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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package controllers
import (
solrv1beta1 ""
appsv1 ""
corev1 ""
func determineScaleClusterOpLockIfNecessary(ctx context.Context, r *SolrCloudReconciler, instance *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet, podList []corev1.Pod, logger logr.Logger) (clusterOpLock string, clusterOpMetadata string, retryLaterDuration time.Duration, err error) {
desiredPods := int(*instance.Spec.Replicas)
configuredPods := int(*statefulSet.Spec.Replicas)
if desiredPods != configuredPods {
scaleTo := -1
// Start a scaling operation
if desiredPods < configuredPods {
// Scale down!
// The option is enabled by default, so treat "nil" like "true"
if instance.Spec.Autoscaling.VacatePodsOnScaleDown == nil || *instance.Spec.Autoscaling.VacatePodsOnScaleDown {
if desiredPods > 0 {
// We only support one scaling down one pod at-a-time if not scaling down to 0 pods
scaleTo = configuredPods - 1
} else {
// We do not do a "managed" scale-to-zero operation.
// Just scale down unmanaged.
err = scaleCloudUnmanaged(ctx, r, statefulSet, 0, logger)
} else {
// The cloud is not setup to use managed scale-down
err = scaleCloudUnmanaged(ctx, r, statefulSet, desiredPods, logger)
} else if desiredPods > configuredPods {
// Scale up!
// TODO: replicasScaleUp is not supported, so do not make a clusterOp out of it, just do the patch
err = scaleCloudUnmanaged(ctx, r, statefulSet, desiredPods, logger)
if scaleTo > -1 {
clusterOpLock = util.ScaleLock
clusterOpMetadata = strconv.Itoa(scaleTo)
func handleLockedClusterOpScale(ctx context.Context, r *SolrCloudReconciler, instance *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet, podList []corev1.Pod, logger logr.Logger) (retryLaterDuration time.Duration, err error) {
if scalingToNodes, hasAnn := statefulSet.Annotations[util.ClusterOpsMetadataAnnotation]; hasAnn {
if scalingToNodesInt, convErr := strconv.Atoi(scalingToNodes); convErr != nil {
logger.Error(convErr, "Could not convert statefulSet annotation to int for scale-down-to information", "annotation", util.ClusterOpsMetadataAnnotation, "value", scalingToNodes)
err = convErr
} else {
replicaManagementComplete := false
if scalingToNodesInt < int(*statefulSet.Spec.Replicas) {
// Manage scaling down the SolrCloud
replicaManagementComplete, err = handleManagedCloudScaleDown(ctx, r, instance, statefulSet, scalingToNodesInt, podList, logger)
// } else if scalingToNodesInt > int(*statefulSet.Spec.Replicas) {
// TODO: Utilize the scaled-up nodes in the future, however Solr does not currently have APIs for this.
// TODO: Think about the order of scale-up and restart when individual nodeService IPs are injected into the pods.
// TODO: Will likely want to do a scale-up of the service first, then do the rolling restart of the cluster, then utilize the node.
} else {
// This shouldn't happen. The ScalingToNodesAnnotation is removed when the statefulSet size changes, through a Patch.
// But if it does happen, we should just remove the annotation and move forward.
patchedStatefulSet := statefulSet.DeepCopy()
delete(patchedStatefulSet.Annotations, util.ClusterOpsLockAnnotation)
delete(patchedStatefulSet.Annotations, util.ClusterOpsMetadataAnnotation)
if err = r.Patch(ctx, patchedStatefulSet, client.StrategicMergeFrom(statefulSet)); err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Error while patching StatefulSet to remove unneeded clusterLockOp annotation for scaling to the current amount of nodes")
} else {
statefulSet = patchedStatefulSet
// Scale the statefulSet to represent the new number of pods, if it is lower than the current number of pods
// Also remove the lock annotations, as the cluster operation is done. Other operations can now take place.
if replicaManagementComplete {
patchedStatefulSet := statefulSet.DeepCopy()
patchedStatefulSet.Spec.Replicas = pointer.Int32(int32(scalingToNodesInt))
delete(patchedStatefulSet.Annotations, util.ClusterOpsLockAnnotation)
delete(patchedStatefulSet.Annotations, util.ClusterOpsMetadataAnnotation)
if err = r.Patch(ctx, patchedStatefulSet, client.StrategicMergeFrom(statefulSet)); err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Error while patching StatefulSet to scale down SolrCloud", "newUtilizedNodes", scalingToNodesInt)
// TODO: Create event for the CRD.
} else {
// Retry after five minutes to check if the replica management commands have been completed
retryLaterDuration = time.Second * 5
// If everything succeeded, the statefulSet will have an annotation updated
// and the reconcile loop will be called again.
} else {
err = errors.New("no clusterOpMetadata annotation is present in the statefulSet")
logger.Error(err, "Cannot perform scaling operation when no scale-to-nodes is provided via the clusterOpMetadata")
return time.Second * 10, err
// handleManagedCloudScaleDown does the logic of a managed and "locked" cloud scale down operation.
// This will likely take many reconcile loops to complete, as it is moving replicas away from the nodes that will be scaled down.
func handleManagedCloudScaleDown(ctx context.Context, r *SolrCloudReconciler, instance *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet, scaleDownTo int, podList []corev1.Pod, logger logr.Logger) (replicaManagementComplete bool, err error) {
// Before doing anything to the pod, make sure that users cannot send requests to the pod anymore.
podStoppedReadinessConditions := map[corev1.PodConditionType]podReadinessConditionChange{
util.SolrIsNotStoppedReadinessCondition: {
reason: ScaleDown,
message: "Pod is being deleted, traffic to the pod must be stopped",
status: false,
if scaleDownTo == 0 {
// Eventually we might want to delete all collections & data,
// the user wants no data left if scaling the solrcloud down to 0.
// However, for now we do not offer managed scale down to zero, so this line of code shouldn't even happen.
replicaManagementComplete = true
} else {
// Only evict the last pod, even if we are trying to scale down multiple pods.
// Scale down will happen one pod at a time.
replicaManagementComplete, err = evictSinglePod(ctx, r, instance, scaleDownTo, podList, podStoppedReadinessConditions, logger)
// TODO: It would be great to support a multi-node scale down when Solr supports evicting many SolrNodes at once.
// scaleCloudUnmanaged does simple scaling of a SolrCloud without moving replicas.
// This is not a "locked" cluster operation, and does not block other cluster operations from taking place.
func scaleCloudUnmanaged(ctx context.Context, r *SolrCloudReconciler, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet, scaleTo int, logger logr.Logger) (err error) {
// Before doing anything to the pod, make sure that users cannot send requests to the pod anymore.
patchedStatefulSet := statefulSet.DeepCopy()
patchedStatefulSet.Spec.Replicas = pointer.Int32(int32(scaleTo))
if err = r.Patch(ctx, patchedStatefulSet, client.StrategicMergeFrom(statefulSet)); err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Error while patching StatefulSet to scale SolrCloud.", "fromNodes", *statefulSet.Spec.Replicas, "toNodes", scaleTo)
return err
// This is currently not used, use in the future if we want to delete all data when scaling down to zero
func evictAllPods(ctx context.Context, r *SolrCloudReconciler, instance *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud, podList []corev1.Pod, readinessConditions map[corev1.PodConditionType]podReadinessConditionChange, logger logr.Logger) (podsAreEmpty bool, err error) {
// If there are no pods, we can't empty them. Just return true
if len(podList) == 0 {
return true, nil
for i, pod := range podList {
if updatedPod, e := EnsurePodReadinessConditions(ctx, r, &pod, readinessConditions, logger); e != nil {
err = e
} else {
podList[i] = *updatedPod
// Delete all collections & data, the user wants no data left if scaling the solrcloud down to 0
// This is a much different operation to deleting the SolrCloud/StatefulSet all-together
// TODO: Implement delete all collections. Currently just leave the data
//if err, podsAreEmpty = util.DeleteAllCollectionsIfNecessary(ctx, instance, "scaleDown", logger); err != nil {
// logger.Error(err, "Error while evicting all collections in SolrCloud, when scaling down SolrCloud to 0 pods")
podsAreEmpty = true
func evictSinglePod(ctx context.Context, r *SolrCloudReconciler, instance *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud, scaleDownTo int, podList []corev1.Pod, readinessConditions map[corev1.PodConditionType]podReadinessConditionChange, logger logr.Logger) (podIsEmpty bool, err error) {
var pod *corev1.Pod
podName := instance.GetSolrPodName(scaleDownTo)
for _, p := range podList {
if p.Name == podName {
pod = &p
podHasReplicas := true
if replicas, e := getReplicasForPod(ctx, instance, podName, logger); e != nil {
return false, e
} else {
podHasReplicas = len(replicas) > 0
// The pod doesn't exist, we cannot empty it
if pod == nil {
return !podHasReplicas, errors.New("Could not find pod " + podName + " when trying to migrate replicas to scale down pod.")
if updatedPod, e := EnsurePodReadinessConditions(ctx, r, pod, readinessConditions, logger); e != nil {
err = e
} else {
pod = updatedPod
// Only evict from the pod if it contains replicas in the clusterState
if e, canDeletePod := util.EvictReplicasForPodIfNecessary(ctx, instance, pod, podHasReplicas, "scaleDown", logger); e != nil {
err = e
logger.Error(err, "Error while evicting replicas on Pod, when scaling down SolrCloud", "pod", pod.Name)
} else if canDeletePod {
// The pod previously had replicas, so loop back in the next reconcile to make sure that the pod doesn't
// have replicas anymore even if the previous evict command was successful.
// If there are still replicas, it will start the eviction process again
podIsEmpty = !podHasReplicas
func getReplicasForPod(ctx context.Context, cloud *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud, podName string, logger logr.Logger) (replicas []string, err error) {
clusterResp := &solr_api.SolrClusterStatusResponse{}
queryParams := url.Values{}
queryParams.Add("action", "CLUSTERSTATUS")
err = solr_api.CallCollectionsApi(ctx, cloud, queryParams, clusterResp)
if err == nil {
if hasError, apiErr := solr_api.CheckForCollectionsApiError("CLUSTERSTATUS", clusterResp.ResponseHeader); hasError {
err = apiErr
podNodeName := util.SolrNodeName(cloud, podName)
if err == nil {
for _, colState := range clusterResp.ClusterStatus.Collections {
for _, shardState := range colState.Shards {
for replica, replicaState := range shardState.Replicas {
if replicaState.NodeName == podNodeName {
replicas = append(replicas, replica)
} else {
logger.Error(err, "Error retrieving cluster status, cannot determine if pod has replicas")