blob: d612b29fe70086660a2c547713ff21e3f31b0e39 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.function.BiFunction
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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// Local Lucene development repository resolution:
// 1) A "[version]" property, resolving Lucene artifacts from a local Maven repository.
// 2) A non-empty property "[path]" pointing to a local path. Relative paths
// are resolved against the root project directory.
// 3) An auto-wired 'lucene' subfolder, if present. To skip auto-wiring, pass
// a blank value in step 2: "".
// This script is applied in settings.gradle and later at build time: these two contexts
// are distinctively different and have separate (and limited) APIs.
def configuringSettings = (rootProject instanceof org.gradle.api.initialization.ProjectDescriptor)
// Accessor for -P properties from settings or at build time.
BiFunction<String, String, String> resolvePropertyValue = { propertyName, defValue ->
if (configuringSettings) {
return, defValue)
} else {
return, defValue)
def READ_ACCESS_PROPERTY="lucene-dev-path.dir"
def forcedLuceneVersion = resolvePropertyValue(PROP_FORCE_VERSION, null)
if (forcedLuceneVersion != null) {
if (!configuringSettings) {
logger.lifecycle("Lucene version forced by -P${PROP_FORCE_VERSION}=${forcedLuceneVersion}")
allprojects {
repositories {
tasks.withType(Test) {
def userHome ='user.home')
systemProperty READ_ACCESS_PROPERTY, file("${userHome}/.m2/repository/org/apache/lucene").absolutePath
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.eachDependency {
if ( == "org.apache.lucene") {
because("Lucene version forced manually by '' property.")
// Step 1: end resolution
def luceneDevRepo = null
def defaultLuceneDevRepo = file("${rootDir}/lucene")
String propertyValue = resolvePropertyValue(PROP_FORCE_PATH, null)
if (propertyValue != null) {
// Step 2.
if (propertyValue.isBlank()) {
if (defaultLuceneDevRepo.exists() && configuringSettings) {
logger.lifecycle("Local Lucene development repository has been detected but won't be used.")
} else {
// For relative path `propertyValue` spec, `file(propertyValue)` at settings configuration time
// resolves relative to "${rootDir}/gradle/" (as opposed to "${rootDir}/"); so we use the Java
// Path API here for consistent relative path resolution at configuration and build time
luceneDevRepo = file(rootDir).toPath().resolve(propertyValue).normalize().toFile()
if (!luceneDevRepo.exists()) {
throw new GradleException("Lucene repository does not exist at: -P${PROP_FORCE_PATH}=${luceneDevRepo}.")
} else if (defaultLuceneDevRepo.exists()) {
// Step 3
luceneDevRepo = defaultLuceneDevRepo
if (luceneDevRepo != null) {
// Allow turning off this auto-wiring via (can't be a -P property because
// at settings evaluation time we don't have project properties yet).
if (configuringSettings) {
// We substitute the exact version of Lucene we currently have in versions.props across all the dependencies.
// We can't just substitute all references without looking at the versoin because
// plugin dependencies then also get substituted and everything crashes.
String luceneVersion = (file("${rootDir}/versions.props").getText("UTF-8") =~ /org.apache.lucene:\*=(.+)/)[0][1]
logger.lifecycle("Local Lucene development repository will be used substituting ${luceneVersion}: ${luceneDevRepo}")
// Include Lucene repository as a composite and substitute module names.
includeBuild(luceneDevRepo) {
// Explicitly specify project name; otherwise project name is determined by directory name.
// The name of included build should match the `` of lucene: "lucene-root"
// At build time (below) the included build is retrieved by name; subproject tests in IDE
// will also default to run against the root project name of the included build, so it's
// important to have the names match.
name = 'lucene-root'
dependencySubstitution {
all { DependencySubstitution dependency ->
if (dependency.requested instanceof ModuleComponentSelector) {
def moduleSelector = (ModuleComponentSelector) dependency.requested
if ( == "org.apache.lucene" && moduleSelector.version == luceneVersion) {
// Map Maven artifact name to lucene module name.
def projectModuleName =
.replaceFirst("^lucene-analysis-", ":lucene:analysis:")
.replaceFirst("^lucene-", ":lucene:")"Substituting Lucene dependency ${moduleSelector} with an included build project: ${projectModuleName}")
} else {
// We're being applied at build-time and Lucene development repository exists. Configure
// certain aspects of the build so that things work with it.
// replace luceneBaseVersionProvider by one evaluating the included build:
configure(rootProject) {
def line = new File(gradle.includedBuild('lucene-root').projectDir, 'build.gradle').readLines("UTF-8").find { it =~ /\bbaseVersion\s*=\s*['"]/ }
if (!line) {
throw new GradleException('Cannot extract Lucene baseVersion from build.gradle file.')
def luceneBaseVersion = evaluate(line)
logger.lifecycle("Local Lucene development repository will override luceneBaseVersion with: {}", luceneBaseVersion)
ext {
luceneBaseVersionProvider = provider { luceneBaseVersion }
// Security policy requires read access to the repo path.
allprojects {
tasks.withType(Test) {
systemProperty READ_ACCESS_PROPERTY, luceneDevRepo.absolutePath