blob: 6ea0cbb580d8c22101edb695798626f4758d7479 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# =====================================================================
# This file contains the definition TO-DO steps and commands to run for the
# script. It also contains Jinja2 templates for use in those
# definitions. See documentation for "groups" below the templates.
# Edit this file with an editor with YAML support, such as Sublime Text
# for syntax highlighting and context sensitive tag suggestion
# =====================================================================
# Templates may be included in any text by starting a line with this syntax:
# (( template=my_template_name ))
# Templates may contain other templates for easy re-use of snippets
# And of course all Jinja2 syntax for inclusion of variables etc is supported.
# See for details
# To add new global variables or functions/filters, edit
help: |
Welcome to the role as Release Manager for the Solr Operator, and the releaseWizard!
The Release Wizard aims to walk you through the whole release process step by step,
helping you to to run the right commands in the right order, generating
e-mail templates for you with the correct texts, versions, paths etc, obeying
the voting rules and much more. It also serves as a documentation of all the
steps, with timestamps, preserving log files from each command etc.
As you complete each step the tool will ask you if the task is complete, making
it easy for you to know what is done and what is left to do. If you need to
re-spin a Release Candidata (RC) the Wizard will also help.
In the first TODO step in the checklist you will be asked to read up on the
Apache release policy and other relevant documents before you start the release.
NOTE: Even if we have great tooling and some degree of automation, there are
still many manual steps and it is also important that the RM validates
and QAs the process, validating that the right commands are run, and that
the output from scripts are correct before proceeding.
vote_logic: |
{% set passed = plus_binding >= 3 and minus < plus_binding %}
{% set too_few = plus_binding < 3 %}
{% set veto = plus_binding < minus %}
{% set reason = 'too few binding votes' if too_few else 'too many negative votes' if veto else 'unknown' %}
vote_macro: |
{% macro end_vote_result(plus_binding, plus_other, zero, minus) -%}
(( template=vote_logic ))
.Mail template {% if passed %}successful{% else %}failed{% endif %} vote
Subject: [Operator] [{% if passed %}RESULT{% else %}FAILED{% endif %}] [VOTE] Release the Solr Operator {{ release_version }} RC{{ rc_number }}
It's been >72h since the vote was initiated and the result is:
+1 {{ plus_binding + plus_other }} ({{ plus_binding }} binding)
0 {{ zero }}
-1 {{ minus }}
{% if not passed %}
Reason for failing is {{ reason }}.
{% endif %}
This vote has {% if passed %}PASSED{% else %}FAILED{% endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
announce_solr_operator: |
Title: Apache Solr Operatorâ„¢ {{ release_version }} available
category: solr/operator/news
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator {{ release_version }}.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
### Solr Operator {{ release_version }} Release Highlights:
* Copy from the draft release notes
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
<{{ release_version }}>
announce_solr_operator_mail: |
The template below can be used to announce the Solr Operator release to the
internal mailing lists.
.Mail template
Subject: [Operator] [ANNOUNCE] Apache Solr Operator {{ release_version }} released
(( template=announce_solr_operator_mail_body ))
announce_solr_operator_sign_mail: |
The template below can be used to announce the Solr Operator release to the
`` mailing list. The mail *should be signed with PGP.*
and sent *from your `` account*.
.Mail template
From: {{ gpg.apache_id }}
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Solr Operator {{ release_version }} released
(( template=announce_solr_operator_mail_body ))
announce_solr_operator_mail_body: |
{% for line in load_lines(solr_operator_news_file, 4) -%}
{{ line }}
{%- endfor %}
# TODOs belong to groups for easy navigation in menus. Todo objects may contain asciidoc
# descriptions, a number of commands to execute, some links to display, user input to gather
# etc. Here is the documentation of each type of object. For further details, please consult
# the corresponding Python object in, as these are parsed 1:1 from yaml.
# - !TodoGroup
# id: unique_id
# title: Title which will appear in menu
# description: Longer description that will appear in sub-menu
# depends: ['group1_id', 'group2_id'] # Explicit dependencies for groups
# is_in_rc_loop: Tells that a group is thrown away on RC re-psin (default=False)
# todos: # Array of !Todo objects beloning to the group
# !Todo
# id: todo_id
# title: Short title that will appear in menu and elsewhere
# description: |
# The main description being printed when selecing the todo item. Here
# you should introduce the task in more detail. You can use {{ jinja_var }} to
# reference variables. See `` for list of global vars supported.
# You can reference state saved from earlier TODO items using syntax
# {{ todi_id.var_name }}
# with `var_name` being either fetched from user_input or persist_vars
# depends: # One or more dependencies which will bar execution
# - todo_id1
# - todo_id2
# vars: # Dictionary of jinja2 variables local to this TODO, e.g.
# logfile_path: "{{ [rc_folder, 'logs'] | path_join }}"
# # Vars can contain global jinja vars or local vars earlier defined (ordered dict)
# persist_vars: ['var_name', 'var_name'] # List of variables to persist in TODO state
# asciidoc: |
# Some `asciidoc` text to be included in asciidoc guide
# *instead of* description/post_description
# function: my_python_function # Will call the named function for complex tasks
# commands: !Commands # A !Commands object holding commands to execute for this todo
# root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}' # path to where commands will run
# commands_text: Introduction text to be displayed just before the commands
# enable_execute: true # Set to false to never offer to run commands automatically
# confirm_each_command: true # Set to false to run all commands without prompting
# remove_files: ['file1', 'folder2'] # List of files or folders that must be gone
# logs_prefix: prefix # Lets you prefix logs file names with this string
# commands: # List of !Commands to execute
# - !Command # One single command
# cmd: "ls {{ folder_to_ls }}" # A single command. May reference jinja vars
# # Double spaces in a cmd will trigger multi-line display with continuation char \
# cwd: relative_path # Where to run command, relative to root_folder
# comment: # Will display a # or REM comment above the command in printouts
# vars: {} # Possible to define local vars for this command only
# logfile: my.og # Overrides log file name which may grow very long :)
# tee: false # If true, sends output to console and file
# stdout: false # if true, sends output only to console, not log file
# live: false # If true, sends output live byte-by-byte to console
# redirect: file.txt # Send output to file. Use instead of >
# redirect_append: false # Will cause output to be appended, like >>
# shell: false $ Set to true to use built-in shell commands
# user_input: # An array of !UserInput objects for requesting input from user
# - !UserInput
# prompt: Please enter your gpg key ID, e.g. 0D8D0B93
# name: gpg_id # This will be stored in todo state and can be referenced as {{ }}
# type: int # if no type is given, a string is stored. Supported types are 'int'
# post_description: |
# Some `asciidoc` text (with jinja template support)
# to be printed *after* commands and user_input is done.
# links:
# -
- !TodoGroup
id: prerequisites
title: Prerequisites
description: |
Releasing software requires thorough understanding of the process and careful execution,
as it is easy to make mistakes. It also requires an environtment and tools such as gpg
correctly setup. This section makes sure you're in good shape for the job!
- !Todo
id: read_up
title: Read up on the release process
description: |-
As a Release Manager (RM) you should be familiar with Apache's release policy,
voting rules, create a PGP/GPG key for use with signing and more. Please familiarise
yourself with the resources listed below.
- !Todo
id: tools
title: Necessary tools are installed
description: |
You will need these tools:
* Python v3.4 or later, with dependencies listed in requirements.txt
* Go 1.19
* gpg
* git
* svn
* asciidoctor (to generate HTML version)
* gnu tar (install separately if on OSX)
* docker
* yq
* helm v3
* kubectl
You should also set the $EDITOR environment variable, else we'll fallback to
`vi` on Linux and `notepad.exe` on Windows, and you don't want that :)
function: check_prerequisites
- !Todo
id: gpg
title: GPG key id is configured
description: |-
To sign the release you need to provide your GPG key ID. This must be
the same key ID that you have registered in your Apache account.
The ID is the last 8 bytes of your key fingerprint, e.g. 0D8D0B93.
* Make sure your gpg key is 4096 bits key or larger
* Upload your key to the MIT key server,
* Put you GPG key's fingerprint in the `OpenPGP Public Key Primary Fingerprint`
field in your profile
* The tests will complain if your GPG key has not been signed by another Solr
committer. This makes you a part of the GPG "web of trust" (WoT). Ask a committer
that you know personally to sign your key for you, providing them with the
fingerprint for the key.
function: configure_pgp
- !TodoGroup
id: preparation
title: Prepare for the release
description: Work with the community to decide when the release will happen and what work must be completed before it can happen
- !Todo
id: decide_github_issues
title: Select Github issues to be included
description: Set the appropriate "Milestone" in Github for the issues that should be included in the release.
- !Todo
id: decide_branch_date
title: Decide the date for branching
- major
- minor
user_input: !UserInput
prompt: Enter date (YYYY-MM-DD)
name: branch_date
- !Todo
id: decide_freeze_length
title: Decide the length of feature freeze
- major
- minor
user_input: !UserInput
prompt: Enter end date of feature freeze (YYYY-MM-DD)
name: feature_freeze_date
- !TodoGroup
id: branching_versions
title: Create branch (if needed) and update versions
description: Here you'll do all the branching and version updates needed to prepare for the new release version
- !Todo
id: clean_git_checkout
title: Do a clean git clone to do the release from
description: This eliminates the risk of a dirty checkout
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ release_folder }}'
commands_text: Run these commands to make a fresh clone in the release folder
- '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
- !Command
cmd: git clone --progress solr-operator
logfile: git_clone.log
- !Todo
id: checkout_base_branch
title: Checkout branch {{ base_branch }}
depends: clean_git_checkout
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: |-
From the base branch {{ base_branch }} we'll run lint checks.
Fix any problems that are found by pushing fixes to the branch
and then running this task again. You can likely fix any errors with `make prepare`.
This task will always do `git pull`
before `make check` so it will catch changes to your branch :)
confirm_each_command: false
- !Command
cmd: git checkout {{ base_branch }}
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git clean -df && git checkout -- .
comment: Make sure checkout is clean and up to date
logfile: git_clean.log
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git pull --ff-only
stdout: true
- !Todo
id: install_dependencies
title: Install dependencies for this branch of the Solr Operator
depends: checkout_base_branch
description: This makes sure that your versions of the necessary build tools align with what is expected for this branch.
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: |
Run this command to install the necessary dependencies for building the operator.
You will likely be asked to provide your password during the installation.
- !Command
cmd: make install-dependencies
logfile: install-dependencies.log
- !Todo
id: make_lint
title: Run make lint and fix issues
- clean_git_checkout
- install_dependencies
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: |-
From the base branch {{ base_branch }} we'll run lint checks.
Fix any problems that are found by pushing fixes to the branch
and then running this task again. You can likely fix any errors with `make prepare`.
This task will always do `git pull`
before `make check` so it will catch changes to your branch :)
confirm_each_command: false
- !Command
cmd: git pull --ff-only
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: "make lint"
- !Todo
id: create_stable_branch
title: Create a new stable branch, off from main
description: In our case we'll create {{ stable_branch }}
- major
depends: clean_git_checkout
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: Run these commands to create a stable branch
- !Command
cmd: git checkout main
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git pull --ff-only
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git ls-remote --exit-code --heads origin {{ stable_branch }}
stdout: true
should_fail: true
comment: We expect error code 2 since {{ stable_branch }} does not already exist
- !Command
cmd: git checkout -b {{ stable_branch }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git push origin {{ stable_branch }}
tee: true
- !Todo
id: create_minor_branch
title: Create a new minor branch off the stable branch
description: In our case we'll create {{ release_branch }}
- major
- minor
depends: clean_git_checkout
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: Run these commands to create a release branch
- !Command
cmd: git checkout {{ stable_branch }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git pull --ff-only
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git ls-remote --exit-code --heads origin {{ release_branch }}
stdout: true
should_fail: true
comment: This command should fail with exit code 2 to verify branch {{ release_branch }} does not already exist
- !Command
cmd: git checkout -b {{ release_branch }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git push origin {{ release_branch }}
tee: true
- !Todo
id: add_version_major
title: Add a new major version on main branch
- major
- clean_git_checkout
- create_minor_branch
next_version: "v{{ release_version_major + 1 }}.0.0"
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: Run these commands to add the new major version {{ next_version }} to the main branch
- !Command
cmd: git checkout main
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git pull --ff-only
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/ -v {{ next_version }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/
tee: true
- !Command
comment: Make sure the edits done by propagating the version are ok, then push
cmd: git add -u . && git commit -m "Add next major version {{ next_version }}" && git push
logfile: commit-stable.log
- !Todo
id: add_version_minor
title: Add a new minor version on stable branch
- major
- minor
depends: clean_git_checkout
next_version: "v{{ release_version_major }}.{{ release_version_minor + 1 }}.0"
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: Run these commands to add the new minor version {{ next_version }} to the stable branch
- !Command
cmd: git checkout {{ stable_branch }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git pull --ff-only
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/ -v {{ next_version }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/
tee: true
- !Command
comment: Make sure the edits done by propagating the version are ok, then push
cmd: git add -u . && git commit -m "Add next minor version {{ next_version }}" && git push
logfile: commit-stable.log
# - !Todo
# id: jenkins_builds
# title: Add Jenkins task for the release branch
# description: ' that builds run for the new branch. Consult the JenkinsReleaseBuilds page.'
# types:
# - major
# - minor
# links:
# -
- !Todo
id: inform_devs
title: Inform Devs of the new Release Branch
description: |-
Send a note to dev@ to inform the committers that the branch
has been created and the feature freeze phase has started.
This is an e-mail template you can use as a basis for
announcing the new branch and feature freeze.
.Mail template
Subject: [Operator] New branch and feature freeze for the Solr Operator {{ release_version }}
Branch {{ release_branch }} has been cut and versions updated to v{{ release_version_major }}.{{ release_version_minor + 1 }} on the stable branch.
Please observe the normal rules:
* No new features may be committed to the branch.
* Documentation patches, build patches and serious bug fixes may be
committed to the branch. However, you should submit all issues/PRs you
want to commit to Github first to give others the chance to review
and possibly vote against the PR. Keep in mind that it is our
main intention to keep the branch as stable as possible.
* All patches that are intended for the branch should first be committed
to the unstable branch, merged into the stable branch, and then into
the current release branch.
* Normal unstable and stable branch development may continue as usual.
However, if you plan to commit a big change to the unstable branch
while the branch feature freeze is in effect, think twice: can't the
addition wait a couple more days? Merges of bug fixes into the branch
may become more difficult.
* Only Github issues with Milestone {{ release_version }} and priority "Blocker" will delay
a release candidate build.
- major
- minor
- !Todo
id: inform_devs_bugfix
title: Inform Devs about the planned release
description: |-
Send a note to dev@ to inform the committers about the rules for committing to the branch.
This is an e-mail template you can use as a basis for
announcing the rules for committing to the release branch
.Mail template
Subject: [Operator] Bugfix release Solr Operator {{ release_version }}
I am now preparing for a Solr Operator bugfix release from branch {{ release_branch }}
Please observe the normal rules for committing to this branch:
* Before committing to the branch, reply to this thread and argue
why the fix needs backporting and how long it will take.
* All issues accepted for backporting should be marked with Milestone {{ release_version }}
in Github, and issues that should delay the release must be marked as Blocker
* All patches that are intended for the branch should first be committed
to the unstable branch, merged into the stable branch, and then into
the current release branch.
* Only Github issues with Milestone {{ release_version }} and priority "Blocker" will delay
a release candidate build.
- bugfix
- !Todo
id: draft_release_notes
title: Get a draft of the release notes in place
description: |-
These are typically edited on the Wiki
Clone a page for a previous version as a starting point for your release notes.
Edit the git history and Github Release into a more concise format for public consumption.
Ask on dev@ for input. Ideally the timing of this request mostly coincides with the
release branch creation. It's a good idea to remind the devs of this later in the release too.
NOTE: Do not add every single Github issue, but distill the Release note into important changes!
-{{ release_version }}
-{{ base_branch }}
- !Todo
id: new_github_milestone_versions
title: Add a new milestone in Github for the next release
# FOR-MAJOR-RELEASE: change minor -> major below.
description: |-
Go to the Github Milestones page and add the new version:
{% if release_type == 'minor' %}
- Change name of version `main ({{ release_version }})` into `{{ release_version }}`
- Create a new (unreleased) version `main ({{ get_next_version }})`
{% else %}
- Create a new (unreleased) version `{{ get_next_version }}`
{% endif %}
- major
- minor
- !TodoGroup
id: artifacts
title: Build the release artifacts
description: |-
If after the last day of the feature freeze phase no blocking issues are
in Github with "Milestone" {{ release_version }}, then it's time to build the
release artifacts, run the smoke tester and stage the RC in svn.
- test
- prerequisites
is_in_rc_loop: true
- !Todo
id: run_tests
title: Run tests & lint clean checkout of {{ release_branch }} branch
depends: clean_git_checkout
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
confirm_each_command: false
- !Command
cmd: git checkout {{ release_branch }}
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git clean -df && git checkout -- .
comment: Make sure checkout is clean and up to date
logfile: git_clean.log
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/{{ release_branch }} {{ release_branch }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git pull --ff-only
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git reset --hard origin/{{ release_branch }}
comment: Make sure checkout is the same as the remote branch. The release candidate should only have one local commit, the version change.
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: "make check"
post_description: Check that the task passed. If it failed, commit fixes for the failures before proceeding.
- !Todo
id: helm_change_log
title: Add changelog to the helm chart
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
confirm_each_command: false
- !Command
cmd: git checkout {{ release_branch }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git clean -df && git checkout -- .
comment: Make sure checkout is clean and up to date
logfile: git_clean.log
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: make clean
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: "{{ editor }} helm/solr-operator/Chart.yaml"
comment: |
Make sure the changelog is complete at path annotations.'', in helm/solr-operator/Chart.yaml.
The Changelog format is described here:
Our current stance is that Solr Operator features belong in the Solr Operator Helm chart changelog,
while the Solr Helm chart changelog should only contain differences to how the Solr Helm chart behaves.
This is to ensure that users are able to easily find information around changes even if they do not use the
Solr Helm chart.
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: "{{ editor }} helm/solr/Chart.yaml"
comment: |
Make sure the changelog is complete at path annotations.'', in helm/solr-operator/Chart.yaml.
The Changelog format is described here:
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git commit -am "Solr Operator {{ release_version }} Changelog"
logfile: commit.log
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git push origin {{ release_branch }}
logfile: git_push_changelog.log
tee: true
- !Todo
id: build_rc
title: Build the release candidate and issue final commit
description: |-
The release branch "{{ release_branch }}" will have all local changes wiped before the final commit is made.
Therefore any local commits or unstaged changes you might have in the release wizard checkout will be lost.
If you want to test with local changes, either change the git repo you are using in the release wizard
or uncomment the command to remove local changes below.
This will issue a final commit (that sets the release version throughout the repo), but that commit will not be pushed until the release vote is successful.
This final commit ID is integral to the release, so it's ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to make sure that no commits are pushed to the release branch "{{ release_branch }}"
until the Release Candidate either succeeds or fails.
You will need to enter your GPG Key Passphrase multiple times, so be ready for that.
This includes a prompt that will likely not spinup a separate window.
If the script pauses for a long time and has a key in the prompt, please enter your passphrase.
- run_tests
- helm_change_log
- gpg
logfile: '{{ [rc_folder, ''logs'', ''buildAndPushRelease.log''] | path_join }}'
local_keys: '{% if keys_downloaded %} --local-keys "{{ [config_path, ''KEYS''] | path_join }}"{% endif %}'
# Note, the following vars will be recorded in todo state AFTER completion of commands
git_rev: '{{ current_git_rev }}'
rc_folder: 'solr-operator-{{ release_version }}-RC{{ rc_number }}-rev{{ current_git_rev | default("<git_rev>", True) }}'
git_sha: '{{ current_git_rev | default("<git_sha>", True) | truncate(7,true,"") }}'
- git_rev
- rc_folder
- git_sha
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: |-
In this step we will build the RC artifacts.
confirm_each_command: false
- !Command
cmd: git checkout {{ release_branch }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git clean -df && git checkout -- .
comment: Make sure checkout is clean and up to date
logfile: git_clean.log
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git pull --ff-only
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git reset --hard origin/{{ release_branch }}
comment: Make sure checkout is the same as the remote branch. The release candidate should only have one local commit, the version change.
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: make clean
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/
comment: Remove the prerelase suffix from the version.
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/
comment: Propagate the new version throughout the repo.
logfile: propagate_version.log
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/artifacts/ -f "{{ gpg_fingerprint | default('<gpg_fingerprint>', True) }}"
comment: Set the signing key throughout the repo.
logfile: set_signing_key.log
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git commit -am "Solr Operator {{ release_version }} Release"
comment: "We are only committing with the new version, we will not push to the release branch until after the vote has succeeded."
logfile: commit.log
stdout: true
- !Command
rc_folder: 'solr-operator-{{ release_version }}-RC{{ rc_number }}-rev{{ current_git_rev | default("<git_rev>", True) }}'
TAG: "{{ release_version }}-rc{{ rc_number }}"
ARTIFACTS_DIR: "{{ [dist_file_path, rc_folder] | path_join }}"
APACHE_ID: "{{ gpg.apache_id | default('<apache_id>', True) }}"
GPG_KEY: "{{ gpg_key | default('<gpg_key_id>', True) }}"
cmd: make build-release-artifacts
comment: "NOTE: Remember to type your GPG pass-phrase at the prompt!"
logfile: build_rc.log
tee: true
- !Todo
id: smoke_tester
title: Run the smoke tester
depends: build_rc
dist_path: '{{ [dist_file_path, (build_rc.rc_folder | default("<rc_folder>", True))] | path_join }}'
docker_image: 'apache/solr-operator:{{ release_version }}-rc{{ rc_number }}'
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: Here we'll smoke test the release by 'downloading' the artifacts, running the tests, validating GPG signatures etc.
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/smoke_test/ -v "{{ release_version }}" -s "{{ build_rc.git_sha | default("<git_sha>", True) }}" -i "{{ docker_image }}" -l "{{ dist_path }}" -g "{{ gpg_key | default("<gpg_key_id>", True) }}"
logfile: smoketest.log
tee: true
- !Todo
id: upload_rc_docker_image
title: Build multi-arch RC Docker image & Upload
depends: smoke_tester
docker_image: 'apache/solr-operator:{{ release_version }}-rc{{ rc_number }}'
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: Build a multi-architecture docker image and upload to DockerHub
- !Command
cmd: docker buildx create --use
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: docker buildx build --pull --push --platform "linux/amd64,linux/arm64" --build-arg GIT_SHA={{ build_rc.git_sha | default("<git_sha>", True) }} . --tag {{ docker_image }} -f ./build/Dockerfile
logfile: rc_docker_upload.log
tee: true
- !Todo
id: import_svn
title: Import artifacts into SVN
description: |
Here we'll import the artifacts into Subversion.
depends: smoke_tester
dist_path: '{{ [dist_file_path, (build_rc.rc_folder | default("<rc_folder>", True))] | path_join }}'
dist_url:{{ build_rc.rc_folder | default("<rc_folder>", True) }}
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: Have your Apache credentials handy, you'll be prompted for your password
- !Command
cmd: svn -m "Solr Operator {{ release_version }} RC{{ rc_number }}" import {{ dist_path }} {{ dist_url }}
logfile: import_svn.log
tee: true
- !Todo
id: verify_staged
title: Verify staged artifacts
description: |
A lightweight smoke testing which downloads the artifacts from stage
area and checks hash and signatures, but does not re-run all tests.
depends: import_svn
dist_url:{{ build_rc.rc_folder | default("<rc_folder>", True) }}
docker_image: 'apache/solr-operator:{{ release_version }}-rc{{ rc_number }}'
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: Here we'll verify that the staged artifacts are downloadable and hash/signatures match.
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/smoke_test/ -v "{{ release_version }}" -s "{{ build_rc.git_sha | default("<git_sha>", True) }}" -i "{{ docker_image }}" -l "{{ dist_url }}" -g "{{ gpg_key | default("<gpg_key_id>", True) }}"
logfile: smoketest_staged.log
- !TodoGroup
id: voting
title: Hold the vote and sum up the results
description: These are the steps necessary for the voting process. Read up on the link first!
is_in_rc_loop: true
- !Todo
id: initiate_vote
title: Initiate the vote
depends: verify_staged
description: |
If the smoke test passes against the staged artifacts, send an email to the dev mailing list announcing the release candidate.
.Mail template
Subject: [Operator] [VOTE] Release the Solr Operator {{ release_version }} RC{{ rc_number }}
Please vote for release candidate {{ rc_number }} for the Solr Operator {{ release_version }}
The artifacts can be downloaded from:{{ build_rc.rc_folder | default("<rc_folder>", True) }}
You can run the full smoke tester, with instructions below.
However, it is also encouraged to go and use the artifacts yourself in a test Kubernetes cluster.
The smoke tester does not require you to download or install the RC artifacts before running.
If you plan on just running the smoke tests, then ignore all other instructions.
The artifacts are layed out in the following way:
* solr-operator-{{ release_version }}.tgz - Contains the source release
* crds/ - Contains the CRD files
* helm-charts/ - Contains the Helm release packages
The RC Docker image can be found at:
apache/solr-operator:{{ release_version }}-rc{{ rc_number }}
The RC Helm repo can be added with:
helm repo add apache-solr-rc{{ build_rc.rc_folder | default("<rc_folder>", True) }}/helm-charts
You can install the RC Solr Operator and Solr CRDs and an example Solr Cloud with:
curl -sL0 "" | gpg --import --quiet
# This will export your public keys into a format that helm can understand.
# Skip verification by removing "--verify" in the helm command below.
if ! (gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring=~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg --list-keys "{{ gpg_key | default("<gpg_key_id>", True) }}"); then gpg --export >~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg; fi
kubectl create -f{{ build_rc.rc_folder | default("<rc_folder>", True) }}/crds/all-with-dependencies.yaml || \
kubectl replace -f{{ build_rc.rc_folder | default("<rc_folder>", True) }}/crds/all-with-dependencies.yaml
helm install --verify solr-operator apache-solr-rc/solr-operator --set image.tag={{ release_version }}-rc{{ rc_number }}
helm install --verify example apache-solr-rc/solr
You can run the full smoke tester directly with this command: (First checkout the {{ release_branch }} branch of the solr-operator)
./hack/release/smoke_test/ -v "{{ release_version }}" -s "{{ build_rc.git_sha | default("<git_sha>", True) }}" -i "apache/solr-operator:{{ release_version }}-rc{{ rc_number }}" -g "{{ gpg_key | default("<gpg_key_id>", True) }}" \
-l '{{ build_rc.rc_folder | default("<rc_folder>", True) }}'
If you want to run the smoke test with a specific version of kubernetes, use the -k option with a full version tag. (e.g. -k v1.19.3)
If you want to run the smoke test with a custom version of solr, use the -t option with an official Solr image version. (e.g. -t 8.10.0)
However, for this smoke test, you must use a solr version that supports incremental backups. (i.e. 8.9+)
Make sure you have the following installed before running the smoke test:
- Docker (Give it enough memory and CPU to run ~12 containers, 3 of which are Solr nodes)
More information on required resources can be found here:
- Go 1.19
- Kubectl
- GnuPG
- Helm v3.4.0+
- Kustomize (v4.0.0+) This will be installed for you, but NOT upgraded if a lower version is already installed.
- yq
- jq
- coreutils (if using Mac OS)
The vote will be open for at least 72 hours i.e. until {{ vote_close }}.
[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)
Here is my +1
{% if vote_close_72h_holidays %}
The voting period contains one or more holidays. Please consider extending the vote deadline.
{% for holiday in vote_close_72h_holidays %}* {{ holiday }}
{% endfor %}
{%- endif %}
vote_close: '{{ vote_close_72h }}'
vote_close_epoch: '{{ vote_close_72h_epoch }}'
- vote_close
- vote_close_epoch
function: create_ical
- !Todo
id: end_vote
title: End vote
depends: initiate_vote
description: |
At the end of the voting deadline, count the votes and send RESULT message to the mailing list.
{% set vote_close_epoch = initiate_vote.vote_close_epoch | int %}
{% if epoch < vote_close_epoch %}
WARNING: The planned voting deadline {{ initiate_vote.vote_close }} has not yet passed
{% else %}
The planned 72h voting deadline {{ initiate_vote.vote_close }} has passed.
{% endif %}
asciidoc: |
(( template=vote_macro ))
Note down how many votes were cast, summing as:
* Binding PMC-member +1 votes
* Non-binding +1 votes
* Neutral +/-0 votes
* Negative -1 votes
You need 3 binding +1 votes and more +1 than -1 votes for the release to happen.
A release cannot be vetoed, see more in provided links.
Here are some mail templates for successful and failed vote results with sample numbers:
{{ end_vote_result(3,1,0,2) }}
{{ end_vote_result(3,1,0,4) }}
{{ end_vote_result(2,9,0,0) }}
- !UserInput
type: int
prompt: Number of binding +1 votes (PMC members)
name: plus_binding
- !UserInput
type: int
prompt: Number of other +1 votes
name: plus_other
- !UserInput
type: int
prompt: Number of 0 votes
name: zero
- !UserInput
type: int
prompt: Number of -1 votes
name: minus
post_description: |
(( template=vote_logic ))
(( template=vote_macro ))
{% if passed -%}
Congratulations! The vote has passed.
{% if minus > 0 %}
However, there were negative votes. A release cannot be vetoed, and as long as
there are more positive than negative votes you can techically release
the software. However, please review the negative votes and consider
a re-spin.
{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{{ end_vote_result(plus_binding,plus_other,zero,minus) }}
- !TodoGroup
id: publish
title: Publishing to the ASF
description: Once the vote has passed, the release may be published to the ASF.
- !Todo
id: tag_release
title: Tag the release
description: Tag the release from the same revision from which the passing release candidate's was built
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: This will tag the release in git
logs_prefix: tag_release
- !Command
cmd: git tag -a {{ release_version }} -m "Solr Operator {{ release_version }} release" {{ build_rc.git_rev | default("<git_rev>", True) }}
logfile: git_tag.log
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git push origin {{ release_version }}
logfile: git_push_tag.log
tee: true
- !Todo
id: increment_release_version
title: Add the next version on release branch
description: Add the next version after the just-released version on the release branch
depends: tag_release
next_version: "v{{ release_version_major }}.{{ release_version_minor }}.{{ release_version_bugfix + 1 }}"
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: Run these commands to add the new bugfix version {{ next_version }} to the release branch
- !Command
cmd: git checkout {{ release_branch }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/ -v {{ next_version }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/ -s "prerelease"
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/version/
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git diff
logfile: diff.log
comment: Check the git diff before committing. Do any edits if necessary
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git add -u . && git commit -m "Add next patch version {{ next_version }}"
logfile: commit-release-next-version.log
- !Command
cmd: git push origin {{ release_branch }}
comment: |
This will push both the release commit as well as the commit to increase version.
The release commit will correspond to the previously pushed tag.
logfile: push-release-next-version.log
- !Todo
id: svn_release_mv
title: Move release artifacts from staging to release
dist_stage_url:{{ build_rc.rc_folder | default("<rc_folder>", True) }}
dist_release_url:{{ release_version }}
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
confirm_each_command: false
commands_text: This will move the new release artifacts from staging repo to the release repo
- !Command
cmd: svn move -m "Move Solr Operator {{ release_version }} RC{{ rc_number }} to release repo" {{ dist_stage_url }} {{ dist_release_url }}
logfile: svn_mv_solr_operator.log
tee: true
- !Todo
id: publish_helm_charts
title: Publish the staged Helm charts
depends: svn_release_mv
dist_release_url:{{ release_version }}
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
confirm_each_command: false
commands_text: |
This will upload the staged Helm chart to the release location in
You will be prompted for your Apache password in the beggining, to use when uploading.
Next you will be prompted for your GPG Key passphrase, to sign the helm index.yaml.
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/upload/ -g "{{ gpg_key | default("<gpg_key_id>", True) }}" -a "{{ gpg.apache_id | default("<apache_id>", True) }}" -c "{{ official_helm_charts_url }}" -r "{{ dist_release_url }}"
logfile: upload_helm.log
tee: true
- !Todo
id: publish_crds
title: Publish the staged CRDs
depends: svn_release_mv
dist_release_url:{{ release_version }}
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
confirm_each_command: false
commands_text: |
This will upload the staged CRDs to the release location in
You will be prompted for your Apache password in the beggining, to use when uploading.
- !Command
cmd: ./hack/release/upload/ -a "{{ gpg.apache_id | default('<apache_id>', True) }}" -c "{{ crds_release_url }}" -r "{{ dist_release_url }}" -v "{{ release_version }}"
logfile: upload_crds.log
tee: true
- !Todo
id: publish_docker_image
title: Publish the final release Docker image
depends: tag_release
rc_tag: '{{ release_version }}-rc{{ rc_number }}'
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
confirm_each_command: false
commands_text: This will pull the RC Docker image, tag it as a release, and push the release image to DockerHub.
- !Command
cmd: git checkout {{ release_version }}
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git clean -df && git checkout -- .
comment: Make sure checkout is clean and up to date
logfile: git_clean.log
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: docker buildx create --use
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: docker buildx build --pull --push --platform "linux/amd64,linux/arm64" --build-arg GIT_SHA={{ build_rc.git_sha | default("<git_sha>", True) }} . --tag apache/solr-operator:{{ release_version }} -f ./build/Dockerfile
tee: true
logfile: docker_upload.log
- !Todo
id: check_distribution_directory
depends: svn_release_mv
title: Check that artifacts are available
function: check_artifacts_available
description: |
The task will attempt to fetch{{ release_version }}/solr-operator-{{ release_version }}.tgz.asc
to validate the ASF repo.
If the check fails, please re-run the task, until it succeeds.
- !Todo
id: check_artifact_hub
title: Check state of ArtifactHub entries
- publish_docker_image
- publish_helm_charts
description: |
Check to make sure that ArtifactHub has successfully loaded the {{ release_version }} version of the Solr Operator and Solr Helm Charts.
Mark this as complete when you have confirmed all aspects of the chart in artifactHub.
The ChangeLog is very finicky, so make sure that it renders correctly.
- !TodoGroup
id: website
title: Update the website
description: |
For every release, we publish docs on the website, we need to update the
download pages etc. The website is hosted in
# but the Javadocs and Solr Reference Guide are pushed to SVN and then included
# in the main site through links.
# - !Todo
# id: website_docs
# title: Publish docs, changes and javadocs
# description: |
# Ensure your refrigerator has at least 2 beers - the svn import operation can take a while,
# depending on your upload bandwidth. We'll publish this directly to the production tree.
# At the end of the task, the two links below shall work.
# links:
# -{{ version }}
# vars:
# version: "{{ release_version_major }}_{{ release_version_minor }}_{{ release_version_bugfix }}"
# commands: !Commands
# root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
# commands_text: Build the documentation and add it to SVN production tree
# commands:
# - !Command
# cmd: git fetch && git checkout {{ release_version }}
# comment: Checkout the release branch
# logfile: checkout-release-tag.log
# tee: true
# - !Command
# cmd: "{{ gradle_cmd }} documentation -Dversion.release={{ release_version }}"
# comment: Build documentation
# - !Command
# cmd: svn -m "Add docs, changes and javadocs for Solr {{ release_version }}" import {{ git_checkout_folder }}/solr/build/docs{{ version }}
# logfile: add-docs-solr.log
# comment: Add docs for Solr
- !Todo
id: website_git_clone
title: Do a clean git clone of the website repo
description: This is where we'll commit later updates for the website.
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ release_folder }}'
commands_text: Run this command to clone the website git repo
- '{{ git_website_folder }}'
- !Command
cmd: git clone --progress solr-site
logfile: website_git_clone.log
- !Todo
id: website_update_versions
title: Update website versions
depends: website_git_clone
description: |
We need to update the website so that the download pages list the new release.
Fortunately the only thing you need to change is a few variables in ``.
If you release a current latest release, change the `SOLR_OPERATOR_LATEST_RELEASE` and `SOLR_OPERATOR_LATEST_RELEASE_DATE`
If you relese a bugfix release for previous version, then change the `SOLR_OPERATOR_PREVIOUS_MAJOR_RELEASE` variable.
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_website_folder }}'
commands_text: Edit to update version numbers
- !Command
cmd: "{{ editor }}"
comment: Edit the pelicanconf.file. Make sure to include the "v" prefix in the version.
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git commit -am "Update version variables for Solr Operator release {{ release_version }}"
logfile: commit.log
stdout: true
post_description: |
You will push and verify all changes in a later step
- !Todo
id: prepare_announce
title: Author the Solr Operator release news
depends: website_git_clone
description: |
Edit a news text for the Solr Operator website. This text will be the basis for the release announcement email later.
This step will open an editor with a template. You will need to copy/paste the final release announcement text
from the Wiki page and format it as Markdown.
function: prepare_announce
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_website_folder }}'
commands_text: |
Copy the Solr Operator announcement from
You have to exit the editor after edit to continue.
- !Command
cmd: "{{ editor }} {{ solr_operator_news_file }}"
comment: Edit the for Solr Operator announcement news
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git add . && git commit -m "Adding news for Solr Operator release {{ release_version }}"
logfile: commit.log
stdout: true
post_description: |
You will push and verify all changes in a later step
- !Todo
id: website_update_doap
title: Update the Solr Opertator DOAP file
- website_update_versions
- prepare_announce
description: Update the Solr Operator DOAP RDF file to reflect the new version.
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_website_folder }}'
commands_text: Edit DOAP file
- !Command
cmd: "{{ editor }} content/doap/solr-operator.rdf"
comment: Edit Solr Operator DOAP, add version {{ release_version }}
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git add content/doap/solr-operator.rdf && git commit -m "DOAP changes for Solr Operator release {{ release_version }}"
logfile: commit.log
stdout: true
- !Todo
id: update_other
title: Update rest of webpage
depends: website_update_doap
description: |
Update the rest of the web page. Please review all files in the checkout
and consider if any need change based on what changes there are in the
release you are doing. Things to consider:
* System requirements
* Quickstart and tutorial?
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_website_folder }}'
commands_text: |
We'll open an editor on the root folder of the site checkout
You have to exit the editor after edit to continue.
- !Command
cmd: "{{ editor }} ."
comment: Open an editor on the root folder
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git commit -am "Other website changes for Solr Operator release {{ release_version }}"
comment: Commit the other changes
logfile: commit.log
stdout: true
- !Todo
id: stage_website
title: Stage the website changes
- prepare_announce
- website_update_doap
- website_update_versions
description: |
Push the website changes to 'main' branch, and check the staging site.
You will get a chance to preview the diff of all changes before you push.
If you need to do changes, do the changes (e.g. by re-running previous step 'Update rest of webpage')
and commit your changes. Then re-run this step and push when everything is OK.
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_website_folder }}'
commands_text: |
Verify that changes look good, and then publish.
You have to exit the editor after review to continue.
- !Command
cmd: git checkout main && git status
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git diff origin/main
redirect: "{{ [release_folder, 'website.diff'] | path_join }}"
comment: Make a diff of all edits. Will open in next step
- !Command
cmd: "{{ editor }} {{ [release_folder, 'website.diff'] | path_join }}"
comment: View the diff of the website changes. Abort if you need to do changes.
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git push origin
comment: Push all changes
logfile: push-website.log
post_description: |
Wait a few minutes for the build to happen. You can follow the site build at
and view the staged site at
Verify that correct links and versions are mentioned in download pages, download buttons etc.
If you find anything wrong, then commit and push any changes and check again.
- !Todo
id: publish_website
title: Publish the website changes
depends: stage_website
description: |
Push the website changes to 'production' branch. This will build and publish the live site on
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_website_folder }}'
- !Command
cmd: git checkout production && git pull --ff-only
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git merge main
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git push origin
comment: Push all changes to production branch
logfile: push-website.log
post_description: |
Wait a few minutes for the build to happen. You can follow the site build at
Verify on that the site is OK.
- !Todo
id: create_github_release
title: Create a Github Release
description: |
Create a github release named "{{ release_version }}" based off of the git tag "{{ release_version }}".
You can use the previous releases as a template.
(You can hit "edit" on a previous release, to get the markdown version of the notes to copy.)
- !Todo
id: migrate_docs_to_gh_pages
title: Migrate documentation to github pages.
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: Run these commands to copy the documentation to the repo's Github Pages site.
- !Command
cmd: git checkout gh-pages
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git rm -r *
comment: Delete all current docs
tee: true
- !Command
cmd: git restore --staged _config.yml && git checkout _config.yml
comment: Un-delete the github pages config file
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git checkout {{ release_version }} -- LICENSE NOTICE docs example .gitignore
comment: Checkout relevant docs & examples from the release tag.
stdout: true
- !Command
cmd: git status
stdout: true
logfile: github-pages-status.log
comment: Make sure that the git changes look good, and that the _config.yml is not altered.
- !Command
cmd: git commit -a -m "Upgrade documentation for {{ release_version }} release" && git push origin gh-pages
stdout: true
logfile: github-pages-push.log
- !TodoGroup
id: announce
title: Announce the release
description: |
For feature releases, your announcement should describe the main features included
in the release. *Send the announce as Plain-text email, not HTML.*
This step will generate email templates based on the news files you edited earler for the website.
Do any last-minute necessary edits to the text as you copy it over to the email.
- !Todo
id: announce_solr_operator
title: Announce the Solr Operator release (@s.a.o)
description: |
(( template=announce_solr_operator_mail ))
- !Todo
id: setup_pgp_mail
title: Setup your mail client for PGP
description: |
The announce mail to `` should be cryptographically signed.
Make sure you have a PGP enabled email client with your apache key installed.
There are plugins for popular email programs, as well as browser plugins for webmail.
See links for help on how to setup your email client for PGP.
If you prefer to sign the announcements manually rather than using a plugin,
you can do so from the command line and then copy the output into your mail program.
gpg --output - --clearsign solr_operator_announce.txt
- !Todo
id: announce_solr_operator_sig
title: Announce the Solr Operator release (announce@a.o)
description: |
(( template=announce_solr_operator_sign_mail ))
- !Todo
id: add_to_apache_reporter
title: Add the new version to the Apache Release Reporter
description: |
Go to the Apache Release Reporter and add a release for the Solr Operator.
Fill in the same date that you used for the release in previous steps.
Use a product name prefix for the version, as this is not the main release of the Solr PMC.
The version you input should be:
solr-operator-{{ release_version }}
- !TodoGroup
id: post_release
title: Tasks to do after release.
description: There are many more tasks to do now that the new version is out there, so hang in there for a few more hours.
- !Todo
id: github_issue_unfinished
title: Remove all unfinished Issues and PRs from the Github Milestone
description: |-
Go to Github and make sure that all of the Issues listed under the Milestone are either closed, or removed from the Milestone.
. Go to{{ release_version }}
. If there are any Issues/PRs that are still open, then go to them and either:
. Close the Issue if it is actually completed
. Remove the Milestone from the Issue/PR if it is still not complete
-{{ release_version }}
- !Todo
id: github_milestone_close
title: Mark milestone as closed in Github
depends: github_issue_unfinished
description: |-
Go to the Github "Manage Milestones" Administration pages.
. Find version {{ release_version }}, click "edit" under the progress bar
. Set the "Due Date" to the release date of this version
. Click "Close milestone"
- !Todo
id: new_github_milestone_version_bugfix_minor
title: Add a new milestone in Github for the next releases
description: |-
Go to the Github Milestones page and add the new versions:
{% if release_type == 'major' %}
- New (unreleased) version `{{ get_next_minor_version }}`
{% endif %}
- New (unreleased) version `{{ get_next_bugfix_version }}`
- !Todo
id: archive_old_releases
title: Move old releases to archive
description: |
Shortly after new releases are uploaded, they are automatically copied to the archives.
Only the latest point release from each active branch should be kept under the Solr PMC
svnpubsub areas `dist/releases/solr/solr-operator`. Older releases can be
safely deleted, since they are already backed up in the archives.
Currently these versions are in the ASF releases:
*{{ released_versions|join(', ') }}*
The commands below will remove old versions automatically. If this suggestion is wrong,
please do *not* execute the commands automatically, but edit the command and run manually.
Versions to be deleted from the distribution directory repo are:
*{{ released_versions_to_delete|join(', ') }}*
commands: !Commands
root_folder: '{{ git_checkout_folder }}'
commands_text: |
Run these commands to delete proposed versions from the distribution directory repo.
WARNING: Validate that the proposal is correct!
- !Command
cmd: |
svn rm -m "Move old Solr Operator releases to archive"{% for ver in released_versions_to_delete %}{{ ver }}{% endfor %}
logfile: svn-rm-solr-operator.log