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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package util
import (
solr ""
appsv1 ""
corev1 ""
const (
SolrTlsCertMd5Annotation = ""
SolrClientTlsCertMd5Annotation = ""
DefaultKeyStorePath = "/var/solr/tls"
DefaultClientKeyStorePath = "/var/solr/client-tls"
DefaultWritableKeyStorePath = "/var/solr/tls/pkcs12"
TLSCertKey = "tls.crt"
DefaultTrustStorePath = "/var/solr/tls-truststore"
DefaultClientTrustStorePath = "/var/solr/client-tls-truststore"
InitdbPath = "/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d"
DefaultPkcs12KeystoreFile = "keystore.p12"
DefaultPkcs12TruststoreFile = "truststore.p12"
DefaultKeystorePasswordFile = "keystore-password"
// Helper struct for holding server and/or client cert config
// This struct is intended for internal use only and is only exposed outside the package so that the controllers can access
type TLSCerts struct {
// Server cert config
ServerConfig *TLSConfig
// Client cert config
ClientConfig *TLSConfig
// Image used for initContainers that help configure the TLS settings
InitContainerImage *solr.ContainerImage
// Holds TLS options from the user config as well as other config properties determined during reconciliation
// This struct is intended for internal use only and is only exposed outside the package so that the controllers can access
type TLSConfig struct {
// TLS options provided by the user in the CRD definition
Options *solr.SolrTLSOptions
// Flag to indicate if we need to convert the provided keystore into the p12 format needed by Java
NeedsPkcs12InitContainer bool
// The MD5 hash of the cert, used for restarting Solr pods after the cert updates if so desired
CertMd5 string
// The annotation varies based on the cert type (client or server)
CertMd5Annotation string
// The paths vary based on whether this config is for a client or server cert
KeystorePath string
TruststorePath string
VolumePrefix string
Namespace string
// Get a TLSCerts struct for reconciling TLS on a SolrCloud
func TLSCertsForSolrCloud(instance *solr.SolrCloud) *TLSCerts {
tls := &TLSCerts{
ServerConfig: &TLSConfig{
Options: instance.Spec.SolrTLS.DeepCopy(),
KeystorePath: DefaultKeyStorePath,
TruststorePath: DefaultTrustStorePath,
CertMd5Annotation: SolrTlsCertMd5Annotation,
Namespace: instance.Namespace,
InitContainerImage: instance.Spec.BusyBoxImage,
if instance.Spec.SolrClientTLS != nil {
tls.ClientConfig = &TLSConfig{
Options: instance.Spec.SolrClientTLS.DeepCopy(),
KeystorePath: DefaultClientKeyStorePath,
TruststorePath: DefaultClientTrustStorePath,
VolumePrefix: "client-",
CertMd5Annotation: SolrClientTlsCertMd5Annotation,
Namespace: instance.Namespace,
return tls
// Get a TLSCerts struct for reconciling TLS on an Exporter
func TLSCertsForExporter(prometheusExporter *solr.SolrPrometheusExporter) *TLSCerts {
// when using mounted dir option, we need a busy box image for our initContainers
bbImage := prometheusExporter.Spec.BusyBoxImage
if bbImage == nil {
bbImage = &solr.ContainerImage{
Repository: solr.DefaultBusyBoxImageRepo,
Tag: solr.DefaultBusyBoxImageVersion,
PullPolicy: solr.DefaultPullPolicy,
return &TLSCerts{
ClientConfig: &TLSConfig{
Options: prometheusExporter.Spec.SolrReference.SolrTLS.DeepCopy(),
KeystorePath: DefaultKeyStorePath,
TruststorePath: DefaultTrustStorePath,
CertMd5Annotation: SolrClientTlsCertMd5Annotation,
Namespace: prometheusExporter.Namespace,
InitContainerImage: bbImage,
// Enrich the config for a SolrCloud StatefulSet to enable TLS, either loaded from a secret or
// a directory on the main pod containing per-pod specific TLS files. In the latter case, the "mounted dir"
// typically comes from an external agent (such as a cert-manager extension) or CSI driver that injects the
// pod-specific TLS files using mutating web hooks
func (tls *TLSCerts) enableTLSOnSolrCloudStatefulSet(stateful *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
serverCert := tls.ServerConfig
// Add the SOLR_SSL_* vars to the main container's environment
mainContainer := &stateful.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0]
mainContainer.Env = append(mainContainer.Env, serverCert.serverEnvVars()...)
// Was a client cert mounted too? If so, add the client env vars to the main container as well
if tls.ClientConfig != nil {
mainContainer.Env = append(mainContainer.Env, tls.ClientConfig.clientEnvVars()...)
if serverCert.Options.PKCS12Secret != nil {
// Cert comes from a secret, so setup the pod template to mount the secret
// mount the client certificate from a different secret (at different mount points)
if tls.ClientConfig != nil && tls.ClientConfig.Options.PKCS12Secret != nil {
} else if tls.hasPasswordsInFiles() {
// the TLS files come from some auto-mounted directory on the main container
// use an initContainer to create the wrapper script in the initdb
stateful.Spec.Template.Spec.InitContainers = append(stateful.Spec.Template.Spec.InitContainers, tls.generateTLSInitdbScriptInitContainer())
// Enrich the config for a Prometheus Exporter Deployment to allow the exporter to make requests to TLS enabled Solr pods
func (tls *TLSCerts) enableTLSOnExporterDeployment(deployment *appsv1.Deployment) {
clientCert := tls.ClientConfig
// Add the SOLR_SSL_* vars to the main container's environment
mainContainer := &deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0]
mainContainer.Env = append(mainContainer.Env, clientCert.clientEnvVars()...)
mainContainer.Env = append(mainContainer.Env, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_CHECK_PEER_NAME", Value: strconv.FormatBool(clientCert.Options.CheckPeerName)})
// the exporter process doesn't read the SOLR_SSL_* env vars, so we need to pass them via JAVA_OPTS
appendJavaOptsToEnv(mainContainer, clientCert.clientJavaOpts())
if clientCert.Options.PKCS12Secret != nil || clientCert.Options.TrustStoreSecret != nil {
// Cert comes from a secret, so setup the pod template to mount the secret
} else if clientCert.Options.MountedTLSDir != nil {
// volumes and mounts for TLS when using the mounted dir option
clientCert.mountTLSWrapperScriptAndInitContainer(deployment, tls.InitContainerImage)
// Configures a pod template (either StatefulSet or Deployment) to mount the TLS files from a secret
func (tls *TLSConfig) mountTLSSecretOnPodTemplate(template *corev1.PodTemplateSpec) *corev1.Container {
mainContainer := &template.Spec.Containers[0]
// the TLS files are mounted from a secret, setup the volumes and mounts
vols, mounts := tls.volumesAndMounts()
// We need an initContainer to convert a TLS cert into the pkcs12 format Java wants (using openssl)
// but openssl cannot write to the /var/solr/tls directory because of the way secret mounts work
// so we need to mount an empty directory to write pkcs12 keystore into
if tls.NeedsPkcs12InitContainer {
vols = append(vols, corev1.Volume{Name: "pkcs12", VolumeSource: corev1.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &corev1.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}})
mounts = append(mounts, corev1.VolumeMount{Name: "pkcs12", ReadOnly: false, MountPath: DefaultWritableKeyStorePath})
pkcs12InitContainer := tls.generatePkcs12InitContainer(mainContainer.Image, mainContainer.ImagePullPolicy, mounts)
template.Spec.InitContainers = append(template.Spec.InitContainers, pkcs12InitContainer)
template.Spec.Volumes = append(template.Spec.Volumes, vols...)
mainContainer.VolumeMounts = append(mainContainer.VolumeMounts, mounts...)
// track the MD5 of the TLS cert (from secret) to trigger restarts if the cert changes
if tls.Options.RestartOnTLSSecretUpdate && tls.CertMd5 != "" {
if template.Annotations == nil {
template.Annotations = make(map[string]string, 1)
template.Annotations[tls.CertMd5Annotation] = tls.CertMd5
return mainContainer
// Make sure the secret containing the keystore and corresponding password secret exist and have the expected keys
// Also, set up to watch for updates if desired
// Also, verifies the configured truststore if provided
func (tls *TLSConfig) VerifyKeystoreAndTruststoreSecretConfig(client *client.Client) (*corev1.Secret, error) {
opts := tls.Options
foundTLSSecret, err := verifyTLSSecretConfig(client, opts.PKCS12Secret.Name, tls.Namespace, opts.KeyStorePasswordSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if opts.RestartOnTLSSecretUpdate {
err = tls.saveCertMd5(foundTLSSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := foundTLSSecret.Data[opts.PKCS12Secret.Key]; !ok {
// the keystore.p12 key is not in the TLS secret, indicating we need to create it using an initContainer
tls.NeedsPkcs12InitContainer = true
// verify the truststore config is valid too
if opts.TrustStoreSecret != nil {
// verify the TrustStore secret is configured correctly
passwordSecret := opts.TrustStorePasswordSecret
if passwordSecret == nil {
passwordSecret = opts.KeyStorePasswordSecret
_, err := verifyTLSSecretConfig(client, opts.TrustStoreSecret.Name, tls.Namespace, passwordSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// does the supplied keystore secret also contain the truststore?
if _, ok := foundTLSSecret.Data[DefaultPkcs12TruststoreFile]; ok {
// there's a truststore in the supplied TLS secret
opts.TrustStoreSecret =
&corev1.SecretKeySelector{LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{Name: foundTLSSecret.Name}, Key: DefaultPkcs12TruststoreFile}
if opts.TrustStorePasswordSecret == nil {
opts.TrustStorePasswordSecret = opts.KeyStorePasswordSecret
return foundTLSSecret, nil
// Special case where the user only configured a truststore for the exporter (no keystore)
func (tls *TLSConfig) VerifyTruststoreOnly(client *client.Client) error {
secret := tls.Options.TrustStoreSecret
truststoreSecret, err := verifyTLSSecretConfig(client, secret.Name, tls.Namespace, tls.Options.TrustStorePasswordSecret)
if err != nil {
return err
// make sure truststore.p12 is actually in the supplied secret
if _, ok := truststoreSecret.Data[secret.Key]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%s key not found in truststore password secret %s", secret.Key, secret.Name)
// If we have a watch on secrets, then get notified when the secret changes (such as after cert renewal)
// capture the hash of the truststore and stash in an annotation so that pods get restarted if the cert changes
// If watch = false, then we may be watching the keystore instead
if tls.Options.RestartOnTLSSecretUpdate {
tls.CertMd5 = fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(truststoreSecret.Data[secret.Key]))
return nil
func (tls *TLSConfig) saveCertMd5(tlsSecret *corev1.Secret) error {
// We have a watch on secrets, so will get notified when the secret changes (such as after cert renewal)
// capture the hash of the secret and stash in an annotation so that pods get restarted if the cert changes
if tlsCertBytes, ok := tlsSecret.Data[TLSCertKey]; ok {
tls.CertMd5 = fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(tlsCertBytes))
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("%s key not found in TLS secret %s, cannot watch for updates to the cert without this data but 'restartOnTLSSecretUpdate' is enabled", TLSCertKey, tlsSecret.Name)
func (tls *TLSConfig) volumeName(baseName string) string {
return tls.VolumePrefix + baseName
// Get a list of volumes for the keystore and optionally a truststore loaded from a TLS secret
func (tls *TLSConfig) volumesAndMounts() ([]corev1.Volume, []corev1.VolumeMount) {
optional := false
vols := []corev1.Volume{}
mounts := []corev1.VolumeMount{}
keystoreSecretName := ""
opts := tls.Options
if opts.PKCS12Secret != nil {
keystoreSecretName = opts.PKCS12Secret.Name
volName := tls.volumeName("keystore")
vols = append(vols, corev1.Volume{
Name: volName,
VolumeSource: corev1.VolumeSource{
Secret: &corev1.SecretVolumeSource{
SecretName: opts.PKCS12Secret.Name,
DefaultMode: &SecretReadOnlyPermissions,
Optional: &optional,
mounts = append(mounts, corev1.VolumeMount{Name: volName, ReadOnly: true, MountPath: tls.KeystorePath})
// if they're using a different truststore other than the keystore, but don't mount an additional volume
// if it's just pointing at the same secret
if opts.TrustStoreSecret != nil && opts.TrustStoreSecret.Name != keystoreSecretName {
volName := tls.volumeName("truststore")
vols = append(vols, corev1.Volume{
Name: volName,
VolumeSource: corev1.VolumeSource{
Secret: &corev1.SecretVolumeSource{
SecretName: opts.TrustStoreSecret.Name,
DefaultMode: &SecretReadOnlyPermissions,
Optional: &optional,
mounts = append(mounts, corev1.VolumeMount{Name: volName, ReadOnly: true, MountPath: tls.TruststorePath})
return vols, mounts
// Determine whether any passwords for Keystores/Truststores are stored in files
func (tls *TLSCerts) hasPasswordsInFiles() (hasPasswordsInFiles bool) {
return tls != nil && (tls.ServerConfig.hasPasswordsInFiles() || tls.ClientConfig.hasPasswordsInFiles())
// Determine whether any passwords for Keystores/Truststores are stored in files
func (tls *TLSConfig) hasPasswordsInFiles() (hasPasswordsInFiles bool) {
if tls != nil && tls.Options.MountedTLSDir != nil {
serverDir := tls.Options.MountedTLSDir
hasPasswordsInFiles = serverDir.KeystorePasswordFile != "" || serverDir.KeystorePassword == ""
if serverDir.TruststorePasswordFile != "" {
hasPasswordsInFiles = true
// Get the SOLR_SSL_* env vars for enabling TLS on Solr pods
func (tls *TLSConfig) serverEnvVars() []corev1.EnvVar {
opts := tls.Options
// Determine the correct values for the SOLR_SSL_WANT_CLIENT_AUTH and SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH vars
wantClientAuth := "false"
needClientAuth := "false"
if opts.ClientAuth == solr.Need {
needClientAuth = "true"
} else if opts.ClientAuth == solr.Want {
wantClientAuth = "true"
envVars := []corev1.EnvVar{
Value: "true",
Value: wantClientAuth,
Value: needClientAuth,
Value: strconv.FormatBool(opts.CheckPeerName),
// tricky ... bin/solr checks for null SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION via -z to set -Dsolr.jetty.ssl.verifyClientHostName=HTTPS
// so only add the SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION env var if false
if !opts.VerifyClientHostname {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION", Value: "false"})
// keystore / truststore come from either a mountedTLSDir or sourced from a secret mounted on the pod
if opts.MountedTLSDir != nil {
// TLS files are mounted by some external agent
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE", Value: mountedTLSKeystorePath(opts.MountedTLSDir)})
keyStorePassword := ""
if opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystorePassword != "" && opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystorePasswordFile == "" {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD", Value: opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystorePassword})
keyStorePassword = opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystorePassword
if opts.MountedTLSDir.TruststoreFile != "" {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE", Value: mountedTLSTruststorePath(opts.MountedTLSDir)})
trustStorePassword := opts.MountedTLSDir.TruststorePassword
if trustStorePassword == "" && keyStorePassword != "" {
trustStorePassword = keyStorePassword
if trustStorePassword != "" && opts.MountedTLSDir.TruststorePasswordFile == "" {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD", Value: trustStorePassword})
} else {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE", Value: mountedTLSKeystorePath(opts.MountedTLSDir)})
if keyStorePassword != "" {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD", Value: keyStorePassword})
} else {
// keystore / truststore + passwords come from a secret
envVars = append(envVars, tls.keystoreEnvVars("SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE")...)
envVars = append(envVars, tls.truststoreEnvVars("SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE")...)
return envVars
// Set the SOLR_SSL_* for a Solr client process, e.g. the Exporter, which only needs a subset of SSL vars that a Solr pod would need
func (tls *TLSConfig) clientEnvVars() []corev1.EnvVar {
opts := tls.Options
var envVars []corev1.EnvVar
if opts.MountedTLSDir != nil {
// passwords get exported from files in the TLS dir using an initdb wrapper script if they come from files
keyStorePassword := ""
if opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystoreFile != "" {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE", Value: mountedTLSKeystorePath(opts.MountedTLSDir)})
if opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystorePassword != "" && opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystorePasswordFile == "" {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD", Value: opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystorePassword})
keyStorePassword = opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystorePassword
if opts.MountedTLSDir.TruststoreFile != "" {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE", Value: mountedTLSTruststorePath(opts.MountedTLSDir)})
trustStorePassword := opts.MountedTLSDir.TruststorePassword
if trustStorePassword == "" && keyStorePassword != "" {
trustStorePassword = keyStorePassword
if trustStorePassword != "" && opts.MountedTLSDir.TruststorePasswordFile == "" {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD", Value: trustStorePassword})
} else if opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystoreFile != "" {
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE", Value: "$(SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE)"})
envVars = append(envVars, corev1.EnvVar{Name: "SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD", Value: keyStorePassword})
if opts.PKCS12Secret != nil {
envVars = append(envVars, tls.keystoreEnvVars("SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE")...)
// if no additional truststore secret provided, just use the keystore for both
if opts.TrustStoreSecret == nil {
envVars = append(envVars, tls.keystoreEnvVars("SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE")...)
if opts.TrustStoreSecret != nil {
envVars = append(envVars, tls.truststoreEnvVars("SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE")...)
return envVars
func (tls *TLSConfig) keystoreEnvVars(varName string) []corev1.EnvVar {
return []corev1.EnvVar{
Name: varName,
Value: tls.keystoreFile(),
Name: varName + "_PASSWORD",
ValueFrom: &corev1.EnvVarSource{SecretKeyRef: tls.Options.KeyStorePasswordSecret},
// the keystore path depends on whether we're just loading it from the secret or whether
// our initContainer has to generate it from the TLS secret using openssl
// this complexity is due to the secret mount directory not being writable
func (tls *TLSConfig) keystoreFile() string {
var keystorePath string
if tls.NeedsPkcs12InitContainer {
keystorePath = DefaultWritableKeyStorePath
} else {
keystorePath = tls.KeystorePath
return keystorePath + "/" + DefaultPkcs12KeystoreFile
func (tls *TLSConfig) truststoreEnvVars(varName string) []corev1.EnvVar {
opts := tls.Options
keystoreSecretName := ""
if opts.PKCS12Secret != nil {
keystoreSecretName = opts.PKCS12Secret.Name
var truststoreFile string
if opts.TrustStoreSecret != nil {
if opts.TrustStoreSecret.Name != keystoreSecretName {
// trust store is in a different secret, so will be mounted in a different dir
truststoreFile = tls.TruststorePath + "/" + opts.TrustStoreSecret.Key
} else {
// trust store is a different key in the same secret as the keystore
truststoreFile = tls.KeystorePath + "/" + DefaultPkcs12TruststoreFile
} else {
// truststore is the same as the keystore
truststoreFile = tls.keystoreFile()
var truststorePassFrom *corev1.EnvVarSource
if opts.TrustStorePasswordSecret != nil {
truststorePassFrom = &corev1.EnvVarSource{SecretKeyRef: opts.TrustStorePasswordSecret}
} else {
truststorePassFrom = &corev1.EnvVarSource{SecretKeyRef: opts.KeyStorePasswordSecret}
return []corev1.EnvVar{
Name: varName,
Value: truststoreFile,
Name: varName + "_PASSWORD",
ValueFrom: truststorePassFrom,
// For the mounted dir approach, we need to customize the Prometheus exporter's entry point with a wrapper script
// that reads the keystore / truststore passwords from a file and passes them via JAVA_OPTS
func (tls *TLSConfig) mountTLSWrapperScriptAndInitContainer(deployment *appsv1.Deployment, initContainerImage *solr.ContainerImage) {
opts := tls.Options
mainContainer := &deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0]
volName := "tls-wrapper-script"
mountPath := "/usr/local/solr-exporter-tls"
wrapperScript := mountPath + "/"
// the Prom exporter needs the keystore & truststore passwords in a Java system property, but the password
// is stored in a file when using the mounted TLS dir approach, so we use a wrapper script around the main
// container entry point to add these properties to JAVA_OPTS at runtime
vol, mount := createEmptyVolumeAndMount(volName, mountPath)
deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Volumes = append(deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.Volumes, *vol)
mainContainer.VolumeMounts = append(mainContainer.VolumeMounts, *mount)
entrypoint := mainContainer.Command[0]
// may not have a keystore for the client cert, but must have have a truststore in that case
kspJavaSysProp := ""
catKsp := ""
if opts.MountedTLSDir.KeystoreFile != "" {
catKsp = fmt.Sprintf("ksp=\\$(cat %s)", mountedTLSKeystorePasswordPath(opts.MountedTLSDir))
kspJavaSysProp = "\\${ksp}"
catTsp := fmt.Sprintf("tsp=\\$(cat %s)", mountedTLSTruststorePasswordPath(opts.MountedTLSDir))
tspJavaSysProp := "\\${tsp}"
Create a wrapper script like:
ksp=$(cat $MOUNTED_TLS_DIR/keystore-password)
tsp=$(cat $MOUNTED_TLS_DIR/truststore-password)s
/opt/solr/contrib/prometheus-exporter/bin/solr-exporter $@
writeWrapperScript := fmt.Sprintf("cat << EOF > %s\n#!/bin/bash\n%s\n%s\nJAVA_OPTS=\"\\${JAVA_OPTS}%s%s\"\n%s \\$@\nEOF\nchmod +x %s",
wrapperScript, catKsp, catTsp, kspJavaSysProp, tspJavaSysProp, entrypoint, wrapperScript)
createTLSWrapperScriptInitContainer := corev1.Container{
Name: "create-tls-wrapper-script",
Image: initContainerImage.ToImageName(),
ImagePullPolicy: initContainerImage.PullPolicy,
Command: []string{"sh", "-c", writeWrapperScript},
VolumeMounts: []corev1.VolumeMount{{Name: volName, MountPath: mountPath}},
deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.InitContainers = append(deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.InitContainers, createTLSWrapperScriptInitContainer)
// Call the wrapper script to start the exporter process
mainContainer.Command = []string{wrapperScript}
// Create an initContainer that generates the initdb script that exports the keystore / truststore passwords stored in
// a directory to the environment; this is only needed when using the mountedTLSDir approach
func (tls *TLSCerts) generateTLSInitdbScriptInitContainer() corev1.Container {
exportServerKeystorePassword, exportServerTruststorePassword := "", ""
if tls.ServerConfig.Options.MountedTLSDir != nil {
mountedDir := tls.ServerConfig.Options.MountedTLSDir
if mountedDir.KeystorePasswordFile != "" || mountedDir.KeystorePassword == "" {
exportServerKeystorePassword = exportVarFromFileInInitdbWrapperScript("SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD", mountedTLSKeystorePasswordPath(tls.ServerConfig.Options.MountedTLSDir))
exportServerTruststorePassword = exportVarFromFileInInitdbWrapperScript("SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD", "${SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD}")
if mountedDir.TruststorePasswordFile != "" {
exportServerTruststorePassword = exportVarFromFileInInitdbWrapperScript("SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD", mountedTLSTruststorePasswordPath(tls.ServerConfig.Options.MountedTLSDir))
} else if mountedDir.TruststorePassword != "" {
exportServerTruststorePassword = ""
// Might have a client cert too ...
exportClientKeystorePassword, exportClientTruststorePassword := "", ""
if tls.ClientConfig != nil && tls.ClientConfig.Options.MountedTLSDir != nil {
mountedDir := tls.ClientConfig.Options.MountedTLSDir
if mountedDir.KeystorePasswordFile != "" || mountedDir.KeystorePassword == "" {
exportClientKeystorePassword = exportVarFromFileInInitdbWrapperScript("SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD", mountedTLSKeystorePasswordPath(mountedDir))
exportClientTruststorePassword = exportVarFromFileInInitdbWrapperScript("SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD", "${SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD}")
if mountedDir.TruststorePasswordFile == "" {
exportClientTruststorePassword = exportVarFromFileInInitdbWrapperScript("SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD", mountedTLSTruststorePasswordPath(mountedDir))
} else if mountedDir.TruststorePassword != "" {
exportClientTruststorePassword = ""
} else {
exportClientKeystorePassword = exportServerKeystorePassword
exportClientKeystorePassword = exportServerTruststorePassword
shCmd := fmt.Sprintf("echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n%s%s%s%s\"",
exportServerKeystorePassword, exportServerTruststorePassword, exportClientKeystorePassword, exportClientTruststorePassword)
shCmd += " > /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/"
Init container creates a script like:
return corev1.Container{
Name: "export-tls-password",
Image: tls.InitContainerImage.ToImageName(),
ImagePullPolicy: tls.InitContainerImage.PullPolicy,
Command: []string{"sh", "-c", shCmd},
VolumeMounts: []corev1.VolumeMount{{Name: "initdb", MountPath: InitdbPath}},
// Helper function for writing a line to the initdb wrapper script that exports an env var sourced from a file
func exportVarFromFileInInitdbWrapperScript(varName string, varValue string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\\nexport %s=\\`cat %s\\`\\n", varName, varValue)
// Returns an array of Java system properties to configure the TLS certificate used by client applications to call mTLS enabled Solr pods
func (tls *TLSConfig) clientJavaOpts() []string {
// for clients, we should always have a truststore but the keystore is optional
javaOpts := []string{
if tls.Options.VerifyClientHostname {
// TODO: This is broken in Solr 9.2+
javaOpts = append(javaOpts, "-Dsolr.jetty.ssl.verifyClientHostName=HTTPS")
if tls.Options.PKCS12Secret != nil || (tls.Options.MountedTLSDir != nil && tls.Options.MountedTLSDir.KeystoreFile != "") {
javaOpts = append(javaOpts, "$(SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE)")
javaOpts = append(javaOpts, "")
if tls.Options.PKCS12Secret != nil {
javaOpts = append(javaOpts, "$(SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD)")
} // else for mounted dir option, the password comes from the wrapper script
if tls.Options.PKCS12Secret != nil || tls.Options.TrustStoreSecret != nil {
javaOpts = append(javaOpts, "$(SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD)")
} // else for mounted dir option, the password comes from the wrapper script
return javaOpts
func (tls *TLSConfig) generatePkcs12InitContainer(imageName string, imagePullPolicy corev1.PullPolicy, mounts []corev1.VolumeMount) corev1.Container {
// get the keystore password from the env for generating the keystore using openssl
envVars := []corev1.EnvVar{
ValueFrom: &corev1.EnvVarSource{SecretKeyRef: tls.Options.KeyStorePasswordSecret},
cmd := "openssl pkcs12 -export -in " + DefaultKeyStorePath + "/" + TLSCertKey + " -in " + DefaultKeyStorePath +
"/ca.crt -inkey " + DefaultKeyStorePath + "/tls.key -out " + DefaultKeyStorePath +
"/pkcs12/" + DefaultPkcs12KeystoreFile + " -passout pass:${SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD}"
return corev1.Container{
Name: "gen-pkcs12-keystore",
Image: imageName,
ImagePullPolicy: imagePullPolicy,
TerminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-log",
TerminationMessagePolicy: "File",
Command: []string{"sh", "-c", cmd},
VolumeMounts: mounts,
Env: envVars,
// Get TLS properties for JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS and Java system props for configuring the secured probe command; used when
// we call a local command on the Solr pod for the probes instead of using HTTP/HTTPS
func secureProbeTLSJavaToolOpts(solrCloud *solr.SolrCloud) (tlsJavaToolOpts string, tlsJavaSysProps string) {
if solrCloud.Spec.SolrTLS != nil {
// prefer the mounted client cert for probes if provided
tlsDir := solrCloud.Spec.SolrTLS.MountedTLSDir
clientPrefix := ""
if solrCloud.Spec.SolrClientTLS != nil && solrCloud.Spec.SolrClientTLS.MountedTLSDir != nil {
tlsDir = solrCloud.Spec.SolrClientTLS.MountedTLSDir
clientPrefix = "CLIENT_"
if tlsDir != nil {
// The keystore passwords are in a file, then we need to cat the file(s) into JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
keyStorePassword := "$(cat " + mountedTLSKeystorePasswordPath(tlsDir) + ")"
if tlsDir.KeystorePasswordFile == "" && tlsDir.KeystorePassword != "" {
keyStorePassword = "${SOLR_SSL_" + clientPrefix + "KEY_STORE_PASSWORD}"
tlsJavaToolOpts += "" + keyStorePassword
trustStorePassword := keyStorePassword
if tlsDir.TruststorePasswordFile != "" {
trustStorePassword = "$(cat " + mountedTLSTruststorePasswordPath(tlsDir) + ")"
} else if tlsDir.TruststorePassword != "" {
trustStorePassword = "${SOLR_SSL_" + clientPrefix + "TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD}"
tlsJavaToolOpts += "" + trustStorePassword
tlsJavaSysProps = secureProbeTLSJavaSysProps(solrCloud)
return tlsJavaToolOpts, tlsJavaSysProps
// Get the Java system properties needed to connect to a Solr pod over https
// The values vary depending on whether there is a client cert or just a server cert
// When using the mountedTLSDir option, the keystore / truststore passwords will come from a file instead of env vars
func secureProbeTLSJavaSysProps(solrCloud *solr.SolrCloud) string {
// probe command sends request to "localhost" so skip hostname checking during TLS handshake
tlsJavaSysProps := "-Dsolr.ssl.checkPeerName=false"
// prefer the client cert for probes if available
if solrCloud.Spec.SolrClientTLS != nil {
if solrCloud.Spec.SolrClientTLS.MountedTLSDir != nil {
// may not always have a keystore with mountedTLSDir
if solrCloud.Spec.SolrClientTLS.MountedTLSDir.KeystoreFile != "" {
} else {
} else {
// use the server cert, either from the mounted dir or from envVars sourced from a secret
tlsJavaSysProps += "$SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE"
tlsJavaSysProps += "$SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE"
if solrCloud.Spec.SolrTLS.MountedTLSDir == nil {
} // else passwords come through JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS via cat'ing the mounted files
return tlsJavaSysProps
func mountedTLSKeystorePath(tlsDir *solr.MountedTLSDirectory) string {
return mountedTLSPath(tlsDir, tlsDir.KeystoreFile, DefaultPkcs12KeystoreFile)
func mountedTLSKeystorePasswordPath(tlsDir *solr.MountedTLSDirectory) string {
return mountedTLSPath(tlsDir, tlsDir.KeystorePasswordFile, DefaultKeystorePasswordFile)
func mountedTLSTruststorePath(tlsDir *solr.MountedTLSDirectory) string {
return mountedTLSPath(tlsDir, tlsDir.TruststoreFile, DefaultPkcs12TruststoreFile)
func mountedTLSTruststorePasswordPath(tlsDir *solr.MountedTLSDirectory) string {
path := ""
if tlsDir.TruststorePasswordFile != "" {
path = mountedTLSPath(tlsDir, tlsDir.TruststorePasswordFile, "")
} else {
path = mountedTLSKeystorePasswordPath(tlsDir)
return path
func mountedTLSPath(dir *solr.MountedTLSDirectory, fileName string, defaultName string) string {
if fileName == "" {
fileName = defaultName
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", dir.Path, fileName)
// Command to set the urlScheme cluster prop to "https"
func setUrlSchemeClusterPropCmd() string {
return "/opt/solr/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -zkhost ${ZK_HOST} -cmd clusterprop -name urlScheme -val https" +
"; /opt/solr/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -zkhost ${ZK_HOST} -cmd get /clusterprops.json;"
// Appends additional Java system properties to the JAVA_OPTS environment variable of the main container and ensures JAVA_OPTS is the last env var
func appendJavaOptsToEnv(mainContainer *corev1.Container, additionalJavaOpts []string) {
javaOptsValue := ""
javaOptsAt := -1
for i, v := range mainContainer.Env {
if v.Name == "JAVA_OPTS" {
javaOptsValue = v.Value
javaOptsAt = i
javaOptsVar := corev1.EnvVar{Name: "JAVA_OPTS", Value: strings.TrimSpace(javaOptsValue + " " + strings.Join(additionalJavaOpts, " "))}
if javaOptsAt == -1 {
// no JAVA_OPTS, add it on the end
mainContainer.Env = append(mainContainer.Env, javaOptsVar)
} else {
// need to move the JAVA_OPTS var to end of array, slice it out ...
envVars := mainContainer.Env[0:javaOptsAt]
if javaOptsAt < len(mainContainer.Env)-1 {
envVars = append(envVars, mainContainer.Env[javaOptsAt+1:]...)
mainContainer.Env = append(envVars, javaOptsVar)
// Utility func to create an empty dir and corresponding mount
func createEmptyVolumeAndMount(name string, mountPath string) (*corev1.Volume, *corev1.VolumeMount) {
return &corev1.Volume{Name: name, VolumeSource: corev1.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &corev1.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}},
&corev1.VolumeMount{Name: name, MountPath: mountPath}
// The Docker Solr framework allows us to run scripts from an initdb directory before the main Solr process is started
// Mount the initdb directory if it has not already been mounted by the user via custom pod options
func mountInitDbIfNeeded(stateful *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
// Auto-TLS uses an initContainer to create a script in the initdb, so mount that if it has not already been mounted
mainContainer := &stateful.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0]
var initdbMount *corev1.VolumeMount
for _, mount := range mainContainer.VolumeMounts {
if mount.MountPath == InitdbPath {
initdbMount = &mount
if initdbMount == nil {
vol, mount := createEmptyVolumeAndMount("initdb", InitdbPath)
stateful.Spec.Template.Spec.Volumes = append(stateful.Spec.Template.Spec.Volumes, *vol)
mainContainer.VolumeMounts = append(mainContainer.VolumeMounts, *mount)
// Utility method used during reconcile to verify a TLS secret exists and has the correct key
// Also verifies the corresponding password secret exists and has the expected key
// Used for verifying keystore and truststore configuration
func verifyTLSSecretConfig(client *client.Client, secretName string, secretNamespace string, passwordSecret *corev1.SecretKeySelector) (*corev1.Secret, error) {
ctx := context.TODO()
reader := *client
foundTLSSecret := &corev1.Secret{}
lookupErr := reader.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: secretName, Namespace: secretNamespace}, foundTLSSecret)
if lookupErr != nil {
return nil, lookupErr
} else {
if passwordSecret == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no password secret configured for %s", secretName)
// Make sure the secret containing the keystore password exists as well
keyStorePasswordSecret := &corev1.Secret{}
err := reader.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: passwordSecret.Name, Namespace: foundTLSSecret.Namespace}, keyStorePasswordSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// we found the keystore secret, but does it have the key we expect?
if _, ok := keyStorePasswordSecret.Data[passwordSecret.Key]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s key not found in password secret %s", passwordSecret.Key, keyStorePasswordSecret.Name)
return foundTLSSecret, nil