Update 'minimum-solr-version' docs
diff --git a/dev-docs/changes-for-minimum-solr-version.md b/dev-docs/changes-for-minimum-solr-version.md
index 3d4ce75..1121a74 100644
--- a/dev-docs/changes-for-minimum-solr-version.md
+++ b/dev-docs/changes-for-minimum-solr-version.md
@@ -6,36 +6,6 @@
 ## 8.x
-### 8.0
-- SOLR-11126: Used improved healthcheck handler (`/solr/admin/health`)
-### 8.1
-- SOLR-13336: Adding `<int name="maxBooleanClauses">${solr.max.booleanClauses:1024}</int>` to the default `solr.xml`.
-### 8.3
-- SOLR-13773: Adding SOLR_HEAP, SOLR_JAVA_MEM, GC_TUNE envVar options for the Prometheus Exporter
-### 8.5
-- SOLR-14281: Adding `<str name="sharedLib">${solr.sharedLib:}</str>` to the default `solr.xml`.
-### 8.6
-- SOLR-14561: Adding `<str name="allowPaths">${solr.allowPaths:}</str>` to the default `solr.xml`.
-### 8.7
-- SOLR-14914: Adding `<metrics enabled="${metricsEnabled:true}"/>` to the default `solr.xml`.
-### 8.8
-- SOLR-14955: Many of the prometheus exporter options can be set via EnvVars now
-- SOLR-14999: Use SOLR_PORT_ADVERTISE for the hostPort information, instead of using a custom option in the solr.xml
-  When we make this upgrade, we will not need to use a custom solr.xml unless the user has specified custom options, such as backup repositories.
 ### 8.11
 - SOLR-7642: Solr will create a chroot if necessary using the ZK_CREATE_CHROOT envVar