blob: 007947e136facde806d6b8fc0e770bf22677e5f8 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2019 Bloomberg Finance LP.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package v1beta1
import (
metav1 ""
const (
SolrPrometheusExporterTechnologyLabel = "solr-prometheus-exporter"
// SolrPrometheusExporterSpec defines the desired state of SolrPrometheusExporter
type SolrPrometheusExporterSpec struct {
// Reference of the Solr instance to collect metrics for
SolrReference `json:"solrReference"`
// Image of Solr Prometheus Exporter to run.
// +optional
Image *ContainerImage `json:"image,omitempty"`
// DEPRECATED: Please use the options provided in customKubeOptions.podOptions
// Pod defines the policy to create pod for the SolrCloud.
// Updating the Pod does not take effect on any existing pods.
// +optional
PodPolicy SolrPodPolicy `json:"podPolicy,omitempty"`
// Provide custom options for kubernetes objects created for the SolrPrometheusExporter.
// +optional
CustomKubeOptions CustomExporterKubeOptions `json:"customKubeOptions,omitempty"`
// The entrypoint into the exporter. Defaults to the official docker-solr location.
// +optional
ExporterEntrypoint string `json:"exporterEntrypoint,omitempty"`
// Number of threads to use for the prometheus exporter
// Defaults to 1
// +optional
NumThreads int32 `json:"numThreads,omitempty"`
// The interval to scrape Solr at (in seconds)
// Defaults to 60 seconds
// +optional
ScrapeInterval int32 `json:"scrapeInterval,omitempty"`
// The xml config for the metrics
// +optional
Config string `json:"metricsConfig,omitempty"`
func (ps *SolrPrometheusExporterSpec) withDefaults(namespace string) (changed bool) {
changed = ps.SolrReference.withDefaults(namespace) || changed
if ps.Image == nil {
ps.Image = &ContainerImage{}
changed = ps.Image.withDefaults(DefaultSolrRepo, DefaultSolrVersion, DefaultPullPolicy) || changed
if ps.NumThreads == 0 {
ps.NumThreads = 1
changed = true
return changed
// SolrReference defines a reference to an internal or external solrCloud or standalone solr
// One, and only one, of Cloud or Standalone must be provided.
type SolrReference struct {
// Reference of a solrCloud instance
// +optional
Cloud *SolrCloudReference `json:"cloud,omitempty"`
// Reference of a standalone solr instance
// +optional
Standalone *StandaloneSolrReference `json:"standalone,omitempty"`
func (sr *SolrReference) withDefaults(namespace string) (changed bool) {
if sr.Cloud != nil {
changed = sr.Cloud.withDefaults(namespace) || changed
return changed
// SolrCloudReference defines a reference to an internal or external solrCloud.
// Internal (to the kube cluster) clouds should be specified via the Name and Namespace options.
// External clouds should be specified by their Zookeeper connection information.
type SolrCloudReference struct {
// The name of a solr cloud running within the kubernetes cluster
// +optional
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// The namespace of a solr cloud running within the kubernetes cluster
// +optional
Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
// The ZK Connection information for a cloud, could be used for solr's outside of the kube cluster
// +optional
ZookeeperConnectionInfo *ZookeeperConnectionInfo `json:"zkConnectionInfo,omitempty"`
func (scr *SolrCloudReference) withDefaults(namespace string) (changed bool) {
if scr.Name != "" {
if scr.Namespace == "" {
scr.Namespace = namespace
changed = true
if scr.ZookeeperConnectionInfo != nil {
changed = scr.ZookeeperConnectionInfo.withDefaults() || changed
return changed
// SolrPrometheusExporterStatus defines the observed state of SolrPrometheusExporter
type StandaloneSolrReference struct {
// The address of the standalone solr
Address string `json:"address"`
type CustomExporterKubeOptions struct {
// SolrPodOptions defines the custom options for the solrPrometheusExporter pods.
// +optional
PodOptions *PodOptions `json:"podOptions,omitempty"`
// DeploymentOptions defines the custom options for the solrPrometheusExporter Deployment.
// +optional
DeploymentOptions *DeploymentOptions `json:"deploymentOptions,omitempty"`
// ServiceOptions defines the custom options for the solrPrometheusExporter Service.
// +optional
ServiceOptions *ServiceOptions `json:"serviceOptions,omitempty"`
// ServiceOptions defines the custom options for the solrPrometheusExporter ConfigMap.
// +optional
ConfigMapOptions *ConfigMapOptions `json:"configMapOptions,omitempty"`
// SolrPrometheusExporterStatus defines the observed state of SolrPrometheusExporter
type SolrPrometheusExporterStatus struct {
// An address the prometheus exporter can be connected to from within the Kube cluster
// InternalAddress string `json:"internalAddress"`
// An address the prometheus exporter can be connected to from outside of the Kube cluster
// Will only be provided when an ingressUrl is provided for the cloud
// +optional
// ExternalAddress string `json:"externalAddress,omitempty"`
// Is the prometheus exporter up and running
Ready bool `json:"ready"`
// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// SolrPrometheusExporter is the Schema for the solrprometheusexporters API
// +kubebuilder:resource:shortName=solrmetrics
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Ready",type="boolean",JSONPath=".status.ready",description="Whether the prometheus exporter is ready"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Scrape Interval",type="integer",JSONPath=".spec.scrapeInterval",description="Scrape interval for metrics (in ms)"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Age",type="date",JSONPath=".metadata.creationTimestamp"
type SolrPrometheusExporter struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Spec SolrPrometheusExporterSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
Status SolrPrometheusExporterStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// WithDefaults set default values when not defined in the spec.
func (spe *SolrPrometheusExporter) WithDefaults() bool {
return spe.Spec.withDefaults(spe.Namespace)
func (spe *SolrPrometheusExporter) SharedLabels() map[string]string {
return spe.SharedLabelsWith(map[string]string{})
func (spe *SolrPrometheusExporter) SharedLabelsWith(labels map[string]string) map[string]string {
newLabels := map[string]string{}
if labels != nil {
for k, v := range labels {
newLabels[k] = v
newLabels[SolrPrometheusExporterTechnologyLabel] = spe.Name
return newLabels
// MetricsDeploymentName returns the name of the metrics deployment for the cloud
func (sc *SolrPrometheusExporter) MetricsDeploymentName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solr-metrics", sc.GetName())
// MetricsConfigMapName returns the name of the metrics service for the cloud
func (sc *SolrPrometheusExporter) MetricsConfigMapName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solr-metrics", sc.GetName())
// MetricsServiceName returns the name of the metrics service for the cloud
func (sc *SolrPrometheusExporter) MetricsServiceName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solr-metrics", sc.GetName())
func (sc *SolrPrometheusExporter) MetricsIngressPrefix() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-solr-metrics", sc.Namespace, sc.Name)
func (sc *SolrPrometheusExporter) MetricsIngressUrl(ingressBaseUrl string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", sc.MetricsIngressPrefix(), ingressBaseUrl)
// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// SolrPrometheusExporterList contains a list of SolrPrometheusExporter
type SolrPrometheusExporterList struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Items []SolrPrometheusExporter `json:"items"`
func init() {
SchemeBuilder.Register(&SolrPrometheusExporter{}, &SolrPrometheusExporterList{})