no HLL logic can be computed; not final because of "union" optimization (see below)
private HLL hll;
// facetField facetValue
protected Map<String,Map<String, StatsValues>> facets = new HashMap<>();
protected AbstractStatsValues(StatsField statsField) {
this.statsField = statsField;
this.computeCount = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.count);
this.computeMissing = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.missing);
this.computeCalcDistinct = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.countDistinct)
|| statsField.calculateStats(Stat.distinctValues);
this.computeMin = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.min);
this.computeMax = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.max);
this.computeMinOrMax = computeMin || computeMax;
this.distinctValues = computeCalcDistinct ? new TreeSet<>() : null;
this.computeCardinality = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.cardinality);
if ( computeCardinality ) {
hasher = statsField.getHllOptions().getHasher();
hll = statsField.getHllOptions().newHLL();
assert null != hll : "Cardinality requires an HLL";
} else {
hll = null;
hasher = null;
// alternatively, we could refactor a common base class that doesn't know/care
// about either SchemaField or ValueSource - but then there would be a lot of
// duplicate code between "NumericSchemaFieldStatsValues" and
// "NumericValueSourceStatsValues" which would have diff parent classes
// part of the complexity here being that the StatsValues API serves two
// masters: collecting concrete Values from things like DocValuesStats and
// the distributed aggregation logic, but also collecting docIds which it
// then
// uses to go out and pull concreate values from the ValueSource
// (from a func, or single valued field)
if (null != statsField.getSchemaField()) {
assert null == statsField.getValueSource();
this.sf = statsField.getSchemaField();
this.ft = sf.getType();
} else {
assert null != statsField.getValueSource();
assert null == statsField.getSchemaField();
this.sf = null;
this.ft = null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void accumulate(NamedList stv) {
if (computeCount) {
count += (Long) stv.get("count");
if (computeMissing) {
missing += (Long) stv.get("missing");
if (computeCalcDistinct) {
distinctValues.addAll((Collection<T>) stv.get("distinctValues"));
countDistinct = distinctValues.size();
if (computeMinOrMax) {
updateMinMax((T) stv.get("min"), (T) stv.get("max"));
if (computeCardinality) {
byte[] data = (byte[]) stv.get("cardinality");
HLL other = HLL.fromBytes(data);
if (hll.getType().equals(HLLType.EMPTY)) {
// The HLL.union method goes out of it's way not to modify the "other" HLL.
// Which means in the case of merging into an "EMPTY" HLL (garunteed to happen at
// least once in every coordination of shard requests) it always clones all
// of the internal storage -- but since we're going to throw "other" away after
// the merge, this just means a short term doubling of RAM that we can skip.
hll = other;
} else {
NamedList f = (NamedList) stv.get(FACETS);
if (f == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); i++) {
String field = f.getName(i);
NamedList vals = (NamedList) f.getVal(i);
Map<String, StatsValues> addTo = facets.get(field);
if (addTo == null) {
addTo = new HashMap<>();
facets.put(field, addTo);
for (int j = 0; j < vals.size(); j++) {
String val = vals.getName(j);
StatsValues vvals = addTo.get(val);
if (vvals == null) {
vvals = StatsValuesFactory.createStatsValues(statsField);
addTo.put(val, vvals);
vvals.accumulate((NamedList) vals.getVal(j));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void accumulate(BytesRef value, int count) {
if (null == ft) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Can't collect & convert BytesRefs on stats that do't use a a FieldType: "
+ statsField);
T typedValue = (T) ft.toObject(sf, value);
accumulate(typedValue, count);
public void accumulate(T value, int count) {
assert null != value : "Can't accumulate null";
if (computeCount) {
this.count += count;
if (computeCalcDistinct) {
countDistinct = distinctValues.size();
if (computeMinOrMax) {
updateMinMax(value, value);
if (computeCardinality) {
if (null == hasher) {
assert value instanceof Number : "pre-hashed value support only works with numeric longs";
} else {
updateTypeSpecificStats(value, count);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void missing() {
if (computeMissing) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void addMissing(int count) {
missing += count;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void addFacet(String facetName, Map<String, StatsValues> facetValues) {
facets.put(facetName, facetValues);
* {@inheritDoc}
public NamedList<?> getStatsValues() {
NamedList<Object> res = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.min)) {
res.add("min", min);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.max)) {
res.add("max", max);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.count)) {
res.add("count", count);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.missing)) {
res.add("missing", missing);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.distinctValues)) {
res.add("distinctValues", distinctValues);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.countDistinct)) {
res.add("countDistinct", countDistinct);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.cardinality)) {
if (statsField.getIsShard()) {
res.add("cardinality", hll.toBytes());
} else {
res.add("cardinality", hll.cardinality());
if (!facets.isEmpty()) {
// add the facet stats
NamedList<NamedList<?>> nl = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String,Map<String,StatsValues>> entry : facets.entrySet()) {
NamedList<NamedList<?>> nl2 = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
nl.add(entry.getKey(), nl2);
for (Map.Entry<String,StatsValues> e2 : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
nl2.add(e2.getKey(), e2.getValue().getStatsValues());
res.add(FACETS, nl);
return res;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException {
if (valueSource == null) {
// first time we've collected local values, get the right ValueSource
valueSource = (null == ft)
? statsField.getValueSource()
: ft.getValueSource(sf, null);
vsContext = ValueSource.newContext(statsField.getSearcher());
values = valueSource.getValues(vsContext, ctx);
* Hash function to be used for computing cardinality.
* This method will not be called in cases where the user has indicated the values
* are already hashed. If this method is called, then {@link #hasher} will be non-null,
* and should be used to generate the appropriate hash value.
* @see Stat#cardinality
* @see #hasher
protected abstract long hash(T value);
* Updates the minimum and maximum statistics based on the given values
* @param min
* Value that the current minimum should be updated against
* @param max
* Value that the current maximum should be updated against
protected abstract void updateMinMax(T min, T max);
* Updates the type specific statistics based on the given value
* @param value
* Value the statistics should be updated against
* @param count
* Number of times the value is being accumulated
protected abstract void updateTypeSpecificStats(T value, int count);
* Updates the type specific statistics based on the values in the given list
* @param stv
* List containing values the current statistics should be updated
* against
protected abstract void updateTypeSpecificStats(NamedList stv);
* Add any type specific statistics to the given NamedList
* @param res
* NamedList to add the type specific statistics too
protected abstract void addTypeSpecificStats(NamedList<Object> res);
* Implementation of StatsValues that supports Double values
class NumericStatsValues extends AbstractStatsValues<Number> {
double sum;
double sumOfSquares;
AVLTreeDigest tdigest;
double minD; // perf optimization, only valid if (null != this.min)
double maxD; // perf optimization, only valid if (null != this.max)
final protected boolean computeSum;
final protected boolean computeSumOfSquares;
final protected boolean computePercentiles;
public NumericStatsValues(StatsField statsField) {
this.computeSum = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.sum);
this.computeSumOfSquares = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.sumOfSquares);
this.computePercentiles = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.percentiles);
if ( computePercentiles ) {
tdigest = new AVLTreeDigest(statsField.getTdigestCompression());
public long hash(Number v) {
// have to use a bit of reflection to ensure good hash values since
// we don't have truely type specific stats
if (v instanceof Long) {
return hasher.hashLong(v.longValue()).asLong();
} else if (v instanceof Integer) {
return hasher.hashInt(v.intValue()).asLong();
} else if (v instanceof Double) {
return hasher.hashLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(v.doubleValue())).asLong();
} else if (v instanceof Float) {
return hasher.hashInt(Float.floatToRawIntBits(v.floatValue())).asLong();
} else if (v instanceof Byte) {
return hasher.newHasher().putByte(v.byteValue()).hash().asLong();
} else if (v instanceof Short) {
return hasher.newHasher().putShort(v.shortValue()).hash().asLong();
// else...
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
"Unsupported Numeric Type ("+v.getClass()+") for hashing: " +statsField);
public void accumulate(int docID) {
if (values.exists(docID)) {
Number value = (Number) values.objectVal(docID);
accumulate(value, 1);
} else {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void updateTypeSpecificStats(NamedList stv) {
if (computeSum) {
sum += ((Number) stv.get("sum")).doubleValue();
if (computeSumOfSquares) {
sumOfSquares += ((Number) stv.get("sumOfSquares")).doubleValue();
if (computePercentiles) {
byte[] data = (byte[]) stv.get("percentiles");
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void updateTypeSpecificStats(Number v, int count) {
double value = v.doubleValue();
if (computeSumOfSquares) {
sumOfSquares += (value * value * count); // for std deviation
if (computeSum) {
sum += value * count;
if (computePercentiles) {
tdigest.add(value, count);
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void updateMinMax(Number min, Number max) {
// we always use the double values, because that way the response Object class is
// consistent regardless of whether we only have 1 value or many that we min/max
// TODO: would be nice to have subclasses for each type of Number ... breaks backcompat
if (computeMin) { // nested if to encourage JIT to optimize aware final var?
if (null != min) {
double minD = min.doubleValue();
if (null == this.min || minD < this.minD) {
// Double for result & cached primitive doulbe to minimize unboxing in future comparisons
this.min = this.minD = minD;
if (computeMax) { // nested if to encourage JIT to optimize aware final var?
if (null != max) {
double maxD = max.doubleValue();
if (null == this.max || this.maxD < maxD) {
// Double for result & cached primitive doulbe to minimize unboxing in future comparisons
this.max = this.maxD = maxD;
* Adds sum, sumOfSquares, mean, stddev, and percentiles to the given
* NamedList
* @param res
* NamedList to add the type specific statistics too
protected void addTypeSpecificStats(NamedList<Object> res) {
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.sum)) {
res.add("sum", sum);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.sumOfSquares)) {
res.add("sumOfSquares", sumOfSquares);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.mean)) {
res.add("mean", sum / count);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.stddev)) {
res.add("stddev", getStandardDeviation());
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.percentiles)) {
if (statsField.getIsShard()) {
// as of current t-digest version, smallByteSize() internally does a full conversion in
// order to determine what the size is (can't be precomputed?) .. so rather then
// serialize to a ByteBuffer twice, allocate the max possible size buffer,
// serialize once, and then copy only the byte[] subset that we need, and free up the buffer
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(tdigest.byteSize()); // upper bound
res.add("percentiles", Arrays.copyOf(buf.array(), buf.position()) );
} else {
NamedList<Object> percentileNameList = new NamedList<Object>();
for (Double percentile : statsField.getPercentilesList()) {
// Empty document set case
if (tdigest.size() == 0) {
percentileNameList.add(percentile.toString(), null);
} else {
Double cutoff = tdigest.quantile(percentile / 100);
percentileNameList.add(percentile.toString(), cutoff);
res.add("percentiles", percentileNameList);
* Calculates the standard deviation statistic
* @return Standard deviation statistic
private double getStandardDeviation() {
if (count <= 1.0D) {
return 0.0D;
return Math.sqrt(((count * sumOfSquares) - (sum * sum)) / (count * (count - 1.0D)));
* Implementation of StatsValues that supports EnumField values
class EnumStatsValues extends AbstractStatsValues<EnumFieldValue> {
public EnumStatsValues(StatsField statsField) {
public long hash(EnumFieldValue v) {
return hasher.hashInt(v.toInt().intValue()).asLong();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void accumulate(int docID) {
if (values.exists(docID)) {
Integer intValue = (Integer) values.objectVal(docID);
String stringValue = values.strVal(docID);
EnumFieldValue enumFieldValue = new EnumFieldValue(intValue, stringValue);
accumulate(enumFieldValue, 1);
} else {
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void updateMinMax(EnumFieldValue min, EnumFieldValue max) {
if (computeMin) { // nested if to encourage JIT to optimize aware final var?
if (null != min) {
if (null == this.min || (min.compareTo(this.min) < 0)) {
this.min = min;
if (computeMax) { // nested if to encourage JIT to optimize aware final var?
if (null != max) {
if (null == this.max || (max.compareTo(this.max) > 0)) {
this.max = max;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void updateTypeSpecificStats(NamedList stv) {
// No type specific stats
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void updateTypeSpecificStats(EnumFieldValue value, int count) {
// No type specific stats
* Adds no type specific statistics
protected void addTypeSpecificStats(NamedList<Object> res) {
// Add no statistics
* /** Implementation of StatsValues that supports Date values
class DateStatsValues extends AbstractStatsValues<Date> {
private long sum = 0;
double sumOfSquares = 0;
final protected boolean computeSum;
final protected boolean computeSumOfSquares;
public DateStatsValues(StatsField statsField) {
this.computeSum = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.sum);
this.computeSumOfSquares = statsField.calculateStats(Stat.sumOfSquares);
public long hash(Date v) {
return hasher.hashLong(v.getTime()).asLong();
public void accumulate(int docID) {
if (values.exists(docID)) {
accumulate((Date) values.objectVal(docID), 1);
} else {
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void updateTypeSpecificStats(NamedList stv) {
if (computeSum) {
sum += ((Date) stv.get("sum")).getTime();
if (computeSumOfSquares) {
sumOfSquares += ((Number) stv.get("sumOfSquares")).doubleValue();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void updateTypeSpecificStats(Date v, int count) {
long value = v.getTime();
if (computeSumOfSquares) {
sumOfSquares += (value * value * count); // for std deviation
if (computeSum) {
sum += value * count;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void updateMinMax(Date min, Date max) {
if (computeMin) { // nested if to encourage JIT to optimize aware final var?
if (null != min && (this.min==null || this.min.after(min))) {
this.min = min;
if (computeMax) { // nested if to encourage JIT to optimize aware final var?
if (null != max && (this.max==null || this.max.before(max))) {
this.max = max;
* Adds sum and mean statistics to the given NamedList
* @param res
* NamedList to add the type specific statistics too
protected void addTypeSpecificStats(NamedList<Object> res) {
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.sum)) {
res.add("sum", new Date(sum));
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.mean)) {
res.add("mean", (count > 0) ? new Date(sum / count) : null);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.sumOfSquares)) {
res.add("sumOfSquares", sumOfSquares);
if (statsField.includeInResponse(Stat.stddev)) {
res.add("stddev", getStandardDeviation());
* Calculates the standard deviation. For dates, this is really the MS
* deviation
* @return Standard deviation statistic
private double getStandardDeviation() {
if (count <= 1) {
return 0.0D;
return Math.sqrt(((count * sumOfSquares) - (sum * sum))
/ (count * (count - 1.0D)));
* Implementation of StatsValues that supports String values
class StringStatsValues extends AbstractStatsValues<String> {
public StringStatsValues(StatsField statsField) {
public long hash(String v) {
// NOTE: renamed hashUnencodedChars starting with guava 15
return hasher.hashString(v).asLong();
public void accumulate(int docID) {
if (values.exists(docID)) {
String value = values.strVal(docID);
if (value != null) {
accumulate(value, 1);
} else {
} else {
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void updateTypeSpecificStats(NamedList stv) {
// No type specific stats
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void updateTypeSpecificStats(String value, int count) {
// No type specific stats
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void updateMinMax(String min, String max) {
if (computeMin) { // nested if to encourage JIT to optimize aware final var?
this.min = min(this.min, min);
if (computeMax) { // nested if to encourage JIT to optimize aware final var?
this.max = max(this.max, max);
* Adds no type specific statistics
protected void addTypeSpecificStats(NamedList<Object> res) {
// Add no statistics
* Determines which of the given Strings is the maximum, as computed by
* {@link String#compareTo(String)}
* @param str1
* String to compare against b
* @param str2
* String compared against a
* @return str1 if it is considered greater by
* {@link String#compareTo(String)}, str2 otherwise
private static String max(String str1, String str2) {
if (str1 == null) {
return str2;
} else if (str2 == null) {
return str1;
return (str1.compareTo(str2) > 0) ? str1 : str2;
* Determines which of the given Strings is the minimum, as computed by
* {@link String#compareTo(String)}
* @param str1
* String to compare against b
* @param str2
* String compared against a
* @return str1 if it is considered less by {@link String#compareTo(String)},
* str2 otherwise
private static String min(String str1, String str2) {
if (str1 == null) {
return str2;
} else if (str2 == null) {
return str1;
return (str1.compareTo(str2) < 0) ? str1 : str2;