Remove redundant docs for zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.affinity (#482)

Co-authored-by: Houston Putman <>
diff --git a/helm/solr/ b/helm/solr/
index bde49c8..b25241e 100644
--- a/helm/solr/
+++ b/helm/solr/
@@ -177,13 +177,12 @@
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.labels | map[string]string |  | List of additional labels to add to the Zookeeper pod |
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.annotations | map[string]string |  | List of additional annotations to add to the Zookeeper pod |
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.serviceAccountName | string |  | Optional serviceAccount to run the ZK Pod under |
-| zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.affinity | string |  | PullSecret for the ZooKeeper image |
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.resources.limits | map[string]string |  | Provide Resource limits for the ZooKeeper containers |
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.resources.requests | map[string]string |  | Provide Resource requests for the ZooKeeper containers |
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.nodeSelector | map[string]string |  | Add a node selector for the ZooKeeper pod, to specify where it can be scheduled |
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.affinity | object |  | Add Kubernetes affinity information for the ZooKeeper pod |
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.tolerations | []object |  | Specify a list of Kubernetes tolerations for the ZooKeeper pod |
-| zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.envVars | []object |  | List of additional environment variables for the ZooKeeper container |
+| zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.env | []object |  | List of additional environment variables for the ZooKeeper container |
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.securityContext | object |  | Security context for the entire ZooKeeper pod. More information can be found in the [Kubernetes docs](More info: |
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | int | `30` | The amount of time that Kubernetes will give for a zookeeper pod instance to shutdown normally. |
 | zk.provided.zookeeperPodPolicy.imagePullSecrets | []object |  | List of image pull secrets to inject into the Zookeeper pod. |