blob: f08639eaf4d9295abef1b958db3b23b145229413 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package v1beta1
import (
zk ""
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
const (
DefaultPullPolicy = "" // This will use the default pullPolicy of Always when the tag is "latest" and IfNotPresent for all other tags.
DefaultSolrReplicas = int32(3)
DefaultSolrRepo = "library/solr"
DefaultSolrVersion = "8.9"
DefaultSolrStorage = "5Gi"
DefaultSolrJavaMem = "-Xms1g -Xmx2g"
DefaultSolrOpts = ""
DefaultSolrLogLevel = "INFO"
DefaultSolrGCTune = ""
DefaultBusyBoxImageRepo = "library/busybox"
DefaultBusyBoxImageVersion = "1.28.0-glibc"
DefaultZkReplicas = int32(3)
DefaultZkStorage = "5Gi"
DefaultZkRepo = "pravega/zookeeper"
DefaultZkVersion = ""
DefaultZkVolumeReclaimPolicy = zk.VolumeReclaimPolicyRetain
SolrTechnologyLabel = "solr-cloud"
ZookeeperTechnologyLabel = "zookeeper"
DefaultBasicAuthUsername = "k8s-oper"
// SolrCloudSpec defines the desired state of SolrCloud
type SolrCloudSpec struct {
// The number of solr nodes to run
// +optional
Replicas *int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// The information for the Zookeeper this SolrCloud should connect to
// Can be a zookeeper that is running, or one that is created by the solr operator
// +optional
ZookeeperRef *ZookeeperRef `json:"zookeeperRef,omitempty"`
// +optional
SolrImage *ContainerImage `json:"solrImage,omitempty"`
// Customize how the cloud data is stored.
// If neither "persistent" or "ephemeral" is provided, then ephemeral storage will be used by default.
// +optional
StorageOptions SolrDataStorageOptions `json:"dataStorage,omitempty"`
// Provide custom options for kubernetes objects created for the Solr Cloud.
// +optional
CustomSolrKubeOptions CustomSolrKubeOptions `json:"customSolrKubeOptions,omitempty"`
// Customize how Solr is addressed both internally and externally in Kubernetes.
// +optional
SolrAddressability SolrAddressabilityOptions `json:"solrAddressability,omitempty"`
// Define how Solr rolling updates are executed.
// +optional
UpdateStrategy SolrUpdateStrategy `json:"updateStrategy,omitempty"`
// +optional
BusyBoxImage *ContainerImage `json:"busyBoxImage,omitempty"`
// +optional
SolrJavaMem string `json:"solrJavaMem,omitempty"`
// You can add common system properties to the SOLR_OPTS environment variable
// SolrOpts is the string interface for these optional settings
// +optional
SolrOpts string `json:"solrOpts,omitempty"`
// Set the Solr Log level, defaults to INFO
// +optional
SolrLogLevel string `json:"solrLogLevel,omitempty"`
// Set GC Tuning configuration through GC_TUNE environment variable
// +optional
SolrGCTune string `json:"solrGCTune,omitempty"`
// Options to enable TLS between Solr pods
// +optional
SolrTLS *SolrTLSOptions `json:"solrTLS,omitempty"`
// Options to enable Solr security
// +optional
SolrSecurity *SolrSecurityOptions `json:"solrSecurity,omitempty"`
func (spec *SolrCloudSpec) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if spec.Replicas == nil {
changed = true
r := DefaultSolrReplicas
spec.Replicas = &r
if spec.SolrJavaMem == "" && DefaultSolrJavaMem != "" {
changed = true
spec.SolrJavaMem = DefaultSolrJavaMem
if spec.SolrOpts == "" && DefaultSolrOpts != "" {
changed = true
spec.SolrOpts = DefaultSolrOpts
if spec.SolrLogLevel == "" && DefaultSolrLogLevel != "" {
changed = true
spec.SolrLogLevel = DefaultSolrLogLevel
if spec.SolrGCTune == "" && DefaultSolrGCTune != "" {
changed = true
spec.SolrGCTune = DefaultSolrGCTune
changed = spec.SolrAddressability.withDefaults() || changed
changed = spec.UpdateStrategy.withDefaults() || changed
if spec.ZookeeperRef == nil {
spec.ZookeeperRef = &ZookeeperRef{}
changed = spec.ZookeeperRef.withDefaults() || changed
if spec.SolrImage == nil {
spec.SolrImage = &ContainerImage{}
changed = spec.SolrImage.withDefaults(DefaultSolrRepo, DefaultSolrVersion, DefaultPullPolicy) || changed
changed = spec.StorageOptions.withDefaults() || changed
if spec.BusyBoxImage == nil {
c := ContainerImage{}
spec.BusyBoxImage = &c
changed = spec.BusyBoxImage.withDefaults(DefaultBusyBoxImageRepo, DefaultBusyBoxImageVersion, DefaultPullPolicy) || changed
return changed
type CustomSolrKubeOptions struct {
// SolrPodOptions defines the custom options for solrCloud pods.
// +optional
PodOptions *PodOptions `json:"podOptions,omitempty"`
// StatefulSetOptions defines the custom options for the solrCloud StatefulSet.
// +optional
StatefulSetOptions *StatefulSetOptions `json:"statefulSetOptions,omitempty"`
// CommonServiceOptions defines the custom options for the common solrCloud Service.
// +optional
CommonServiceOptions *ServiceOptions `json:"commonServiceOptions,omitempty"`
// HeadlessServiceOptions defines the custom options for the headless solrCloud Service.
// +optional
HeadlessServiceOptions *ServiceOptions `json:"headlessServiceOptions,omitempty"`
// NodeServiceOptions defines the custom options for the individual solrCloud Node services, if they are created.
// These services will only be created when exposing SolrNodes externally via an Ingress in the AddressabilityOptions.
// +optional
NodeServiceOptions *ServiceOptions `json:"nodeServiceOptions,omitempty"`
// ServiceOptions defines the custom options for the solrCloud ConfigMap.
// +optional
ConfigMapOptions *ConfigMapOptions `json:"configMapOptions,omitempty"`
// IngressOptions defines the custom options for the solrCloud Ingress.
// +optional
IngressOptions *IngressOptions `json:"ingressOptions,omitempty"`
type SolrDataStorageOptions struct {
// PersistentStorage is the specification for how the persistent Solr data storage should be configured.
// This option cannot be used with the "ephemeral" option.
// +optional
PersistentStorage *SolrPersistentDataStorageOptions `json:"persistent,omitempty"`
// EphemeralStorage is the specification for how the ephemeral Solr data storage should be configured.
// This option cannot be used with the "persistent" option.
// Ephemeral storage is used by default if neither "persistent" or "ephemeral" is provided.
// +optional
EphemeralStorage *SolrEphemeralDataStorageOptions `json:"ephemeral,omitempty"`
// Options required for backups & restores to be enabled for this solrCloud.
// +optional
BackupRestoreOptions *SolrBackupRestoreOptions `json:"backupRestoreOptions,omitempty"`
func (opts *SolrDataStorageOptions) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if opts.PersistentStorage != nil {
changed = changed || opts.PersistentStorage.withDefaults()
return changed
type SolrPersistentDataStorageOptions struct {
// VolumeReclaimPolicy determines how the Solr Cloud's PVCs will be treated after the cloud is deleted.
// - Retain: This is the default Kubernetes policy, where PVCs created for StatefulSets are not deleted when the StatefulSet is deleted.
// - Delete: The PVCs will be deleted by the Solr Operator after the SolrCloud object is deleted.
// The default value is Retain, so no data will be deleted unless explicitly configured.
// +optional
VolumeReclaimPolicy VolumeReclaimPolicy `json:"reclaimPolicy,omitempty"`
// PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate is the PVC object for the solr node to store its data.
// Within metadata, the Name, Labels and Annotations are able to be specified, but defaults will be provided if necessary.
// The entire Spec is customizable, however there will be defaults provided if necessary.
// This field is optional. If no PVC spec is provided, then a default will be provided.
// +optional
PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate `json:"pvcTemplate,omitempty"`
func (opts *SolrPersistentDataStorageOptions) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if opts.VolumeReclaimPolicy == "" {
changed = true
opts.VolumeReclaimPolicy = VolumeReclaimPolicyRetain
return changed
// VolumeReclaimPolicy is a string enumeration type that enumerates
// all possible ways that a SolrCloud can treat it's PVCs after its death
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Retain;Delete
type VolumeReclaimPolicy string
const (
// All pod PVCs are retained after the SolrCloud is deleted.
VolumeReclaimPolicyRetain VolumeReclaimPolicy = "Retain"
// All pod PVCs are deleted after the SolrCloud is deleted.
VolumeReclaimPolicyDelete VolumeReclaimPolicy = "Delete"
// PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate is used to produce
// PersistentVolumeClaim objects as part of an EphemeralVolumeSource.
type PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate struct {
// May contain labels and annotations that will be copied into the PVC
// when creating it. No other fields are allowed and will be rejected during
// validation.
// +optional
ObjectMeta TemplateMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
// The specification for the PersistentVolumeClaim. The entire content is
// copied unchanged into the PVC that gets created from this
// template. The same fields as in a PersistentVolumeClaim
// are also valid here.
// +optional
Spec corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
// TemplateMeta is metadata for templated resources.
type TemplateMeta struct {
// Name must be unique within a namespace. Is required when creating resources, although
// some resources may allow a client to request the generation of an appropriate name
// automatically. Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration
// definition.
// Cannot be updated.
// More info:
// +optional
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize
// (scope and select) objects. May match selectors of replication controllers
// and services.
// More info:
// +optional
Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,11,rep,name=labels"`
// Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be
// set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. They are not
// queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects.
// More info:
// +optional
Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,12,rep,name=annotations"`
type SolrEphemeralDataStorageOptions struct {
// HostPathVolumeSource is an optional config to specify a path on the host machine to store Solr data.
// If hostPath is omitted, then the default EmptyDir is used, otherwise hostPath takes precedence over EmptyDir.
// +optional
HostPath *corev1.HostPathVolumeSource `json:"hostPath,omitempty"`
//EmptyDirVolumeSource is an optional config for the emptydir volume that will store Solr data.
// +optional
EmptyDir *corev1.EmptyDirVolumeSource `json:"emptyDir,omitempty"`
type SolrBackupRestoreOptions struct {
// This is a volumeSource for a volume that will be mounted to all solrNodes to store backups and load restores.
// The data within the volume will be namespaces for this instance, so feel free to use the same volume for multiple clouds.
// Since the volume will be mounted to all solrNodes, it must be able to be written from multiple pods.
// If a PVC reference is given, the PVC must have `accessModes: - ReadWriteMany`.
// Other options are to use a NFS volume.
Volume corev1.VolumeSource `json:"volume"`
// Select a custom directory name to mount the backup/restore data from the given volume.
// If not specified, then the name of the solrcloud will be used by default.
// +optional
Directory string `json:"directory,omitempty"`
type SolrAddressabilityOptions struct {
// External defines the way in which this SolrCloud nodes should be made addressable externally, from outside the Kubernetes cluster.
// If none is provided, the Solr Cloud will not be made addressable externally.
// +optional
External *ExternalAddressability `json:"external,omitempty"`
// PodPort defines the port to have the Solr Pod listen on.
// Defaults to 8983
// +optional
PodPort int `json:"podPort,omitempty"`
// CommonServicePort defines the port to have the common Solr service listen on.
// Defaults to 80
// +optional
CommonServicePort int `json:"commonServicePort,omitempty"`
// KubeDomain allows for the specification of an override of the default "cluster.local" Kubernetes cluster domain.
// Only use this option if the Kubernetes cluster has been setup with a custom domain.
// +optional
KubeDomain string `json:"kubeDomain,omitempty"`
func (opts *SolrAddressabilityOptions) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if opts.External != nil {
changed = opts.External.withDefaults()
if opts.PodPort == 0 {
changed = true
opts.PodPort = 8983
if opts.CommonServicePort == 0 {
changed = true
opts.CommonServicePort = 80
return changed
// ExternalAddressability defines the config for making Solr services available externally to kubernetes.
// Be careful when using LoadBalanced and includeNodes, as many IP addresses could be created if you are running many large solrClouds.
type ExternalAddressability struct {
// The way in which this SolrCloud's service(s) should be made addressable externally.
Method ExternalAddressabilityMethod `json:"method"`
// Use the external address to advertise the SolrNode, defaults to false.
// If false, the external address will be available, however Solr (and clients using the CloudSolrClient in SolrJ) will only be aware of the internal URLs.
// If true, Solr will startup with the hostname of the external address.
// NOTE: This option cannot be true when hideNodes is set to true. So it will be auto-set to false if that is the case.
// +optional
UseExternalAddress bool `json:"useExternalAddress"`
// Do not expose the common Solr service externally. This affects a single service.
// Defaults to false.
// +optional
HideCommon bool `json:"hideCommon,omitempty"`
// Do not expose each of the Solr Node services externally.
// The number of services this affects could range from 1 (a headless service for ExternalDNS) to the number of Solr pods your cloud contains (individual node services for Ingress/LoadBalancer).
// Defaults to false.
// +optional
HideNodes bool `json:"hideNodes,omitempty"`
// Override the domainName provided as startup parameters to the operator, used by ingresses and externalDNS.
// The common and/or node services will be addressable by unique names under the given domain.
// e.g. ->
// For the LoadBalancer method, this field is optional and will only be used when useExternalAddress=true.
// If used with the LoadBalancer method, you will need DNS routing to the LoadBalancer IP address through the url template given above.
DomainName string `json:"domainName"`
// Provide additional domainNames that the Ingress or ExternalDNS should listen on.
// This option is ignored with the LoadBalancer method.
// +optional
AdditionalDomainNames []string `json:"additionalDomains,omitempty"`
// NodePortOverride defines the port to have all Solr node service(s) listen on and advertise itself as if advertising through an Ingress or LoadBalancer.
// This overrides the default usage of the podPort.
// This is option is only used when HideNodes=false, otherwise the the port each Solr Node will advertise itself with the podPort.
// This option is also unavailable with the ExternalDNS method.
// If using method=Ingress, your ingress controller is required to listen on this port.
// If your ingress controller is not listening on the podPort, then this option is required for solr to be addressable via an Ingress.
// Defaults to 80 if HideNodes=false and method=Ingress, otherwise this is optional.
// +optional
NodePortOverride int `json:"nodePortOverride,omitempty"`
// ExternalAddressability is a string enumeration type that enumerates
// all possible ways that a SolrCloud can be made addressable external to the kubernetes cluster.
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Ingress;ExternalDNS
type ExternalAddressabilityMethod string
const (
// Use an ingress to make the Solr service(s) externally addressable
Ingress ExternalAddressabilityMethod = "Ingress"
// Use ExternalDNS to make the Solr service(s) externally addressable
ExternalDNS ExternalAddressabilityMethod = "ExternalDNS"
// Make Solr service(s) type:LoadBalancer to make them externally addressable
// NOTE: This option is not currently supported.
LoadBalancer ExternalAddressabilityMethod = "LoadBalancer"
func (opts *ExternalAddressability) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
// You can't use an externalAddress for Solr Nodes if the Nodes are hidden externally
if opts.UseExternalAddress && opts.HideNodes {
changed = true
opts.UseExternalAddress = false
// If the Ingress method is used, default the nodePortOverride to 80, since that is the port that most ingress controllers listen on.
if !opts.HideNodes && opts.Method == Ingress && opts.NodePortOverride == 0 {
changed = true
opts.NodePortOverride = 80
// If a headless service is used, aka not using individual node services, then a nodePortOverride is not allowed.
if !opts.UsesIndividualNodeServices() && opts.NodePortOverride > 0 {
changed = true
opts.NodePortOverride = 0
return changed
type SolrUpdateStrategy struct {
// Method defines the way in which SolrClouds should be updated when the podSpec changes.
// +optional
Method SolrUpdateMethod `json:"method,omitempty"`
// Options for Solr Operator Managed rolling updates.
// +optional
ManagedUpdateOptions ManagedUpdateOptions `json:"managed,omitempty"`
// Perform a scheduled restart on the given schedule, in CRON format.
// Multiple CRON syntaxes are supported
// - Standard CRON (e.g. "CRON_TZ=Asia/Seoul 0 6 * * ?")
// - Predefined Schedules (e.g. "@yearly", "@weekly", etc.)
// - Intervals (e.g. "@every 10h30m")
// For more information please check this reference:
// +optional
RestartSchedule string `json:"restartSchedule,omitempty"`
// SolrUpdateMethod is a string enumeration type that enumerates
// all possible ways that a SolrCloud can having rolling updates managed.
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Managed;StatefulSet;Manual
type SolrUpdateMethod string
const (
// Let the Solr Operator manage rolling updates to keep collections/shards available while updating pods in parallel.
// This is the default option.
ManagedUpdate SolrUpdateMethod = "Managed"
// Use the default StatefulSet rolling updates logic. One pod at a time, starting with the highest ordinal.
StatefulSetUpdate SolrUpdateMethod = "StatefulSet"
// The Solr Operator and Kubernetes will not delete pods for updates. The user will be responsible for this.
ManualUpdate SolrUpdateMethod = "Manual"
func (opts *SolrUpdateStrategy) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
// You can't use an externalAddress for Solr Nodes if the Nodes are hidden externally
if opts.Method == "" {
changed = true
opts.Method = ManagedUpdate
return changed
// Spec to control the desired behavior of managed rolling update.
type ManagedUpdateOptions struct {
// The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update.
// Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of the desired number of pods (ex: 10%).
// Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding down.
// If the provided number is 0 or negative, then all pods will be allowed to be updated in unison.
// Defaults to 25%.
// +optional
MaxPodsUnavailable *intstr.IntOrString `json:"maxPodsUnavailable,omitempty"`
// The maximum number of replicas for each shard that can be unavailable during the update.
// Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of replicas in a shard (ex: 25%).
// Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding down.
// If the provided number is 0 or negative, then all replicas will be allowed to be updated in unison.
// Defaults to 1.
// +optional
MaxShardReplicasUnavailable *intstr.IntOrString `json:"maxShardReplicasUnavailable,omitempty"`
// ZookeeperRef defines the zookeeper ensemble for solr to connect to
// If no ConnectionString is provided, the solr-cloud controller will create and manage an internal ensemble
type ZookeeperRef struct {
// A zookeeper ensemble that is run independently of the solr operator
// If an externalConnectionString is provided, but no internalConnectionString is, the external will be used as the internal
// +optional
ConnectionInfo *ZookeeperConnectionInfo `json:"connectionInfo,omitempty"`
// Create a new Zookeeper Ensemble with the following spec
// Note: This option will not allow the SolrCloud to run across kube-clusters.
// Note: Requires
// - The zookeeperOperator flag to be provided to the Solr Operator
// - A zookeeper operator to be running
// +optional
ProvidedZookeeper *ZookeeperSpec `json:"provided,omitempty"`
func (ref *ZookeeperRef) withDefaults() (changed bool) {
if ref.ProvidedZookeeper == nil && ref.ConnectionInfo == nil {
changed = true
ref.ProvidedZookeeper = &ZookeeperSpec{}
} else if ref.ConnectionInfo != nil {
if ref.ProvidedZookeeper != nil {
ref.ProvidedZookeeper = nil
changed = true
changed = ref.ConnectionInfo.withDefaults() || changed
if ref.ProvidedZookeeper != nil {
changed = ref.ProvidedZookeeper.WithDefaults() || changed
return changed
func (ref *ZookeeperRef) GetACLs() (allACL *ZookeeperACL, readOnlyACL *ZookeeperACL) {
if ref.ConnectionInfo != nil {
allACL = ref.ConnectionInfo.AllACL
readOnlyACL = ref.ConnectionInfo.ReadOnlyACL
} else if ref.ProvidedZookeeper != nil {
allACL = ref.ProvidedZookeeper.AllACL
readOnlyACL = ref.ProvidedZookeeper.ReadOnlyACL
// ZookeeperSpec defines the internal zookeeper ensemble to run with the given spec
type ZookeeperSpec struct {
// Number of members to create up for the ZK ensemble
// Defaults to 3
// +optional
Replicas *int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// Image of Zookeeper to run
// +optional
Image *ContainerImage `json:"image,omitempty"`
// Persistence is the configuration for zookeeper persistent layer.
// PersistentVolumeClaimSpec and VolumeReclaimPolicy can be specified in here.
// At anypoint only one of Persistence or Ephemeral should be present in the manifest
// +optional
Persistence *zk.Persistence `json:"persistence,omitempty"`
// Ephemeral is the configuration which helps create ephemeral storage
// At anypoint only one of Persistence or Ephemeral should be present in the manifest
// +optional
Ephemeral *zk.Ephemeral `json:"ephemeral,omitempty"`
// Pod resources for zookeeper pod
// +optional
ZookeeperPod ZookeeperPodPolicy `json:"zookeeperPodPolicy,omitempty"`
// The ChRoot to connect solr at
// +optional
ChRoot string `json:"chroot,omitempty"`
// ZooKeeper ACL to use when connecting with ZK.
// This ACL should have ALL permission in the given chRoot.
// +optional
AllACL *ZookeeperACL `json:"acl,omitempty"`
// ZooKeeper ACL to use when connecting with ZK for reading operations.
// This ACL should have READ permission in the given chRoot.
// +optional
ReadOnlyACL *ZookeeperACL `json:"readOnlyAcl,omitempty"`
func (z *ZookeeperSpec) WithDefaults() (changed bool) {
if z.Replicas == nil {
changed = true
r := DefaultZkReplicas
z.Replicas = &r
if z.Image == nil {
z.Image = &ContainerImage{}
changed = z.Image.withDefaults(DefaultZkRepo, DefaultZkVersion, corev1.PullIfNotPresent) || changed
if z.Persistence != nil {
if z.Persistence.VolumeReclaimPolicy == "" {
z.Persistence.VolumeReclaimPolicy = DefaultZkVolumeReclaimPolicy
changed = true
if len(z.Persistence.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec.AccessModes) == 0 {
z.Persistence.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec.AccessModes = []corev1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{
changed = true
if len(z.Persistence.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec.Resources.Requests) == 0 {
z.Persistence.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec.Resources.Requests = corev1.ResourceList{
corev1.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse(DefaultZkStorage),
changed = true
if z.ChRoot == "" {
changed = true
z.ChRoot = "/"
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(z.ChRoot, "/") {
changed = true
z.ChRoot = "/" + z.ChRoot
return changed
// ZookeeperPodPolicy defines the common pod configuration for Pods, including when used
// in deployments, stateful-sets, etc.
type ZookeeperPodPolicy struct {
// The scheduling constraints on pods.
// +optional
Affinity *corev1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`
// Node Selector to be added on pods.
// +optional
NodeSelector map[string]string `json:"nodeSelector,omitempty"`
// Tolerations to be added on pods.
// +optional
Tolerations []corev1.Toleration `json:"tolerations,omitempty"`
// List of environment variables to set in the main ZK container.
// +optional
Env []corev1.EnvVar `json:"env,omitempty"`
// Resources is the resource requirements for the container.
// This field cannot be updated once the cluster is created.
// +optional
Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
// Optional Service Account to run the zookeeper pods under.
// +optional
ServiceAccountName string `json:"serviceAccountName,omitempty"`
// SolrCloudStatus defines the observed state of SolrCloud
type SolrCloudStatus struct {
// SolrNodes contain the statuses of each solr node running in this solr cloud.
SolrNodes []SolrNodeStatus `json:"solrNodes"`
// Replicas is the number of number of desired replicas in the cluster
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas"`
// PodSelector for SolrCloud pods, required by the HPA
PodSelector string `json:"podSelector"`
// ReadyReplicas is the number of number of ready replicas in the cluster
ReadyReplicas int32 `json:"readyReplicas"`
// UpToDateNodes is the number of number of Solr Node pods that are running the latest pod spec
UpToDateNodes int32 `json:"upToDateNodes"`
// The version of solr that the cloud is running
Version string `json:"version"`
// The version of solr that the cloud is meant to be running.
// Will only be provided when the cloud is migrating between versions
// +optional
TargetVersion string `json:"targetVersion,omitempty"`
// InternalCommonAddress is the internal common http address for all solr nodes
InternalCommonAddress string `json:"internalCommonAddress"`
// ExternalCommonAddress is the external common http address for all solr nodes.
// Will only be provided when an ingressUrl is provided for the cloud
// +optional
ExternalCommonAddress *string `json:"externalCommonAddress,omitempty"`
// ZookeeperConnectionInfo is the information on how to connect to the used Zookeeper
ZookeeperConnectionInfo ZookeeperConnectionInfo `json:"zookeeperConnectionInfo"`
// BackupRestoreReady announces whether the solrCloud has the backupRestorePVC mounted to all pods
// and therefore is ready for backups and restores.
BackupRestoreReady bool `json:"backupRestoreReady"`
// SolrNodeStatus is the status of a solrNode in the cloud, with readiness status
// and internal and external addresses
type SolrNodeStatus struct {
// The name of the pod running the node
Name string `json:"name"`
// The name of the Kubernetes Node which the pod is running on
NodeName string `json:"nodeName"`
// An address the node can be connected to from within the Kube cluster
InternalAddress string `json:"internalAddress"`
// An address the node can be connected to from outside of the Kube cluster
// Will only be provided when an ingressUrl is provided for the cloud
// +optional
ExternalAddress string `json:"externalAddress,omitempty"`
// Is the node up and running
Ready bool `json:"ready"`
// The version of solr that the node is running
Version string `json:"version"`
// This Solr Node pod is using the latest version of solrcloud pod spec.
SpecUpToDate bool `json:"specUpToDate"`
//+kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Version",type="string",JSONPath=".status.version",description="Solr Version of the cloud"
//+kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="TargetVersion",type="string",JSONPath=".status.targetVersion",description="Target Solr Version of the cloud"
//+kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="DesiredNodes",type="integer",JSONPath=".spec.replicas",description="Number of solr nodes configured to run in the cloud"
//+kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Nodes",type="integer",JSONPath=".status.replicas",description="Number of solr nodes running"
//+kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="ReadyNodes",type="integer",JSONPath=".status.readyReplicas",description="Number of solr nodes connected to the cloud"
//+kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="UpToDateNodes",type="integer",JSONPath=".status.upToDateNodes",description="Number of solr nodes running the latest SolrCloud pod spec"
// SolrCloud is the Schema for the solrclouds API
type SolrCloud struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Spec SolrCloudSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
Status SolrCloudStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// WithDefaults set default values when not defined in the spec.
func (sc *SolrCloud) WithDefaults() bool {
return sc.Spec.withDefaults()
func (sc *SolrCloud) GetAllSolrNodeNames() []string {
replicas := 1
if sc.Spec.Replicas != nil {
replicas = int(*sc.Spec.Replicas)
nodeNames := make([]string, replicas)
statefulSetName := sc.StatefulSetName()
for i := range nodeNames {
nodeNames[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", statefulSetName, i)
return nodeNames
func (sc *SolrCloud) BasicAuthSecretName() string {
if sc.Spec.SolrSecurity != nil && sc.Spec.SolrSecurity.BasicAuthSecret != "" {
return sc.Spec.SolrSecurity.BasicAuthSecret
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-basic-auth", sc.Name)
func (sc *SolrCloud) SecurityBootstrapSecretName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-security-bootstrap", sc.Name)
// ConfigMapName returns the name of the cloud config-map
func (sc *SolrCloud) ConfigMapName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-configmap", sc.GetName())
// StatefulSetName returns the name of the statefulset for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) StatefulSetName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud", sc.GetName())
// CommonServiceName returns the name of the common service for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) CommonServiceName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-common", sc.GetName())
// InternalURLForCloud returns the name of the common service for the cloud
func InternalURLForCloud(sc *SolrCloud) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s-solrcloud-common.%s%s", sc.UrlScheme(), sc.Name, sc.Namespace, sc.CommonPortSuffix())
// HeadlessServiceName returns the name of the headless service for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) HeadlessServiceName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-headless", sc.GetName())
// CommonIngressName returns the name of the common ingress for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) CommonIngressName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-common", sc.GetName())
// ProvidedZookeeperName returns the provided zk cluster
func (sc *SolrCloud) ProvidedZookeeperName() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-zookeeper", sc.GetName())
// ProvidedZookeeperAddress returns the client address of the provided zk cluster
func (sc *SolrCloud) ProvidedZookeeperAddress() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-solrcloud-zookeeper-client:2181", sc.GetName())
// ZkConnectionString returns the zkConnectionString for the cloud
func (sc *SolrCloud) ZkConnectionString() string {
return sc.Status.ZkConnectionString()
func (scs SolrCloudStatus) ZkConnectionString() string {
return scs.ZookeeperConnectionInfo.ZkConnectionString()
func (scs SolrCloudStatus) DissectZkInfo() (zkConnectionString string, zkServer string, zkChRoot string) {
zkConnectionString = scs.ZookeeperConnectionInfo.ZkConnectionString()
zkParts := strings.SplitN(zkConnectionString, "/", 2)
zkServer = zkParts[0]
zkChRoot = "/" + zkParts[1]
return zkConnectionString, zkServer, zkChRoot
func (zkInfo ZookeeperConnectionInfo) ZkConnectionString() string {
return zkInfo.InternalConnectionString + zkInfo.ChRoot
// UsesHeadlessService returns whether the given solrCloud requires a headless service to be created for it.
// solrCloud: SolrCloud instance
func (sc *SolrCloud) UsesHeadlessService() bool {
return !sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.External.UsesIndividualNodeServices()
// UsesIndividualNodeServices returns whether the given solrCloud requires a individual node services to be created for it.
// solrCloud: SolrCloud instance
func (sc *SolrCloud) UsesIndividualNodeServices() bool {
return sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.External.UsesIndividualNodeServices()
func (extOpts *ExternalAddressability) UsesIndividualNodeServices() bool {
// LoadBalancer and Ingress will not work with headless services if each pod needs to be exposed externally.
return extOpts != nil && !extOpts.HideNodes && (extOpts.Method == Ingress || extOpts.Method == LoadBalancer)
func (sc *SolrCloud) CommonExternalPrefix() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-solrcloud", sc.Namespace, sc.Name)
func (sc *SolrCloud) CommonExternalUrl(domainName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", sc.CommonExternalPrefix(), domainName)
func (sc *SolrCloud) NodeIngressPrefix(nodeName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", sc.Namespace, nodeName)
func (sc *SolrCloud) ExternalDnsDomain(domainName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", sc.Namespace, domainName)
func (sc *SolrCloud) customKubeDomain() string {
if sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.KubeDomain != "" {
return ".svc." + sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.KubeDomain
} else {
return ""
func (sc *SolrCloud) NodeHeadlessUrl(nodeName string, withPort bool) (url string) {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", nodeName, sc.HeadlessServiceName(), sc.Namespace) + sc.customKubeDomain()
if withPort {
url += sc.NodePortSuffix()
return url
func (sc *SolrCloud) NodeServiceUrl(nodeName string, withPort bool) (url string) {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", nodeName, sc.Namespace) + sc.customKubeDomain()
if withPort {
url += sc.NodePortSuffix()
return url
func (sc *SolrCloud) CommonPortSuffix() string {
return sc.PortToSuffix(sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.CommonServicePort)
func (sc *SolrCloud) NodePortSuffix() string {
return sc.PortToSuffix(sc.NodePort())
func (sc *SolrCloud) NodePort() int {
port := sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.PodPort
external := sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.External
// The nodePort is different than the podPort ONLY if the nodes are exposed externally and a nodePortOverride has been set.
if external.UsesIndividualNodeServices() && external.NodePortOverride > 0 {
port = sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.External.NodePortOverride
return port
func (sc *SolrCloud) PortToSuffix(port int) string {
suffix := ""
if sc.UrlScheme() == "https" {
if port != 443 {
suffix = ":" + strconv.Itoa(port)
} else {
if port != 80 {
suffix = ":" + strconv.Itoa(port)
return suffix
func (sc *SolrCloud) InternalNodeUrl(nodeName string, withPort bool) string {
if sc.UsesHeadlessService() {
return sc.NodeHeadlessUrl(nodeName, withPort)
} else if sc.UsesIndividualNodeServices() {
return sc.NodeServiceUrl(nodeName, withPort)
} else {
return ""
func (sc *SolrCloud) InternalCommonUrl(withPort bool) (url string) {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", sc.CommonServiceName(), sc.Namespace) + sc.customKubeDomain()
if withPort {
url += sc.CommonPortSuffix()
return url
func (sc *SolrCloud) ExternalNodeUrl(nodeName string, domainName string, withPort bool) (url string) {
if sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.External.Method == Ingress {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", sc.NodeIngressPrefix(nodeName), domainName)
} else if sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.External.Method == ExternalDNS {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", nodeName, sc.ExternalDnsDomain(domainName))
// TODO: Add LoadBalancer stuff here
if withPort {
url += sc.NodePortSuffix()
return url
func (sc *SolrCloud) ExternalCommonUrl(domainName string, withPort bool) (url string) {
if sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.External.Method == Ingress {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", sc.CommonExternalPrefix(), domainName)
} else if sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.External.Method == ExternalDNS {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", sc.CommonServiceName(), sc.ExternalDnsDomain(domainName))
if withPort {
url += sc.CommonPortSuffix()
return url
func (sc *SolrCloud) UrlScheme() string {
urlScheme := "http"
if sc.Spec.SolrTLS != nil {
urlScheme = "https"
return urlScheme
func (sc *SolrCloud) AdvertisedNodeHost(nodeName string) string {
external := sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.External
if external != nil && external.UseExternalAddress {
return sc.ExternalNodeUrl(nodeName, sc.Spec.SolrAddressability.External.DomainName, false)
} else {
return sc.InternalNodeUrl(nodeName, false)
func (sc *SolrCloud) UsesPersistentStorage() bool {
return sc.Spec.StorageOptions.PersistentStorage != nil
func (sc *SolrCloud) SharedLabels() map[string]string {
return sc.SharedLabelsWith(map[string]string{})
func (sc *SolrCloud) SharedLabelsWith(labels map[string]string) map[string]string {
newLabels := map[string]string{}
if labels != nil {
for k, v := range labels {
newLabels[k] = v
newLabels["solr-cloud"] = sc.Name
return newLabels
// SolrCloudList contains a list of SolrCloud
type SolrCloudList struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Items []SolrCloud `json:"items"`
func init() {
SchemeBuilder.Register(&SolrCloud{}, &SolrCloudList{})
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=None;Want;Need
type ClientAuthType string
const (
None ClientAuthType = "None"
Want ClientAuthType = "Want"
Need ClientAuthType = "Need"
type SolrTLSOptions struct {
// TLS Secret containing a pkcs12 keystore
PKCS12Secret *corev1.SecretKeySelector `json:"pkcs12Secret"`
// Secret containing the key store password; this field is required as most JVMs do not support pkcs12 keystores without a password
KeyStorePasswordSecret *corev1.SecretKeySelector `json:"keyStorePasswordSecret"`
// TLS Secret containing a pkcs12 truststore; if not provided, then the keystore and password are used for the truststore
// The specified key is used as the truststore file name when mounted into Solr pods
// +optional
TrustStoreSecret *corev1.SecretKeySelector `json:"trustStoreSecret,omitempty"`
// Secret containing the trust store password; if not provided the keyStorePassword will be used
// +optional
TrustStorePasswordSecret *corev1.SecretKeySelector `json:"trustStorePasswordSecret,omitempty"`
// Determines the client authentication method, either None, Want, or Need;
// this affects K8s ability to call liveness / readiness probes so use cautiously.
// +kubebuilder:default=None
ClientAuth ClientAuthType `json:"clientAuth,omitempty"`
// Verify client's hostname during SSL handshake
// +optional
VerifyClientHostname bool `json:"verifyClientHostname,omitempty"`
// TLS certificates contain host/ip "peer name" information that is validated by default.
// +optional
CheckPeerName bool `json:"checkPeerName,omitempty"`
// Opt-in flag to restart Solr pods after TLS secret updates, such as if the cert is renewed; default is false.
// +optional
RestartOnTLSSecretUpdate bool `json:"restartOnTLSSecretUpdate,omitempty"`
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Basic
type AuthenticationType string
const (
Basic AuthenticationType = "Basic"
type SolrSecurityOptions struct {
// Indicates the authentication plugin type that is being used by Solr; for now only "Basic" is supported by the
// Solr operator but support for other authentication plugins may be added in the future.
AuthenticationType AuthenticationType `json:"authenticationType,omitempty"`
// Secret ( containing credentials the operator should use for API requests to secure Solr pods.
// If you provide this secret, then the operator assumes you've also configured your own security.json file and
// uploaded it to Solr. If you change the password for this user using the Solr security API, then you *must* update
// the secret with the new password or the operator will be locked out of Solr and API requests will fail,
// ultimately causing a CrashBackoffLoop for all pods if probe endpoints are secured (see 'probesRequireAuth' setting).
// If you don't supply this secret, then the operator creates a secret containing the password
// for the "k8s-oper" user. All API requests from the operator are made as the "k8s-oper" user, which is configured
// with read-only access to a minimal set of endpoints. In addition, the operator bootstraps a default security.json
// file and credentials for two additional users: admin and solr. The 'solr' user has basic read access to Solr
// resources. Once the security.json is bootstrapped, the operator will not update it! You're expected to use the
// 'admin' user to access the Security API to make further changes. It's strictly a bootstrapping operation.
// +optional
BasicAuthSecret string `json:"basicAuthSecret,omitempty"`
// Flag to indicate if the configured HTTP endpoint(s) used for the probes require authentication; defaults
// to false. If you set to true, then probes will use a local command on the main container to hit the secured
// endpoints with credentials sourced from an env var instead of HTTP directly.
// +optional
ProbesRequireAuth bool `json:"probesRequireAuth,omitempty"`