SOLR-17164: Add 2 arg variant of vectorSimilarity() function
diff --git a/solr/CHANGES.txt b/solr/CHANGES.txt
index 70571a9..9dc9fb0 100644
--- a/solr/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/solr/CHANGES.txt
@@ -120,6 +120,8 @@
 * SOLR-17172: Add QueryLimits termination to the existing heavy SearchComponent-s. This allows query limits (e.g. timeAllowed,
   cpuAllowed) to terminate expensive operations within components if limits are exceeded. (Andrzej Bialecki)
+* SOLR-17164: Add 2 arg variant of vectorSimilarity() function (Sanjay Dutt, hossman)
 * SOLR-17144: Close searcherExecutor thread per core after 1 minute (Pierre Salagnac, Christine Poerschke)
diff --git a/solr/core/src/java/org/apache/solr/search/ b/solr/core/src/java/org/apache/solr/search/
index f3054ef..a6bd40f 100644
--- a/solr/core/src/java/org/apache/solr/search/
+++ b/solr/core/src/java/org/apache/solr/search/
@@ -26,15 +26,12 @@
 import java.util.Map;
 import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
 import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.VectorEncoding;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.VectorSimilarityFunction;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.FunctionScoreQuery;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.FunctionValues;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.ValueSource;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.docvalues.BoolDocValues;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.docvalues.DoubleDocValues;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.docvalues.LongDocValues;
-import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.ByteVectorSimilarityFunction;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.ConstNumberSource;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.ConstValueSource;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.DefFunction;
@@ -42,7 +39,6 @@
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.DocFreqValueSource;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.DoubleConstValueSource;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.DualFloatFunction;
-import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.FloatVectorSimilarityFunction;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.IDFValueSource;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.IfFunction;
 import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.JoinDocFreqValueSource;
@@ -344,41 +340,7 @@
     alias("sum", "add");
-    addParser(
-        "vectorSimilarity",
-        new ValueSourceParser() {
-          @Override
-          public ValueSource parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError {
-            VectorEncoding vectorEncoding = VectorEncoding.valueOf(fp.parseArg());
-            VectorSimilarityFunction functionName = VectorSimilarityFunction.valueOf(fp.parseArg());
-            int vectorEncodingFlag =
-                vectorEncoding.equals(VectorEncoding.BYTE)
-                    ? FunctionQParser.FLAG_PARSE_VECTOR_BYTE_ENCODING
-                    : 0;
-            ValueSource v1 =
-                fp.parseValueSource(
-                    FunctionQParser.FLAG_DEFAULT
-                        | FunctionQParser.FLAG_CONSUME_DELIMITER
-                        | vectorEncodingFlag);
-            ValueSource v2 =
-                fp.parseValueSource(
-                    FunctionQParser.FLAG_DEFAULT
-                        | FunctionQParser.FLAG_CONSUME_DELIMITER
-                        | vectorEncodingFlag);
-            switch (vectorEncoding) {
-              case FLOAT32:
-                return new FloatVectorSimilarityFunction(functionName, v1, v2);
-              case BYTE:
-                return new ByteVectorSimilarityFunction(functionName, v1, v2);
-              default:
-                throw new SyntaxError("Invalid vector encoding: " + vectorEncoding);
-            }
-          }
-        });
+    addParser("vectorSimilarity", new VectorSimilaritySourceParser());
         new ValueSourceParser() {
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aed934c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solr/core/src/java/org/apache/solr/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import static org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
+import static org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import org.apache.lucene.index.VectorEncoding;
+import org.apache.lucene.index.VectorSimilarityFunction;
+import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.ValueSource;
+import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.ByteVectorSimilarityFunction;
+import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.FloatVectorSimilarityFunction;
+import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
+import org.apache.solr.schema.DenseVectorField;
+import org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType;
+import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
+ * This class provides implementation for two variants for parsing function query vectorSimilarity
+ * which is used to calculate the similarity between two vectors.
+ */
+public class VectorSimilaritySourceParser extends ValueSourceParser {
+  @Override
+  public ValueSource parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError {
+    final String arg1Str = fp.parseArg();
+    if (arg1Str == null || !fp.hasMoreArguments())
+      throw new SolrException(
+          BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid number of arguments. Please provide either two or four arguments.");
+    final String arg2Str = peekIsConstVector(fp) ? null : fp.parseArg();
+    if (fp.hasMoreArguments() && arg2Str != null) {
+      return handle4ArgsVariant(fp, arg1Str, arg2Str);
+    }
+    return handle2ArgsVariant(fp, arg1Str, arg2Str);
+  }
+  /**
+   * returns true if and only if the next argument is a constant vector, taking into consideration
+   * that the next (literal) argument may be a param reference
+   */
+  private boolean peekIsConstVector(final FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError {
+    final char rawPeek = fp.sp.peek();
+    if ('[' == rawPeek) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if ('$' == rawPeek) {
+      final int savedPos = fp.sp.pos;
+      try {
+        final String rawParam = fp.parseArg();
+        return ((null != rawParam) && ('[' == (new StrParser(rawParam)).peek()));
+      } finally {
+        fp.sp.pos = savedPos;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  private static int buildVectorEncodingFlag(final VectorEncoding vectorEncoding) {
+    return FunctionQParser.FLAG_DEFAULT
+        | FunctionQParser.FLAG_CONSUME_DELIMITER
+        | (vectorEncoding.equals(VectorEncoding.BYTE)
+            ? FunctionQParser.FLAG_PARSE_VECTOR_BYTE_ENCODING
+            : 0);
+  }
+  /** Expects to find args #3 and #4 (two vector ValueSources) still in the function parser */
+  private ValueSource handle4ArgsVariant(FunctionQParser fp, String vecEncStr, String vecSimFuncStr)
+      throws SyntaxError {
+    final var vectorEncoding = enumValueOrBadRequest(VectorEncoding.class, vecEncStr);
+    final var vectorSimilarityFunction =
+        enumValueOrBadRequest(VectorSimilarityFunction.class, vecSimFuncStr);
+    final int vectorEncodingFlag = buildVectorEncodingFlag(vectorEncoding);
+    final ValueSource v1 = fp.parseValueSource(vectorEncodingFlag);
+    final ValueSource v2 = fp.parseValueSource(vectorEncodingFlag);
+    return createSimilarityFunction(vectorSimilarityFunction, vectorEncoding, v1, v2);
+  }
+  /**
+   * If <code>field2Name</code> is null, then expects to find a constant vector as the only
+   * remaining arg in the function parser.
+   */
+  private ValueSource handle2ArgsVariant(FunctionQParser fp, String field1Name, String field2Name)
+      throws SyntaxError {
+    final SchemaField field1 = fp.req.getSchema().getField(field1Name);
+    final DenseVectorField field1Type = requireVectorType(field1);
+    final var vectorEncoding = field1Type.getVectorEncoding();
+    final var vectorSimilarityFunction = field1Type.getSimilarityFunction();
+    final ValueSource v1 = field1Type.getValueSource(field1, fp);
+    final ValueSource v2;
+    if (null == field2Name) {
+      final int vectorEncodingFlag = buildVectorEncodingFlag(vectorEncoding);
+      v2 = fp.parseValueSource(vectorEncodingFlag);
+    } else {
+      final SchemaField field2 = fp.req.getSchema().getField(field2Name);
+      final DenseVectorField field2Type = requireVectorType(field2);
+      if (vectorEncoding != field2Type.getVectorEncoding()
+          || vectorSimilarityFunction != field2Type.getSimilarityFunction()) {
+        throw new SolrException(
+            BAD_REQUEST,
+            String.format(
+                Locale.ROOT,
+                "Invalid arguments: vector field %s and vector field %s must have the same vectorEncoding and similarityFunction",
+                field1.getName(),
+                field2.getName()));
+      }
+      v2 = field2Type.getValueSource(field2, fp);
+    }
+    return createSimilarityFunction(vectorSimilarityFunction, vectorEncoding, v1, v2);
+  }
+  private ValueSource createSimilarityFunction(
+      VectorSimilarityFunction functionName,
+      VectorEncoding vectorEncoding,
+      ValueSource v1,
+      ValueSource v2)
+      throws SyntaxError {
+    switch (vectorEncoding) {
+      case FLOAT32:
+        return new FloatVectorSimilarityFunction(functionName, v1, v2);
+      case BYTE:
+        return new ByteVectorSimilarityFunction(functionName, v1, v2);
+      default:
+        throw new SyntaxError("Invalid vector encoding: " + vectorEncoding);
+    }
+  }
+  private DenseVectorField requireVectorType(final SchemaField field) throws SyntaxError {
+    final FieldType fieldType = field.getType();
+    if (fieldType instanceof DenseVectorField) {
+      return (DenseVectorField) field.getType();
+    }
+    throw new SolrException(
+        BAD_REQUEST,
+        String.format(
+            Locale.ROOT,
+            "Type mismatch: Expected [%s], but found a different field type for field: [%s]",
+            DenseVectorField.class.getSimpleName(),
+            field.getName()));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Helper method that returns the correct Enum instance for the <code>arg</code> String, or throws
+   * a {@link ErrorCode#BAD_REQUEST} with specifics on the "Invalid argument"
+   */
+  private static <T extends Enum<T>> T enumValueOrBadRequest(
+      final Class<T> enumClass, final String arg) throws SolrException {
+    assert null != enumClass;
+    try {
+      return Enum.valueOf(enumClass, arg);
+    } catch (IllegalArgumentException | NullPointerException e) {
+      throw new SolrException(
+          BAD_REQUEST,
+          String.format(
+              Locale.ROOT,
+              "Invalid argument: %s is not a valid %s. Expected one of %s",
+              arg,
+              enumClass.getSimpleName(),
+              Arrays.toString(enumClass.getEnumConstants())));
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/
index 8eb1c3d..653c093 100644
--- a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/
+++ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/
@@ -911,13 +911,67 @@
   public void testFuncKnnVector() throws Exception {
-    assertFuncEquals(
-        "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32,COSINE,[1,2,3],[4,5,6])",
-        "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32, COSINE, [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])");
+    try (SolrQueryRequest req =
+        req(
+            "v1", "[1,2,3]",
+            "v2", " [1,2,3] ",
+            "v3", " [1, 2, 3] ")) {
+      assertFuncEquals(
+          req,
+          "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32,COSINE,[1,2,3],[4,5,6])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32, COSINE, [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32, COSINE,$v1, [4, 5, 6])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32, COSINE, $v2 , [4, 5, 6])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32, COSINE, $v3 , [4, 5, 6])");
+    }
-    assertFuncEquals(
-        "vectorSimilarity(BYTE, EUCLIDEAN, bar_i, [4,5,6])",
-        "vectorSimilarity(BYTE, EUCLIDEAN, field(bar_i), [4, 5,  6])");
+    try (SolrQueryRequest req =
+        req(
+            "f1", "bar_i",
+            "f2", " bar_i ",
+            "f3", " field(bar_i) ")) {
+      assertFuncEquals(
+          req,
+          "vectorSimilarity(BYTE, EUCLIDEAN, bar_i, [4,5,6])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(BYTE, EUCLIDEAN, field(bar_i), [4, 5,  6])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(BYTE, EUCLIDEAN,$f1, [4, 5,  6])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(BYTE, EUCLIDEAN, $f1, [4, 5,  6])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(BYTE, EUCLIDEAN, $f2, [4, 5,  6])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(BYTE, EUCLIDEAN, $f3, [4, 5,  6])");
+    }
+    try (SolrQueryRequest req =
+        req(
+            "f", "vector",
+            "v1", "[1,2,3,4]",
+            "v2", " [1, 2, 3, 4]")) {
+      assertFuncEquals(
+          req,
+          "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32,COSINE,vector,[1,2,3,4])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32,COSINE,vector,$v1)",
+          "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32,COSINE,vector, $v1)",
+          "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32,COSINE,vector,$v2)",
+          "vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32,COSINE,vector, $v2)",
+          "vectorSimilarity(vector,[1,2,3,4])",
+          "vectorSimilarity( vector,[1,2,3,4])",
+          "vectorSimilarity( $f,[1,2,3,4])",
+          "vectorSimilarity(vector,$v1)",
+          "vectorSimilarity(vector, $v1)",
+          "vectorSimilarity( $f, $v1)",
+          "vectorSimilarity(vector,$v2)",
+          "vectorSimilarity(vector, $v2)");
+    }
+    // contrived, but helps us test the param resolution
+    // for both field names in the 2arg usecase
+    try (SolrQueryRequest req = req("f", "vector")) {
+      assertFuncEquals(
+          req,
+          "vectorSimilarity($f, $f)",
+          "vectorSimilarity($f, vector)",
+          "vectorSimilarity(vector, $f)",
+          "vectorSimilarity(vector, vector)");
+    }
   public void testFuncQuery() throws Exception {
diff --git a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..943bc35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import static org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4.assumeWorkingMockito;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import org.apache.lucene.index.VectorEncoding;
+import org.apache.lucene.index.VectorSimilarityFunction;
+import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.ValueSource;
+import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.ByteVectorSimilarityFunction;
+import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.FloatVectorSimilarityFunction;
+import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCase;
+import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
+import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
+import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
+import org.apache.solr.schema.BinaryField;
+import org.apache.solr.schema.DenseVectorField;
+import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema;
+import org.apache.solr.schema.IntPointField;
+import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+/** Test for {@link VectorSimilaritySourceParser} */
+public class VectorSimilaritySourceParserTest extends SolrTestCase {
+  private static final VectorSimilaritySourceParser vecSimilarity =
+      new VectorSimilaritySourceParser();
+  private SolrQueryRequest request;
+  private SolrParams localParams;
+  private SolrParams params;
+  private IndexSchema indexSchema;
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void beforeClass() {
+    assumeWorkingMockito();
+  }
+  @Before
+  @Override
+  public void setUp() throws Exception {
+    super.setUp();
+    resetMocks();
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testReportErrorPassingZeroArg() throws SyntaxError {
+    SolrException error =
+        assertThrows(SolrException.class, () -> parseWithMocks("vectorSimilarity()"));
+    assertEquals(
+        "Invalid number of arguments. Please provide either two or four arguments.",
+        error.getMessage());
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testReportErrorPassingOneArg() throws SyntaxError {
+    SolrException error =
+        assertThrows(SolrException.class, () -> parseWithMocks("vectorSimilarity(field1)"));
+    assertEquals(
+        "Invalid number of arguments. Please provide either two or four arguments.",
+        error.getMessage());
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testReportErrorIfSecArgsEmpty() throws Exception {
+    SchemaField field1 = new SchemaField("field1", new DenseVectorField(5));
+    when(indexSchema.getField("field1")).thenReturn(field1);
+    SolrException error =
+        assertThrows(SolrException.class, () -> parseWithMocks("vectorSimilarity(field1,)"));
+    assertEquals(
+        "Invalid number of arguments. Please provide either two or four arguments.",
+        error.getMessage());
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testReportErrorIfFirstArgNotVector() throws SyntaxError {
+    SchemaField field1 = new SchemaField("field1", new IntPointField());
+    when(indexSchema.getField("field1")).thenReturn(field1);
+    SolrException error =
+        assertThrows(SolrException.class, () -> parseWithMocks("vectorSimilarity(field1, field2)"));
+    assertEquals(
+        "Type mismatch: Expected [DenseVectorField], but found a different field type for field: [field1]",
+        error.getMessage());
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testReportErrorIfSecArgNotVector() throws SyntaxError {
+    DenseVectorField fieldType = new DenseVectorField(5);
+    SchemaField field1 = new SchemaField("field1", fieldType);
+    SchemaField field2 = new SchemaField("field2", new BinaryField());
+    when(indexSchema.getField("field1")).thenReturn(field1);
+    when(indexSchema.getField("field2")).thenReturn(field2);
+    SolrException error =
+        assertThrows(SolrException.class, () -> parseWithMocks("vectorSimilarity(field1, field2)"));
+    assertEquals(
+        "Type mismatch: Expected [DenseVectorField], but found a different field type for field: [field2]",
+        error.getMessage());
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testReportErrorIfFieldMissmatch() throws SyntaxError {
+    DenseVectorField vectorField1 =
+        new DenseVectorField(5, VectorSimilarityFunction.COSINE, VectorEncoding.BYTE);
+    SchemaField field1 = new SchemaField("field1", vectorField1);
+    DenseVectorField vectorField2 =
+        new DenseVectorField(5, VectorSimilarityFunction.COSINE, VectorEncoding.FLOAT32);
+    SchemaField field2 = new SchemaField("field2", vectorField2);
+    DenseVectorField vectorField3 =
+        new DenseVectorField(5, VectorSimilarityFunction.DOT_PRODUCT, VectorEncoding.FLOAT32);
+    SchemaField field3 = new SchemaField("field3", vectorField3);
+    when(indexSchema.getField("field1")).thenReturn(field1);
+    when(indexSchema.getField("field2")).thenReturn(field2);
+    when(indexSchema.getField("field3")).thenReturn(field3);
+    SolrException error =
+        assertThrows(SolrException.class, () -> parseWithMocks("vectorSimilarity(field1, field2)"));
+    assertEquals(
+        "Invalid arguments: vector field field1 and vector field field2 must have the same vectorEncoding and similarityFunction",
+        error.getMessage());
+    error =
+        assertThrows(SolrException.class, () -> parseWithMocks("vectorSimilarity(field2, field3)"));
+    assertEquals(
+        "Invalid arguments: vector field field2 and vector field field3 must have the same vectorEncoding and similarityFunction",
+        error.getMessage());
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test2ArgsByteVectorField() throws SyntaxError {
+    DenseVectorField vectorField =
+        new DenseVectorField(5, VectorSimilarityFunction.COSINE, VectorEncoding.BYTE);
+    SchemaField field1 = new SchemaField("field1", vectorField);
+    SchemaField field2 = new SchemaField("field2", vectorField);
+    when(indexSchema.getField("field1")).thenReturn(field1);
+    when(indexSchema.getField("field2")).thenReturn(field2);
+    ValueSource valueSource = parseWithMocks("vectorSimilarity(field1, field2)");
+    assertTrue(valueSource instanceof ByteVectorSimilarityFunction);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test2ArgsFloatVectorAndConst() throws Exception {
+    DenseVectorField vectorField =
+        new DenseVectorField(5, VectorSimilarityFunction.COSINE, VectorEncoding.FLOAT32);
+    SchemaField field1 = new SchemaField("field1", vectorField);
+    when(indexSchema.getField("field1")).thenReturn(field1);
+    ValueSource valueSource = parseWithMocks("vectorSimilarity(field1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])");
+    assertTrue(valueSource instanceof FloatVectorSimilarityFunction);
+  }
+  private void resetMocks() {
+    request = mock(SolrQueryRequest.class);
+    localParams = mock(SolrParams.class);
+    params = mock(SolrParams.class);
+    indexSchema = mock(IndexSchema.class);
+    when(request.getSchema()).thenReturn(indexSchema);
+  }
+  protected ValueSource parseWithMocks(final String input) throws SyntaxError {
+    final String funcPrefix = "vectorSimilarity(";
+    assert input.startsWith(funcPrefix);
+    final FunctionQParser fqp =
+        new FunctionQParser(input.substring(funcPrefix.length()), localParams, params, request);
+    return vecSimilarity.parse(fqp);
+  }
diff --git a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/function/ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/function/
index c6573ff..503edd7 100644
--- a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/function/
+++ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/function/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
+import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
 import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
 import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
 import org.junit.After;
@@ -200,4 +201,168 @@
+  @Test
+  public void testReportsErrorInvalidNumberOfArgs() {
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity test number of arguments failed!",
+        "Invalid number of arguments. Please provide either two or four arguments.",
+        req(CommonParams.Q, "{!func} vectorSimilarity()", "fq", "id:(1 2 3)", "fl", "id, score"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity test number of arguments failed!",
+        "Invalid number of arguments. Please provide either two or four arguments.",
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(vector)",
+            "fq",
+            "id:(1 2 3)",
+            "fl",
+            "id, score"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity test number of arguments failed!",
+        "Invalid number of arguments. Please provide either two or four arguments.",
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(vector,)",
+            "fq",
+            "id:(1 2 3)",
+            "fl",
+            "id, score"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testReportsErrorInvalidArgs() {
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity 2arg: first arg non-vector field",
+        "undefined field: \"bogus\"",
+        req(CommonParams.Q, "{!func} vectorSimilarity(bogus, vector_byte_encoding)"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity 2arg: second arg non-vector field",
+        "undefined field: \"bogus\"",
+        req(CommonParams.Q, "{!func} vectorSimilarity(vector_byte_encoding, bogus)"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity 3+ args: 1st arg not valid encoding",
+        "Invalid argument: BOGUS is not a valid VectorEncoding. Expected one of [",
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(BOGUS, DOT_PRODUCT, vector_byte_encoding, vector_byte_encoding)"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity 3+ args: 2nd arg not valid encoding",
+        "Invalid argument: BOGUS is not a valid VectorSimilarityFunction. Expected one of [",
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(BYTE, BOGUS, vector_byte_encoding, vector_byte_encoding)"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity 3 args: first two are valid for 2 arg syntax",
+        "SyntaxError: Expected ')'",
+        req(CommonParams.Q, "{!func} vectorSimilarity(vector_byte_encoding,[1,2,3,3],BOGUS)"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity 3 args: first two are valid for 4 arg syntax, w/valid 3rd arg field",
+        "SyntaxError: Expected identifier",
+        req(CommonParams.Q, "{!func} vectorSimilarity(BYTE, DOT_PRODUCT, vector_byte_encoding)"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity 3 args: first two are valid for 4 arg syntax, w/valid 3rd arg const vector",
+        "SyntaxError: Expected identifier",
+        req(CommonParams.Q, "{!func} vectorSimilarity(BYTE, DOT_PRODUCT, [1,2,3,3])"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+    assertQEx(
+        "vectorSimilarity 5 args: valid 4 arg syntax with extra cruft",
+        "SyntaxError: Expected ')'",
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(BYTE, DOT_PRODUCT, vector_byte_encoding, vector_byte_encoding, BOGUS)"),
+        SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test2ArgsByteFieldAndConstVector() throws Exception {
+    assertQ(
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(vector_byte_encoding, [1,2,3,3])",
+            "fq",
+            "id:(1 2)",
+            "fl",
+            "id, score",
+            "rows",
+            "1"),
+        "//result[@numFound='" + 2 + "']",
+        "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.=1]");
+    assertQ(
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(vector_byte_encoding, [3,3,2,1])",
+            "fq",
+            "id:(1 2)",
+            "fl",
+            "id, score",
+            "rows",
+            "1"),
+        "//result[@numFound='" + 2 + "']",
+        "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.=2]");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test2ArgsFloatFieldAndConstVector() throws Exception {
+    assertQ(
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(vector, [1,2,3,3])",
+            "fq",
+            "id:(1 2 3)",
+            "fl",
+            "id, score"),
+        "//result[@numFound='" + 3 + "']",
+        "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.=2]",
+        "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.=3]",
+        "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.=1]");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test2ArgsFloatVectorField() throws Exception {
+    assertQ(
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(vector, vector2)",
+            "fq",
+            "id:(1 2 3 4)",
+            "fl",
+            "id, score"),
+        "//result[@numFound='" + 4 + "']",
+        "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.=2]",
+        "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.=1]");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test2ArgsIfEitherFieldMissingValueDocScoreZero() {
+    assertQ(
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(vector, vector2)",
+            "fq",
+            "id:(3)",
+            "fl",
+            "id, score"),
+        "//result[@numFound='" + 1 + "']",
+        "//result/doc[1]/float[@name='score'][.=0.0]");
+    assertQ(
+        req(
+            CommonParams.Q,
+            "{!func} vectorSimilarity(vector, vector2)",
+            "fq",
+            "id:(4)",
+            "fl",
+            "id, score"),
+        "//result[@numFound='" + 1 + "']",
+        "//result/doc[1]/float[@name='score'][.=0.0]");
+  }
diff --git a/solr/solr-ref-guide/modules/query-guide/pages/function-queries.adoc b/solr/solr-ref-guide/modules/query-guide/pages/function-queries.adoc
index db839dc..48f9345 100644
--- a/solr/solr-ref-guide/modules/query-guide/pages/function-queries.adoc
+++ b/solr/solr-ref-guide/modules/query-guide/pages/function-queries.adoc
@@ -153,19 +153,35 @@
 * `dist(1,x,y,z,e,f,g)`: Manhattan distance between (x,y,z) and (e,f,g) where each letter is a field name.
 === vectorSimilarity Function
-Returns the similarity between two Knn vectors in an n-dimensional space.
-Takes in input the vector element encoding, the similarity measure plus two ValueSource instances and calculates the similarity between the two vectors.
+Returns the similarity between two Knn vectors in an n-dimensional space. There are two variants of this function.
-* The encodings supported are: `BYTE`, `FLOAT32`.
-* The similarities supported are: `EUCLIDEAN`, `COSINE`, `DOT_PRODUCT`
+==== vectorSimilarity(vector1, vector2)
-Each ValueSource must be a knn vector (field or constant).
+This function accepts two vectors as input: The first argument must be the name of a `DenseVectorField`. The second argument can be either the name of a second `DenseVectorField` or a constant vector.
+If two field names are specified, they must be configured with the same `vectorDimensions`, `vectorEncoding`, and `similarityFunction`.  If a constant vector is specified, then it will be parsed using the `vectorEncoding` configured on the field specified by the first argument and must have the same dimensions.
 *Syntax Examples*
-* `vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32, COSINE, [1,2,3], [4,5,6])`: calculates the cosine similarity between [1, 2, 3] and [4, 5, 6] for each document.
-* `vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32, DOT_PRODUCT, vectorField1, vectorField2)`: calculates the dot product similarity between the vector in 'vectorField1' and in 'vectorField2' for each document.
-* `vectorSimilarity(BYTE, EUCLIDEAN, [1,5,4,3], vectorField)`: calculates the euclidean similarity between the vector in 'vectorField' and the constant vector [1, 5, 4, 3] for each document.
+* `vectorSimilarity(vectorField1, vectorField2)`: calculates the configured similarity between vector fields `vectorField1` and `vectorField2` for each document.
+* `vectorSimilarity(vectorField1, [1,2,3,4])`: calculates the configured similarity between vector field `vectorField1` and `[1, 2, 3, 4]` for each document.
+Only field names that follow xref:indexing-guide:fields.adoc#field-properties[recommended field naming conventions] are guaranteed to work with this syntax.  Atypical field names requiring `field("...")` syntax when used in Function Queries must use the more complex 4 argument variant syntax of the `vectorSimilarity(...)` function described below.
+==== vectorSimilarity(ENCODING, SIMILARITY_FUNCTION, vector1, vector2)
+Takes in input the vector element encoding, the similarity measure plus two ValueSource instances (either a `DenseVectorField` or a constant vector) and calculates the similarity between the two vectors.
+* The encodings supported are: `BYTE`, `FLOAT32`
+** This is used to parse any constant vector arguments
+* The similarities supported are: `EUCLIDEAN`, `COSINE`, `DOT_PRODUCT`
+*Syntax Examples*
+* `vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32, COSINE, [1,2,3], [4,5,6])`: calculates the cosine similarity between `[1, 2, 3]` and `[4, 5, 6]` for each document.
+* `vectorSimilarity(FLOAT32, DOT_PRODUCT, vectorField1, vectorField2)`: calculates the dot product similarity between the vector in `vectorField1` and in `vectorField2` for each document.
+* `vectorSimilarity(BYTE, EUCLIDEAN, [1,5,4,3], vectorField)`: calculates the euclidean similarity between the vector in `vectorField` and the constant vector `[1, 5, 4, 3]` for each document.
 === docfreq(field,val) Function
 Returns the number of documents that contain the term in the field.