Make the created statefulset have the new reconciled solr cloud status (#47)

Signed-off-by: Tim TerlegÄrd <>
diff --git a/controllers/solrcloud_controller.go b/controllers/solrcloud_controller.go
index 8d7cdcf..6780ea8 100644
--- a/controllers/solrcloud_controller.go
+++ b/controllers/solrcloud_controller.go
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 	if !blockReconciliationOfStatefulSet {
 		// Generate StatefulSet
-		statefulSet := util.GenerateStatefulSet(instance, IngressBaseUrl, hostNameIpMap)
+		statefulSet := util.GenerateStatefulSet(instance, &newStatus, IngressBaseUrl, hostNameIpMap)
 		if err := controllerutil.SetControllerReference(instance, statefulSet, r.scheme); err != nil {
 			return reconcile.Result{}, err
diff --git a/controllers/util/solr_util.go b/controllers/util/solr_util.go
index 544b3f6..4cd19f1 100644
--- a/controllers/util/solr_util.go
+++ b/controllers/util/solr_util.go
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 // replicas: the number of replicas for the SolrCloud instance
 // storage: the size of the storage for the SolrCloud instance (e.g. 100Gi)
 // zkConnectionString: the connectionString of the ZK instance to connect to
-func GenerateStatefulSet(solrCloud *solr.SolrCloud, ingressBaseDomain string, hostNameIPs map[string]string) *appsv1.StatefulSet {
+func GenerateStatefulSet(solrCloud *solr.SolrCloud, solrCloudStatus *solr.SolrCloudStatus, ingressBaseDomain string, hostNameIPs map[string]string) *appsv1.StatefulSet {
 	gracePeriodTerm := int64(10)
 	fsGroup := int64(SolrClientPort)
 	defaultMode := int32(420)
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
 									Name:  "ZK_HOST",
-									Value: solrCloud.ZkConnectionString(),
+									Value: solrCloudStatus.ZkConnectionString(),
 									Name:  "SOLR_LOG_LEVEL",