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package e2e
import (
solrv1beta1 ""
. ""
. ""
metav1 ""
There is no need to spin up a lot of SolrClouds for a Prometheus Exporter test,
so all tests will run in the same parallel process and execute serially.
var _ = FDescribe("E2E - Prometheus Exporter", Ordered, func() {
var (
solrCloud *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud
solrPrometheusExporter *solrv1beta1.SolrPrometheusExporter
solrCollection = "e2e"
Create a single SolrCloud that all PrometheusExporter tests in this "Describe" will use.
BeforeAll(func(ctx context.Context) {
solrCloud = generateBaseSolrCloud(2)
By("creating the SolrCloud")
Expect(k8sClient.Create(ctx, solrCloud)).To(Succeed())
DeferCleanup(func(ctx context.Context) {
cleanupTest(ctx, solrCloud)
By("waiting for the SolrCloud to come up healthy")
solrCloud = expectSolrCloudWithChecks(ctx, solrCloud, func(g Gomega, found *solrv1beta1.SolrCloud) {
g.Expect(found.Status.ReadyReplicas).To(Equal(*found.Spec.Replicas), "The SolrCloud should have all nodes come up healthy")
By("creating a Solr Collection to query metrics for")
createAndQueryCollection(solrCloud, solrCollection, 1, 2)
BeforeEach(func() {
solrPrometheusExporter = &solrv1beta1.SolrPrometheusExporter{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "foo",
Namespace: testNamespace(),
Spec: solrv1beta1.SolrPrometheusExporterSpec{},
JustBeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) {
By("creating a SolrPrometheusExporter")
Expect(k8sClient.Create(ctx, solrPrometheusExporter)).To(Succeed())
DeferCleanup(func(ctx context.Context) {
deleteAndWait(ctx, solrPrometheusExporter)
By("waiting for the SolrPrometheusExporter to come up healthy")
solrPrometheusExporter = expectSolrPrometheusExporterWithChecks(ctx, solrPrometheusExporter, func(g Gomega, found *solrv1beta1.SolrPrometheusExporter) {
g.Expect(found.Status.Ready).To(BeTrue(), "The SolrPrometheusExporter should come up healthy")
By("checking that some base metrics are correct")
checkMetrics(ctx, solrPrometheusExporter, solrCloud, solrCollection)
FContext("Default - Solr Reference", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
solrPrometheusExporter.Spec.SolrReference = solrv1beta1.SolrReference{
Cloud: &solrv1beta1.SolrCloudReference{
Name: solrCloud.Name,
// The base metrics tests are run in the "JustBeforeEach" - no additional tests necessary
FIt("Has the correct metrics", func() {})
FContext("Default - Solr ZK Connection String", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
solrPrometheusExporter.Spec.SolrReference = solrv1beta1.SolrReference{
Cloud: &solrv1beta1.SolrCloudReference{
ZookeeperConnectionInfo: &solrCloud.Status.ZookeeperConnectionInfo,
FIt("Has the correct metrics", func() {})
FContext("Default - Solr Host", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
solrPrometheusExporter.Spec.SolrReference = solrv1beta1.SolrReference{
Standalone: &solrv1beta1.StandaloneSolrReference{
Address: solrCloud.Status.InternalCommonAddress + "/solr",
FIt("Has the correct metrics", func() {})