blob: 4698e5208a20931d5155233ff7706a66587bcd55 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2019 Bloomberg Finance LP.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package v1beta1
import (
zk ""
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
const (
DefaultPullPolicy = corev1.PullIfNotPresent
DefaultSolrReplicas = int32(3)
DefaultSolrRepo = "library/solr"
DefaultSolrVersion = "7.7.0"
DefaultSolrStorage = "5Gi"
DefaultSolrJavaMem = "-Xms1g -Xmx2g"
DefaultSolrOpts = ""
DefaultSolrLogLevel = "INFO"
DefaultSolrGCTune = ""
DefaultBusyBoxImageRepo = "library/busybox"
DefaultBusyBoxImageVersion = "1.28.0-glibc"
DefaultZkReplicas = int32(3)
DefaultZkStorage = "5Gi"
DefaultZkRepo = "emccorp/zookeeper"
DefaultZkVersion = "3.5.4-beta-operator"
DefaultZkVolumeReclaimPolicy = zk.VolumeReclaimPolicyRetain
DefaultEtcdReplicas = 3
DefaultEtcdRepo = ""
DefaultEtcdVersion = "3.2.13"
DefaultZetcdReplicas = int32(1)
DefaultZetcdRepo = ""
DefaultZetcdVersion = "0.0.5"
SolrTechnologyLabel = "solr-cloud"
ZookeeperTechnologyLabel = "zookeeper"
// NOTE: json tags are required. Any new fields you add must have json tags for the fields to be serialized.
// SolrCloudSpec defines the desired state of SolrCloud
type SolrCloudSpec struct {
// The number of solr nodes to run
// +optional
Replicas *int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// The information for the Zookeeper this SolrCloud should connect to
// Can be a zookeeper that is running, or one that is created by the solr operator
// +optional
ZookeeperRef *ZookeeperRef `json:"zookeeperRef,omitempty"`
// +optional
SolrImage *ContainerImage `json:"solrImage,omitempty"`
// DEPRECATED: Please use the options provided in customSolrKubeOptions.podOptions
// Pod defines the policy to create pod for the SolrCloud.
// Updating the Pod does not take effect on any existing pods.
// +optional
SolrPod SolrPodPolicy `json:"solrPodPolicy,omitempty"`
// DataPvcSpec is the spec to describe PVC for the solr node to store its data.
// This field is optional. If no PVC spec is provided, each solr node will use emptyDir as the data volume
// +optional
DataPvcSpec *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec `json:"dataPvcSpec,omitempty"`
// Required for backups & restores to be enabled.
// This is a volumeSource for a volume that will be mounted to all solrNodes to store backups and load restores.
// The data within the volume will be namespaces for this instance, so feel free to use the same volume for multiple clouds.
// Since the volume will be mounted to all solrNodes, it must be able to be written from multiple pods.
// If a PVC reference is given, the PVC must have `accessModes: - ReadWriteMany`.
// Other options are to use a NFS volume.
// +optional
BackupRestoreVolume *corev1.VolumeSource `json:"backupRestoreVolume,omitempty"`
// Provide custom options for kubernetes objects created for the Solr Cloud.
// +optional
CustomSolrKubeOptions CustomSolrKubeOptions `json:"customSolrKubeOptions,omitempty"`
// +optional
BusyBoxImage *ContainerImage `json:"busyBoxImage,omitempty"`
// +optional
SolrJavaMem string `json:"solrJavaMem,omitempty"`
// You can add common system properties to the SOLR_OPTS environment variable
// SolrOpts is the string interface for these optional settings
// +optional
SolrOpts string `json:"solrOpts,omitempty"`
// Set the Solr Log level, defaults to INFO
// +optional
SolrLogLevel string `json:"solrLogLevel,omitempty"`
// Set GC Tuning configuration through GC_TUNE environment variable
// +optional
SolrGCTune string `json:"solrGCTune,omitempty"`
func (spec *SolrCloudSpec) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if spec.Replicas == nil {
changed = true
r := DefaultSolrReplicas
spec.Replicas = &r
if spec.SolrJavaMem == "" && DefaultSolrJavaMem != "" {
changed = true
spec.SolrJavaMem = DefaultSolrJavaMem
if spec.SolrOpts == "" && DefaultSolrOpts != "" {
changed = true
spec.SolrOpts = DefaultSolrOpts
if spec.SolrLogLevel == "" && DefaultSolrLogLevel != "" {
changed = true
spec.SolrLogLevel = DefaultSolrLogLevel
if spec.SolrGCTune == "" && DefaultSolrGCTune != "" {
changed = true
spec.SolrGCTune = DefaultSolrGCTune
if spec.ZookeeperRef == nil {
spec.ZookeeperRef = &ZookeeperRef{}
changed = spec.ZookeeperRef.withDefaults() || changed
if spec.SolrImage == nil {
spec.SolrImage = &ContainerImage{}
changed = spec.SolrImage.withDefaults(DefaultSolrRepo, DefaultSolrVersion, DefaultPullPolicy) || changed
if spec.DataPvcSpec != nil {
spec.DataPvcSpec.AccessModes = []corev1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{
if len(spec.DataPvcSpec.Resources.Requests) == 0 {
spec.DataPvcSpec.Resources.Requests = corev1.ResourceList{
corev1.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse(DefaultSolrStorage),
changed = true
if spec.DataPvcSpec.VolumeMode == nil {
temp := corev1.PersistentVolumeFilesystem
spec.DataPvcSpec.VolumeMode = &temp
if spec.BusyBoxImage == nil {
c := ContainerImage{}
spec.BusyBoxImage = &c
changed = spec.BusyBoxImage.withDefaults(DefaultBusyBoxImageRepo, DefaultBusyBoxImageVersion, DefaultPullPolicy) || changed
return changed
type CustomSolrKubeOptions struct {
// SolrPodOptions defines the custom options for solrCloud pods.
// +optional
PodOptions *PodOptions `json:"podOptions,omitempty"`
// StatefulSetOptions defines the custom options for the solrCloud StatefulSet.
// +optional
StatefulSetOptions *StatefulSetOptions `json:"statefulSetOptions,omitempty"`
// CommonServiceOptions defines the custom options for the common solrCloud Service.
// +optional
CommonServiceOptions *ServiceOptions `json:"commonServiceOptions,omitempty"`
// HeadlessServiceOptions defines the custom options for the headless solrCloud Service.
// +optional
HeadlessServiceOptions *ServiceOptions `json:"headlessServiceOptions,omitempty"`
// NodeServiceOptions defines the custom options for the individual solrCloud Node services, if they are created.
// These services will only be created when exposing SolrNodes externally via an Ingress in the AddressabilityOptions.
// +optional
NodeServiceOptions *ServiceOptions `json:"nodeServiceOptions,omitempty"`
// ServiceOptions defines the custom options for the solrCloud ConfigMap.
// +optional
ConfigMapOptions *ConfigMapOptions `json:"configMapOptions,omitempty"`
// IngressOptions defines the custom options for the solrCloud Ingress.
// +optional
IngressOptions *IngressOptions `json:"ingressOptions,omitempty"`
// DEPRECATED: Please use the options provided in SolrCloud.Spec.customSolrKubeOptions.podOptions
// SolrPodPolicy defines the common pod configuration for Pods, including when used
// in deployments, stateful-sets, etc.
type SolrPodPolicy struct {
// The scheduling constraints on pods.
// +optional
Affinity *corev1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`
// Resources is the resource requirements for the container.
// This field cannot be updated once the cluster is created.
// +optional
Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
// ZookeeperRef defines the zookeeper ensemble for solr to connect to
// If no ConnectionString is provided, the solr-cloud controller will create and manage an internal ensemble
type ZookeeperRef struct {
// A zookeeper ensemble that is run independently of the solr operator
// If an externalConnectionString is provided, but no internalConnectionString is, the external will be used as the internal
// +optional
ConnectionInfo *ZookeeperConnectionInfo `json:"connectionInfo,omitempty"`
// A zookeeper that is created by the solr operator
// Note: This option will not allow the SolrCloud to run across kube-clusters.
// +optional
ProvidedZookeeper *ProvidedZookeeper `json:"provided,omitempty"`
func (ref *ZookeeperRef) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if ref.ProvidedZookeeper == nil && ref.ConnectionInfo == nil {
changed = true
ref.ProvidedZookeeper = &ProvidedZookeeper{}
} else if ref.ConnectionInfo != nil {
if ref.ProvidedZookeeper != nil {
ref.ProvidedZookeeper = nil
changed = true
changed = ref.ConnectionInfo.withDefaults() || changed
if ref.ProvidedZookeeper != nil {
changed = ref.ProvidedZookeeper.withDefaults() || changed
return changed
func (ci *ZookeeperConnectionInfo) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if ci.InternalConnectionString == "" {
if ci.ExternalConnectionString != nil {
changed = true
ci.InternalConnectionString = *ci.ExternalConnectionString
if ci.ChRoot == "" {
changed = true
ci.ChRoot = "/"
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(ci.ChRoot, "/") {
changed = true
ci.ChRoot = "/" + ci.ChRoot
return changed
// ProvidedZookeeper defines the internal zookeeper ensemble to run
type ProvidedZookeeper struct {
// Create a new Zookeeper Ensemble with the following spec
// Note: Requires
// - The zookeeperOperator flag to be provided to the Solr Operator
// - A zookeeper operator to be running
// +optional
Zookeeper *ZookeeperSpec `json:"zookeeper,omitempty"`
// Create a new Etcd Cluster and a Zetcd proxy to connect the cluster to solr
// Note: Requires
// - The etcdOperator flag to be provided to the Solr Operator
// - An etcd operator to be running
// +optional
Zetcd *FullZetcdSpec `json:"zetcd,inline"`
// The ChRoot to connect solr at
// +optional
ChRoot string `json:"chroot,omitempty"`
func (z *ProvidedZookeeper) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if z.Zookeeper == nil && z.Zetcd == nil {
changed = true
z.Zookeeper = &ZookeeperSpec{}
if z.Zookeeper != nil {
changed = z.Zookeeper.withDefaults() || changed
if z.Zetcd != nil {
changed = z.Zetcd.withDefaults() || changed
if z.ChRoot == "" {
changed = true
z.ChRoot = "/"
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(z.ChRoot, "/") {
changed = true
z.ChRoot = "/" + z.ChRoot
return changed
// ZookeeperSpec defines the internal zookeeper ensemble to run for solr
type ZookeeperSpec struct {
// Number of members to create up for the ZK ensemble
// Defaults to 3
// +optional
Replicas *int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// Image of Zookeeper to run
// +optional
Image *ContainerImage `json:"image,omitempty"`
// PersistentVolumeClaimSpec is the spec to describe PVC for the zk container
// This field is optional. If no PVC spec is provided, etcd container will use emptyDir as volume.
// WARNING: This field is DEPRECATED, please use the Persistence option
// +optional
PersistentVolumeClaimSpec *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec `json:"persistentVolumeClaimSpec,omitempty"`
// Persistence is the configuration for zookeeper persistent layer.
// PersistentVolumeClaimSpec and VolumeReclaimPolicy can be specified in here.
// +optional
Persistence *zk.Persistence `json:"persistence,omitempty"`
// Pod resources for zookeeper pod
// +optional
ZookeeperPod ZookeeperPodPolicy `json:"zookeeperPodPolicy,omitempty"`
// ZookeeperPodPolicy defines the common pod configuration for Pods, including when used
// in deployments, stateful-sets, etc.
type ZookeeperPodPolicy struct {
// The scheduling constraints on pods.
// +optional
Affinity *corev1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`
// Resources is the resource requirements for the container.
// This field cannot be updated once the cluster is created.
// +optional
Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
func (z *ZookeeperSpec) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if z.Replicas == nil {
changed = true
r := DefaultZkReplicas
z.Replicas = &r
if z.Image == nil {
z.Image = &ContainerImage{}
changed = z.Image.withDefaults(DefaultZkRepo, DefaultZkVersion, DefaultPullPolicy) || changed
// Backwards compatibility with old ZK Persistence options.
// This will be removed eventually
if z.Persistence == nil && z.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec != nil {
z.Persistence = &zk.Persistence{
PersistentVolumeClaimSpec: *z.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec,
changed = true
if z.Persistence != nil {
if z.Persistence.VolumeReclaimPolicy == "" {
z.Persistence.VolumeReclaimPolicy = DefaultZkVolumeReclaimPolicy
changed = true
if len(z.Persistence.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec.AccessModes) == 0 {
z.Persistence.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec.AccessModes = []corev1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{
changed = true
if len(z.Persistence.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec.Resources.Requests) == 0 {
z.Persistence.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec.Resources.Requests = corev1.ResourceList{
corev1.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse(DefaultZkStorage),
changed = true
return changed
// FullZetcdSpec defines the internal etcd ensemble and zetcd server to run for solr (spoofing zookeeper)
type FullZetcdSpec struct {
// +optional
EtcdSpec *EtcdSpec `json:"etcdSpec,omitempty"`
// +optional
ZetcdSpec *ZetcdSpec `json:"zetcdSpec,omitempty"`
func (z *FullZetcdSpec) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if z.EtcdSpec == nil {
z.EtcdSpec = &EtcdSpec{}
changed = z.EtcdSpec.withDefaults() || changed
if z.ZetcdSpec == nil {
z.ZetcdSpec = &ZetcdSpec{}
changed = z.ZetcdSpec.withDefaults() || changed
return changed
// EtcdSpec defines the internal etcd ensemble to run for solr (spoofing zookeeper)
type EtcdSpec struct {
// The number of EtcdReplicas to create
// +optional
Replicas *int `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// +optional
Image *ContainerImage `json:"image,omitempty"`
// PersistentVolumeClaimSpec is the spec to describe PVC for the zk container
// This field is optional. If no PVC spec, etcd container will use emptyDir as volume
PersistentVolumeClaimSpec *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec `json:"persistentVolumeClaimSpec,omitempty"`
// Pod resources for etcd pods
// +optional
EtcdPod EtcdPodPolicy `json:"etcdPodPolicy,omitempty"`
// EtcdPodPolicy defines the common pod configuration for Pods, including when used
// in deployments, stateful-sets, etc.
type EtcdPodPolicy struct {
// The scheduling constraints on pods.
// +optional
Affinity *corev1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`
// Resources is the resource requirements for the container.
// This field cannot be updated once the cluster is created.
// +optional
Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
func (s *EtcdSpec) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if s.Replicas == nil {
changed = true
r := DefaultEtcdReplicas
s.Replicas = &r
if s.Image == nil {
s.Image = &ContainerImage{}
changed = s.Image.withDefaults(DefaultEtcdRepo, DefaultEtcdVersion, DefaultPullPolicy) || changed
return changed
// ZetcdSpec defines the zetcd proxy to run connection solr and etcd
type ZetcdSpec struct {
// +optional
Replicas *int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// +optional
Image *ContainerImage `json:"image,omitempty"`
// Pod resources for zetcd pods
// +optional
ZetcdPod ZetcdPodPolicy `json:"zetcdPodPolicy,omitempty"`
// EtcdPodPolicy defines the common pod configuration for Pods, including when used
// in deployments, stateful-sets, etc.
type ZetcdPodPolicy struct {
// The scheduling constraints on pods.
// +optional
Affinity *corev1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`
// Resources is the resource requirements for the container.
// This field cannot be updated once the cluster is created.
// +optional
Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
func (s *ZetcdSpec) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if s.Replicas == nil {
changed = true
r := DefaultZetcdReplicas
s.Replicas = &r
if s.Image == nil {
s.Image = &ContainerImage{}
changed = s.Image.withDefaults(DefaultZetcdRepo, DefaultZetcdVersion, DefaultPullPolicy) || changed
return changed
// SolrCloudStatus defines the observed state of SolrCloud
type SolrCloudStatus struct {
// SolrNodes contain the statuses of each solr node running in this solr cloud.
SolrNodes []SolrNodeStatus `json:"solrNodes"`
// Replicas is the number of number of desired replicas in the cluster
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas"`
// ReadyReplicas is the number of number of ready replicas in the cluster
ReadyReplicas int32 `json:"readyReplicas"`
// The version of solr that the cloud is running
Version string `json:"version"`
// The version of solr that the cloud is meant to be running.
// Will only be provided when the cloud is migrating between versions
// +optional
TargetVersion string `json:"targetVersion,omitempty"`
// InternalCommonAddress is the internal common http address for all solr nodes
InternalCommonAddress string `json:"internalCommonAddress"`
// ExternalCommonAddress is the external common http address for all solr nodes.
// Will only be provided when an ingressUrl is provided for the cloud
// +optional
ExternalCommonAddress *string `json:"externalCommonAddress,omitempty"`
// ZookeeperConnectionInfo is the information on how to connect to the used Zookeeper
ZookeeperConnectionInfo ZookeeperConnectionInfo `json:"zookeeperConnectionInfo"`
// BackupRestoreReady announces whether the solrCloud has the backupRestorePVC mounted to all pods
// and therefore is ready for backups and restores.
BackupRestoreReady bool `json:"backupRestoreReady"`
// SolrNodeStatus is the status of a solrNode in the cloud, with readiness status
// and internal and external addresses
type SolrNodeStatus struct {
// The name of the pod running the node
NodeName string `json:"name"`
// An address the node can be connected to from within the Kube cluster
InternalAddress string `json:"internalAddress"`
// An address the node can be connected to from outside of the Kube cluster
// Will only be provided when an ingressUrl is provided for the cloud
// +optional
ExternalAddress string `json:"externalAddress,omitempty"`
// Is the node up and running
Ready bool `json:"ready"`
// The version of solr that the node is running
Version string `json:"version"`
// SolrNodeStatus is the status of a solrNode in the cloud, with readiness status
// and internal and external addresses
type ZookeeperConnectionInfo struct {
// The connection string to connect to the ensemble from within the Kubernetes cluster
// +optional
InternalConnectionString string `json:"internalConnectionString,omitempty"`
// The connection string to connect to the ensemble from outside of the Kubernetes cluster
// If external and no internal connection string is provided, the external cnx string will be used as the internal cnx string
// +optional
ExternalConnectionString *string `json:"externalConnectionString,omitempty"`
// The ChRoot to connect solr at
// +optional
ChRoot string `json:"chroot,omitempty"`
// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// SolrCloud is the Schema for the solrclouds API
// +kubebuilder:resource:shortName=solr
// +kubebuilder:categories=all
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
// +kubebuilder:subresource:scale:specpath=.spec.replicas,statuspath=.status.readyReplicas
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Version",type="string",JSONPath=".status.version",description="Solr Version of the cloud"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="TargetVersion",type="string",JSONPath=".status.targetVersion",description="Target Solr Version of the cloud"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="DesiredNodes",type="integer",JSONPath=".spec.replicas",description="Number of solr nodes configured to run in the cloud"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Nodes",type="integer",JSONPath=".status.replicas",description="Number of solr nodes running"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="ReadyNodes",type="integer",JSONPath=".status.readyReplicas",description="Number of solr nodes connected to the cloud"
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Age",type="date",JSONPath=".metadata.creationTimestamp"
type SolrCloud struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Spec SolrCloudSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
Status SolrCloudStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// WithDefaults set default values when not defined in the spec.
func (sc *SolrCloud) WithDefaults() bool {
return sc.Spec.withDefaults()
func (sc *SolrCloud) GetAllSolrNodeNames() []string {
nodeNames := make([]string, *sc.Spec.Replicas)
statefulSetName := sc.StatefulSetName()
for i := range nodeNames {
nodeNames[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", statefulSetName, i)
return nodeNames
// ConfigMapName returns the name of the cloud config-map
func (sc *SolrCloud) ConfigMapName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-configmap", sc.GetName())
// StatefulSetName returns the name of the statefulset for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) StatefulSetName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud", sc.GetName())
// CommonServiceName returns the name of the common service for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) CommonServiceName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-common", sc.GetName())
// InternalURLForCloud returns the name of the common service for the cloud
func InternalURLForCloud(cloudName string, namespace string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("http://%s-solrcloud-common.%s", cloudName, namespace)
// HeadlessServiceName returns the name of the headless service for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) HeadlessServiceName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-headless", sc.GetName())
// CommonIngressName returns the name of the common ingress for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) CommonIngressName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-common", sc.GetName())
// ProvidedZookeeperName returns the provided zk cluster
func (sc *SolrCloud) ProvidedZookeeperName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-zookeeper", sc.GetName())
// ProvidedZookeeperAddress returns the client address of the provided zk cluster
func (sc *SolrCloud) ProvidedZookeeperAddress() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-zookeeper-client:2181", sc.GetName())
// ProvidedZetcdName returns the name of the zetcd cluster
func (sc *SolrCloud) ProvidedZetcdName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-zetcd", sc.GetName())
// IngressName returns the name of the ingress for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) ProvidedZetcdAddress() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-zetcd:2181", sc.GetName())
// ZkConnectionString returns the zkConnectionString for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) ZkConnectionString() string {
return sc.Status.ZkConnectionString()
func (scs SolrCloudStatus) ZkConnectionString() string {
return scs.ZookeeperConnectionInfo.ZkConnectionString()
func (zkInfo ZookeeperConnectionInfo) ZkConnectionString() string {
return zkInfo.InternalConnectionString + zkInfo.ChRoot
func (sc *SolrCloud) CommonIngressPrefix() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-solrcloud", sc.Namespace, sc.Name)
func (sc *SolrCloud) CommonIngressUrl(ingressBaseUrl string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", sc.CommonIngressPrefix(), ingressBaseUrl)
func (sc *SolrCloud) NodeIngressPrefix(nodeName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", sc.Namespace, nodeName)
func (sc *SolrCloud) NodeIngressUrl(nodeName string, ingressBaseUrl string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", sc.NodeIngressPrefix(nodeName), ingressBaseUrl)
func (sc *SolrCloud) NodeHeadlessUrl(nodeName string, withPort bool) string {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", nodeName, sc.HeadlessServiceName(), sc.Namespace)
if withPort {
url += ":8983"
return url
func (sc *SolrCloud) NodeServiceUrl(nodeName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", nodeName, sc.Namespace)
func (sc *SolrCloud) InternalNodeUrl(nodeName string, useHeadlessService bool, withPort bool) string {
if useHeadlessService {
return sc.NodeHeadlessUrl(nodeName, withPort)
} else {
return sc.NodeServiceUrl(nodeName)
func (sc *SolrCloud) ExternalNodeUrl(nodeName string, ingressBaseDomain string, withPort bool) string {
if ingressBaseDomain == "" {
return sc.NodeHeadlessUrl(nodeName, withPort)
} else {
return sc.NodeIngressUrl(nodeName, ingressBaseDomain)
func (sc *SolrCloud) SharedLabels() map[string]string {
return sc.SharedLabelsWith(map[string]string{})
func (sc *SolrCloud) SharedLabelsWith(labels map[string]string) map[string]string {
newLabels := map[string]string{}
if labels != nil {
for k, v := range labels {
newLabels[k] = v
newLabels["solr-cloud"] = sc.Name
return newLabels
// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// SolrCloudList contains a list of SolrCloud
type SolrCloudList struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Items []SolrCloud `json:"items"`
func init() {
SchemeBuilder.Register(&SolrCloud{}, &SolrCloudList{})